guest Ok, I have more info on my own vampire loss with 2.16.17. After 36 hours, I lost 5 miles, and that includes having the door open for about an hour when I was cleaning the interior, as well as pulling into and out of the garage.
So I'd say for me, this is on par if not a little better than I did before. So based on my personal experience, vampire drain's not any worse than before--possibly better.�
Was this the new front-end, or something still not yet announced?�
guest It was the 100D leaked image. Where have you been?
guest ;-)
No, this hash was posted after the P100D hash. Wk057 posted this:
"It's a full list of changes I noticed 2.12.126 -> 2.13.77. Includes the P100D."
I'm wondering how many of those changes were revealed as part of the refresh, and how many are still left to be announced.�
guest That must be the P120Q then.
guest 7.1 (2.16.51) showed up on my car yesterday right after I got the LTE upgrade.
No changes to release notes and I'm not seeing anything different so far. Outside temperature display is still in the wrong place, and audio source quick select menu is still missing. I haven't yet checked to see if the Rainbow Road offers more or less cowbell.
I've added to the firmware tracker.�
guest The cowbell remains the same.�
guest One frustration for me is that Model S does not have the odometer reading on the trips display (driver screen).
Model X has the odometer reading. There is plenty of room for it be included with the Model S Signature.�
guest If your Model S has Autopilot, the odometer is only shown in the Trip widget, which you have to select with the thumb wheels. That's still a source of frustration, since both the odometer and real-time energy usage meter, which were present all the time on the instrument cluster before 7.0, somehow got downgraded into optional information. Fortunately you can still have both the Trip and Energy widgets displayed at once... at least in 7.1 currently.
However, your car is a Sig, which has a different instrument panel than the Autopilot-enabled versions. You still have the classic speedometer as well as the odometer displayed front and center on your instrument panel, correct? Or are you saying that you'd prefer the odometer move into the Trip widget on all vehicles for consistency?�
guest It's a handy location for the odometer and I am pleased that Model X has it at that location.
For those driving a single model, the variations are not an issue. Model 3 will give us plenty of change, so it's best to be flexible.�
guest Just noticed a new feature in 2.6.17:
Slip Start no longer requires clicking on waiver screen to activate.
Step the in the right direction. Now allow me to keep it from auto-disabling.�
guest When do you use it? I've never used it.�
guest All the time. Hard to get ludicrous power down without it even in the dry, especially if coming out of turns. Although the traction control behavior has been in flux, I should see how much it helps on the new firmware.�
guest Curious why some feel the odometer needs to be displayed all the time on the instrument cluster. Since it was moved out, I haven't missed it. What are you frequently wanting to see that number for anyway?
I don't really have a frequent need to see how many miles are on my car, and a simple tap on the Tesla T on the main display will show it to me if needed. If you're just measuring out miles, well--isn't that what the trip meter is for?�
guest I tried it for the first time on my 85D recently and it seems to give a bit more punch at launch.�
guest It's all about celebrating the milestones. It was nice to be aware of the moment when my car began to approach and then hit 10,000 miles. The number tells me where I'm at so far on the larger journey of gasoline-free driving.
guest Does anyone know if this issue has been fixed in newest firmware? I am still stuck on an older version. STL Service Center opened a ticket with engineering but have not heard back.�
guest I have 2.16.17 and it's still a big problem. I drove 100 yards down a "private road" and then decided to not go any further, so I backed up to the main road. For quite some time after that, the GPS was really messed up, and it couldn't figure out where it was.�
guest While I, too, would like to see adequate release notes from Tesla, I'm surprised you chose the App Store as an example of acceptable practice. Both Facebook and Microsoft push periodic (is it monthly?) updates with the exact same boilerplate "release note" every time, to the effect of "every now and then we push an update, to make things better maybe? Install it and take your medicine." This is even worse than Tesla -- at least for major releases they do publish notes, they just don't document bug fixes. For that matter, I don't think the "performance enhancements and bug fixes" release note that's the next rung up from the vacuous FB/MS note is good for much either, I wouldn't consider that any better than the nothing-at-all Tesla publishes now (worse actually, since it would provide form without content). An example of an actual good release note might be Apple security release notes, IMO.�
guest No comment with regard to either MS or FB.
While it would be great to have a format similar to Apple's security release notes, Rome wasn't built in a day.
The inclusion of "minor enhancements and bug fixes" at the least implies that there's nothing to see here and to move along. That in itself is more useful than nothing at all.
Nothing at all produces the most uncertainty, followed by the aforementioned albeit vacuous statement, followed by real release notes - no matter how minor or major the release.�
guest Just got 2.17.37 tonight. I don't really see much of anything different from 2.16.17 which I got on the 11th. I've attached the release notes. Took about a half hour to install give or take, maybe a little less.�
guest me too. installing now�
guest Likewise. Installing.�
guest Well, one thing that did not get fixed is the bug in the summon distance. I have the distance set to 20 ft. Summon in reverse correctly goes 20 ft. Summon in front goes 40 ft.�
guest Thanks for the pics. From firmware tracker looks like so far only Switzerland, United States cars are being offered this. Here in Canada I am guessing we won't get this as our summon right now is very limited, but I sure hope they fork one out for us with the add'l improvements to cold regen, I feel some really nice recent improvements here (at least in my 70D).�
guest The random walk down firmware revision lane continues. To recap:
After a pretty complete roll out of 2.16.17 (almost 400 reports) we got 10 reports of 2.16.31 (mostly Europe and a few in the US), then 17 reports of 2.16.51 (another cross section of Europe plus US and Canada) and now in the last 12 hours we have seen 19 reports of 2.17.37, so far from the US, Germany and Switzerland. Oh, and there was one report for 2.16.65 on a Model X.
The number of reported installs of all these random newer versions are really too small to draw any statistical conclusions on what type of cars they target. And of course the release notes tell us nothing about potential fixes / changes, either.
It would be nice if we could skip the "me too" posts for all the people who got one of these releases (just post to the tracker, that way we get somewhat useful (if not representative) statistical data). But if you have one of the new releases and notice something has changed, please post here and let the rest of us know.
I'm pretty sure that regen on 2.17.37 is much weaker
(sorry, insider joke... over the past three years this has been reported as a change in pretty much every single firmware release...)
guest just a guess...but I think last update the HomeLink auto settings weren't saved after the update. Seems to be ok this time around. Wonder if that's what they fixed.�
guest One "feature" (bug) I have noticed on the latest update is that I keep getting the warning on the dash that the key is no longer in the car and won't start. It goes away after a few minutes, though.�
guest I am not getting that. Maybe your key fob battery is weak?�
guest Could be. Even though the car is only a week old, the SC replaced the battery in my wife's fob before we left at the delivery appointment.�
guest Version 2.17.37 brings about 150 destination charger to europe.�
guest That is odd. In the US, the destination charger and supercharger list is dynamically updated without any software upgrades. So locations are added and removed without any user intervention.�
guest In Europe we didn't have destination chargers before this update, so I think it's just an update for first activation of the destination charger screen in our European cars and from now on it the list will probably be updated dynamically.�
guest I think I may have been the first to report 2.17.37 last night. So I'll think up a name for it. But since there's no apparent difference, I'll wait a bit to see if we find power ups on the rainbow road or something.�
guest I noticed that my 007 Lotus on the suspension settings reset back to my plebian non 007 Tesla.�
guest Very nice! Been waiting for destination chargers for ages. Hopefully the list will grow quickly, removing the need for 3'rd part charger apps�
guest 2.17.37 installed in my Hong Kong car last night. I can't see any major changes...�
guest Updated this morning and noticed the same "key no longer in car" issue this evening. Took a few minutes to go away, putting key in cup holder didn't help, tried using the key to lock / unlock and went away after that, not sure if it was good timing..�
guest Quite a few owners in Australia have experienced a "safety systems disabled" error (traction control/stability control/AEB/regen/autopilot) with 2.16.17, and it appears this version has been pulled pending a bug fix. Perhaps one of the newer versions contains the fix for this issue.�
guest Fixed that for ya.�
guest 2.17.37 updated the following systems (from 2.16.17):
CID (Center Display)
IC (Instrument Cluster)
Battery Management
Charger Main Control
Charger Phases
Charge Port
Drive Inverter(s)
Pedal Monitor
Stability Control/ABS
Thermal Control
Driver Assistance
Parking Sensors
For those reporting Key issues, it's not related, as the Body/Security Controller was not touched. Maybe lags in the IC/CID?
And yes, the Destination Chargers, and all similar metadata is not done through the software release system, it comes down routinely. The Navigation maps are also separate.�
guest 58 updates to 2.17.37 reported so far with a truly impressive geographic coverage (Belgium, Canada, Switzerland, Germany, Great Britain, Hong Kong, Japan, Netherlands, United States have reports so far - that's a lot broader than we usually get in the first two days of a roll out). It will be interesting to see if this is another full roll out (so 300+ reports) this soon after 2.16.17. I can see no pattern of specific cars being targeted - the only group that doesn't have any reports, yet, is early Model S VINs (26xxx appears to be the lowest reported).�
guest This may be part of the parking sensors and/or summon. I use summon to pull the nose of the car closer to a curb and also to fine tune the distance in a tight garage manually using the keb fob. I found the last update .17 to "lunge" a bit too quickly on summon start, and didn't stop right away when using the FOB to stop the car. I had a few panic situations where I thought I would hit a curb or parking block.
I tried it again and summon instigates the forward or backwards much slower and gradual. I also noticed it was more responsive when trying to stop it. I'll update firmware tracker.�
guest another anomaly I noticed was the door will not auto close unless the auto present is turned on. This auto close worked fine before, whether the auto present was enabled or not.�
guest Noticed last night that the car no longer sounds the error chimes when the car is off and you turn the headlights on. Don't know whether that was changed in this release or the one before.�
guest 2.17.37 add destination chargers ?�
guest I'm glad it's not just me seeing these "ghosts". The "key not in the car" has shown up a few times. Usually, I just hit the lock button and it sees the key. I saw the notification for the latest update (2.17.37 I assume) when I got in the car this morning. I did not get the notification on the Tesla iPhone app this time??
There has been a lot of traffic on the Facebook pages about AutoPilot running amuck off of the highway. Hopefully, this update fixes that. My AP has not done anything really strange but I have noticed some "lane hunting" on surface streets. I'll update tonight and report back.�
guest Yep, the US had the destination chargers on the center display for a while now, but it seems like Tesla just rolled it out to the EU.�
guest Did AP improve? I now see further road lines.�
guest The lines for adjacent lanes, if any are recognized, have been there for quite a while, I believe.�
guest If you mean the grey lines to either side of your lane, those other lines show that auto-steer is aware of adjacent lanes that you can change into. It's been there since Day 1 of the autopilot feature as far as I know.
guest ah. my mistake, never really noticed it until now.�
guest 2.17.37's autopilot is the best so far! I AP'd it to work today (like every day), all previous versions would struggle (in varying ways) through a few turns on the freeway. Mostly because of overhead (bridges) shading while the freeway dips and turns making the area difficult to follow.
This version is absolutely spot on around those turns.�
guest AP software was upgraded from version 7 to 8 in this release. The internal AP version number�
guest How do you know?�
guest Yeah, it definitely feels that way. Where do you find that information?�
guest Firmware v7.1 (2.16.17) - Some Notes | wk057's SkieNET
"Anyway, I was looking through 2.16.17 a bit. Looks like autopilot got a version bump from 7.7.3 to 8.2.0."�
guest Had an issue with the 2.17.37 update (not sure it's related, but just happened day after) driving at night, and the auto high beam dimming was malfunctioning. wouldn't turn on for the longest time... tried on/off with the light stalk, flash the high beams. then magically, started to work again. may be an issue�
guest It's pretty clear from that that the AP update happened between versions 2.13.77 and 2.16.17. The latest release is 2.17.37 which is not discussed there.�
guest I had that happen after 2.16.17. Still don't have the new version yet.�
guest I really look forward to this. Latest 2.16.17 AP is very drunk.�
guest I'm guessing the X in your avatar means this post is about a Model X? Or are you confusing the term auto-close with something else on a Model S?�
guest I am not seeing improved behavior using 2.17.37. Of course I am not driving Interstates, but Illinois farm roads (which sometimes are poorly marked).�
guest Seems to do a better job of recognizing a stopped or quickly slowing car and beginning to slow down much sooner. Still overshoots when changing lanes but seems gentler in re-centering than previous. Doesn't seem to weave as much within the lane.�
guest This release seems to do a little better with slowing while in curves and realizing it's going too fast. I'd like to see it slow more and be much more predictive and slow prior to entering the curve.�
guest During the commute today, I noticed the car braking more often.. with no one in front of me. However, I am in the carpool lane and the other two lanes to the right of me are almost fully stopped.
I also had the car swerve quickly to the left a short distance (~2 feet), but not enough for me to take over AP.�
guest Oops! It's user error. Sorry about that!�
guest No need to be sorry. I didn't see an X in your signature (no sig at all), so I didn't know if you meant an X or something I just misunderstood.
guest Installing an OTA software update right now.... Arrived on the S at 3 AM via WiFi was on 2.16.17
... Yesterday, I received & activated the free AutoPilot one month trial and was able to give it a short test... I wonder if using AutoPilot features prompted TM to send me the firmware update. I will log it into the tracker when I know what version it is. This is my second update since 3/3/16 when first delivered.
Update completed in very short order. I would say 1/2 hour and it was 2.17.37.�
guest Look again closely in Google maps. You will see additional info for Superchargers. Unfortunately this release comes without the Trip Planner. This however was unknown to Tesla when I contacted them. So wait for the next release because Trip Planner was very useful.�
guest I can't stand this feature of TACC. The car slows significantly more than necessary for curves (I personally would prefer no slowing at all). Driving at a 45 mph speed limit, the car will slow to 30 mph for a tight curve, causing a line of cars to bunch up behind me. The Tesla and the cars behind me are all capable of handling the turn at 45 mph. I feel like I have my 82 year old grandmother controlling the TACC. I've learned to turn it off during these sections of road.�
guest Thrilled to get yet another update. Initially, the destination chargers tab appeared blank. Fixed with a reboot. The nearest destination charger to me is 4,162 km at the Esplanade Zagreb Hotel...now that would be an interesting road trip...�
guest Agree. I use the go pedal in those cases. I assume it will get better, but these rapid updates are getting more annoying to me than my iPhone ones. I may skip a few.�
guest On 2.17.37 now, and I have yet to experience any significant slowing for curves. I tested an exit ramp.
Perhaps there is a setting that I have missed.
Significant curves occur in two places on freeways: on interchanges, and on or near exit ramps.
On winding two-lane highways, significant slowing is often needed.
When on a road segment that is not known to the Dash-Nav, significant unexpected slowing has been reported.
In which of these conditions (or some other) are you experiencing automatic slowing, please?
Is the slowing when using just TACC, or only when using full AS?
Is your car reading the yellow diamond speed-slowing warning signs?
Thanks, Gary�
guest There must be a setting I'm missing or we've two different definitions of curves. In earlier versions my car didn't slow at all. In the past 2 or 3 releases it's slowed slightly but only once in the curve and realizing that it's going too fast. Even here it will only slow from perhaps 45 to 42 (and give me a hands on wheel nag).
Now, if a car in front of me slows to make a turn then Tesla seems to slow a bit much and for too long and I have to give it a bit of encouragement.�
guest Sometimes it slows down more than necessary (which is a subjective measure; by the way), but sometimes it slows down less than needed for AP to keep the car in its lane - which is a totally different issue in and of itself.
For those times that you feel it slows down too much, you can easily feather the throttle pedal to bring it up to the desired speed. I found that more effective than turning AP off and back on for every curve.
But sometimes it's also just more fun to actually drive with no machine intervention!
guest No. I denied the AP trial, but also received a software update notification this morning - 2.17.37�
guest The problem is most pronounced on highway 24 climbing out of Colorado Springs to Woodland Park. It's a divided highway with two lanes in each direction. There are several miles of curvy canyon roads, but no switchbacks. The speed limit drops from 55 to 45 through this section. Autopilot does not work well in this section, I only use the TACC. I would not fault AP for excessive slowing for turns since the car is driving itself and must remain cautious. But TACC feels like a worried passenger who has to step on the brakes before each turn. The dash continues to display the 45 mph speed limit though this section. I don't know if the car is picking up the canyon walls and assumes I'm about to crash. There has never been a warning sound or emergency braking and any false car/truck icons on the dash indicating it senses an obstacle. The cars reaction to each turn has not been predictable. Most times it slows down significantly (more than 10 mph below the set speed) and sometimes it wont slow at all. I just wish the TACC would stick to the selected speed unless I am approaching another vehicle in my lane.
The solution for me is to turn off TACC during this stretch of road. Which is actually a requirement at the moment because my wife is 8 months pregnant and can not stand all the speed changes with TACC on.
It was difficult to find good pictures of the road, but these give you the general sense of it.
guest Is this a new construction, within the last roughly 3 years or so?
If the old road still shows on the Dash-Nav map, the car might think that you are driving off-road, and slow you substantially in what appear to be strange places, even though the touchscreen map has the new road.�
guest Thanks @ERP for sharing the photos. Reminded me of my Segway electric ride adventure in Colorado back in July 2003 at Rocky Mountain National Park at 12,183 feet. The view is spectacular without the windshield. I look forward to a 100% Tesla visit in the future.
(Enjoyed using the Segway through the western US, my first personal electric transport. It had firmware updates too.)�
guest So just a couple of weeks after the broad roll-out of "Needs more cowbells" (2.16.17) the as of yet unnamed 2.17.37 appears to be pushed out to most cars as well - we have crossed 200 reported installs this morning, which means that something like half of the fleet should have gotten it (since what we consider full roll-outs usually get around 400 reports).�
guest Updated today, and man - the TACC became much more aggressive. I was driving today in stop&go traffic, and it was not a pleasure - breaking later than before, and accelerating harder/more aggressively. Subjective impression is that 2.16.17 was smoother.
Other than that - nothing new.�
guest That's not good news! I already find the late braking rather nerve wracking, especially at highway speeds.�
guest And another random update... we're at 227 reports for 2.17.37 (keep them coming), and in a way more interestingly the first two reports for 2.17.65...�
guest This might indicates the end of 2.17.37 active downloading, only pending updates remaining. It really looks like an half fleet install. Comparing also with TeslaLog user base, 250 install where previous full roll-out were 408 & 356.�
guest I just got 2.17.37 but havent seen what was updated�
guest Is that behavior affected by the setting for following distance?�
guest I yet have to find out. But I always had it on 3, and I can see a difference. Will put it higher and see how it goes.�
guest When I got 2.16.17 I felt that issue of harder braking (Or maybe it was the one before that) and once the new one came about it was smoother again. Hope this new update doesnt revert back to that.�
guest Just drove 30 miles on autopilot with the new update and noticed zero difference. Which is fine with me.�
guest Maybe Ingineer can interject whether the autopilot module was updated.�
guest Or, even better, which modules were updated on .17.37.�
guest Doh. He already did. Thought it was for a previous release.
guest I have been notified of the update but am not installing at this point. Is there a place in the tracker for that data? e. g. It was rolled out to me, but I am waiting a bit...�
guest Yesterday I downloaded 2.17.37 in my new 90D.�
guest I think you can just wait to update tracker until you install it but @dirkh or @HankLloydRight can correct me if I'm wrong.�
guest Just don't fill it in and use the date you finally install it as the date. It is mainly used for tracking purposes and thus, if you wait, your data is already stale. Hopefully someday Tesla will update the screen to say what version would be installed. Then we could ask Hank to change the site to allow a received date vs. installed date. Right now he doesn't do that b/c there is no way to know what version you got until after you install it.
And if you are like me that waits for it to settle a bit before installing, sometimes you get follow up updates while waiting. I jumped multiple versions before and multiple times got the notification on my phone that there was an update waiting. Some of those were likely a newer one than my pending install being downloaded.�
guest Received 2.17.37 today.�
guest I had two incidences during my 30 mile commute today in which my car thought there was someone in front of me, tried to stop and there was not a car in my lane. I have never had that happen before this recent software update! I quess the car was detecting the traffic near me and thought it was in my lane! Very disappointed with this update so far!�
guest I don't think that's because of the .17.37 update. That's happened to me a few times since 7.1 came out where it loses track of the car in front and it needs to be fixed!�
guest FWIW, I've only put a few miles on since having 2.17.37 installed, but my impression is sensitivity of the (front) parking sensors has increased. I turn left at a signal near my home very often, which has a median with a curb on the left we line up against waiting for the light. While I appreciate that my distance to that curb will make a difference, with the dozens of previous times I've been there and looked at my IC while stopped, the "radar" graphic from the front bumper is always white or perhaps yellow (generally with autosteer off of course). I was very surprised to see those indicators as red today -- so much so, that I turned around to go back, wait for that light again with the same curb on my left and yup, red once again. I could have missed it in the past, but I doubt it -- the red is something I have rarely, if ever encountered before, and I doubt I was closer to the curb both times today than I've ever been before.
guest Yes, just wait until the install is complete and then update the tracker.�
guest My car got serviced today, and I got an upgrade prompt. The version is 2.17.80. I have put it in the tracker. I don't know what to look for in changes, but if there is anything I should focus on or check out, just let me know.�
guest If we haven't named 2.17.37 yet, how about "Destination Europe".�
guest What's wrong with the water at Tesla? We now have 2.17.50, 2.17.65 and 2.17.80... all three with reports today. With all due respect - I'm supposed to believe that all of these builds went through reasonable testing and QA cycles?�
guest It was. I posted the summary of systems updated a few pages back: Firmware 7.1�
guest I have been getting none of the recent builds. It's as if Tesla had shut the updates off for my vehicles.�
guest I had the "TC/SC/AEB/AP/regen disabled" issue a couple of times prior to 2.16.17. Now my car is on 2.17.50 (installed by SC as part of Ludicrous retrofit), and I just got another "AEB disabled" error as I pulled out of the SC. The error went away after a power-off as before. Looks like they still haven't fixed this particular bug in the latest firmware.�
guest I think there's been a change to the premium audio as well.
Before, when I pressed and held the upper button on the wheel (left side, of course), source would change from the USB to the radio. To go back to where I was on the USB I'd have to bring it up on the center console and go through the entire selection process again.
This morning when I switched from radio to USB on the center console, I saw that the USB source showed where I was when it switched away. I just selected that point and it picked up at that song.
That's an improvement IMHO.�
guest Observation: Those three build numbers are exactly .15 apart.
Maybe they're actually doing some sort of A/B/C testing?
Then again, probably not. <rolleyes>�
guest Last version required me to reboot the CID to re-enable the subwoofer 2 times. So I'd say there are some changes happening.�
guest You are QA.
Maybe if they had comprehensive release notes and a system to file bugs it may be more productive than annoying.�
guest You nailed it. They clearly don't do sufficient QA on these builds. How could they possibly do that. And if we are supposed to do the QA for them, we need to know what changed / what to test, and how to get our feedback to them.
guest I don't think they want or need our feedback. TMC is collecting data without the contradictory comments of what someone likes or another one wants (feedback garbage). They are improving the car with a vision of what the market wants and needs. Amazing how driving the most advanced production car in the world gives us a sense of entitlement and a air of superiority.
Every revision no matter how small is a "improvement" in the sense that it moves the technology limited by the hardware forward. Clearly the improvements will become smaller and smaller as the platform becomes aged but the knowledge gathered up is used to springboard into the next leap forward. So sure, we are, as early adopters, the QC and experimental guinea pigs. Wouldn't have it any other way.�
guest How exactly are they collecting "I'm freezing the heater isn't working and I have to toggle range mode on and off to defrost myself still hoping to make it to my destination"?�
guest That is just you. On a broader range of data collection most are not having the difficulty that you are having (I haven't so I offset your discomfort with another of my own). You live in New England (cold), I live in Florida (hot). Is the climate control for heat adequate? Cool? Or compared to ICE.
So do they modify the fleet because you didn't plan well? I don't mean that disparagingly. I have cut things close as well.
Back to the old adage you can't please all of the people all of the time.�
guest No it's not just me, it's just not you. It doesn't work *right* compared to any ICE car, and it's clearly a software problem.
The car should literally be pleasing all of the people all of the time, or people will buy better products.This is not politics, it's engineering.�
guest Updated to 2.17.37 two days ago. I do not drive with AC (Climate) on. I crack all the windows and enjoy the cool ocean air. Anyway, yesterday and today, the AC/Climate system will just randomly turn on. I set it back to Off, but at no particular time or distance, it turns back on.
Any ideas if this is related to the firmware 2.17.37 update? I have had Zero problems like this in the past.�
guest Nonsense. Engineering be it software or mechanical is always a compromise.
Name one thing that everyone is happy with all of the time and I'll concede. No such thing.�
guest Bullshit. That's what software does. One thing for another situation, another thing for another.
Like I said above, there are pure software problems with the climate control. The hardware is perfectly capable. The guy working on it doesn't know what he's doing, or doesn't have any feedback that there is something wrong. Between Fremont and Florida, neither of you apparently have a clue.�
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