guest I don't think this has anything to do with Model 3. Model 3 is several years out (yeah, yeah, 2017, yada yada, whatever. Model X was 2013 based on that.. moving on)
I think they are chasing a lot of bugs across their increasingly complex and diverse hardware footprint. I hear from insiders that their grasp of "software distribution discipline" is still at a startup level. With >100k cars on the road that's a problem.
Anyway, just saw the first report for 2.4.35. I'm calling this a wild and active beta test, chasing way too many bugs in way too many directions. My recommendation would be to decline updates until this is settling down. There is no way they have done any reasonable Q&A on the six different builds that they have pushed to end users in the last week. They don't have the man power to do that. This is completely out of control.�
guest No, we've never had anything even remotely close. As I said. Be careful out there. You are being used as testers for experimental software. I am now declining updates (again) on both of my cars.�
guest Hmm, no .13 or .14 builds yet for my MS either, but 2.12.126 is solid. I like the new cold regen (for me it is more regen overall and when it's hovering around freezing there's some now, vs. none before).
Are any of these below addressed in the newer builds ? If not I'd say they are testing something or finding issues, either way I can wait
- driver-side handle present code still needs some work as it's more than just present but locking / unlocking 1 door vs. all. (eg. I can sneak through trunk -- but I am tortured by this as I like the 1-handle thing more than the 1-door unlock thing so maybe the answer here is detaching locking from presenting).
- music seems to constantly skip or degrade -- be it on Slacker, TuneIn playing FM stream, or FLAC from my USB. It should not be a surprise to get through a song without a hiccup.
- 1-point nav system is laughable / terrorizing.
- sad few 3 or 4 voice commands barely ever work properly.
Guide me to.. Navigate to... Drive to... which is it today, I give up.
These are minor to me though.. the car is a delight, nice long drive today with an SC stop that was purely to aid comfort and speed. Given the choice I am not a hypermiler
guest For all we know, they are testing changes to the audio player. We don't really have enough evidence to suggest any effect on any driving systems.�
guest 100% agree. We don't no one way or the other. I'll leave the beta testing to the people who signed up for it. Thankfully the firmware tracker makes this easy. Once I see a build with hundreds of installs I will wait for the next "new upgrade" notification on my phone and then upgrade. Until that time I'm out.�
guest I agree completely, they need to get a discipline and formality with regards to the software release trains. Major tech companies like Cisco have a very formalized release process that keeps QC at a high level.
Cisco produces two software trains: General Deployment (or Mainline) release, and Early Deployment (or Tech release). ED releases have the latest features that may still be under development, whereas GD releases are supposed to be mature, nearly bug-free releases.
Any release that is found to have a bug of significant impact in any feature is moved to a "Deferred" status, where it is no longer available at all.
Within each software train, maintenance releases are put out to address very small, non-impactful issues -- these releases do not go through full QC but only through verification that the issue is addressed.
Main releases within each software train go through full QC, which includes regression testing and full testing suites on every hardware configuration.
Tesla needs to adopt a similar system. The only releases that should be pushed OTA are General Deployment, Main releases that have gone through full QC. Service centers should be able to push GD maintenance releases that address specific bugs like the dual-charging bug in 2.12.126, addressed in 2.13.77.
ED releases should only be in the hands of the early release program participants.
Right now, Tesla appears to be pushing many maintenance releases OTA, and none of them have gone through full QC. Each maintenance release changes more code, so the entire release's code base moves further and further away from the last build that was subject to full regression testing and all hardware platforms. This ADDS bugs to the release instead of squashing them.�
guest Could it have anything to do with scrambling to redact the future model info that was leaked?�
guest Got my first MAP (Garmin/Navigon) update this morning. Anyone wondering if they currently are with the latest, the line telling me to exit an highway, for example, is now blue instead of orange.�
guest 7.1 (2.14.35) does have one major change for Model X:
The passenger door no longer closes when pressing the brake pedal to start the car. The touch screen can be used to close any door just as before. The driver door still closes when the brake pedal is pressed.
This was a needed improvement as passengers were occasionally getting a "love tap" by the door.�
guest Received notice a couple hours ago and just applied 7.1 2.14.66 to my S90D. It took less than 30mins, although the estimate was the standard 1hr 20min. Release notes do not appear any different than before. There are no specific new things called-out as improvements.
Unlike some owners, I'm electing to continue applying all firmware releases provided by Tesla, especially after having seen some improvement in my several-months-old 90KwH Rated Range issue in the last couple of drops, and after reading yesterday that Tesla plans to introduce proactive changes to prevent charging if a potential short is determined like was the case in the isolated Norway (Supercharger) fire. I personally am not technically involved enough to know better than Tesla on such things, and Tesla does not provide detail on everything included in each update for me to really know what's there anyway, so I'll just take the possible good with any bad that comes my way. (I can always vent here on TMC, and make myself feel a little better, right?)
guest I agree that Configuration Management has to be a nightmare right now at TM. It's tough enough at a more mature software company and by all evidence we have seen their process is not that mature. Given the number of configurations (two major models, many various option configurations within each model, and frequent hardware changes) means there are probably very few identical cars on the road.
Hopefully they are bringing in experienced people with software process and CM experience.�
guest Any change (up or down) on your Rated Range with the new update?�
guest Also received 2.14.66 this morning. No changes noticed yet.�
guest I received 2.14.66 this morning. Weird thing is I received 2.14.50 yesterday. Never had back-to-back updates before.�
guest I just received 7.1 (2.14.66) this morning as well. Maybe they are standardizing on this build?�
guest No. It began doing a top-off after the reboot (MS was plugged into my HPWC but didn't charge last night because I had not driven it the day before), and it came back to 251 RR which is within the 251-252 I've been seeing since the previous improvement we saw.�
guest I will add that the Automatic Connection to WiFi problem that was introduced with 2.12.126 (see back around Mar 1, post #1691 and following in this thread) appears to have been resolved or at least improved after applying 2.14.66. Upon automatic reboot after this firmware release was installed, my MS is connected to WiFi without manual intervention once again.
It really does appear Tesla is (finally) ticking off some of the outstanding firmware bugs. YEAH!!! (But like many of us I suspect, I want more!!!) TU Tesla!�
guest Under 2.12.126 installed at the SvC, and with the LTE/4G upgrade done there about a week ago, my auto connection to my WiFi has continued to work with no apparent problems.�
guest Just got 2.14.66 as well (tracker updated). Also took just about half an hour to complete. No changes that I can see so far.�
guest Rumor has it that the 14.66 build has a fix for the one-off fire at the Norwegian supercharger that apparently occurred due to a failure in a HV module under the back seat.�
guest Interesting, thanks for the info - not that I'm planning on testing it
guest Seems that my request for a clear sign of "this is the next one" was heard
We already have 67 reports for 2.14.66 installs (that's the most we had in one day in a long time) and the coverage seems truly broad. 9 countries (the most since 2.12.126), Model S&X, most battery sizes (40 and 60 are missing, 40s are rare, but there are a ton of 60s out there... wonder what's up with that... maybe they are old enough by now that people aren't as active here anymore... similarly no P85+... could be the same reason). All VIN ranges, except for the first 10k. Hey, I'm sensing a pattern...
So my guess right now is that this is a full on roll-out and I'd chalk the lack of Model S 60, Model S P85+ and very early cars (including all the Model S Sigs) to lower participation rate among owners of those cars; but there is a chance that this is more geared towards newer cars. 61 AP cars, only 6 non-AP.
If you have received 2.14.66, please post to the tracker. ESPECIALLY if you have any of the so far not represented cars:
VIN < 10k, 60, P85+
Actually, regardless, just post them to the tracker
guest Looking at the tracker, there have been 67updates to 2.14.66 today, including my car. The last time there were as many as 50 in a day for a single build was March 4th with build 2.13.77. In between then and now there have been six other builds, but none have installed more than 25 times in any single day. Clearly 2.14.66 is a major roll-out. It will be interesting to see if updates converge on this one active build in coming days.�
guest If indeed this build contains additional safety code for charging (rumored to be included in this build, addressing the Norway fire), 40's and 60's may not be prioritized because none of the 40's and only a fraction of the 60's are Supercharger-enabled.
VIN <10k, most of them have "A" battery packs limited to 90 kW charging, correct? May also not be prioritized for this fix.�
guest I got 2.14.66 on my supercharger-enabled S60 today - and just updated the tracker.�
guest Same�
guest Very good points. Yes, a prioritization for super charger enabled cars makes perfect sense. We now have one VIN 3xxx report and a couple reports from 60s, which apparently are both super charger enabled. Still no P85+ but at this point I'd say this is clearly a full on roll-out with possibly a prioritization / focus on super charger enabled cars. 81 reports so far (including my wife's 90D).�
guest As time goes one, more of these have been traded in for newer Ss and with Tesla's new penchant for making CPOs = the new loaner fleet, it could also be that over the next few months/years, the 40s (unlocked) and 60s shift over to the loaner fleet.
My 78xx has a B-pack, but yes, no update yet. Not that it bothers me. I get updates whenever I get them.�
guest I received an update notification on my phone but when I went to the car there was no update. Waiting now for redownload.�
guest Let's call 66 "Short Circuit Breaker"...here are my recent updates to a Norwegian car in Abu Dhabi:
2.13.12 on 11th March.
2.14.17 on 14th March.
2.14.66 on 19th March.
That's part of the issue - you "test" it every time you plug in to a supercharger!
guest I got a patch both on Wednesday then again on Friday. Interesting.
I did notice a change, but can't tell when this happened. Under Trips, for Current Trip, the middle column is now measured in minutes since departure instead of kWh consumed. Cool.
- K�
guest IIRC, elapsed time has been displayed for the current trip since the UI upgrade in 7.0 which added the current trip indicator. I recall this because I was initially irritated because I would have preferred the total energy used on the current trip. However, I have gotten used to the change and it is nice to know the elapsed time. Unfortunately, there is not enough room to show both and neither item of information is critical enough to me to warrant making a fuss.�
guest Good point, though what I meant is I don't plan on creating a short to see if the SCing session stops before a fire starts
guest I think that fraction is close to 1. I don't know any 60 owner here who doesn't have supercharging.�
guest My 2 day old 90D upgraded to 2.14.66 this morning and now my iPhone cannot wake the car up. I'm guessing there's an easy fix to this, but am still on the learning curve as this is my first Tesla�
guest My car, also with 2.14.66, was non-responsive this morning with the "waiting for systems to power up" message. I had to reboot the center display in order for the car to power up.�
guest I ALWAYS reboot center console and smaller panel every time I get an update.�
guest This could be an interesting bit of additional data, though more likely it is just a coincidence.
For the widely distributed firmware updates, I have generally been among the first to receive them. I still do not have this latest one. Of note is that I also am a very, very light user of the Supercharging network. I have basically only really utilized Superchargers twice on a real trip, when they were needed, and I believe I have Supercharged briefly two or three other times, to make sure that my car could, and for the novelty of it.
As I said, it's probably just a coincidence, but if Tesla was really prioritizing getting the update to cars that needed it because of the likelihood they'd be Supercharging, they were correct to send it to others before sending it to me.�
guest Coincidence I think Andy.
I have never used a supercharger (yet!) and I got it on the first day of release.
More likely just a randomization thing.
...and we dont even know as a fact that there is anything related to superchargers in the build anyway, it is just speculation afaik.�
guest Sorry folks, I've been away for a while.
I added the following two names:
2.14.66 "Short Circuit Breaker"
2.14.17 "pi day"
Did I miss any others?�
guest So my 85D gas been at the SC since Wednesday getting a 50k mile service and a replacement rear strut for some noise issues, and on Thursday I got an update complete alert as well as one today. Mobile access is disabled so I can't check the version, but I'm surprised to get two builds at the same SC visit. I'm hoping to get my car back tonight.�
guest Well I guess my car isn't cool enough for Short circuit breaker. I'm still stuck on Half-fast.�
guest Haha. Mine either. I'm still on Half-Fast as well and don't even know what "Half-Fast" refers to.�
guest It was the version that caused lots of people with dual chargers to only be able to charge at half the rate they had set, due to a bug.
As the poster who proposed the name suggested, repeat the name a few times fast...
guest I wonder if the 2.14.66 rollout is not universal. It seem like a lot of cars got the update on 3/18, and not many since then. I am still on 2.12.126 as well. I wonder if a problem has been found with 2.14.66 ("Short Circuit Breaker").�
guest I don't think so. I was at the service center yesterday afternoon for an unrelated issue (charge door wouldn't stay closed as magnetic disc separated from the door) and they flashed 2.14.66.�
guest I am hoping that the update has helped with the Model X Falcon Wing Doors stopping during close about 50% of the time. The doors worked fine early on, but then began to stop halfway with a message that something was in the way when it was not.
Today, multiple cycles of opening and closing have not resulted in the partial close. I will post again if the problem resurfaces. Hopefully the update addressed the issue.�
guest Of course you have to realize that the service center will typically install the latest firmware, regardless of whether or not it would have been pushed to your car OTA.�
guest Exactly!
And just to elaborate on this a bit, based on the data collected in the tracker, and on what people have been reporting, there is no evidence to suggest that when an update is recognized as having a bug, and thus OTA pushes are stopped, that service centers are notified as well, and stop installing those specific updates. Tesla internal communications just aren't that good, or this just isn't deemed important enough.
Now don't get me wrong: I expect if there was a really significant issue or one that posed a safety concern, Tesla would communicate properly, and prevent the update in question from being installed on additional cars. But to date that has not been the issue, as the bugs have, for the most part, been relatively minor. It appears the typical progression is the bug is identified, OTA updates stop, a new version is released via OTA, and usually the following day that new version begins being installed at the service centers. Until the new version hits the service centers, the old, buggy version would still be installed at service centers during that usually short interim period between when the buggy version was no longer pushed OTA and the fixed version was released.�
guest Right. I'm with you on the bug (or lack thereof) argument. It's just odd trying to figure out their release methodology. I figured if it was a limited-release test build, only a few users would have received it, as we saw in some of the previous builds. But if it was a general-release build, we should be seeing numbers in the 300+ range on the tracker, as was the case with the original 7.1 release. But this one is somewhere in the middle.�
guest But every version has a bug. That's why there's always a next version.�
guest My car was delivered with 2.10.71 "Expectans Lenimentus" and I haven't had any update notices. Perhaps that one is considered good enough for a car without all the latest tech gadgets. Or maybe I'm just too far down the list to bother with.�
guest An update to 2.14.66 was offered to me OTA on 3/18, but I waited until 3/20 to install. Since install I have felt like the autopilot has been slightly less effective. I only had the car a week prior to the update, but autopilot was working great. I started noticing that after 2.14.66 the car felt like it was bouncing more within a lane, with a couple of instances of a drift almost over the lane without any cars around, and sometimes to the side where there was a car. Is anyone else seeing anything similar?�
guest The problem did occur again.
One other change has occurred recently. My Model X driver seat lowers to the lowest position when the second row is moved forward and back with the Easy Entry button.�
guest ...while interesting about model X, and not meaning any offense at all (trying to be very respectful!), hopefully your comments are being put in appropriate MX forums where MX owners may gain benefit from your observations. I have only an MS, so I don't frequent the MX forums and find MX-specific posts interesting, but not always something that seems applicable to MS. I'm not a Mod and have no problem with posting here, just suggesting since TMC has elected to have distinct forums by model and not common forums for items that cross models like some other auto forums do (e.g. Service, detailing, common infotainment & firmware, etc.), for owners that have both models there may be a more appropriate place for MX-specific posts than the MS firmware thread. PEACE!�
guest No problem. I used my service center punch list of 45 items to help edit the check list that could be used during every Model X delivery.
All the problems have been discussed and Tesla Motors received pages of items to correct with a photo image to illustrate each problem. This has been a long term project since the December 31st delivery date. An update of the corrections has taken hours of forum time.
Tesla Motors continues to make changes to parts that have yet to be installed to correct the parts that do not function correctly. There are only a handful of issues left for a better solution.�
guest My GPS has been about 100 feet off after the 2.12.126 (or maybe 2.12.22, it was only a week prior)
I contacted ServiceHelpNA, and they said that they forwarded the issue to the service center, but I have not heard anything. Restarting the console fixes it temporarily, but goes back to being off on after not driving. I didn't really want to take up service center's time, as it is appears to be a software problem.�
guest Check my post in this thread to see if its related: Charging question -- MS ignoring 24amp charging limit
Engineering should already be aware, but its not yet fixed as of 2.14.66.
GPS is super accurate when going forward, and continue forward when you go in reverse.�
guest I wrote too soon: a couple of hours after I posted this, I checked and found my first ever software update notice. I now have the 2.14.66 update.
This update must be the real deal if they are pushing it even to lowly S60s with no fancy tech gadgets.�
guest Thanks Kalud, sounds like this may be the problem. I have noticed GPS location even moving sideways at one point, but thought that was just a temporary bug.
I back out of the garage and back in to a charging spot at work every day... so I'll pay attention and will report back.�
guest 2.14.66 continues to roll out in a rather odd pattern. 130 reports in 48 hours, but barely anything since then (3 or 4 a day). Normally a "full" roll out gets us 300-400 reports, we have only 146 total for 2.14.66 (and only one of my two cars has received it, yet). It feels like it was pushed out to a lot of people but then suddenly throttled. And about half the installs trickling in the last few days where at service centers...�
guest I reluctantly suggest that diminished TMC use has a part in this, D.
Partly due to 'new design' and mostly to lack of Tapatalk support.�
guest Confirmed that this is indeed what is causing the location to be off. I didn't catch it before since I never look at nav screen while backing up because the rear camera always blocks it for me. I backed up a good amount before going home and parking and the car showed that I was in a different neighborhood parked in a pool!![]()
Another interesting thing was that the app sometimes jumped to the actual location of the car when I panned the view.�
guest Except they're not pushing out updates to anyone anymore right now (again) anyway...
For now I choose to take an optimistic Apple launch-style approach to this odd situation we find ourselves in: Tesla could be scrambling to give us something special on/after the launch date eg. minutes after the Apple launch this week I was updating 2 devices to add new features. It's a highly effective way to connect with customers.�
guest I think if it is playing a part, it would be only a small one.
By now there is a pretty good core of people in the habit of getting updates and immediately updating the tracker. This core group would update the tracker with or without participation that day on TMC. So I think Dirk's assessment that the roll out was not a full blown release, based on the numbers, is almost certainly accurate.�
guest I thought his whole post was tongue in cheek no?�
guest No, not at all.
I really think there are a lot of people who are pretty devoted to using the tracker now, and don't need to be reminded of it. We get a firmware update and just know to update the tracker.
My post was completely serious.�
guest No, I meant his post, I know you were serious. I could be wrong but I thought he was poking at the new forum design and lack of Tapatalk support as the reason for the lack of participation in reporting in a sort of joking way. Who knows.�
guest In my haste to respond to you I had misread what you wrote. I read "his" as "this." My bad!
So to address what you actually said, I actually don't think his post was tongue in cheek either. I think to a small extent he was taking a little jab at the new forum design, but mainly he was suggesting that the numbers were lower than they had been in the past because participation here was lower right now. That would be a valid point if it were true that most of the data being entered into the tracker was driven there directly as a result of posts on TMC. But my point is that the tracker has largely taken on a life of its own, and while TMC and those of us here who like to remind people of it are clearly helping to keep it going, and to grow the user-base, there is a solid user-base now that is no longer dependent on TMC.
That's how I see it, anyway. I could be wrong.�
guest I'm still on here, getting used to the new design. But no update. And yes, even though I've only had my car since October, I know to type in "ev..." for the tracker to come up in my browser when I do get an update.�
guest While I am no longer in this case, just a few months ago, I wouldn't be like Jennifer and remember the URL to the firmware site (even though I would immediately think of updating it). Instead, I would come here and find it in someone's signature. Well, in the new forum design, I no longer can see signatures from my phone and I do 90% of my TMC browsing from mobile. So if I hadn't advanced to Jennifer's level yet, the forum design would be preventing me from contributing to the firmware tracker.�
guest You're right, A. My comment on Dirk's remarks was to be taken seriously.
No joking around here about important issues like firmware updates to our cars. Just don't get me started on all my reputation points getting ripped off, eleven bars, ponies and all.
guest Anyone else on 2.13.103 still and notice that Autopilot no longer has speed restrictions? I don't regularly use it since so much of my driving is rural highways that were previously restricted and typically poorly labeled for speed limits so it would always get confused and pick a lower limit on occasion. Since it was so limited in release maybe a special test version for those of us out in the sticks?�
guest Must be a special build. 2.14.66 limits to usual 5mph over speed limit and, if in doubt due to poor/no signs, limits to 45max mph.
For case where speed limit is known, and exceeded, the autopilot restriction states the speed limit+5, when unknown it's the old generic message (i.e. It doesn't tell you it's restricted to 45mph).
As a reminder, auto restriction notice is not displayed if TACC is set at, or below, speed limit +5 (or <=45 mph on unknown speed limit).�
guest Well, I have stopped using TMC at all. I just come back to this thread with a direct link to it on my desktop machine when I see something interesting in the reports. Like I just did this morning...
First report of 2.15.16!
They are treating the middle number as if there was an unlimited number of numbers
(and in this case it seems there aren't because it seems that each number is just 8 bits, we've never seen anything above 255)
Of course that still gives them quite a long runway to grow - my current speculation is that they have two different teams working on Model S and Model X issues, and every time they merge the firmware back together, they raise their middle digit.�
guest A lot of people feel like raising the middle digit sometimes.�
guest Noob question looking at the update spreadsheet. Isn't the tech package an older option, now rolled into the AP package. So is the correct configuration for a new 90D no-tech and yes-AP?�
guest I would still indicate "With Tech Package" to be most accurate.
But since we really aren't tracking firmware updates by tech package, it doesn't matter much.�
guest Service center just installed 2.14.66 on our 2014 S yesterday. I'll have to see what the firmware tracker thing is, I've never seen it before.�
guest Exactly right. I never even knew what a "tech package" was until I joined this forum.�
guest Skotty -- so you bought a car? I thought you were still waiting for a CPO in your price range. Congrats!
(I may have a bad memory, sorry).�
guest Yes, P41819, if you are curious to look back at it's history. I've already made a few posts on it here and there. Really loving it so far. Picked it up on 3/18.�
guest OK. Confirmed and done.�
guest Please disregard if this was noticed recently.
One major change I noticed in 2.15.16 is the change in tones when turning on AP and it rejects the request.
Before, the tones were the same as AP being dropped or overridden. Now the tones are the same as pressing both pedals at the same time.
It is a major improvement to be warned with error tones that AP did NOT engage at the drivers command.�
guest This is great news! Now I won't let go of the steering wheel while AP isn't engaged.
But the both pedals pressed tone is pretty startling, even for my passengers. I hope this doesn't scare em too much.�
guest Just installed 2.14.105 ... didn't see anything obvious but I'll play around tomorrow to see if I notice anything different. (Added it to the firmware tracker.)�
guest For what it's worth, I updated to 2.14.105 this am and in addition to the alert when auto steering is unavailable, my radio station presets now change quickly when selected. Also, my volume controls are very responsive now. Before it would take 5-6 seconds when changing between the XM presets, and even longer for song/artist info to appear. Also, when I changed the volume, it would trail by a second or two, so I would often overshoot the volume I was trying for. For example, I could turn the volume wheel on the steering wheel and nothing would happen for a second or two, so I'd turn it more, and eventually it would register both inputs and either blow our eardrums out or mute all sound, depending on which direction I was going with it. Both issues appear to be fixed, although I haven't heard of this as a widespread problem. Maybe it was only mine, and the simple act of reloading any firmware would have fixed it.... I'm grateful in any event.�
guest I installed the 2.14.105 last night, no chance to drive yet.�
guest I just installed 2.14.105. It said there was some improvements to Summon and cold weather braking but I think those were already shown in previous updates.�
guest They were.�
guest Ugh, another update and yet no ACTUAL release notes.
I can't think of any other software/firmware that does this. They at least tell you that some bugs have been fixed or that it's a security update. But, no one else re-uses release notes.
Does it have the pending super-charger safety update? I don't know.
Does it actually update anything? I don't know.�
guest I think we can safely assume the interim build updates are bug fixes to the original 7.1 release and to prior interim build releases which introduced new bugs not in the original 7.1 release.
Silence means nothing to brag about and "bug fixes" doesn't sound good to the Tesla marketing/PR staff. If there were any significant improvements there would be a press release and a tweet or two.�
guest They have been burying P120D, P140D and P160Q images in each one, waiting for leaks to appear
guest Glad to hear this, have had the same problems also. Scroll the wheel and nothing happens for a few clicks/seconds as well so on volume, etc. Changes are slow, etc. I also noticed the slow delay in right scroll wheel also, use it for temperature and sometimes have to scroll it a few times before it starts to move 1 degree. Hope this does fill those lags - have just dealt with them really up to this point.�
guest Google and a few apps (off the top of my head, Waze, Weather Underground, Android Wear, and Instagram) do this all the time. They push an update to an application but the release notes are the same from the last major update that they had. It would be nice if they detailed the little things of what they changed though, even if they are just performance and speed improvements.�
guest I've noticed that the music players feel much faster in this latest firmware. Anyone else notice that?�
guest The only thing I've noticed with 2.14.105 is that if I double press the parking button (to activate summon) it turns on the Emergency Flashers/hazard lights. Which is rather annoying so I guess I won't use that function anymore. It was nice while it lasted though. I used it on a daily basis to pull the rest of the way into the garage (it's a really tight fit length wise).
They probably had some complaints of people who accidently enabled it, and didn't realize it was enabled. So the update is really to further idiot proof it.
I wish they would have release notes BEFORE acknowledging to update.�
guest What's next? An automatic blowing of the horn when backing up? Cover your ears quickly if that happens.�
guest Had a problem with Summons over the weekend.
2016 85D with AP, v7.1 (2.12.126)
I decided to calibrate Summons to park the 85D in my garage. Setting Bumper clearance to 16", side clearance to Tight, Distance at 20 ft, No to require Continuous Press and On for Homelink and using the key fob to control Summons I got the 85D to park at the preferred final position, leaving clearance on left wall for me to exit comfortably, 6" in front to refrigerator, ~18" rear to allow access to trunk without opening garage door.
Returning to the house, I notice a series of notifications on my iPhone 6 Plus, iOS 9.3) from the Tesla app - Summons Started, Summons Aborted, several times. Expected that since I was calibrating. Also checked the Tesla app and noticed that Summon button showing in place of Vent Roof (since I left the Tesla unplugged).
10 minutes later I noticed another series of Summon Started/Summons Aborted notifications on my iPhone. Huh?
Retruned to garage and noticed the Tesla has moved forward - straight into refrigerator. What??? Why did it do that? And WHY DIDN'T the sensors prevented it from hitting the refrigerator?
So now I have a ding on my lower front lip, first blemish on my new Tesla
What happened? Did I sit on my key fob and cause that? Was it v.2.12.126? Or could it be the app interaction with the buggy new iOS 9.3?
If only I had kept my Tesla plugged in the garage as I has always done in the past.
Pics show Normal clearance and ding on lower front lip.![]()
guest I suspect that the sonic sensors might have trouble detecting anything that is "too close". They probably send out a sonic "chirp" and listen for a response. Sound traveling about one foot per millisecond (ms), a perpendicular hard surface 5 feet away would echo back in about 10 ms. So far, no problem in normal circumstances.
There might be a problem if the echo returns too quickly after the "chirp" is started, since the echo might not be heard while the sensor is still making, or recovering from making, the "chirp". The sensor might think that nothing is there, with ... not good consequences.
I do not know how the Tesla's sensors work, but they MIGHT have this "too close" problem.
Why your car moved is a different issue, perhaps the fob and the assb-est-ist?�
guest As I posted a few weeks ago, I disabled Summon on my car because I noticed repeated butt-summons. (Fortunately failed because plugging the car in immobilizes it, yet another reason to always plug it in.) I think Tesla should make it harder to butt-summon, there were some good suggestions in that earlier thread.�
guest Got my car back from the SC with 2.15.16, which has as expected (or already mentioned) no new release notes.
Beyond the change to AutoPilot engagement tone when AutoSteer is not available, and the potential volume knob and media improvements, I noticed that TACC is smoother than before - both when slowing down and accelerating back up in traffic. It's less brutal than it used to be using the "1" setting (closest distance possible). Will test some more with other settings and report back.�
guest As I was reading this, in my head I was already questioning the validity of this statement, and likening it to all the reports of regen being weaker every time there is a software update, etc.
But then I looked at the source, (I'm not yet used to the new icons, so it's not as automatic to associate a poster with the post as it used to be) and realized it was MarcG posting!
If MarcG (who drives a heck of a lot with TACC engaged, and is a very astute and meticulous observer) says TACC is smoother, I believe TACC is smoother! Definitely something to look forward to! Thanks, Marc!�
guest Hehe thanks for the vote of confidence Andy. I've only had a chance to test it in 1 setting for a short drive, so I'll caveat my findings with this, but it definitely felt different - especially in that most aggressive setting.
By the way, there was a huge line of people waiting to put a deposit on the Model 3 outside of the Burlingame store/service center as of 8am. I considered waiting, but gave up when I found out that they weren't even going to start taking deposits until 10am (even for existing owners).�
guest With 3 reservation stations going in parallel at Fashion Island in Southern California, they processed 30 people in the first 20 minutes, or about 2 minutes for each. In Mission Viejo, California, the line was 204 long at 9:00 am. So, I might go back there later this afternoon.�
guest I stood in line 4 hours at the downtown Seattle store to get my reservation in. I arrived at 10:15 AM when the store opened at 10 AM.�
guest Sorry to open the off-topic subject of Model 3 lines... let's get back on topic.
So I did test TACC for another 50 miles this afternoon, and confirmed it behaves less abruptly. This is especially noticeable at lower speeds, where it would previously rush to the car in front then slam on the brakes at seemingly the last second.
All my testing was done in Setting 1, most aggressive. I used to have to change it to 4 or higher to get less sudden behavior, but now I feel no need to change from 1.�
guest Within the first week of owning my car, I accidentally opened the liftgate because the keyfob was in my pocket. It's a good thing I saw it through a window in the parking lot. I went to REI the next day and picked up a carabiner to hang the keyfob to my belt loop. Haven't had an incident since.�
guest garygid - yes that must be it. Since the MS was already parked in final position (ie 6" away from refrigerator), any subsequent Summons command to park would mean the MS is moving forward already under the limit set (16"). So it just moved until it hit the refrigerator and stopped when it sensed a resistance (like that of going uphill or garage threshold).
jgs and curiousg - yeah having my keyfob mingled with other house keys etc in my pocket has resulted in incidents like that.
Looks like I have to always plug in my Tesla when in the garage. But then it means using Summons for leaving the house is now a non-starter (until we get the 'snake' that is).�
guest Bigger fridge maybe?�
guest I'm looking forward to this improvement. I always hated how it would instantly pick up speed instead of it being gradual. The slowing down part at times made me nervous. I never use the 1 setting, hopefully this applies to other settings.�
guest �
guest Haha. You mean 'smaller' fridge and perhaps with nerf doors.�
guest Hmm, I'm still on 2.12.126. I'm just not clear on how (why) these updates go to some and not others.�
guest So when was summon via the fob disabled for the S? It never worked in the X, but it seems to have vanished on my S now as well. I really don't like using the app for this purpose; as my car backs out of the garage it typically drops the wifi connection causing the car to stop.�
guest It wasn't. Read the release notes.�
guest andrewket is a long-time poster here who frequently goes out of his way to help others. On the rare occasion when he actually asks for assistance, he deserves a more complete answer than the above, at least in my opinion.
Andrew--in some recent version, as a safety precaution, Tesla has made changes to how the fob can operate Summon, and because of the changes they have made they are requiring that we enable the features again. They are disabling the features by default, so that we will not be confused by changed functionality. This probably makes sense, and in this case, is basically a way to insure that people do read the release notes that explain changes to how their 5000 pound cars are going to act when being controlled remotely. So yes, you should read the new release notes, but at least now you know why.�
guest I agree. As I use TACC and AP a lot, I'd like to have the improvements that MarcG described. It almost makes me want to find something, anything, to take it to the service center for. But if we could "summon" the updates that would be much easier and better one would think.
guest It might be better, in some respects, for us as customers. But in some ways it could also be worse, and it could be worse for Tesla.
One of the benefits for Tesla (and indirectly for us) in the way they push out the updates is that when there is some sort of small problem with an update, it generally is not affecting the entire fleet at one time. Another benefit to the way Tesla pushes updates is that they can push the updates that affect certain cars first, and not necessarily ever push an update that has no changes for cars that would not be affected by those changes.
And for the most part, when Tesla rolls out some serious new features that people have been waiting for, they have managed to get the software deployed pretty quickly.�
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