guest 2.13.77 WiFi - No Fix for Me
FWIW, I don't see that 2.13.77 has changed anything with the previously reported WiFi problem. After installation and reboot, my MS went to LTE and didn't automatically select my garage WiFi until I manually selected my default WiFi network name. My MS always used to go to WiFi by default before 2.12.126 seems to have broken it. I still have an incident open with Tesla, awaiting a call from my SC, but honestly don't expect they'll be able to solve anything in this regard.
I have not tried anything related to my dual-chargers as charging took place last night to 90%, and I have no planned errands today. Will need others to give it a try and report back please.�
guest Charging issue fixed for me on 2.13.77�
guest The options for Canadian cars only include distance settings and auto-homelink. The release notes specifically say that you must use the app for summon. With summon rolling out to the UK with this release, it'll be interesting to see if they have the same restrictions or not.�
guest THX!�
guest My apologies to Jgdixon, then.
There has been a lot of confusion about summon not working or not working properly after the recent updates required that it be re-enabled. I didn't realize there were such significant differences between the Canadian and US versions. Sorry about that.
Posts 1788 and 1789 address that. I even included a picture in post 1789.
guest Come on Jason, just post it! You know you want to. Besides, since when are you worried about "severely pissing off Tesla"? :biggrin:�
guest Oh, I don't know. Perhaps since he discovered the backdoor that allows him much more freedom to configure his car exactly as he wants it until such time as Tesla decides to shut the door?
guest Looks like someone cracked the easy portion I posted on twitter. The one I posted here is going to be harder, but for very little gain. Nice work brute forcers
guest I'm not sure what thread to post this in, but I usually get power limited down below 50 rated miles SOC.
I'm on a road trip and at 50 degrees and just 16 rated miles, I'm still not getting any power limiting. (See image). Seems really strange, because I am seeing more power limiting regardless of SOC at higher temps like other people have commented above.
guest Well, let's see what happens: Jason Hughes on Twitter:�
guest Good news. But I am working in China for a couple of weeks, so I can't try it out myself. I did get the update notification on my Phone though.�
guest Believe me I read everything and was well aware of the differences.
I was just told it may be related to the immobilizer that we have in our fobs here in Canada.�
guest For future firmware releases, Tesla should just include tags and images for every trim and battery size 105,110,115,120,125... Say, up to 200. Then nobody will know when they're getting close to release a new battery size.�
guest That's actually probably not a bad plan.
guest With 2.13.77 and summon, has anyone noticed an increase in the cars determination to get over lips to get into a garage? Summon is new to me in this version, so I have nothing to compare it to. I had readthat it doesn't like 1" lips or greater lips, sometimes getting the first wheels over, but usually not the second. The few times I tried it, it got both sets of wheels over the lip. It struggled, but then upped the power to make it over (which resulted in it nearing the rear of the garage at a bit of a 'fast' speed.�
guest I must admit that I find it odd that they don't just include a font with the firmware and render the badge as text rather than use art assets. Then they can report whatever they want in any car. It also means that, in theory, you could have some fun with it. An example is displaying a P85 as a P70 whenever the degradation telemetry suggests that's what you're really driving.
- - - Updated - - -
The ..126 firmware tolerates the dip for the grate in front of my garage. Prior firmware did not. I haven't tried newer firmware yet.�
guest I'm surprised they don't just have images for numbers 0-9 and all letters and then join them together like they do on their website when creating images of vehicles on the fly.�
guest They should also throw in some red herrings like 113, 127, and 273 just to mess with people. Can you imagine finding a P273DL tag/image in the firmware assets?
While they're at it, throw in AP 1.5,2.0,2.5 and the word "Autonomous Driver (AD) 1.0" (Code name "Otto") to really cause a fury on TMC.�
guest Exactly what I had in mind!�
guest Kelvin: It's a really cool machine.�
guest Indeed, both or my cars now charge correctly after installing 2.13.77. Amazing what a little bit can do
guest Any clue on AP2.0 that I may have missed?�
guest LOL!!�
guest This is the first time I'm going to do this on a forum and is not meant to be disrespectful in any way... Can we please take this back to discussion of relevant 7.1 firmware issues, features, etc.?
I'm a geek just like the rest and love to read hacking/reverse engineering info, but I'm more concerned with issues that others are having and how to solve it (dual charger issue, navigation and the like).�
guest Ok.. not 'that' computer savvy. But, just wondering here that if a software engineer put a line of code in to temporarily hold a place for a 3 digit vs 2 digit identifier (such as 100 vs 90 or 85), it may be possible that the 100 is just an arbitrary number. The fact that it was not removed would not surprise me as most software contains junk code that is no longer utilized and cumbersome to remove.
So I'm guessing it's going to be 140kW.�
guest I probably should have started a new thread starting with this post, admittedly. If I a mod would be gracious enough to carve this conversation out to a new thread, preferably starting there, that would be great. Otherwise I'll just start a new thread soon now that I've slept on it and conferred with my attorney.�
guest We are still seeing reports of upgrades to 2.13.77 - so I don't think it has been recalled. Admittedly, they have slowed down a bit. But definitely reported long after the incident with 2.13.77 disappearing on wk057's car.�
guest Let me suggest a name for the next firmware release: "scrubbed"�
guest I'm on 2.13.77 on both the S and the X, with summon enabled and the constant touch disabled (I prefer to use the key fob rather than the app). Unless I'm missing something, I can still enable summon on the S with the fob, but it does not work on the X. I also miss the unlock with the double press of the button on the gear selector (it now activates summon/park).
Anyone here with an X successfully using summon with the fob on 2.13.77?�
guest Can we PLEASE make this a thread about "Firmware 7.1" ?
I know, this is asking a lot, but seriously. There are plenty of other threads around to discuss wk057 and his relationship with technology and with Tesla.�
guest I went ahead and reported my own initial post on the topic to the mods in the hopes that they'll be able to carve this discussion to a new thread. Apologies for the derail.
guest Moved�
guest I posted in anticipation of the posts on this topic being moved to a new thread. I'll write a mod privately now, to alert one to the need.�
guest The car I drove had this same message. I found it to be useful and informative. Usually, I would turn off AP features and drive myself on such roads before the notice had a chance to come up or as soon as I noticed this message, but once I got used to it, I learned I could just readjust my speed to match the restriction if I chose to, and the usual holding of the wheel firmly let me naturally make my own driving choices and naturally let AP disengage as I drove differently. Occasionally, a road would pop up with this restriction which ended up having quite a safe travel distance with the above behavior with the car in charge, such as many highways without many obstacles (technically, low-ways since the valleys have the smoothest earth to put highways in).
Eventually, this message trained me to not even bother with most AP features unless I was on actual freeways, and in those conditions, AP made driving generally easier, as I could be somewhat more sloppy when there were no obstacles and the car would just do its thing with my hands on the wheel. Of course, the normal AP concerns would come up when obstacles got near, and I would turn my full attention to driving for the moments needed.
Ending (merging) and beginning (multiple choices) lanes never did work well while I was using AP (at least to my confidence level), and exits and entrances also did not work well; the merge software hasn't been written, probably because the car doesn't have enough hardware to be able to merge.
I generally would disengage the AP features once I entered highways, for safety, since I didn't want the car to suddenly make me have a head-on collision, except for the adaptive distance control which I generally liked in far more conditions than the adaptive steer control. (I always kept it at distance 7.) This eventually made me long for the freeways, and I would be happy when the highways turned back into freeways and I could go full AP again.�
guest I jumped from 2.10.71 to 2.13.77 and the auto-brightness no longer keeps turning the night-mode brightness all the way down to zero during twilight. If you unchecked the box in a previous release, you might want to try it out again�
guest Excellent post. You have observational skills and "first principle thinking" way above average, kind of like Elon.�
guest What if the feature to update maps was installed with the new firmware, and the maps themselves were updated later with a different update, and you're just now seeing the new feature active for the first time? Just one possibility. But I really like the coolness of the idea of a big update growing out of its seed pod into a full adult program, so I actually prefer your version.�
guest A moot issue at this point, but I got to an 80 amp HPWC today to test my car with 2.12.45. At 60 amps and 80 amps selected, the car sits at 30 amps or 40 amps for about 10-15 seconds and the continues its ramp up. I believe wk had said that was the firmware that includes charging differences, just most people jumped over that to 2.12.126. Hopefully that means I won't have the problem once I accept the pending install.�
guest Maybe they got colorblindness data and decided it was a safer color to use for a higher percentage of the population, requiring fewer exceptions to be made for those with different color profiles in their eyes. There are a larger number of people who cannot see the differences between the earlier part of the rainbow, such as the difference between orange and yellow or orange and green, so that graphic might be hard to see for them, whereas the blue line would be clearly visible to them.�
guest They can write virtual hardware testbeds. I really don't see how they could get by without doing so.�
guest I'm sure they do, but the combinatoric explosion still means they can test only a tiny percentage of what's actually out there. And, of course, testing on a simulator only sort of tells you how the real hardware will behave. Good luck with the edge cases.
So no, I'm quite sure they test only a small, but representative, portion of the combinations of hardware out there. Things will slip through. That's part of the reason for staged rollout of updates.�
guest Funnily enough, was showing off summon for brother in law today and new fW 2.13.77 is *worse*. Minuscule lip on garage entrance, And it now gives up continually when entering the garage, only when going forward. Reversing is fine. Flat drive, concrete slab abutting garage floor with < 1/8in height difference. That was embarrassing...�
guest Yes. Like you, I read that it didn't like humps of any size, so I was pleased when it negotiated my hump/dip/hump/slope; it paused a couple of times but then girded its loins and went on.�
guest I'm not sure if 2.13.77 was mostly rolled out to people with dual chargers (since that is a piece of information we don't track), but after a swift start the reports have stopped to a trickle... so either this roll-out was stopped or it wasn't a full roll-out to the installed base after all.
guest I found a small bug and reported it last night.�
guest What was the bug, inquiring minds what to know?�
guest I should mention that our new 90D was delivered with 2.13.77 today, so it doesn't appear that it was "withdrawn" or anything like that. We just don't see any new 3G/WiFi installs being reported right now.�
guest They're busy stripping the code of all references to future models...�
guest Gratz!�
guest That seems a little post-mature
guest Set the door unlock to only drivers door. Then lock all your doors. Now, using your iPhone App unlock your car. The driver door will present. Now, wait until the door handles go back in. Walk over to the passenger side and press on the door handle. The passenger side door will not present, instead only the drivers door will present. They can go many ways with this, for example, don't present any doors, or present the passenger door. I assume it is following your settings by not unlocking all the doors even when done form the iPhone app.
guest So that was what you observed but what did you consider the bug? The fact that the passenger door would not present (IMHO that is working as designed with only the driver door set to unlock). Or that the driver's door presented on touching the passenger door, which seems a bit odd but is consistent with pressing any door causing all unlocked doors to present? Or perhaps the iPhone App needs two buttons in this mode, one for driver only and one for all doors?�
guest Yes, I agree, it's not so much a bug but it was a bit unexpected. I see their logic behind at least presenting the drivers door so that you knew you could get in from that door. Like you said, maybe just a way to unlock all doors from the iPhone App like you can do with the key.
guest There is no good reason why the app's lock button cannot work like the sunroof vent/close button. Have Lock turn to Unlock All (when the car is locked) and have the current Unlock become Unlock Driver.�
guest First report of 2.13.120 installed on Mark Z's Model X. That might be the reason why the roll-out of 2.13.77 stopped: a new build was being readied.�
guest Something I noticed this weekend with 2.13.77 that I had not seen before is that if you cancel a trip the graph nows stays in the energy app trip screen but the progress arrow is no longer displayed. Before it used to say that no trip has been selected, or words to that effect, and would be blank. It's been two updates since I planned a trip so this may not be new.�
guest I've seen this behavior in previous releases. Don't know when the reset point it. Maybe the same time the trip counter resets�
guest Paging user: droeber -- what FW version do you actually have installed? You just entered "2.9.".
Also, can Andrew or Dirk please PM me with any pending names? I was away all last week, and I'm leaving again in a few days for another week, and I know I'm behind on the names.
guest Will do that now, with references from the thread.�
guest Very odd pattern for 2.13.120. Very few reports (just ten so far), but rather impressive coverage: four countries, AWD/RWD, broadly spread out across VINs and battery sizes... feels like it's a "quick test" of some fix or two, but they aren't convinced, yet, that they got it right. My expectation is that we'll see another build very soon, possibly after the weekend.�
guest and then there's this:
Tesla Motors, Inc: Big Software Coming in a "Few Weeks" -- The Motley Fool�
guest As if the Motley Fool has any special insight into Tesla firmware updates.�
guest Well that's certainly interesting.
- - - Updated - - -
Did you read the article? There's a quote from JB Straubel.�
guest Pretty exciting news from J.B. Straubel. Let the speculation begin on if this is true, what will it be and who and when do we get it.�
guest Had new firmware update today when I had the car in for summer tire switch. Have not installed it yet but wouldn't it be funny if I got the "Big Software".(yeah, not likely)
guest I received an update, installing right now. Previously on 2.13.77....
EDIT: 2.13.120 just showed up at http://ev-fw.com/track-reports.php.
guest Have any of these updates helped the heater at all? It was 47� here the other morning, and I could only get cold air to blow until I turned the heater up to 90� and off/on again and then it finally started to blow warm air. How are my Canadian and Northern brethren faring this winter? I'm just glad it's not cold here very often. Still love her, though!�
guest The first report of that version on the tracker was on March 7. It was also reported in this thread shortly after that, I believe.
Edit: Yup, Dirk reported up thread that 2.13.120 had been reported by the morning of March 8.
guest Didn't when we were all getting 7 at first, before 7.1 even with a few extra features, Elon had tweeted that even after 7 a more comprehensive GUI design was coming soon? Perhaps this large release is that new big GUI redesign and interface on both screens?
guest It didn't really sound like Straubel was talking about interface and design stuff. It sounded more like actual new functionality.
I'm thinking with the reference to "driverless cars" it could be something along the lines of the promised but not yet delivered "car picking us up on private property."�
guest Installed. It's version 2.13.103. The previous version was very good. Very excited to see what they do on 3/31 in regards to software updates.
guest Yes, 2.13.120 it is. Just did a line-by-line comparison of its release notes to those of the previous (2.12.126) and they appear identical.
Will be interested to see if anyone notes any differences when driving.�
guest I was hoping this news would include an update so our phones could be mirrored to our 17 in screens.�
guest I'm guessing that's still a ways off.�
guest That version, which now shows four installs today in the tracker, is "out of order," being released later than 2.13.120. With few exceptions, the release numbers have been sequential, and I believe the last digits have always been sequential when the rest of the release number has remained the same.
Dirk--care to chime in on this anomaly?�
guest Big Software gone?�
guest This article was based on a interview from last year, its a mistake and the author has written this:
guest It just hasn't been a problem for me, not with any of the firmware revisions since I got the car a year ago. Perhaps I'm just more tolerant of cold, or maybe it's because I usually preheat the car for 5-10 minutes on cold days? (Hereabouts 47� F counts as a warm day, at least normally it does.)�
guest I've got a ranger installing an update today. Wonder if it'll be 103 or 120?�
guest I noticed this as well. The installs are reported to be over WiFi, so they aren't SC updates. It's quite strange. We'll have to monitor this for another day or two to figure out what's up with that. I can't remember them pulling a release and then continuing with a lower build number ever before.
- - - Updated - - -
Please let us know. And if you can chat up the ranger and ask about that specific oddity, that would be quite interesting
guest I actually have an update installing now as well. Will update the tracker (and this thread, because of the strangeness of this) later.�
guest I got 120 and the ranger didn't know what the deal was. Maybe a different configuration?�
guest Just completed installing 103. Will update the tracker spreadsheet.�
guest Not a spreadsheet... a super fancy web application: Tesla Firmware Upgrade Tracker Web App�
guest Wishful thinking on my part�
guest Wow, now you're just being mirthfully complementary. "Fancy" isn't a word I'd use.
"Utilitarian" is more like it.�
guest It has proven so exceptionally useful... I can't tell you how happy I am that you convinced me to go your route instead of mine - there's no way we'd get this much participation with a wiki. Well done.
And right now it's showing us that apparently Tesla is doing an A/B test right now. Clearly both 2.13.120 and 2.13.103 are being rolled out at the same time. I believe that's a first.�
guest To the unix guy that's downright GUI�
guest ^^^ This.
Anything beyond editing data files with cat, sed, and awk is super-spiffy to me.
Addendumb: My car downloaded 2.13.103 last night, applied this morning. Tracker updated.�
guest I did get 2.13.103. Tracker updated.�
guest Huh... never really thought about it like that.
I'm glad to volunteer my talents for something useful and appreciated!
The A/B testing is interesting, for sure.�
guest I'm not convinced yet that we're seeing A/B testing.
The only updates to 2.13.120 that occurred today were not OTA.
I think it is possible the rangers and SC's were just installing the older version, and that 2.13.103 is the current production version.
Obviously we'll know more in a day or two.�
guest And let's not forget it actually *was* a spreadsheet/poll first before you guys ran with this and made it awesome. Couldn't resist, sorry... ;-)�
guest Downloaded 2.13.120 at SC
I received 2.13.120 at an SC today. The release notes only concern modification to Summons.�
guest Not to rain on your possibilitybut I got the map updates before I was granted 2.12.126.
And so far no 2.13.xxx for me...
Too bad about that JB Straubel quote from a couple of months before Autopilot was out ... what a difference a few months make in the tech space.�
guest My car got 2.13.120 at an SC 2 days ago. During that visit, they tried to update the map with no success... they opened a Trouble with Engineering and should come back to me sometime...�
guest There have been nine updates to 2.13.120 yesterday and today. Eight of them are listed as not being OTA. The ninth is listed as WiFi, but is also listed as a Norwegian car in Abu Dhabi. I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's safe to throw out that one bit of info as potentially erroneous since it would be the only evidence, at this point, of this being a A/B test of two firmware versions.�
guest Makes sense. Has it ever happened before where the version number was lower for the newer build? That part is confusing.�
guest We also got 2.13.120 a couple days ago at the service center. Web browser seems to be broken, and the cell radio seems wonky too. Not sure if the SC just broke something else or its that version.�
guest Maybe location specific?
Received 2.13.120 earlier this week and while the browser remains slow (it's always been painfully slow) internet radio seems fine.
guest Well thats a shame, I really don't want to have to take it back to the SC.
I've always thought the browser was jsut fine to do stuff like check the weather, or for waze.�
guest 15 reports of 2.14.17
Mostly in Europe. Apparently brings Summon in some countries there.
The middle digit inflation continues.
(and remember that 'digit' is used both for a number and a finger...)�
guest Got 2.14.17 just a couple of days after 2.13.120. Couldn't detect any change and nothing new in the release notes. I already had Summon. My car was imported from Norway.�
guest According to the tracker, it appears a lot of people are still on 2.12.126 (including myself). 2.14.17 seems to have had a fairly wide rollout yesterday. I haven't received an OTA update since well before 2.12.126 (which I received at the SC) and I am starting to wonder if I have an update issue. Are there any telltale signs that downloads have been attempted and failed as opposed to just note receiving the update?�
guest I wouldn't worry about it. Most rollouts tend to take weeks - months to get to all cars (if not replaced by a different rollout before they are finished). It is rare for a rollout to go to all cars in under a month (though it has happened twice in my ownership).�
guest Yeah, it's not like there appear to be any significant changes in the recent updates, other than the dual-charger bug which doesn't impact me. I just checked the tracker. My last OTA update was 30 Jan -- not as long ago as it seems.�
guest 2.14.17 I dub thee "pi day" for yee were spotted on 3.14.16�
guest It seems that the inflation of middle digits is not correlated to actual progress (or even noticeable changes) on the firmware itself. And after 18 reports on pi day it seems we are not really seeing a push for 2.14.17, either. Yet more beta testing (with production cars) it seems.�
guest Do you always get notified when an update happens, or are you just checking often? I just got my Model S on Saturday, and I could swear that the version changed, but I do not recall seeing any notification.�
guest Does someone know how do I submit bugs to Tesla on the latest release of v7.1? Thanks!�
guest If you have the Tesla app installed on your phone, and notifications are enabled in the app (default), you will get a notification on the phone when new software has been found and is waiting to be installed.�
guest Either document and report via your Service Center, or email to [email�protected] (include last 6 digits of your VIN).�
guest I have always seen an update notification on the 17" screen requesting that I approve the update before it installs. For me notification in the IOS app has been hit or miss, usually miss. But I am probably unusual in not leaving the phone on 24x7, so it appears the phone app can miss a notification if it is not active at the time the server sends it out. Even if your phone is on 24x7, that could happen if you are in a place with weak or no signal when the server sends the notification.
However, since it sounds like you have just picked up the car recently, it is possible that the service center had scheduled a new version to install for you but it hadn't installed yet when you picked up the car, and likely installed the following night. Seems unusual but possible if the SC was very busy on the day you picked up your car.�
guest Thanks!!�
guest Got firmware 7.1 - 2.14.50 Today. minur update took approx 10 minutes to install. Probably bugfixes.
Have updated tracker�
guest I also got this version today.�
guest Thanks for doing that. The wheel of firmware releases continues to spin rather fast. In the last six days we have seen reports for six different builds: 2.13.{77,103,120,170} and 2.14.{17,50}
(well, technically we also had a 2.12.126 report but that came so long after the bulk of them that I assume that there may be a data entry error or some other delay)�
guest Any idea why this is possibly happening? I don't remember seeing anything like this before with this many builds.�
guest No one here will know for sure. I personally suspect the ramp-up is because they have M3 coming into the fray; and who knows, perhaps they are doing some code reorganization or better yet -- fixes and updates to non-AutoPilot code to catch-up on what has been stalled for so long -- before the onslaught of volume M3 becomes a reality. (IMHO, fixing a lot of the detail now will prevent a lot of SC impact later, and better position for sales to the even more-critical masses M3 is targeted at.)�
guest It would be feasible if we substitute Model X for Model 3 above, you could be correct. They were doing lots of short-lived custom builds for the X as the customer-owned fleet got larger and they may be consolidating the fixes + better organizing the code to handle the variations. Just conjecture on my part though.�
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