guest Tesla can't win, first people bitch and moan about how the software isn't being updated fast enough, not they're supposedly going too fast. Which is it??? How can you possibly sit in your chair and make QA accusations when you have absolutely no insight into that other than the various build versions that are out there?
Answer, you can't. You're just looking for something to bitch and moan about and this happened to fit the bill.
guest Nah I think they have valid reasons to complain. It seems Tesla pumps out versions fast, with no notes or change logs, if they included that at a detailed level (just online even) it would help people understand the justification. But, from what we see, they push out new "beta" features, cool gimmick features, while leaving other features in "beta" mode now for quite some time, a year+ in some cases. They don't address known complaints or problems BEFORE releasing "beta" items, add functionality that we actually see requested most frequently, etc.
What comes to mind is so many request for audio/integrations that have never been done. It took FOREVER to get simple tire pressure data when hardware did support it, navigation has been in perpetual beta and lacking in waypoints & functionality, and WTF rolling out easter eggs when other areas are in beta and or there are blantant bugs. Their prioritization process and tracking of Dev work just seems poor. They need a true Scrum process with prioritized backlogs and accountability in Dev AND especially QA.�
guest I don't have any particular heartache with how Tesla does things, but I do wish they'd put out a paragraph or two describing what they tweaked in these minor updates.�
guest I agree that some explanation of what is in a update would be great. Most companies do. Only reason I can think of why they don't is liability. If they publish what changes in a update and something happens as a result of someone misinterpreting the published information that might be considered liability exposure. If they just update and don't tell you what they updated and you somehow misuse or abuse then that is on you not TMC. Don't know if that is plausible but it is all I can think of.
As for our friend that thinks everyone should be happy all of the time because it is software and should account for every situation. Seriously?�
guest Yah, I've been meaning to report this to Tesla. When taking the 520 E exit from 405 N, with TACC set at 65mph (speed limit 60mph) the car slows to 45mph. Not just annoying. Unsafe. Incredibly so.�
guest What's the speed limit sign for that onramp?�
guest I agree. Driving on a 2-lane mountain road TACC is worse than useless. I have to turn it off. If it would just hold the set speed as an old-fashion cruise control would then it would be just fine; I can manually tap the brake for the odd corner that may require slowing.�
guest What makes you think it's a bug in the firmware? I've never seen that message.
More likely to be a loose wiring harness.�
guest Yes, if they're going to keep making TACC "clever" about non-obstructed speed management, they need to give us a setting to enable "original CC" so that my TACC car doesn't feel gimped compared to my non-TACC car.�
guest You are assuming -- incorrectly -- that this is one giant monolithic piece of software. In reality it is a collection of separate pieces, and
between minor (dot-dot-) releases like this it is very likely that most of the subsystems didn't change at all, so repeated testing of them
is unnecessary. Obviously the subsystems that do change need testing, as does interaction between subsystems, but for such minor
version bumps that is probably a very small fraction of the entire system. By far the most likely thing is that these represent tiny bug
fixes to 2.17.37.�
guest I think there's a (strong) tendency on this site to assume that what the small minority of Tesla owners that participate on
this site think/say is representative of Tesla owners at large, let alone the entire marketplace that Tesla's business is addressing.
It is a large assumption that anyone here has insight comparable to that of the decision makers at Tesla.�
guest In my experience as a product manager for a major consumer electronics company, if one customer is saying something, there are 10 others who are thinking it. These kind of forums are certainly not a random sample of owners, the participants are obviously the more outspoken. However, there is a good mix of fanboys and critics, it's not just trolls. Additionally, the participants here are probably more likely to talk about their Tesla experience and be listened to by others.
If I was a product manager at Tesla, I would consider this site to be a very low cost focus group.�
guest My BMW i3 (Which I sold when I received my Model X) had this exact capability. If I wanted to engage standard (non-traffic aware) cruise control I could. I could also toggle between adaptive and non-adaptive cruise control. Very nice feature to have.�
guest I also have an i3 and sold a Mercedes to buy the MS. With just the i3 and the Mercedes (dumb CC), I had to always keep in mind that the Mercedes would gladly drive right into the back of the car I was following, I really needed to pay attention.
I had exactly the opposite response that you had when I got the MS. I suddenly found the i3 annoying because it requires me to push so many buttons to get the TACC started (On, Set, Following Distance), whereas in the MS I just pull back the stick and everything is good.
That said, there is no reason that Tesla couldn't offer a driver preference to make the CC be either TACC or "dumb", just like they allow disabling of other Driver/Parking Assistance features.�
guest That approach is so non-Tesla. To the extent that you ever want to do that, it means that they have failed to get TACC right. Tesla's solution will always be to work harder at getting TACC right. They may fail repeatedly, but they're going to keep trying. And it's going to keep getting better.�
guest Yeah, about that last sentence...
There are a number of members of TMC (and at the TM fora) who are quite close to those to whom you refer as decision makers at Tesla.
Not that there is necessarily a dependency with regard to insight.
Edit: inadvertent sentence fragment at top removed.�
guest I did a little Autopilot driving today. I could swear that it takes less torque on the steering wheel to cancel Autosteer than it did a few weeks ago. And Autosteer is definitely weaving more than it had been.
On the other hand, the automatic A/C is working pretty well for me lately, even in Range mode.
This is on 2.17.37, Model S 85D.�
guest Any P90D owners see reduced power after 2.17.37? I could only manage 408kW tonight. I turned on the data logger after I noticed the power under acceleration would barely get to the "4" in 400, and not well past it. I'll try again tomorrow but it's not looking good.
edit - at 90% charge as well.�
guest Agreed!
BMW once had a slogan that was "performance and engineering without compromise", which I aways found amusing.
Engineering == compromise (or tradeoff if you prefer)�
guest I've noticed the same thing on ours. Much less torque to disconnect AP�
guest My local service centre told me so: there are known bugs in v2.16.17 that cause TC/SC/AEB/AP/regen to be randomly disabled; multiple owners have reported the exact same problem in Australia; this version has been pulled for any car that hasn't already updated; they're working on a fix; the newer versions (e.g. 2.17.37) fixes some but not all of these bugs.�
guest I noticed SC being disabled even in version prior to 2.6.17.�
guest I'm getting pretty sure there's loss of ludicrous power in 2.17.37. There was only an 5kW difference between Max and P90D performance setting. Still over 85% SoC.
WTF Tesla?�
guest I have a brand new battery and I am getting the message also.�
guest OK, newbie question.
TC = ?
SC = ? (other than service center and supercharger)
guest I guess you'd have to then step on the accelerator.�
guest Nope, did a full launch mode with Max battery at around 90% SOC and it was a bat out of hell. Didn't log it, but felt every bit of sub 3" that I've always felt.�
guest 2.17.37 finally fixed GPS inaccuracy bug while reversing! I really wish they would test the releases on the classic cars more.�
guest Not for me, sadly. According to the app my car hasn't moved since I put it in reverse and autoparked it. The gps still thinks it's in the middle of the street.�
guest TC = Traction Control
SC = Stability Control, Supercharger, Service Center, South Carolina, etc.
guest ...and just to add Boatguy's newbie confusion, Superchargers are also sometimes abbreviated to "SpC". I honestly have been trying to move myself to that to avoid confusion with "Service Center". Alas...�
guest How about "SvC" for service center?�
guest What about Paramus, NJ that has a SC at the SC?�
guest It'd be worse if there were such a site in South Carolina. I've just given up on trying to abbreviate either Supercharger or Service Center.
guest Sorry for the confusion. I was referring to Traction Control and Stability Control.�
guest Same here actually, I saw it disabled twice when I was on 2.12.126. I guess the bugs have existed for quite a while.�
guest Let's not get started on what FWD means, too.�
guest so why is it so bad to just tap the accelerator when needed?�
guest after returning home after a brief trip I found an update waiting for me to load it, it is loading now. I see a lot of complaints here but little about what is in this new update. is there anything significant? or is it just some tweaking?�
guest Tweaking�
guest SC, SpC, SvC, WTF?
You could all just spend another second and write things out.
Also, Elon Musk hates acronyms:
SpaceX Boss Elon Musk Threatened 'Drastic Action' Against Employees Who Use Unnecessary Acronyms
That's enough to convince me. How about you?�
guest I too was away, and just updated to 2.17.37 today.
Initially I had entered today's date in the tracker as my update date, but then realized that was providing data that was almost certainly erroneous, and would cause the data in the tracker to appear odd. Since I generally get firmware updates that are broadly pushed at the front end of the push, I decided to delete my original entry, which had included a note about how the update had almost certainly been received days earlier, and entered the update with a date of 4/27, which was the date with the largest number of updates entered for that version. I still included a note, indicating that the date was estimated, but in my opinion this will have less of an impact on anyone looking at the data. The first way I had done things someone might wonder why that older version was still being pushed today. This way I'm just "one of the masses." I believe this way is also probably much more accurate.�
guest The route planner did something new (to me) in how it had me stop at super chargers that I would like to see if others have observed. It could be a first indication that Tesla is trying to have cars skip busy super chargers.
Anyway, I was heading from Los Angeles up to San Francisco. The route planner told me to go straight to the Buttonwillow SC without stopping to charge at Tejon Ranch. It warned me to keep my speed below 65 mph in ordered to get there. Given that the average speed on I5 is over 75, I chose to go faster and stop to charge Tejon Ranch. I took the last of the six slots when I got there. Anyway, it seemed strange, so I though I would share it.
I'm on 2.17.37.�
guest That is certainly interesting. Clearly the collection of more data is required before any conclusions can be reached.
As an example, even if this version of software is doing something different with respect to supercharger routing, as it may seem based on your one example, and the fact that you were never routed past a supercharger in this way before, there is no way to tell from your example if the new software is attempting to avoid busy superchargers, or is simply attempting to minimize supercharger use whenever possible by suggesting slower speeds if that will allow a supercharging stop to be bypassed. If it is the latter, the fact that you took the last charging spot would have been purely coincidental.
As more people report what they are seeing, a clearer picture should develop pretty quickly.�
guest Don't read too much in to it. My car (still on 7.0) had me skip the nearest supercharger (Canmore) yesterday when I asked it to plan a trip to Vancouver, i was surprised as well, but I can say it's not due to the newest firmware.�
guest Unless Tesla has been doing SpC routing on the server side instead of in-car all along and just updated how the server works...�
guest I agree more data is needed. I have been routed past super chargers before. It is the quickest way if one has enough charge to do it. What was weird is that it wanted to skip a SC and make me go slow to reach the next one.�
guest there is this thing that most of us have but not all of us implement, it is a brain. people should feel free to put their brains to use in such situations. while the trip planner in the car has seen significant improvements it is far from perfect and should be used in conjunction with your knowledge of the car and climatic conditions to decide whether a charge stop is necessary or if it can be skipped.
safe travels�
guest Anyone else can confirm, that bug is driving me crazy, can't get the auto garage door opening reliable (works only one way, reversing as my reset point was set that way).
I did not get the update, yet, so I can't test. Still on 2.16.17�
guest I have said it a couple times before, but it bares repeating. Tesla likely is doing just TACC or traditional cruise so as to not confuse the consumer thinking one is active when the other is. A simple way to do this is to leverage the codebase of the Classics and what they had back in 6.2. I.e., when AutoPilot/TACC is active, use the v7 dash we are familiar with. When traditional cruise in active, switch to the speedo that us Classics see and the AP cars say back in 6.2. That would very easily distinguish between which mode is active. And before anyone jumps on blind spot monitoring and such, that was available back in 6.2, so they could continue to use that convention when traditional cruise is active.�
guest What was the net time difference between the two options? In other words, if you went 65 vs 75 but didn't have to Supercharge, maybe it's using that logic now?
In other words, just my rough math as an example: If Los Angeles to Buttonwillow is 125 miles at 65 that's 1:55 hours. Los Angeles to Tejon Ranch at 75mph is 75 miles (1:00 hour) + 50 miles (40 minutes) to Buttonwillow. So you save 15 minutes by driving faster, but you have to stop for 15 minutes (or more). So, you arrive at the same exact time. Maybe now the software calculates this? It might attempt to be saving a Supercharger slot (especially a crowded one) if your arrival time is close to identical simply by limiting your speed? Of course, it's more fun to drive faster for a lot of people...�
guest ...and we have a new build (2.17.95) out again exactly .15 higher than the last build (2.17.80). Coincidence?�
guest That one was initially Model X only, so I didn't post here about it, but we now have the first two reports from Model S owners.
And yes, the new "count by 15" version number scheme is unusually charming...�
guest My gps position is definitely fixed, but not the right way. I drove backwards on the driveway and it shows the correct position. The orientation of the arrow is still not right after reversing. It shows sideways or backwards after reversing. It corrects itself after going forward though. I almost want to get a job at Tesla just to fix these annoying bugs. Orientation should not be tied to direction change of GPS coordinates, the car should know whether it is moving forward or backward!�
guest That may not be easy to determine if the car is not keeping a history of GPS information though. While driving say 5 miles, the car reasonably extract the changes in the GPS coordinates and know which way it is moving. From that, it would be relatively trivial for the car to know whether, at the end, it moved forward or in reverse. However, if the car doesn't have the past 5 miles to make a judgement on, perhaps only having the last 30 seconds, the variations in the GPS coordinates are within the realm of noise from GPS calibration inaccuracies. As such, it doesn't know if the car moved forward or backways XYZ feet, or just the GPS lock wobbled part of that.
I am NOT saying orienting the logo can't be done; but it could be more complicated because of other design decisions like maintaining the GPS lock long-term. In the Auto Homelink thread, there is theory that our cars do not maintain a GPS location memory for long, and if your garage is preventing the car from getting a good GPS lock immediately upon startup, it may not trigger Auto Homelink.�
guest The orientation and position should rely on not only GPS coordinates, but also wheel/ motor speed sensors and steering wheel orientation to provide accurate output. GPS history is not needed at all.�
guest I agree the various sensors are needed. But I don't see how you can make that determination with only one set of GPS coordinates. The first set of coordinates do not provide direction. Once your sensors say you have moved X or Y or Z from those coordinates, you would also have the updated coordinates (the now "current" location). The sensor data would simply tell you which way the car moved from the first set to the second set to give you orientation, if you still had the original location.�
guest It is likely that Tesla is using some form of flux gate compass to augment direction information, these devices sometimes require a certain velocity to function properly, it's possible the low speeds associated with reverse complicates direction finding... That said, no reason they can't get it sorted with existing sensors�
guest just out of curiosity, what is the big deal about which way the little arrow is pointed?�
guest They don't even need sensors, if the car is in reverse keep the indicator pointing the other direction.�
guest Nothing really, people complaining just to complain�
guest But what is "other"? Let us say that you just reversed 10 feet and are exactly at the South Pole. Which way should the arrow point? This question cannot be answered b/c we do not know if you moved 10 feet East, West, North, or South to get to the exact South Pole. Without a starting point + ending point + direction of travel, we can't know which way to point. All I was saying upthread is that Tesla's code may not be keeping a history to allow for starting point + ending point.
For the record, I don't care about the indicator, I'm just thinking about the process.�
guest One thing with the gps errors, my car won't stay on 34 amps for charging. It resets everyday back to 40 amps (and 40 amps will trip my breaker if my kids are using the heater in the bathroom)
guest The map and nav inside the car know the orientation of the car (with the map indicator showing which way north is) so there has to be a gyro or compass or something in addition to the GPS. Also since this is a new problem on cars that worked properly before, we know this is a software problem that an be fixed. My 2013 Model S showed everything correctly until recently; now it doesn't.�
guest The directional indication in the car works on differentials..comparing 2 or more gps positions over time. It doesn't use a gyro or compass. If the GPS can figure out that you're heading northeast (which it can), then naturally it's easy to know that north is a simple rotation of 45� to the left. No gyro or compass needed. It works just like virtually every other automotive GPS system. The intent of the arrow is not to show which way you are facing, but instead to show which direction on the earth you are heading.
So when you are backing down your driveway, the arrow will point toward the direction of the trunk, by design. It is not intended to tell you which way your car is facing.�
guest Are you sure about this? What is your source? Most cars/phones/toys in a cracker jack box these days have inertial sensors used for navigating while out of view of GPS. In fact, on many systems, inertial nav is primary and GPS is only used for correction.
But certainly no flux gate compass.�
guest While on this subject.... why the arrow? I'm driving a car!!!! Make it a toy car (apparently there are an abundance of toy car icons).�
guest Mostly perception of quality. I look at my phone app with aerial image overlay and see the car parked sideways in a parking spot... How would you feel showing that to someone while demoing the app?�
guest I am not that anal about which way an arrow is pointing�
guest Or on aerial image overlay, my car usually shows as in my front neighbor pool. And reversing in the garage the door open automatically, going forward it stay closed.�
guest My personal take is if the designers of any app use an arrow, it's there to show direction. If the intent is to only indicate a location, a non-directional dot or bullet is preferred. I consider it a sort of basic when it comes to UI design -- even the little I was involved with way back-in-the-day.
...so, on my Tesla, I would expect the Nav arrow to always be pointing in the right direction unless there was an unusual circumstance (e.g. calibration, out-of-GPS-contact perhaps), no different than it does in other vehicles I've owned or other apps I'm familiar with. Fortunately for me, I've not encountered a situation where my MS Nav arrow is pointing the wrong way as some others are finding. It would drive me a little nuts if it pointed the wrong way very often, especially in the most expensive luxury vehicle I've ever owned.�
I am pleased to report that some major Model X seat movement issues have been corrected with 2.17.95 (possibility earlier as not all updates were received). My need to push the easy entry button twice to move an original second row seat completely forward is fixed (it would stop halfway). The best improvement is the restoration of preset front seat positions when returning the 2nd row to a passenger position. At last, the problem of the driver seat being dropped to the lowest position with minimal leg space is SOLVED.
(The missing key fob message no longer appears, another major plus.)�
guest Glad to hear of the improvement, even though my MS doesn't have a movable 2nd row.. Hopefully you've posted your finding in the Model X Forum where more MX owners may benefit.
guest Yes, an entry was made to the appropriate thread. They made comments that they don't get to try the new software fix because their Model X is being repaired at the service center.
Since this is a 7.1 issue, it needed to be mentioned here as well. It's not that often we get to celebrate a solution we have been requesting for months.�
guest I don't know why people are getting upset about the arrow ... the arrow is just a symptom of the main problem. When i back into my garage from far enough away after the opening in x meters appears, the distance for the x meters increases as i get closer to the garage. The programmers seem to be using unsigned variables in an inappropriate manner and it affects all sorts of things like gps set points and arrows ... the issue is with what other side effects we don't see by their improper management of a simple variable.�
guest The latest issue i have been having is that the jack mode indicator has been coming on in my display (same icon but not the same color as the suspension needs servicing indicator) while i am driving. It is not in jack mode and the manual and automatic lowering still seem to be working as expected and a reboot does not clear it up. I send an audio bug report from the car whenever i notice it but have not gotten any feedback from Tesla about it. Is anybody else seeing this?�
guest I agree with you, I don't care much about the arrow, its just the bug you describe that is annoying.�
guest Strange one indeed, have not seen this or heard of it reported before.
Be sure to also send an email to [email�protected] with your bug report.�
guest I've read elsewhere that they aren't using the audio bug report much. Email definitely works, I've used it.�
guest Apologies to Blurry and those that replied to his follow-up.
I misstated my request. I don't want/need a TACC vs. non-TACC setting. I need a "listen to my set speed when unobstructed" setting so that I can opt out of "I'll become a hazardous vehicle when taking turns with no one in front of me" when TACC is on.�
guest Workaround for a now-broken feature; yes, that's what I have to do. Instead I just turn off TACC in such cases since it's functionally broken and thus counterproductive to keep online.�
guest For me, much of the time the entire reason to use CC is because I don't have to manage speed -- without it, I'd be comfortable driving 120mph on almost any freeway / highway that I drive. (Assuming no significant traffic.)
If the solution to "broken TACC" is "press the accelerator", then it's not satisfying my primary need for CC -- that I don't need to manage speed.�
guest Navigation also gets confused when you back out sometimes -- leading to extra lefts or rights or U-turns at the beginning of your journey. Lately, I don't trust the nav until at least 2 blocks have been driven.�
guest Unfortunately I can't trust Nav at any point in my journey. It takes me in circles about 30% of the time and reroutes me without notification or warning.�
guest Definitely report that to Tesla. Totally unacceptable -- and unusual.�
guest I have reported this dozens of times and while I agree not everyone has this problem a lot do as evidenced in the many, many TMC threads on this topic. I'm sure you know that if you have the setting turned on Nav will re-route you automatically (without notification) if it thinks it can save you time.
Tesla believed the problem was in the outdated Navigon maps database but after getting the newest one last January it's only marginally better. I just use my iPhone Nav (Apple Maps or Waze) now because I need to trust Nav and it's not really a priority for Tesla.�
guest Thanks for the reports. Hopefully, eventually this will nudge Tesla to improve the software.
How does your car behave if you don't the reroute setting on?�
guest Still the same circling about a third of the time at the destination but it doesn't take me on circuitous routes to get there. I think the traffic setting is a really great idea but it should give drivers an option to accept or reject the routing.�
guest Any circling of routes may be to help display your Tesla vehicle to new customers for increased revenue.
guest Exactly this, yep, and it's far from unusual. And dangerous when you consider the implications (as Tesla is well aware and has acknowledged). While seasoned travelers know to not rely upon any sole source/single navigational aid, it's a tad frustrating when the primary one arbitrarily reroutes you without so much as a courtesy reacharound. So to speak.
I've reported this to Tesla as well - they fixed one or two bugs (each confirmed and escalated, but with no external tracking provided for followup), but it's still bad - especially the failure to notify when lateral rerouting occurs. As an example, this sent me into a bad section of a midwestern city late one evening and I was NOT happy; a simple alert/ok window noting the change is all that's needed. First name basis with more than one Tesla support rep at the other end of the ownership line that trip, yeah - and they're well aware of the problem(s). Also quite helpful with getting logs together and accurately conveying details as long as you're patient with them. Details matter, yeah.
Am about to embark upon a series of journeys to visit most if not all of the 19 states I missed last year. Whether Nav has improved or not is immaterial since I have learned to not rely upon it - similar to the web browser. Even with the LTE upgrade, it still can't handle the Design Studio, and that's just embarrassing. No fix until a new chipset, which hopefully started with the Model X or at least with the facelifted cars.
Anyway, for Nav reliability, there's Waze, mounted between the MCU and the IC in clear view and Google Maps as a backup. Hopefully Nav has improved, but it's not evident yet with the small trips ( up to 500 miles each way) that I've taken this year so far - I'd like to get 1000 miles down the road without something odd happening with navigation.�
guest The crazy one that I sometimes see is when the Navigon database says my destination is on the left, but the Google display says its on the right. Guess which one Tesla uses for the directions?
guest I have to say I have given up trying to track what's broken and what's fixed and what behaves what way from build to build, but given the conversation a few days ago I'll just add this: The rain sensing wiper control algorithm is f***** in 2.16.17. It's worse than whatever build I had in December, then was subsequently improved, and now broken.
But hey, I guess it doesn't rain in california, so how would they know? Maybe from all that data collection they are doing. Yeah right.
guest No one knows where the ON button for that is anymore.....�
guest FYI 2.17.95 updated the following systems (from 2.17.37):
CID (Center Display)
IC (Instrument Cluster)
Parking Brake
Not much this time.�
guest Solution: tell your kids not to use the heater and the breaker won't trip. You're in California!
guest Smart Air Suspension icon on the instrument cluster in yellow indicates a fault. SAS icon in red indicates that self-leveling is disabled or SAS is in jack mode.
I received a constant SAS red indicator light several months ago, turned out that there was a tiny leak in the system and the internal pressure was insufficient to raise the car on one wheel, so the vehicle couldn't self-level.
I recommend you make a service appointment.�
guest Unusual?, no it's not. It's been doing that very at least a year...if not longer.�
guest ... and we have the first report of 2.18.18 (still calls itself 7.1 it seems). That's the 32nd build of 7.1 that we have reports for (ignoring betas).
Overall the number of reports in the past 10 days has been quite slow - after the fairly complete roll-out of 2.17.37 (330 reports) only 2.17.95 got a noticeable number (31). 2.17.50, 2.17.65, and 2.17.80 didn't get much traction at all.�
guest That answers my question regarding whether the Service Center installed it because they replaced my charge port motor or just for fun -- apparently the latter. A few days later, I had a spontaneous reboot when I returned to the parked car -- spent several minutes waiting for it to come up to drivable state. Probably it had gone catatonic shortly after I walked away after parking, because it had been unresponsive to the remote app. No apparent reason, though the center display had been balky before I parked, and I'd been getting music playback skips. First time it's happened to me.�
guest The skips and balkiness happened to me on Saturday. It then rebooted itself. Still on .37�
guest Forgot to mention: The Service Center had some trouble installing the update. They evidently had to try at least 3x to get a good install. Don't know why.�
guest Neither of my Model S have ever done that. Perhaps my vehicles are "unusual" in that they don't have the problem described. I've never seen that behavior in a loaner either.�
guest Nor have I, FWIW.�
guest When I first got my car and discovered this problem I quickly found out on this site that it was not universal. Sure, a lot of us have the issue and therefore can't trust Nav but others like you two don't. The only conclusion I can make from that is it must be geographical.
The issue of getting rerouted without choice or notification is universal and very fixable.�
guest Yay. If only Tesla would include just that in their release notes per release, even preceded with the catchall "bug fixes and minor changes" (which is to say, nothing much to see here - move along), it would be sooooooooooo much better than including exactly nothing at all.�
guest IIRC the 6.x rollout was very similar. 6.0 didn't last long, 6.1 came out within a couple of months and had many more features and subreleases.
But then again, 6.2 had even more dot releases as we were agonizingly waiting for 7.0 to come out with AutoPilot...�
guest I received a red sas error last Friday as well.. will message my sc. An update is now installing though.
Installed 7.1 (103.5.4).�
guest Looking at the big picture, it seems like we�ve transitioned from an era of looking forward to updates because they brought new features, to an era of getting new 7.1 builds that seem as likely to break some feature (an example being auto-dimming high beams) as to add new functionality, so there is no net forward progress. I suppose the thing to do is to wait to install new updates in order to see whether the consensus on this forum is that they are beneficial on balance.�
guest Regarding the post above by sillydriver.... exactly what "NEW" software features are we waiting for? Is there some new feature or functionality that is pending? I cannot recall any... but would like to know what to look forward to? Perhaps you guys could fill me in on what is coming to AP cars that is not yet here....
BTW, all features and functions that I have in my 2/16 build with 2.17.37 appear to work perfectly... audio, high beams, lane keeping... etc.
However I do not use summon or auto park. The one thing that needs some amount of improvement is Blind Side warning but that is not a new feature.�
guest Nothing new is broken for me either, in fact the last 2 updates have improved a couple of things.�
guest I think we have been waiting for a number of features to be completed or built out so they have parity with other brands even instead of releasing new features like Summon or breaking things. Off the top of my head these include a lot of nav improvements like waypoints, taking it out of "beta" for trip planner, support for improved mobile app control for cold weather items, better audio and app integration has been called out a lot, etc.�
guest 6.2 had a total of 23 releases that we got reports for (ignoring the unicorns that appear to be beta versions that people recorded). It used two middle digits (2.4 and 2.5). 7.1 so far has 32 builds with 10 middle digits 2.9 - 2.18.
That does seem like a change. Is it significant? I don't know.�
guest Ok, I understand that Travail, but back to my point, we are actually waiting for ZERO, NONE, NADA "promised" new features as announced by Tesla/Elon. Now, I may be wrong in this regard, but the only few I can recall which is not a new feature at all is a so called correction to the Rated Miles algorithm in the 90 battery pack cars. But again that is not a new feature but was promised as coming.
The other thing that would be an actual new feature is the projection of apps from your smart phone to the 17" display via some mirroring software mechanism. This I recall too, attributed to coming from Elon when he was asked about the Software Developer's Kit.
Is there anything else??�
guest If you aren't waiting for promised features still, you have an awfully forgiving view on all of the autopilot features, as few of them so far live up to Elon's stated descriptions.
To recap:
- hands free on ramp to off ramp
- read speed limit signs and automatically adjust your speed.
- automatically pull out of your garage and meet you at your front door (on private property)
And that's just autopilot, other promised features include:
- third party apps
- charge scheduling where you tell it your departure time instead of the charge start time.
And many more.
We could also get in to the half baked ones like the fact that trip planner is "beta" and a high school student working alone managed a much better version in his spare time. Or so many other examples.
If you think tesla is done at the current firmware, why are you still upgrading?�
guest Live Supercharger status of some form, like is provided at SpaceX facility in Hawthorne.�
guest I lost the cruise auto setting speed function (pull the cruise stick a few seconds) in the last update. I was using it all the time for setting automatic cruise speed while driving.
Anyone else noticed this?
Sux bigtime..�
guest No, works fine for me (2.17.37).�
guest Technically this has been partially delivered. If you turn on auto-steer and only drive on highways that the car things are non-divided, you can set your TACC limit to 90mph and the car will automatically apply an actual target speed of speedlimit+5 or less that is automatically adjusted whenever a new speed limit sign is recognized. The "or less" comes from it dipping to lower speeds going into some turns.�
guest I believe in the past Elon's also mentioned incorporating surface wind observations into energy usage predictions.
I think the biggest frustration is that there's so much untapped potential. We're literally driving a computer where almost everything can be modified with an over-the-air software update, yet there's so much that could still be done.�
guest As someone who's had an S since December of 2012, right now feels like the longest stretch we've ever gone without new functionality coming to the car in an update (and no, rainbow road doesn't count). Can anyone confirm?�
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