guest I just got my 70D and autopilot has worked flawlessly for me. I've driven probably 300 miles on autopilot on both city and highway miles and it it's amazing. Works so good on the freeway that I barely have to manage anything other than the occasional lane change where it can't detect the other lanes for some reason.�
guest Ha! I posted that 14 minutes ago. I just checked my phone and it shows that 8 minutes ago the car sent me a text saying I have a software update available.
Can't wait to get home.
guest Keep us posted�
guest Back to a non rainbow road discussion for a sec. I'm on 2.14.105, and the main thing I'm running into new is a frequent "Key not in car anymore, car will not restart" warning. It seems to happen randomly and rebooting isn't helping. No low fob batteries or anything which is odd and its definitely just one key that approach car with, and have in the car with me.
Anyone else running into this more now that is still on 2.14.105?�
guest Got my first update since taking delivery 5 weeks ago. 2.12.126 -> 2.16.17�
guest Just a friendly reminder...not directed towards anyone in particular...
One of the reasons The Firmware Upgrade Tracker ( Tesla Firmware Upgrade Tracker Web App ) was started was so that this and other threads wouldn't get cluttered with lots of "me too" posts about simply getting the latest firmware version when the latest version has been out for days. I'm not a moderator, and not here to try to dictate what people should and should not post, but in general the consensus that was reached was that those kinds of posts really didn't add much to the discussion. Yes, we as a group want to have the data, and the collection of that data is now available through the tracker, thanks to Dirk and Hank. By all means, please do update the tracker when you get a new version. Check the data there, to see how many other people are getting the new version if that interests you. Certainly if you think you are among the first to get a new version, post in this thread to tell everyone about it. If you discover something about a new version, or have anything that you think could add to the discussion, or help someone else, post away. But if you're about to post, just to say that you also received version x.y.z, and haven't noticed anything different about it, and there are already several other posts just like that, perhaps think twice about whether or not you really want to make that post or not. (And while you're thinking about it, please update the tracker!)
guest Rainbow road is actually potentially useful as a more pronounced indicator that autosteer is on. The little grey vs. blue steering wheel icon is easy to ignore. On a couple of occasions I thought I activated auto-steer but for some reason it only activated TACC, resulting with me surprised why the car is leaving the lane on the first curve. Now, if there only was a way to enable it as a default auto-steer indicator...�
guest Did a line-by-line comparison of release notes between 2.14.66 and the ones for the new one (2.16.17). Could only find one word that had been changed. Drove for 30 minutes and saw no changes other than the cowbell easter egg already mentioned.�
guest does the update carry a fix for the short circuit that caused the supercharger fire in Norway?
Tesla will update the Model S software for safer charging following a Supercharger fire�
guest My Homelink has been working great too over the past 2 weeks of ownership - just installing the update this morning myself though.�
guest While I can appreciate your efforts to consolidate and reduce the redundant "me too" posts, this discourages input and stifles the collective voice of this forum.�
guest Sorry, but I personally disagree. If used, the tracker removes "clutter" and "noise" with posts that don't add any new content to the collective forum. Those sort of "me too" posts are fine to make an individual feel good they are contributing, exude their personal excitement, or to add to their own post count if that is important to them, but IMHO unless there is additional content related to a problem or unique observation, it just makes threads longer with little value to the majority and those of us that try to keep up with many of the threads here. (The difficult part for me is people that jump in to long threads saying they don't have time to read them, asking a question that was covered ad-infinatum earlier but who don't want to wade through the clutter. To the degree as a community we can keep threads more content-rich, I believe it makes any forum even more valuable. Posters can always use the "Off Topic" forum if they simply want to vocalize.)
Fortunately we can all have our opinions and still post what we want within the guidelines set forth by TMC. Peace.�
guest Maybe some forum readers don't know how to access the details to see the 1,776+ entries for version 7.1. Here's how:
1. Click this direct link, no account needed: Tesla Firmware Upgrade Tracker Web App
2. Scroll down and select: Full Data Extract Version 7.1 (full)
3. Click the number "20" (at left side) between the "Show -- entries" and select the highest number (currently 1776) OR/AND type the forum name/handle of the person you want to view in the Search: field (at right side). (Optionally type any searchable data in the Search:, like Build number or Date of Update.)
4. Enjoy scrolling through the list of entries. Notice the Handle name, Model Description, Model S or X, Performance or Standard, Battery pack kWh, Dual Motor, Auto Pilot, Tech Package, VIN number, Date of Update, Version, Build, WiFi or 3G or SC (Service Center), Country, Time and Notes.
Thanks for the Tesla Firmware Upgrade Tracker!�
guest Hummm.... I too noticed some pretty odd Vampire Drain on my first evening with 2.16.17. Put the S away last evening with 188 rated miles, tethered to the HPWC and this morning I come out to be greeted with only 170 rated miles... I am in always connected mode with WIFI available and operational. The car was off and locked.
I had set the charge level low as I did not foresee the need to charge..... thus no charging was performed over night. In the past vampire drain was perhaps 1 or 2 rated miles, not 18. Something may have changed in this area.
Oddly enough, after driving to the gym and some errands and going 7 miles, my rated range is UP to 171 miles. Go figure this??? I noticed there was one other earlier post reporting similar behavior.
On other thing I noticed.. the seat heater was PERISTENT as when I came out of the gym, my driver sideseat heater was still ON...??? On 2.12.126 I think it would turn off? Was it on all night?�
guest That's pretty massive
That's plain weird. I have had my rated miles not drop for the first couple of miles driven, especially if a charge finished just as I unplugged, but I have never seen it go up (unless going downhill enough to add 3 rated miles). Very odd.
That has been the case for me since v5 IIRC. I know early on that didn't work but it's been like this for ages - annoyingly also for the passenger seat, even if that isn't occupied...�
guest Sorry, I vehemently disagree. The whole reason the tracker was started was to remove the "I've got it" posts. They don't provide "voice", they provide "noise". No one is suggesting that people who have an observation or a useful (or funny) comment to make not do that. That would be their "voice". But simply adding "me too" is less than helpful because it is impossible to gage the raw numbers by posts like this, yet they make useful posts stand out less.
So in my mind it is the "me too" posts that suppress the interesting discussions here.
Speaking of the tracker...275 reports of 2.16.17, so this is clearly the third full rollout of 7.1 (after 2.9.154 and 2.12.126)�
guest fwiw: updating now�
guest As far as I'm concerned, persistence of driver's seat heater settings is a feature, not a bug. Actually, I want the other cold-weather settings to persist too, but I've gotten used to toggling them back on so it's not a big deal. I agree it'd be nice if the passenger seat didn't persist, though better still they could use the occupancy sensor for the airbag as a cue to turn off the heater.�
guest Yes, that's something I noticed ever since I replaced my 2013 85 with a 2016 85D. The 'vampire drain' has increased from ~4 miles per day to over 7 miles per day. This is with all settings at minimum energy usage and has been consistent from OS 2.11.54 up to 2.16.17 that I received 2 days ago.
I do notice that my Tesla app starts up quicker now. But I would trade that for less 'vampire drain' any day.�
guest Looking at the logs from yesterday, my vampire drain increased a LOT as well. I'm still on .126 but I got a firmware push overnight. Even after the notification got sent out the car stayed awake for more than 4 hours. Not normal for my car.
Perhaps Tesla is keeping our cars awake for some reason?�
guest First thing I noticed today since installing 2.16.17 yesterday is I got the best Wh/mi ever on a routine daily drive this morning. Normally I get around 290-295 Wh/mi for a particular 10-mi drive; this morning I got 255 Wh/mi. No difference in driving, temperature, weather, traffic, etc., but a markedly different result on a very routine drive. No idea if this change is at all related to 2.16.17, but it's a good change and I'll take it thank you
Now I'm curious if my 90% charge level has increased.
As for a worsening of vampire drain, no idea yet. I try to time the charging of the car to be just early and just late enough into the pre-dawn hours so that when I walk out to the garage the car is either just finishing charging or just finished a couple minutes earlier -- so I don't see the vampire drain. Of course, it was prolly draining all night until the charge started... sigh...�
guest Interesting, I record my daily drives and have noticed no improvement in efficiency with 2.16.17.
Note: It's easy to say "there was no difference in weather, traffic, temperature, etc." but once you start to log this stuff closely you will realize that there are wild variations that you never thought of before.
For example, driving at average 70mph will yield a significantly worse efficiency than an average 65mph. And guess what, it's really hard to know the difference in average speed without taking precise measurement of time driven and distance driven (hint: always drive the same distance over the same stretch of road for consistency, and measure time precisely down to the seconds).�
guest Understood, but when I say I frequently do this same drive, it really is the same drive, on rural roads with 35 and 50mph speed limits and occasional hills. I watch the Wh/mi like a hawk, and today was really surprised at the drop considering no material change versus yesterday in terms of drive, weather, etc.�
guest Range mode on/off?�
guest Has the 90D range increased to 294 with this update? I'm seeing the increased range posted on the DS webpage. Can anyone verify the 294 mile range?�
guest I always drive w/ Range Mode on...�
guest Not for me. It's still about 278 here. I'm hoping the promised update that brings the 2015 90D's to the current numbers happens very soon.�
guest Lost all my slacker favorites as well as the default list of slacker stations with this update. I can search, add new stations, and listen to them though, so Slacker at least is working.�
guest That's odd. I just went out and checked mine. SLacker and TuneIn are still signed-in and favorites are all there. Even still have my EQ settings after this update.�
guest Yup, my Slacker and TuneIn favs are all there as they were. Doing a charge now and will watch Rated Miles after the charge to monitor the drain.�
guest Hi,
I would very much like to contribute to the tracker data. But I just don't get it: How can I log on to the tracker? What is the "forum handle", where do I get the Pin?
Confused regards
guest Keith:
Go to post #32 on this thread and Private Message user HankLloydWright. Hank built the firmware tracker and I am sure he can help you out with some instructions. I did that so long ago I rightly cannot remember what the exact steps were. Glad to have another tracker on board!
guest By chance, were you using your own login account for Slacker and with the update, you got signed out of your account and signed into the car's default account?�
guest Occasionally I'll park somewhere for about 10-15 minutes, and when I come back to the car I have one more rated mile than when I parked. I think it's just voltage settling, or something like that. I've only noticed it if I park soon after I start driving at the start of the day, after the completion of a 90% or 100% charge.�
guest I just 90% charged to 238.8, which maybe the highest I've seen it.
edit - and the 90D range may have more to do with the default wheel changing than software.�
guest I've just been using the Tesla account. The thing that is most concerning is not only did I lose favorites, but all the standard channels are missing as well. It's an empty page. I'll try reboot later today.�
- Go to the login screen
- Find your TMC User Name "Keith Sauvant" in the drop down
- Put in a 4-digit PIN and remember it
- Click the sign-in/login button
Then in the future, sign on by selecting your same TMC User Name and the PIN. Fill out the specifics on your MS one time, then when you come back, you can just add firmware details where it says that at the bottom of your summary screen.
As was suggested, if that does not do it, Hank is a really responsive guy to assist.�
guest Wind is hard to guage - even a 5 mph difference can affect m/kwh�
guest Thank you, that worked. Not very intuitive, though�
guest Sorry, what am I missing here? DId you change from 21" to 19" and have Tesla change that in your profile or ???�
guest I'm talking about the change from 288 to 294 for 90D at teslamotors.com not my car.�
guest Just noticed today I'm up to 231 on my 90% charge. My car has regularly charged between 227 and 229. I've never seen 230 let alone 231.�
guest I know this can all be placebo-effect, but to my taste, Autopilot has gotten much more nervous than it used to be before 2.16.17. Was driving home today under what I would call perfect lighting on the highway, and the car made a lot of small, jerky corrections, trying to stay centered in the lane. Also, it seemed to be sticking to the right lane more aggressively than before.�
guest I recently updated to 2.16.17, and while my volume wheel on the steering wheel is working now, and XM stations changing more quickly, I am now having a problem that I had not had since a few firmware revisions ago: more often than not, I cannot disconnect a handsfree call using the center touchscreen or the wheel on the right side of the steering wheel. It just doesn't respond to any input when trying to disconnect. Not sure if this is only me, but I thought I'd mention it.�
guest My rated miles also jumped up after the update. I'm now getting 236 rated miles at 90% charge, where I previously was only getting 232.�
guest Not sure what's going on here but earlier today there was a post in a different thread asking if the newest update solved the supercharger fire issue. I've been trying to reply (saying I think that was fixed a few updates ago) but I keep getting redirected to this thread with over 2,000 posts. What happened to the original thread?�
guest I have the same opinion post 2.16.17, more jerky and staying (uncomfortably) close to the right side of the lane.�
guest Interesting posts here:
First, those saying vampire drain has increased on 2.16.17: I lost about 2 rated miles over 8 hours today--which is par for the course for me (I typically see a loss of 6 miles a day). So I don't see a change here.
For those saying autopilot seems more nervous: I drive almost the exact same 75-80 miles most days, much of it on autopilot. I have noticed zero significant differences in the latest build when compared to 2.14.66 (my previous version).�
guest I had a better experience with auto-pilot when it first came out, personally. Since 7.1 it has definitely felt more skittish and seems to keep the lane less accurately. I've noticed that in areas where you drive over the crest of hills, the car seems to panic a bit when it can't see the road and I inevitably have to take control to keep the car in the lane/on the road. I can't wait for the update that resolves that particular behavior.�
guest Hmm, I can't disagree that lately Autoilot seems to be more back in the gutter (right side) and it's been a bit all over the road at times, but I was pretty sure it was big gusts of wind, I'm not sure there's a lot of code to specifically deal with that. And I can't say for sure that this is just since the update.�
guest Doing my data gathering for the vampire drain. So far, every three wall clock hours results in a reduction of 1 rated mile while the car is plugged in to shore power and car is locked but in the "always connected" mode with strong WiFi signal available. All climate and seat heaters off.�
guest Anyone know why my car ping's www.google.com every minute or two on my home wifi? I don't see any reason for this.�
guest I think that's a bit of a longstanding bug, or at least known odd behavior. I think this probanly means your in-car browser is set to google. Change it to a different website, and I think this will stop happening.
I think.�
guest It's looking for Tesla Porn???�
guest Interesting - after 321 reports for 2.16.17 we now have a first entry for 2.16.31 - andrewket in his Model X... Andrew, you get to name that one
guest I agree- it's safer when the autosteer activity is more easily recognised as on or off....�
guest I agree completely re: hard to discount the placebo effect when we gauge things like autosteer behaviour.
Interestingly, I installed the new software yesterday, and driving to work this morning thought to myself "wow, autosteer is back to the confident, stable, confidence-inspiring patterns it displayed 2 updates ago"!! So I don't know what changed , if anything
BTW, I'm in Australia, so who knows? Maybe ours got better when yours got worse!?�
guest I had a AEB activation today on 2.6.17. It seems it's evolved from the stage of simply reducing crash velocity, to actively interfering with driving. Things were under control but the computer hit the brakes HARD, it's disconcerting to feel brake pedal sinking under your foot as the car brakes much harder than you intended. I didn't actually get close to hitting anyone. The experience kinda just sucked. Dashcam recorded -1G.
guest Will you be posting a video?�
guest Updated 2 days ago to 2.16.17 but got the "Automatic Emergency Breaking Disabled" message twice when entering the car in the morning. I usually use summon to get the car out the garage but both days had to manually back out. Is this something that goes away or I should call support? Not sure how to tell if it reactivates when I drive or not..�
guest I had the same. Message cleared after I cleaned the radar sensor (driving didn't help).
You might also want to try power off the car, leave it off for like 5 minutes and then turn it back on (push the break pedal). If that doesn't help, call the help desk.�
guest Thanks for the tip! I will give that a try and clean the sensor just in case.�
guest This sounds like something Tesla would certainly want to hear about. I'm sure the car has loads of relevant telemetry data for them to look at.�
guest I would give them tons of feedback if they had an official mechanism to do so. As of now, it seems in the voice reporting is ignored, and I'm not going to write blind emails to service email aliases, because I don't have a service problem, I don't want to deal with first tier support/service people.�
guest Something very similar to this AEB problem was reported over in Potential AEB misstep. I may have lost confidence.�
guest My hill hold brake now seems much harder to activate. I use it a lot at lights and after the previous update 2.12.126 it became much easier to just tap the brake and engage. Now I have to mash on the brake pedal as I had to do originally after 7.1 first came to me. Much prefer the tap to the mash.�
guest Huh, so maybe it wasn't my imagination noticing that yesterday after all...�
guest I'm seeing the opposite. I use hill mode pretty much every time I stop at a light. Previously I could engage hill mode with the slightest of extra pressure on the break pedal after stopping. Now it seems to engage as soon as the car stops, without any extra force on the pedal. I kinda prefer it like this and wish there was a way to know it is actually doing this (maybe add a setting for it), so that I don't have to always look down at the dash for the H to display before taking my foot of the pedal.�
guest Count yourself lucky. Us Classic owners don't even get the H on the display at all!
guest I have not noticed any change in how my hold brake performs. It consistently works with a slight tap of the brake. What I have noticed since the 2.16.17 update that is now my fold-out mirrors work everytime I open the door. Before, it was intermittent and sometimes wait until I placed my foot on the brake to put into gear before they extended.�
guest I got this error (and a few more) also after I parked the car (Model X) for about an hour. Center console reset did not clear the error. I powered off/on the car (from the controls screen) and the error went away.�
guest So that's 8 miles per day. As I stated in my prior post on this issue, I am also getting around 7+ mpd. But that's in contrast to my prior 85 RWD (2013, v7.1 (2.9.154) which averaged about 4 mpd. But since they are different cars, I can't point to the software upgrade as the culprit.
Another thought - could 3rd party apps be influencing this number?
I have enrolled in Tesla Log (teslalog.com) and the Remote S app.
Tesla Log has a Geolog feature where one can set areas where the car's current temperature environment (A/C and seat heat settings (?)) can be extended 30 mins in regions designated by you - for instance when picking up kids from school, grocery shopping etc. I thought I might have inadvertently set this ON when I park in my garage, but checked and it wasn't.
Also Remote S seems to have a conflict with the Tesla app - once I checked my charging in both apps, and it seemed the Remote turned off the charging after I had remotely started it with the Tesla app. Could it have turned on climate control also by mistake?�
guest Yes, definitely.
I believe the car is not sleeping if you are using TeslaLog, so that would impact vampire drain.�
guest Is this new? I don't remember seeing the whole car before and it also told me distances both front and back when I was reversing today. Things change so fast it's hard to keep up, so forgive me if it's always been that way. And be gentle.�
guest I'm answering this from memory, but I believe the view you showed pops up for me when I'm in reverse and the sensors detect obstacles nearby. Alternatively, I think I can bring that view up myself by touching on the little orange cone on the screen when it is available. That display would also show the colorful sensor information if you were close to any objects.
As for how long it has been around, I can't say exactly, but it has definitely been around for a while--perhaps since the beginning of version 7. If not since that far back, then a little less time than that, but it isn't "new" at all. It's been around for many months, at least.�
guest Perhaps the bumper sticker created a different look to what you have been used to seeing. It got my attention.�
guest Ever since Tesla added the ability to reduce vampire drain by having the power saving features, I've averaged pretty much 2 miles per day of rated range vampire loss. With the last 2 firmware updates that I've received (both in the last 10 days), my vampire drain has been at least 8 miles per day. It is almost as if it is ignoring the energy saver features (which I have verified haven't changed in my settings). Although not at all happy with it, at least I know that I'm not alone! I really hope this bug doesn't persist for another year (like the USB media bug has).�
guest Right, as Andy suggested, this has been around for a while. The display comes up in reverse and only shows distances when the first warning comes up showing distance. When things are beyond the range of the ultrasonics, no distances are shown.�
guest For those reporting additional vampire drain after applying 2.16.17, here's a comparative data point:
It's been more than 48 hours since I've applied 2.16.17 to my S90D. My daily vampire loss (including USB Phantom Playing) has remained 3-4 miles per day which I've seen since delivery more than 6 months ago. I see no difference after applying this firmware release on my S90D. Energy Savings ON, Always Connected Checked, Range Mode ON, plugged into my 80A HPWC, and USB Music Playing when I shut the door on my MS.
FWIW, as reported elsewhere long ago, "USB Phantom Playing" accounts for something between 2-3 miles/day of my vampire loss in my non-scientific testing.Is this additional vampire drain problem perhaps unique to S85s?
guest Sorry, I've been out of the thread for a few days...
Just a correction, to make it a little clearer:
In Keith's case, if he was not previously registered, his TMC handle would not be in the drop-down list.
- Go to the Firmware Tracker login screen
- If you are already registered, select your name from the dropdown
- If you are not already registered, enter your TMC Handle where indicated.
- In either case, enter your existing, or new, PIN.
Can you explain how? I think it's pretty simple, actually. You either select your existing handle to log in, or create a new account. I think the page is pretty clear on that:
guest Does anyone have any specifics on what's different between the widely deployed 3.16.17 and the (so far) much more sparsely deployed 3.16.31? Are some people still getting .17 at this point, or are all new updates .31?�
guest I don't know the differences but I'm sure the tracker can tell you who is getting what.�
guest That's how I know what the relative distributions are, but it doesn't (seem to?) provide any info about the content of each update.
guest The challenge is, all Tesla officially provides are the release notes, which dont even change with many of the dot releases. (Which is too bad IMHO, to at least not go to the next level with say how Apple, Microsoft, etc do business.) The only way to find what I'd call "the bigger ticket items" that Tesla does not specify is by reading this thread. Some people some times go through a parallel capture of the code and determine which modules are affected, which adds to the speculation of what's been touched, but honesty, no one outside of Tesla Engineering really knows for a fact all that may be changed.
To your specific question, I've seen nothing here as to what .31 may change over .17.�
guest Ok, clearly what we need to do here is take photos of the screen showing the release notes, do OCR on those photos, and then diff (*) those from update to update
(*) -- "diff" is a computer program that tells you how one text document differs from another [for those following along who aren't total computer geeks]�
guest Yup, I already do this but in an old-fashioned manual mode. Photos of each screen, then a side-by-side visual compare in Lightroom of both versions to see if anything changed. Ahahahaha. Some of us (at least me) are too obsessive with some of this I believe!�
guest Perhaps, though most products don't require advanced forensics and archaeology training to divine their function...�
guest Naw, ya think?But seriously, many of us appreciate this analysis. It's too bad that so many times there are no differences in release notes for you to find...
guest Even with all that work you still won't know what changed because they don't publish it.�
guest Maybe adding more cowbells in the latest Rainbow Road Easter Egg as Elon promised in his tweet...
guest Firmware Tracker maintenance time!
Since the new TMC forum went in place about a month ago, the Firmware tracker was unable to test TMC handles for validity. As such, a bunch of user accounts with no matching TMC handle got into the system. This has now been fixed, so going forward, the Firmware Tracker will continue to validate users via TMC handle.
The following Username/handles on the Firmware Tracker registered, but have not added a car to their account and of course no firmware update records. If your name/handle is on this list, your Firmware Tracker account will be deleted, and you'll need to re-register using your actual TMC handle.
tttqw ?
The following Username/handles on the Firmware Tracker registered, and added a car to their account, but not added any firmware update records. If your name/handle is on this list, your Firmware Tracker account will be deleted, and you'll need to re-register using your actual TMC handle and re-add your car:
VIN ----- Name
052326 rmolsencp
073021 dsitz
082505 tslktrk
096588 Teunie
123456 Almerten
124943 ..bender?
The following Username/handles on the Firmware Tracker registered, added a car to their account, and added at least one firmware update record. If your name/handle is on this list, please contact me ASAP via PM or Conversation so I can update your Username/Handle to match your TMC login. If I don't hear from you by April 30th, I'll assume the account was created as a spoof, and the Firmware Tracker account and all associated records will be deleted.
Thanks.VIN ---- Name
022176 maasao
034649 mrsolberg
057690 Binque
062536 ChiefMike
076446 Starlight
076xxx Tesla-S
080099 RK
083159 h
087685 Bobelle
095552 rickpoisson
099023 gc830
0999xx ..7
100046 Markiemark
1102xx gr8boy
111022 sp
115476 Amarganth
115527 jeffphp
116242 go14
120110 StormLg
guest Hi it looks that I'm on the last listSo please link my tracker username to the forums name (both identical) and could you modify the VIN from 07331 into P7331? Thanks ...
guest You just joined today, and your handle matches, so you're all set.
You can go into the tracker and change the VIN on your car. Click the "pencil" icon.�
guest I used to get a full screen camera with the car in reverse. Now it's only half. This is definitely different.
I found this thread from Feb that seems to indicate it's a bug. Will reboot and see if that fixes it.
What's this new thing?? Split image backup camera?�
guest Interesting. I've always had half-screen camera with the car in reverse, from firmware 4.something in 2013 thru 7.1 today. It's always the top half of the screen.�
guest Look at the picture in that thread closely and focus only on the top half (ignore the car outline at the bottom). The camera image is split in half and swapped so that the bottom of the image is where the top would normally be and the top of the image is where the bottom would normally be. The complaint is not with the video only being in the top half of the overall screen. That part is normal.�
guest It got worse after rebooting. idk.�
guest Interesting, now you have the problem from the thread you pointed out earlier.�
guest It's OK, Bernie just wanted to be centered in the screen.�
guest Jennifer, this sort of problem with "the bottom on the top" of the rear camera occurred once to me shortly after delivery. It did not go away with changing size of the window, it's location, or by a quick reboot while driving. I still don't understand the difference (if there is one), but suggest you ensure you keep the brake pedal down while you do the two-button push for the 17" reboot and don't let your foot off the brake until the 17" comes back on. (An alternative is to cause MS to actually power-down via the eBrake/Power-off option on the 17" -- foot off the brake; keep MS off for at least 2-3 minutes; then press the brake pedal to restart MS which will reboot in the process.) My problem resolved with the brake+reboot process and I've not encountered it since. Good luck.�
guest Does anyone else find it unnerving that the "solution" to many problems with the Tesla is basically the same voodoo
employed with crappy Windows PCs: "Yeah, that happens. Just reboot it."?�
guest Not unnerving because I thoroughly researched this car here and elsewhere before I bought it. Reboots and workarounds are part of life with emerging technology. The best part is that with OTA updates it keeps getting better and better.�
guest As Mike says, "not unnerving", but yes, I do find it disappointing my technologically-advanced luxury vehicle that is the basis for world BEV domination, and is lauded for it's custom in-house firmware and over-the-air update capability, is getting further behind when it comes to firmware refinement and as Lexus has put it for years in their marketing, any "constant pursuit of perfection".
Unless its Autopilot, "little annoyances" like needing to occasionally reboot, or Infotainment and associated capabilities that are not-quite-fully-baked for everyday use, are not high on Elon, Tesla's, and it would appear the majority of owner's priority lists to-date -- or the noise level would have likely changed things by now. As I've said in other threads, non-Autopilot firmware improvements seem to take a back seat to nearly everything unless it is targeted to address safety or negative press, gain publicity, or resolve a problem that otherwise effects the bottom line. Improving firmware for the sake of usability and customer sat of the everyday owner doesn't (yet) appear to be on Tesla's radar.
Despite that, I continue to officially report each deficiency I find to Tesla (hopefully others do the same), workaround the things I can (thanks in large part to the TMC community), while enjoying most everything else about my MS and hoping the next firmware update will increase my satisfaction and enjoyment of my MS even more.�
guest It would be unnerving if you couldn't drive during that time but that's not the case. I think I can live without music, HVAC controls for a couple of minutes.�
guest I can't remember the last time I had to "voodoo reboot" a linux system to resolve a problem. This requirement is in no way
universal for technology, emerging or otherwise.
To be clear, it isn't the imperfection of the technology that bothers me. It is the "we don't need or care to know what the
root cause of your problem was -- just reboot and cross your fingers" attitude that bugs me�
guest What evidence do you have that the practices that lead to the need for "voodoo rebooting" of some systems don't extend into more critical systems? There is obviously no top-down directive within Tesla saying "Tesla products shall not do this".�
guest How are you so sure that a RCA isn't happening after you report it? I've worked in some of the largest data centers in the world and just because a system is bounced to get the business back up doesn't mean there's not an RCA to fix a problem from reoccurring.
There's several issues over my last 6 months of Model S ownership that required a quick reboot to get me up and going and on the road such as losing cellular connectivity, map malfunction, camera issue and even a stuck window. All have eventually been resolved and haven't reoccurred. Just be sure to report everything in writing (email).
If you're looking for perfection I'm afraid you're not going to get it with this technology and this may not be the right car for you.�
guest I reboot less than once a month. Probably once every two months. I don't find that unreasonable or unnerving.�
guest For me there's a year's ownership experience. I might have had to reboot the IC and the MCU on occasion, but the safety-critical systems have never been compromised to the best of my knowledge.
From people who have done teardowns of Teslas, we know that the different computer systems in the car are very different...the IC and MCU run a Linux distribution for instance, while others run a different operating system, and likely have different software development practices. The different computer systems interact in very controlled ways.
Different parts of a system can have different reliability requirements, and I'd be surprised if Tesla didn't consider this. As an analogy, I have some experience making commercial network appliances and we prioritized the reliability of data collection and availability over the reliability of the user interface.
My $0.02...some people have much longer ownership experience, and/or know more about the embedded systems running the cars.
guest What evidence do you have that would indicate some systems would be compromised during a reboot? The fact that I've done it while the car is moving and I didn't end up in a ditch doesn't say much, but the fact that Tesla is so concerned about safety says a lot. If it at all compromised the safety of the car, Tesla wouldn't allow some type of reboot without some type of warning message let alone do it while it is in motion.�
guest Two SW updates ago, I had to reboot 4-5x per week. Before that, once in 2-3 months at most.
Seems to be fine now. Was primarily slacker radio locked up and nav didn't want to display course on map.�
guest Interesting. I have long given up on reporting things to Tesla. If a single one of my reports had lead to it actually being fixed I might have continued... but frankly I don't think they care one bit. If it's not useful to hype the stock it's not happening. And since there are clearly hundreds of thousands of sheep out there who'll happily give them money even with the way they ignore their customers right now, I don't see why this would change. And yes, having bought three Teslas in the past three years, I'm clearly among those sheep.
The moment a decent car is available to compete with Tesla I think this may have to change. Until then? Whatever.�
guest ...and that's our personal differences. It appears the detail isn't as important to you having purchased three Tesla, which sends the message to Elon all is good. We have different expectations and desires in our rides it appears. I get it, and that it's fine by me.
I've perhaps owned too many luxury vehicles that focus on refinement and whose mfgrs I do believe try to listen to their customers as to what's important. With my entire professional life involved with technology and customer service, that also highly influences my expectation what I receive as anyone's customer. I will continue to try and provide business-like input on the issues without being a broken-record until I leave the brand, or the problems are corrected to what I believe Tesla is capable of. I was one of the first in the US to own a hybrid, and drove two different Lexus hybrids for more than 10 years before moving to my Tesla this past Fall -- so being part of an environmental movement and a company promoting new tech IS important to me. I appreciate what Elon and Tesla are promoting for the future good, waited until I felt there was a pretty solid track record, and sold both my Lexus hybrid and MBZ ICE to consolidate to my single MS. I went all-in to the vision from my POV this past October.
Yet despite all the wonders, in just a few months of ownership, Tesla's demonstrated focus on the Press and tomorrow, and lack of attention to the little things today that could move my ownership experience from good to awesome has become disheartening. Tesla has not (yet) met their obligations to me as their customer resolving (firmware?) issues like lack of Rated Range on my newly delivered S90D. As it may be to some who have the cash to burn (or effectively donate to a non-tax-deductible cause and one man's vision), the tech and a promise of tomorrow isn't the only value proposition I'm looking for as a luxury vehicle (aka MS) owner. Even with some slack I acknowledged I'd need to likely give Tesla before ordering, I still expect more attention to the detail and customer satisfaction which approaches my previous luxury vehicles that cost $40K less than my MS. Tesla generally deals with problems a SC can address pretty well it appears, but almost ignoring acknowledged firmware bugs just because they can is unacceptable -- at least to me.
I recognize I'm in the minority on this position around here today, but this lack of focus on today's customer is what has moved me onto the fence as to if I would purchase another Tesla tomorrow if (heaven forbid -- knock on wood!) something happened to my beloved MS. Others like you are satisfied, and others will buy more Tesla which is great. I would really love to own a Tesla until the day I die, but despite all my studying and analysis before placing my order last Fall, now that I'm an MS owner, I am no longer confident how Tesla elects to deliver both hardware and software customer service meets my needs or expectations. I have 7.5 years left of warranty and service with my prepaid MS agreements, so we'll see where time takes Tesla and I. Peace.?�
guest I agree 100%. I'm not sure if you are in the minority or not but I suspect you aren't. Although I have seen improvements in the software, Tesla generally hasn't followed through on fixing some of the known issues. I'm just saying there have been incremental improvements that we all have noticed and many of those aren't necessarily in the release notes. As you point out they haven't given us the complete fix for the algo issue with the Rated Range problem for 90D's and fixing that (and Navigation) are key to establishing their credibility for many of us.
Having said that, this thread offshoot is about "reboots" and whether that's proof that Tesla is weak in software development. My position is that isn't proof. They may have challenges with software but I'd rather bounce my displays once in a while than to take it in to a service center. As stated, many of the things I had to reboot for were ultimately fixed in various updates. What I hope is they get better in software, organization and communication.�
guest Indeed. One way to demonstrate strength would be to adhere to one of the best practices of release management, which would be to include release notes *with every release*, no matter how trivial.
Note the iOS App Store. Won't see a release there without at the very least, the cursory "bug fixes and minor performance enhancements".
For you see, there is value in consistency, and value in even the sentence fragment above. Why? Because if I see said fragment, I know not to expect, for example, a markedly different TACC experience, or, for that matter, any significant change to the driving experience whatsoever. This will start to matter. Again, there is value in stating what something is *not*.
And no, there are no liability issues, intellectual property issues, or any of the other occasionally-espoused handwringing hokum associated with the simple adherence to enterprise-level best practice.
Firmware releases aside, my biggest concerns going forward are related to variable service experiences and expectations. Tesla pulls a lot of new Service hires from dealerships, and then this tends to snowball through referrals and such. Bad habits are harder to break than no habits.
So... now before every service visit, I photograph the car inside and out from end to end with as much rigor as the service advisor displays by feeling under the edges of the car for damage. Had I started doing this earlier, I would have saved myself the upcoming expense of replacing the dash aluminum bezel/trim pieces - one of which costs $361 to replace (the one around the MCU). No idea what the horizontal one above that costs to replace (that was bent slightly during the LTE retrofit). Nor the black plastic piece below the B-pillar that was nicked during B-pillar replacement.
Could not care less that there are dealerships out there that are just as bad, as some will undoubtedly opine. You don't measure excellence from the bottom up.
Meanwhile, I have complete confidence that the supercharger network will continue to improve both in the contexts of density as well as distance, and of course the car gets better with every production cycle and week. In theory, the car will continue to improve until less service is required, *net* of new flaws introduced. We're just not quite there yet. Close, though - as it stands today, many people have trouble-free cars and don't see the inside of a SvC but for their optional annual servicings.
The best part is that once some sustained/sustainable level of production is reached in a few years, the rough edges - up with which many of us have patiently put, will get smoothed out to the benefit of all concerned.�
guest I think you may be making the wrong conclusion about Dirk and how he feels about this from his post, Bert. Knowing what Dirk has been saying for some time, I believe you both have similar concerns and ideologies on this topic. If I'm right, it's just that Dirk is further along the frustration curve, and has essentially given up on the hope that anything he (or any of us) do will result in change, while you, Bert, still remain optimistic.�
guest I have to fully agree. Tesla right now gets away with ignoring customer complaints like this only because they don't currently have any real competition. When that changes (and eventually it will) Tesla will either change, or die. My hope is on the former, but I wouldn't at all be surprised by the later either.
The key is competition, I welcome as much competition as possible, and Tesla has always said the same, so I say bring it on. It will either result in a stronger Tesla, or not, but either way it will result in better cars for all of us, even if they don't end up having a "T" on the nose.�
guest Sounds like the transition from adolescence to adulthood, albeit in corporate terms.
Perhaps an customer-centric Ombudsman, with real power for change, as Jerome was, would help the growth pains.�
guest You know me well, Andy - I think that's exactly what it boils down to.�
guest 382 reports of 2.16.17 by now. Definitely a complete roll out. If you haven't received 2.16.17, yet, I think you are being left out.
We have six reports of 2.16.31 (but none the last couple of days) and now the first report of 2.16.51 on a P85D after it received its ludicrous update at the SC... it will be interesting if that gets rolled out OTA as well.�
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