guest Saw a multi coat red with temp tags in my neighborhood last week as I was on my way out to the office. I didn't stop, as I didn't want to be late, but now I can't remember which house it was parked in front of! If you live in Ft. Collins my model S wants to meet yours!�
guest Saw my first one in the wild today, a white one on Hanover Ave in Randolph, NJ.....I was driving my ICE at the time (forgive me). Usually drive my red P85.�
guest I saw a white one in Lahaina, Maui a few days ago, then again 2 days later. I figure it had to be the same one.�
guest Here's a weird one: a Founder's car in my neighborhood...with no tags/plates yet. My first thought was, "Did a Founder skip out on his car last year and now finally decided he/she wanted one, so they went ahead and built it for him in Sig Red?"
But then I looked at the VIN, and this car clearly wasn't built recently:
So I'm not sure what the deal is here. Has this car just been sitting in Fremont all this time? Key component of the story: I'm 99% sure a Tesla engineer was driving this car, because several months ago a Beta car was parked in front of the same house.
guest 5YJSB1A25C1B00044
5YJ Tesla
S Model S
B (Only seen on Beta vehicles thus far; A for Founder/Sig/GP)
1 Manual Type 2 USA Seat Belts, Dual Front Airbags, Front/Rear Side Airbags, Knee Airbags
A 10kW Charger, no SuperCharger support
2 (Only seen on Beta vehicles thus far; usually this is C,G,N,P for 40,60,80,80P)
5 (Check digit)
C 2012
1 (Only seen on Beta vehicles thus far; F for Founder/Sig/GP)
B Beta Prototype
00044 Production sequence number
Decoding Tesla Model S VINs
Also note, as indicated in that thread, we've seen this beta before.�
guest ![]()
a blonde girl was driving it�
guest spotted my first model s on main st in Anoka mn this morning no plates on it yet beautiful.�
guest There is a Tesla Model S test drive event in the Hamptons this weekend, about a mile away from where I live! I stopped by to say hi...
My Blue P85 is on the left, and they have one white and two black Model S vehicles available to test drive.�
guest They held it at a *gas* station???�
guest Oh the satire!�
guest It's the best place to find people to convert!
guest Lousy parking lot with grass in the asphalt cracks....Couldn't they find a slightly nicer venue? Not looking for a 'showroom' (god forbid......then would look like a dealership)...but maybe a little nicer!?!�
guest ![]()
at in-n-out in oxnard, saw 2 of them, one with 21 greys, another with 19 silver, both black, complete head turner, everybody eating outside turned their attention to it when it pulled up, those DRL's are too nice, if you can see the guy in the bmw is checking it out in his side view mirror
guest Saw a grey S85 parked in Forest Park, IL this evening next to Molly Malones. EL pate in the 700s...19 inch wheels. Man, that grey is nice!�
guest My wife spotted me in the wild:
guest No, it's next door to the gas station, at an exotic car deal (which is almost as ironic
- - - Updated - - -
It is definitely a disheveled-looking location, not at all representative of the Hamptons. However, it is very visibly located right on Montauk Highway, so what it may lack in aesthetics, in gains in visibility. I stopped by to say Hi on Firday, and then bumped into the guys running it at a restaurant in Bridgehampton last night, and they said they have been very busy, even in the rain. And it's cold but sunny today, so I'm guessing that they will VERY busy today
guest My Roadster, the Lexus Hybrid dinosaur that goes away when the X arrives, my S (back left), and an S from Des Moines (back right) in town for the zoo, charging up via PlugShare...
It's like a bag of Skittles.
guest Wild indeed... shorts on, and snow in the tundra. Quick, while it lasts.
guest On my way to Dulles airport yesterday I was behind a white P85, my first MS sighting in Virginia.
guest A friend in Vancouver sent me this pic. Wow ... just, wow ...
thats a fisker karma :frown:
not biebers tho, but this guy is jockin biebs car color
guest OMG, didn't get a clear view of the back so didn't recognize it. Think you're right though. Mods - feel free to delete my post. :embarrassed:�
Quick! take a random picture of your model s and edit your post with it :wink:�
guest Parked three spaces down from mine at the St. Louis Airport -- and my first non-California "in the wild" sighting...
guest Ooh. And Brown is worth a bonus 10 points.�
guest Seems like I see Tesla S cars around here several times a week now.
And now we have 3 Model S owners in our development. 122 homes, 3 Teslas.�
guest BTW, can you tell the spots were apparently made for Leaf, Prius, Volt? Painted a bit short. :/
I submitted that feedback and they said they'd consider fixing it the next round of painting.�
guest Friend of ours with a kid in same school as our son spotted a new brown S at drop-off this morning at the school in the Leesville area of Raleigh, has a 60 badge he said.
guest I saw this silver Model S on the road to my house. They live near where I do (I assume) as I have seen them maybe a half a dozen times. But this is the first time I got a picture. Second picture is further down the road with them in my mirror.
Not quite random. But my coworker got his Model S about 3 weeks ago. These pictures are from the first time they were seen together.
guest Sort of the opposite of this point of this thread, but driving in SoHo near West Broadway and Spring and three guys in Tesla jackets took a picture of me in my green Model S. I'm hoping they are real estate shopping! Having a store or service center near the office would be great. Queen and the West Side just aren't all that convenient comparatively.�
guest Heck no, always fun to see how bad some people's tastes are!�
guest I live in Arlington, Va and saw my first S in my area on January 6th at a Starbucks in a strip mall--white. My husband saw a blonde lady in a black S in the same lot. Then I met an owner of a black 85 in our daycare lot as he was leaving Bank of America, not married to a blonde lady, so a second black S. A few weeks ago, I saw a blue S parked at a soccer field, equipped with jump seats (and juice boxes in the console). Last week, my husband saw a black S at our oldest's elementary school. And at USPTO during our Green Fair, a young Examiner was showing off his gray 60, alongside Leaf and Volt owners. My 40 is due to arrive in 16 days!�
guest just a saw a new model s i havent seen before in simi valley
black with 19" rims, headlights were super bright�
guest Spotted in a rest area in Denmark going north.
Looks like a new testdrive vehicle.. Perhaps also one hidden in the trailer?
(Update: Tesla CPH just confirmed that in the trailer they had a "rolling chassis" - not a car but the bottom of it for showroom in CPH)�
guest From one Scandinavian to another... go Norway, go Denmark! (I'm a little of both)
Can't wait for you guys to have them everywhere.
That red looks awesome, btw.�
guest Yes, an awesome Red color, however hot as awesome as the Signature Red..
Can't wait to have mine delivered. The waiting time is killing me - hopefully they will start to ship soon!
Have been told to expect delivery mid August.�
guest I parked my car at the Boston Common Garage, and came back to see another MS parked next to me. From NH
guest Taken an hour or so ago outside LA Fitness in Euless, TX ... my first parking lot buddy
guest Not exactly "random" because I took this myself while out shooting video with my P85 test car this week (I'm doing a review for the website I work at), but I loved this so much I wanted to share it. I didn't even notice the majestic bird that got in there until after I looked at the pic at home later!
guest 10728 seen at Mt. Washington Tavern in Baltimore.
Horrible VIN pic...
guest Someone in The Netherlands spotted this trailer with 6 Model S heading towards the German border, and posted it on the website Autojunk.nl (junk as in junkie). No customer cars yet - we still have to wait 1-2 months - so probably demo's.
- - - Updated - - -
Here's another picture of the same trailer.
guest First time parking right next to a Tesla Model S in Newport Beach today! Never been so close to a Model S in the wild before and I love the plate! And yes that is my gas guzzling 8-10 MPG SUV with 260,000 miles right next to it. I was sad that I actually had to unlock and start the car. Hoping my next car is a Tesla!
guest (I know, "Photos or it didn't happen". Well, new phone and I haven't worked it out yet.)
So I commented to my wife last week that there are more Model S on the road than Roadsters, so it's a wonder we hadn't seen any. Then,
Keep 'em coming!
- Saturday: Right behind a white Model S with a Pano roof where IL 53 dumps us onto Lake-Cook Road.
- Sunday: As I'm turning through the T intersection of Rawson Bridge Road and Rawson Bridge Road (don't ask) into Cary, there's this freshly cleaned black Model S with temporary plates heading the opposite direction.
- Monday (today): This evening I'm turning onto Schank Ave from IL 176 near Mundelein, there's a beautiful Red S heading the opposite way. I'm pretty sure it was Signature Red.
guest I drove my Model S 220 miles round trip last Thursday from Ventura, CA to Newport Beach, CA and back. I counted 23 Model S along the drive. Especially the 405 fwy and Hwy1 coast Hwy has lots of Model S.�
guest Are these euro- or us- spec. ?�
guest They look like US spec, the US license plate holders, and no apparent fog light on the diffuser area. Seems odd though, since if they are demos they could not be used on the road?
Potentially they are EU spec and the foglight is subtly built in, and the license plate holder is just decorative to be replaced with a Euro plate when the time comes.
guest There are many US-specced demo cars on the roads here already, and have been since last year. I assume they need to be individually approved when they don't comply with EU regs, whereas the consumer cars will get type approval.
At any rate, 99% sure the cars in the pics are demo cars not consumer.�
guest Saw a Brown S on our way up to Evergreen Colorado Saturday and a white on in Evergreen the same day. Also a black one parked in Cherry Creek North, Denver, Colo. yesterday. Met two owners at the Denver Service Center today. One getting some service who may join us Saturday for the drive from Idaho Springs to the summit of Mt. Evans and back and one who was just taking delivery of an identical car to ours.
guest And you know they'll meet the emissions standards!
guest At least I have definitive information that the Model S type approval for Europe is complete (has been completed like one or two weeks ago).�
guest Several sightings in the past few days.
Thursday 5/30 around 8am at the Milford South Supercharger, next to my blue a white S from MA was charging.
Sunday 6/2 around 5pm near exit 31 southbound on the Merritt Parkway saw a white S with NY plates - couldn't catch up before I needed to exit.
Tuesday 6/4 around 6pm at the Cambridge exit from the Mass Pike saw and then followed across the river a gray P85. First time in a multi-S convoy. Spoke briefly with the driver after pulling up alongside. She's had it for about a month.
guest Out this afternoon for a bite and saw this gray MS up here in Rockville MD, so I had to park next to it for a pic. The funny part is that while snapping the pic a guy came up to me and started asking questions. While I was giving him the tour another guy and his wife stopped their car and he got out too. While finishing up with him a third guy walking by asked a couple of questions. I did a 15 minute show & tell in the parking lot. One of the guys literally laughed out loud when he asked to see what was under the hood and I showed him...
While this doesn't qualify as "random" as it was at the Service Center... it's not too often I get to park in a row worth a million dollars:
Finally, what the heck... the roadsters are too cool not to include:
guest At the Green Vehicle parking area at SFO long-term parking garage this past Sunday. I joined 2 other Model S. mine is the black one on the right.
FYI, unlike the nice Chargepoint units in the short-term lots, these are just spots with 115v regular outlets (20a) behind each space. I suppose the thinking is that if you're parking at the LONG-TERM lot, you have time to trickle-charge it.�
guest New white Model S being unloaded in downtown Chicago yesterday. Was right outside the Groupon headquarters, for what it's worth. (But it may have been destined for the Lamborghini dealership for some reason that was right there as well. )
guest That is very smart having the 110 outlets for charging. Why spend money for charging stations when most long term parking only needs a simple 110 outlet. Bravo SFO! Wish more airports were this smart.�
guest I see lots of them in Los Angeles, but this morning on the 405 I decided to get next to one & honk & give him a thumbs up, I was in my 1995 Chevy carpet cleaning van so he probably didn't expect someone like me appreciating a Tesla.
guest Au contraire mon ami! I've had at least two DC bus drivers give me thumbs up and then ask "How much?" Yeah, DC traffic is as bad as LA so there are lots of opportunities for conversation when you're stopped ;-)�
guest not really random when NJ owner's get together but heres some pics for ya
guest Nice�
guest One post went to snippiness�
guest On last Saturday I saw a Signature Red Model S in Miramar West of I-75 with tinted windows and today I saw a young lady driving a white Model S with tinted windows on Coral Way and 132 Avenue in Miami.�
guest He's totally right though. Roads are atrocious all around NJ. I "downgraded" the free P85 21s to 19s when I ordered because of this. It was a little hard to click a button to "give up" a free $3500 option, but it just had to be done...no choice around these parts unless I want blowouts every month. And for non-P85 owners (and new-P85 owners), it's just very hard to justify spending $3500 knowing that you'll probably spend another $1000/month for new tires. Well, that may be an exaggeration but probably not by much. Someone on these forums just said they blew out both their driver side 21s simultaneously on a pothole (dunno what state that was). Another recent post was someone who cracked 2 rims already in one month. So that's probably not much of an exaggeration for 21 low profiles around these parts.
Well $1000/month for new tires is probably what I'd be paying if I had 21s because I drive so hard on vehicles. Pot hole at 80mph? awesome. lol. Thanks NJ for not even maintaining highways in addition to local roads. On a related note, I actually barely missed a HUGE truck tire tread on NJT today at 85mph. Close call. I guess I shouldn't tailgate at those speeds either, haha.�
guest that never seems to matter, unfortunately...
guest just saw a black model s with 19's drive down tierra rejada road. stopped at the light by the park. light turned green, car in the other lane continued its speed of around 45+ and in literally 3 seconds the model s was going faster than the car from a standstill! had my phone in my pocket, pulled it out quickly and dropped it in the grass and missed the moment lol but it was awesome :love:�
As a resident of NJ, I do agree with you. But they've been bad way back to DiFrancesco and before.�
guest In the past two days I went from having seen one other Model S out on the road to three! I saw a dark (green?) one going over Ferry Street Bridge in Eugene around 6 and then a white one going North on I-5 this evening just south of Wilsonville.
I expect I'll see a few more tomorrow at the Portland get-together!
I gotta say, it's really quite exciting that I'm starting to see them around.�
guest Yay for another sighting in Eugene! I have some friends down there, who I know would buy one in a heartbeat.
I saw three today around Lake Oswego.
Rumor has it the PDX metro area is on its way to having 300 on the roads. 5 were being prepped for delivery when I picked mine up two days ago.�
guest My wife and I saw a Brown 85 with tints at IKEA yesterday. Here's a look
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4 Beta�
guest Very quick view of a black S with 21" wheels this afternoon while walking along Memorial Drive by MIT. Just barely got the phone out in time.
guest The slow shutter speed makes it look like that S has some serious camber issues on the rear wheel!�
guest Your right. That is a really odd effect. I don't think the shutter speed was particularly slow. The bicycle rider is not blurry nor is much of anything.�
guest I saw someone with a blue Model S on rt 140 in Owings Mills MD, they turned into Home Depot behind us. I have also passed a white and a green model S on Walnut Rd. and Greenspring in Owings Mills. If Tesla stock keeps skyrocketing I'll be joining the club. If the stock tanks, so too do my dreams of owning a Model S.�
guest If Einstein was right, it could be caused by the "warp like" acceleration zat za camra did ! kapchur.�
guest ![]()
One of my clients (who knows I'm buying a MS) sent me this photo around 8:00am on I15 Southbound near American Fork UT.
- - - Updated - - -
Any way to rotate the attached image? :redface:�
guest I have seen a C63 AMG and a Lamborghini Murcielago in that same mirror finish...got my attention but in a bad way.�
guest Here:
guest Hey Denarius I believe that is Brian W's car that is here on the forum.
Also had my Brother send pictures of a Multi Coat Red in Salt Lake from a car show a few weeks ago. Really sad that I missed it. He is not a car person at all, and always gets bored at Family functions when I talk cars. He was very very impressed with the Model S.�
guest @brianman Thanks!
@Park2670 I thought it might be BrianW, I know he is down in Utah county.�
guest Saw a black one today in near Edina, MN. Was at a graduation party on Sunday in Deephaven, MN where I someone had a silver P85 with 19" wheels, black leather, and carbon fiber trim.�
guest Hmm...
Not ours, ours is blue with ski Utah plates. You can see it here...
Cool Model S Photos - Page 14
I don't recognize that one. The other one I know here in Utah country has 21" wheels.�
guest Interesting!�
guest My thought too! I just assumed it was BryanW, maybe more are in Utah than we know?�
guest One of these days we can get some of the Model S together and show them off at a Car Meet. Anybody open Saturday mornings?
Would be a great photo op for this thread
guest I will definitely show up once my car gets here. I've been years ago (in my Evo).�
guest I wasn't sure about the color from the picture posted but there is a gray with 19" wheels up here in Logan.�
guest @Denarius - any update on your delivery window?
I know it is early, but I saw a semi loaded with Teslas on Wednesday afternoon as I was driving north on I-215.
I couldn't get a good photo in time since it got off onto the I-80 exit, but I was happy to see it.
Edit: oh, and +1 on the meet-up. Can I come even if I don't own a Tesla (yet)?�
guest Don't have a specific date, but found out my car will be shipped to Denver, prepped there, then shipped to my house in a covered truck. I won't have a actual delivery date until the car is prepped in Denver.�
guest I saw two red Model S's on my 20 minute drive to work today. Both on sidestreets --- one in Stamford and one in Greenwich.�
guest Haha ... saw a happy new owner in the Cooper City area showing off his shiny Red and temp tag ..... NICE!�
guest Just saw my first random Tesla in the Pittsburgh area...a white P85 that got off at my own exit! Sadly I was in my BMW returning from a trip to Cincinnati, which won't be SC-enabled until 2014/5.
guest Yes! Come with whatever you have. 106th south and about 7th west. Beans and brews. Starts around 8:30 every Saturday morning.�
guest Saw two Model S's charging in downtown Boston (cambridge Street, government center) today. I've seen one charging there before, but first time seeing two. Only three chargers there, so they'll have to add more soon!
Very prominent EV parking spots to pedestrian and car traffic, great free advertising.�
guest Heading back to B'more a little early to catch the first season of my daughter's 4-day swim meet...
1st time I have seen four cars charging at the DE travel plaza. Sig Red VIN 93 along with my Sig Red VIN 628 and two GPs.
guest Saw a beautiful brown model S in Utah county today-sorry, but I am too slow to get pictures!�
guest @digitaltim - Your car looks like it's eating the license plate.�
guest Saw random people taking drive by photos in the last couple of weeks ( of my car)
Just checking to see if it gets posted here.
guest Me too. Checking in.
Had one behind me yesterday, while in stop and go traffic in Portland. Flash popping through his windshield, which is kinda funny (aka useless).�
guest Unintentional sighting.... In Easton Town Center in Columbus, OH. I stumbled in on a test drive event being held on the street.�
guest ![]()
@ jans�
guest Wow, never seen all the chargers in Delaware full. Mixed blessing I guess.�
guest I live 5 minutes from the Delaware Supercharger and go over regularly to 'top off' and have always been the only person there. Good to see they are being used.�
guest Saw a white Model S Tuesday around Madison and 4th in Seattle. Then saw a silver one when visiting Bainbridge Island.�
guest Tustin California, I have seen two just looking out my apartment window at the right time. Cars and Coffee always has at least 2. Hotel parking structure in Irvine had 2 parked side by side. Today I went to a large hospital center and took part in my new hobby, "Tesla hunting" and found just 3 in 5 minutes.
My Doctor saw my Tesla polo and said in order to purchase one he's waiting for all the bugs to get out of the system. Told him he could wait for the Model X if he doesn't want to be one of the early adopters. That got him to really thinking
guest I just saw a white one in Ladera Ranch a few hours ago�
guest Near Morristown, NJ entering I287 - funny thing, this guy was driving a black Tesla Model S with NY Plates GEA�4502, and i was driving a dark green Tesla Model S with NY Plates GEA� 4467...like a parade
guest My Plate - soon to be replaced with NY State "TSLA EV"....
We must have all gotten our cars close together from the Queens Service Center!
guest Did a staycation and stayed at the Meritage Resort and Spa in Napa this past Friday night and parked at the one of the two chargers they have out in front. I was the only one there when I arrived but by nightfall there was another Model S parked in the second spot. I could not tell what color it was due to the night. It wasn't until the next morning I saw that it was a green 85 (I think) on silver 19s. I have also a green P85+ on grey wheels. Green seems to be the rarest color along with brown. Cool to finally see another green MS. On a side note, the Model S seemed like it was built to cruise through Napa Valley among those grape orchards in the warm sun, quietly and confidently with zero emissions.�
guest A coworker just got his Model S - so I had to park next to it for a photo shoot.
Attractive opposites: GT-R and MS
guest Tesla Model S Westbound I-190 Wednesday, 19 June 2013 6:27PM
My first proven sighting in the wild. Tesla events and Cars & Coffee do not count.�
guest Didn't get to snap a pic, but my car's twin pulled up from behind me on Montrose Pkwy. in Rockville, MD today. Cool guy (with an obviously excellent taste in color selection), and we both got on 270 heading back down towards DC.�
guest Stopped at a McDonald's in Randolph MA on the way to Rhode Island this afternoon. While paying for the food my daughter called me outside to see a gray S that had pulled in right next to us. Took a pic then met TMC's very own mitch672!
GEA-4456 here - and I'm pretty sure I saw yours on the truck when they dropped mine off in January!�
guest Saw a beautiful Sig Red P85 with gray wheels at my local grocery store. Told the driver of the model s that i love his car, as I sat awestruck in my diminutive Volt. What a stunning car :biggrin:�
guest Hey that's me right before I started getting multiple $50 parking tickets for backing into the PSU Electric Ave parking spots. Word of warning, those downtown meter maids have no sympathy for EV drivers who need a charge and are faced with a short cord.
Shout out to Doug C. for his support on this issue!�
guest My alma matter.
I'd fight that ticket, as I'd think you'd win in court/or via letter on sympathetic grounds. Challenge them to rewrite or clarify the law for the over zealous, money grubbing, (stupid) meter maids down there.�
guest Parked my CT red next to a NJ Blue at CambridgeSide Galleria in MA this morning.�
guest ![]()
someone in my housing area knows a guy that has a tesla... i know what im gonna do
guest new model s at moorpark college
guest Since someone bumped this thread, saw this Model S, 60 badge, a few weeks ago. I scared the CRAP out of my sister because I think I almost screamed "MODEL S!" She now is traumatized and has spotted one at a mall recently all on her own.
Spotted on Busse Rd & W Lincoln St Mt Prospect, IL 60056 ?
guest Came upon a black Model S last night around 730pm on the Hutch in Purchase, NY, who traveled with me all the way to New Canaan, CT.
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