guest Days like these bite... Only because I don't have anymore cash lol�
guest Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA) Reports Model S Sales Have Key Role In Q4 Results TSLA, F, GM, TTM, HMC | Galaxy Stocks�
guest If only someone had warned you!�
guest To lose value on such a non event. Management need to say something today. With price drop musk can no longer claim ignorance of issue. How about saying we never scheduled for today but will release soon�
I received my delivery button yesterday (res 16,400) for a P85 with a delivery March 14-27th. I am wondering if they are pushing through the Performance versions of the vehicle because they make more profit on each unit, which I am assuming since most manufacturers make more money on the higher priced units.�
guest i also emailed the ir of tesla about the date of the conf. call days ago, still no response, i also asked them today whether there will be any announcement today. Also no response. Im startin to think that the person responsible for comm is still havin vacation
guest Yes they are producing the higher end models first because of the margins they bring.
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Since Tesla has not responded to multiple requests, they are not ready to announce. Why?�
guest They've never said they'd announce today. It's not a conspiracy if it doesn't happen on a schedule forced upon them by rumor.
(And if I WERE a conspiracy nut, I'd be more likely to say it was just a little trick from the shorts, along the lines of "OMG they didn't announce earnings on Monday what is wrong what are they hiding???!!!??" But I'm not a conspiracy nut. It's more likely one source got it wrong and the other news orgs picked it up.)
- putting my tin foil hat back on -�
guest I was told I have till Feb 18 to "Finalize" my S design or loose 2012 pricing. (Res #15580 made in Dec. 2012)
My guess is TMC is waiting to see how many commit to there reservation's made to capture the 2012 pricing and then announce. They would have a better idea of Q1-2 2013 revenues projections for their forward outlook... All that being said, look to Feb 18 or 19 for earnings call. Just MO.�
guest haha true story. But I'm like 30 days away from my initial order to be a long term!�
guest They don't need to have a reason to not announce earnings today other than scheduling conflicts.
I guarantee you it has absolutely nothing to do with trying to manipulate the stock price. All this talk about trying to wait out the fallout from the NYT story or lock in more orders is just ridiculous. That's just not how these things work.�
guest This is a sound business decision. I would not be surprised if they are pushing through 75%/25% of 85's to 60's.
And for those worrying about high numbers, keep in mind that you are TMC members. You are invested in getting your car ASAP. Other reservationists might not be responding to their e-mails, not even checking their e-mail, or placed a reservation and forgot about it. Does Tesla even have a system for calling people with reservations? I'm sure they are cranking through reservations in the simplest way possible and waiting for a response. Those that respond are getting their car, those that aren't will be contacted in the future. They haven't cancelled they just haven't responded. People have busy lives and for some this car is not a priority even though they want one. That's my take on it...�
guest The problem could be that they do not know the date when report will be ready. There is no reason to postpone earnings release. But there could be problems they are working out with auditors atm. And they simply do not know how long will it take to fix them.
But whenever date would be known, they will produce press release and then announce earnings.�
guest Something like that is the most likely reason. The question is what the difficulty is. It could be benign or significant. Definitely not having an announced earnings date at this point is unusual.
Update from MarketWatch (MarketWatch.com
Tesla Motors is likely to announce this week the exact date of the auto firm's fourth-quarter results, the company told MarketWatch. The electric car company will not release earnings on Monday or this week. "The company hopes to announce the exact date of the earnings release this week," said Shanna Hendriks, Communications Manager for Tesla. "Any announcement so far has been purely false speculations."�
guest When will they release the date when they announce the earnings release date.�
guest "The company hopes to announce the exact date of the earnings release this week."
guest Yeah, this settles it! Thanx for posting.
TM likely to announce date this week... Likely, not granted!
"The company hopes to announce the exact date of the earnings release this week"�
guest I think it's 'cause they can't count the cars coming off the line fast enough.
guest I had it in my calendar that TSLA was to release their Q4 results today (02/11/13) and I am signed up for e-mail alerts on all press releases.
So far, the only date appears to be on the NASDAQ web site, which states the earnings report is *expected* to be released on 02/13/13.
It is troubling that TSLA is not releasing earnings as previously scheduled. I suspect that the auditors have not signed off on the 12/31/12 numbers yet and, if so, the Board has not approved the numbers.
I will be most interested to see how TSLA recognizes revenue in Q4 and what their reservation payments and deferred revenues are as at 12/31/12.
The markets will be choppy ...�
guest According to this article, Tesla Investor Relations Vice President Jeff Evanson himself was in error (didn't know):
This must be the most anticipated quarterly report so far...
(BTW, he might just have meant they would announce the date today.)�
guest Some articles blaming the drop on the NYT article and the failure to announce:
Tesla Motors Falls On Earnings Date Confusion, NYT Model S Review - Investors.com
Tesla Falls After N.Y. Times Model S Test-Drive - Bloomberg�
guest When you scroll to the bottom of the page mentioning Feb 11 as an date for the earnings report, you will see
So it is not supposed to be anything better than a rough estimate.�
guest tesla management should urgently response to this review and make a statement otherwise all potential model s buyers will be scared off to drive in winter...�
guest There was no "as previously scheduled." There was only various outlets estimating dates. Tesla has never given any indication of when they might report.�
guest If the NYT article is in fact partly responsible, that's just ridiculous. Who cares what one person thinks, or his particular single experience. For all we know he hates the whole EV idea anyway, and so hated this car from the start. If *all* the reviews in the press and otherwise were negative, that would be a different story. But quite the opposite is true.�
guest This earnings thing is still a lesson for TSLA. Corp. Communications should be monitoring major news outlets and proactively addressing stuff like this - even if its a message that says they are wrong and earnings date has not been set.�
guest NYT highlights what many forum members are experiencing in real use scenarios. Consumer Reports will discover the same cold-weather, reduced range, overnight loss of SOC, etc. That report can/will have a lasting effect on sales, consumer impression and share price. Tesla needs to address the issues brought up by NYT NOW. Long-term reviewers are likely to find the same shortcomings.�
guest There are 1,000's of satisfied Model S owners driving in the winter today as reported by the WSJ in its market opening comments this morning.
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There are not many sellers below $40, the stock looks green this week.�
guest Earnings date reported in error.
Tesla Motors Falls On Earnings Date Confusion, NYT Model S Review - Investors.com
Whoops too slow. I see already posted.�
guest Strong buy support at $37.5 which it bounced off of today and has moved +$1.00 to its current ask of $38.51�
guest For those concerned about the effects of the NYT article, the stock gave back 3 whole days of gains. This could have little to do with the article, or it could have been an excuse for a little profit taking. Anyway, the stock is definitely still doing well (currently up 13% since the beginning of the year).�
guest I'm sure Tesla and its auditors are probably in disagreement over revenue recognition for the quarter. This can be a grey area, and whatever policy Tesla and it auditors agree with they will have to live with for a long time. Given the stories on this forum about Tesla accepting payment, loading the car on the truck, and then considering it "delivered", I'm not surprised that there would be issues in this area given the mad rush at the end of the quarter. This may also affect their reporting on the number of cars "built" vs "delivered".
I'm personally more interested in their cash flow, than their actual revenue numbers.�
guest I agree with PureAmps and would add that they are probably dealing with how they will account for the reservation cash as there has been a mad dash to confirm orders which deems that cash non refundable.
$5,000 X 10,000 reservations is material.�
guest i really should try to stop reading this thread but i cannot. i need to breath and realize my investment is in it for the long run (3-5 years). Last time i was tempted to sell a chunk of shares, and did, only to buy them back two days later for 2 bucks more per share. this time, i think i will just hold strong.
for even if shares dip, as long as TESLA learns from the whole cold weather/rear wheel drive/foggy windows etc. and builds upon the great foundation they have, they will be in a great market position in the next few years. i have no doubt they are listening, learning and formulating.�
guest Flirting with $39 again. Nice recovery if it holds. Picked up some more in the $37s today, didn't expect that opportunity.�
guest Earnings call on Feb 20th after market close.
guest And that's from the car's mouth!�
guest Up 0.08 after hours.�
guest Volume was way over the average today....�
guest looks like report will wed feb 20
just posted on the Tesla press releases
Tesla Motors Announces Date for Fourth Quarter & Year-End 2012 Financial Results (NASDAQ:TSLA)
What: Tesla Motors, Inc. Fourth Quarter and Year-End 2012 Financial Results Q&A Conference Call
When: Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Time: 2:30pm Pacific Standard Time / 5:30pm Eastern Standard Time�
guest Discussions about the NYT article have been moved to NYT article: Stalled on the EV Highway - Page 25
Getting just a wee bit off topic for this thread!
guest New short interest numbers are out: Tesla Motors, Inc. (TSLA) Short Interest - NASDAQ.com
After going down for two and a half months, absolute number of shares sold short went up again!
Anyone got an idea why?�
guest Test post
Been having trouble with pages being listed but not showing. Sorry for the interruption�
guest That's because Doug_G has been doing some housecleaning and moving posts. It takes a bit for the page index to be rebuilt correctly.�
guest Ahhhh. Makes sense. Thx gg
@hobbes. Guessing its just a reaction to the price run-up giving shorts a better entry�
guest The higher TSLA's stock price goes, the more profitable it potentially becomes to enter a short position. Just as some here are waiting for a pull-back in the share price to enter a long position, shorters are getting in now to be able to buy back their shares later at a cheaper price on the dip - if not a total meltdown.�
guest That's good news that it is *after* the market closes. Maybe Elon will actually be awake for the conference call this time. Last quarter, when they did it *before* the market opened it sounded like his coffee hadn't quite kicked in yet.�
guest Yes, that was starting to freak me out too despite the fact that I totally buy into the idea that there are some large segments of the order base that aren't even being manufactured yet. I also dislike how dead the Model S reservation tally seems to be lately, along with the negative GDP growth we experienced in Q4, and the looming likelihood that the Sequester will nuke growth going forward.
Sure, the GDP number will likely be revised up, but the lack of good news, and the continuing support to the high cancellation rate hypothesis are kinda freaking me out a little. I did my profit taking on Friday so I'm inoculated against any near term adverse movement, but I'm a Tesla booster and am lusting after some good news.�
guest I'm not sure I agree with the magnitude of the difference. Intel is extremely capital intensive, but the marginal cost for them is miniscule. There is plenty of opportunity for lean manufacturing, direct to consumer sales, greater customizability, software over hardware, etc to give Tesla massive competitive advantages over existing automakers, but I don't see where they are going to have greater margin than other hardware manufacturers. DE, CAT, HPQ, CSCO, etc all build things. Tesla does have a lot of advantages in terms of corporate focus, growing maturity in handling issues, plenty of factory capacity to add before they run up against limits on their facilities, I love the business model. I just think there is a rational cap on how their stock should be valued until it can be proven that their sales really will break out into the mass market in a business where marginal cost of goods sold is such a high proportion of the total product.�
guest Keep in mind that TESLA hasnt started production on the 60 and 40Kwh models yet; which may also contribute to numbers being skipped. Remember that most deliveries are for the 85Kwh model..... also, don't allow posters to get into your head about their theories as many are trying to buy TESLA cheaper if there is a selloff. Just look at the market today, from $39 dropped to $37.50 and shares were bought up almost immediately.....
I dont know if any of you guys ever owned businesses or were in any form of high end retail? But its usually very slow after Christmas as a grip load of money has been spent during the holidays buying gifts, jewelry, partying, family vacations, etc..... however, generally speaking, it begins to pick up towards march as more and more people anticipate getting a refund check from filing taxes, which equates to more individual spending. After 10 years of retail and selling high end goods, this is what I've experienced, any thoughts? Again, we're in retail and TESLA afterall is working on Phase 1 expansion, so relax and be patient.�
guest Elon would fault you for reasoning by analogy instead of working from first principals. Lol�
guest Once it is proven, the share price will already have gone up. Or? Major factors should be innovation and design, growth potential for (good) electric cars with improving battery tech, and dedication to cost-effectiveness as also seen at SpaceX.�
guest Eh? A number of people have already gotten their 60 kWh cars.�
guest here is the pullback you smart guys have been wishing for lol�
guest Yes now the question of when to jump back in though.
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Yes now the question of when to jump back in though.
guest This was not the pullback. This was the test before the pullback (the pullback will be when the market is also weak)�
guest This is not the pullback I've been waiting for. Talk to me if/when we see $36.�
guest ditto- I keep long LEAPS (J14,15) regardless;
Sold some Mar13 Calls in the $38.5 area for good profit for a pullback to $36 area- where I'll add both J15 and some shorter term cycle trade stuff-
wouldn't mind getting that pullback before report next wednesday�
guest My concern is that ... if TSLA had great news to share, would they not be frothing at the mouth to have their earnings call yesterday??? What are they waiting for?
To me, no news is not good news and couple that with the ridiculous NYT story.
All I can now say (as opposed to last week) is that now I've driven one for 3 1/2 days, I cannot see anything but positive news? But who am I?�
Exactly. Patience is the toughest part.�
guest Not that simple. It has to be vetted to legal, finance, the corp office, and reviewed by auditors and the board. Good news, maybe but it's a process.
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Auy I hope it doesn't dip below that haha.�
guest doubt it'll get that low again.�
guest I usually don't doubt Citizen-T's instincts when it comes to investing, but, he may have been wrong when he strongly doubted (on Sunday) if the NYT article would have any impact
guest Hmm, what have I been driving in for the past 3 weeks then?�
guest This. Though if it scrapes along for several days at $37.50 with a clear desire to go higher I might buy some back like I did last time we were testing new highs. Personally, I wouldn't be surprised by a fall back to $35.
But until Tesla actually makes some money the only thing protecting the stock price is faith. Any little negativity is much more likely to take a substantial bite out of the share price than it would in a more established company. That means substantial volatility, and that means new highs are almost always going to be followed by a selloff.�
guest Yep. Agreed.
I think the best "forward looking indicator" is reservation rates. If reservation rates continue to improve from jan low and increases well beyond a rate of 20,000 /year, then TM will make great profits. I don't believe reservation cancel rate is larger either.�
guest Me? I just looked through my posts since Sunday and didn't see anything about the NYT article with respect to the stock price. The only comment I made was that I didn't believe that Tesla was holding back earnings until the NYT news blew over.
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I've heard that before.�
guest Ive heard it before too, just not when Conference Call is one week away and big positive news is expected. The longer we wait for the call, the higher the anticipation, the more people will listen, but most importantly the higher production numbers will be. After hour trading shows we're close to $38 again.�
guest I think I mentioned something about doubting the impact of the NY Times article. My recollection is that I said it wouldn't do anything good for the stock on Monday, but I was skeptical of its long term impact.
Frankly the current pullback looks more related to the confusion over the earnings report. My assumption was that the stock was being bid up in preparation for the earnings report, and then we'd see a sell off barring some really great forward guidance.
Now the market, having been cruelly denied it's newsgasm, is just deflating with the realization that "buy the rumor, sell the news" was left jilted at the alter. The big money can't just sit around doing nothing waiting on the main chance that has now been delayed a week.�
guest I partially agree, historically, we have seen this stock spike nearing CC and some selloff after CC, however, I do anticipate this CC to be different. Any positive info. during CC will cause the stock to rise since we are in the midst of earnings of historical levels. I do anticipate Elon having some suprises for us since I've never seen him play his cards so close to the chest before.
To say that the NYT artical doesnt have a significant affect on the stock is folly, the combination of both led to some pullback... a week away isnt that long, shorts will have to cover regardless I think there will be a rise leading up to next week and a sharper rise after CC.
I also anticipate the stock going back up after Elon releases the NYT Log, if anything, it should be released before CC to clear up any confusion. The way I see it is that Tesla is getting some heavy amount of free press, although it may be negative initially; its about to become positive once the blog is releaesd.�
guest Negativity piling on:
1. Sorkin on cnbc claims broder a good guy however he doesn't state they are both coworkers at ny times
2. NPR covers ny times controv and states that shorter wait for cars indicates increasing cancellation rate and decreasing orders. They ignore other possibility of increasing production rate
3. Another journalist also negative stating there were 6 model s waiting at super charger. That would seem a larger delivery rate. But other complaint was that there was a near by farm that smelled. Am I missing something here???
4. Another journalist claims review of this blog indicates thar 40% of posters here side with the times????
My point here is that when you fight with the press other press allies will gang up. Show the logs and move on. Don't keep the issue in front of the public. They have free press and don't feel the need to be fair impartial or balanced�
guest What universe is he living in???�
guest No one believes how much of journalism is fabricated until they *know* the facts behind what is being "reported."
guest Maybe TMC should ban guests from this forum. If you want to read the posts, you'd have to become a member and have an identity.�
guest Tesla Motors (NASDAQ: TSLA) had its target price boosted by Robert W. Baird from $35.00 to $45.00 in a report released on Wednesday. Robert W. Baird currently has an outperform rating on the stock.
Other equities research analysts have also recently issued reports about the stock. Analysts at Jefferies Group reiterated a buy rating on shares of Tesla Motors in a research note to investors on Monday. They now have a $45.00 price target on the stock, up previously from $36.00. Separately, analysts at JPMorgan Chase initiated coverage on shares of Tesla Motors in a research note to investors on Tuesday, December 18th. They set a neutral rating and a $37.00 price target on the stock. They noted that the move was a valuation call. Finally, analysts at Needham & Company raised their price target on shares of Tesla Motors from $36.00 to $38.00 in a research note to investors on Friday, December 7th. They now have a buy rating on the stock.
Seven equities research analysts have rated the stock with a buy rating, one has assigned an overweight rating, five have assigned a hold rating, one has issued an underweight rating, and one has given a sell rating to the company�s stock. The stock has a consensus rating of overweight and a consensus target price of $38.83.
Tesla Motors PT Raised to $45.00 at Robert W. Baird (TSLA) | Jags Report - JAGSReport
guest Right. There is a small percentage of posters here that believeTesla should not try to sell the MS as a long range car or a least that it's too soon for that, but they all believe that the NYTs author made poor choices and the car is perfectly capable of doing that drive with the SCs that are in place already.�
guest Don't forget tesla has strong backers too. A few reporters is nothing compared to all the research firms, multibillion dollar investment groups, and 5,000 happy model S owners. Just look at what Blair did today, raised TSLA to $45. The truth will prevail. The logs take time to put together, the longer it takes the better the quality, as long as its before conference calls, all claims the NYTines make will be squashed and other media outlets will pounce on the story.
Btw, citizen T, how do you feel about your $36 projection today? Hope you find a good entry point. Thousands of buyers are waiting on the sidelines like yourself which one will press the buy button first to trigger a domino affect. CC is one week away, keep that in mind.�
guest Today has not changed my mind. Though, I don't need a $36 entry point; I have more than enough invested if we never get there. I'd be happy enough either way. I'm just preparing for the fire-sale that I think is likely to come.�
guest Glad to know you made good $$ off tesla and have extra change set aside for a fire sale prediction. My take is very different, the fire sale has already occurred when it dropped to $37 yesterday. The only fire we'll be smelling are shorts getting burn soon. TSLA is expected to hit projections for the 1st time since inception, its starring in the face of profitability for 2013 with over 21,000Current reservations. Should cancellation rate hold firm at 10-15%, the stock is ripe for an explosion above $40 after CC. The big players will most likely enter driving prices even higher. I hope your right so we all can pickup more shares, but at this point in time I'd rather be in than out. CC is less than a week away. Prices will get hotter next week not cooler IMO�
guest What's going on with the email I just got - filing - SEC re: Capital Research Global Investors�
guest ![]()
That...is not a sale.�
guest I see your fancy chart and I would agree with you if it was 2 months ago. But predicting a fire sale this close to CC is not a wise projection, especially when TSLA is on the verge of being cash flow positive for the remainder of the year with profitability in sight and demand strong. We'll find out next week�
guest It might be if your sitting at 4$42 in a week�
They are a >5% owner. As of year end they controlled 6.4 million shares. Nasdaq show they owned 8.4 million shares at 9/30/12 so they reduce their holdings by 930,500 in the fourth quarter. In the third quarter they had increased their shares by 1.88 million.�
guest As I thought. Do we read anything good / bad into this?�
guest No, there are tax and other consequences to >5% ownership which they wanted to avoid. It's a neutral event�
guest In another thread, GasDoc watched the assembly line on a factory tour and noticed they had an 8 minute countdown clock on the sled assembly area. I believe that shows what the maximum current daily production rate would be if you know the shift duration(s).
guest I'm not sure how accurate it is, and the quote was somewhat obscure, but I'm pretty sure he said they were doing 5/12 shifts, which I interpreted to be 5 days a week, 12 hours a day.
That works out to 450 cars per week with an 8 minute increment, and assuming the line doesn't pause for breaks.�
guest With report that one shift approached production rate of 50 cars a day, 8 minutes target per car makes sense.
Plus there was a statement from top TM management that factory could produce up to 1000 cars a week. With one shift producing 250 units, you can squeeze 4 shifts a week (and four 40 hours shifts is common for highly automated low margin industries like plastic bags/bottles etc production).�
guest An 8 minuet takttime is a 20% improvement over the previous reported rate. Impressive! As they automate and improve their processes they will continue to lower that rate. The Toyota Georgetown plant runs a takt time of under one minuet per work cell.
They are probably running the factory to a daily standard production target number with a policy to work overtime daily until the production target is reached. This is how they would overcome any variation in their production cycles. I would be surprised if they worked more than 2 - 10 hour shifts going forward to accommodate the unplanned variation. All breaks and meals would be at the same time for every station to facilitate flow in the lines.�
guest There are various clocks with various timers for various stages - it's nowhere near as simple as 8 mins per car. It takes a lot longer than that to build a car end to end.�
Actually the assembly of the car would be designed to "FLOW" which means all work cells have the same time standard to complete their task. You are correct about the total build time. It would be much longer for an individual car but you would see a unit coming off the line every 8 minutes if the factory was performing well. 400 cars a week has a takt time of one unit every 9 minutes.
If they are hitting the 8 minuets takt time then they are correct in assuming a run rate of 450 cars a week whch would be very good news indeed.�
guest Unless some of them work in parallel, of course.�
guest Actually most operations are designed to be performed under common time target for whole assembly line. BMW X3 line iirc were rolling new car ever 128 seconds. That mean that almost all operations were done under 128 seconds and then vehicles move to next stage. Very few operations that require more time are handled by creating a jam, like 4 vehicle on one station with 4 assembly teams working there but each team spend 4*128sec working on a car....�
Highly unlikely, FLOW means single piece. It is one of the base principles of the TP system to ensure that defects are not passed down the line and there is no waste of excess inventory and idle resources. The whole assembly line works off the same drumbeat.
And what Zzzz said :smile:�
guest go to Tesla website, Elon has not held back!�
guest I suspect TSLA will be higher tomorrow since Elon has released the nyt data log; how many of you guys found renewed confidence in tesla and Elon after reading the blog which showed the nytimes blatantly lied through their teeth? Elon has all the data to back it up.. I know my confidence sky rocketed! Thanks for all the free press Johnny boy, see you in court!�
guest I think you're putting way too much importance on this ...�
guest Yeah, I thought he was stretching the truth a bit here and a lot in other places, but if these logs are completely accurate, he was definitely on a mission to defame Tesla and make a sensational story. I expect a prompt resignation and an apology from the NYT.�
guest Generally I agree but...
... this would do a lot of good for the Tesla brand, regardless of the wiggles of the market.�
guest make no mistake, the NYT owes an apology, Broder's career as a journalist is over. My only point is that I don't think the market was really impacted by one negative article, so I don't think the retraction will do much either. And it certainly didn't cause me to lose faith in the company. It was that comment that got my response.�
guest I don't mean to squash anyone's mood, but am I just cynical, or does anyone else think there is a fairly substantial chance that the New York Times, will frame this as a he said she said, as in "you claim our article is a fake, we claim your numbers and charts are a fake."
while I personally feel about 97% confident this is real data, it is not like an airplane's black box which I am sure regulators have a hand in validating the veracity of. it is numbers and diagrams presented by Tesla.�
guest Why would that keep Tesla from having 2 stations working at 8 min each, in parallel, to work with a line that otherwise works on 4 min? Or 2 stations working at 16 min with a line that works at 8 min?
If it is difficult to achieve the usual line frequency at one stage, then it is better to have two of them work in parallel, than to slow the whole line down.
Aside from nomenclature, Zzzz's post appears to agree with that.
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I don't think they will have the option to claim that Tesla's logs are false.�
guest Why not?�
guest Because it is Tesla.
And the data is reproducible. (With the same 'input' you can generate the same 'output'.) If needed.�
guest There is a Wired article about Musk's blog. In the comments section, the ability to verify the logs did come up.
I have no background in this, and let me be clear, coming off an internet discussion on an article I have no way of knowing if this is a reasonable and accurate response, but David Brantley wrote,
"No software dev or engineer worth his salt would ever create a logging program without some sort of verification method to ensure the logs are real and from the car."
I posted this comment as someone here on TMC may have the technical knowledge to share whether it has validity, and elaborate for us (no offense Mr Brantley if you read this)
guest and they can use tesla logs for legal reasons. It says in the contract. I'd assume they are 'black box' style logs that should stand up in court.�
guest As a Software Engineer, I'd say that because the logs are intended for this kind of purpose, I'm sure that the logging system is designed in such a way that it can be verified. I'm sure that was one of the requirements, so I'm sure that the logs will stand up. Not all logging necessary would, but I'm sure that Tesla's legal department had a hand in setting the requirements for this system if they intended to potentially use them in court.�
guest that's encouraging Citizen-T. It may or may not have been part of the original intent of the logging system, but it is apparent since the Top Gear incident that did go to court that the logs are seen as tools in their strategy to protect the company reputation.
I just hope the New York Times pursues the truth on this. It's human to be ticked at the writer, but, wow, if the truth is what seems so apparent to us, I see such a bigger more gratifying prize in the Times flat out acknowledging it and making peace with Tesla.
guest For historical reference, here's the article that we're talking about:
A Most Peculiar Test Drive | Blog | Tesla Motors
This article is being discussed in more detail here:
Tesla Blog: A Most Peculiar Test Drive
Other related threads:
NYT article: Stalled on the EV Highway
John Broder' response: The Charges Are Flying Over a Test of Tesla�s Charging Network
Tesla and the NYT�
guest If nothing else, this debacle has put Tesla and therefore TSLA in the news, and in front of people's eyes. If next Wednesday's report is very good, I'd say it will react better and faster than if none of this had happened. Awareness of the company, people "rooting" for Tesla vs whoever is behind this, etc.
Of course if the report is underwhelming, we could see the opposite effect.�
guest This is absolutely outrageous. The NYT has lost their credibility because of stuff like this. We should ask for Broder's resignation. I say we take our frustrations to twitter - hashtag #nytfirebrodernow�
guest Your exactly right Scott. This publicity is priceless.�
guest Sure. Look at all the "priceless" publicity the GM Volt received. I bet people still ask Volt owners if they aren't afraid it'll catch fire on them.�
Agree. This is in no way a "good" thing. Elon has managed this well and aggressively. its the best that can be done. He should be asking for Broder's head at this point.�
guest Difference is if you google Tesla Model S after learning about it, you learn:
2013 Motor Trend Car of the Year
2013 Automobile Car of the Year
2013 Yahoo! Motors Car of the Year
"All news is good news" when you are a relatively unknown company. And this wasn't news about it catching fire. This is news about an apparently crooked "reporter" getting caught.
guest Scott is correct. The facts of the story actually prove this car has much more capibility than rated. The Volt never answered the issues of its bad press. Tesla has and expanded its brand awareness to a much larger ACV.�
guest I really hope you are right. I really do. I am rooting for this company to win. We need capitalists like Elon. More of them. If he wins, he will inspire a generation of winners like him to solve hard problems that need solving through entrepreneurship. Its so sad to see so many of our smartest most talented human beings focusing on social networks and ads.�
guest Conflicting Assertions Over an Electric Car Test Drive The Public Editor - NYTimes.com
NYT's public editor MARGARET SULLIVAN's first post on this issue. Is this another Jason Blair type scam in the making ?
guest She links to a discussion about it on Reddit, of all places?
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