guest I updated to 2.28.19 also and my autopilot seems like it goes way right now. almost like its learning to center itself in he lane again. It was working great but had to pull hard back into the lane three or four times this trip that I normally rarely ever would have to put much input.
I also hate how I get these updated and the update log says the same things that have been updated already. For example this one said i would need to choose the direction of summon when enabling it with the stalk. I did that 2 or three iterations ago.�
guest Hmmm... Drove 6 hours today with 28.42 - no BT issues. Was streaming music off of my iPhone and never experienced a dropout.�
guest Likewise with .28.19.
I noticed too that Dolby mode sounds less tinny / bass-attenuated now. Not sure if it happened with this update but it's definitely a change since 2.22 when I first tuned my audio settings.�
guest Since installing 2.28.19, I noticed that when listening to ABC News, when I click the left up button, instead of skipping the current topic and moving to the next topic on ABC News, it changes from ABC news (Internet) to the first FM radio station. If I click it again, it skips to the next FM radio station. I will call Tesla support and report this issue.�
guest I'm starting to think that my car just does not like 2.28.19. More often than not it just will not change lanes with autopilot on. Obviously I'm using it on the same highway and I never had any problems before.�
guest Sit in the nearest service center parking lot for a few minutes - then try 28.42.�
guest Just keep in mind that in one of the firmware updates, this function was added for long-presses of the skip forward and rewind buttons. Perhaps you are holding down the button too long or your hardware buttons are wearing out and registering extended presses.�
guest I must have missed that in the release notes, oh wait.....
guest This has been a problem for me on all of my builds (from http://ev-fw.com/):
Version Build Date OTA
7.1 2.20.60 18-June-2016 Wifi
7.1 2.24.84 26-June-2016 Wifi
7.1 2.24.102 01-July-2016 Wifi
7.1 2.28.19 16-July-2016 Wifi�
guest I have never had a problem until this build. All others work flawlessly. As of now I guess I will just stick to TACC only until I get an update. Unfortunately I am 3 hrs away from the nearest SC so stopping by just for an update isn't gong to happen.�
guest So, fwiw, one of the barometers I like to use occasionally after release note-less updates, which is most of them, is the little stretch of road we have hereabouts called Portuguese Bend. Rarely the same road twice due to the unstable land beneath this two-lane curvy, hilly stretch, it's a nice drive when there isn't much traffic.
It is also the kind of drive where you must be vigilant, because you never know when there's a new crack, gap, bump, or combination of all three. In the parlance of the day, it is an outlier.
Enter the current DriverAssist features (aka AP). Was impressed with the degree to which they functioned. Still not at the level at which one could leave the driving to the car, but given the current technology and the challenging topography, it is easy to observe the improvements this past year+ for TACC and 9.5 months for Autosteer.
Identifies and tracks motorcycles well.
Doesn't need quite so much manual intervention - only 1-2 times through Portuguese Bend (southbound).
Good stuff. Only thing is I'm not sure with which release this improved - the last two that I've received anyway have been brief, or at least fast.
As always, stay within the boundaries of your abilities and risk tolerance; one size does not fit all.�
guest Ok, so now I know exactly where you are. I grew up in PVE and am quite familiar with Portuguese Bend. Probably one of the least auto-pilot suitable roads imaginable.�
guest Aww damnit. Why can't they stop fixing the things that are not broken? I use that exact feature on abc news, too.�
guest Ain't that the truth - hence the barometric proclivities. Would you believe the entire stretch was freshly paved the other day? Not just a patch here or there - the whole thing (more or less from flashing sign to flashing sign) - I almost didn't know how to act. The pavement is already starting to crack and ripple, of course.
I've come to appreciate TACC just a little bit more every time there's a downhill stretch of any complexity (such as can be found, as you know, across the PV peninsula). One of the best safety-related features ever, and still largely unsung. I realize that TACC has been available for 7 or 8 or 10 years now, but not with nearly the polish and granular improvements in just the year and half Tesla has made it available.�
I haven't been back to the Peninsula in quite a few years now. Can you still see the decaying remnants of the old, old road downhill
from the (current) road? That was always a bit unnerving.�
guest It's been years since I've been there too.�
guest Ugh. Since 2.28.19 my nag reminder pops up in ASAP almost every minute. I travel on a straight, flat freeway to and from work and had flawless AP performance without constant nags on this road before the update.
Is anyone else experiencing this?�
guest Not me but I keep at least one hand on the wheel at all times.�
guest I'm on 2.28.19. I went over 10 minutes on I-95 this morning without a nag.�
guest I just got 2.28.60 (I think that was it) as I was at a Service Center late last night (last 3 updates have been while at a Service Center charging my car). Notes just said minor bugfixes and improvements. One thing I noticed is that I had mileage added overnight! I parked the car with 254 and didn't plug in. When I woke up and checked my car this morning (presumably after losing 1-2 miles to vampire drain, I was expecting 252-253) it showed 259! Must have changed the algo or something.�
guest Or you battery is warmer now.�
guest That's good news! Hope it sticks and I am interested to hear what your next 90% and 100% numbers are.�
guest Doubt that's it, as I was supercharging when the update notification came on and then I immediately drove to my house and parked it, set the update to occur immediately and noting 254 range and not plugging it in. Came back this morning and showed 259.
Weird thing when supercharging, though. It was about 90 out. It started off great, pulling around 290 Amps. After about 20 minutes (when SOC was like 30-40%) the amps dropped off to 74 and would not exceed 74 for the rest of the charging session. Took forever to charge the rest of the way! The other stalls were empty so it wasn't a case of a paired supercharger. Very odd. Did my car or the supercharger equipment malfunction?�
guest Which Supercharger were you at? There are reports of that type of behavior at on SpC site, and Tesla is aware of it and tells people to move to a different stall to get faster speed.�
guest Updated over the weekend to 2.28.42 (was on 2.28.19) and noticed that the Nav sub-screen in the IC now shows the warning to drive slowly to reach destination, which I had only seen on the Nav app of the large center display before:
guest I've seen it on the IC display before this update. Having said that, it may only show up when you have the NAV up on the IC? I often (unless I'm in a congested city center) replace the NAV display with trip/energy table display.
guest Correct, it only shows up on the IC if Nav is one of the two side apps loaded on the IC. I've never seen it before although I usually keep Nav on the left side of the IC once I start a trip (it automatically shows up there and replaces the Media app).�
guest ![]()
2.28.60 today at 3:00pm
guest Yay! "Minor fixes". lol. Mine updated today.�
guest Just got 2.28.60 as well. First time ever the 17" screen didn't have a popup window announcing the new software was installed. I got a phone Tesla app notification when the install was complete, but nothing in the car.�
guest Got 2.28.60 last night. Haven't noticed anything different.
I did get the 17'' popup announcing "minor fixes." Are you sure you didn't miss it? I did last time it updated. It popped up when I opened the back door to put my son in his car seat, but when I got him in, I closed the rear door, and the 17'' turned off between the time the back door closed and I opened the driver door. When it came back on after I got in the car the popup was gone.�
guest Received 2.28.60 last night. Same brief "Minor bug fixes and improvements" note.
I had to reboot the main screen to get the browser to work.�
guest 2.28.60 updated the following systems (from 2.28.19):
CID (Center Display)
IC (Instrument Cluster)
Thermal Control
Driver Assistance (Not Autopilot)
Parking Brake
Not that Autopilot was NOT updated, nor was BMS. Very minor update!�
guest Has anybody else been having problems with their chart port door? I'll come back to the car after work and find the charge door open, and even after manually closing it, the in-car display shows that it's still open.�
guest coming from 2.20.45 to 2.28.60 I am finding quite big improvements to Autopilot, the steering seems improved and the car if not outright faster certainly seems more responsive. Very happy.
Not sure if collectively the interim updates could account from this.�
guest 2.28.60 on the model X introduces a new button that closes all doors from the touch screen.
guest Do you have a list of the modules and what their understood function is?�
guest Interesting, but likely of more use if you posted in one of the MX forums.�
guest �
guest Calendar selection has been there for a long time.�
guest I'm at the Supercharger at the West Palm Beach Store, and once again I got an update notification while charging here. That makes 5 out of 6 updates I got since I own the car that I received at the store while charging.
I really don't think this is coincidence anymore. It might not be at every store location, but whenever i come here to my local store to charge at the attached supercharger I receive an update.�
guest Is there a Service Center nearby too?�
guest Yes, it's right next to the Supercharger.�
guest Makes sense then.�
guest It's geo-fenced to download the firmware at the Service Center.
I'm told it's also geo-fenced now to automatically turn off Remote Access at the Service Center. I just assumed they manually turned it off but it makes sense. Anybody notice/confirm this?
guest My MX is currently at the Marin SC and it is responding to the TM App. So in this case Remote Access seems to be unaffected at this SC.�
guest Dumb question but if it turns off Remote Access wouldn't that prevent it from downloading the update?�
guest No, as far as I know Remote Access only affects your ability to control the car with the App. Tesla still has access.
guest Interesting, thanks for checking.
guest 3 days and a hundred songs later, I'm officially calling it as non-placebo: Something about Dolby mode on UHFS improved in the 2.28 update (vs 2.26.103). Quality wise, turning on Dolby no longer results in an extremely tinny response (heavy on treble and virtually no subwoofer usage). It's now much more balanced, and for a lot of pop music, the exaggerated stereo width actually produces a pleasing effect, which is the intended purpose of surround effect modes.
If you swore off Dolby mode before 2.28, I'd strongly recommend trying it again in this update. Note that the bass level is still a bit worse with Dolby mode than without, so if you really love the rumble, surround mode is probably not for you.�
guest That is indeed very interesting! If you're right (which I assume here), wouldn't that mean that Tesla is finally taking on improvements in the Mediaplayer area? Yay!!�
guest Hi Ingineer,
could you explain how an when the "tiles" are updated? Is that the information that mobileye calls "roadbook"?�
guest Thanks! As a classical music listener I turned D off immediately... I paid for the subwoofer and agree, D made it none existent. Now I'll give it another try!�
guest I am able to SuperCharge, get updates, AND access my car through the app simultaneously. Confirmed 3 times now. Have gotten my last 3 updates prompted this way and was able to turn on my A/C through the app while SuperCharging and connected to the SC's wifi�
guest Another new minor release. 2.28.75
No obvious changes.�
guest I got my last update after supercharging at the factory. No service center nearby (it's way down at the other end of the property). It's right next to the showroom though. So, no, it's definitely triggering an update, but it's not as simple as being only at service centers.�
guest Just like the little square image tiles on Google maps, the Autopilot also has tiles that are fetched from a server. Each tile covers a certain fixed geographic area, and they contain information that the AutoPilot uses for assisting it's decision making. Just like the map tiles, a certain amount of them are cached on the CID's SSD so the ones around your daily routes don't need to be downloaded over and over.�
guest Are you able to see which areas have tiles for AP? I'm interested specifically of Finland, does AP have tiles here?
I would guess that at first there are no AP tiles, only after learning algorithm has first created them?�
guest I've reported and we've discussed elsewhere the many challenges that exist with Infotainment, as well as how my MS seems to ocassionally enter deep sleep way to fast when parked for just a few minutes, causing the IC and/or CID to effectively auto-reboot upon entering my MS.
Since moving to 2.28.19 just 2 weeks ago, none of that appears to have changed, but I've now had at least 3 occurrences where Media Player for some reason goes back through its long (10-15min) USB stick scan process, even though the CID was not rebooted and I've not removed my USB stick. I simply find upon entering my MS the scan is sometimes underway for no good reason, and unlike what happens other times, MS remembers which track it was previously playing and is positioned there when the process completes. It's a new, very odd annoyance. (...and yes, I know all the little tricks about reducing time to scan the stick (I have 6K tracks), as well as keeping Nav history to a minimum, doing a long reboot of the CID, etc., etc., etc.)
Any others encountering what seems like an errant USB scan process in recent firmware drops? I would hate being the only one at the party.
guest Do we know how much priority the data from the tiles has over data from the camera, such as detected lane markings? Hopefully the tile data is not used unless the camera isn't detecting anything directly.�
guest Besides autopilot being worse and not seeing other lanes to allow me to change into them 2.28.19 has also seemed to have broken my daytime running lights. They only seem to turn on now when I manually select the parking lights. Its too bad we can't request updates. Stopping by the service center 3 hrs away isn't really an option.�
guest You still can. A number of people here have had success by just calling their Service Center, and a SC Advisor can then have an update scheduled to be sent over-the-air to your MS -- it may take 24 hrs or so for them to make it happen. There is also the Tesla #800 that any owner can call 7x24 for technical support (IDK why so many owners seem to forget about that more immediate option and sometimes post here when a response can take even longer), but personally, I'd try your SC for likely the most direct way to accomplish what you're after. It's a phone call away. Good luck.�
guest I just received 2.28.75. I got notification within an hour of leaving the Sunnyvale Service Center, but I never connected to their wifi which the car could not find (the point of the trip was to test the update theory; I was there about 10 minutes).�
guest Don't forget to enter it on the firmware tracker
guest Did that before posting
guest ![]()
Sat for 20 minutes at a nearby SvC to get 2.28.75.
2.28.75 has release notes. Well, one release note - and it says, drumroll please...
"This release contains minor fixes and improvements."
A profound thank you to whomever 'twas who took the time to do that.
Results and best practices prevail once again over the dark and evil minions of FUD - just another reason why Tesla will continue to lead the entire automotive industry. Next up, energy, space, and the saving of civilization itself from... well, from itself, really.
Yes, going to ev-fw.com now...�
guest Eh? What's to dislike about that? Some people - sheesh.
Having that one line is actually quite helpful - especially when compared to having no release notes at all and/or just a copy of the release notes from six releases before.
I say again, well done Tesla.�
guest I think part of the issue is that the way the release notes are presented it doesn't take into account the version delta from the version you came from. It only has the release notes that are saved in the bundle for the version you're running. They'll need to make it a little smarter to be able to actually show changes across multiple versions.�
guest Easy fix, don't show just the release notes for this one version, show the full history. Tons of software does it this way, and is no more work then what they do now. Add the new release notes to the top of the file, don't remove the old ones. Done.�
guest Just another data point regarding the service center proximity for software updates. Was traveling yesterday and stopped at the Decatur, GA supercharger, which is next to the store/service center. Connected to wifi automatically the software update notification popped up a short time later, while still supercharging.
guest �
guest I have gotten updates 3 times now after stopping in West Palm SC (SC and Store co-located), I expect its not coincidental.
Now since 2.28.75 I have noticed that when I top a bridge near my home that has a rather pronounced crown, the "Hold Steering Wheel" prompt no longer goes off. Prior to it, it was 100% of the time, now 4 times and zero occurances. Maybe.....?
guest I'm going off the 'does it-or doesn't it' board for $100 Jack.......
Anyone experiencing hyper-sensitive side & front sensors of late? Since CA motorcycle drivers are allowed to stripe-ride, there is lots of lane splitting action especially during commuter hours. But lately my dash looks like a disco with the side and corner lights flashing yellow, orange and red along with heart stopping warning sounds as they weave by. Jacked up sensors or maybe its just the display accuracy has been improved? Damn I worry about those motorcyclists so I've suspended using my AP during the heavy commute hours because of them and all the dash commotion. Today was so peaceful.�
guest I noted what I considered an increased sensitivity back with 2.17.37 on April 28 (post #2381 in this all-too-long thread). I've not noticed any further increase in that sensitivity up through my present 2.28.19, but still believe it's more than I had before that April update. (...and while the cyclists will likely jump on me/us, I agree with you it startles me every time one passes me when I have another vehicle riding alongside in close proximity -- especially when the cycle comes out of nowhere at much more rapid speed.)
guest Yes, I mentioned when 2.28.19 first came out that I felt they had tweaked the front and side sensors (not AP but the sensors themselves) because a) the car seemed to have a hard time finding the center of the lane and b) the increased flashing sensor displays. After driving it for a couple of days the car settled down on the lane bouncing but I still see the sensitive colorful light display. It doesn't bother me at all and I have no evidence other than you and one other person who also mentioned it.
Edit: I guess the other person was @BertL�
guest I too am still on 2.28.19 and I get concerned the car will jerk away while on AP. Then like you, I need to worry the guy on the right is in his lane and not mine. Thus I've gone back to my own control and am far less worried about over correction. Lane splitting has got to be a great challenge for Tesla. higher speed + smaller scale + unpredictable movement�
guest I guess I am so concerned about one of these cyclists going down that I find that the lights and sound magnify the daily danger and I am the one jacked up! It bothered me less without being reminded of the frequency and degree of proximity.....in other words, ignorance is bliss.�
guest The other day I experimented using AP (2.28.19) on an interstate in a very heavy rain, both hands solidly on the wheel. AP started to weave from side to side within the lane in a serpentine fashion. I disengaged AP because I didn't want to scare other nearby drivers in these poor conditions. The last time I tried in a similar downpour was way back in version 7.0, and the car tracked perfectly straight. Thus I can't peg this behavior on 2.28.19 specifically.�
guest Yeah, people here debate to what degree AP changes and/or AP Tiles make the difference some of us perceive with our MS searching from side-to-side more than perhaps AP once did. That is at least the case for me much of the time... e.g. on a 4-lane 45mph road (with clearly marked double center line and bicycle lane line on the right) I frequent around my home, since about the time 2.28.19 came out, my MS sways just enough side-to-side when on AP especially on its somewhat curvy road that it makes me feel like my MS is drunk -- and it probably looks that way to anyone observing me; On a 55mph 4-lane surface street which has a concrete divider down the middle with occasional plants but low pavers on much of it's width, my MS also tends to pull left much closer to that hard divider than I would ever be driving on my own. Both situations make me very uneasy, and it's why I don't use AP on those roads as much as I used to even though I drive them several times each week. I do "try it out" again after each new firmware update, just in case there is an improvement, but have not found any from my POV in a while.
I was a bit astonished with the graphic one of Tesla's Execs released after the accident a few weeks ago showing how much more accurate AP is keeping to the center of the lane than real drivers are -- that may be my experience on the wide open road that perhaps has more miles traveled by the aggregate fleet, but it isn't with the surface examples I cited, or when I have big rigs to my immediate left or right on the freeway, when it seems like my MS tracks too close to it than I want to be (let alone if a motorcycle were to come between as has happened at least once -- freaking me out.) It's all perception how AP is working for each of us, but that's mine FWIW which just reinforces AP is Beta Software and will likely always be so on my AP V1 MS.
Fortunately for us, Tesla and it's designers are here in CA where the split lane law is in effect, so we can hope it remains a front-and-center consideration even though it's not something that is legal everywhere AP is.�
guest Today was weird. Last night I applied 2.28.60 and never got the notification the update was complete. I walk up to the car and it doesn't power up and start running the a/c like normal. I get in the car and it takes an extended period of time for the instrument cluster to come on, but the 17" never does. No a/c, the contactors close a few seconds later, no music. I hit the brake and the lights turn on (I was still in the garage), but then after two seconds that car goes back to "Car off". Repeat, same result. All the while the 17" doesn't boot up. I get up, walk away, come back 30 seconds later and try again. This time the car stays "on", but otherwise no change. I try rebooting and finally the 17" comes to live and my phone gets a notification that the software update was complete. Weird.�
guest That is weird. Is it possible that the installation was interrupted for some reason and was actually installing while you trouble shooting?�
guest I was in the car about 10+ hours after installation started. Maybe, but when I asked Tesla, they said...
So I'm just not going to worry about it unless I see any other weird behavior.�
guest You realize that every cruise control system ever made, including autopilot, specifically days not to use it in those conditions right?
I think that chart needs to be taken with a heavy gain of salt, I'm pretty sure it was measured by the car, not a neutral third party. As such, if the car thinks it's centred in the lane, that's all that matters, not the actual position of the vehicle.�
guest Of course! I want to extract all the entertainment value I can out of this toy -- er, I mean driver assistance system -- so I try controlled tests under conditions that I believe are marginal for the system. The giveaway is that I had both hands solidly on the wheel. I would never do that if conditions were such that the system should handle them easily.
guest Another data point: Haven't been given an update since 2.28.19. Stopped by a pharmacy near the service center today for 10 minutes. Did not connect to wifi, and an hour later, saw an update notification. Applied in 17 minutes.
EDIT: It's 2.28.75. Updated EV-FW�
guest I've used autopilot fairly recently (2.28.19) in very heavy rain (under a thunderstorm) at about 60 mph (any faster and I wouldn't have been able to see very well). No cars within about 100 feet of me, and both hands firmly on the wheel.
When I tried it, I was actually amazed. It drove almost as well as it normally does.�
guest Same experience! I think i can only see 15 ft in front of me... but the autopilot drove like it was normal..
The radar clearly picked out all the cars and some how still manage see the lanes.. Whats interesting is though, once i disengage the autopilot, it won't allow me to turn it back on.. but while it was on.. i got to say, it can see than i could.�
guest Yes, the threshold to activate autopilot is much more stringent than the threshold to maintain it (prevents lots of on-off switching by using hysteresis).�
guest Last year I was driving West on I-10, East of Houston, in a Very Heavy thunderstorm. I was only able to drive about 40 mph because I could not see the road very well. I got a message that the Lane Departure Warning was disabled. I can only assume that the sensors were receiving too much input and they were disabled. When it stopped raining as hard they started working again.�
guest I must have really been pushing the limits of conditions it could handle. It was very heavy rain. I was in the left lane where traffic was still going 70 (70 limit) while some right lane cars had emergency flashers on and one or two had pulled over.�
guest I guess it's thunderstorm season! I, too, had the opportunity to experiment with AP in a very heavy storm last weekend. There wasn't much traffic on the road, but everyone was slowed down to 35-45 and many cars were pulled off to the side. I was amazed how well AP functioned under these conditions. I was also very impressed by how the car itself handled - like a tank, plowing straight through incredibly heavy water and rain. It's a 70D so imagine the all-wheel drive was a factor. Anyway, it worked great for me, though I did not leave AP on for very long and would not rely on it in those conditions.�
guest I have found AP to struggle in heavy rain at night, particularly when there are a good amount of street lights. The glare/reflection from the wet white lines seems to upset TUS.�
guest My AP seems to drive better at night than during the day....�
guest Just went to tesla sales/svc center. Scheduled an annual check up and took the family to check out the model x. While we were looking, got an update notification! You guys were right!�
guest Yes, you do not have to connect to Tesla WiFi to trigger the update. You just have to enter one of these Tesla Facilities:
1250 Elko Drive
Aix en Provence-Chemin des Piboules
Americana Manhasset - Temp
Amsterdam-PC Hooftstraat
APAC-CN-Shanghai-Grand Gateway
Austin-Burnet Expansion
Austin-Burnet Road
Austin-The Domain
Basel-St. Alban
Bei Gang CIQ Inspection Site
Beijing Huamao
Beijing-Parkview Green
Beijing Universal Business Park (UBP)
Bellevue-16th Street
Bellevue-20th Street
Bellevue-Bellevue Square
Bethesda-Montgomery Mall
Boca Raton-Town Center at Boca Raton
Bordeaux Mérignac
Brea-Brea Mall
Bristol-Cribbs Causeway
Broadway Plaza Relocation
Brooklyn-Van Brunt Street
Bruxelles-Toison d'Or
Buena Park Service Plus
Calgary-Chinook Centre
Canoga Park-Topanga
Century City Temp
Chengdu - Taikoo Li
Chicago-Highland Park
Chicago-Villa Park
Chicago-West Grand Avenue
Cincinnati Blue Ash Service Plus
Columbus-Morse Road
Corte Madera-The Village at Corte Madera
Costa Mesa Sales & Delivery
Costa Mesa Service
Costa Mesa Service Expansion
County Club Plaza
Dallas-Cedar Springs Road
Dania Beach
Den Haag-Forepark
Denver-Evans Avenue
Derby Street Shoppes
Devon Service Plus
Drammen-C.O. Lundsgt
Drammen Dock
Dublin-Amador Plaza
Düsseldorf-Bonner Straße
Easton Town Center
Edinburgh-Multrees Walk
EU-UK-Bristol-Lysander Road
Frankfurt-Grosse Bockenheimer Strasse
Frankfurt-Hanauer Landstraße
Fremont-Factory Service
Geneva-Cours de Rive
Gothenburg-Sodra Hamngatan
Guangzhou-Canton Place
Hamburg-Essener Straße
Hamburg-Große Bleichen
Hangzhou-West Lake
Hong Kong-Castle Peak Road
Hong Kong-QRE Plaza
Hong Kong - The Pulse
Hong Kong-TML Tower
Houston-Houston Galleria
Indianapolis-The Fashion Mall at Keystone
Kansas City-Manchester
Kent-Bluewater Shopping Centre
King of Prussia-King of Prussia Mall
Las Vegas
Leeds-Queen Victoria
London-Brent Cross
London-Oxford Street
London-West Drayton
London-Westfield London
Lone Tree-Park Meadows
Long Island City-Queens -Battery Repair
Long Island-Syosset
Los Angeles-Centinela
Los Angeles-Torrance
Los Angeles-Van Nuys
Luxembourg-Route de Thionville
Lyon-Avenue de Saxe
Manhattan-West 25th Street
Milano-Via Cerva
Milano-Via Forlanini
Minneapolis-Eden Prairie
Mission Viejo-Shops At Mission Viejo
Natick-Natick Mall
Newport Beach-Fashion Island
Oak Brook-Oakbrook Center
Oslo-Alnabru (1)
Oslo-Skøyen (2)
Palm Springs-Cathedral City
Palo Alto
Palo Alto HQ
Palo Alto-Stanford Shopping Center
Paramus-Garden State Plaza
Paramus-Route 17
Parc Central
Paris Ouest
Paris-Parly 2
Pasadena-Colorado Blvd
Portland-SW 72nd Avenue
Portland-Washington Square
Raleigh Sales & Delivery
Reno-Gigafactory Service Center
Robson Street-Vancouver BC
Ross Park Mall
Salt Lake City-1038 South 300 West
San Diego-Fashion Valley
San Diego-Miramar
San Diego-UTC
San Jose-Santana Row
San Rafael
San Rafael Expansion
Santa Barbara-Hitchcock Way
Santa Monica-3rd Street Promenade
Sarasota-University Town Center
Scottsdale-Fashion Square
Scottsdale-Hayden Road
Shi-Jing Shun CIQ
Short Hills-Short Hills Mall
Skokie-Old Orchard Mall
South Salt Lake City-S. State Street
Springfield Township
St. Johns Town Center Retail
St. Louis-University City
Stockholm-Mall of Scandinavia
Stockholm-Täby Centrum
Sydney-Herbert St
Tampa-International Plaza
The Gardens on El Paseo
Tian Bao CIQ Inspection Site
Tilburg Factory
Tokyo-Minami Aoyama
Toronto-Lawrence Avenue
Toronto - Mississauga Temp Relo
Toronto-Yorkdale Shopping Centre
Trondheim Service
Tysons Corner-Tyco Road
Vancouver-Powell Street
Vancouver-West 4th Avenue
Van Nuys Expansion
Washington DC-K Street
Westchester-Mt. Kisco
West Los Angeles-Santa Monica Blvd.
West Palm Beach
White Plains-The Westchester
Wien Tech Park Vienna
guest Also, You will not get an update when entering into a facility every time. You have to have one available for your VIN, and there's some unknown aging parameter that prevents one from being sent if you have already had one recently.�
guest You must have been chuckling while reading our theories/experiments over the past several months.�
guest Not sure what that aging parameter might be. I've gotten two in one day.�
guest I'm pretty old so I should get one every day.
guest Agreed, the last two times at my SC, the download of firmware "failed" as they were about 4 days apart.�
guest Prior to my fairly recent update, I had been to the Rocklin SC twice to try and trigger an update (I think it was maybe two months since last update). Does it have to connect to the Tesla Service AP? I never saw it in the list of available AP only Tesla Guest. Does it connect automatically or does it require a Tesla person to enter in the password at least once for that to happen?�
guest Aging will do that, I hear. Good thing I'm still mentally in junior high school.
guest For the record regarding failed software updates and SvC proximity updates: one can at least sometimes fix that without help:
Details: 10 days ago I installed a spontaneous software update (2.28.60). The following day I got a warning message to contact service regarding a needed software update (forget the exact wording). Ignored it for the trip to Reno for TMC Connect and GF Party. After talking to owner support on Sunday, trying a recommended deep reboot without success and not receiving a promised call from my local service center for 2 days, I just parked at the Sunnyvale service center, set a timer for 10 min and left for home. Right after arriving at home (~15 min) I got a notification about a software update being available. Installed 2.28.75 and it resolved the error message.�
guest I'll say it a 3rd time, it has nothing to do with the WiFi connection. It's a Geofence. The car has the coordinates of all the Tesla facilities I listed in my previous posts, and if you get within range of that location, the car sends a message to the mothership and if they decide you are ready for an update, one is created for your car (a patch). This patch is relatively small as it only contains the differences from the new version from your existing version. (Usually well under 100 megs). The patch usually starts downloading within a few minutes, and will download over cellular or WiFi, and if the connection is lost or changed, it will resume where it left off. The download usually only takes a few minutes even on 3G. Once the patch is downloaded it's decoded and verified. This process takes the longest and will usually be evident as the CID will be laggy and slow to respond, as there are significant computing resources needed. Do not reboot your CID if it gets laggy during this process our you risk killing your update.
One the update passes verification, that's when you'll get the notification and Alarm Clock icon.
I do not yet know how the mothership decides when you are eligible for an update, but it's clear to me that it's very rare to keep getting them one after another even if you regularly visit a Tesla facility. There are enough exceptions to keep one guessing. Maybe that's by design.
I would not advise anyone to bother driving to a Tesla facility to get "the latest". Maybe once 8.0 is released and there are major changes, but otherwise you are wasting your time. Most of the stuff released are just small bug fixes. It's very unlikely you'll get any cool new must-have features to make it worth your time. Relax, Enjoy your amazing Tesla!�
guest 2.28.75 updated the following systems (from 2.28.60):
CID (Center Display)
IC (Instrument Cluster)
guest Interesting approach. So merely passing through a geofenced area (however briefly) is all it takes?
How often does the car ping the mothership update server if it is simply parked well beyond these locations?�
guest I tried this geofence trick at the Portland Or service station but didn't work for me. I think some service stations don't have the wireless geofence�
guest Yes, you only need enter the geofence momentarily, and as I said, it will not always work if your car isn't "due" for an update.
Attached is the full list of geofence coordinates for those curious.�
guest Very cool! Thanks for the info. Now does anyone have enough free time and magical abilities to be able to make a more usable map of these locations?�
guest Interesting...thanks for sharing this!
Is that JSON object bundled as a part of a firmware load or is it updated independently (like the list of Superchargers)?
Any idea what the "type" field is used for? (I see three legal values: "retail", "service", and "facility", and can guess what they mean, but I'm curious as to what would make use of the values.)
guest Yes, all the JSON files are updated separately of software, just like the SuperCharger list. When you enter one of the Geofences, the car sends an alert to the mothership with the facility ID code, and then when you leave, it sends another. I do not know exactly what the type field is used for.�
guest Since 2.28.75 (though could have come in an earlier update and I didn't notice) AP is handling cars merging in to the lane in front of me much better. No longer hitting the brakes but now gradually backing off to attain appropriate follow distance. Very much appreciated.�
guest Doesn't work in Costa Mesa. I drove through the front lot twice. I'm on 2.26.150 currently.�
guest I am picking mine up from the service center today. I will let you know if they did an update.�
guest Got 2.28.42 few weeks ago had a weird experience with this update... My steering wheel control has reversed. Specifically when I pull the steering wheel adjuster to move the wheel towards me it moves away from me, when I push it to move the wheel away it moves towards me. I've got a service center appointment in a few weeks for them to look at it though I'm hoping the car will get another update and resolve the issue... Another weird think I've noticed is my car now offers me spoiler settings like it was a model x...�
guest Have you checked Tesla Tracker to see if that firmware was for an MX?�
guest Looks like mostly model s and only 1 model x got this firmware... Here's the picture from my model s P90DL refresh just over a month old now. Just realized its offering me towing mode as well lol
guest That's cool but you're going to have to wave goodbye to it.
guest Have your doors sprouted wings yet?�
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