guest No, they're just theorizing. Last October 15th when 7.0 came out (first AutoPilot software) lots of us were on here all night just begging for it. Tesla did a great job of pushing it out to tens of thousand cars in 24 hours but the waiting was excruciating as I'm sure you can imagine. People had "theories" such as rebooting your car would contact Tesla which would expedite the update. Others were concerned their wifi signal was flakey and kept rebooting their routers. Still others sent endless emails to Tesla Service requesting the update. In retrospect it was both fun, silly and exciting but none of it helped. The only thing that helps is patience.
guest Quite a few moments when the speedometer freezes in the latest two patches at low speeds, not good. It seems that the lane intrusion algorithm is working decently, but is overly aggressive at times and slows the car down for no reason. The space AP maintains in front of the car now is also quite aggressive, as in, very aggressive in retaining that space vs. the algorithm that allowed the car to use up that space for a smoother stop. Now, there have been quite a few times where I was concerned the car behind me would hit me because the AP stops the car so suddenly when cars slow down in front, not the way a human driver would.�
guest Oh, that's what's been happening recently. Thanks.�
guest Is anyone getting update notifications from your IOS Tesla App when a software update is available?
I get notifications when charging starts and stops but I have never gotten a notification when a software update is available. I have all notifications turned on in the application.�
guest Yes, I get that notification.�
guest Yes.�
guest Do the OTA updates have the ability to reprogram all components in the car or, for example, do some component software/firmware updates require a visit to the service center?�
guest Basically every system in the car can be modified via OTA updates. That is, as far as I know.�
guest Indeed, all the service center (or ranger) does to "program" the car and all of its components is to push via laptop connected to the car the exact same file that gets downloaded over the air. Obviously the SC will have the latest version.�
guest Think it depends on whether you carry your phone right side up or upside down in your pocket. (See my valve stem theory from 3 years ago.)�
guest What about sideways?�
guest Don't know if this is new behavior in 2.22.75, but a warning to all users: Auto-park was about to do thousands of dollars of damage to the right rear quarter trying to park next to a hard wall. Had to stop and take over.�
guest I think that warning has existed since they introduced auto park. No technology is perfect and neither am I. I've banged, scratched, dented all my cars parking. I'm sure its only a matter of time before I do it again in my MS....so far though, the auto park parks better than I can.�
guest You are hereby ordered to maintain at least 300' buffer between you and I all times!
Seriously, I've found the auto park pretty much flawless for me so far. I don't use it that often and I remain vigilant when using it should I need to intervene quickly.
guest This was going to be more than a minor scratch or dent..�
guest Just got version 2.24.30
Will post new info as soon as I see any difference�
guest Same here. 2.24.30!�
guest Saw some posts about connecting to the wifi at a service center triggering updates. Was passing a service center this morning and decided to swing in and connect to the wifi to see what happens. Was only there about 5 mins. About 30 mins after getting home I got a software update notification. 2.24.30.�
guest AP still sucks at changing lanes. (2.24.30)�
guest How? I've never had an issue with that one.�
guest in LA/OC it takes forever to decide if it wants to change lanes and then only works half the time for me.�
guest Noticed in 2.24.30 it doesn't want to auto summon Park with a double press of the gear stick anymore.
Is it just me?�
guest You might want to go back and read the release notes. There's an additional step to perform so you don't end up being this guy.�
guest Guess the system reset my summon and selected require continuous hold. Issue resolved�
guest Strange, I also live and drive in the same area as you and I've been using it since it first came out last year and its reliable for me.�
guest Mine seems to second guess itself a lot. It will start to merge and then decide "nope, coming back to original lane"�
guest Try and catch a glimpse of your sensor indicator on the IC. Maybe its reading something is there when it's not. I've noticed it's less confident going uphill and on curves.�
guest Also seems like the neighboring lane markings go in and out all the time. Isn't consistently solid. Even on flat areas where the lane markings are prominent.�
guest This sounds like it's more about lane detection sometimes being flaky, which then causes lane changing not to work. Is it possible that time of day is a factor here? I've seen this happen when the sun is relatively low in the sky and reflecting light up off the pavement. Since it's the front camera that does lane marker detection, if it has the sun in its eye then it doesn't perform well. Haven't noticed any issues with it at other times of day, and it seems to work really well at night.�
guest So if I'm counting correctly we now have 47 different builds of 7.1 reported. 2.24.30 is the latest (there was no 2.23.xxx, just like there were no 2.21.xx and 2.19.xx). Nine builds in the last nine days, and none of them have received more than 20 reports, so I guess they are just doing broad beta testing again. 2.20.30/2.30.45 (the big A/B test) appears to be the last build(s) that were rolled out to a larger audience.
So we are watching agile development with no QA, life and accelerating on a street near you. Yay!�
guest How can you be sure this is how the Autopilot is rolled out, it could be other aspects of the firmware/UI going through agile/continous development, but maybe not AP?
Just a thought, I understand that you are 99,9% right, I just want you to explain how you know (I know about your credentials).�
guest I t
i think there is a 2.22.75 or 2.24.75�
guest He didn't say it was an AP update, he was just referring to the firmware piece. Based on what wk057 found out the AP module has its own version numbers.�
guest Are you holding the directional signal until the lane-change is complete?
If you move the stalk completely, so that it clicks into place and so that you will have to manually move it back into place when the lane-change is complete, then this is unlikely to happen by mistake. But if you simply hold the stalk up or down, and then release it when the car starts to change lanes, it will change back if the lane-change is not nearly completed at the point when you release the stalk. So if you are using the "hold the stalk" method, you need to hold it until the lane-change is very close to being completed.
I realize this may not be the issue at all. Just throwing it out as a possibility.�
guest Latest OTA fixed DRL on refresh cars�
guest According to a post upthread, referencing another post, that was fixed a few updates back:
guest This is not my experience. In an effort to minimize "overshoot" on lane changing I let go as soon as I can, which is usually when just
more than half of the car is over the dividing line. I've rarely, if ever, had it "give up" at that point.�
guest No overshoot is possible. You are behaving in a way dictated only by your imagination. Don't do that.�
guest Wouldn't be the first time a Tesla has done the impossible
guest I just picked my 70D yesterday and it came with 2.22.50 and the DRLs do not work in auto mode. Perhaps 2.22.75 fixes it (which I have not received yet).�
guest I've had this happen to me.
I've had this happen to me.
Sorry can't remember what version. However overshoot was recent (sometime this week). Clicked the turn signal, car changed to the right lane; I was talking with my wife (forgot to de-activate the turn signal), and the car started to drive into the breakdown lane. Had to take over from AutoPilot.�
guest I'll believe this was due to your leaving the turn signal on when:
1) you do the same thing and the same thing happens again
2) you do the same thing except you turn the signal off and then it doesn't happen
And even then I'll believe only that it happens with that version of the firmware.
There are so many things going on with autopilot that simple explanations are rarely right.�
guest @Bet TSLA :
#1 makes sense. Try to replicate.
#2 I'm not sure what you mean, but will explain this to myself and please correct me if you agree or disagree:
(I will use the scenario of changing from left lane to right lane to breakdown lane so we all understand each other)
--Use turn signal to change to right lane.
--Keep turn signal on until car starts to change into breakdown lane.
--Once the car begins to enter the breakdown lane, stop the turn signal to see if car returns to the right lane or straddles the lanes.
For #2, is that what you mean?�
guest No. #2 is to prove that if you change lanes due to the turn signal and then turn it off that something doesn't then cause you to move into the breakdown lane anyway. You are thinking it's the turn signal, but it could be something else entirely.�
guest Ok that makes sense now! Next time I have a chance to safely try this I will.
Wait, so #2 would be:
--use turn signal to move to right lane.
--turn off turn signal in right lane.
--car continues to move into breakdown lane despite turn signal being off.�
guest Same here 2.22.50 in my new MS yesterday... Amazing car, love it, no DRL... Now shifting my waiting energy from waiting for car to waiting for uodate
guest Check that you don't have range mode enabled�
guest I do not.�
guest Yeah, I'm still on 2.22.50 as well, and can confirm the DRL bug is still in there. Haven't received any OTAs yet but my apartment's garage has terrible cell service.
I just tried street parking above ground with good LTE. I tried tethering my phone to my car for an hour and nothing happened (less than 6MB of data usage most likely from the couple of Slacker songs that played), and didn't feel like leaving it in there the whole day.
Maybe I will have to go loiter at a service center. I drove by one but didn't get close enough to pick up the service wifi.�
guest It will only move over one lane. If you want two lanes over, you have to release the turn signal and do it a second time. I think the first versions of the feature (7.0) kept on going. But not the case anymore. Also breakdown lanes do not count. The car will (should) not autosteeer into the road shoulder.�
guest Hmmm... Updated to 2.24.30 yesterday and now summon only seems to work via phone app. Grrrr�
guest Check your summon settings. The "continuous press" feature must be disabled for the fob to work�
guest Yeah, this bit me today when I went to demo summon for my brother. Embarrassing.
guest Picked the car up on Friday. Sorry for the late post, I was busy all weekend *big grin* lol
Anyway, as I came home on Friday from the SeC and delivery, I had a software update waiting to be installed. It is 2.22.75. After the install I can confirm that DRL's are now working on auto.
guest Noticed in 2.24.30 it doesn't want to retrieve network 3G/LTE after parked in underground parking. Need to reboot system 2-3 times before it works again. I didn't had this bug before version 2.24.30
Is it just me?�
guest I went by a tint shop today, which happens to be across the street from the Tesla store, where I picked my car up on Friday. While I was in the tint shop, I left my car at the supercharger next to the store to top off a little. When I came back, I had an update notification again (last one 2.22.75 on Friday). Now it installed 2.24.30.
This all leads me to believe, that there really might be some relation of being connected to the store's WiFi and receiving updates. But then, maybe it was just coincidence.�
guest I stopped by the service center on Saturday to set a later appointment. I wanted to see if my car would get the latest update. I wasn't able to connect to their wifi from the car. After trying for 5 or 10 minutes, I gave up and drove away. About 30 minutes later, I got the notification of a pending update. Installed it later that day, and it was 2.24.30.
Then, this morning on my commute up the 405 in the HOV lane towards Santa Monica, I traveled on autopilot almost the entire way on the 7 setting. Previously, my complaint was 7 was that it appeared to break hard very early. It's probably the placebo effect, but I think it was behaving much more smoothly this morning.�
guest The placebo effect is often greatly reduced if you do something you believe may reduce the placebo effect
guest Well I've tried stopppjng by a service center yesterday for 10 minutes to buy a tire inflator kit and also tethering the car to wifi later on. No luck yet. I think it's mostly coincidence when the car checks for an update.�
guest The last time my car was at the Service Center they pushed the latest firmware which I installed that night when I got home. The amusing part is that the service record said I had "deprecated firmware". It had just been installed about one week prior! Hardly deprecated but I guess not new enough.�
guest It may have been deprecated because there was a bug in it that they didn't want to propagate. (There is no reason for something to be old to be deprecated.)�
guest Ask most software engineers and, if you're not running the still-warm bits they just compiled as you were walking up to them, they'll say "Oh, you're still running that old sh!t?"�
guest Heck, it's not uncommon for a programmer to call your stuff old merely on the basis that there will be a new version sometime which fixes whatever gripe you have.�
guest Are you referring to the mythical "imaginationware" -- the (perpetually) next version that the developer has (only) in his head?
guest I had to visit a service center yesterday. I stayed about half an hour. No update pushed to my 2.22.50 P85 with auto-pilot. So it's slightly more likely it's just coincidence.�
guest Hmm, I wonder if 2.22.50 is the common thread�.
But yeah either way, it seems like going to a service center isn't a guarantee that you'll get the update.�
guest My car was delivered last Friday with 2.22.50 and automagically upgraded to 2.22.60 that night (I never got notification of the upgrade). Nothing new since then however.�
guest Just received 2.24.78 (yes, .78)�
guest Wifi, or cellular?
But yeah I'm seeing some other people report getting 2.24.78 too. Jealous! Still on 2.22.50.�
guest Don't be jealous, I'm still on 2.20.30!
I'll probably get an update at the SC next week when I *finally* get my Ludicrous upgrade
guest It was via LTE, and again it happened as I charged at the SvC.�
guest Still on 2.20.30 as well.
Congrats on L upgrade and you're sure to get f/w update as well. Let us know what you think about the increase in Hp.�
guest Thanks Jennifer! I'll be sure to update the Ludicrous upgrade thread with my thoughts, as well as this thread with what version I end up with. I'm just hoping the upgrade won't take more than a couple of days..�
guest I just witnessed my AP try to change lanes into the road shoulder today. I was on the 405 North (Los Angeles area) approaching the Sherman Way West exit and I was testing the slow for exit functionality mentioned in the release notes of 7.1, and I selected a right hand turn signal (clicked into place, wasn't holding) maybe 1/5 mile before the exit and the car tried to take me out of my lane into the right shoulder, without slowing down.�
guest I don't know about the "slow to exit" function you mentioned but sounds like you hit the stalk too soon if you were trying to time it for the exit.�
guest The manual calls out some crazy small distance like 150 feet or something.... That's pretty much a second or two before you're going to take the offramp.�
guest Can you give me the page number on that?�
guest Sure -- it's page 69:
In right hand tra c, engaging the right turn signal when driving in the right-most lane within 164 feet (50 meters) of an exit (on a restricted access road only, such as a highway or freeway), causes Tra c-Aware Cruise Control to assume you are exiting. As a result, Tra c-Aware Cruise Control begins to slow down the vehicle. Likewise in left hand tra c, when engaging the left turn signal when driving in the left-most lane within 164 feet (50 meters) of an exit. The onboard GPS (Global Positioning System) determines if you are driving in a region with right or left hand tra c. In situations where GPS data is unavailable (for example, inadequate signal), engaging the turn signal near an exit does not cause Tra c-Aware Cruise Control to slow down the vehicle.�
guest Possibly, but I'm fairly certain I've tried it before in the same location (and other locations) trying to test this function and never got it to work... But it's never attempted to change lanes into the shoulder when testing it till today. Oh well, it's somewhat of a silly feature anyway if the car isn't going to actually take the off ramp and you're forced to take command in these situations, so what's the point... Still got my attention!�
guest I've never got it to work either.�
guest It was in the 7.1 release notes. I've never been able to figure out exactly what it is supposed to do.�
guest Okay but that section you quoted is about when you only have TACC engaged and reducing speed when you're signaling an exit. Auto lane change would only be active if AutoSteer was active. I didn't take what the manual says to mean that if you have AutoSteer active and want to exit that it will slow down.�
guest me either�
guest I didn't either.... I agree with your interpretation that the slow down feature only applies to TACC and also only if the nav system understands you're close to an exit.�
guest This is a new one for me. After plugging in to a Supercharger and then walking away I tried to turn on the AC from the iOS app. This is the message I received:
I have never seen this before (perhaps I never tried to activate the AC from the app with lower than 50 miles rated range remaining). The part that I find strange is that I was plugged in to a supercharger and actively charging when I received this message. I could not activate the AC until the battery reached approx. 50 rated miles. It seems to me that it should not restrict you when charging.
guest That does seems silly. You'd think at the very least it would note your request and just tell you "The A/C will not engage until the battery has charged to XX%" or some such, and then do what you asked when it can.�
guest Probably just sloppiness -- a minor bug if you prefer. Although for my money, if the pack is capable of absorbing all the power the SC can provide, I'd prefer it go there first. Ideal would be for the AC to engage after the pack starts to taper a little, as @RogerHScott suggests. I assume if you were in the cabin you'd have been able to engage the AC.�
guest Yes, if you sit in the car (or activate it by just opening a door) the A/C will run.
I prefer to be the "decider" as to whether or not any energy is diverted to the A/C. It is small and insignificant (especially the A/C) compared to what the supercharger is sending to the car. Not to mention when it's warm out and supercharging the A/C compressor is running anyway to cool the battery coolant.
guest Fair enough. For my own purposes, I reckon there is virtually no chance I'm going to want to leave before the car is well above 50 miles rated. So there will be ample time to cool the cabin. Anyway, no reason they shouldn't fix the bug and satisfy everyone.�
guest I think the reason for the error message is that when you're charging at a high rate because your SOC is low, all of the A/C's capabilities are required to keep the pack cool--they wouldn't want to divert that away--you'd then find that your battery pack temperature starts rising, which of course isn't good for the cells.�
guest Except that you can sit in the car and blast the A/C full during that time. It just won't let you turn it on via the app.�
guest Right--I'm assuming they figure that if you're starting it via the app, you're probably not in the car, and you'd rather charge faster versus pre-cool the cabin.�
guest This is not always the case (at least for the Model X). When temperatures are too high, the system cooling takes precedence. This has happened to me at the most inopportune times (when it�s 118� outside). And �Air Conditioning is Reduced� means no A/C - just hot air:
Where's the "Actually, not ``OK''" button?
guest Just got 2.24.86
Couldn't report it on Tesla Firmware Upgrade Tracker Web App because this build is not on the select box.
If I found something new I will report it tomorrow�
guest You can scroll down the list to the very bottom and select "Not Listed" and enter a new build number if you're the first to report it.�
guest I received 2.24.78 from a service center yesterday and just received a update notice a few minutes ago. Guessing it's the 86 update as well. I've never received updates in succession like that before. Must have been an issue with the one from yesterday.�
guest Thanks for the tip.�
guest You're welcome! It made more sense before Tesla started public beta testing their firmware and releasing so many new builds so quickly. Just take a look at any other version for example.�
guest I think this makes the most sense. Pack is hottest at highest rate of charge. I have had the message while in the car supercharging, that the AC would be reduced in effectiveness in order to cool the battery pack. Good move on Tesla's part. I can sacrifice a little comfort for the batteries not exploding.�
guest One might argue that good $100k products don't force those kinds of choices on their customers. One has to wonder if TSLA were headquartered in Phoenix rather than Palo Alto whether they'd have designed the A/C with enough capacity to do both, at least to some extent.
Can any Tesla owners in Nome, AL or Norway report whether there's a corresponding issue on the opposite end of the temperature spectrum? Do you ever have to give up cabin heating to keep the battery warm enough?�
guest False logic. Cold temperatures don't cause permanent harm to the battery unless it's *really* cold. High pack temperatures, on the other hand, cause rapid and permanent damage.�
guest Just got an update 2.24.86 Does anyone know what changed?�
guest Well, -20 to 0 degree Celsius (-4 to 32 Fahrenheit) is quite common during winter several places in Norway. That's why cell heating is important during winter.�
guest -20�C is not cold enough to risk damage to the pack. At that temperature, pack heating is usually done to be able to extract more stored energy and power from the pack, not to prevent damage. In fact, the Model S manual says you can leave the pack at -20�C indefinitely.
It's not until -30�C or colder that you shouldn't leave the pack exposed for more than 24 hours without heating, per the manual.�
guest How long did it take? I got a notification for the update too, but scheduled it for tonight.�
guest Only 10-15 minutes. My previous was 2.24.30�
guest This morning at 2am. I updated it around 9am when I got up. Nothing noticeable though...�
guest Mine was done in about 20-25, according to the app, but it gave the typical 1hr 40 min estimate.�
guest What "logic"? I was simply asking whether this had been observed, not making an assertion.�
guest One might argue that a good $100k product should go a thousand miles on a charge, but the physical universe might argue otherwise, and it generally gets the last word. All mechanical systems embody tradeoffs. Even expensive ones.
Well of course the pack heater is distinct from the cabin heater, but there are still plenty of complaints about cabin heating if that makes you feel any better.�
guest My 2.24.30 to 2.24.86 upgrade took 18 minutes.
Front-facing camera now viewable through touchscreen with x-ray vision mode.�
guest You're right, I apologze for that--I didn't read your comment correctly (I was out and about).
All I was saying was that it's necessary on the hot end of the temperature extremes to avoid damage to the pack, but generally not necessary on the cold end since no physical damage is caused.�
guest Tried it today and it worked beautifully around a pretty sharp freeway exit turn. Exit was this north-east-bound one in the image below and it actually slowed from around 75 mph down to 35. To be clear, I was in TACC mode only, not lane keeping.
guest Lane change seems a lot more confident. And seems like the car is not as confused with the quadruple yellow lines/white lines bordering the HOA lane now.
Could be coincidental though.�
guest Again though, the car should accept and defer the request to when it can turn on the a/c rather than simply refusing, making the user have to "check back" later to turn on preconditioning.�
guest I went to get a quick charge last night at the SC at the SvC, and yet again got an update notification (2.24.86) while charging there.
This is the fourth update I got on my one week old car, and every single update came in while being at the store. Some said, coincidence... but 4 times? I don't think so.
(I'm not complaining about too many updates, just wanted to point out that in my case, every single update came in while being at the SvC for more than 30 minutes.)
My thought process is, maybe Tesla is pushing updates to any new car in approximate area of the store to ensure that the new cars being delivered are being updated, before they go to their owners. Since my car is only a week old, maybe it's being included in that update push before delivery.
I don't know, wish someone else had some more info on this subject.�
guest Yeah but I got my 2.24.86 two days before you did, while I was in the middle of the wilderness with barely 1 bar of LTE and no WiFi.�
guest Implied smiley? Are there any user-visible changes in this version?�
guest What app are you using to know how long the upgrade took. I am not getting any software upgrade notifications from my Tesla app. I have deleted it and reloaded it. If it does not happen again when I get my next update, I will call Tesla support.�
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