Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 10, 2016

Firmware 7.1 part 23

  • 1/1/2015
    Thanks for the info. I wonder why the manual doesn't mention that first meaning for the SAS red icon. Unless its written somewhere else or I completely missed it, I was only aware of the second meaning.
    In any case, the manual leveling does work as expected and I haven't seen the red SAS icon for over a day now since I have turned off the auto-lowering at highway speeds option (set it to never). It doesn't mean that there isn't a leak but it might just be a software issue in my case. However, I will make sure that I ask them to check it out.
  • 1/1/2015
    Maybe they are busy waiting on the "big UI changes" of 7.2 and just aren't ready yet?
  • 1/1/2015
    Or fixing known problems with existing apps (eg trip planner, nav, media player, beta stuff). I hope.
  • 1/1/2015
    I emailed my SC and they called me, saying they were going to look at the logs and let me know! I wonder what they will find.
  • 1/1/2015
    My local service centre tells me 2.18.18 is supposed to fix the safety systems disabled errors. We'll see�
  • 1/1/2015
    Works for me as well (2.17.80)
  • 1/1/2015
    Today I felt that my regen wasn't as strong, or that something was different. When I looked at Settings my Creep had been turned on. I never have it on. Wonder if that somehow reset during the last software update (2.16.17, iirc) when I noticed HillHold changed to having to mash the pedal? Because now that I have turned Creep back off, I can just tap the pedal again and HillHold engages just as it used to.

    For the first time, I got the blue HOLD today while on AP in stop and go traffic. It didn't come on every time, though. I wonder why? Would sure be nice to have this in the release notes, along with other things...
  • 1/1/2015
  • 1/1/2015
    I have to say, I've had more trouble with being unable to connect from the iPhone app, and with spontaneous screen reboots, with 2.17.95 than I had in my entire prior year of ownership starting with whatever came before 2.4.124. Most recently, pulling into my driveway the garage door opened (as per plan, auto-Homelink), then the screen reset itself. I might have overtaxed the poor dear by rolling the sunroof closed at the same moment as Homelink was triggering. Anyway, as I pulled into the garage (screen still rebooting) the garage door closed behind me, not as per plan. I suppose the "trigger Homelink" event was getting replayed as the screen came back up, or something.

    I did file a voice bug report, for whatever that's worth. (Not much, according to some of you.)
  • 1/1/2015
    Thinking of the auto-garage door opening feature, the driver must be careful.

    When I had to detour by the house to exit the community on another road, I forget what would happen.

    The open garage door upon returning from the 30 minute shopping trip was the reminder. I was lucky nothing was taken.
  • 1/1/2015
    ... or if the door is already open (kids playing around), you arrive and the car closes the door (instead of opening it)
  • 1/1/2015
    ^^^ This. The first (and only) time this happened to me was the time I decided we would never again use auto-Homelink. It's not Tesla's has been discussed here, the problem is intrinsic in the Homelink protocol.

  • 1/1/2015
    For my needs, auto-Homelink does the right thing about 98% of the time and is easy to recover from the other 2%. But I can see how it wouldn't work out for everyone. As bmah says, the protocol is... limited.
  • 1/1/2015
    For me is was much less than 98% since sometimes I park in our front driveway and it was opening up the side garage, etc. I decided it wasn't worth the hassle and turned it off. I do use it at work since that door is "open only" (not a toggle) and works nearly 100% of the time. So in that case auto-open is a huge success, even if it is a failure at home.
  • 1/1/2015
    Homelink will support two or more doors, or channels. If the door opener itself is one that can take separate commands for Open and Close, or has separate switch inputs for Open and Close, then there should be a way to wire one channel to be an open-only, and a second to be close-only. That would help some situations, but an unreliable "connection" can make it unusable, without appropriate feedback.

    Summon is built to use one channel for both open and close. So, basically ... do not use Homelink there.

    Summon might even have trouble detecting a closed door if, for whatever reason, the door is too close to the car's sensors.
  • 1/1/2015
    Isn't the fundamental issue that the majority of garage and gate openers people have are the old type that either never had, or the owners have not elected to add more recently made available optional add-on support for MyQ, which adds an ability for a secure interface to know if the door is opened or closed? ...i.e. while it may be nice to expect Tesla to implement a MyQ interface, it still wouldn't solve the fundamental problem for what I suspect are most owners that have "dumb" garage door openers around the world.

    Me? I have 10-year+ old "dumb" garage door openers, with no plan to replace them until they die. I recently added MyQ to both of them totaling just under $100, only for the piece of mind now that my Tesla has Auto Homelink capability. I can check status of my doors once I leave if I begin to question myself if the door actually closed after I left (it has not yet failed me), and have MyQ set that I'll get an email and TXT if either door is open for more than an hour, so I could even close them if needed to via the WWW or my iOS app. I'm not so sure a majority of MS owners will be so anal and go to all that cost and trouble, until perhaps they eventually replace their door openers that have such capability built-in, AND the owners then take the additional steps to hook their doors up through the internet so things like our MS could use that interface.

    In other words, until all that happens, Tesla owners can use Auto Homelink capabilities if they wish, but really just need to understand the basic limitations it and their garage doors have. I for one, have never expected Tesla's implementation to somehow improve on the basic "dumb" underlying interface Homelink provides with my ancient garage door openers. If Tesla some day implements MyQ as an optional interface, that will be great, but I won't be holding my breath (sorry!) given the other beta and half-baked capabilities Tesla owners have been provided without follow-on refinement that would make them so much more useful.
  • 1/1/2015
    I just got an update with exactly one change (at least in the release notes):


    Looks like they're reacting quickly to that guy who accidentally rammed his car into that trailer. This is exactly what I was saying Tesla should do here, so, great move!
  • 1/1/2015
    Interesting Information for you all. Yesterday I purchased the Autopilot Software after being a part of a one month test. (I did not initially purchase it when ordered) This AM, when I entered the S, there was a notification screen from Tesla thanking me for the purchase of AutoPilot and that the license for use had been verified. There must be some integration between MYTesla website and the software license push functionality to a specific car in the fleet.

    Then, upon leaving my gym, two hours after the notification mentioned above, I am greeted with another notice saying that there is a software update ready to install (was on 2.17.37). Upon arrival at home I initiated the install. Not sure if the software install is related to the AP purchase or not. I have no idea which version of software is being installed but will update the Firmware Tracker when it is done.

    Update: it was 2.18.77 and was installed very quickly, perhaps 30 mins or less.
  • 1/1/2015
    This update, 2.18.77, was downloaded to my S85D at about 4:30 AM today PDT. It said, as always, that it would take 1:40 to complete, and completed in 0:26.

    Suggested name: "Hither or yon".
  • 1/1/2015
    I suggest "Trailer Park" but I understand if this is not universally liked.
  • 1/1/2015
    No, it's related to being in a gym. Last month, 2.16.17 downloaded to my car while I was in my gym. One instance is an anecdote; two is data.
  • 1/1/2015
    And three is enemy action!
    (I got 2.18.77 this morning while thinking about going to the gym).
  • 1/1/2015
    Huh. I usually have had to wait several days for my number to be called for updates, but voila! There it is.
  • 1/1/2015
    I got 2.18.77 this morning. My wife has the car now and she reports that the "ping-ponging in the lane" behavior is now gone.
  • 1/1/2015
    Not to get too off-topic, but isn't MyQ a proprietary (Liftmaster / Chamberlain family of companies) interface, whereas Homelink is a multi-vendor standard?

    (In any case, I agree that MyQ does seem to be more functional in the ways you described.)

  • 1/1/2015
    Only took 18 min to complete for me.
  • 1/1/2015
    For those reporting their update times -- I generally do this in the comments section of the version tracker. Actually, it would be nice if the tracker had a field for this purpose.

    P.S.: Mine took 24 min. :)
  • 1/1/2015
    2.18.77 did NOT fix the TuneIn login failure issues, bummer.
  • 1/1/2015
    I am suspecting there is a security token that needs to be cleared. Unfortunately, there appears to be no end-user way to reset TuneIn. I am wondering if a reset to factory defaults on the MCD would solve it.
  • 1/1/2015
    2.18.77 updated the following systems:

    CID (Center Display)
    IC (Instrument Cluster)
    Battery Management
    Charger Main Control
    Charger Phases
    Charge Port
    Drive Inverter(s)
    Pedal Monitor
    Thermal Control
    Driver Assistance
    Parking Brake
  • 1/1/2015
    I got the update this morning and I have a gym membership... that I haven't used in like 3 years.

    Does that count? ;)
  • 1/1/2015
    Liftmaster does allow some integration as Wink has been able to control my Liftmaster openers for nearly a year. Tesla should be able to integrate with MyQ as well.
  • 1/1/2015
    Good thing I'm going to the climbing gym this evening, I haven't gotten the update yet! :D
  • 1/1/2015
    I can assure you people that if getting updates had anything to do with going to the gym I'd still be on the initial release! :)
  • 1/1/2015
    I can confirm that I received the notice for "Software Update Available" on my iPhone about 15 minutes before leaving the house to go to the gym. Did the update while at the gym, finished by the time I was done working out :)

    Installed 2.18.77 on P85D
  • 1/1/2015
    All this gym talk, you guys must be fit!!! My experience was that this update was completed by the time I finished my burrito.
  • 1/1/2015
    Who's Jim?
  • 1/1/2015
    Jim Kirk?
  • 1/1/2015
    So it wasn't my imagination this evening that it used to work great and now sucks? (I should clarify that I don't have the latest update yet -- scheduled to update tonight)
  • 1/1/2015
    Nice, I was not aware of that. Does the integration involve going over the Internet to network-connected Liftmaster openers, or is it via RF like a classic garage door opener remote control?


    PS. In keeping with the other ongoing discussion, my car received and installed 2.18.77 today, even though I've never worked out in a gym or had a gym membership.
  • 1/1/2015
    Ah, but now your future is ordained! ;)
  • 1/1/2015
    I got the update this morning and was going to go to the gym/pool today, but I forgot to take my swim suit....
  • 1/1/2015
  • 1/1/2015
    Well I was driving home from the climbing gym when the update notification showed up on my phone! Weird that it popped up WHILE I was driving, not before or after - that's a first for me.
  • 1/1/2015
    I have two different gateways on my network: one for the LiftMaster openers and one for Wink devices. One day I was using the Wink app and saw the option for Garage Doors. I selected that and then I added MyQ Garage Door. It prompted me for my LiftMaster/MyQ credentials. Now I can use either the LiftMaster or the Wink app to control the doors, check if they are open or closed, receive notifications, etc.
  • 1/1/2015
    Unlike previous updates where the release notes remained many virtually unchanged pages, this update appears to have reduced the release notes to this single page. At least for me. Anyone else getting the usual many pages?
  • 1/1/2015
    No, Everybody is getting the single page.
  • 1/1/2015
    Given the laundry list of modules touched in the last update, it's surprising to see just one release note. On the other hand, this could bode well in that maybe functional changes in each release will warrant similar notes - which would be a vast improvement over the usual. Time will tell.

    The best practice for which I have and will continue to lobby involves just text - I must say their version is much more impressive.

    So far with this update I've noticed just two new things - one not so new but worrisome - car drifted left over lane markers while about to pass a truck w/AS on, and the other being that I saw the MCU blank to momentarily display some sort of alert window before returning to normal. The trigger for the latter was what the car perceived as an imminent collision (in actuality, it was slowing left lane traffic in a right curving road whilst I made way at normal speed in the rightmost lane.). Hadn't seen the MCU react to a potential collision before.
  • 1/1/2015
    Any thoughts on what the updates did to each of those systems? Things we should be looking for?
  • 1/1/2015
    There is never more specific detail other than speculation, hope and desire. IMHO the best thing to do if you're interested in what's changed beyond whatever Tesla has specified in the release notes, is just hang loose, and continue monitoring this thread to see if any patterns pop-up from owners on new or changed features.
  • 1/1/2015
    It appears that after the update my rate/speed of charge is slightly lower, has anyone else noticed this?
  • 1/1/2015
    Just updated to build 2.18.77.

    Most prominent change on my morning commute was a much less assertive regenerative braking...almost felt like coasting. I checked the toggle and the control remained on Standard.
  • 1/1/2015
    Since regenerative braking has been reduced on every single update since the first model S, I'm surprised we have any at all! ;)

    In all seriousness, there is a running joke on this forum that after every update someone complains that regen has been reduced.
  • 1/1/2015
    If I only had a dime...
  • 1/1/2015
    Given the update context and timing, I would suspect this update was done to address the situation where summon ran into the truck.

    A double tap of the park button is difficult, but not impossible to inadvertently do. Ignoring the 4 way flashers and dings, again possible if you're preoccupied with something.

    This new addition ensures that the car will not move at all, unless you provide specific input on direction. This would all but eliminate the possibility for an inadvertent activation.
  • 1/1/2015
    Got new update overnight.
    Hope they fix whatever changed the auto high beams in the last update or two. Worked perfectly before and now flashes oddly and doesn't go on in the exact same dark places as before. Annoying.

    Too bad they can't fix the numerous rattles and squeeks in my near new top line model S with a SW update.

    Something by my seatbelt latch is really annoying.
  • 1/1/2015
    I guess I just "coasted" into that one...
  • 1/1/2015
    It wouldn't be a complaint from me. I find it too abrupt, so don't use the Standard setting. If they've reduced it I may need to try Standard again, since ideally I'd like to be regenerating more. But, if we're talking about "ideal", what I really want is for it to just automatically use regeneration as much as possible to implement the "decelerator" (note: not "brake") pedal and only employ the actual brakes when regen is insufficient.
  • 1/1/2015
    Yes, it was a simple, elegant, some might even say "obvious" solution to the problem. Now they're so close to having a button
    on that same display that says "Park now" for use by those, like me, who want to remain in their car while it artfully auto-parks in a tight garage. Tricking it by opening the driver's door, raising up off the seat, closing the door, then sitting down again has got to be the most
    bizarre/idiotic UI ever.
  • 1/1/2015
    More name suggestions for 2.18.77: "the choice is yours", "no-default divorce", "we don't need no stinkin' class action suit!".
  • 1/1/2015
    Pretty soon you will have to drive and park yourself, because it will be faster than reading the 21 page "hold harmless" contract that will require you to initial every page before any "auto" service is engaged.
  • 1/1/2015
    Probably slower due to ambient temps--hotter means slower charges.
  • 1/1/2015
    The release notes page probably just has this one change to draw attention to it, since it's a safety-related update.
  • 1/1/2015
    ArtInCT, everyone (perhaps only those with AP) will be receiving that update. I just got the latest update last evening.
  • 1/1/2015
    Just plugged-in to my HPWC for the first time after applying 2.18.77 yesterday, and noticed a slight tweak to the scheduled charging screens. Whereas my normal scheduled charge has always been set and shown as "12:00 AM", it's now "00:00" on both the IC and CID. Same difference and trivial on it's own, but it's one concrete proof-point Tesla definitely tweaked more than just Summon with 2.18.77.
  • 1/1/2015
    And then someone will get carpel tunnel from initialing and they'll have to do away with that also.
  • 1/1/2015
    Played with this this afternoon. I like it! :) Two changes: more gentle application of regen braking and regen cuts out entirely at low speeds so that you continue to coast (say, up to the light, rather than stopping 30 ft. short of it). I will now be using Standard as my standard.
  • 1/1/2015
    If you were stopping too soon that just means you need to ease up on the pedal more gently. In every update someone thinks they changed regen. It's gotten to be a standing joke around there. I hope its not really "more gentle" or that I can coast with my foot off the accelerator.
  • 1/1/2015
    Sorry, but 40 years of driving has irrevocably taught me to brake to a stop, not accelerate less to a stop. And I doubt I'm alone there.
    So there comes a point where I need to guess how much "roll" is left and start braking. Used to be if I guessed wrong it would stop short. Now, not so much.
  • 1/1/2015
    Got the "imminent collision warning" today for the first time ever. I have my warning set to "late" and always have. There was a car making a right turn quite a ways in front of me. No way I could have hit him. Might have to turn warning to "off" if this keeps happening.
  • 1/1/2015
    My Outback gives me its frantic beep-beep-beep "Oh, my freakin' Gawd you're about to lead us all to a fiery death!" warning every
    few days. It seems to have less tolerance for close maneuvering than I do.
  • 1/1/2015
    And I've been driving more than 40 years, but after 3 days of driving the Model S I got used to one pedal driving and rarely using the brake (and prefer it). It's also much less wear on the brakes this way. Now it's hard to drive an ICE when I have to.
  • 1/1/2015
    Regen has behaved this way since, oh....mid-2012.
  • 1/1/2015
    And that's a good thing? I drive both my Tesla and an ICE car and expect to be doing so for a very long time.
    I suspect exclusively (or even just "mostly") Tesla-only drivers are the exception, not the rule. I have no problem
    with the Tesla giving the option of using a different driving style, but there's a legitimate justification for also
    providing the option of "traditional" (two-pedal) driving. After all, it's all just software ;)
  • 1/1/2015
    Not in my car -- otherwise I wouldn't have cited this as a change. Perhaps the earlier behavior was a bug, though I kinda doubt it.
  • 1/1/2015
    I suspect the opposite. Most Tesla owners won't drive anything else if they can avoid it.
  • 1/1/2015
    I can see it engineers huddled around reading this forum laughing their asses off at us trying to figure out what changes they made to the latest revision.
  • 1/1/2015
    Not even my Ferrari. Broken record, sorry. But, why do those brakes make so much noise all the time? Not to mention all those other ICE noises that used to make me weak in the knees. I try really hard to want to drive the other ICEs still in our stable, but Tesla just has all of them beaten.
  • 1/1/2015
    My MBZ does as well. All kinds of beeps. But this is the first time I've ever had it in the Tesla. And I blame it on this latest software update. Think others have had it happen as well, but didn't have the time to find those posts.
  • 1/1/2015
    I've been driving an i3 for almost two years and the MS regen is wimpy. My wife complained that the MS didn't allow one pedal driving and forced us to use the friction brakes. The Tesla regen seems to cut out entirely around 3-5mph, necessitating the use of the brake pedal at every light whereas with the i3 we are quite adept at never using the 2nd pedal.

    Since there are two settings for regen, I'd like to see Tesla have more aggressive regen, or at least not fade away, and then less agressive for owners like RogerHScott who want little difference between their ICE and Tesla.
  • 1/1/2015
    I've pretty much always driven a manual transmission before the Model S. Maybe I've been trained differently because of all the years of downshifting rather than using a lot of brakes. So easing off the accelerator wasn't much of a stretch. Even transitioning back into MT hasn't been an issue other than all the noise drives me nuts now.
  • 1/1/2015
    As a Englishman, we have mostly manuals over here, I use downshifting to slow down going around corners or when approaching roundabouts, but when I approach other junctions or traffic lights I just brake to a stop in the gear I am in then change once I have stopped.

    I hope this isn't bad driving on my part.
  • 1/1/2015
    IMHO any manual transmission driving is good driving.
  • 1/1/2015
    That's where Autopilot makes life a bit easier by pressing the brake pedal for you at those pesky stoplights when a vehicle is stopping in front of you.
  • 1/1/2015
  • 1/1/2015
    I'm not sure it is "luck", exactly. I can't put a four-bike bike rack on my MS. I can't fit lumber into it. I can't haul a trailer with it.
    Cars are used for many purposes, and Tesla is only even trying to cover some of those (which I think is good, strategically; focus
    is important).

    I think many people would (mostly, incorrectly) attribute to "luck" ownership of a Tesla at all.
  • 1/1/2015
    Regen hasn't changed.
  • 1/1/2015
    If the latest build hasn't yet been named, how about: Summantics
  • 1/1/2015
    Yup! I test drive my CPO pre 7 firmware and loved the regen, and interface. Picked it up and they had "upgraded" me to the latest firmware. I was like, "what the hell?" for weeks. Scratch that, I still am 7 months later.

    Gee, if only we were living in a world where a programmer could just write some code? And maybe look at the the charging interface, or sunroof interface, and say, gee, "We could make a slider thing, that lets the user vary the regen, and even apply it to the drivers profile. Gee, if we could just find a guy to write some code."

    I want to live in the world with the programmers!
  • 1/1/2015

    I want to live in the world with the programmers![/QUOTE]

    Really, what we NEED is that the programmers use the Model S each and every day so that they can be aware of which interfaces need (in this case) a slider for adjustment of a rate or amount. I think they did a good job with the SUMMON customization where you dial in the travel distance and stopping distance.
  • 1/1/2015
    I suspect there are many software developers (like me) who own Teslas. I would love for Tesla to open up some of the non-critical software so that we could work on some of these things that nag all of us owners.
  • 1/1/2015
    I bet the Engineers did have a slider. Elon famously nixes things like this. He likes the interface to be simple, very few choices. This is so it doesn't overwhelm non-techies.

    I think there should be an "expert" mode that by default is disabled, but once you enable it you have better granularity.
  • 1/1/2015
    Def agree with Ingineer. An expert mode would be nice for those of us who like to tinker. Tesla is following a model similar to Apple, make something great but easy for everyone. Personally I am an android user and like to be able to tinker and I think Ingineer is right if there was an expert mode and a normal mode it would allow those people that like to customize a little more in detail that would be helpful.
  • 1/1/2015
    I really don't see why anyone would want anything less than max regen. Why would you want to recapture less energy than you otherwise could?
  • 1/1/2015
    Ummm... because the driving experience is a compromise between a number of competing factors?? Let me design a maximally
    efficient car for you and I guarantee you wouldn't want to drive it ;)
    I'll take this opportunity to once more mount my hobby horse and say that the answer is to build regeneration into "braking" (i.e.,
    decelerating) so that the driver doesn't have to manually decompose deceleration into non-acceleration (i.e., foot off the "gas" pedal)
    and braking (i.e., foot on the brake pedal).
  • 1/1/2015
    The driver must solve a modest programming problem on the center console in order to enable it. The programming language will
    be an option, but the "simple interface" rule will require only a single default choice be available until you've passed the "expert" test. ;)
  • 1/1/2015
    People have said that for virtually every update since I got my car. I haven't noticed any change at all in regen with this update, if you have and think there's something wrong perhaps Tesla should know about it so they can fix it for you.
  • 1/1/2015
    When I first test-drove the car, I would have though that building regeneration into braking would have been a better idea, like it worked in my Prius. Now, in terms of preference, I much prefer Tesla's implementation. But to each his own.
    However, this discussion is about limiting regeneration, which makes no sense. If you want to resteer the discussion, that's fine, but make it clear what you are proposing.
  • 1/1/2015
    I thought this discussion was about "Firmware 7.1". ;)
    My comment was more of an aside. My view (YMMV) is that quibbling about the amount of regeneration that occurs when you let off the accelerator is worrying about the wrong problem. Perhaps Teslas will evolve multiple driving "modes" and the Tesla driving community can split into perpetually warring factions akin to the great vi/emacs schism among programmers. :eek:
  • 1/1/2015
    then you haven't really learned how to drive your tesla. I only use the brakes to come to a complete stop
  • 1/1/2015
    If you ever need anyone to go out and run the engine on the Ferrari please let me know. I live just a few minutes away.... ;)
  • 1/1/2015
    Many EV drivers, probably most, adapt to and like "one pedal" driving. I know my wife does and she is not an "early adopter". You certainly can use two pedals, you just have to dial back the regen, which you've probably already done, which should result in something much closer to the ICE driving experience that you would like. You can turn Creep ON also which also gets it closer to the ICE experience.

    Having the brake pedal do regen and friction braking is a reasonable idea that would fully integrate the EV regen benefits with the ICE driving experience. That said, it doesn't make my top 10 list of where Tesla should put engineering resources. So we all have our wish lists!
  • 1/1/2015
    Yeah, that attitude is going to do wonders for Elon's vision of pervasive electric vehicles. Sheesh.
  • 1/1/2015
    Certainly not the manual transmission experience, which has been the majority of my (ICE) driving.
  • 1/1/2015
    I'm so sorry that you find it tough dealing with the realities of driving an EV when your mindset is stuck on driving ICE vehicles. the dynamics of the EV should not and cannot be ignored.
  • 1/1/2015
    I would LOVE a slider for regen. I would keep it about 30% stronger than it is right now, and enable regen to a complete stop.
  • 1/1/2015
    I certainly wouldn't put it in those words. Elon's vision probably didn't include being stuck with last century's state of mind. I saw a picture today (can't remember what website) that was in NYC in 1900 where everyone was transported with a horse and buggy except there was a sole car in this picture. Ahhh... found it.

    The math, and evidence all around you, that shows shared autonomous vehicles powered by solar power and batteries are inevitable

    Thirteen years later it was just the opposite. Point being many years from now, one pedal driving will be the norm along with autonomous vehicles.
  • 1/1/2015
    You're absolutely right! I don't think an EV can get anywhere near a manual transmission ICE experience. I've owned many of those and that is a different world.
  • 1/1/2015
    Agree. Sometimes when I'm coasting on regen I still want to be able to downshift. Argh.
  • 1/1/2015
    This is where the i3 is really great. It has very strong regen and the regen doesn't taper off as the car slows the way it does in the MS. The i3 has real "one pedal" driving, where as the MS always requires the friction brakes for the last 5 yards.
  • 1/1/2015
    To get back onto topic. My cars at the service center got the Tuesday update right before I dropped it off and today I received a notification of another update. I don't have the car so have no idea what was updated but did anyone else receive two updates this week? And yes I've done all previous updates.
  • 1/1/2015
    And to take us back off topic - I agree on the MT thing. Just picked up a GT4 to complement the P85D. Best of both worlds!
  • 1/1/2015
    I find it ironic that you would even say that given where you live. With constant stop and go traffic and handbraking on hills, that would get old very fast for me. Twice as bad if you don't even have some type of hydraulic clutch.
  • 1/1/2015
    I recommend this to enable it:
  • 1/1/2015
    Mine has always shown "22:00". Take a look at Settings::Language & Format::Time Format
  • 1/1/2015
    Got 2.18.91 today from a Tesla Ranger doing a butyl rubber seal meltdown fix on one of my doors. Same docs as 2.18.77, about the summon update. Nothing else mentioned.
  • 1/1/2015
    Is it my imagination, or has the alert for auto-steer turning off gone from fairly subtle to "brassy"? My car made a sound at me
    today that I've never heard before -- still three "beeps", but the "beeps" had an un-Tesla-like nagging tone to them. :(
  • 1/1/2015
    Was this the "red" TAKE OVER IMMEDIATELY alert? If so, it has probably been that way for a while. I got that on my test drive 2 weeks ago and it was a similarly naggy Subway Oven tone.
  • 1/1/2015
    Perhaps. Maybe I just hadn't gotten into that exact "Danger, Will Robinson!!" situation before.
  • 1/1/2015
    And after 141 reports for 2.18.77 (about a third of what I'd expect for a "full" roll-out - but both of my cars got that build) we just got the first two reports for 2.18.91
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