guest I don't have this update YET, but even with the last one, 2.9.68, I noticed a significant improvement on the "diving for exits" behavior. I get much less torque from the wheel now and can easily guide her towards the left when passing those. I know I've learned, but there is definitely less steering wheel movement as well toward these right-hand exits.�
guest The error messages and warning bells on the car are so polite. My Toyota's were all very rude to me.
Tesla: "Excuse me, really sorry to bother you. There is a fairly decent chance we are going to be in a real pickle here in about four seconds. If you wouldn't mind doing some type of corrective action, I'd appreciate it."�
guest Super cool. When was this?
And on a side-note, I now miss In-N-Out after our too/two frequent stops to Las Vegas a few weeks back on the first road trip. That's the biggest In-N-Out I've ever seen there in Barstow. I think they said the only bigger one is the new one in Dallas somewhere. Of course. It's Texas, and we all know, everything's ______ in Texas.�
guest I think it's pretty apparent from watching this video that the real utility of being able to see the extra cars in the extra lanes will be realized when Tesla adds rear-facing cameras and rear-facing radar, such that cars coming up from behind on your sides will be visible on the IC.
Once that happens I can even imagine little green and red indicators to the right and left of the main car, indicating, when Auto Steering is engaged, if you may currently initiate an auto-lane change into that lane.�
guest Just received this email from my service advisor
"At this point in time, the engineering team is only releasing the new software in batches and it looks like I am unable to bypass it like I used to, sorry."
I'll just keep waiting. Checking the phone. Then the car. Sigh.�
guest It's like waking up Christmas morning and everyone is opening presents but us. :sad:
Re the picture of Elon at in-n-out, it truly is a random picture. I don't know when it was taken or who the other guy is.�
guest This is a common practice in some software releases. They may have pulled in the release and shorten the validation cycle due to marketing reasons, so maybe it is a limited release and is going to intercept a fully validated release in a week or so. So there will be a mass distribution of a newer build with bug fixes very soon.�
guest I've had the "double click the fob to unlock" interrupt a charging session before, when I least expected it - and since then I've used it to "unlatch" the plug from the charge socket when the long-hold on the trunk button didn't do the job (at a public charger where there's no button on the plug)
Sounds like they've simplified the behaviour.�
guest Or just move your car up in the display so it's centered leaving room for icons behind the car.�
guest Oh, darn. I thought it was "random" to the thread, but of you and Elon. Disappointed Now.
and yes, no presents for us.
- - - Updated - - -
agree so much. I had to drive my MBZ SUV the other day, and had forgotten how stressful that car is with all its beeping and worrying. Another thing no one really mentions is how nice the nav is that I can leave it muted permanently and not have to mute it every time. I much prefer visuals to audibles as I'm usually listening to a podcast (my stories!) and hate when the nav interrupts.�
guest Anyone having a problem with the Homelink auto open/close?
Prior my homelink would pop up when I got to a certain radius of the garage so I thought this would be seamless upgrade.
After the update, I went into the homelink screen and enable auto open and close
But I don't get the radius notification nor the skip indications at all.
I deleted my old homelink setting and relearned the remote but still doesn't work.
Any ideas?�
guest Ugh. I can't test right now, but I would have sworn I'd gone more than 3 minutes without the nag. I'll try to replicate as soon as I get my car back. This would really suck.�
guest You, my dear, are ballsy. I love that you emailed asking for the software update.The thought crossed my mind and I considered stopping by my service center, but decided against it.
guest this is a really good alert. Something I didn't account for on my first long trip. I "thought" i had enough miles, but when going 70-75 I got the "turn around" to nearest SuperCharger. I had to go 65! the horror! Everyone was passing me.
Anyway, I'm glad they added this. The difference in the range from 70mph to 65 is even greater than most know.�
guest Well, I did have an excuse as there were a couple of remaining things from my last service visit that still need attending to and are awaiting parts. But, I figure it never hurts to ask.�
guest Drove almost 20 miles on a well marked highway that I've used AP on before. Asked me to hold the steering wheel almost every minute (stopwatch used), despite high quality data (according to the instrument cluster) and my other inputs, like signal to change lanes.
- - - Updated - - -
The radius is easy to miss. Seems buggy. I reset my homelink location thinking it may fix it, made it worse. Garage door opened while I was too far away. Although there's no doubt about the strength of that transmitter now. Reset it again this time inside the garage (despite instructions) we'll see how it does tomorrow.
I would also assume autoclose should work even if you didn't use summon. Hasn't worked for me successfully yet. No radius warning, I assume it didn't even try.�
guest Uh-huh. Sure there were.
guest I hope they plan on changing that text sometimes within the next 2 years before they roll out the ability to summon your car from NY to LA.�
guest Or there's a metal or concrete barrier very close to the left!�
guest Actually I think I could argue that even in the case of a metal or concrete barrier, it still may be the safer position.
Assuming the car's system actually has an accurate idea of where the barrier is, it's not going to drive into it, and the barrier is stationary. On the other hand, the stuff on the other side--vehicles driven by human beings--could do anything at any time. So in a way, it is logical for the software to want to maintain more distance from the objects that are moving, and that it has no control over than from the stationary object, even if that might make us nervous.�
guest Bethesda Supercharger - don't bother
I tried the Bethesda Supercharger once (early am so no wait) and it only produced 60mi per hour so I left after 10 min. eVgo Chademo is better - 130mi per hour. I use that when I have to make multiple daily trips in the DC Metro area, like Olney to Herndon to Baltimore... So, I'm all for them moving it; upgrade to newer units and get it out of the mall garage, and increase the number of chargers..�
guest Looking at the BMW magazine I got here in more detail, it seems the car is not really autonomously doing that . the driver has to keep holding the key fob and potentially do something to move the car. I should really go down the road to the BMW dealership.�
guest Firmware 2.9.154 European Version with Spotify available here:
guest I should have worded better. I actually like FG very much. There is about one in each major city in NC. Smashburger I've never eaten at, but hear good things. In Florida, there are plenty of FGs. No need to travel far to get to them where I visit vs. only the one in Charlotte.�
guest if you ever looked at the extremely high calorie counts of 5guys burgers you might stop eating there�
guest ![]()
guest Has anyone had a problem with voice entry for navigation on this release? It has worked for me in the past but trying a couple dozen times this morning the system would not recognize speech at all. My test was in an area of reasonable LTE coverage.�
guest I love Five Guy's fries, but I don't think their burgers are all that. Shake shack on the other hand... I don't know what's in those burgers - it may be crack - they are great.
Alas, I can't eat any of them anymore since I gave up beef after watching racing extinction.�
guest If I'm picking up food I usually stuff it in the foot well to contain the smell but I can't help but to snag a few Five Guy's fries on my way home...so so good. Don't think we have Shake Shack around here but I'll be on the lookout.�
guest Oooh... I'm assuming that's "gave up"... if so I may just delete Racing Extinction from my DVR instead of watching it.... I have a brew day coming up...�
guest Objective and negative
Each time I'm trying to make a constructive criticism in this forum, there is someone to tell I'm negative or I don't know what I'm talking about. Welcome to the club!�
guest For some reason on my first trip with 7.1 automatic Homelink didn't work as expected. I thought it wasn't working. On my next trip, it worked, and has worked since. Go figure.�
7703 East Coast Hwy, Newport Coast, CA 92657�
guest Hate to disrupt the seafood freshness and burger joint review thread...
We now surpassed 200 reports of 7.1 installed after three days which means that this is second only to the original 7.0 rollout that got about 250 in 4 days. So my WAG is that this is a "full roll-out" of the next release, as far as Tesla is concerned. This of course doesn't help the people who didn't get it, yet, but last time I think we had more or less complete coverage after about a week, so it shouldn't be too long. Certainly there is no sign that Tesla has stopped the roll-out.
At this point all variations of Model S have received updates. All battery sizes, all combinations of RWD/FWD, etc.
No Model X has received 7.1 (and over in the Model X 7.1 thread one of the owners reports being told that they are going to try sort out some of the existing problems with the Model X code base, first, before moving them to 7.1). Interestingly enough the latest 7.0 build for Model X has build # 2.10.10 - so a higher second number than all the 7.1 builds for Model S.
We have the first report from HK of a 7.1 install, nothing from China or Japan, yet, but my guess is that may also be because we have very very few Chinese and Japanese owners reading along here...�
guest Here are two pictures of the new graphics with the lanes on the right and left of the one your car is in. Sorry for the blurry pics, I need a better camera than my IPhone... I've finally decided what to name my car. From now on she is "Christine", from the Stephen King novel.
guest Worked fine for me yesterday. With a difficult street name, even.
- - - Updated - - -
I'm also assuming that was supposed to be "beef", not "beer", since 5guys doesn't serve beer. So no worries about your brew day.�
guest Thanks for the report. Is there any way to see rollout by US state or at least region? From what I'm reading most of us in CA have still not received 7.1, which is strange at best.�
guest I did a quick search, and it doesn't look like this has been posted yet. There's nothing new here, right?
Press Kit | Tesla Motors�
guest On 6.2, I saw this every once in a while. A reboot solved it for me.�
guest Typos.. I fixed the original post. I gave up beef after watching racing extinction. Watch it.�
guest I don't mean to hijack the thread but really??? I was raised around farmers and ranchers, around feed lots, and meet packing plants and I've never seen anything that's made me think for a moment about giving up eating beef...
guest So Hank added the country level data a while ago and still not everyone has updated their country information. I simply don't think we have enough participation to make a breakdown by state worth while.
I'm happy that we got 200 people reporting their 7.1 update - but if you think about it, that's still a very very small sample. Which means the further you break it down, the less meaningful it becomes.�
guest Thanks! Mini road trip [emoji3].�
guest I think I might need to start a new thread, but I've been thinking about this nag thing more and more. I'd like to figure out exactly how it works.
I'm 99% sure I have a nag now, I'm 80% sure it's related to the type of road I'm on, and I'm 30% sure it punishes you when it detects that you're not holding the wheel for a while.
What I don't understand is why some people have no nag, others have it at 5 minutes, some at 3 minutes, some at 1 minute. I think it correlated to the speed limit and/or the speed you're traveling on the road, but haven't seen any proof yet.
My 3minute repeatable nag happened going 55mph on a 55mph speed limit road.
My 1 minute nag happened on a non-divided highway going 50mph in a 45mph road.
The people who have no nags, is your speed limit higher than 65mph? 70mph? 75mph?
Is your set speed higher than 65mph? 70mph? 75mph?�
guest Yep - and what about all the updates in other countries. We've had a lot in the UK and I know of some in other European countries. You might want to look at 7.1 OTA downloads starting in North America | Speak EV - Electric Car Forums (and this, if you can cope with the languages: Europe -).�
guest Does anyone know why the release notes are not available from Tesla Motors' website; it seems to me such an obvious place to put them? I have found them at https://cdn1.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/5891465/Release_Notes_US.0.pdf but why on earth should I have to go to this sort of site for something so useful and interesting?�
guest IDK. I would personally think Tesla could just update everyone's My Tesla Documents section with Release Notes to match what has been delivered. Mine still has the original 6.2 that came with my MS at delivery.�
guest If you are active in other Tesla forums - feel free to suggest that people update the Firmware Tracker at ev-fw.com�
guest Yes, this is clearly not a straightforward timed nag.
I can verify I went 5 minutes at 70 mph on an interstate without a nag, but can also verify that I'm seeing more nags than I used to--and I got a nag at the 5 minute mark.
This will definitely require more testing. It ought to be done when traffic is light on a stretch where the driver doesn't interact (no lane changes, pedal presses, or cruise set speed changes).�
guest That's a good point, I didn't think about the driver interactions. I want to try the same stretch of road I did last night, but at 70mph (the flow of traffic, yeah, yeah, speed limit is only 55) and see if my nag changes from 3minutes to 5minutes. Though I think it might be more dependent on the speed limit of the road rather than the speed of the car.
My wife always rests her hands on the wheel, so she doesn't care about the nag. I sometimes do, sometimes don't, while I'm not thrilled it's there, it's not a deal breaker. I would like to know how it's setup, just for my own curiosity.
I started a new thread to compile some data. How and why to nag (AP V7.1)�
guest Still would like to know what the breakdown of who has the update and who doesn't. My P85D is vehicle 83000+, in California, and still not 7.1. Any rumor of someone not receiving the update because of supercharger use? Or am I just paranoid?�
guest Tesla Firmware Upgrade Tracker Web App�
guest "When Autosteer is restricted, it cannot be used above 45 mph (70 km/h)."
Looks like they didn't update this from the beta (beta-beta?). Can confirm it's 5 mph over speed limit.�
guest Moved some posts to random chitchat�
guest please stop. You don't even have a Tesla. You're just spreading crap�
guest That's commitment for a burger and/or fries. Over 2hr drive.�
guest Each way!�
guest This is interesting, as I believe the below section is outdated. Limiting to 45mph was supposedly part of a 7.0 build (2.9.40 IIRC) but I never saw it myself, even on undivided residential roads. The new 7.1 restriction should say "5mph over the speed limit".
guest re: nags;
is it possible that the car will learn to nag less?�
guest Awww. Thanks
guest I thought limiting to 45 would apply in the following: 1) the car identifies the road to what it considers a restricted road (correctly or not), and 2) the car's camera did NOT detect a speed limit for the road. Then the 45 limit kicks in. If just #1 but not #2, then its 5 over the limit.�
guest Ok, back on topic. Would this nag/no nag be an issue if 7.0 rolled out as 7.1 in it's current state? Can't miss anything if it was never there. Maybe these so-called "limitations" need to be enforced to continue having autosteer by legislators?�
guest So that's one of the things I want to test again, I only have anecdotal evidence that I posted upthread.
On my un-divided road, speed limit of 45, me going 55, I got nagged every 1minute. Then I decided to hold the steering wheel for 5 minutes (roughly, didn't time this one), and then re-did the experiment (same road), this time I got nagged once at the 2minute mark and then after that the 1 minute nag started again.
I felt like I was being given leeway for holding the wheel, but again this is just one case, I haven't tested if it's repeatable.�
guest Looks like it identified a truck. Was wondering when the software would be able to do that.�
guest My car was delivered with 7.0, but my release notes in 'My Tesla' are still 6.2.The manual appears to reflect 7.0 however.
guest How would you deal with duplicate usernames across forums? E.g. there is another MarcG on teslamotors.com forums, but it's not me.�
guest tesla MOTORS.com is not tesla MOTORSCLUB.com. I doubt either site would allow duplicate screen names, you will not be able to marcg over there and the marcg over there cannot be marcg on this site.�
guest still waiting for 7.1 on my 85D. FWIW, even right now on 7.0, I get a ton of nags to hold the wheel. It's extremely predictable - I will be asked to hold the wheel every time the car is making even a slight turn.�
guest On a classic Sig P85, the improvements in the auto wiper algorithm are worth the whole release, especially for someone who lives on the Rain Coast!
Why it took them 3+ years to fix this is beyond me!�
guest Thanks I know that, but it's not what I meant. I was asking Dirk how the ev-fw.com site would handle screen names from different forums that could be duplicates but not the same person. So if the MarcG from teslamotors.com (a different person than me) wanted to log his firmware update on ev-fw.com, he will not be able to since the MarcG handle on ev-fw.com is for my account on teslamotorsclub.com. See the dilemma?
- - - Updated - - -
HOT OFF THE PRESS! Just got this from my service advisor after asking him an unrelated question. Inspired by JenniferQ, I also snuck in a question about having them push the 7.1 upgrade to me :biggrin:
guest That's disappointing but it is what it is.�
guest I'm so glad you and JenniferQ are here.It benefits us all by knowing more. Thank you!
I also heard from a friend in the area that Portland-folks may be getting it in the next few days. Hopefully by the end of the week. Too bad we cannot summon the software.
guest That's different and expected given the limited FOV of the sensor suite. This is a timed nag being discussed at specific, whole minute, intervals.�
guest That's weird. CA being the center of the universe but last to get the 7.1 update?
guest There is discussion in a couple of other threads indicating that Tesla may have pulled the current firmware release. Here's one of those threads. It includes a reference to another.
7.1 yellow clock disappeared before I updated
One poster claims the reason was that some AP cars were losing the radar calibration after updating. That is plausible, as it is exactly what happened to me, as I described in this thread in post number 99:
guest I think it makes complete sense. Use the rest of the world as guinea pigs to make sure nothing catastrophic happens -- then push it out to locals. Could you imagine the revolt at the local service centers if something terribly bad happened after pushing out the update locally? Service Centers in the area would be inundated with calls / visits. Telsa owners / sq mi is so far off the charts in Cali compared to the rest of the world.�
guest Also the largest number of cars.�
guest The connection to forum names is ONLY to TMC (and only use for password reset).�
guest So you're saying two people can register in Tracker with the same ID?�
guest Right, so how does someone from another forum log their firmware updates on ev-fw.com, per your suggestion (copied below)? My take is that it's not currently designed to be multi-platform capable.
One way to do this would be to append a prefix to the handle name, such that I would be TMC-MarcG on ev-fw.com but the MarcG dude from teslamotors.com would TM-MarcG.
guest It's of course hard to tell from the rather small sample size, but it seems plausible as the number of new submissions has gone down quite a bit in the last few hours. Too soon to tell.
As for why people in California apparently haven't received the update... I'm thinking that maybe this is payback for all those superchargers you have down there? Just kidding. No idea, actually. Maybe it's a regulatory thing with Summoning? Is there potentially a California specific issue with that? OK, yeah, I'm just making stuff up now.�
guest I got my update notification yesterday (the 11th) at 9:12am ET but I was on my last day of vacation in New Orleans so wasn't able to update my car in North Carolina right away. Got in last night about 1:10am and started the update right away. It finished about 2:20am ET but I waited until this morning to try things out.
I made a video showing how Summon works for me:
In general here are my first thoughts with the new upgrade overall
- Summon works well in its limited form. It is pretty crazy watching the car drive by itself for the first time!
- Love that the autopilot visuals now show the other cars it detects too. Interesting to see just when it actually picks up another car.
- While in theory I'm not that mad at Tesla for the +5 limit, I think perhaps it needs to be made +10 as others have commented, some roads its simply not safe to drive the speed limit. Personally I do kind of like it though as it forces me to drive saferBut yeah.. still kind of annoying.. torn
- The car did slow down a bit more around a turn which was nice
- It seems though they cut down the abruptness of turning into oncoming traffic all that was changed was that. My car still swerved "gracefully" into the other lane. I let it go in a bit just to see since there was no traffic at the location of the test... but it did go in and would have caused an accident if it was for real. (this was not a highway.. so theres that)
Overall I haven't done enough testing to give a full review (just one drive to get my dog from his "camp" while I was gone) but I'd say things are going in the right direction. Can't wait until I'll be able to "drive" to the airport then send my car home, then call it back to pick me up!!�
guest Could you clarify, I'm not quite understanding correctly. The first sentence has me thinking you're making a left turn. The second makes me think you're using auto lane change.�
guest In order to provide a small amount of accountability, anyone who uses the Firmware Tracker needs a TMC handle. That is verified during registration. This is so (a) nobody needs to provide an email address to register, and (II) PIN reminders are sent via PMs on TMC.
Before I implemented this policy, we were getting a bunch of junk signups and junk records added.�
guest Tesla is saying that right now, while Auto Steer is in beta, it is not safe for the software to be used on non-divided highways at all, and that we shouldn't do it. Even so, they are allowing it, with the limitation that the car can't go in excess of 5 MPH over the speed limit, and steer on its own, without the driver also engaging the accelerator pedal. That seems to me to be a pretty fair amount of leniency, considering Tesla is saying the system shouldn't be used under these conditions at all yet.
If you think 5 MPH over the speed limit is too slow to be safe, there's a simple answer: steer the car!�
guest Ok great, so to close on this, I believe the conclusion is: other forums' members can NOT sign up to ev-fw.com and add their records using non-TMC forums' handles. They would need to register to the TMC forums first and use their TMC handle on ev-fw.com - I think that covers it, yes?�
guest in California, with a RWD S70, vin 118xxx, no update yet. On the tracker only one S70 has gotten the upgrade. For some reason CA deployment is very slow if at all at this point. This is my first FW update as the car is 3 wks old, how long does it take for them for a complete roll-out usually, one week, 3 weeks ?�
guest No joy here in NorCal yet either. Still waiting . . .�
guest yes. But how many Model S/X owners are signed up on other forums and still NOT on TMC? I can't imagine it's that many. Nobdoy has raised this issue before, so I don't think it's that big of a deal overall.�
guest Agree. And the effort to make this multi-forum-interaction-capable seems not reasonable for the potential incremental user number�
guest totally agree (of course). The solution to this problem is not writing more code, but rather: Sign up on TMC. Takes 30 seconds.�
guest Update from my awesome service advisor (thanks Karl, if you're reading this!)
"Just got word that they are starting the roll out this afternoon of 7.1 to California. It still may take a day or two for you to get but it is on its way."�
guest You're ignoring the most common complaint. The car has no clue what roads are divided highways, and has no clue what the speed limits are.
So now it limits you to 35 in a 70 zone on a 6 lane divided highway, and you say " that's fine, you shouldn't be trying to speed on a 2 lane road anyway"
I've said many times, I'm perfectly ok with the stated restriction, what I'm not ok with is the implementation. Until the car can reliably know the speed limits, and reliably map the roads, you just can't make your limits based on either of those criteria.�
guest Excellent news Marc!�
guest Using 7.1 for several hours yesterday and today on several different roads here in Virginia there were no misclassifications, even handling a road that changes from two lanes to four-lanes divided and then back. All speed limit readings were also correct.�
guest Everyone, if you get 7.1 in California - please report it on the tracker (ev-fw.com) and add "in California" in the optional "Notes" field when entering the data -- this way it's easy to identify the California cars and to track how that part of the rollout is going - without Hank having to add code to his awesome server...�
guest Your arguments aren't the ones being made by the poster I was responding to. That poster was suggesting the cap should be 10 mph over the limit instead of 5. Clearly that would not address your concerns.
As for your concerns, while I have not experienced the issues you have, I have no doubt that they exist. I would hope that as incorrect road types and incorrect speed limits are reported to Tesla that they would somehow update their database, so that the errors become less and less of a problem.
I don't think the solution Tesla came up with is a perfect one. I do think it is better than the one they documented in previous firmware versions, and I'm attempting to give them credit for that.�
guest The way the car displays the firmware release notes is actually pretty cool. It takes into account your particular vehicle's options and displays or hides particular parts based on your particular car. Would make it more difficult to do this in a PDF form or something since they'd have to whip one up for every configuration.�
guest I've encountered a number of misclassified roads in Richmond.�
guest This is a case where "perfect" may be impossible... There are certainly things that could conceivably go wrong: misidentified type of road, misidentified speed limit (I regularly get on 55 sign on Hwy26 read as 85 (YAY) and a 45mph two lane road where the car things we're in a 25 zone (BOOOO)). That said, in general it seems reasonable to assume that detection quality will go up over time. And I think it is hard to argue that what they are trying to do with the limit is reasonable... Edited to clarify: Grr - not my best job at phrasing things - I meant to say that I think what they are trying to do is reasonable... but I clearly got my figure of speech wrong...�
guest NoVa too. At least part of Fairfax County Parkway here is treated as a non-divided road, when there is a grass median between the lanes.�
guest Please explain...�
guest I've seen that too, but it was always secondary roads misclassified as highways. Have you seen highways classified as secondary roads?�
guest bwa created a whole thread on this. Let's not rehash that here... Consider the differences in 7.1 and 7.0 when deciding whether to update�
guest I'm not talking about just detection quality.
I'm suggesting that if several people report to Tesla that divided highway X is being identified by the software as an undivided highway, once confirmed, Tesla will somehow correct things such that the software marks that highway as a divided highway, thereby removing the restrictions. With the implementation they have come up with, Tesla needs to do something like this.
I disagree that it is hard to argue that what they are trying to do is reasonable. I think it is reasonable. I really think they are pushing the limits as far as they feel they safely can, given the current state of the hardware, software, and the political and legislative climates. If they go too far, we could all see much more severe restrictions imposed that none of us want to see. Presumably the software will improve, at which point the restrictions may be eased. It's certain that eventually the hardware will improve, and at that time it's pretty certain that the software will also be much more capable. The current situation is temporary, and a significantly better temporary situation than it appeared we would have a few days ago. I can live with that.�
guest One of our local owners in Charlotte today had "restricted road" on a divided highway. I asked him to try again and submit a "bug report" via the car when he encounters it again. So it does happen.�
guest Had it happen here too, didn't think of submitting a bug report though... Good thinking, I'll do that next time.
guest This looks like a lot of scare material and a lot of it isn't factual from what I've seen. It's pretty one-sided too.�
guest It did at first, but he may have been correct about a few of the things. His wording could have been better though.
There is a nag for some owners. There are mis-classifications of roads and undue restrictions.�
guest ARG ARG ARG --- don't you just hate it when this happens. I meant to say that it IS reasonable. I'll edit my post so the meaning is clear, but so that your response also remains reasonable looking :-/
Good catch�
guest But if they did that (make a PDF), I could print it out (yes, on *paper* which is way easier on the eyes, or my eyes anyway) and read it somewhere other than sitting in my car, in a more comfortable and appropriate reading position.
I agree that configuration-specific release notes are cool. They could dynamically generate a PDF for your car (as opposed to my car with different configuration) because they know all the options of every car.�
guest None of the major "highways" are classified as surface streets, but I've seen two roads that are divided with grass & tree filled medians seperating traffic that were classified as restricted. They weren't limited access highways with only exit ramps and onramps, however. I've seen similar roads classified as unrestricted including at least two that don't always have a median.
At this point, I'm not 100% certain what the actual basis is for where to impose the limitations. I initially read the notes to say that the ket distinction was the presence or absence of a median strip dividing the two directions of traffic such that you couldn't swerve into oncoming traffic.�
guest I was just at Burlingame talking to Andrew, the excellent advisor there. My car's touchscreen froze up and went blank yesterday (with reboots not helping) and they had to push a new firmware update to it after entering the diagnostic mode. Alas, Andrew could only push 7.0, 2.9.77 - he did indicate that California cars will start receiving 7.1 OTA in the next couple of days and to ping him for a specific push to my car if it doesn't come around.�
I just mean when using auto pilot on a non-highway road with a clear double yellow line in the middle the car trying to go into oncoming traffic. Not making a left turn or using a blinker.�
guest I was driving in Autopilot mode yesterday for over 20 minutes on QEW highway and no nag. I guess the car trusts us Canadians more or it is some compensation for not getting the Summons feature.
By the way, the perpendicular parking is a wonder to behold.�
guest You can't read everything at face value, heh. Yes that is what they say and I agree its not ready for non-highways yet for the large part and always am super cautious when using it, but I strongly disagree with your thinking that they don't actually want us to use it off highways. They absolutely want us to log as many miles as we can off of highways so they can get the data and update their models to make it work better. They can't say that in the press just like anyone who posts a video of themselves speeding is asking for a ticket. If they didn't want us to use it off highways it wouldn't work off highways.
guest Awesome news!�
guest It's really not that difficult to make custom/dynamic PDFs. I added this functionality for one of the sites that I support, allowing the user to pick and choose what gets written to the PDF. I think any other good web developer would be able to create them with just a few lines of code. I bet many would appreciate being able to print them out as you mention.�
guest Try that in Oregon with its weird speed signs: http://media.katu.com/images/110513_speed_limit_65_mph_sign.jpg
Tesla can't recognize them. So on a road that I travel you'd be stuck with 30mph on a 50mph road.�
guest And reason given as to why we were last?�
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