guest Update just started for our 85D. A notification 15min later said that it failed. Car had a notification that said to wait for a new update to be sent to the car.�
guest Yes, something's rotten in Denmark, methinks. But maybe being last will be a good thing in the end...didn't feel like it for the past few days, though.�
guest Update just started for 90D in California�
guest Can you confirm that in that 20 minutes your hand did not touch the steering wheel, or the signal lever, or any other control. If no controls were touched, and you were doing at least the speed limit, then this would truly be quite different from other reports.
Unfortunately, as much as I hate the idea of a nag, that's not what's keeping me from downgrading, it's the restriction in speed of the AP if used on *random road* with *unknown speedlimit* (where car has no possible clue as to what roads are divided, nor what the speed limit is on more than 50% of roads I drive on)�
guest If.. I... only.. had.. a little.. more.. power...
I ended up getting it to work with this solution. Now I'm thinking of a longer wedge-like piece that I could mount there.
Also, if the car were 2-3 feet further down the drive, it would release emergency brake and then immediately abort summon (going into garage). Coming out of garage, it usually stops once (as it must not be able to sense the driveway due to slope). Once I try again (and the back wheels go down the small lip) it works fine.�
guest Actually very relieved to see this.
You are one of the people here who I have so much respect for that I worry when we have radically different opinions on something. (Note that it didn't stop me from expressing them, but it did concern me!)
Glad we're on the same page!�
guest I did ask but did not get an answer.�
guest Still nothing in Nevada either�
guest Nice. Please post to the Firmware Tracker ev-fw.com and mention "in California" in the Notes field. Thanks�
guest + 1�
guest There are several threads on it, but for those discussing nags, I went over 8 minutes without a nag today (almost my entire stretch of highway driving on my commute).�
guest You guys need to understand that Tesla is not a car company; it is a software company. When you deploy software, standard practice is to deploy first to a "small" groups of sites with minimal impact; then verify that all it is good and finally deploy to the largest group "last". For Tesla, the largest group is California.�
guest Yes, I was joking.
Although, CA did seem to get 7.0 before everyone else, so not sure your logic follows.�
guest Ok, then you should have posted there.�
guest OH NO! Not the infamous drive-away lock!Hope it automatically unlocks when the inside door handle is grasped. This is something I dislike as much as North American cars which leave their reverse lights on for half an hour after the owner walks away ... never quite sure if the car is about to back up, and then I realize the driver already left.
It's good that Supercharger status is on the map now, though :smile:�
guest Any company that makes cars is a car company.�
guest What car does this?
- - - Updated - - -
A software company that hasn't updated their iOS app to support new devices in year and a half? Software companies had that done several days after those devices were released.
They're better than other car companies, BMW's software department can't even be laughed at it's so bad, but software company is a stretch.�
guest Two hours have passed :biggrin: is your upgrade done? What FW version did you end up with? Updates please!�
guest I picked up my CPO car today and was told I would get 7.1 next week...�
guest Got the notification that the 7.1 update is available, but I can't install it until tonight :crying: I will test out the "improved" autopilot functionality tomorrow and report back.�
guest Will do. It's surprising how few 7.1 entries there are.�
guest Word of caution - I went to check on my MS to see if 7.1 was available to download, and as I opened the door, my iPhone 6s Plus fell out of my hand, hit the ground, and the screen cracked. First time in my life I've had a cracked phone screen too. Dammit Elon - why??�
guest I had this kind of incident in the past. Hence, I now use an extremely strong protection case for my iphone 6s�
guest I just got the Software update and downloading now. 2015 85D >100000 vin. San Francisco.
I'll update ev-fw.com�
guest Still no one in Nevada with 7.1?�
guest You can always use the go pedal for that segment of road. [emoji3]�
guest I saw you mention NV yesterday. What's the deal there?�
guest You could also just use the steering wheel, but then why did you pay thousands of dollars for autopilot?�
guest JUST got it.�
guest Still nothing. Sigh.�
guest I got autopilot to use for the places and circumstances where it makes sense. I doubt I'll ever 100% trust autopilot and that is why I rarely see a nag message -- at least one hand is always lightly touching the steering wheel and I'm ready to break, if necessary.
7.1 autopilot worked very well for me on the crazy Houston highways and toll roads so I'm very appreciative.�
guest Boy, I do NOT miss those Houston highways. But I AM glad I learned to drive there!�
guest Well, you see, autopilot isn't perfect. It covers some situations really well, others adequately, still others poorly, and some not at all. We all believe it will get better over time. I think at this point we're all clear that the current implementation isn't good enough for you. But it is good enough for most people to use it. It's certainly, for almost everybody, better than not having it.
So why don't you make your own "Complaints about 7.1 because it isn't perfect yet" thread and post to that? I'm sure it will give you great satisfaction and it will relieve the rest of us of having to read about your personal distress over and over and over. Now if you are actually submitting bug reports, it might be interesting to hear the specifics of that. From the sound of it, you have probably submitted hundreds by now, or maybe dozens, or maybe none. But maybe you think that things get fixed by complaining on this forum rather than letting Tesla know what you think their problems are?�
guest Autopilot works perfect for me on the Houston highways, even taking gentle curves much more smoothly now (i.e. 610 loop).
Summon, on the other hand, does not like the lip on my garage...�
guest California Model S updating now. 125MB file in the initial download. It seems clear that they waited for wifi as it kicked off the second my car got onto it's AP. For the record it was not delivered over VPN. It was delivered via Akamai. My bet is that there are not as many different builds as we might think. Definitely not a build-server per car.
Your means of getting the fastest update is likely to include getting onto wifi. Don't worry about the Akamai bit. They will sort you out as long as you have a typical Internet connection.�
guest Haven't even got the update, but I'm going out to measure my "lip." Right after SOTU.�
guest LOL�
guest TACC, collision avoidance, summoning, and autosteer (when it's safe to do so). Parking meh.
Lighten up a little green1. It's all good.�
guest Update in progress. California P85D. Will update the tracker when it's done.�
guest Ditto. The floodgates have opened.�
guest Ok. "Summon feature not yet available in this region"
NVM now it let me turn it on
guest Was it delivered unencrypted over HTTP?�
guest Same here, but I'm still out at the climbing gym. Heading home soon to WiFi though, hoping that will trigger the download as others have noticed!�
guest In case anyone cares: I believe that once you're notified, the download has completed and what you initiate is installation.�
guest I cannot attest to encryption. I can say it was delivered over port 80 from Akamai though.�
guest No controls were touched and Autopilot was set at 110 km/h, speed limit is 100 km/h.
I also ran on our local 2 lane road ( Aurora Rd. ) with Autopilot set at 80 km/h in a 70 km/h zone and no nag or message.�
guest Woot, updating now!!![emoji3]�
guest Got home and into garage in Reno about 3:50 PM PST, got update notification about an hour later, started the install, and update completed notification about an hour after that.�
guest I've been home on WiFi since 1230. Nothing. Sigh.
Feeling like the girl no one asks to dance...It's embarrassing waiting for this so intently! And I might not even like it...�
guest I just got notified about 5 min ago. You're next, feels like it's moving north to south [emoji3]�
guest Let's hope so! Measured my "lip" just in case, and very happy to see there is none. Ready for Summon! (Let me have a Harry Potter moment here...)
Btw, I love this community. Feels so nice to know we are all in this together. Who schedules TMC Connect? Would love to get to that and meet some people irl.�
guest I just got home and it gave me the notice to schedule the update for tonight. Since I have a 2013 without AP, how do I find out exactly what the software update is doing. Isn't the "Summon" feature only available if you have AP?�
guest Check out this thread:
Firmware 7.1 - For Classic Model S�
guest Agree, maybe @artsci knows who schedules TMC Connect.
Sorry about your lip. [emoji3]�
guest Just got the Notification at 8:31PM. (SoCal-Irvine-P85D here)
Installing now! Just in time for my trip to San Diego tomorrow (I have used Autopilot extensively along the 5 South between Irvine and San Diego, so I should be able to test it out nicely).
Will update the tracker as soon as it is installed.
guest That would be Doug and the mods.�
guest Why Nevada? Their autonomous vehicle law seems to have been written to specifically deem the Model S with autopilot to NOT be considered autonomous... I suspect Tesla may have had a hand in this.
guest Thanks!�
guest The Model S with autopilot is not considered autonomous in ANY jurisdiction. It has never once been marketed as autonomous, and only random people who have completely ignored all of Tesla's descriptions, all the warnings on the display, the release notes, and the manual, think it is.�
guest I just did the same thing with my iPhone 6 Plus! Thankfully, however, the screen did not break.�
guest Thanks!�
guest Hrm, I just finished updating to 7.1 (2.9.154) on my Model S 85D, in California, and "waited for WiFi" doesn't quite match my experience. I believe my car got (at least some part of) the update over 3G because for the hour before it posted the "a software update is ready" notification I was driving the car around, out of range of any WiFi networks it knows about.
(And for the record I timed the actual installation of the update at approximately 1 hour, 12 minutes.)�
guest Installing now here. Looks like CA. Got blasted with the update tonight.�
guest Just got a notification that my classic S has a firmware update available. Started the install. I'm in California.�
guest Me too...Sactown, Ca�
guest Does it actually work? I've been asking because I spotted something in my hacking efforts that suggests summon is disabled in Nevada... not sure why, that's above my pay grade.
guest So with the floodgates apparently open in much of California (and a bunch of people in Oregon also mentioning on the local mailing list that they got updates), can I ask people to please report things in the tracker? We only got another 30 reports this afternoon and given that approximately a third of all Model S are in California it seems that a lot of you didn't enter your data. Thanks. Much appreciated.
BTW: we're at 256 updates in the tracker so far- and extra thanks to the eight of you who were kind enough to note that you are in California in the notes.
This is an amazing community.
HA! As I am typing this my iPhone shows me that my car has an update pending.
Should I do it? It feels like staying on 6.2 really doesn't make much sense anymore... I was kinda holding out for 7.1 hoping for a much improved UI... but as many here predicted, I'm starting to feel left behind...�
guest Do it! Do it! Do it! Uh, oh. Sorry; Excited a bit. Just got my update notification and started process. Will update tracker when complete.�
guest Update installing now in Washington... Don't have AP enabled so I think the only thing I get to look forward to is the improved wiper stuff and maybe Slacker radio assuming that's coming to the USA but I swear I had read elsewhere it wasn't right now.�
guest Come to the dark side. We have toy cars.�
guest Damn, nothing here yet...�
guest +1
(on both the "do it Dirk!" and "just got the update" pieces :biggrin
guest Rest assured...you will have your Slacker radio in the US! That won't be a problem at all.
(What you won't have is anything new, like Spotify.)
guest Yup got it here in Central California a couple hrs ago. S85 AP 63xxx�
guest You guys are cracking me. But what will Hank think of me? Won't he feel abandoned? I thought the irony of the two people most active on the firmware update tracker still being on 6.2 was priceless...
Oh well
/me walks out to the car and presses "install now"...�
guest The problem is that the AP in 7.0 is better. So 7.1 is a clear downgrade.
That's not a good direction to take for Tesla....�
guest Huehuehue, peer pressure finally got to you. Welcome to having a Toy Car.
I updated the tracker just then as installation completed. 2.9.154, same as everyone else.
I haven't driven it yet, but I don't think this is accurate. The fact that Autopilot is recognizing more than one car, as well as motorcycles and trucks is a great achievement. Not to mention Summon is great for when some idiot parks close to you in the parking lot.
I think that adding more nags is necessary to be brutally honest. My car has tried to swerve completely randomly out of the lane (mostly on carpool lanes), and if I wasn't holding the wheel, it would've resulted in a possible accident. I've got a 300mi round trip tomorrow, so I will definitely be able to test it out
guest As a newbie, I must admit I was a bit confused about that irony myself.
Yay, the dark side wins!�
guest The practical usefulness of that is pretty much zero. The angle of view of the camera is too narrow to reliably detect cars to the side of you.
I have more than 8 thousand miles on the current 7.0 AP, all of that road trips. AP's problematic spots are entirely predictable after a while.
And I'm actually not that worried about nag - I can adapt by gripping the wheel tighter as I'm already keeping hands near the wheel all the time. The main issue is the @*&#^!*&#^ speed limits. Tesla can NOT read signs reliably, and in any case +5mph to the speed limit is way too conservative.�
guest My 2 cents after upgrading:
AP does a better job staying in the center of the lane - especially on turns. I always felt it dove too far into a right turn, only to turn at the last second. It now reacts to the turn more quickly and stays centered much better through the turn. Also, it seems as if it's doing more frequent micro-corrections to lane position where before it might ping-pong slowly. On straight highway, I think it's a bit distracting - especially with hands on the wheel where you feel every correction. It's still does an amazing job though. Love it.
Nagging is increased for me but I don't mind. As another poster mentioned, just keeping a couple fingers draped on the wheel keeps the nag from showing up at all.
Summon is amazing! My two car garage is tight - always a hassle for me to get out of my car if the wife's is already parked. Problem solved! I must have run my car in and out 20 times tonight. It balked a couple times when it was pointed too far toward the edge of the garage. It did much better when angled slightly toward my wife's car (or straight) at the start. In any event, it worked perfectly 90+% of the time - and never hit anything! (boy, was I nervous the first few times...)
I'm a fan of the update so far.�
guest This would be Doug, owner/admin.�
guest Wow, this was a big update. The systems that got new code (besides the CID/IC) are:
Charge Port
Drive Inverter(s)
Pedal Monitor
Traction Control/ABS
Thermal Management
Body ECU
Driver Assistance/MobilEye
Parking Assistance
Electric Parking Brake
iBoost system
Security ECU
Also a new one I haven't seen before: RLS_CAL
Lots of Model X stuff in there too, as well as a new "Transport" mode in addition to factory mode.�
guest Real Late Sending _ CALIFORNIA�
guest did you miss the part where it said BETA? it is far from perfect but it is pretty damned awesome for a first step�
guest Are you getting this from the module names? Very interested in learning what changes were made to some of things. Most importantly for me is the changes to the BMS, if you know.
guest It's lonely at the top.
But your car has AP, mine does not, so I'm not missing nearly as much as you are.
I'd probably upgrade too if I had an AP car.�
guest But the view is great !
Still on 6.2 as well.�
guest On the FWIW front, a few data points for those that care about such detail:
- Received notification Tue 1/12 10:12PM via WiFi that my S90D in California had an update available
- 90% charge via my HPWC completed after midnight
- Started update today at 2:38AM (yes, I'm a crazy person) with estimated 1 hr 40 min duration, while still plugged into HPWC
- Update to V7.1 2.9.154 complete at 3:35AM (57 minutes elapsed)
- Tracker updated
- No release notes differences from previously disclosed versions
- No difference in Rated Range pre or post update -- time may tell a different story�
guest <Oprah>
YOU get a toy car! YOU get a toy car! YOU get a toy car!YOU get a toy car! YOU get a toy car! YOU get a toy car! ?YOU get a toy car! YOU get a toy car! YOU get a toy car! ?</oprah>�
guest FWIW, just returned from first short set of errands with 7.1. I may have missed the observation somewhere earlier in this thread with all our sometimes extensive off-topic banter, but it really seems the AutoPilot graphic is displaying it's perceived lane much better than before on surface streets I frequent. Whereas previous displays simply showed my toy car without recognition of it's lane on many of the surface streets around my neighborhood, it's showing the grey/black lines a lot more than it used to. Perhaps just better graphical representation, or maybe more.
guest It shouldn't be just better graphical representation.
The lines being visible is an indication that Auto-Steer Beta can be enabled, because the system "sees" enough to enable it. When the lines are not visible, Auto-Steer Beta can't be enabled. So if you are seeing the lane marking lines in places you didn't before, that would be an indication that Auto-Steer Beta is available in places it wasn't before.
Put simply, that would be a very strong indication that the software has improved.�
guest Summon works in NV.�
guest Hah. Clever.�
guest Did you miss the part where I was happy with 7.0, and 7.1 is a itsy bitsy tiny step forward, and a gigantic leap backwards?
We all signed up for improvements over time, we did not sign up for limitations added with time.
Telling me removing features is fine "because beta" or telling me that I should update "because Tesla intends it" are not going to convince me to remove features I enjoy now.
If you want to convince me to update, convince me that I'm gaining more than I'm losing. So far it sounds like that is nowhere near the case.�
guest Alright folks, I've upgraded to 7.1 overnight and took a few videos on my commute to work this morning :biggrin:
Update took just about an hour, but I fell asleep before it was done.
Ev-fw.com tracker updated with "California" tag at Dirk's request.
Impressions in the video comments below!
AutoPilot improvements & UI changes
Truck & side lane indication in IC
Perpendicular parking
And of course, summon!
guest It's a judgement call. AP did get noticeably better with 7.1. It also stopped trying to take the exit at highways. Summon is kinda cool, but overall useless.
Is that worth the addition of a nag and +5 speed limit restrictions on secondary roads? That's a personal decision.
TBH If I knew about the nag, I likely would have waited to upgrade. But I mainly use AP on roadtrips, so I have yet to see how much better/more annoying it'll be in it's primary use case for me.�
guest FWIW: upon seeing advice on here to get a good wifi signal I moved my car to a spot by my house with a strong signal and voila, I am getting the update as I type. I am in NE FLA.�
guest Except for requiring you to hold the wheel more often (which you should be doing anyway, as this is beta software), 7.1 is definitely an improvement over 7.0. It's not perfect, but it's better than 7.0 and I'm sure 7.2 will be better yet.�
guest You never "had" it in the first place. Nothing removed. The text is 100% clear on that.
I�m confused why people think they should be removing their hands entirely from the wheel. The notes are pretty clear!!!
Quote: �Autosteer [beta] is a hands-on feature. You must keep your hands [lightly] on the steering wheel at all times.�
Image: http://i.imgur.com/MuyqaZ5.png
guest Hummm. Very good point. Hadn't thought about that, but clearly remember how often there were no lines shown in the myriad of subdivisions around here. Thanks. I'll pay more attention to it when I go out for a jaunt in a little while.�
guest $1 says this stays beta forever.�
guest I'll take that bet. It's a sucker bet, though -- I only have to pay after forever, you have to pay as soon as they stop calling it beta.�
guest When i first got the update. The summon option was greyed out and It said summon not available in this region. A few min later that message dissapeared and I was able to toggle summon on. So. It works now.�
guest Isn't the trip planner still listed as beta?�
guest Awesome videos, as always, Marc! Thanks for making them so soon after receiving the update!
I thought it was great that you recorded that part of your commute that you've recorded before, that has been giving the Auto-Steer trouble, for comparison.
Also, with respect to the perpendicular parking, you were commenting that the software parked a bit too far to the right. Watching the video it's clear that looking at the lines, the car is off-center, and to the right. But others have noted that the software ignores the lines, and centers based on the other cars' positions. Noting that, it appears your car probably wound up pretty close to perfectly centered between the two cars, as it is clear the car to your left is closer to its right line than the car to your right is close to its left line.
Thanks again!�
guest You still haven't read anything of what I've written. I'm not complaining about the nag, that's almost irrelevant (though I do wish they wouldn't do that, because "hands on the wheel" to me means touching the wheel, whereas the car thinks it means violently jerking the wheel to one side) My complaint is, and has always been, the arbitrary restrictions. sure they claim it's only on secondary roads, and still 10km/hr over the speed limit, and if that were actually the case I'd still have no objection, but as the car's onboard maps are atrocious, and it can't tell the speed limit on over 50% of roads, I know for a fact that it will limit me frequently on roads that work perfectly on 7.0 (and I do mean divided highways, I also don't use it on roads it's not supposed to be used on)
So basically, I'm using it exactly as the original 7.0 manual and release notes told me to, I've held up my end of the bargain, I don't want to lose that functionality just because Tesla thinks someone else MIGHT do something they shouldn't. This "upgrade" has nothing in it for me, so I'm not doing it.
Again, you're trying to shame me in to upgrading by telling me I'm using it wrong, that's not going to convince me. If you want to convince me to upgrade, convince me that there's something in it for me. Show me that the system I end up with after upgrading will be better than the system I have to give up to do it.�
guest I'll risk the $1.�
guest There is a definitely chance it stays beta on current cars and until 2.0 sensor hardware comes out.
But it will continue to improve for quite a while still. And eventually some of the restrictions on non divided roads may be lifted. For now, since it sometimes swerves into on coming traffic, I think having some limitations makes a lot of sense.�
guest Pleasure! I really enjoy taking these videos. As a matter of fact, I just started a thread in the "Videos" section of the forum (will add it to my signature shortly).
As for perpendicular parking, that's a good point - I should've walked out of my car and taken a photo of it and the 2 cars on either side to get a better sense of how well it parked. Next time!�
guest I woke up this morning and excitedly went to check my car which had the update scheduled to occur overnight. Neither computer screen lit up and I had a notification on my phone saying the update had failed. It did respond to the fob. Called Tesla who said the car had "shutdown" and is arranging a tow. I'm sure they will get it fixed, but disappointing to not be able to play with the new features.�
guest Here's an idea that might wind up helping you, and also could help others, and Tesla.
Perhaps you could list a few of the divided highways you travel that you fear 7.1 will misidentify as undivided highways. Then others here who have upgraded can let you know whether or not the car correctly or incorrectly identifies those highways. If 7.1 does incorrectly identify those highways, you or the person that discovered it or both of you can report it to Tesla. We can then see if Tesla manages to somehow correct their information in future versions of the software.
This would help get the information corrected for everyone, and would perhaps allow you to comfortably update in the future.
If Tesla has no mechanism in place to accept and incorporate this information, doing this might help move them in that direction, which is also in all of our interests.�
guest Nice job Marc. I really enjoyed those videos.�
guest Tesla hasn't corrected any of the dozens upon dozens of places I reported speed limit issues, I highly doubt they'll fix any of the places that it misidentifies divided roads either.
There's also no current way of knowing which roads it will be without downgrading my car first.
I'm willing to do some beta testing, but I'm not willing to lose features just so that I can provide feedback that I can almost guarantee will be ignored.�
guest Thanks! Just updated my sig to the videos link, and will be uploading them all to that thread for easy reference.�
guest Finally received 7.1 update last night at 9:40 PM local time OTA. Updating now . . .�
guest Finally got notification of my update - came in at 1:05a today, here in SoCal. At work and installing it now.�
guest That's just legal garbage. There's no point to autopilot if you have to keep your hands on the wheel. It's like saying you should drive exactly the speed limit on the highway. Yeah, that's what the law says but you're an idiot if you do it.�
guest Summon not working unless I have the car about a foot into the garage. No problem backing it out. My lip is only about 1/4" from driveway into garage if that and I do have a slightly sloped driveway.
Anyone with same problem or any suggestions.�
guest Installed last night, will try AP on a long drive this morning. Summon works great pulling the car out (probably my 90% use case). It can't get over the 1-1.5" lip on the way in though. Wish they'd fix that.�
guest I've seen you comment to others that they have not read what you wrote. It would appear that in this case I could say that to you.
For starters, the speed limit issue and the "what kind of road are this" issue are very different. The former the car is obtaining information in real-time, based on what the camera "sees." The latter the car must be referencing some sort of a database. So these really are two very different sets of circumstances, which is why I limited my proposal to the latter.
More importantly, where in what I suggested did I come close to saying that you should update to be able to determine which roads were problematic. I specifically did --NOT-- say that.
I suggested that you provide a list of a few highways that you travel that you are concerned will be misidentified. You wrote: "I know for a fact that it will limit me frequently on roads that work perfectly on 7.0."
I merely suggested that you identify a few of these roads, and then allow people who have already upgraded to see whether or not version 7.1 of the firmware correctly or incorrectly identifies these roads. Assuming you are correct, and some of the roads are misidentified, feedback to Tesla can be provided, and then we can see what Tesla does with the information.
What possible objection could you have to identifying a few of the roads you think Tesla will misidentify, and allowing others to check whether or not they are, in fact, misidentified?�
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