guest Maybe it's an acquired taste but I love that sound.�
guest yah.. coming from 2 different front wheel drive EVs, the front motor sound on my p90d is hardly offensive.�
guest Hmm, I only notice a whine from my front motor during deceleration (regen). And I don't think there's much difference when I turn on my Range Mode.
Well since new AP drivers tend to already be the most cautious, the note to remember you're still in charge of all of the driving should go out everyone. It's a driver suggestion system that also has the ability to control the pedals and steering wheel. And it can be relatively easily blinded in its current hardware / software state.
As for the V7 firmware, I really just want 3 things fixed / added at this point:
1. Remove a road from Nav routing (let me determine why but will typically to "Avoid Toll Roads" an actual setting in every other Nav)
2. Add a waypoint (or 2 or 3) to your journey without losing the existing trip plan.
3. Fix media playback (eg FLAC,MP3 and HQ Slacker skipping, etc.) & provide the latest Bluetooth audio support.
Seems to me the firmware developers are either working on something major (AP 2.0, UI refresh, etc.), or something else entirely (eg Model 3 OS). I'm getting the feeling is we should come to expect nothing new for a while...�
guest "Can you provide any pointers to posts indicating leaving range mode on all the time could be less than optimal for the battery? If not, could you summarize the reasoning? I don't believe I've seen any of that discussion.
Those of us with dual motor cars that want to maximize the efficiency benefits of torque sleep have no choice but to drive with range mode on all the time, as we have been told (by Jerome Guillen) that the benefits of torque sleep were greatest with range mode enabled."
Found it, here is the thread I mentioned:
Interesting finding about Range Mode�
guest Do you see this at all temps or only when you are on "LO" (and in range mode)?�
guest I suppose I should have fleshed out the "If" in my question, as follows: If the speculation above, that range mode has been decoupled from HVAC and now affects only torque distribution, is true, then why ... "
(And I've seen subsequent remarks, including that the speculation is not likely to be true, and that a cost is front motor whine.)�
guest But have they decoupled it all the time, or only at the extreme setting of being at LO? As I said in my post a couple weeks back, it makes sense to let the fan go to 11 at LO. Do we know that it will now go to 11 when on 64 with range mode on?�
guest Thanks for the pointer. I had missed that thread. I've now read it, and commented. Certainly interesting.�
guest One report of 2.22.15 - so we skipped 2.21 and continue the odd "multiples of 15" pattern.
But one single report of a new version? Strange.�
guest I know this is personal preference, but for trips I always use range mode. But, for around town I don't like how range mode feels when under hard acceleration. It's hard to describe, but it feels like the front wheels are doing more work than I want.
I haven't seen any change in the torque behavior of range mode between versions. If they did enable the full fan speed then I'm glad.�
guest I apologize if you already mentioned this but do you always drive with Range Mode on and what other pros and cons have you observed?�
guest I feel the same strangeness
I took a picture of the about screen when I arrived at home from the service center and first thought "why did they install an old version ".15" until I realized that it's newer ".22" when it wasn't listed as a choice on the tracker site�
guest The distinction being in the eye of the beholder
guest Yet you're here on this forum?
guest Yes, my wife and I always drive with range mode on, to take full advantage of the torque sleep benefits of our dual motor P85D. Far and away the biggest negative is in the winter, when the car is cold and the regenerative braking limit takes a long time to go away because range mode is preventing the pack from being heated. We do things like attempt to have our nightly charge end just before departing in the morning, and we charge with range mode off, and we also preheat the cabin on shore power, with range mode off, but even with all of that, if we leave with a regen limit, it will take some time before it goes away.
I guess the other negative would be that my wife does complain of being cold sometimes, but I suggested she just crank the heater higher, and I think that has solved the problem.
If Tesla came out and said that range mode had nothing to do with torque sleep, we would not use range mode. We are using it solely to get the full benefits of torque sleep.�
guest Are you missing the driving dynamics of regenerative braking or the presumed energy savings? If the latter, is it possible that Tesla
got this right and that heating the battery would cost more energy that you'd recoup with regen?�
guest I think this has been mentioned elsewhere, but isn't it fairly obvious (to Tesla) that range mode should have no effect when
you're plugged in?�
guest The driving dynamics certainly more than any energy savings.
A point that I've made with Tesla a number of times in letters, and in posts here that had a lot of support, is that there should be an option to preheat the battery while on shore power, so that we could choose, if we so desire, to use some power to eliminate the regen limit, so that the car always drives the same way. I'm not sure why Tesla has not provided this option.
That has also been worked into some of my letters. Having to remember to toggle range mode off when we get home, and back on before we start driving is silly.
I'll try to dig up some of the threads I'm talking about and come back and edit this post.
Edit: Here are a couple of the threads--
Suggestion for battery pre-heating and charge-end scheduling sent to Tesla
Would you use battery heating if it were available?�
guest 2.20.30 didn't nag on two trips on an interstate where it has nagged once or twice every single trip since 7.1. I changed lane with the stalk a few times each trip. Maybe that now resets the nag timer.�
guest Definitely better wrt nagging. I've gotten up over 8 minutes without a nag and even then it was only due to entering a curve.�
guest Not only am I getting more nags since 2.20.30 but my hand is always holding the steering wheel. Another issue for me on this firmware update is I'm frequently losing connectivity to Slacker and TuneIn while driving.�
guest I miss the driving dynamics too, and use most of the same techniques @Andyw2100 described. I do wonder why, when regen is limited, Tesla doesn't take some regen power and dump it to the pack and/or cabin heater. (Or maybe they do, but the amount of power they're able to dissipate that way is so small it's imperceptible?)�
guest it okay when accelerating, it sort of sounds futuristic, but when it's on all the time it get's old fast...�
guest By the way, I confirmed this morning that yes, with Range Mode ON, and the A/C temp set to anything, be it LO or 65, 68, 72, etc, the fan now goes to 11. This is relatively new; in the whole history of owning the car when Range Mode was on, the fan ONLY went to 8. I believe this changed with 2.20.45. I contacted Tesla a second time, and sure enough they say they're not technical and they have no way of reaching the engineers, so it has to go through a service center... sigh... so I have a pending request at a service center to find out more.�
guest It changed with 2.18.77, or earlier. I posted about it in this thread, back on May 24:
guest Good to know, however, it doesn't explain whether the phenomenon is a bug or a feature. I await Tesla to explain one way or the other.�
guest Past 3 updates I ever had shows same thing over and over..
Summon update "select the position where the car needs to move to" or something... am I the only one?�
guest Are you referring to the Release Notes or something else? If the former, while many of us may not like it, it's been common practice since day 1 for Tesla to generally not always update Release Notes from dot release to another, and to not always provide any idea to its owners of what may have changed from a prior version.�
guest Where's the "solemn concurrence", rather than "like", button?
guest Yes it is the release notes.. if thats the case, then I won't even know what updates I have received...
Seems pretty "shady". even free app on the phone updates show what update they are doing..�
guest You don't need to know every little thing they update in each minor release. Only if there are major user experience changes should the release notes indicate it.�
guest Let the owners decide what "they need to know".�
guest Interesting bug... I put my car into valet mode while at the body shop... they didn't drive it anywhere (except around the lot). When I got it back and turned Valet mode off, the steering setting reverted back from "Sport" to "Comfort".�
guest Is that one of the settings that's saved for each profile? Is it possible they have a "service" profile and the tech changed it?�
guest Actually from a software developer the answer is no, you as an owner don't need to know every small change that is done. First its proprietary information and the change might not even pertain to a user actionable items. If it was open source then sure, put it on a public repo and let everyone at it but it isn't.�
guest The problem with letting the manufacturer decide is they have an inherent conflict of interest in revealing bugs particularly if it has marketing, legal, liability or safety implications. I don't need to know every nit but would love to have more transparency.
Also, with due respect, the decision to publish the release notes and what the content of that will be is not a software developer decision, it's a management decision.�
guest If we were talking about a Mercedes here then the "Oh, don't you worry your pretty little head about what magic the Wizards are doing
behind the curtain!" attitude might fly, but since Tesla customers are all (willing or unwilling) beta testers a considerably greater amount
of transparency is called for. Even the single sentence "This update contains no user-visible changes." would be a huge improvement
over the present level of (non-)communication. (or is it now obligatory to say "yuge"?)
guest These perhaps subtle points are not evident to most owners until after they purchase, but people keep buying Tesla with the service and practices they are delivering, so IMHO as long as Tesla sells enough new product to move forward, and as long as there is no significant negative press, it reinforces to Elon and Tesla all is well with a majority.
Tesla unlike most more mature auto mfgrs, does not seem to have advisory councils and participate in JD Edwards surveys (or something similar across brands) as it relates to customer sat. Some owners like myself (and perhaps yourself) believe Tesla has room for improvement which IMHO would likely serve the brand well with both some number of current and future owners. Others as you've seen in their replies are accepting and defend Tesla's present ways. I don't get into the food fights with those folks any more. To me, "It is what it is". I don't believe Tesla is being nefarious, but I also don't believe Tesla's aperture has yet opened to change on things like better Release Notes, so I just move on and accept it as the way it is today. Thank goodness for a couple of Tesla forums like TMC that help somewhat fill in the gaps for me. As to how much these little frustrations add up, influencing my future purchase decisions when it comes time to replace my MS, or my own recommendations to others looking at purchasing a BEV in the meantime, I can't be sure.�
guest Yet another Tesla-Apple parallel: Apple isn't particularly interested in fine-grain feedback from their customers. They believe
they know what is right, and the market seems to give them massive confirmation of this belief. They generally don't even fix
bugs that aren't fairly major calamities, since, really, where's the RoI in doing so? I'm not saying that Tesla necessarily has the
same degree of (possibly market-vindicated) arrogance as Apple, but I do think they're somewhat purposefully defending against
"vision dilution" from focus groups and such.�
guest I noticed last night that in Range Mode, the words "Range Mode" appears at the bottom of the HVAC screen, so I think "11" on the Range Mode HVAC screen is different from the "11" on the normal screen??�
guest It's a body shop hole in the wall, not a Tesla SC or even authorized shop. There is no 'service' profile. I know they didn't change anything or mess with the car, they were just fixing scratches in the paint. They may have moved the car a total of 20 feet.�
guest I agree with all of your post. The only thing I will add is that when I start getting frustrated with Tesla to the point where I start thinking "...what are my other options..." then I quickly come back to the fact that there are none.
The "other guys" do not even offer over the air software updates much less any release notes with them...
guest Yet (and for the foreseeable future, but still "yet")�
guest Well said and yes I agree with you.�
guest On the question of release notes, one point that folks consistently forget is that all releases don't get pushed to all cars. To have fully accurate release notes, they would need to be customized to the car based on previous release that the car received. While this could be easily automated for detailed defect and feature change lists that would be useless to most folks, automating this at a meaningful summary level is much harder.
That said, as a former software developer myself, I would dearly love to see better release notes. And Tesla has created this problem for themselves by this odd process of frequent releases to small samples of cars, with occasional release that go to many but not necessarily all cars. I do get that Tesla does put out "passive" code that gathers data on how the cars are being driven for use in future code development, likely as test data for refining algorithms. But even that could be handled by one or two releases per month that go to most cars and could be documented by release notes. Tesla's software release practice remains totally inscrutable to me.�
guest Love Perpendicular parking in my garage. It is better than what I can do. It is now a staple for me as long as the other car in my garage is parked. It would be cool if it recognized the spot and parked whether another was there or not. My space is between a wall and another car.�
guest Would you mind taking a picture of your garage set up?
I've been trying to get mine to perpendicular park in my garage, but every time it tries, it wants to drive directly into the other parked car.�
guest I think that's how perpendicular parking works. It first drives backwards until it ALMOST hits the other car. Then it drives forward again with the steering wheel turning in the other direction. Then backwards again and done.
In the video below it even does needs to go forward twice, mine usually does that only ones.
guest Mine reversed close the other vehicle, moved forward, and then reversed back into the other vehicle. It definitely seemed confused.
I'll have to try again. Fingers crossed.�
guest Remember, the Tesla can "see" in reverse much better than its driver can. Turn on the rear view camera to watch. The only issue I have sometimes is another impatient driver zipping around me, with the Tesla just beginning to move forward. A quick tap of the brake stops my car, then a "resume" button appears, allowing the job to finish.
I have found auto perpendicular parking to be extremely reliable. I use it whenever I can. Although it can seem a little slow at times. I wish I could use auto parallel parking more. I have only done that once in six months. Opportunity to parallel park is rare for me.�
guest My other main problem is the car rarely "sees" parking spots and the "P" doesn't show up.
Any suggestions?�
guest I believe there is a parking calibration time, a search on the forum should give you more details about this�
guest keep going so that the front of your car is significantly past the bordering car.�
guest I've never seen any evidence that the rear camera is used for anything other than conveying video to the driver via the console, annotated with lines that project where the edges of the car are going based on the position of the steering wheel. I think that Autopark is using only the rear ultrasonic sensors. Anyone have information to the contrary?�
guest Correct, as far as I know, the rear back up camera is not part of autopilot, autopark, summon, etc. It's just a backup camera.�
guest Got 2.22.35 today. Anyone know if it's anything other than bug fixes ?�
guest I haven't even received a notification about it - still on 2.20.30. At this point I just assume every new build has secret autopilot tweaks they don't even tell us about and which might be so subtle (or only come into play with rare corner cases) that we don't even notice.�
guest Time will tell. According to Tracker only you and three other people have it.�
guest Per tech support, 2.22.15 included a bugfix for the spinning cursor problem in Nav/Trip Planner that cropped up recently. Fixed mine, anyway. Also worth remembering to de-select the upper right lightning bolt button to reduce rendering load (won't show all the HPWCs).�
guest Wonder when the DRL light fix will come�
guest I believe that's right. I was understanding the previous poster's use of "see" to be in the broadest sense of "perceive in some way".
Regardless of whether electromagnetic or sonic radiation is being used to get the job done, I do agree that the system seems to work pretty well though. Even though it often seems as though it's about to end in disaster, it never has for me.�
guest Yes, the rear camera is not available to the AP at all, this is a hardware limitation, so there is no way it will ever be used for any automation. It also cannot be recorded by the CID.
All parking operations are handled by the 12 ultrasonic sonar sensors.�
guest What bug is that? Could you please elaborate what is wrong?�
guest On the refreshed model S vehicles, they removed the "DRL" selection button in the lighting controls. The intent was to prevent turning off the DRLs since Tesla considers them "signature" lights and wants them to remain on.
However, the firmware has a bug in it where if the headlight control is in "Auto" (which most people always select), the DRLs don't come on at all during the daytime, they only come on once the headlights are on. Only if you put the controls in ""Parking" or "On" mode do the DRLs come on in the daytime.
Essentially the removal of the DRL button has made the DRL selection behind the scenes "off", with no way to change it.�
guest This is also a �bug� on the Model X. You can also turn the headlight off to enable the DRLs. Turning off Range mode also makes the DRLs stay on all the time.�
guest So you don't see that switch under controls/displays/light panel?�
guest Correct. Cars with the newer LED lights don�t have a DRL button selection. My older Model S still has that as a selection, but my Model X does not.�
guest Normally I see the s/w update notices in the morning. Today, mid-morning, I happened to be near the factory and down to about 30% with some time to kill before a meeting so I used the Supercharger for about half an hour. As I was leaving I got an update notice; not clear if the car had connected to factory wifi or not, I hadn't noticed. Later when I got home I installed 2.22.50, which had the same "Summon" update notice as we've seen for awhile.
I happened to be doing some work in the garage while the update was installing and you would have thought the car was totally possessed! Things clicked and clacked, motors whirred, for about a minute the headlights were cycling on/off, then the music came on/off a few times. I suppose it's some sort of verification step to see if things are working after the install.
In any case we're now up to 2.22.50.�
guest 2.22.50 updated the following systems:
CID (Center Display)
IC (Instrument Cluster)
Battery Management
Charger Main Control
Drive Inverter
Pedal Monitor
Thermal Control
Body Control
Hatch Lift Control
Driver Assistance
Parking Brake�
guest Same exact modules as .30 it seems.�
guest Almost the same, but a few differences. For instance, They updated the powered rear liftgate which they haven't done in awhile.�
guest Strange to me that there are more updates of 2.20.45 than 2.20.30 and yet I'm not one of them! And have we given up on naming them? Sigh.�
guest This is by far the longest we've ever gone without a significant update in the software. Wonder if issues with the X's software have taxed the team to the point where they haven't been able to devote as much time to other development.
Kinda disappointing since there's still so much room for improvement. Either way, I'm really hoping we see a significant update soon.�
guest It sure seems like, on the other hand, they've been spending a lot of time tweaking and tuning the Autopark/Summon features. Even when 7.1 first came out, I test drove a friend's Model S, and it was still (don't hurt me) frighteningly squirrelly whenever you're not following another car, and even sometimes when you're following a car.
That actually nearly caused me to dismiss the MS altogether when I was shopping for my current car 2 months ago. But I eventually was convinced by some loyal fans to test drive, and wow, the 7.1 I experienced on my extended test drive was nothing like the squirrelly exit-diving student driver Autopilot that I had experienced.
I do agree that it seems time to move on and offer some meaningful functionality changes soon, but for the time being, I haven't minded that the 7.1 features were being refined.�
guest I couldn't agree more. "Meaningful" is the operative word for me -- opposed to more easter eggs that gain press and chuckles for a few, but provide nothing of substance correcting long outstanding bugs or improving what many of us Owners have discussed ad infinitum.�
guest I got the 2.22.50 update when I stopped by a showroom on Sunday morning and was connected their WiFi. Pattern?�
guest How long did this new update take to install?�
guest I didn't clock it, but definitely not the 1:40 that it always says. I'd say no more than an hour and likely more like 45min.�
guest 22 minutes on my P85 with autopilot.�
guest Same boat. No recent updates. Wonder if I should just Park next to a service center/showroom to get the update ha�
guest I did not mean to imply the camera was used. I was referring to the "sight" (also in quotes) provided by the ultrasonic sensors, that's all.�
guest Got an update overnight and this morning summon was not working. No errors but holding fob for 5 seconds did not initiate. Also noticed that double tab of park also no longer initiates summon and does nothing.
I checked setting and all still active for summon so appears to be a bug in latest update. Auto pilot when driving is working fine.
As my garage is small I rely on summon to get the car in and out so was interesting situation climbing across the seats this morning..
Anyone else get update this week and experiencing similar problems?�
guest I noticed another small but important improvement in autopilot on an extended drive with 2.20.30 today.
Previously (up to an including 2.17.37) when passing a large vehicle like a large truck or semi, autopilot like to move to side of the lane where the vehicle was - if the vehicle was to my right, the car would drift right in the lane, as if the airflow from the large vehicle was pulling the car closer. I don't know if this effect was especially bad in 2.17.37 or it just got burned in my consciousness because I did a 6000 mile road trip on that version with heavy autopilot use. It is a bit unnerving, because my preference is to get further away, not closer to the semi. I have seen others report on this disconcerting behavior over many past releases.
I no longer experienced this tendency with 2.20.30. Even when passing a large vehicle, the car stayed centered in the lane (on straights) or did what it normally does on a curve when no other vehicle is present. No more trying to cozy up to the semi. Yeah!�
guest We rented a P90D last week when in California for the factory tour. While we were at the factory, we noticed that a new update was available.�
guest Anyone else noticed oddness with the Driver's Door Only setting for door unlocking/auto-presenting door handle? As in, walk up to car, car detects keyfob, and only driver's door handle auto-presents? I love that feature, and have my car set that way.
But since one of the recent 7.1 updates, often when I approach the car from either side, all four door handles auto-present. There doesn't seem to be a predictable pattern, only that it happens seemingly randomly about 1/3 of the time. What's up with that?�
guest I think a lot of people, who tend to give large vehicles extra clearance by drifting over a bit to the opposite side of their lane, interpret
the Tesla's "lack of deference" as "cozying up".�
guest According to this post 2.22.50 fixes the DRL lights on the refresh
guest I paid closer-than-usual attention to this yesterday by looking at where the cartoon car was shown in the cartoon lane. It was indeed depicted as cozying up to the truck. So if someone was imagining things, it was both me and the car.�
guest I didn't say everybody was imagining it, always.�
guest Main screen just reset while driving on the freeway! For no reason!
Kind of scary but car was still driving ok.�
guest Happens occasionally but not often. If it happens frequently call your SvC.�
guest That's happened to me twice recently, both times when driving into or out of Chicago. Which I don't do that often, so I'm not sure it's coincidence. Leading up, both times I was getting horrific audio skipping so I wonder if it wasn't some combination of the media player using the CPU, the nav system using more CPU and memory than usual due to the greater complexity of the road system around CHI than where I usually am, and a memory leak well-exercised by the long drive. Then again, it might just be something peculiar to 2.20.30.�
Exact same thing happened to me! Audio skipping and navigation freezing.�
guest Happened to me as well for the first time a couple days ago. Audio started to skip then the screen froze. After a few minutes contemplating whether I should reboot it while driving, it decided to reboot itself.�
guest 2.20.30 for both of you?�
guest There is no danger or problem rebooting your CID while driving. It will not affect any critical systems. You'll briefly lose HVAC, Navigation, and audio, but things like AutoPilot and collision avoidance will still work normally.
Sometimes the QT GUI app will crash, which looks like a reboot, only it's much shorter. In that event, I recommend a full reboot, as it could be memory leak problems causing the app to crash in the first place.�
guest A couple times in the past there have been reports about setting being ON or OFF and the opposite behavior being noticed after an update. Usually, switching it to the other setting, rebooting via the scroll wheels, switching it back, and rebooting again clears it up and restores the intended behavior.�
guest 2.20.30 for me.�
guest It appears to affect the turn signals, which I would class as a system important for safety. "Critical" might be going a bit far. It's possible it only affects the turn signal user feedback, and the signal continues to silently function, but I've no way of knowing that absent experimentation with a collaborator to watch for me.
Losing nav is even less critical than that, and of course in principle a driver should be prepared to lose nav at any time without freaking out, but practically speaking it can be consternating if you were anticipating a maneuver in the near future, and can lead to erratic driving. I'll grant you this one (although not the turn signals) can be brushed off as "driver is responsible."�
guest Like every other car built in the last 20-odd years, the turn signal click sound is simulated by the computer and fed in to the sound system. If you reboot the CID, presumably taking audio with it, I would expect the clicks to go away until it comes back on line.�
guest I've checked this and the turn signals themselves still function, it's just the feedback that you miss.
The biggest problem in my view with rebooting the instrument screen while driving is the loss of the speedometer. It's easy for the car to get away from you! Fortunately it doesn't take too long to come back on.�
guest Is there a way to turn off the car in case of emergency without the CID?�
guest I thought that's what I said. I just don't have any evidence the turn signals do work during that interval. Quite likely someone reading this has done the experiment and can comment authoritatively.
Edited to add: I see @mikeash did exactly that. Thanks!�
guest Unbuckle your seatbelt, open driver's door and lift butt out of seat.�
guest lol I've stopped outside hoping for exactly this in the past, when way behind in updates, but with no luck (so far)...�
guest Caught up on the thread now, hmm I had my first lockup this week. Touchscreen locked while on web browser, then rebooted on its own, seemed like twice to my recollection (which after reading Ingineer's info seems a good thing)... poor old web browser, it's like Gopher lol�
guest Anyone know what it does?�
guest Did you make sure all your valve stems were at exactly twelve o'clock?
guest There might be something to this. I also had the update "alarm clock" icon show up right after using the supercharger at the Monterey service center on Monday.�
guest It only affects the sound, not the function. And you can verify the function (assuming you can't see the reflection of the turn signal) on the CID. Most of the time, both screens aren't rebooting at the same time.�
guest Yeah, you're the second person to point this out; thanks. I'll go update the parent post if it's still editable (I don't understand what makes them become un-editable with the new forums, sigh).
I didn't realize the center display showed the signal, I'll have to pay attention to that.�
guest I've been having a number of screen freeze/reboot issues under 2.20.30 as well. Yesterday morning, the click sound for my left turn indicator started repeating very fast (7 or 8 per second), then both screens froze up. Had to reboot then, again yesterday after work, and again last night. Happy to see that other people are having similar issues and it's not a hardware problem.�
guest Just got 2.22.75 ota , no change in release notes.�
guest ditto @ LuckyLuke Just as a total coincidence I was supercharging at the Decatur Service Center due to a long commute and super busy driving day. Car was on LTE and received 2.22.75 lol lol�
guest So, I'm trying to figure this out. I drove past my SC today, just to see if the car would switch over to their Wifi. I stopped in the parking lot for about 5 min. Couldn't find the wifi, and gave up and went to work. Half way to work it said the software update was ready to install. Just got 2.22.75. Car never left LTE.�
guest It could have started the download while you were parked at the SvC. You don't get notified until the download is complete.�
guest So, I'm new to the MS.... but are we saying that you get your updates sooner if you loiter around a service center for a bit?�
guest Maybe in these newer versions there is a trigger that if your car is in/near a Service Center that it checks for new firmware and starts downloading it to make their process more efficient. (When the techs get to your car the firmware is already downloaded and ready to install.)�
guest I've got 2.22.50 so maybe I'll swing by a service center this afternoon
guest I need an update notification!�
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