guest And now the versions are only 14 apart instead of 15.
guest If I was a software release manager at Tesla, I would be seriously tempted to do weird games with version numbers just to mess with us!
guest Great catch. I sure don't remember changing time from12 to 24-hour format, so perhaps as some have found in other updates, certain settings get changed-around. At least that's what I'll count this up to, and I easily moved my displays back to 12-hr format. Thx again.�
guest I'm curious. Do you use "one-pedal" driving?�
guest Turn off Creep mode and I think the 3-5 mph regen issue will go away.�
guest No. I understand that some people do, and that's fine, but I see no reason to assume that everyone who chooses to drive
an EV will also want to use one-pedal driving, so designing a car that only suits that style would seem to pointlessly disadvantage
a sizable population.�
guest Nope. I don't have creep mode on (apologies to Thom Yorke) but I see no regen at very low speeds (I thought this was something new, but others claim it has "always" been that way).�
guest This statement doesn't make sense. Every ICE car in the world uses two-pedal driving...and all of them were designed to only suit that style.
One pedal driving is far superior from an energy conservation standpoint, a safety standpoint, and for making driving less tiresome. I think you are actually in a significant minority if you move your foot to the brake in a Tesla every time you want to slow down.�
guest See arguments in favor of the Dvorak keyboard versus QWRTY and then note how Dvorak has taken over the world.
Also, there's absolutely no reason why two-pedal need be less energy efficient than one-pedal. It all comes down to what each pedal does when you use it.�
guest I think it's wonderful that people can drive their Tesla the way that best suits them. New or potential owners can jump into a Tesla and drive it immediately with zero learning curve on the basic "gas pedal = GO / brake = STOP" usage they know from other vehicles, as they have plenty of new things they must become accustomed to with their new BEV. Then if they want to, they can move to more of the one pedal driving approach as many of us have, with the brake being available for emergencies and more occasional use. To me, it's no different than how some people over the years have and have not chosen to drive hybrids with various hyper-miling techniques -- to each their own -- drive it like an ICE or as something that will get better mileage, save a few bucks and help the environment a little more. I'm very glad Elon wasn't overly progressive forcing a single-pedal design on everyone, on day one. IMHO choice is good, and maximizes potential for mass-acceptance.
Can we now get back to more specific 7.1 discussion in this thread once again?
guest The Teslas will probably never be able to get regen in the last 3-5 MPH of slowing down because of the characteristics of the induction motor. At very low speeds like that they become very inefficient, and operating an induction machine in generator mode isn't particularly efficient in the first place. You could program the inverter to supply the counter-torque in the last 3-5 MPH if you want, but the induction motor would not be regenerating the battery, it would use power instead.
The Leaf and BMW i3 use permanent magnet motors that do not have this issue, and they can function as a generator (supplying counter-torque) all the way down to 0 RPM.�
guest Creep mode is not on.�
guest I choose to use the method that requires the least maintenence and upkeep. And the brakes, if needed in an emergency will always be fresh.�
guest Replacing break pads is cheap and easy�
guest Check out this active thread on high cost of brake repairs reported by one owner..
Ouch! First huge repair bill.�
guest Here here! You are absolutely correct. I am mostly a one-pedal driver, but absolutely must use the brake to come to a complete stop. The regen gets me mostly there, then cuts out completely at about 3 mph. I just coast at that point. My guess is that our Teslas function this way for a particular reason, though I cannot think of why. I would love an option for a more aggressive regen, one that continues all the way until I am stopped.�
guest Is the navigation system's high-res graphical portrayal of freeway exits new with the latest update or is it yet another thing that's
been there all along that I just hadn't noticed? I'm not sure that it actually provides all that much more useful information but it sure
does catch your eye (for better or worse).�
guest I've always had this on the left side of my IC. Even in my 2013 MS. Or are you referring to something else?�
guest By having to apply the brake to come to a final stop, you exercise the brakes. This:
And as mentioned, using a motor as a generator at very low RPMs just isn't efficient.
- Allows you to verify that the hydraulic brakes are working for when you need them to stop quickly.
- Ensures that the brakes are somewhat clean/dry, so that they are more effective when they're really needed.
- Ensures the system is used at least a little bit, to avoid maintenance issues that could arise from not using them at all.
- Keeps your muscle memory honed to the location of the brake pedal.
guest Tesla does not use hydraulic brakes, they are electrical.�
guest The Pistons seizing indicates to me that the brakes need to be used more. Also replacing pads, rotors, and calipers can be done by anyone who is handy with tools�
guest Even better no bleeding, just have to get the car into service mode or something�
guest The brakes are indeed hydraulic, just like almost all cars on the road. The parking/emergency brake calipers (rear) are electrically actuated though.
On gen 1 cars they even use a standard vacuum brake booster, which is powered by an electric pump as there is no ICE to provide manifold vacuum. On gen 2, they use Bosch's Electro-hydraulic booster system (no vacuum).�
guest Nope, they're hydraulic.
The booster (iBoost) is electically powered, but the system itself is hydraulic.
Feel free to inspect your own brakes, and you will see hydraulic brake lines leaving the calipers.�
guest and not needed as often if you use the regen braking�
guest getting back on topic, I've noticed that the auto high beam on my car is not working as well as they used to before this latest update, has anyone else noted any differences in their workings?�
guest If you are going down a mountain or steep hill, less regen is good because you can maintain a higher speed without putting your foot on the accelerator.
I would like to see Tesla add a third regen option, a regen option stronger than what we have now, keep the standard and low regen options that we currently have.�
guest Dont take your foot fully off the pedal.�
guest Or put car in neutral�
guest I think the curent implementation of regen/braking is spot on.
I wouldn't change a thing about it.
It takes a very small but instinctive adaption to driving style from ICE.
Tesla have to be very careful about alowing sliders to control key car functionality/safety.
The car's behaviour must be predictable.
You can just see the headline "tesla driver rear-ends another car after forgetting they had changed the regen setting and the car didnt slow down as expected"
Expert Mode - with Ingineer on this all the way, have proposed this myself before, is by far the best way to cater for those who need a simple interface and those who want a more in depth experience. SC told me about a old guy who loved his Teslas and bought a new one every time something new came out, he's on his fourth now, the latest one he didnt spec the sunroof and when asked why said he could never remember how to open the damn thing!�
guest Or turn on cruise control.�
guest driving with the car in neutral is both dangerous and could be illegal in some places�
guest As have I and many others in the USA and the UK. The subject has its own thread: Auto High Beams no longer works well, in which you will see that I have been working with service people to get this resolved.. Please report the problem - the more who do so, the better. You might also try cleaning the sensor aperture as I describe in the thread.�
guest thanks, I had found that thread after I posted here. I am sure that this is just a bug in the software and once they grasp that there's a problem a fix will be forthcoming�
guest Does the cruise control keep you from coasting (downhill, presumably) faster than your set speed? If so, does it use regen,
braking, or some combination to slow you down? It seems like it should and it should (use at least some regen). This would
eliminate the need to do the ride-the-go-pedal equivalent of riding the brake down hill.�
guest My 2013's without AutoPilot Traditional Cruise Control does this using regen to maintain the set point (assuming less than maximum regen can keep that set point - I don't have steep enough hills to test what happens if 60 kW of regen is insufficient).�
guest You don't actually need a steep hill -- all you need is a cold day and/or a very full charge, since both limit regen.�
guest True. That would also explain why I haven't tested it in the winter. I go uphill to leave the neighborhood and coming home from work, I've already driven 30 minutes for regen to come back before the downhill run.�
guest cold weather only limits your regen at the start of your drive, once you've burned some miles off and the pack heats up a bit the regen limits will go away.�
guest Depends where you live... in Canada (Montreal) during the winter, even after a 30 minutes drive on highway, regen is still limited.�
guest The Service Center will often stage updates that haven't been sent over-the-air yet, and your other update was a regular over-the-air update. So anyone having a service appointment near a regular update might see two in one week.
The amusing thing to me was that the Service Center notes said I was running "deprecated firmware" even though it had been updated only 3 week prior.
I'm guessing (but haven't checked) that many of the low-count firmware versions seen on Tesla Firmware Upgrade Tracker Web App are from Service Center updates. They seem to have the latest bits.�
guest I have not been around the forums as much as usual the past few weeks, so it is possible the following has been mentioned / discussed, but I did get caught up on this thread, and I am reasonably certain it has not been mentioned here, where it belongs, so...
Driving today, on version, with range mode on, I changed my temperature from 64 to "lo" and the fan speed kicked all the way up to 11. In the past, with range mode on, the fan speed would have been limited to 8.
I apologize if this has been discussed before, but this was new (and welcomed) behavior for me.�
guest Generally speaking, it smart for Tesla to assume that LO and HI mean "max" and do indeed provide "max". Some will probably complain about it, but they easily can choose LO or HI and select a fan speed of 8 if they so desire.�
guest Yes, I completely support this change. I just didn't know if it had been reported previously or not, so wanted to make sure to make others aware of it,�
guest Name for 2.18.91: Alarm buster (random car alarm goes off when opening doors, SeC is aware and working on a fix)�
guest Hey Andy, nice catch I will give it a try. I do recall it only going up to 8 but going to 11 is really fine with me when you wand HI or LO heating or cooling. I think Tesla should maintain that change.�
guest Interesting to see your post. Since my last update, I'm getting a lot more of those triple quick beep beep beep alarms for no reasons. When I hope the door get them at times, sometimes just in the middle of driving I get them and there are no visuals, etc. It is usually the alarm you here when something isn't available and/or there is an error.�
guest Me, beep-beep-beep, too. Not super often, but they're there.�
guest What is the version number of your last update?�
guest The 3 "dings" is what happens if you press the center fob button with the doors open.�
guest Or when you press both pedals.
Or when auto steer is unavailable.
Or when the air suspension can't be raised.
Or when you try to shift to park or reverse going too fast.
Plenty of beep-beep-beep events
guest But at least there's that helpful pop-up on the center console explaining what that particular beep-beep-beep means in that context.
Oh, wait, there's not...
guest This is true. There have been times I got the triple beep and had no idea why just staring at the IC to find out but nothing was there.�
guest At those times it means "Failure to display helpful popup."�
guest Yes.�
guest The "Brap brap brap" noise is different from the 3 higher pitched "chime" sounds you get form the lock attempt.�
guest I did just get a prompt for a software update here on the west coast. Will install it tomorrow when I get to work and see what it brings unless it's the version folks are talking about already above
*edit, the last version I got about a week ago was the one that affected summon so people can't crash their cars into stuff so the one I'm being prompted for now is above that one.�
guest I just got one, as well. Don't want Alarm Buster. Sure would be nice if we knew the version before deciding to update. Sigh.
My TPMS went off and after 30 mins at a quick stop tire shop, they found no apparent tire issue. Anyone else? Note: this was pre-whatever this-latest-update-is.�
guest Those of us farther east just wait for news stories about dozens of west coast Teslas running amok before we decide to download
guest Installed 2.20.30 evening PDT. Same release notes as 2.18.77 -- Summon double-Park requires specification of direction.�
guest Took 61 minutes to install 2.18.77->2.20.30. P85 with auto-pilot.�
guest 2.20.30 installed here also. Took approximately 60minutes on a 90D�
guest I wish it was the beep-beep-beep sound in my case...it's the security alarm causing the neighbourhood to wake up and probably also stir up my wife who is expecting in a few days! SeC says: "this will not happen always"...�
guest OK, very early preliminary info on this, but after a 1 hour commute on my freshly installed 2.20.30:
1. One location where I always used to receive a nag (a moderate curve on a surface street) did not nag me this morning.
2. Normally, my 10 minute stretch along the highway gives me 1 nag. This morning I didn't get any.
Completely anecdotal and not enough info yet, but at least my first impression is that nagging *may* be slightly less common in this update. Anyone else have any anecdotal info?�
guest Received the software update notification this morning. Per my usual fashion, I will hold off installing until all my pawns, oops, I mean co-members here at TMC report their experiences.�
guest 2.20.30 installed via WiFi download. 61 minutes install time on P90D.
The only thing i have noticed is that the rear outboard sensors appear to be a bit more sensitive (yay!) thus a better indication of cars in blind spot.
Just anecdotal, no real test data.�
guest Well, yes, but for those of us in colder climates, "some miles" can work out to be 20 minutes on the highway, or longer. Last winter I rarely had full regen available (the majority of my drives are short).�
guest @Ingineer, can you post the modules that were updated in this firmware (2.20.30) revision? I'm very curious whether the autopilot module has been updated, and what it's version level is. 2.16.17 updated the autopilot module from v7.x.x to v8.x.x, and it's caused a lot of issues for me.�
guest You're writing from San Diego, so presumably you have a North American car. Just how do you think you'd be negatively impacted by something "breaking" the alarm your car doesn't have?
(The alarms systems are not installed on our North American cars.)�
guest I think if you lock the car with the windows down and open the door using the inside handle, you'll find there is an alarm.�
guest I installed 2.20.30 on my MS and it turned it into an MX. It's amazing what tesla can do with software updates.�
guest I also had an alarm experience - (was actually my son). Drove to the local Starbucks, son stayed in the car after I exited with the fob. After a few minutes he got out and had an alarm go off. When I came back to the car it wasn't going off anymore, so, I'm not quite sure how it manifested. This was months ago�
guest Not sure what "alarm systems" you are talking about, but the car certainly has an alarm. My daughter (15) set it off once when I left her and she tried to open the door because it got too hot. She heard the alarm and the App alerted me that the alarm had been activated. And why wouldn't a car in NA have an alarm? Even budget cars have alarms these days.�
guest Agree. Anecdotal info only, as well, but on my weekly commute on the same road for about 80 miles r/t I received many fewer nags than I usually do. Maybe got only 2? Normally, I touch the wheel at certain points when there's a curve in the highway to avoid the nag, but didn't do that today to test and was pleasantly surprised at no nag. Even better, at the end of the commute some 'BLACK MEN for BERNIE' were rallying and tossed stickers into the Tesla which they were happy to see!�
guest 2.20.30: same amount of nag, at first it did the bouncing left and right in the lane then it straightened out and drove normal. Seems to drive exactly like previous firmwares, maybe a tad bit more accurate/precise with braking in stop and go.
I really wish them would improve the speed of the controls button. When I press it sometimes there's a delay, that screen should pop up instantly.
Beyond that, amazing car, amazing software updates. Thank you Elon.�
guest Have you tried not using the car's Nav? And no, I'm not kidding. The UI slows down a good bit when the Nav is active.�
guest Anyone noticed any difference in the high beam problem with last update?
Auto High Beams no longer works well�
guest Of course it has an alarm system.�
guest I'll post over there as well, but as you asked here: yes, on my 2.5-mile "test road" last night they worked fine, just as they had prior to 2.16.17 (if I'm correctly remembering which update started the problem).�
guest There's a sensor that detects movement inside the car or disturbance of the car; you can turn it off: Settings - Security - Tilt/Intrusion - Off. Good for dogs and children. It resets itself when you re-start the car.�
guest We don't have that in the US.�
guest Does anyone know how to access the App settings for Energy, Web Browser, Camera, and Phone?
They are always grayed out in my car.�
guest They are grayed out because there are no available settings ... at least that's been my assumption all along.�
guest There you go. That's the alarm we don't have here in the US. We only have a basic Settings/Security/Alarm ON or OFF, not Tilt/Intrusion like MS must have where you are, and my former BMW had as well..�
guest A fair number of people got 2.20.30 - 95 as of this posting. Given the number the fact that all reports are from the US or Sweden seems interesting. At this point in the roll-out I would have expected broader coverage if this was a full release. Also, it's Model S only so far - but otherwise fairly evenly distributed across battery size, RWD/AWD and VIN ranges. So I'm not sure what to call this...
Both of my cars have an update pending but timing hasn't worked out to update either of them. My guess is it's just more 2.20.30.�
guest I think that's only for the Euro version.�
guest I know Dirk hates this, but wow, I'm still on build 2.16.17 ("Needs more cowbell!"). Haven't been updated since. Never got 2.17.37 which appears was a major roll out. I wonder if I've been blacklisted?�
guest I'm in the same boat. Strange how they disburse updates.�
guest Just upgraded to 2.20.30, which took 65 minutes from 2.18.77�
guest Not sure why you think I hate this. Or what "this" is in this context.
Actually, that's great information to see that some people are still on 2.16.17
I think that has been a question we've asked ourselves countless times
One thing that has worked for others is to call their service center and ask why they are still on an old version. I remember someone posting about Tesla telling them that their car got stuck on an update and therefore didn't get anything newer anymore (or something along those lines).
At the risk of flooding this topic - are there many more who are still on 2.16.17 or another even older version?�
guest I guess I thought it was your vision for the tracker in the first place, to prevent people from making "I have it.. I don't have it" posts.
guest In that case, my classic S85 is still on 2.16.17.�
guest I wonder if there is a corelation with miles driven? I've done 20k miles in a year and have had 19 updates in that time.�
guest Great thought, but I doubt it. 10 firmware releases for me in less than 7 months and not even 4K miles.
guest I've had 10 as well and on about 10.5k miles and got the car same time as BertL.
guest <Bug Report>Hey Tesla, my car never seems to update to v7.2. Please Fix. Thanks!</Bug Report>�
guest 2.20.30 arrived last night for me, and today I noticed a TACC behavior that I hadn't noticed before. Is this new?
I was on a freeway with slower traffic in lanes to my right and left, autopilot engaged, TACC set to X mph, and no vehicles visible in front of me on the dashboard display. I noticed that TACC maintained a speed somewhat faster than the traffic on either side, but slower than X. I had a good amount of free space in front of me, and while I could see a vehicle up ahead, it wasn't visible on the dash display. I don't think TACC could see it yet, and I think TACC was going a bit faster than the distant vehicle ahead.
New or not, I was pleased by this behavior. You never know when someone in the adjacent lane will jump out in front of you.�
guest all the update notices and nobody has seemed to post anything about the update, can any elaborate on anything that this update has affected?�
guest You must have missed my comment. I noticed the first day after the update (and again today) that a curve that I used to ALWAYS get a nag on (surface street, 45 mph speed limit, moderate curve) hasn't been nagging me since the last update. So at least in some scenarios, my impression is that nagging has been reduced. I think it might be better on the interstate too, but need to drive more before I can confirm.�
guest That would be significantly easier with a standard set of release notes. Even "bug fixes and minor enhancements" confirms what an update is not.
In the absence, yet again, of any new release-specific release notes, and after maybe 50 miles of driving today, I can report less nagging. Maybe. Certainly nothing overtly noticeable yet.
So initial response is, "Nothing to see here - move along."
In the meantime, I will patiently wait for Ingineer's modules list.�
guest You're right; I just compared the owners' manuals and the US version does not mention tilt/intrusion. Seems a strange thing to omit; my 2002 Jeep has it, like your BMW.�
guest The only reason the Euro version has it is because it let Tesla be in a better insurance category, making it cheaper to insure. In the U.S., there is a discount for having an alarm, but not a further discount for glass breakage or other types of alarm (though I think there is a discount for GPS trackable vehicles, which ours should count). Had Eurospec cars not get that insurance advantage, I'm sure Tesla wouldn't have put the "security package" in any of their vehicles.�
guest The security package is a paid option. It's not like they're reluctantly installing them for free in European cars. I don't understand why they wouldn't let non-European customers order it.�
guest In the 32 months I've had the car (and almost 32000 miles), I've determined that there is a correlation with NOTHING!!!!
Funny though, I woke up this AM with a software update notice. Car is updating right now.�
guest Just got 2.20.45 on my Classic P85 (no autopilot). Gonna be driving around a bit today with my wife. I'll report back regarding whether there is "less nagging."�
guest Maybe not updating cars without autopilot or summon features as most of recent updates have involved updates for these features. Just a guess- especially if it's mostly classic model S not getting the updates.�
guest Since you don't have autopilot, I have to assume you mean less nagging from your wife?�
guest My S85 with 2.20.30 on TACC (and possibly AP) surprisingly slowed fairly abruptly for a big bus or truck in the adjacent lane that I was overtaking. The TACC might be getting more sensitive to adjacent lane traffic, and appeared to be responding earlier to vehicles starting to enter my lane, so ... possibly even responding to vehicles just appearing to begin to head toward my lane. Any others notice this behavior?
Also, the AP seemed to handle one veering-exit lane better, where the exit lane angles to the right, rather than making a gentle curve to the right. It is likely I will have a chance to test this at a familiar veering-exit that has not been well recognized several times previously (and the car attempted to veer left into the triangle).�
guest Is Tesla watching this thread again? I received 2.20.45 along with Lawsteve after our comments yesterday.�
guest I actually occasionally ask people for "don't have it" posts - the tracker does really well to capture the positive statements. But the absence of the positive statements isn't as clear - so for example, we had 406 reports for 2.9.154, 417 for 2.16.17, but only 343 for 2.17.37 - did that mean 20% people didn't get 2.17.37 or did that mean that 20% of people just stopped reporting?
I mean I don't come to TMC anymore. I haven't posted outside of this thread in many months because I found the redesign obnoxious and annoying and calloused attempt to increase revenue for the site owner. Maybe others have come to the same conclusion? I don't know.
Anyway, long story short, sometimes, after bigger roll outs, the "I didn't get it, yet" postings are really useful. Just not in the middle of a roll-out. Wait for the numbers on the tracker to taper...�
guest So the 2.20.30 roll-out seems to be fading, replaced with 2.30.45 (again that jump of '15' like we had with the 2.17.x series). We have 137 2.20.30 reports, seemingly tapering off yesterday and already have 44 reports of 2.20.45.
While I didn't see any 2.20.30 reports for Model X, quite a few of the 2.20.45 reports are from Model X owners - but .45 already covers a wide range of Model S as well, broadly across batteries, VIN ranges, etc. and much more broadly across countries than .30 ever was.�
guest I got 2.20.45 last night (classic S85) and noticed they still haven't fixed the bug where the car "forgets" the state the media player was in the last time the car was on. So even though I had the car set to say an AM radio station, and I can roll upwards the left steering wheel scroll button and sure enough there's the radio station's volume goes up, but there is no visual indication on the left side of the driver's display. And I have the driver's display set to show media status. One has to still "remind" the firmware that you're listening to radio/internet/whatever by waking up the media app, re-drilling down through the menus, re-selecting the station, and then "Oh!" the firmware figures it out and starts showing the proper state in dash view again.
The car seems "sleepier" now too. As in, when I get in the car, not only is the driver's screen black, but sometimes the 17" screen too, taking a second or two longer to wake up. And the gray T logo takes longer to appear in the driver's screen.
The other thing I am keen to find out, and will test today: did they fix the long-broken NAV map issues, especially relating to the blue route lines not going away when you set a new destination and you wind up seeing the OLD destination's route mixed in with the new.�
guest Sounds like what I noted above. Was the other vehicle on your left or right side?�
guest So this is a me too post for 2.20.45...tracker already updated.
but I don't get many firmware releases (only major ones, 5 in a year) and I typically get them late...probably bad wifi for the car.
So this 'could' indicate a major roll out for 2.20.45.
That's my excuse for 'me too' posting
guest Someone disliked this post because I asked a question? Are we not permitted discourse?�
guest IMHO the occasional lagging display problem was introduced 2-3 firmware releases ago. I did not have it for the first several months of ownership, or at least almost never, compared to it's increased frequency in more recent weeks. I just described symptoms I see in another thread here earlier today, as well as what the SC told me about it.�
guest I can answer this question. My fiance's (adult) son has Asperger's Syndrome, and whenever he's in the car, the full regen gets him carsick/nausitated in just a matter of minutes, so I put it to "Low". I would put it to "off" if I could when he's in the car. And that's for short trips. He can't tolerate the car, even on low regen, for long trips. So I'd go one step further and ask Tesla to offer an "No Regen" option.�
guest In snow/ice/slippery conditions, low regen can help with vehicle control. If you're on max regen, you have to be extremely careful or the regen will cause loss of traction.�
guest Yes. ...and my Golden Retriever that used to always take long drives with me in my former hybrids, gets car sick in my MS, even on very short jaunts if I'm not careful. It's pretty sad for both of us, and to the point she wants to come with me, but now always puts her ears down with a very slow walk out to the car when I call her. My former constant backseat riding companion now stays home much of the time. I'm also convinced the cause is the more aggressive MS standard (or low) regen that gives her problems -- despite my best attempts at not making it that apparent every time I slow, and keeping the back windows down with fan blowing on her as hard as it will.�
guest My theory regarding who gets what updates is that these smaller releases are essentially beta tests. Tesla has no formal beta program (unlike Apple for example who sends beta's out to developers and sometimes the public). If I was at Tesla I would want to ease a release into general distribution. It's software and everyone knows it contains bugs, we just don't know the severity or consequences. The consequences of a widely distributed bug could at worst be fatal and at best be embarrassing.
Releasing to a smaller group and waiting for feedback let's Tesla do a "blind" beta. Distributing to other than the target, for example including some non-AP cars when distributing an AP fix, allows them to get some regression testing feedback, i.e., did fixing problem A inadvertently break feature B? Then they accumulate those betas into a general release at some point with more confidence that everything is good. But even then, the short gap in time between 2.16.17 and 2.17.37 suggests that there was something not quite right in 2.16.17.
Of course this is just speculation, they may have a much more sophisticated method to their madness!�
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