guest Yep. This.�
guest Hopefully, they are just quietly fixing the AS ping-pong and the lane biasing. Summon if it ever comes to Canada will be mostly for show and tell for me. Not really useful as my garage is 90 deg to the driveway.�
guest The point is that TACC used to slow down here (for no good reason) and it no longer does, even though the revision level has not changed.
- - - Updated - - -
Doh! Is my face red...�
guest Did you just get a map update?�
guest If they make changes based on your reports those changes will be in a future update. .. By not updating you are missing the improvements based on your reports�
guest Well then I'll wait until others report that the issues have been fixed. No reports of that so far. And really, if they actually implement some form of a process to fix these things, I'll consider updating, but so far I've seen no evidence of that.�
guest Got the Update last night and see no difference at all. 7.1 (2.10.71)
Does anyone know of a list of updates online anywhere?�
guest This has been my experience as well.�
guest I contacted them the other day and got a response back (not a form letter response) within a few hours.�
guest Tesla Firmware Upgrade Tracker Web App is a web site that compiles changes and updates by users... best way to know if a new release is out in the wild.�
guest The release notes you have on your MS are the only official listing of differences. Any detail beyond that is what individuals discover and share on forums like TMC. My suggestion is if your interested in that next layer of detail, to just become a frequent visitor to TMC, subscribe to forums of interest, and participate in the grand experiment!�
guest I grok that the environment as seen by ultrasonics is a different, fuzzy "view" than what I see visually and from reading my brief description you have no idea what else mighthave confused the ultrasonics. Point is there was nothing remotely resembling two cars with a gap and nothing that would serve as a curb in the first two cases. Definitely a flaw in the algorithm. Moreover, these are places I commonly go and I did not get these indications in 7.0, so perhaps an "improvement" in 7.1 introduced a new error.
- - - Updated - - -
Sad to hear, but unfortunately makes sense. The audio comment permitted is so short it is next to impossible to provide adequate context, so unless there is some brutally obvious error in the logs there is little engineering can do to understand what is wrong. Likely very labor intensive with low yield of meaningful data, so abandoned as a poor use of resources. Written input can go through automated filtering to find cluster common problems, then pulling log data can yield meaningful input for analysis across multiple occurrences.�
guest I have no argument with your logic and that decision if it is the one Tesla has reached. But if that is the case, they should disable the ability to provide feedback that way, so customers aren't under the false impression that the feedback they provide is actually being received.�
guest So 2.10.71 does not look like a full scale roll-out. It's more a trickle out with 25 reported installs in the two days that it's been out. It has shown up in the US, Canada and a few European countries and seems to hit all car models (given the small reported sample size we have a few with no installs, but there's no overwhelming pattern of "it's all P90D" or anything like that). We've seen reports from Model S and X. RWD and AWD. Small and large batteries. VINs as early as 30k (again, keep the small sample size in mind).�
guest 2.10.71 is definitely very recent though, my service center updated me to 2.10.56 on Thursday, so must've been released after that�
guest I have 2.10.56 from 2.9.154. I picked my car up from the SC on saturday, but they had staged the update on Thursday.
Tonight while driving with AP, I noticed the cars willingness to change lanes, even though it did not show the adjacent lane on the IC. Before it would not change lanes unless the lines were showing on the IC
Anyone else notice that?�
guest Had someone from Tesla call me, based off of a bug report I submitted (via voice button) when the iPhone 6 first came out.�
guest Then possibly it's a new policy. Unfortunately it's a common one companies use "too many reports are backlogged, so instead of prioritizing catching up, we're just going to stop trying"�
guest If Tesla really isn't using the feedback provided through this system, they need to let customers know that and disable the system, or change what it is being used for. (I've said this before.)
I could still see a benefit to this system as follows, and this is actually how I've used it the couple of times that I have.
When I have anything to report to servicehelpna, I do it via email. But if the situation involves a sporadic bug and odd behavior in the car, I have also attempted to document it just after it happens, via the "bug report" feature, so that Tesla has the exact time and date that matches up with the logs, etc. Then when I follow up via email, and note that I submitted a bug report from the car at the time the incident occurred, it should be easy enough for Tesla t match things up and pull logs if they so desire.
I think used this way--as a way to kind of "tag" an occurrence of a bug, to make it easier to identify exactly when it took place--the system makes sense, but it has to be used in conjunction with a more detailed communication method, like e-mail or phone. And most importantly, Tesla needs to communicate what is going on, which of course they don't seem to be doing as it relates to this.�
guest This is how I use it. I take a pic with my phone, submit a bug report via voice command, then email ServiceHelpNA or my local Advisor with the details, time, etc. and mention I used the car's voice command to submit a bug report that way. So if nobody is reading the report via the car, at least if SHNA dials into my car, they will see the screenshots and any diagnostics the car saved.�
guest It actually wouldn't surprise me if this was really the intended usage for this bug reporting mechanism in the first place, but Tesla just did a poor job of communicating that, so people started using it for other things, possibly resulting in Tesla just not dealing with the incoming reports, if the information provided to green1 is accurate.�
guest FYI, the v7.1 Release Notes are up in the new My Tesla section of Tesla's website.
Additionally, an Owner's Manual with a file date of 1/22/2016 is up as well - I assume it is current.
View attachment tesla_model_s_software_7_1_0.pdf�
guest Nice find! Looks like the entire "My Tesla" page was recently redesigned. I don't recall ever seeing 7.0 release notes, anyone have those?�
guest Not in .PDF format posted to a website, but unless I'm mistaken, you were the first person to post photos of the 7.0 release notes visible on the 17" display.
Edit: You posted them here, Marc--
Firmware 7.0 - Page 8
And then Brett resized them and rotated them properly here--
Firmware 7.0 - Page 22�
guest Indeed I did, somewhere around 2:15am PST on 10/15/15 :biggrin:
But yes, I was referring to the official PDF version Tesla publishes on the MyTesla documents page.
Weird they never posted the 7.0 release notes there (to my knowledge at least).�
guest That was a very fun and exciting night/early morning plus Marc's videos. Probably the best thing about owning a Tesla is stuff like this.�
guest Autoclose does not work.�
guest What, ever? At all? Under any circumstances? It does seem to be a little mysterious and tetchy in how it gets set up, but I've had mine working since shortly after I got 7.1.�
guest Please be more specific as to what you've tried and what exactly is failing so someone can perhaps offer help. Like jgs, auto-open and close has worked flawlessly for me since it became available, except for an anomaly with Summon I previously documented to the community.�
guest Does everybody's calendar working after upgrading to 7.1? Mine is classic. It used to work every time I sit in the morning and in the evening. Checked the time setting as well and it's fine.�
guest Android app? Tesla released a new update today to fix the calendar issue. Calendar sync no longer working�
guest works fine, every time, for me...
guest Still works for me (both auto-open when getting home and auto-close when leaving home) 100% of the time. Very reliable for me thankfully.�
guest The thread below is probably the better thread in which to discuss that specific issue. Lots of good information and ideas in that thread.
Auto Homelink issues?�
guest Hi, Max, thanks for the info. I updated the Android app and it still didn't work. However after uninstalling and re-installing, it finally worked! Don't know why.�
guest Me too. Mine was done at Service Center.
guest Dirk may have taken that little break, so I'll jump in and request that you please update the Firmware Upgrade Tracker:
Tesla Firmware Upgrade Tracker Web App
guest I am the second on the tracker to report being updated to 2.11.57. Service Center sideload 2/8/16.
See no apparent changes from 2.9.172 so far....�
guest I got 2.11.54 at the SC yesterday.
With this release regenerative braking at low temperatures has been improved.
guest Well that would be nice... not nice enough to break my autopilot for, but nice none the less.�
guest +1 (except they did the update this morning).
Tracker updated!�
guest I need this update today. :frown:�
guest Does anyone know (or have tested) what this "regenerative braking at low temperatures" improvement is?
For example, if they allow the amount of regen to be the sum of the battery's regen limit plus the amount that can be used for pack/cabin heating, that would be a great improvement. The older versions set the regen limit as the amount the battery could accept, but then used what was needed for pack/cabin heating, and only the remainder (battery limit minus pack/cabin heating) went into regen battery charging.�
guest More likely they just increased how much you could do, possibly back to what it used to be in 6.2 which several people say wasn't quite as aggressive at limiting the regen in the cold�
guest I thought the "as aggressive at limiting the regen in the cold" was simply a byproduct of v7 being less aggressive at heating the battery pack beyond minimum requirements (particularly with range mode on)?�
guest Maybe that's what they changed, who knows, Tesla isn't well known for their transparency on such things.�
guest I had to leave unexpectedly this morning, so I wasn't able to preheat the battery. Due to that its hard for me to say what impact the update had. However, the limit felt like it cleared very quickly. I'll preheat tomorrow and based off todays experience I'm wondering if the regen limit will be gone after I preheat. My car is garaged and normally its 40-45� F inside.�
guest When you felt like the regen limit cleared quickly today were you driving with range mode on or off?
guest Range mode off.�
guest v7.1 (2.12.22)
My SP90DL was just updated from v7.1 (2.9.154) to v7.1 (2.12.22). I seem to be the first one listed on the Firmware Tracker. Did anyone else get it?�
guest Tesla is clearly on a tear with the second digit for the build number. We just got a report of 2.12.22 in the firmware tracker (from a P90DL with a 100k VIN number), received OTA. Apparently still 7.1, which now spans 2.9.x - 2.12.x�
guest Any details from the release notes for those of us who didn't get it?�
guest I have 2.12.22 pending install as well. Going to look at differences before installing...�
guest Was a quick update - the only thing listed in the "with this update" section (the upper portion of the release notes that isn't the same as prior) is that now Creep settings will update with driver profiles. Previously, the creep setting wasn't part of the driver profile.
Also - this update enables autopilot on pre-50,000 VIN cars.
(one of these things is not true)�
guest Got mine this AM too. Will report if anything is noticeably different.�
guest Looks like I was the first recipient of 2.12.22 to post on the Firmware Tracker, so I'll get the honor to name this release. Wow, I feel like I won the lottery! I just took photos of the extensive Release Notes and I'll post them here shortly.�
guest the release notes are the same as the prior version - this is just an incremental update, which only notably updates driver profiles so they carry the driver's preferred creep setting.�
guest It would be great if people would add entries to the firmware tracker at Tesla Firmware Upgrade Tracker Web App�
guest I got a new update on my car last night while it was at the service center, not sure what it was but I will update the tracker when they drop off my car today.�
guest To warrant the update, any revision might also "fix" some previously undisclosed "features", right?�
guest Hmm... the release notes HTML file on the car shows some summon improvements. Those aren't actually showing for folks?
- - - Updated - - -
Here's the top of the new release notes file (I have NOT installed this yet):
With this release, we�ve made several improvements to Summon and other existing Model SModel X functionality:
Summon Improvements
With this release, Summon has been enhanced with a new activation mode and additional customization options to make the feature easier to adjust to your parking situation. You can access these additional settings by tapping the CUSTOMIZE button in Controls > Settings > Driver Assistance > AUTOPARK.
Customizing Summon
You can now specify how Summon operates whenever it parks or retrieves your vehicle:
BUMPER CLEARANCE: Specify how close Model SModel X gets to obstacles directly in front of or behind the vehicle when moving into a parking space.
SIDE CLEARANCE: Allow Model SModel X to enter and exit very narrow parking spaces.
SUMMON DISTANCE: Specify the distance Model SModel X travels when backing out of a parking space.
USE HOMELINK: Select the garage door Summon should operate when there is a multi-door garage.
New Activation Mode for Summon
Summon has a new mode that requires you to press and hold a button in the Tesla mobile app to operate the feature. This mode is enabled by default.
You can disable this mode by selecting NO for the REQUIRE CONTINUOUS PRESS setting. When you do so, more convenient ways to park and retrieve your vehicle become available:
Automatically initiate Autopark after you exit the vehicle: Simply double-press the Park button on the end of the gear selector and a pop-up will appear on the touchscreen that displays the direction Model SModel X will move after you exit the vehicle. You can change the direction Model SModel X will travel by tapping the other arrow. Press the CANCEL button on the pop-up to cancel Autopark.
Autopark or retrieve Model SModel X with a single tap of the button in the Tesla mobile app.
Use the key fob to Autopark or retrieve Model S: Press and hold the center button on the key fob until the hazard lights flash continuously. While the hazard lights are flashing, press the frunk button once on the key fob to drive Model S forward into the parking space or the trunk button once on the key fob to back Model S into the parking space. Model S will move up to 39 feet or until the sensors detect an obstacle, at which point parking is considered completed and the car will shift to Park.
These Summon enhancements require the use of an updated Tesla mobile app, available soon for iOS (v2.7.2) and Android (v2.7.3).
With this software update, Summon has been turned off for those customers who have previously enabled it. Since the operation of Summon is changing with this release, you must review the informational pop-up before using Summon.
Model SModel X may not detect certain obstacles, including those that are very narrow (e.g., bikes), lower than the fascia, or hanging from the ceiling. As such, Summon requires that you continually monitor your vehicle's movement and surroundings while it is in progress, and that you remain prepared to stop the vehicle at any time using the Tesla mobile app, by pressing any button on the key fob, or by pressing any Model SModel X door handle.
Using Summon in narrow spaces or to control HomeLink increases the risk of damage to your vehicle.
Using Summon in narrow spaces increases the risk of damage to your vehicle.
Spotify playback has been improved in low-connectivity areas
Regenerative braking at low temperatures has been improved.
The Creep setting is now saved to Driver Profiles.�
guest I'm really looking forward to these changes, and I'm glad the restrictions can be disabled. I just really hope it will be able to get over the lip for my garage, which it has always had trouble with.�
guest Looks like they've added stuff for service to easily enable autopilot after purchase, along with a free trial maybe...�
guest Attached are the v7.1 (2.12.22) Release Notes (in two files because of file size restrictions):
View attachment v7.1 (2.12.22) Release Notes 1 of 2.pdf
View attachment v7.1 (2.12.22) Release Notes 2 of 2.pdf�
guest I think the bold text is a fix to the previously identified bug when summon gets confused with multi-door garage.
The underlined text is nice feature. Does it detect your exit by the absence of weight on the driver seat?
Too bad, I can't try this in Canada. Please post your feed back.�
guest Looks like it includes firmware for the body controller, BMS, autopilot, parking sensors, and some misc stuff. Doesn't appear to do anything to screw with my hacks, so... going to install after I backup 2.9.154.�
guest NO!![]()
So now when you have "Doors Unlock on Park" set to NO, can you no longer double-tap park to unlock/extend the handles for passengers?
P.S. - I know wk can't answer this (yet at least). Someone else will need to chime in.�
guest wk057,
Thanks for continuing to share information about your investigations and discoveries.
We appreciate your considerable insights, and your great efforts and hard work.
Cheers, Gary ... and many others.�
guest I would think that a momentary delay between taps would cause the handle extension, just like a single tap when already parked (or off)? There's always the lock icon at the top of the main screen too.... which is what I tend to use anyway, instead of selecting 'park' for a quick pickup.�
guest It's hard to change what's ingrained over the past year. I pull out of the garage, stop, and double-tap the park button. Then the passenger gets in (garage too tight to open passenger door). Putting into gear turns off the lights and getting to some speed will lock the door. Now, I don't have AP, so it won't really affect me, but that behavior would have been the same if I had an AP car. Pausing between taps will through me off. I'll just file this in the "you can't make everyone happy" category.�
guest Why not just let the car come out of the garage and pick up both driver and passenger?
guest Sure. Let's trade cars and call it a day
guest Summon appears to be the only thing that substantially changed in 2.12.22. Summon can now be initiated with a double "Park" click before exiting the car. This is clever and it works, but for me, Summon still isn't a viable feature. Previously with 2.9.154, Summon only worked for backing out of my garage and not for pulling in. Unfortunately, that's still the case after 2.12.22.
With 2.9.154, my car always entered my 9-ft wide garage door opening but now it stops a foot short before entering. Initiating Summon again will make it enter the garage 50% of the time. Previously, with 2.9.154, my car wouldn't climb the 1.5" lip into my garage. Now the front wheels climb it every time, but the rear wheels only 50% of the time. Initiating Summon again never makes the rear wheels climb the lip. I tried various vehicle heights, various distance settings etc but none helped.�
guest Summons. Oh my. How do I put my frustrations in words and stay sane and within the limits of the code of conduct for this forum?
Not sure I can.
There are so many things in the firmware that the majority of the owners use every day. Music app (Spotify for the US, can we please have the direct input selection back, etc). Navigation (way points? updated maps?). Heck, you want to be fancy, voice control. Don't get me started on the UI.
But the "improvements" are (as far too often the case) "yet another tweak to one of the gimmicks".
Unless you have a garage you can pull in/out straight, with enough clearance, etc - you can't use it. And even if you do, what's the point - you gotta get in there and plug / unplug the charging cable. Might as well steer your car STRAIGHT out of your garage yourself.
guest Yes.�
guest I think you are just demonstrating that you don't understand Tesla again. The reason that improving Summon is important, in fact critical, is that it's a required part of having a self-driving, self-charging, self-maintaining fleet. Voice control, UI in its entirety, music, and such human niceties are comparatively unimportant. The car of the future will know how to charge itself, make itself available, drive itself, and put itself away. Tesla is putting all the scaffolding in place and doing as much real world testing as fast as it can.
If you don't care about that stuff, be prepared to be frustrated for the next few years. So long as Tesla can sell all the cars they can make, they are going to set these long range priorities above creature comforts, convenience, and looks. Get used to it. I'm not saying there won't be lots of stuff you like, but Tesla's priorities will continue to be different from yours.�
guest Pretty sure you are missing @dirkh's point. The "fun stuff" is fine but not at the expense of essential functionality for the sake of a feature that, at best, might impress your friends once or twice.�
guest Like cold weather bugs.�
guest The problem is that the "gimmicky" stuff Tesla is focusing on may help generate attention and may even help sell cars in the short-term, but having useful software that does what customers need it to do is what keeps customers happy and what turns customers into repeat customers and into customers who refer other customers. If Tesla continues along this path of apparently not really caring too much about pleasing existing customers, opting to attract new customers instead, it is only a matter of time before there are no more new customers. Tesla needs to strike a balance between improving the basic features that need improvement and introducing the new "gimmicks" that garner attention. There may be no great press coverage when Tesla eventually releases a navigation system that actually works, or when they improve the audio player to the point that other manufacturers were at ten years ago. But it will please Tesla's customers, and that is important too.�
guest Losing a customer that's bought 4 of your cars over some trivial **** a handful of engineers could have addresses a year ago would be incredibly stupid.�
guest Updated. Turns out more than I originally thought was updated.
Modules updated: BMS, both chargers, charge port, rear drive unit, thermal controller, autopilot, ultrasonic sensors, and parking brake.
Did a ~10 mile drive. Autopilot behavior is definitely changed again. It's acting kind of drunk on back roads now, jumping from side to side, and occasionally leaving the lane entirely, more so than it was on 2.9.154 in the same spots. Could be environmental (was very sunny, lots of shadows), so I'll try it out again later.
On the highway it worked very well and didn't seem to have the offset issue as badly as before. Only drove ~3 miles on the highway, so, not a lot of testing.
Also, the summon stuff is interesting. Very glad they decided not to neuter it.�
guest Uh, no. He's complaining that Tesla is not paying attention to what's important to him. I'm explaining why what's important to him is not important to Tesla, and the things he thinks are gimmicks are what's most important to Tesla. You may disagree with me, but just repeating the misunderstanding doesn't do much to defend the position.
As I said before, y'all have it exactly backwards as to what Tesla thinks is essential and what is not. Summon is essential. Auto-pilot is essential. Auto-park is essential. UI is "fun stuff" and so is music. Tesla will make the human comforts good enough to sell cars, but they don't care about them all that much. What they care about, what gets highest priority, are the things necessary to the car of the future. That means self-parking, self-driving, summoning, self-charging, and sufficient range and efficiency. These are the things that matter most to Tesla.
Along with making it all inexpensive enough so that everybody can buy one.�
guest Precisely.
I care a lot about the future and what Tesla is trying to accomplish, but my Tesla purchase was not (only) a donation to a cause. I require "the basics" to also be there and correctly operate in my MS to make my continued ownership enjoyable. If I don't enjoy my ownership as much I think I should, or receive a customer service experience I believe is appropriate for a premium brand -- especially compared to older competitive vehicles I have owned -- I will not recommend or make another purchase when there are alternatives. I also do not believe the more cost-concious "masses" will accept basic limitations which are simply not there in an ICE that costs less, even if there are a lot of parlor tricks one can play with, discuss and tweet about in a Tesla. Long-term viability and selling volumes is about BALANCE, not tunnel vision to the exclusion of delivering against basic expectations.�
guest Are you able to see what specifically is changed on each system you mentioned?�
guest If they are selling more than they can build then it hardly matters much. Stupid would be failing to do important things because those engineers are busy tweaking stuff that isn't really important. But I doubt that there are more than a few customers who are lost because the UI isn't exactly how they think it should be. And every time you "fix" something that annoys somebody you inevitably manage to annoy somebody new because you changed it away from how they liked it. C'est la vie.�
guest Are you able to tell what changes were made to the BMS?�
guest Which is why it is all the more insulting. I get that Tesla has multiple things on their plate and a forward-thinking, long-term vision. But we aren't talking about reinventing the UI like v7 did. These are all things that a good programmer could do in a short amount of time if a) it was a priority (whether initially or simply b/c of age) and b) they were empowered to make the necessary change. It's not trivial, but it's not earth-shattering either.�
guest I think the UI changes were blown out of proportion (sorry, I know it bothers some people), but things like poor navigation, poor route planning, limited voice commands, antiquated web browser, etc. should really be addressed as Andy pointed out a few posts above.�
guest Uh, nope. As just one example a working navigation system is much more important than getting my jollies on watching my car park itself in the garage. I can understand why the gimmicks impress you or potential customers but the fundamentals must be there too or it's not sustainable.�
guest 1. Poor navigation, I have alternatives like Waze to choose from.
2. Route planner, turned off a year ago.
3. Voice commands, inconsistent & aggravating so rarely used.
4. Web browser, haven't touched in in ages.
But I am stuck seeing that useless giant RED CAR every time I glance down & I can't change it or turn it off.�
guest I'm sorry you don't like the color of your car
If I were to respond to you with the same logic you responded to me, I would say "well I don't look at the IC, so it doesn't matter" or "it's not safe to look at the IC, so the red car shouldn't bother you"
Those are things YOU don't use, that doesn't mean that those are things that OTHER people don't use. All of those things were released, and half-baked. Tesla should finish baking them!�
guest The logic here escapes me. All you're saying is that for those things that are broken you have stopped using them or have found workarounds. Sort of like saying it wouldn't bother you if the picture on your brand new television went out but your okay with it because you can still here the sound.�
guest Great discussion here. ...but so we don't get too far off-track, may I suggest that we move discussion about prioritization of functions beyond 7.1 to one of two other threads:
- Tesla Priorities: Refine Autopilot or Fix Everything Else? is a great discussion on topics recently being discussed here as well as more
- Tesla's Software To-Do List is a thread I started as a result of discussion in the above by going through current Infotainment functionality page-by-page of 2 other premium auto brands, compared to what our Tesla MS provides as of firmware release 7.1. The list is larger than what I think is personally necessary, but it's there for consideration. I believe it's tough for anyone that reads the first post to disagree a large majority of that "basic" functionality is sadly missing from our MS compared to the competition.
Now, back to what 7.1 is actually providing, how the new functions are used, what it all means, and how those specific new features or changes can be improved.
guest Sorry, I want all the features fixed for all & would love to use them but don't see it happening.
I was trying to explain why some "blow out of proportion" some of the UI changes is because its in our face 100% of the time while something like route planner failings come into to play only on road trips.�
guest Sounds like "I gave up on all that working, so I don't even care if Tesla fixes it. I'm in the fifth stage of grief"�
guest I don't share the same frustration because the root of the summons change was the CR article on needing to enhance the safety of it. Safety is always going to take a priority. With that being said I never really saw it being an issue, and I preferred it the way it was.
The update that I did like was enhancing the low temperature regenerative braking and that impacts a lot of us.That alone will make the update worthwhile in my opinion, and largely why I installed the update knowing there was a good chance it would change the summons behavior. I also believe the creep settings change is extremely useful for those who use multiple drivers profiles.
For the maps we got updated maps a month ago. I haven't received them though, and we have no way to check the version of maps we have.
My biggest problem with the car is also not fixed, but I don't know how many people share my same issue. Where the automatic lights will turn on then off within just a few minutes even without large changes in ambient lighting. It seems to mostly happen when it's really grey and drizzly. When the wipers come on the lights come on, and then after no wiping for a couple minutes the lights turn back off. Then they go back on when the wipers wipe. Anyone behind me is going to laugh about how I can't make up my mind as to whether I want the lights on or not.
Disclaimer - I do use summons a lot so I do have some bias. But, I don't use summons to do anything really useful. I use it mostly because I find it amusing and I guess I'm easily amused. It's fun watching it park perfectly in my garage 4 out of 5 times, and then on the 5th time just do something really stupid like parking at an angle for no particular reason at all.�
guest Nope, just that it was updated.�
guest Thank god. I've reported this a half dozen times to tesla because it repeatedly almost causes accidents. My wife gets in the car and turns creep on. I get in, set my profile and then almost hit something because the car starts moving when I'm not expecting it. For her, the car rolls backwards when she's not expecting it and hold hasn't been engaged.
- - - Updated - - -
Will it allow me to set how far out of the garage the car moves before closing the garage door? It's currently hard coded to 20 feet but I park 35 feet into my garage and the door tries to close on me each time.�
guest There is a setting for travel distance now (max 40')... but I don't know if that's homelink related...
Length-wise my car only has a couple of feet in the front and back with the garage door closed, so, cant really test.�
guest One of the adjustments I was hoping for in this release was the ability to offset parking more to one side rather than having it center between objects. Is that an option here?�
guest When you start backing out, there's a foot countdown on the homelink popup that always starts at 20 feet. This is not an issue if the garage door is closed already because once it stops to open the door, it know where the door is at that point and doesn't close it until the car is well clear of it.
The issue if the the door is already open and you're not using summon but are instead just backing out. The 20 foot countdown progresses until it hits zero and then tries to close the door. If it says something other than 20 feet after you change this setting and increases from that, then it's probably fixed. if it still says 20 feet no matter what, then it's still broken.�
guest Updating in PHX�
guest Am I correct in understanding that you can now use summon to back out the car, homelink automatically opens the door when the car gets close enough, and once the car is clearly out of the garage, the door closes?�
guest This is the existing behavior. When it works.�
guest It could always do that since Summon day 1.�
guest It will be interesting to see just what this does and how regenerative braking is affected. I hope those who get the update will report on this, preferably reporting any changes with respect to how the regenerative braking limit seems to be impacted both with range mode on and with range mode off.�
guest In California, anytime the wipers are on, the headlights must be on. Tesla has just built in that best practice.
guest The vehicle code doesn't literally say that, and the CHP interprets it to mean any time the wipers are on past intermittent.�
guest It seems as if it's gotten better getting the front wheels over the lip into my garage, but the rear wheels work maybe 25% of the time. They need to increase the maximum allowable torque to the wheels.�
guest It's all subjective, and in a sense those things aren't essential at all, if you are willing to drive your own car. If you do drive your own car, having a decent navigator and better voice commands would be good. Having Bluetooth connectivity with my phone, but having voice commands that would have been considered insufficient a decade ago is pretty bad. I know of no other car with Bluetooth connectivity that I can't tell to call a phone number. I haven't had a car since the last century that doesn't position my seat for me automatically, and this car makes me use the center console, but the seat is in the way if I want to get there. These are all things that people who look at the car find laughable.
On the other hand, autopark shouldn't be underestimated. It's true that many of us don't have a practical use for it, but the hope is that some day, I'll be able to park my car, it will drive itself to the supercharger stall when it becomes available and is my turn, charge itself, and find a place to park so another car can charge. It will need a navigator that's part of a system that reserves and load balances superchargers. It will all get there in time. Those things that start out as gimmicks end up as essential features.
I can't blame Tesla for adding the things they added when they added them. Musk announced these things around the time I got my car and people have been waiting for them ever since. Now they have gotten through the list of long promised items, can refine all of it until it works well, and then add those features that have been standard for so long in other cars. They did it with backup lines and tire pressures. They will do it with voice commands, navigators, seats, etc. when the time is right.
Those people who say it's not important are the same ones who were saying autopilot wasn't important when I bought my car. Except people didn't call it autopilot since Tesla hadn't announced it. But owners were saying how the car was better without ACC and Tesla didn't make a mistake by leaving it off, and they wouldn't want it on their car. Now that Tesla has it, people have turned around. Even those with pre AP cars recognize it as an improvement.
- - - Updated - - -
Many people have driveways with slopes, including me. I can summon my car from the garage, but can't have it go into the garage. Maybe this will change it but I doubt it. It will take time and hopefully they will get there.�
guest Guys, with this new update, can I have creep enabled in valet mode, yet disabled in my own profile, without setting it manually?�
guest My complaint isn't about them being tied to the wipers. Regardless of the California law I'm strongly of the belief that if it's raining out one should have their lights on. It just makes sense, and I do like the Tesla in this regard. It would be so much safer to drive in the rain if all cars had lights that came on when the wipers were being used (beyond intermittent). Especially white and grey cars.
What I don't like is when it turns on the lights, and then two minutes later turns them back off. Only to turn them back on a min or two later. It also doesn't just happen in the rain. Sometimes when its greyish out the lights will turn on, and then turn back off a little bit later with no real change in ambient brightness. In the mornings I've started to manually turn the lights on to keep them on.
I understand that California isn't as grey and misty as Seattle, but Tesla can do a much better job with the automatic lights.�
guest That has to do with the lights coming on when wipers are on - a California requirement and a good idea in general. Here is one you may have not noticed yet, if you go and manually turn the lights "On" while driving in such grey weather (also a good idea), when you park and attempt to get out of the car, the car will keep dinging at you. A long time ago (5.x) an associated warning used to show up warning you that your lights are On (which is not a problem since they turn off as soon as the driver gets out of the car). I filed a bug with Tesla and they removed the warning, but the warning sounds remain - my guess is that the developer who fixed the bug had a development unit without speakers connected to it (as to not annoy surrounding cubes). ;-)�
guest One of the first complaints I filed with Tesla is there's no way to have a "lights always on when driving" setting. Not "Auto".. but just on all the time when the car is energized. Nope! And even if I turn on the lights manually, it reverts back to "Auto" the next time.�
guest The Summon feature is not yet close to what was promised at the D event.�
guest Not as convenient as the car doing it for you, but when it's drizzling, I just open the settings and switch from Auto -> On for the rest of my driving session so the lights don't turn back off.�
guest When my Model S eventually turns up (waiting impatiently!) the lack of this functionality will be a major ball ache, given that my current ICE is a Volvo, and I have gotten accustomed to the lights just being on. As the latest firmware allows creep setting to be stored on driver profile, surely Tesla could do the same with the lights?�
guest That's exactly what I do, but come on half the reason I got this car was so I could be lazy. To me this entire car is about having a computer do things for us, and when it does something wrong we find creative solutions for fixing it.
Do I work out so I can get good circulation in my hands? No, I use the heated steering wheel
Do I wake up early to get gas? No, I drive a Tesla
Do I have to take it to the dealer to get a software update? No, it's OTA
Do I have to constantly go from the throttle to the brake in traffic? No, I let TACC take care of it
Do I get in my car to move it out of the way? No, I summon it out of the way
Do I have to plug it in? Only until the snake chargers come online.
The only reason I haven't gained weight is all the walking I do while supercharging.
I think I'll follow what whitex does and simply not worry about the chime. That's actually the most annoying part because to me it's telling me to turn the lights off, but as far as I know the only time you need to worry about that is if you turn them on while you're not driving. If the car is just sitting in the garage for example and you go down to turn them on.�
guest What other objects or things will it run over if they keep increasing the allowable torque?�
guest Regarding "With this release regenerative braking at low temperatures has been improved" -- I don't seem to have it! I got the update last night and the release notes mentioned Creep Mode stored in Driver Profile, but didn't mention anything about low temperature regenerative braking improvements. Could this only be for D cars? Mine is non-AP RWD P85+. I could really use this feature! It's cold here and I wish regen worked better in the cold. I hate using the friction brakes and it's also annoying to have such inconsistency when lifting the right pedal for regen, getting a different amount every day depending on how cold it is. Perhaps it was just missed in the release notes; I did get some regen at 24 deg. F this morning, but I don't recall what it would have been like before the update. The worst days are the ones where it is cold enough that you get zero regen. At least you get a warning message; if you didn't it would be a big surprise the first time you lifted expecting some regen. I wish they could vector regen into the cabin and battery heaters on those days.�
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