guest Feeling like a real newbie today:
- Firmware Upgrade Tracker = just became aware of it today, signed up
- Firmware Current Version = 2.9.12 (have I missed any updates since Dec. 4th? Do I need to do anything to allow them?)
- Firmware 7.1 2.9.154 = waiting for update
Last night, my iPhone app updated Notifications for Summon, so something is underway....
guest Firmware installing on my car now. 70D, 89994.�
guest Well, FWIW, I did get a notification on my iPhone but since I don't know when the new firmware actually downloaded to my car I don't know how long it takes from receipt of the update to when the notification goes out.
But think of the anticipation you get to feel all day until you get home.
guest Huh? Such as what?
The only restriction I'm aware of, having used it for a day, is the limit to 5 mph over the speed limit on secondary roads. On highways it's significantly better, although it still needs improvement, and for my main use on secondary roads, stop and go traffic, I can't see any difference at all.�
guest Here's why I won't be using the iPhone app for summoning
Fortunately, AFAICT there is nothing you can do with the app you can't do more quickly and reliably with the fob.
Overall the iPhone app seems much less reliable than it used to be at contacting the car. Not sure if it's the car s/w or the app, since I updated both. I guess I should try the two-thumb salute on the car, just to see.�
guest Giggle... I can see the video of the Model X slowly crushing a row of antique luxury cars while the owner desperately tries to reboot their iPhone
guest I can think of many bad things with that message!!! :scared:
Like your car driving down the street and you chasing after it
guest Be aware that if the AP misreads a sign, you can be stuck at 35mph on a 55mph road quite easily.�
guest ... so it's not possible to use outside resources without changing their security model.
FTFY. As many people reading this (including, I bet, you) know, a VPN is neither the alpha nor the omega of a security model, though it does help.�
guest #grin -- I was driving on I-40 the other day when I glanced at panel which showed a graphic for 85mph speed limit
guest By the time you see that message, it's too late. Might as well take your time to go look at the disaster waiting for you.�
guest Doh', I missed the notification on the iPhone about two hours after the download to the car. It's my first update, for some reason I thought I could schedule the install from the app.�
guest We need an easter egg that plays Yakety Sax during Summon movement.�
guest ![]()
I can't see the "Summon" option in the menu after upgrading to 7.1
I have the Tech Package, and Autopilot, adaptive cruise control etc. is available and working.
Any idea why is "Summon" missing?�
guest Can you confirm you're on 7.1?�
guest Until you turn cruise off, right?�
guest Correct.�
guest Not on this "baby step" iteration, Hank. You'd have to make the first turn and then get the car lined up with the garage door. While backing, it will just stop when it senses the SUV.
Excited to see what they come up with in future releases, though. Like how about a "learn my parking" button that could be used to train it over the course of a week.�
guest Place right foot on accelerator.�
guest Has anyone had luck restarting the screen to make the download appear? December 90D here and dying for the update to come through...�
guest TACC should still be fine though, wouldn't it?
guest Restart screen didn't work but emailing support about another issue I asked to have the update sent and I got it a few hours later....coincidence certainly possible...
guest Ok, so at what point does the car have to be properly aligned to enter the garage? What if it's off by 5 degrees? 10 degrees? What's the threshold before the car says "Sorry, Dave, I can't do that"?�
guest That's never happened to me, but the accelerator still works just fine.
In general, I only use AP on secondary roads in stop and go traffic, where it is wonderful. Other than that, I think it's no where near competent enough for use on non-limited access roads.�
You never had AP misread a sign?
I have more than once. On a highway here, we have both 55mph lanes (free) and 65mph lanes (paid), but the speed limit sign can be visible from either roadway. So if I'm going 55mph, I often see AP think it's a 65mph road. (my advantage, but still misread)
Another common problem, on ONE particular road, for ONE particular sign, the speed limit is 45mph, and AP reads it as 15mph. Now, on any given day I'm usually not going more than 15mph anyways, lol, but still, that would be not in my favor.�
guest I just got 7.1 today, so others can answer this better than me. But, I'll experiment with the garage tonight a little and report back if no one else has tried this. First I have to see if it will get over my 3/4" garage lip.�
guest I drive the Express lanes on the toll road and I chuckle at this all the time. This weekend, I drove down to Middleburg and Route 50 has sections where there are two speed signs posted directly on top of each other "55mph for cars, 45mph for trucks". Sadly, the Tesla latched on to the latter. No biggie, but yeah, mis-reads are common in my experience.�
guest Great idea.. thanks, Gary.
- - - Updated - - -
Noticed the same thing. I was going 70 in a 60, so I didn't mind and just stepped on the accelerator once I was comfortable that it had the turn under control.�
guest So, autopilot behaves a little differently now. It hugs the right side of the road on two lane roads now, which is something I was always disabling it for when it was too close to the center. I haven't noticed additional nags. They seem the same.
Aside from that, and the stupid restriction, definitely doesn't appear to have "learned" anything specific.�
guest Do I understand right that summons for what ever reason is US only?�
guest I'd say those situations, yours and Max*'s with the toll lanes, are only common on divided highways/interstates. They will not affect your autopilot experience since AP won't limit your speed there.�
guest I wasn't saying it'll affect my AP experience, I was just saying that AP occasionally misreads signs, and I was surprised the previous poster never had AP misread a speed limit sign.�
guest I'm not sure. In VisibleTesla it shows FW: 2.7.77. How do I decode this?�
guest I think it turns out to be a geometry problem. My garage is considerably wider than the door opening and I can aim it at a pretty wide variety of angles. It will steer enough to to avoid hitting the garage door frame, my wife's car and the storage shelf that lines the side wall. If the attack angle is too steep, it gives up with car half way in the garage because it got too close to the shelf and decides it needs to stop. If the angle is a bit more acute, it will turn the wheel and tuck the car in at more or less the angle I'd prefer. If you accidentally aim it so that it would hit the door frame, it will recenter the car between the door frame and the other car and significantly change the approach angle.
Even though the car squawks at 12 inches and stops counting down, it appears to me that in summon, it is able to detect and react to a much thinner margin. When I manually park, I cut the wheel very sharply at the last second, so that the entire driver side ends up about 6 inches past the door frame. If I use summon to extract the car, it first straightens the wheel, then as it gets close to the door frame, it steers sharply to miss the frame and makes it out by just a few inches. I was holding the remote very tight as it approached!!
I hope this is comprehensible. I might have to make a diagram.�
guest Press the Tesla "T" icon at the top of the touchscreen inside the car.�
guest I'm not sure. In VisibleTesla it shows FW: 2.7.77. How do I decode this?�
guest Anyone in Nevada get 7.1? Does summon work? I have a hunch that it wont...�
guest I've tried that a couple of times, as I'm also "dying!" watching everyone else getting it. It didn't work. I've now emailed my SvC to ask them to push it. Not sure that will work either.�
guest Press, don't hold. If you hold it down for 10 seconds it'll ask for credentials to log in to something or other...�
guest Look at the Wiki: Model S software/firmware changelog - Tesla Motors Club - Enthusiasts & Owners Forum
2.7.77 is one of the 7.0 builds.
- - - Updated - - -
I believe so. US only.�
guest Just finished a short 45 minute drive and I am disappointed with what appears to be a time base nag to hold the wheel. It appeared every 3-5 minutes on my regular commute route. I hope this goes away with a future release. The expected mis reading of speed limit signs is also present and is going to reduce the usefulness of both TACC and AutoSteer in this part of South Florida.�
guest I've never had a situation on a secondary road where the car misread a sign. I've seen it miss school speed limits and not see signs at all. I'm sure there may be some cases where the car missed a sign increasing the limit from 35 to 55, but it's certainly never happened to me.
Your example isn't really germane though is it? On highways, there is no speed limit in the AP.
The car also seems to have a pretty liberal interpretation of what a highway is too. Around here it removes the limit on AP speed on lots of roads that are not limited access. I've not used it enough so far to come up with a good model of how it decides when to limit AP speed, it's certainly not geofencing though.�
guest I updated mine today. It has trouble pulling into my garage, and won't open my garage door when I tell it to back out� I think the problem is that my garage door is not the first home link in my list.
The car tries mightily, but can't quite overcome the 2 inch lip into my driveway: Tesla Model S Autopark Failure - YouTube
guess this is why it is still in Beta!�
guest Gotchya, and no it won't affect my AP experience (as I later commented)
guest Thanks.. this makes sense. If it wasn't obvious in my example diagram, I'm backing into the garage (essentially parallel parking). My garage opening is not much larger than the car (and no folding mirrors!).. perhaps a 2" gap on each side between the mirrors and garage frame. So when I'm backing in myself, I have to have it aligned pretty well in order to pull in straight into the garage. I've been doing it for a year now, so I'm pretty good at it using my rear-view mirrors. I'd say at the apex of backing in, the car is at a 45 degree angle to the garage before straightening out and pulling in.�
guest Many of us don't "do" things to the wheel while "holding" it. There's no actual touch sensor, it's more of a tug it seems to want to read your "presence".
Hmm this might be a bug, as I couldn't connect to my car (iOS or Android app) after taking a a short drive and parking back at home where car should have home WiFi connection...
Ruh-row. That's #2 in FL, could it possibly be only in Florida for some reason ???
Geez, I finally figure out what that button is for, and now it's gone... sigh.
There's no doubt this was a timed release of a gimmick that will fill the media and YouTube with Tesla Tesla Tesla. Nav waypoints, more and better voice commands, and media player improvements don't get 6 o'clock news headlines.
Hmm, well Canadians don't even get the shiny new thing this time...
Wow I can't believe I upgraded after only a quick view of this thread... if there were more than 2 or 3 members (mostly in Florida ??) finding the 5 minute steering wheel tug nag, I'd likely have held back. I love the car but I really don't like seeing stuff disappear.�
guest 160+ entries in the tracker, that's the most we've had for any 7.x version except the first 7.0 release (and we're only two days into the cycle - 7.0 rolled out over about four days).
Reports from 14 countries - noticeable omissions are Japan/China/HK.
So far Model S only (but of course the Model X sample size is still tiny - on Model S we get between 0.1 and 1% of reports... with a few hundred Model X delivered that means we don't know if there are an Model X on 7.1)
All configurations of Model S (ok, no report from a 40, but again, tiny sample size)
All VIN ranges
Cool stuff. Please keep reporting in the tracker when you get a firmware upgrade!�
guest Or it could be the current weather in Florida... isn't it raining?�
guest Good thing that's not a problem here in Oregon (where we even have a different font on the speed signs which appears to cause even more incorrect readings of speed signs).�
guest I"m about to do a 20 min commute home, i'll report back with any nag findings.�
guest I downloaded this afternoon (PA location, Vin 91XXX, 70D with AP, never had an update after 7.0) and I took it right out on an errand before trying Summon. Here are my impressions so far:
1. AP was only engaged for a short period of time, but tried it on a "residential" road and got the warning about it being speed restricted. On highway I did not notice much difference but was only on the highway for a couple of miles.
2. Used the perpendicular parking in a shopping center and it was fantastic. I have never seen the parallel park icon appear before (even in downtown Philly or NYC) so I was not sure what to expect. I tried it twice, the first time with plenty of room for the car to not have to adjust forward a few feet to straighten it out, and the second time closer to the cars I was parking between so it did need to go into "drive" for a few feet. It parked it much better than I have been doing since the guidelines on my back-up camera have never worked too well for me in terms of ensuring a straight park job. I was blown away by the usefulness of this feature.
3. Homelink worked great in opening the garage door as I hit my driveway, just about where it always dropped down the menu before. Of course, if the door is already open it does not know this and will close the already opened door, but the override is right where the Homelink drop down menu was so just tap that to stop if from closing.
4. Summon: seemed to work well, but as others have reported, on the way in it did not park me straight. My wife's SUV was on the right but I could not figure out how/why it ended up skewing the car to the left once it entered the garage. Not a really problem, but strange. On the back out of the garage it ended up stopping in plenty of time before it drove off my driveway into the neighbor's yard. My first impression is this is a nice feature down the road a few releases. I also did not have a problem with the driveway lip stopping the car on either axle on pull in or back out. I have to admit I was in the car for these tests...I am still jittery about doing it from outside the car although the FOB works well to stop the process on pressing it.
5. None of the UI overhaul I was hoping for. The outside temp and clock are now on my dash which others said happened in 7.0x releases, but just happened for me this download. I really want Spotify and some other navigation that actually works. I love that they use the Google addresses but hate that TM did their own navigation...as others have reported, it's a mess. Also wanted the media app to be much much better, but no matter none of that is done in this release.
Overall I'm once again amazed that I have a "new car" in some respects today, and I'm already looking forward to the next release.�
guest Because of the Solar City thing, or ... ? Tesla is not that petty, and they do have the gigafactory here. Nevada has been pretty friendly to Tesla and autonomous driving.
Still waiting for 7.1 here. The current version of Summon sounds pretty useless to me, but I expect it will be part of the update.�
guest Yeah, that is pretty much my optimal way to park as well. The car won't do that, but I can simulate it by aiming the car's rear at the opening at about a 30 degree angle. It doesn't swing as sharp as I do, so the car ends up with the back in the right spot, but the front too far in the middle, but that is close enough to be useable. Ultimately, it's probably just sort of a gimmick that I won't use often at home, to be honest.�
guest Still no 7.1, P85D in NYC. Anyone else in the same boat?�
guest I'm wondering if they minimize bandwidth by delaying the update to cars with a pending service appointment??�
guest No.
I have a service appointment and got 7.1 on the first day.
Luck of the draw, I would guess; this is my first update since the original 7.0!�
guest Yep! Though I'm on the best coast - I mean, west coast :biggrin:�
guest Summon causes the next global outcry
Ok so... how long until this
Thx to MarkS22's thread and video for the source... and to internet kitteh for the kitteh
No kitteh was harmed.�
guest Tried summon again to get the car to back up to me in an empty parking lot. Moved about 10 feet then stopped: "Summon has aborted"
- - - Updated - - -
Ultrasonics should detect the cat. Better at detect soft objects than hard ones, from what I hear.�
guest I actually just got back mine from service and they only updated it to 7.0 (2.9.77U) , which is a little annoying - hoping it updates tonight.�
guest Thought I'd update this: I drove the same route today and fortunately only got a few nags to grab the wheel -- the car otherwise drove itself nicely. Maybe there's a learning process?
Separately, I did run into occasions where the "5 mph over the posted speed limit" on Autosteer kicked in when it presumably shouldn't have -- on suburban 4-lane roads with medians.�
guest I would love to see some videos of new features *other* than summon. :biggrin:
As you may know, I would take the time to take the videos myself and share them here as I have done several times in the past, but I sadly haven't gotten the 7.1 update yet...�
guest Sorry to interrupt the conversation but am I the only one who is curious about new autopilot visualizations. Why there are no videos/photos about new autopilot dashboard that shows cars/trucks/bikes in multiple lanes. I'd like to see how precise it is. Maybe it is too soon to ask..?
Also, nearly all of the summon videos are successful garage enter&exit videos. I'd like to see where summon fails and how it performs in parking lots and other situations.�
guest "During this Beta stage of Summon, we would like customers to become familiar with it on private property."
?Summon Your Tesla from Your Phone | Tesla Motors�
guest Very sad, as we were all counting on you! I still don't have it either. Seems they left CA for last this time.�
guest Yes, I know, and it is totally reasonable.
But it is nice to see that it can work without a "garage door"![]()
Just found this: Tesla SUMMON first try - YouTube�
guest There goes THAT theory.�
guest Well my 20 mil commute didnt produce any naggin, but autopilot seemed way worse. I had to correct 4-5 times where I never had to correct before.. Summon will also not enter my garage because of a 1/2 lip on the garage floor...I can push the car from the back to help it, but it will not go in by itself. Once it gave up, it proceeded to close the garage door on itself....
Definitely beta.�
guest So we CANNOT summon from our phone with this iteration, correct? Because I don't have the update yet, but I was able to update my Tesla app for iPhone and the only summon mention I see on it at this point is in Notifications. I don't see a Command feature to summon from the phone.
- - - Updated - - -
Ouch. That's not smart.�
guest You need to fix your garage door if that happened, it's a health hazard.�
guest Well, at least the kitteh won't get chopped up in the engine trying to stay warm. I had this happen to me as a teen. Very traumatizing!�
guest That requires either a camera rig, or a passenger, or someone who doesn't care about recording video with a handheld device while driving (it is illegal here) so it will just take some time. I noticed it on my drive today, I saw a truck show up and it is much better at seeing multiple cars and might be even snappier -- though still not perfect.
For the record it was a kitten, a really small one (though not to scale in the pictureBTW don't google image search "sleeping kittens" as it may take you a while to recover. I'd rather be testing my robot car but no joy for Canada.
Perhaps kitteh is why the garage lips (eg. concrete slab to asphalt at lower grade) are causing problems though... ? wonder if anyone has tested a stuffed animal etc.�
guest Seems to work pretty well for the 5 minutes I used it. At least you know that the car knows about cars in the other lane.�
guest The nose of the car was just in the garage, so the trip sensor was not sensing anything.�
guest I am really excited for the autopilot and summon feature to improve. It is awesome to see the new Mercedes E pushing auto pilot. The race will escalate much faster (I hope). I love the idea of having cars in a remote garage and calling which one I want to drive (or ride in) to pick me up.�
guest I don't have 7.1 yet either, but from what I've read here, Summon only shows on your App once you enable it on the car, enable it in the App Notifications, are in Park, and have the FOB and phone near it. IMHO though, be careful... As I tried to explain in an earlier post today way up line now, It may be convenient, but there are lots more variables that could go wrong if you need to STOP Summon in an emergency. There is already one example from an owner here where the App failed to stop it (out of range perhaps?). I'm going to use my FOB until I have a lot more experience and confidence in it, even though Summon in its current form will be something for me to dazzle-dazzle family and friends with, not something practical I'll use... I don't want my MS ending out in the street as it's less than 39' from my garage.�
guest ![]()
Can anyone with 7.1 explain what the above feature means? I don't quite understand how the first sentence relates to the second.
Besides, I can already (and have always been able to) unlock my car while a charging session is in progress without interrupting said session.
guest You couldn't stop at Bethesda for less than 5 minutes if your life counted on it
guest I have no idea. I have never had a problem unlocking my car while charging, either. Maybe they mean you can unlock the charge port without stopping the charge?�
guest I tried auto perpendicular parking today. It worked well. It's surprising what tesla had been able to do with just the ultrasonics.�
guest One thing I haven't seen yet is on the IC: while it's now showing multiple cars, it has yet to show me a truck icon or motorcycle like it shows in the manual (or was it a press release pic?)�
guest Yes, you can summon from the phone. The buttons won't appear until the car detects your FOB.�
guest Have Tesla commented on countries other than the US getting the Summon feature maybe "in a few weeks after a delay for regulatory approval" as was the case for AP?
(even if I am not sure why regulatory approval would be required for use on private property).�
guest I've seen a truck; definitely works.
No motorcycles, yet.�
guest Do me a favor, if you haven't downloaded 7.1. Have the climate off and note the temperature
in the car. See if the software update, pre conditions the car, so the cabin is comfortable for you, during the install. I always leave the climate "off" and today when I entered the car to do the install, the temperture had changed from 56, to 74 and the climate was still off, as I had left it.
Sounds like my car wanted me comfortable during the proceedings.�
guest So your heater actually works, then?:redface: Mine still makes me put it to 78-80 before it will even start to blow hot air.�
guest I noticed this with mine as well.�
guest I saw trucks and motorcycles today. It seems to be right most of the time. A few times it saw a smaller truck as a car, and a bus as a car, but certainly several larger trucks and semis showed up as trucks, and I saw a motorcycle on the cluster as I passed one today.
- - - Updated - - -
My thoughts on the autopilot changes after about 120 miles on 7.1:
-The visualizations on the instrument cluster are nice. Sometimes they jump around a bit. Not sure if that's something Tesla can improve on or if it's just the limitation of the radar. Either way, it reminds me of playing Rad Racer, so that's a plus. I keep wanting to press the down arrow button to change the radio station, but that doesn't seem to work in the car.
-Control in general seems a little bit smoother.
-Better handling of sharp curves.
-The car now centers better in the lane when it's passing between an adjacent car and a curb/barrier.
-The car's ability to continue straight instead of trying to turn into a turn lane is significantly improved.
-I didn't notice a timed nag, since I drove about 15 minutes on the highway today with no "hold the wheel" messages that I saw. However, I think with the new algorithms it's slightly more common to see this message in certain situations.
-The car *still* biases way too far to the right when there's a curb or barrier to the left. They only seem to have improved this as you get about halfway past an adjacent car that you're passing. I had a few times today where the car passed much too close to an adjacent car and truck--it caused more puckering than necessary. This one thing causes more Autopilot puckers for me than anything else.
-A few places here and there are handled maybe a little bit worse than 7.0, although it's still a little early to make that determination.
Overall it's forward movement in capability, in my opinion.�
guest I've seen truck icons change to cars and back as I got closer and further away. I also notice that they disappear when I overtake them as soon as I'm getting even with them.
I mention this because it makes me suspect that the system is just doing instantaneous sensing rather than building a dynamic model of the traffic around the car. I've not done any automobile software, but I'm doubtful that's a good approach. Some kind of situational awareness seems like it would be a lot more robust to me.�
guest Jennifer,
Obviously your heater is not a female :love: Sorry, I could not resist! Hope your update arrives soon.�
guest 100% agree, I saw this today too--a truck turned into a car as I got closer to it. On the plus side, it sees more cars than I thought it could, but I agree it seems to be more instantaneous vs. keeping track of the cars.�
guest Did anyone get notification of the update but now it's gone on the car? There's a thread on teslamotors that I mentioned that I had an update notification on my iPhone but later there's no indication in the car. Shorty after posting two others said the same thing.�
guest I was only on the road about 30 miles today after the 7.1 update installed. However, when my adjacent lane icons would appear only after the vehicle had cleared the mid-point of my car. Approaching vehicles still showed only as "bubbles" on the dashboard, just as before the update..�
guest Ouch that not fun, sorry about jarring your memories with crude image editing.
For the record googling sleeping kittens was a big-time payoff
guest It worked fine for me in a parking lot. I used it to mess with my coworkers.
Parking lots are private property.
Today I was musing on what exactly makes a truck a truck. Semis always get the truck icon, but there are lots of weird edge cases where it doesn't choose the truck icon.�
guest Thanks,
Btw, I've found this: Autopilot 7.1 visuals - YouTube�
I agree, to a point.
My experience has been that the car actually nags me more frequently to hold the steering wheel now, mostly in curves.
I think the vehicle doesn't "hug" cars in the adjacent lanes as much as it used to; in the past it seemed it was leaving the middle of the lane to move towards the other car.
In the past, it turned in tight corners very late, leading to a sling shot motion. I'm not sure yet if that's improved, because of the 5 mph over speed limit limitation.
I agree that it seemed like auto pilot would stay to the right of the lanes' center, but I've always wondered whether that was just due to my bias of staying closer to the left of center.�
guest Sorry, offtopic, but I started laughing upon remembering that I heard today that Volvo XC90 won "Truck of the Year 2016"!:scared:�
guest I would say it nags a bit more, but I tend to notice it after one or more curves--not really in the curve itself.
Spot-on. That's how I'd describe the old behavior. I notice much less slingshotting now.
You can see on the toy car and by comparing space between left and right mirrors that it hugs to the right. Also, if you move your head toward the center of the car you can see it too.
Either way, a bias to the left of center while in the left lane is usually a safer position, unless you're on an undivided highway with traffic coming right at you immediately to your left.�
guest I tried my standard interstate highway test run using v7.1: a 40 mile round trip for take-out sushi (I live out on a horse farm). The car nagged twice going out, and three times on the return. As I recall, the most nagging in the past had been twice one way and once the other. When AP first came out there were no nags at all on most of these runs. In total I have done perhaps 20 of these same runs on Interstate 66 with AP on. I assume these nags are programed, since if they only occur when the system is unsure of itself, then that means AP has been regressing, not improving. Conditions were fine today: going out there was good lighting from behind just after sunset, with no shadows and traffic light to moderate. Coming back it was night with clear weather and light traffic.
But the worst was passing a truck at night on the way back: as I was about to overtake the truck on a gentle right-hand curve my car began to swerve nearly off the road to the left. I grabbed the wheel and the system disconnected. I was going 80, him 75, with the speed limit 70 and no other traffic. Very bad. It shakes one's confidence.
EDIT: just to add some color, the truck was a long, unloaded flatbed semitrailer. Its rear end was a little side to side, but not so much that it would have put me off of passing him manually. I suspect what happened was that AP saw red tail lights swinging a bit toward my lane and projected the truck was going to intrude or change lanes. It took evasive action left, which is not wise at 80 mph at night in the left lane on a sweeping right hand curve. Perhaps AP would have corrected back right, but that would have been after it was time for me to end the experiment.�
guest I assume that AP would be much less of a hassle if you left those "nags" on the horse farm when you travel :biggrin:�
guest Cool. Is this distracting?�
guest We have seven, and if my wife whose horses they are ever heard me calling them nags I would be in big trouble.�
guest 40 miles for sushi? It better be damn good sushi.�
guest You are looking at this the wrong way. He gets sushi AND he gets to drive his Tesla for 45 minutes or an hour. Win-win.�
guest It's not about the sushi. It's about the excuse to drive. I've been driving out of state to see family over the weekend just for the drive. And to spend time with the family too of course.
- - - Updated - - -
You put the win-win part better than I did.�
guest Your analysis is correct! And the sushi is pretty good.�
guest So I received an update notification today. I pressed the X in the upper right, and unless the reviews in here improve a fair amount, I will continue to do so.
What I'm seeing said so far:
-Summon is really neat, but serves no practical purpose and isn't available to me anyway.
-UI is unchanged except for removing one frequently used toggle in the media player.
-AP seems slightly smother, but is reported to nag more (somewhere between "slightly more" and every 3-5 minutes)
-AP restrictions have false positives, and rely on speed limits that the car can't possibly know.
So overall, very very minor improvements at the cost of fairly major drawbacks.
No update here, hopefully the car stops nagging me to downgrade after a while.�
guest I once paid for a $50 cab ride to go visit In-And-Out for the first time when I was visiting a datacenter in Freemont (years before Tesla Motors).
There's nothing like In-and-Out on the east coast.�
guest I think there is a nag. Just spend 30 minutes testing this.
Interstate road, 12-lanes divided (6 each direction), every 3 minutes for 12 minutes (i.e. 4 times) then I got off. Exactly at the 3minute mark.
Local road, 6 lanes (3 each direction, grass divider, though the car thought it was an undivided highway and restricted AP), every 1minute for 4 minutes (i.e. 4 times).
Then I held the wheel for about 5minutes, and still on the local road it let me drive for 2 minutes, then nagged, and then back down to 1 minute. I think it might be giving me leeway if it sees me holding the wheel.
Up until this evening I was in the "nah, there's no nag" category, but I think there is, as it's repetitive (in whole minute intervals), and I also think the nag is different on different types of roads.
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I'll grab some photos later if no one did yet. It's pretty good (haven't seen bikes yet, it's cold out now) with cars and trucks. It can now show up to 2 (or at least's that's what I've seen) cars per lane, so I've had 5 cars on my screen at the same time.
The issue is that only detects the cars in neighboring lanes that are about 1 cars length ahead of you (I guess the camera isn't wide enough), so it never shows cars parallel to your car.
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I have no problem stopping if I need it, but it's so close to home (Fairfax) that I don't see a point of ever going.
FTR, I've never actually been to Bethesda supercharger. Might need to visit it before they move it.
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I've seen trucks, no motorcycles yet (it's cold). Trucks are hit or miss, I've had trucks convert into cars, lol.�
guest It's not just 40 miles for sushi, it's take-out sushi! I realize that you're in a Model S, and you could probably do 40 miles in 25 minutes -- but still. I like my sushi fresher than that.
As an aside, it always cracks me up when I visit my family in Indiana and the grocery story has a sign up that reads, "Fresh Seafood!" Really? We're in Indiana, people? How fresh can it be?�
guest Not to be grotesque about this but sushi bars buy (or should buy) certain varieties of fish frozen because freezing kills certain parasites (worms) that would otherwise be dangerous eaten raw.
Many years ago I used to live on the near north side of Chicago. The seafood there was surprisingly good, thanks to the rapid air freight through O'Hare. For some reason the quality in markets isn't as good hear 45 miles west of DC. Before moving here six years ago I used to live in the Boston north shore. Seafood heaven!�
guest So as a Classic S85, some notes about stuff NOT requiring the AP hardware:
-The auto-adjusting display brightness is very responsive and works well. Good improvement
-The HVAC is better now... on auto, it behaves much more like it did pre-7.0. A setting of 72-74 will get the blower up to 5 now... before it would often stay on 1-2
-Garage-door auto-opening/closing is spiffy. I like it.
-With the ability to now not unlock doors with park, I think they need to make a change to not tie interior trunk/frunk controls from the door locks. If I hit park now, I can't open my frunk/trunk from the center console. I have to hit park a second time to unlock the doors, and then I can release the frunk. I understand not allowing the OUTSIDE trunk handle to allow it to open if the doors are locked, but there's no reason I shouldn't be able to open either from INSIDE...
-Time and clock on dash is nice. No temp on center console is a step back... it should be there as well (and while at it, let's add date to dash)
-Removal of quick-select on radio sucks... especially if you have many favorites to scroll through instead.
-It may be coincidence, but after enabling the garage auto-open controls, when I pulled in to my garage, my headlights didn't come on like they normally do. I thought perhaps that was because the car realized I was in a garage, and hence not needed. Then when I pulled my door handle to get out, they promptly switched on... since then it's been dark when I've gotten home so I haven't been able to test again.�
guest I lived in Boston for a while too. Really good seafood, but nothing beats the 12 years in lived in Hawaii. But the best sushi ever was in Taiwan. Seriously amazing!�
guest DC sushi is mediocre and expensive. I have in-laws near Boston, sushi up there is good.
Maybe I'm biased, but I grew up in NYC and there are a lot of great sushi places there.�
guest Worth every penny.![]()
Random Tesla owners enjoying a double double and fries.�
guest Upgrade failure
Got notified that my 85D was ready to install the 7.1 update this morning. Drove to work and just before 8AM had the install proceed. About 2 hours later I got a notification from the app that the upgrade had failed. Went to lunch at noon and the car had a notice about a failed upgrade. That made me think that the changes had been rolled back, but going into the menus I see options for auto part in perpendicular spaces and auto-summon. Has anybody else gotten a partial upgrade? I'm afraid to try the new features until I get notified that the upgrade was successful. What are your thoughts?�
guest I'd go to your service center if nearby and have them reload the update.�
guest Email the service center.�
guest I travel on a stretch of the interstate where two lanes merge without any markings, and for the first time autopilot handled it perfect without a car in front of it. It has now done this twice since getting the update, if it does it again it would suggest it is in fact learning .�
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