guest What's with the Jetta in the service center?�
guest Maybe employee getting something easy done?�
guest I'm not sure if taking pics of Teslas at a Tesla Service Center counts as "random".
guest Only if you got lost and found yourself there by accident...�
guest found this.... ouch.....
guest Is it standard practice to remove plates after an accident or was that a brand new MS?�
guest Oof.
Doors sheared off or cut off/removed I wonder?�
guest Even on the back of a flat bed with parts missing, the car still looks fantastic.�
guest And all the badging? Kinda weird.�
guest Maybe it's an unfinished car used for crash-testing?�
guest I was thinking the same thing but there is full washer fluid...
Also, anyone knows why the drivers seat would be wrapped up like that?
Really strange. Maybe it was used for some sort of safety training for police/fire department and they were practicing extraction methods...but why have upgraded wheels and paint.
If someone were to debadge the vehicle for looks, they would most likely be someone who would tint the windows and the rear window isn't tinted.�
Hah! That's why I keep the other fob in the safe!�
guest I was in Yosemite the week of 10 Feb. and saw this there that day, I believe. It is superficially just like my own (green, 19in wheels). I checked Plugshare and found three charge points in the valley, and zero gas stations.
guest Sighted a Black S on Rte. 17 South in the left lane just before Rte. 4 at about 7:50 to 8:00 AM this morning.
A co worker in my office said that he sees one on Rte 17 North just north of Ridgewood at around 7 AM several times.
Both are in Bergen County New Jersey.�
guest It'll buff out.
I call dibs on the rims!�
guest Looks like a crash test car.
No wiring hanging out anywhere.
Is that green thing in the drivers seat a dummy ?�
guest The front seat looks likes it's wrapped tightly on plastic with green tape. I don't think it's a crash test because the washer fluid, upgraded paint and upgraded wheels. Anymore pictures? My curiosity is getting the best of me!�
guest I think the dummy got out after the crash.
guest Tesla on Bourbon Street
guest Saw a truck carrying teslas going southbound i5 near the Harris ranch SC.
and another truck full of teslas heading east on i44 in Oklahoma�
guest ![]()
I just want to apologize to this person who was driving next to my wife yesterday. She drove 75-80mph with him for about 20 minutes (happened to be going to the same area), while taking about 10 pictures. She is really excited about receiving her Model S in about 4-5 weeks! I think this is 1 of 2 on the Cape, we are soon to be #3!�
guest ![]()
My very excited 8-year-old son standing between my Model S (on the left) and a random white one (on the right), this past Saturday evening, Halstead Square, Merrifield VA.�
guest That's my favorite "random sighting" pic, your son is too adorable!�
guest Dang, busy day for you!�
guest The Oklahoma one was 2 days ago
guest ![]()
Spotted this car parked in front of the Lincoln Theater in DC. If I had known they had 'reserved' parking, I wouldn't have wasted $9 on a meter a mile away ;-)�
guest 46th and 3rd NYC. In front of my drycleaner. Looked to be trying to enter a garage. I wonder if it has charging...
guest well, that's not me. I'm up about 10 blocks. and it's dark out still when I'm getting into NYC at 6am. I also don't see anything on plugshare or chargepoint around 46th & 3rd so probably not charging there.�
guest Didn't get a picture... but driving a rental Chrysler 200 (man, what a let down after a year of Model S!) a block or three from Disneyland two weeks ago we pulled up behind a Livery badged Model S at a red light! Now that's a nice limo.�
guest Saw 3 model S's this morning in the Sacramento ca area!�
guest Parked next to a silver MS last week at 233 Lancaster Avenue in Ardmore, PA in the morning. Had a PA vanity plate starting with ICAR.
- - - Updated - - -
I fly out of PHL so this is helpful. I can park my MS at this preflight location and leave it plugged in while I'm gone? Do they limit how long you can keep your car parked/charging? Is there an additional fee for the charging?�
guest Yep, you can plug in while you are away and have it charging the whole time for free if you park inside. I also had them handwash it last time and it came out well - $15 for outside only. There was minor confusion about which Tesla was mine that they had to call and confirm (haha!) but ended up with no problems, they even plugged it back in.�
guest 2 spotted today!
One brown in the garage under One Penn Plaza and one Black in the Roosevelt Hospital Garage in NYC
guest Saw a black MS on Merritt Pkwy N at 6:45p!�
guest Saw a lot today. Drove from Salt Lake City to Danville, CA. Saw a Gray going East on I80 just past Tahoe, and a brown on I680 going south. Also saw a truck full of new Model S' on their way Eastbound.�
guest Saw a blue S85 that's a twin of mine on Montrose Pkwy in Rockville, MD today at about 8:30am. However I was in a gray P85 loaner while my cars is in for service.
We thumbs-upped each other.�
guest I was out driving up to Mt. Hamilton in the SF Bay Area and I saw a Model S (wite) car parked on the side of the road. There was no one in sight. It was still there when I came back several hours later! (i should really dig up the photo, don't think there were any plates on it either.)
guest Skipped Milford on the way to Darien South but managed to spy a white MS charging there while driving past! Also spotted a dark (blue or black) MS heading north on I-95 after I passed Milford.�
guest Black MS spotted heading northbound in NJ Turnpike at mile 79.�
guest Welcome to the forums!�
guest I did not manage to snap a picture this time, but I spotted a second Model S in Budapest yesterday. It was a brown S60 with a Hungarian license plate, parking right next to the office building i work at.�
guest MY wife spotted a grey MS north of Pittsburgh @ Camp Horne Rd. It so excited her that she miscounted the traffic lights and wound up going back on the highway (the way she'd just come) instead of to the grocery store and had to loop all the way back.
Proud husband: 1-- because correctly spotted the car 2-- was excited to see it AND called me right away
Pic below-- clip of dash cam video: grey tesla sighting camp horne 030814 - YouTube
guest I wonder if that was the Grey one I met at Generoasta...Kenton was the guy's name, I think. Love how the LEDs play in the dashcam. Nice spotting by the wife! You should reward her with a Model X.�
guest Awesome. Thanks @SamGarber!�
guest Haha - From the picture it looks kinda scary.. It almost seems as if you cut all the cars off to stop the Tesla in order to take a picture, but when you watch the video there was a red light. Great illusion!�
guest Two sighted @16W on NJ turnpike heading north to their new homes...
guest hah. 21s. in NJ. those won't last long. that owner better save up for some 19s around these parts...�
guest I guess he was lucky to get one of the last ones sold in New Jersey before Christie shut it down.
guest Damn Christie Kreme governor. Lol
ian B�
guest A free enterprise conservative until CPAC and the Koch Brothers decide that they don't like a given enterprise.�
guest Forgot to post about the Blue S85 I saw there a few weeks back. We gave the wave. I was in a Grey S60.
I also spotted a Blue S at Wildwood Center on Old Georgetown Road in Bethesda this morning. The owner was getting something out of the trunk and we exchanged waves as I passed through the lot.�
guest In the desert by Borrego Springs, CA
Where the wild things are ....�
guest can you sic that dragon on gov christie please?�
guest not so random. Had to share the joy. Picked mine up today.
guest Cool Blaze, didn't know you lived down under! :wink:�
guest This car really IS turning the world upside down!�
guest One blue S85 Eastbound on the Virginia airport access road yesterday at about 9am:
And then another blue on Eastbound on Montrose Parkway in Rockville at about 9:30am.
My S85 is blue also... there was a swarm of us around yesterday...�
guest ![]()
Charging up at the King of Prussia mall yesterday. I was a little perturbed that some people didn't park correctly and also that two of the cars were not even plugged in. I needed a spot and had to park, move a charge cable out of the way and squeeze into a parking space to get a needed charge.
Not sure, but the store might be partly responsible.�
guest Spotted this blue S60 near Munich, Germany in early March.
guest I'm pretty sure at least two of those are the demo cars.�
guest White with 21 silver west bound on Parmer lane near 620 in Austin, Texas.
Ian B�
guest White MS spotted in Bristol Road in Trevose, PA just now. Flashed my lights
guest White MS parked in 1750 Tysons Blvd Garage near the Palm Restaurant and the Ritz in Tysons Corner VA today.�
guest Black P85 parked outside my office in Ballston, VA yesterday.�
guest Spotted a nice Sig Red MS in Stamford, CT this morning. I was in my M5 and waved.�
guest ![]()
PrerFlight Parking PHL. One black charging and another white just in an indoor parking spot.�
guest Just saw a brand new MC Red going down Sego Lily in Sandy, Utah. Didn't have the chance to get a photo. Looked like he was taking family out on a drive.�
guest At the service center yesterday having a coolant pump replaced. Tampa SC is now a store/SC, and has a nice enclosed area for new cars waiting for their forever homes. They said they are delivering about 10 a week there now, while I was there, someone was taking delivery of a beautiful brown with 19s (all the cars I could see awaiting delivery had 19s, about 8 cars I would guess)
- - - Updated - - -
Also, saw this white beauty parked next to a black Fisker Karma in downtown St Pete last night. The MS had the windows down, and it was parked there for quite a while. We thought that was a little odd. Sorry for the crappy pic, my non-tech savvy better half took it since I accidentally left my phone in my MS several blocks away. He's no photographer!
guest Spotted this one in Palm Desrt.
It was parked rather close to the guy in front. Didn't see any parking sensors... must be a good driver with inches to spare
guest Okay too lazy to start a new thread sorry. My daughter was asked to prom in a Model S in the local Tesla store on Sunday.![]()
She said "yes"�
guest This is a longshot I saw a white model S in Landenberg Pennsylvania turning onto Broad Run Road from Saw Mill Road. yesterday morning trudging through the snow. Looks like it may be a new owner because I haven't seen this MS before. Hope you had a safe drive!�
guest Congrats! On second thought, was it a random occurrence? Or is it a side effect of not being allowed to talk about prices in a Tesla store? :biggrin:�
guest She didn't know it was coming, was taken to the mall by her girlfriends while her date lay waiting with the sign.
We *can* talk price in MA now.�
guest I keep seeing my model s coming and going from my driveway while I recover from spine surgery. Not random, just really sucks not being allowed to drive, but at least the wife is enjoying it.�
guest Mike, I wish you a speedy recovery!�
guest I saw this Tesla between Lawton, OK and Oklahoma City. I've been a Tesla fan for years, but this is the first time I've actually seen one in person. I was so excited when I saw it in my rear view mirror!
guest I drove that stretch every other weekend for a year and a half... Glad those days are in the past. Seeing Model S's would have made it more interesting.�
guest No pics because I was driving and they were fleeting glimpses, but today at lunch I saw a white MS on Henderson in S Tampa, and then 5 minutes later a blue one on one of the east/west residential streets further south.�
guest I saw (I think) the same white MS that I posted a photo of a couple weeks ago, again at Halstead Square. This time we were both looking for parking, passed each other and waved. Also, jcadman22, I've seen a black P85 around Ballston several times as well -- my office is there too.
And while I'm posting to this thread, I saw three last weekend on my way from home to Tyson's Corner and back (~20 minutes total driving time): a grey one passed my house while I was unloading bicycles from the trunk, a black one that merged from 495S onto 123W (I waved), and I can't even remember the color of the third one, which I think I saw near my house in Falls Church.In general I've been seeing a lot more around the DC/NoVA area lately. Hello to all of you if you're reading this.
guest Where I live in Calgary, Teslas are pretty rare and to be honest, I'm very bad at spotting Teslas. A couple of days I was driving down 26 Avenue S.W. (meaningless to most of you but in case the owner is reading) and saw a car coming towards me flashing its lights at me. I was just thinking "those headlights are cool - look just like..." and I realized it was a red (possibly signature) Tesla coming towards me I only just had time to wave and smile let alone take a picture. Given how few of these cars are around I'm guessing this could have been either 85Kwh or Grassy Knoel.�
guest A beautiful red MS, tan interior, with 21" rims parked next to my blue MS yesterday at a Kaiser Anaheim. Belong to anyone on this board? Wonder if it's a co-worker or patient's. Didn't take a pic cuz it was at night at the end of my shift, and my camera phone sucks.
Edit: The red MS looks really good parked next to my blue MS. Should add a white MS on July 4th and park together. =)�
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My blue model S has two sister cars in my business park in Westlake Village. Enjoy the company. All blue.
guest I believe there are five or six Model S in the Victoria area, and we rarely see each other. Yesterday on Gorge Road near Washington I noticed a MC red just before it passed by. Not sure if the red was visiting, or lives here. I had just finished drying my car off from its wash when I noticed a bystander taking significant interest. We started chatting, and I ended up taking him for a ride. He bought TSLA at $28, but he's waiting for the pickup truck. When I said "hey, there's another one" I don't think he was quick enough to recognize the MC red's headlights before it was gone.�
guest Looking at this black beauty right now as I dine al fresco at the Countryside Griilsmith
guest Lots of sightings in So. Cal. but had to share this one. 2 MS's driving between 2 gas stations
guest Creative.�
guest Parked on the first level of Trenton Train Station Parking Garage. Not charging though there are plentiful spots on the roof.
guest Brand spanking new GORGEOUS blue Tesla arriving in Wexford area (still had the "Zero Emissions" plate on it) this weekend, as caught by my dashcam.
Congratulations to the new owner and hope to see you running about the area-- urban beautification!
JakeP-- note the SHINY reflection in my own car's hood... how CLEAN. Ooooo..... Ahh......
guest Newscutter, I can barely see from the glare off that shiny hood. First time it has seen sunshine in quite a few months, no?
I am gonna bet this is my neighbor, who drove his new baby back to Wexford from Columbus over the weekend. Absolutely gorgeous, indeed! Here are a couple of decidedly less random shots of the same car, meeting mine for the first time:
guest Today at Toronto airport. Two teslas and other EVs charging. Don't think we have anything like this at Calgary airport.
guest 7 on a car carrier in Louisiana
Driving down I-10 in Louisiana towards New Orleans I came across this car carrier with 7 new MS cars on board in assorted colors. This picture was taken as they were crossing the Mississippi River bridge in Baton Rouge. They may have been going to New Orleans or further east even, on their way to Florida.
guest The one in front is random.
guest Aero wheels? Didn't know anyone ever actually got those.�
guest I had a loaner last November with the aero wheels. Looks like matchbox car wheels.�
guest I would've bought them if they'd been available when I ordered my car. It's not worth it to get a second set of wheels though (and my existing ones are scratched up so they would have low resale value).�
guest Spotted black MS parked in an outside lot on 46th and 8th in NYC�
guest Just saw a white Model S outside Petco in Lee's Summit (Kansas City) yesterday. I'm dying to see a Model S up close and actually sit in one. I've seen a couple Model S in the wild but feel awkward about randomly getting up close and inspecting someone else's car so I've never gotten up close. I did visit the Tesla St. Louis store but that was a waste of my time; nothing to see or do there without a scheduled test drive.�
guest Reach out to local forum members? That is how I got my first ride in a Tesla (Roadster). Most of us aren't that bad.�
guest Just schedule a test drive.�
guest Saw three Model S on my way to work this morning: 1) brown on the inner loop of the Capital Beltway, 2) dolphin gray northbound on the Clara Barton Parkway around 8:30, and then 3) green in Arlington, VA. Good morning and thanks for the rainbow of colors! Looking forward to a few more on the way home
guest I "smoked" a tesla yesterday. :biggrin: Saw a white model s turn at the light, i followed it. Next light turned red and he got in the other lane to be first and there was another lane open so i got in that one. Light turned green i stepped on it and accelerated away, he gave it a little but not much, i know he saw my car take off.
It made me feel good lol even though he'd completely smoke me if he tried.�
guest Saw a red model S parked in front of the Apple Store in Ardmore, PA around 9am today. I slowed down hoping to see the driver but didn't see anyone. Maybe s/he was having a one-to-one session in the store.�
guest Saw a beautiful blue on in the parking lot of my kids school yesterday. I was driving in to pick them up when he was driving out. Dont think he saw me though (or at least he didnt respond to my goofy wave as i drove by).�
guest I saw my first Tesla Model S ever in Sweden today! I am working on parking lots myself and I am responsible for keeping our public charging stations from bein ICEd. This gorgeous piece of beauty with swedish plates was charging in central Sundsvall. It was amazing for a Tesla-fan like myself to see it with my own eyes for the first time. Although something occured...I did notice how wide it is compared to other european cars. This might be an issue actually in Europe and I think the Model E has a big advantage here. Enjoy the pic!
guest Sleek looking roof carrier. Made by Thule? That person is really carrying a lot of stuff if a roof carrier is needed for the Model S.�
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Tesla outside the Islamic Center of Central Jersey as I was driving by
guest No pic, but I saw a MC red with dark wheels (likely 21s), heading south on McMullen Booth road this morning around 10ish. It was just south of Sunset Point when I passed it heading north.�
guest Probably my dad lol�
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Logan Airport on a Saturday night...�
guest Nice... Wish Philly was more EV friendly so I don't have to take a shuttle to the off-airport PreFlight Parking.�
guest Saw a beautiful white model S tonight between Yakima and the tri-cities. It made my night. When I saw it I was on the phone with my father (hands free)talking about Gen 3.�
guest Lol I would say that it's a scandinavian thing....roof carriers are extremely common here. Maybe he thought it was more convenient with a roof carrier for the skiis because of snow-mod and dirt.Sundsvall is mid-north of Sweden and people pass by when they continue to the mountain-range to the north-west.�
guest Spotted a white S85 with PA plates in the PHL airport PreFlight Parking garage.
guest Black model S on Ben Franklin Parkway in Philly the other day with 0-PETROL plate.
guest our sister car! ZROPTRO ... Although we might switch to Florida plates and then Maybe we will get something different. Our 1 year renewal came in the mail, and t costs 10 times as much to register the car in California than it does in Florida... $75 vs $750.... Wtf?
also, the base cops are getting antsy at our new base about not having a front plate... It all started after I got lippy after being pulled over for a U turn at a stop sign. While I didn't know for sure at the time, she was wrong, and it was a legal turn. I asked her to show me where it said it was illegal, and she said "i don't know, but I've pulled people over for it before." As if that is what made it illegal. Sometimes, Base cops can be the worst. Their one job is to protect the base, but, like so many other primary jobs in the Air Force, that role is almost never needed, so in the mean time they make everyone else's life hell....�
guest Atleast the VLF part - a hefty $445 for me late last year - is tax deductible.�
guest While this year I'm unlikely to get any tax free (deployments have some advantages) and it might come in handy, last year I was already maxed out in what actually benefitted me to deduct.
either way, a lot of factors have to add up to make paying $675 be worth it to gain $675 in deductions.... I'd have to be right at the edge of a tax bracket.�
guest Spotted a black P85 charging at PHL Airport PreFlight Parking.
guest Snapped a quick shot at the Flagstaff Supercharger last weekend on my way to Phoenix
guest ![]()
and a random Model S cruising through my park
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