guest After the recent updates, you have to go back in and turn it back on. By default it's off I think.�
guest Yes, I understand. But I would hope that in the future I could summon those updates that affect my car, and avoid the ones that don't. For example, I'm sure there are updates for Classics, the X models, soon to be the Model 3 as well, that wouldn't affect me and thus wouldn't be sent to my car.�
guest I personally would like this ability as well (that also requires more detailed ahem release notes for end-users to make reasonable decisions). On the flip side, I can see Tesla wanting to be able to control the roll-out rate of new software versions, and they'd be giving up some of that control by allowing users to initiate software updates. (I write software for a living, I've been on both sides of this issue.)�
guest Thanks for the credibility plug
I am aware that Tesla made it a config option to enable FOB access, and defaulted to off. But I enabled that and everything was working, and at some point it stopped working again. Perhaps it defaults to no after every update? I'm currently traveling and can't look.�
guest I think it does default back to off after every update, but I haven't actually experienced it myself because after the first update that had it default to off I have left it off.
I had enabled Summon and used it once, just to see how it worked, but unlike some, I don't actually NEED it, and based on the reports of minor mishaps, etc., since I don't need it, I've decided to just leave it disabled for now. It's cool to know that I have it, and could show off the feature if I wanted to, but until it improves a bit I'm going to play it safe.
So, that being said, I can' confirm from first-hand experience that it has been defaulting to off after every update, but based on what I've been reading here, I think that is what has been happening.�
guest On the last update to 2.14.105, it retained my Summon "on" setting.�
guest Yep, your summon/FOB settings are retained from one update to the next. That's something I paid attention to in particular during my last update.�
guest Well, they definitely reset the settings to "Summon Off" by default on at least one firmware update when they changed the behavior of the fob. The release notes event state that. And it would actually make sense for them to be continuing to set "Summon Off" by default, since they haven't been changing that part of the release notes for the interim releases, and it's also not clear when a new version goes out what the last version someone had was.
I guess some of us are experiencing different things with respect to this.�
guest Yeah, my previous update to .126 did return Summon to "off" but this last one didn't.�
guest One possibility is the upgrade to Lud reset my settings.�
guest Found a small change that appeared in 2.12.126 (my current version, updated on Feb 25).
Slacker email/password are reset to Tesla ones when rebooting the main screen. That's a small inconvenient when using a premium Slacker account (with our own credentials).
I used to reset everything once in a while (maybe every two weeks) so I am 100% confident its "new". I guess its a new "features" for those calling support with Slacker issues: "Sir, reboot your screen, everything will be alright"...�
guest Anyone else find that the display brightness gets reset to 100% when the regen and/or driver profile is toggled? One profile on mine has regen "low" and the other has regen "standard" set. Whenever these profiles are toggled and the car switches to night mode, I get blasted with 100% screen brightness. Still on .126 here.�
guest Getting in on this late, but I notice the refrigerator is at an oblique angle to the front of the car. That could definitely cause problems reflecting the ultrasonic sensor output.�
guest Correct, summon defaulted to off in the update in which they introduced the new FOB settings. However, I received an update after that one and my settings before that second update (summon on, don't require FOB button hold) remained the same after that second update.�
guest Due to a freak snowstorm, I got to experience what stability/traction control is like on 2.12.126. Now I'm the type of person who really really dislikes stability control, and I know how to drive a car fast on snow with no driver aids. Back in January is was really really disappointed in how overbearing the stability and traction control was, so much so that in a parking lot with 3-4" of snow in it, it was pretty much impossible to turn the car without turning on slip-start. It simply didn't want to move. Even with slip start on, you gave it enough yaw angle, you could hear the ABS motors running to try and pull the car back into line. The fun police always show up.
Today was very very different, in fact, I'm not even sure stability control is working _at all_. Traction control also allowed a good amount of slip before cutting throttle, then did not cut it to 0%. I think the car was actually entertaining to drive. However for everyone else let me re-iterate that I don't think stability control is working. I put it into some good slides and didn't hear or feel it trying to correct itself.
So, warning.
Bonus pic: What happens when you go from ~60F and 72mph cruise to some short drives at 28F? Range mode on, preheated off nema 5-20 after cold-soaking.�
guest Have you reported this to Tesla? (Or if you haven't had time to yet, will you?)
It sounds like you are very capable of explaining in detail what you have experienced. Either you are correct that something has changed drastically in the firmware or perhaps it is just something specific to your car. Either way, Tesla needs to hear about it.�
guest I've got a notification of a new firmware update. Problem is, I'm up this early on a Saturday because I've got some place to go, and can't install it now, so I imagine someone else will be the first to update the tracker.�
guest I'm installing now. Will let everyone know if it's interesting, or someoene will beat me to the punch.�
guest 2.16.17 same release notes�
guest I logged 2.16.17 on ev-fw�
guest Same here. Same release notes.�
guest me too, nothing special so far..�
guest I just got the notice, but I'm out of town. I wish you could initiate an update through the app.�
guest FYI, it took 1:15 to apply this update on my P85D�
guest The update notice showed up for me shortly after I arrived back home after being parked at the airport for a week. I had assumed it was waiting for WiFi before getting pushed, but after seeing the other recent posts I'm unsure. I'll install it tonight. (And update the tracker, duh.)
Probably coincidence, but when I got my car from the airport lot it was unresponsive to the double-trunk-click on the fob (trunk button worked) and when I pulled in to my driveway Homelink didn't work. Not just auto-Homelink; the menu wouldn't pull down at all. Rebooting the center screen fixed it.�
guest Not sure if this is new, but it mentioned something about improved regenerative breaking in cold temperatures.
I did notice when I went through all of my settings Summon was still active (as it was before upgrade) but the Auto HomeLink feature for the garage door had been turned off, it was on before the upgrade. I haven't driven it yet, I had previously manually set the location where I wanted auto-HomeLink to engage, so I don't know if it saved that. I'm a big fan of that feature.�
guest My P85D went from 2.12.126 to 2.16.17, skipping all the versions in between. The 90D is still on 2.14.66
So Tesla continues to give us a new middle digit at a surprising rate...�
guest I am more hopeful, figuring they are testing something critical that is so far not resolved.
my bug list:
Heater driver side footwell -- fixed yet ?
Dual charger issues - fixed ? (not that it affected me)
12VDC system - ongoing challenges they may be trying to address with small changes
NAV / Audio stack - ignored ???
Regen - continues to be tweaked ?
So perhaps something like regen or power output is behind the set of test parameters they are gathering, that's what I am guessing. At least that is what the release pattern suggests to me.
That, and I am guessing most of the dev team scrambled to put the M3 firmware together for the launch and focus may be coming back. But I am wondering of the possibility of the end of major software operations for the MS/MX platform. I know that Telsa would be smart to keep making the MS/MX cars as compelling as possible to count on the highest % of M3 preorders being converted to earlier sales.
Hmm dirkhh and other members do we have some sort of BUG tracker ? some of these seem to be a bit like Whac-a-Mole...�
guest The level of hand-wringing here is amusing.�
guest Mike, what version were you on before the update?�
guest Sorry, meant to post that. That was going from 2.14.66 to 2.16.17�
guest According to the tracker, only US models have been hit so far with the new update.�
guest Agreed; that post flies off the rails into complete speculation.
However, this point remains: there have been multiple updates without any change to the release notes. That generally indicates bugs are being fixed. We're all curious about what it is that's getting fixed, and whether changes in behavior are observed. The smallest, most innocuous-seeming fix can produce an unforeseen regression, or it can make things a lot more stable.�
guest Auto homelink on the summons page was disabled for me with the latest update as well.�
guest In some parts of the world, the first and middle digits are significant.
guest I just applied an update and, wow, the scroll wheel works now!
I actually thought mine might be physically broken. The operation felt like a gear that was missing teeth. It was about 50/50 as to whether any given movement of the scroll wheel would have an effect or not. If I wanted to bump the volume up or down one notch, it might take one move on the scroll wheel, or it might take three or four, totally at random.
Now, it's 100%. Each movement on the scroll wheel is a change in volume. Woo! I didn't try the right side, but I expect it'll be the same.�
guest Got 14.105 on the 30th and went to 16.17 today. No noticable changes found yet. Took roughly 45 minutes to upgrade (despite saying it would take 1 hour 40).�
guest 2.14.66 definitely fixed the dual charger charge rate problem, caused by 2.12.126. I was out of town when all the interim versions came through, so I had to request the upgrade. Nothing since.
I did not notice the other issues you mentioned.�
guest How does one request an upgrade? Via SC?�
guest Yes (in my case I email'd the ranger service, no SC here). They added me to the queue and I had it later in the day. I had previously reported the problem, but was out of the country when the fixes were developed.�
guest scare after update. Walk to the garage this morning and door handles present, but when I get in the car, the center console stays blank, the mirrors don't fold out and the car stays in starting up mode for ever. Tried the key fob, closing the car opening etc. Nothing. After a 15 minute break, same thing. Called tesla and the had me reboot the car by holding both wheel buttons while pressing break until the T logo appeared on the center display.
Haven't driven yet but this is just a reminder that we are driving a computer on wheels. CTl-Alt-Del...�
guest I've had this occur twice on previous updates. A forced manual reboot got things back to normal each time. Good luck, and please report back your resolution.�
guest First time I've heard about the pressing the brake at the same time technique. Is this unusual?�
guest Pressing the Brake might just be a safety caution instead of a deeper reset, but it does not appear to hurt ... unless you are driving.�
guest wut?�
guest Omg this is amazing! I want this. Hopefully not just for p85d!
It's the rainbow road course from the Mario Kart games for anyone who had a deprived childhood.�
guest Howwwwww?�
guest yeah i need to test this now lol�
guest Queue the posts about how the developers should have been using the time spent on this to improve the media player and navigation in 3...2...1...
Ah, what the heck.
The developers should have been using the time spent on this to improve the media player and navigation!
guest Tesla is not alone. Quick search any car. They are all computers with 50 to 100 microprocessors, or even more.. The gas engine and multispeed automatic transmissions are also controlled by computers. Tesla is actually simpler.
At least we have the option to reboot. The others have to go to the shop. How many "engine trouble" lights are just "reset" at the service center?�
guest Sorry if this has been covered in the past (don't have time to read 105 pages) but why haven't I gotten the software download yet? Are they not available to everyone at once? I took deliver about two weeks ago.�
guest This (and other things that are found in new firmware versions after they are out for a little while) is why I believe there should be a moratorium of at least a few days between the time a new version comes out and the time it is "officially" named in the tracker.
Hank--I'm not suggesting a change to who has the rights to do the naming. I'm merely suggesting that the actual naming not take place for a few days, so that if a new feature is discovered, the name may be changed by whomever had the right to designate the name before that name had become the official name. Does that make sense?
In this case, "Same Old, Same Old", which was in place only hours after the update was first out (good job on being on top of things), doesn't really do this version justice!�
guest Not all cars get them at the same time. Minor updates often never go to all cars. Just be patient and you will get your update when Tesla decides to send it to you.�
guest Software updates are pushed out by Tesla. No one knows exactly how they decide who gets an update when, but it's best not to worry too much about it. If you don't get this version, you may get the next one. Or not. But you'll get one eventually.
There's a great firmware upgrade tracker at the URL below, where you can see data on how upgrades have been rolled out in the past, and add your data when you do eventually get one. (And you will!)
Tesla Firmware Upgrade Tracker Web App�
guest Tesla Motors has mentioned that an update is more frequent or possible if you are connected to WiFi.
Another way to speed the process is when your vehicle is serviced at Tesla Motors.
My Model X is getting updates much more frequently than Model S. They both have the WiFi connected. I would appreciate getting an update to Model S so the odometer reading would appear with the trip/charge summary display on the driver's dash.�
guest Patience, shmatience! I want my AP TACC to be smoother and I want the Rainbow Road course. This is very frustrating. Why, oh why can't I call up the update?? I can for my phone and computers.�
guest Got it. That's too much cowbell...�
guest Deprived childhood would mean you had no video games. Applying firmware update since I got an update notice 5am PST.�
guest Is the Rainbow Road real in the P85D?
The video looks real.
How is it triggered, by going 79 mph in AutoSteering mode?
guest Someone posted on reddit that you have to pull the autopilot stalk 5x fast to engage it. I'm still waiting for firmware to finish to confirm.�
guest I can confirm that it is real and activated by pulling the stalk very quickly 5 times.�
guest In my younger childhood, there was no video at all. We had to use our imagination to make the pictures as we read a book, or more rarely, listened to the Lone Ranger on the radio.
Later, a green-screen "Tele-vision" arrived, perhaps receiving Flash Gorden episodes with a rocket ship model hanging from a string.
The kids of today have more computer in their pocket (or on their wrist) than the biggest 1979 IBM computer had, where just the 4 megabyte core-RAM memory and cpu was larger than a big refrigerator. Each 1 megabyte was about 2 feet by 1 foot and about 6 feet high. The CPU was about 1 x 1 x 6 feet, surrounded by the four cabinets of memory.
And, no GPS either.
Oh, and no firmware either, to get a tiny bit back on topic, sorry.�
guest Yes.�
guest It's triggered by being in AutoSteer (any allowed speed) then pulling up on the stalk that engages AS a few times (4 or 5). You turn it off by disengaging.�
guest Still waiting to be a "chosen one" for the update... booooo... Rainbow road was always the HARDEST! I plunged to earth more times...�
guest Elon just tweeted it...
Elon Musk on Twitter�
guest Elon just tweeted about 15 minutes ago that you only need to pull it 4 times for "psychedelic cowbell road". More cowbell coming soon.�
guest I've confirmed getting it to engage on 4 pulls. You don't have to be in AP mode for this to happen. So 4 quick succession pulls is all it takes to turn it on. If you mess up, you can continue to do 4 fast pulls in order to get the rainbow effect. I AP'ed it down a 2+ mile new stretch of road with minimal traffic and it stayed on the whole time.�
guest I put that name in because everyone was posting no changes. But that doesn't mean any names are fixed in stone.
So what's this one? "Rainbow Road"? "More Cowbell"?�
guest "Needs more cowbell"�
guest Tweet by @elonmusk:
It's not limited to P85D. My 85D got 2.16.17 this morning (Tracker updated) and Rainbow Road on the subsequent drive.�
guest I'm as always impressed with Tesla's focus on what its customers need the most... and apparently that psychedelic cow bells.
guest Yeah. They apparently haven't seen my list of cold weather bugs.�
guest Well many posts are using the term "Rainbow Road", so that would be my vote. "More Cowbell" will be the updated Easter Egg.�
guest I'm hoping that the Model 3 introduction will force them to become more "reasonable" - I'm guessing the dev time used on that Autopilot rainbow thing could have been used for e.g. adding an option to define child lock on just one rear door vs. the current "both doors or none" implementation. Or do Tesla Devs get a guaranteed "use 5 hours per week for something totally useless" kind of clause in their job contract?
guest Musk says pull 4x in rapid succession. Mine finally here now. Can't wait.
Elon Musk on Twitter�
guest With AP already turned On, in my S85, 5 or 6 pulls (toward the rear of the car) did not activate the Rainbow Road. I did not try actually turning AP On with 4 (instead of 2) backward pulls of the AP activator control.�
guest I think those who are grumbling about how the devs are wasting their time and should work harder, darn it! should keep in mind the old saying: "all work and no play makes Jack go find a new job a few exits down I-280 where people are allowed to have fun and get weekends off besides."
Relax. Enjoy the Easter Egg.�
guest AMEN! I love Easter Eggs! They are fun things to show my friends while taking them on test drives!�
guest Confirmed it also works on a 70D. I shot a video before Elon tweeted it was cowbell related and decided it was a Mario Kart easter egg. (I posted it in the VOG Network Videos thread in the Videos forum, so I won't re-embed it here.)�
guest The obvious question is are you running 2.16.17 firmware? You have to be quick when pulling stalk.�
guest I would be grateful for a brief explanation of Elon's use of the word "cowbell" in this context.�
guest Am I missing something?
What's the relationship between "rainbow road" and "more cowbell" other than Elon's tweet?�
guest The "more cowbell" is a pop-culture reference to this Saturday Night Live skit: Saturday Night Live: More Cowbell
I just don't know what that has to do with "rainbow road".�
guest What a lot of people aren't emphasizing is that a short clip of "Don't Fear The Reaper" from the classic SNL bit with Christopher Walken and Will Farrell is played over the speakers when you engage the Rainbow Road feature. That's where the "cowbell" part comes in.�
guest "More cowbell" == "More useless stuff". In the SNL skit, Christopher Walken is managing Blue Oyster Cult and while recording "Don't Fear the Reaper," his only feedback is "more cowbell!"
I just hope this is my first firmware update. Still stuck on 2.12.126
guest Also, I think Elon Musk often channels just a bit of The Bruce Dickinson.�
guest When Elon tweets, it's usually a wide release...�
guest Probably more like...
when Elon tweets, it suddenly has to become a wide release
Elon please delete your tweet
guest Easter eggs can be fun to show off to family and friends on drives. Those drives are more fun if I don't have to apologize for something else that didn't work. Recently, on a drive to Monterey with visiting relatives in the back seat, I said "watch this!," and tried to bring up the controls for opening the sunroof. The center console decided it wasn't going to respond to any touch input. I ended up having to reboot the center console, while driving, and made distracting conversation to cover the delay while it reset.
But now there's a magical rainbow road I can have them look at instead.
guest Oh. I didn't hear that. In my only rainbow road experience so far, I was listening to Slacker.�
guest Bummer! That does sound embarrassing. I've been quite lucky when giving show-off rides. Hopefully some little glitch like that doesn't tun them off to Tesla!�
guest Ahh, they call these the "Demo Gods". Apparently they have great timing and just love smiting a moment.�
guest With today's update, I was surprised that the odometer did not appear on the summary display as hoped.
With the higher mileage, maybe it's best to not be reminded each day. Keeps Model S looking young!�
guest Do you have to have autopilot to get the rainbow road? I have the 2.16.17 update but I can't get it to work.
guest Yep, you need to have Autopilot�
guest +1 for reasons to get autopilot. Thanks!�
guest I think it would be nice if our Teslas had a "wink" function. It would momentarily blink the headlight LED on one side, or something more clever. Perhaps one setting that you could manually trigger, and another that would sense another Tesla approaching and wink automatically.
What do you think?
guest Still waiting....�
guest Tesla iPhone App notified me that a software update was available at 10PM last evening (via WiFi download over my eero extended mesh WiFi network). Installed it this AM, took about 48 minutes. Everything is running very smoothly as it was before the update. I see no real changes so far that 2.16.17 brings.�
guest Good thought rxlawdude. That could explain why my Model S stopped with about only 6" clearance even though distance is set to 16".
So then the mystery is why did it continue past that point and hit the fridge corner after I accidentally re-initiated summon with my key fob?�
guest More cowbell:
Watch More Cowbell from Saturday Night Live on NBC.com
Also, I don't have a clue what all of you guys are talking about regarding rainbow roads and Easter eggs other than they sounds sorta stupid to me. I do agree that I'd rather have Tesla fix the major problems with AP and NAV. I've had AP almost since getting my P90D 6 months ago and never use it -- instead of making driving more peaceful it scares the living hell out of me. It's like being a passenger in a car driven by someone who just got their learners permit.
How long until AP comes out of Beta?�
guest Do these "minor" releases (updates) not come with any sort of release notes or other info describing their content,
either available in the car or online somewhere?�
guest Just got the 2.16.17 update yesterday, but in a couple of uses it seems like maybe the auto-close feature for my garage door is working better. It was pretty inconsistent before and it may just be coincidence that it's worked well the past few tries.�
guest Received & installed v2.16.17 on my classic 2012 Sig 85, no significant visible changes BUT it appears to improve the "missing blue lines" (route segments) on NAV.�
guest If you last tried it out 6mos ago, you should definitely give it another shot on the freeway. The ping ponging it displayed staying in lanes early on is much improved. TACC acceleration is smoother now so it doesn't feel like you're going to ram into another vehicle as it tries to keep up.�
guest 178 reported installs of 2.16.17, the highest number since the very broad roll-out of 2.12.126.
reports from around the world, all batteries, models, types... this seems to be the next full 7.1 version...�
guest Received 2.16.17 this morning. Haven't tested it but am really hoping the Nav problems (broken blue lines, software doesn't forget previous destination, shows that blue line instead of new destination, etc) are gone.�
guest It has been a busy week at Tesla, I just installed new software on my P85, according to the release notes nothing has changed though.�
guest Aww c'mon this is probably a few lines of code and it's fabulous.
And it was able to bring an even bigger Tesla grin to my face any time I needed it today (and really needed it today). Yes it's goofy but not even McDonald's has found out how to put a price on smiles
guest I got this update yesterday, and the one change I did notice is that now upon pulling into my driveway, Homelink automatically opens the garage door.�
guest If you are on 2.16.17 try pulling the cruise control stalk 4 or 5 times in quick succession...(it's the latest Tesla easter egg)
guest Sadly I don't have autopilot
guest It's a riot. I love that they have a sense of humor. I don't know any other car maker who does fun stuff like that. They certainly have been pushing a lot of updates lately. I've gotten 3 in a little over 3 weeks. All little tweaks, I think.�
guest ??????�
guest Ahh. Mario Kart.�
guest I guess different version cars get updated at different times then? What happened to the release notes discussing the bug fixes?�
guest That's been around since the first 7.1 release.�
guest I seem to have massive vampire drain in 2.6.17. Anyone else? It appears as though I went from my last charge at 238 miles to 190 miles now, with the trip meter claiming 19.1 miles since last charge. IIRC, when I checked last night I had ~208 miles. Now after driving 3.7 miles @ 401Wh/mi, I'm at 190???? I haven't even had the climate control on in 2 days, so there goes that "leak" in the trip meter.
guest The way these updates are issued is a mystery to me. I sometimes get them the day they come out but then there are times like now where there have been 4 updates since I received my last one (2.16.17 appears to be current while I'm still on 2.14.66).
But from what I'm seeing on the Firmware Upgrade Tracker 2.16.17 appears to be the biggest (by rate they are pushing it out) update they've done in a long time. So maybe I'll get it tonight?�
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