guest A fair point indeed. I've had similar experiences with past releases (for example, audio settings reverting to original, and energy settings once iirc, that sort of thing). Not a matter of blame as much as it is a matter of reducing FUD through best practice.�
guest ... and standard advice would be to do a system reboot following an update, to ensure it is running cleanly which may restore any settings.�
guest The difference is that there are no features in question that don't appear on other cars. TACC is nothing but ACC and nobody is blaming it for anything directly. People are blaming "autopilot" as a whole but it would be hard to make a case that Tesla shouldn't have ACC when so many other cars do, and have had it for over a decade. Since Tesla was explicit in statements that it may not sense certain things including those above a certain level, it's hard to say it's not working as designed. Even at that, there's a general disclaimer that active emergency braking will merely slow the car down at that speed, not stop it. Considering how many versions of ACC aren't designed to stop a car under any circumstances, Tesla could modify it by making it worse, but if they propose doing so since it would match what others are doing, they could simultaneously question how that obviously acceptable solution would make things safer. At most, they could be asked to claim it may not stop the car but they already do that.
As for auto steer, it's merely lane keeping. It's a specific form of lane keeping called lane centering and is also offered by other manufacturers. In the two recent cases in which autopilot was questioned, one kept the car perfectly on course, and the other turned out not to be on autopilot. There are a few changes Tesla could make. They could make autosteer worse and claim that it's now like lane keeping in other cars, but again the question would be why making it less accurate would be better for the driver. They could change the system so that the check for hands on the wheel remains the same, except it's also done when autopilot is off. In the latter case, it could turn it on, give the hands message, and then do what it currently does if the driver continues not to touch the steering wheel. Critics would argue that Tesla would be keeping autopilot on more, not less, but there is a compelling case that it would be safer and may have prevented the accident that turned out not to be related to autopilot being in use. Finally, they could check far more frequently whether the driver is holding the wheel. However, accidents due to inattentiveness happen all the time, and in virtually all cases, the driver's hands are on the wheel. Keeping hands on the wheel won't prevent a person from looking at the console to change the audio selection or dial a phone call or falling asleep or watching a DVD on a portable player. Having an extra distraction that does nothing but make the driver look down at messages more often won't help. The car currently goes by pressure, not touch, so I get the warning regularly anyway, When I get it, I hold the wheel more firmly and put pressure one way or the other. It doesn't make me safer and often I won't react until I hear a beep even though my hands are on the wheel.
The bottom line is that the only difference between what Tesla is doing and what others are doing is that Tesla is doing a far better job at lane centering. There's no case to be made that it should be disabled in Tesla cars but not others. There is a strong case that could be made that US trucks are inherently unsafe without any guards on the sides, as in other countries. When the story broke about the Florida accident, I was in Vietnam. I noticed that all trucks there without exception had side protection that would prevent a car from ending up under a truck. Not all were built to the same standard, but the absolute weakest standard is in the US where they aren't required at all. If Vietnam can afford it, it's hard to make a case that the US can't.�
guest My Summon setting wrt continuos press the button has also changed with the update (from off to on). Really surprised that this doesn't seem to behave the same for all cars...�
guest There are a few major differences here. The car was working as designed, the tow hook and SAS were both legitimate concerns, and it was a matter of fixing it. Other cars lowered suspensions too, possibly not to the same degree and without the specific vulnerability that Tesla had. With the recent autopilot cases, in one autopilot wasn't being used. In the other, autosteer worked perfectly and wasn't a contributing factor. TACC worked as designed and is up to the same standards as in other vehicles. Had there been a specific feature that actively caused an accident, Tesla could consider disabling that feature. But if a case can be made at all for anything, it's that Tesla should enable checking for more factors, such as a truck body. Not recognizing a truck isn't a feature that can be disabled.�
guest Interim updates aren't necessarily bug fixes. They don't necessarily qualify as new features. They may not be easily explainable. For example, autosteer might get general refinements. It might be that at a specific type of exit under a certain condition with a certain type of road marking, the car momentarily pulled to the right and that no longer happens. Telling 50,000 people about vague changes for problems they never had don't do anything. Musk stated publicly that autopilot is constantly being updated.
There was one interim update that allowed me to use summon to put my car in the garage. It had to do with the slope of my particular driveway and might not have affected most others for whom summon already worked, or didn't work for other reasons. A release note that said "summon now works in Haggy's driveway" wouldn't have been meaningful. Tesla gets reports when summon aborts. If some of them are for reasons that can be fixed but don't affect most users, it all falls under the banner of general improvements to autopilot.�
guest The right thing to do then would be to state in the release notes:
"general improvements to autopilot"
instead of repeating x-5 version old release notes over and over again. Sorry, but there is no good reason why Tesla is not providing at least high level release notes.�
guest Actually, autopilot doesn't get changed all that often. If an update takes less than about 50 minutes to install, pretty much guaranteed no changes to autopilot since it takes at a minimum about 30 minutes just to update the autopilot module.
Going from 2.16.31 all the way to 2.26.103 only incremented the actual autopilot firmware from 8.2.0 to 8.2.3. (This update took 72 minutes to install) Yes, autopilot has its own internal firmware version... pretty sure I mentioned that here before.
So in short, these little updates are NOT improvements to autopilot.�
guest That is exactly what I just experienced. The summon-by-fob no longer works and the summon-by-app required continuous key press.�
guest Read up thread. You need to set the "need continuos press" option (or whatever it is called) back to "off" in the summon settings. Seems to happen to a lot of people (including me).�
guest Had the summon by fob issue with my last update. Had to reset setting. No issue with my update today.�
guest You are stoking my upgrade paranoia. I think I'll hold off a bit for the three reasons I gave earlier.�
guest I appreciate what you are saying but want to point out an issue with your line of reasoning, where you take autopilot and factor its functionality into TACC and lane keeping, pointing out that each are separately harmless. Looking at TACC in isolation it's harmless because the driver needs to pay attention to the road to steer. Looking at lane keeping in isolation it's harmless because the driver needs to pay attention to the road to maintain distance. But put the two together and the driver does not need to pay attention to the road at all for the car to function: the foolish driver can watch Harry Potter on his DVD. It's the combination of the two together that allows the possibility of driver disengagement. So when TACC and lane keeping are operating together, each must meet a higher standard of safety and corner case detection than when they each only operate in isolation.
Don't get me wrong: I am very much for personal responsibility and the Darwinian culling of idiots. When I drive with AP I am always scanning for situations that I think could make the system fail. I believe nags are a waste that don't add to safety and I would eliminate them entirely. But I am trying to think the way an overprotective regulator would in order to anticipate what those regulators might do.�
guest Doesn't autopilot get side updates to "tiles". Where these "tile" updates contain lane-steering mapping information? So your autopilot could be updating fairly regularly even though the actual "code" doesn't.
Firmware 7.1
As to release notes I use this wiki to see what changed.
Model S software/firmware changelog�
guest I can hear the lawyers now: "So, Mr. So-called-Tesla -- if that is your real name -- tell us about these admitted ``bugs'' in your
product that you fixed -- if they were, indeed, ``fixed''"
guest It seems every time they change anything pertaining to summon they re-enable continuous press. At least once I've been bitten by
this spoiling a demo of summon
guest The update process doesn't include a reboot? I find that very surprising.�
guest I am happy to report that AutoPilot has not changed in any noticeable way with update 2.28.19; it still causes terrible accidents when turned off...�
guest My point was the precedent - media panic on a very unlikely event causes Tesla to over-react by disabling a loosely related feature until they can figure out what to do. Note that the same, or maybe slightly bigger tow hook would likely have caused damage whether in low or standard height, so keeping the car in standard height made little to no difference, but Tesla media relations needed to tell the media they are doing something proactively. In this case, there is much closer relationship between the use of auto-pilot and the media panic. As a side note, as much as AP is working as described to those who read all the details in the manual and warning screens, for the rest of the users the fact that it works so well can lead them to trust it much more than they should, and then BAM! Accident... And then comes the media....�
guest Well, this may make you even more paranoid - when Tesla disabled auto-pilot in Hong Kong last year they did it without users agreeing to the update, just happened overnight without any user confirmation. I think they got it back recently, but the point is Tesla has a backdoor today so they can update without your permission (maybe a result of people refusing SAS updates after SAS disabling in 2013?). If Tesla decides to disable AP in the US, it will likely happen the way it happened in Hong Kong.�
guest That's a good point. In my upgrade paranoia I thought a post-accident upgrade might be the back door, but I guess it's already there. But I still have reasons one (recent updates seem as likely to slightly reduce as to increase functionality) and two (a protest vote over the absence of documentation, where even comments like "bug fixes" or "fine-tuning algorithms" would be worthwhile).�
guest If I remember correctly, Tesla disabled AP in Hong Kong without sending any firmware update.... it just happened without any user interaction.�
guest For the group: how is 2.28.19 working out? I see that in discussion in this thread
New update this am....
there is talk of AP being a little less stable in lane keeping, but it doesn't seem conclusive. Also, does it really come with release notes saying "this release contains minor fixes and improvements"? If it does, that takes away one of my gripes.�
guest So the release notes don't tell you what you need to know, that's shocking.
I only used Autosteer for a few minutes (not on the freeway) and it was bouncing around yesterday. I'm not a big fan of AS so I haven't tested again yet.�
guest Per my old post in this thread back around post #3424, 2.28.19 contains the same graphic and brief description of the Summon Stalk/CID change in current release notes as I received before.
I'm really trying to be polite and helpful here: I think you just need to chill out a bit... You have a concern something may be taken away from you, which is fine, so just hang out for a few days until the dust settles, do some more scanning here and make your choice to accept or not. Tesla will never specify every little thing that changes, so it's a discovery process that takes time -- with many dot releases never seeming to have any identified difference that is noticeable or can be clearly articulated beyond supposition by multiple people in this community. Even if this release was the big 8.0, it may take days/weeks for the community to identify nuances -- some that will surely cause controversy or concern for some. So, IMHO, for folks that like being first, great, but with that comes the potential of accepting some change that isn't quite up to your desire. For owners that are more risk adverse for whatever reason, I think they should all give it several days at least, sit back, let others be first, see if there is consensus, then make their own decision to update. Good luck. Happy driving in that MS!�
guest I found it a little more abrupt in changes. For example, finding itself on the edge of a lane and centering too quickly.�
guest Well, then I guess I can't remove the full-body tinfoil wrap from my car just yet!
guest I completely agree with you. That is my plan.�
guest @wk057 mentioned yesterday that there was no AP update in this particular firmware so I'm speculating there was some change to something else causing the bouncing, maybe a sensor adjustment?�
guest You could turn off remote access but that's no fun.�
guest Certainly could be over the air changes from the fleet, time of day, other cars around, etc. Just noticed on my ride home from a soccer match that it was more abrupt than usual.�
guest I drove 150+ mostly freeway miles and noticed nothing different. AP performed as previous which is great on well marked roadways and less so on worn-out markings, crumbling pavement and freeways under construction with lots of re-striping over re-striping. The update notes were the exact same as the prior release which noted the utilization changes of Summon.�
guest Made the update during last night from 2.20.45 to 2.28.19
Release notes: Bug fixes only.
Check that I'm from Canada and from day-1 with Summon, I can only use it with the phone app.
Something strange with this new release: my 3G connection crashed 3 times this morning only... usually, it crashed maybe once a month or so....�
guest Lot more driving on AP today on 2.28.19 and I still see no changes to AP since 2.20.30.�
guest Try rebooting (Hold down the brake; Push both control wheels and hold all of that until the "T" appears on the CID -- unsure if that process makes a real difference, but it's how I was directed to do it by the 800# when I called them). When I had a similar LTE problem a number of releases ago (last year), that resolved my issue. If it does not resolve your problem, get a hold of Tesla Service. Good luck.�
guest Yes this is correct. There was no sign at all that it had happened; no pop up or message. The first thing I knew was that it didn't work and when I checked, the function was greyed out.�
guest Is holding down the brake a safety thing or?�
guest Might be Canadian thing - totally lost my 3G twice last night, and rebooting didn't help. Had to resort to the old iPhone Personal Hotspot....�
guest Strange thing: my P85D, which is currently at the service center and is finally being upgraded to Ludicrous after sitting in there lot for over 2 weeks, was only upgraded to 2.24.102, while the P90DL loaner I have got an update last night to 2.28.19 (it was on 2.20.45 till then). The only release notes showed the update to Summon when double-tapping P on the gear stalk.�
guest Since none of it is documented by Tesla, it may be a secret handshake.
Then again, some have suggested in various threads that the additional brake hold-down and "wait for the T" enables some sort of more robust reboot. IDK that for a fact, and have never seen more than supposition here on TMC regarding it that I believe to be credible. When I queried the Tesla 800# about it, they said the sequence they suggested was important. Since it happened shortly after I took delivery, and it worked better than the simpler "hold both buttons until reboot" I had found in TMC threads and tried multiple times without success, I was too much of a noobie to ask more questions. Now, that more complete process is what I generally follow if I'm parked even though my perception is it takes a few more moments to accomplish. Only when I need to reboot while driving -- generally because of an Infotainment oddity -- Oh Hum -- do I use the short-hand on-the-fly reboot process. (I could draw analogies how I occasionally used one of a couple different IPL sequences that took different amounts of time and did slightly different things reloading/refreshing parts of firmware before reloading the OS in my IBM mainframe days, but hey, that would date me way too much and most of the young 'uns reading this wouldn't care what I was talking about anyway.)
guest Yes, and I use both the quick and long reboot techniques depending on the issue. It was just the added engagement of the brake that was new to me and I'll be sure to try that "secret handshake" next time. Who knows maybe I'll get some extra HP or Rated Range out of it.
guest Always the optimist.
guest I have a loaner and got an update notice, presumably to 2.28.19, with no service center visit for over 48 hours prior. Since this is such a widely distributed update maybe it�s just updating all cars to the new Tesla.com website name.
BTW, no way to search this site for " 2.28.19 �, that�s �too short� a keyword.�
guest What is the quick and the long reboot technique?�
guest Quick is just holding down the button until it reboots.
Long is to continue to hold it down until the Tesla "T" appears on the screen (this might mean holding it down for ~20 seconds or so).
The @BertL method that he was instructed to do by Tesla Service is the "long" method plus keeping your foot on the break.�
guest This really should be reworded from "Continuous Press: On/Off" to "Summon via: App/App or Fob". "Continuous" could be in the instructions in the app.�
guest I am in my early 30s and regularly plan on IPLs to recycle my CICS regions
guest Oh my. Some things it appears have not changed after close to 40 years, except I used to do it not just for my CICS Regions, but IMS and MVS. Sometimes legacy is a good thing, but I'm not sure if this is good or bad after all this time!My best.
guest Well, the IPLs aren't because of CICS, I just take advantage of them to introduce my changes.
guest Interesting enough, my Tesla seems to be staying on 2.24.102 and not offering the 2.28.19 update.�
guest You mean "Features:" "Consumer Reports" "Actually Useful"?
(haha kidding!)�
guest Me too. And I've been to 2 Superchargers and 2 Service Centers since it started rolling out.�
guest Eh, I felt the same way before CRs report came out. Too many times I've met owners who say "My summon stopped working", who then have this on and are trying to use the fob. The setting should be description of the key component, which is the activation source, not whether you press it continuously or not. One could argue continuous press should be a continuous press of the fob, but that's not how it works. Oh well.�
guest This GPS reverse issue is still not fixed! It has been there since February 7.1 (2.12.22) firmware update�
guest If it's firmware why are only some (a few?) impacted?�
guest My X has yet to even offer to upgrade to 2.28.19.�
guest I don't know but it does seem to be firmware. I had a 2013 Model S that only started having that problem after an update earlier this year. Further updates didn't fix it. I have since sold it so don't know if it ever got fixed but it was definitely a newly occuring problem.�
guest I guess not everybody is noticing the bug. It needs specific conditions to occur, like driving more than 10 meters (35 feet) in reverse, combined with sub-optimal satellite reception. I reverse 30 meters (100 feet) daily out of my underground parking and cannot reproduce the bug every time.�
guest With a bit of speculation from my part as to how far along the Ludicrous upgrade my car currently is:
It has been upgraded to 2.26.150 by the Service Center a few hours ago, after they possibly reinstalled the battery and revived the beast as of noon today. It was previously on 2.24.102.
Curious that I didn't get the latest (2.28.19) that everyone else seems to be getting these days...�
guest If they keep it in the Service Center long enough you might get 8.0.
guest We know that not all dot releases are targeted at all cars, and I would think that would therefore apply perhaps not across models either for every single drop. It's likely best for you to watch and compare firmware for your MX against other MX in those forums, and keep MS discussion here.�
guest Ha good one! Well, someone at Tesla must be reading this thread because I got another update earlier this evening, and it's now 2.28.19
Interesting, the firmware tracker doesn't like 2 updates in a day. My latest entry deleted the previous one for 2.26.150... Hank, any reason for this limitation?�
guest Just got 2.28.19:
AP is a lot better for me. 95% off the time AP can now detect neighboring lanes and change lanes smoothly.
Before AP would only detect neighboring lanes 50% off the time.
Very happy with it so far.
FYI: my audio equalizer settings were reset to ZERO across the board after the update. I suggest you all verify that your settings are how you had them.�
guest 2.24.102 -> 2.28.19 made no changes to autopilot.�
guest I never had 2.24.102. I had a pretty old version - can't remember which one but definitely prior to.102�
guest If you use the Firmware upgrade Tracker ( http://ev-fw.com) it will keep track for you!�
guest I don't think there were any changes to AP.�
guest Sorry; should have explained my prior version. In original post.
I haven't been updated in a while so this version is a big improvement to my AP.�
guest Prior version was 2.24.30�
guest Interesting! I'll have to check mine. I just received the update a few minutes ago.�
guest Another MS in Canada here going from 2.20.45 to 2.28.19. (I too suspect that much of the fiddling has been for Summon tweaks, ours is barely usable up here, with the little button bar on phone that you have to attempt to hold down).
Installed this morning (and did the deep reboot, might be my first ever) and all day long, the 3G was dropping every hour or more. And then it takes minutes, not seconds, to reconnect. This did not happen on 2.20.45 yesterday.
I didn't check EQ but I did notice my speed adjust was preserved and didn't go back to +10 km/h default.
If I noticed any differences, I'd say in agreement with DoubleE that lane changing was way more reliable now, I started using it more immediately as I had started to wonder if it took days off (seriously, barely ever works on a Sunday for me lol). I suspect that will get more "miles driven" and fewer disengagements registered, at least from me.�
guest I went from 2.24.30 to the new one too. They haven't updated it yet as @wk057 mentioned. Maybe the conditions you were driving in were better?�
guest @HankLloydRight did you see my question to you above re: limitation of multiple fw update entries per day?�
guest I did not see it earlier, but I see it now.
When I built the tracker, the thought of having multiple updates in one day was pretty unlikely, and pretty much still is (but obviously not impossible). It was just an assumption I made for the database key, each car can have one update per day. I really didn't want to get into the UI for tracking/managing/editing/deleting/selecting multiple updates per day. I knew people would be editing their records, so it was easier to just save back the record on that day, then worry about adding/managing multiple records per day. It's a trade off between UI and database simplicity versus covering a pretty rare use case.
Since we're really not tracking anything critical, if/when there is a collision, we can just vary one of the two installs by +/- one day, and it's still capturing the necessary data. In other words, it's not rocket science.
guest While we're talking about the Firmware Tracker, I've updated today it so if you forget your PIN, it generates a new random PIN and sends you a Conversation message on the forum with the new PIN. This functionality had been broken since the forum was upgraded, and I just got around to fixing it.�
guest I never received 2.24.30, so I can't definitively say no autopilot changes were made from 2.24.30 -> 2.24.102. But 2.24.102 -> 2.28.19, definitely not.�
guest I'm on .102 and 3G drops very often.�
guest Are you kidding, 2.24.30 an old version?
I'm still on 2.20.45 (daily wifi is here).�
guest I'll mention that I was on 2.22.30 when my car was delivered and got 2.24.102 a few weeks later with 800 miles of AP in between. I did notice a huge difference in auto lane change reliability on my daily commute route. I haven't gotten 2.28 yet but I'm curious if the 2.22.30 -> 2.24.102 update got Autopilot related changes.�
guest Noticed that too. Dropped a lot. Have the new version now so hopefully fixed!�
guest When it first came out a few of us felt it had trouble centering in the lane. Sort of bouncy like the very early AP acted. But after driving it in various conditions the past couple of weeks that went away so my feeling now is there's no noticeable change from 2.22.30.�
guest My S 85D finally jumped all the way from 2.20.30 to 2.28.19 today.
I checked all my settings after and nothing had changed or reset itself.
I hope you guys are right about Autosteer improvements, because 2.20.30 was pretty squirrelly for me.�
guest The install was about 30 minutes so no AP changes in this update.�
guest As I'm learning, most dot releases aren't improving the autosteer code itself. I think what people are experiencing is the map tiles are getting better, which are apparently continuously loaded. So when 10 drivers have driven a particular lane on a particular road with autosteer, it probably bounces from side to side a bit. But when 100 drives or 1000 drives have occurred in that same location, its able to follow the average (probably the wrong word) of everyone's past experience and becomes much smoother.
Since we have no visibility to when map tiles are refreshed, maybe there is some correlation between drivers with cars running older versions "jumping" to new versions perceiving more change in autosteer. Maybe the same issues (i.e. lack of wifi, or low priority in the queue) apply to refreshing the map tiles.�
guest I get that. But my car skipped several releases. So from my perspective, any improvements to AP in the last month and a half would still be new to me.�
guest How do you know it didn't tweak AP?
I just drove 30miles on the update. I drive i280 (sf peninsula), it probably pushes AP to its limits. I feel like AP has gotten better on fast corners and poor road markings. It could be placebo effect.�
guest You should be able to tell by how long it took to install. If it took over an hour then you could be right. If it was the normal 30-35 minutes then probably not.�
guest See post #3567�
guest ![]()
Just updated to 2.28.42 - no details visible�
guest Got 28.19 yesterday. Summon not working either by FOB or parking button. Checked that it is toggled on in setting and rebooted. Still not working. Damn weird. Know it'll come back or whatever but something is messed up.�
guest "Continuous Press" is "OFF"?�
guest That was it...thank you. Excellent.�
guest No problem.�
guest My S85 Signature finally jumped all the way from 2.20.30 to 2.28.42 today.
Nothing new...�
guest Just got offered an update this morning. It finished applying.... will update the tracker when I get back to my car.�
guest Travelled a lot during the past week and 3G is dropping constantly. Very annoying! Did numerous reboots with no effect.
For the past year, It's my first firmware "update" that I'm not too happy with.
I hope the new 2.28.42 is fixing this issue!�
guest Yes I agree ccharleb it is frustrating and I hope they patch it soon. It dropped inside of 15 minutes of my journies today, and I stayed in the city.
No Canadian LTE's complaining, so it seems to be one of those "oh ya, those guys need xx watts for those old boards" or something like that situationI hate not being current lol
Lucky I already have 3G mentioned in my sig as it now seems to be a defining characteristic of my particular MS. And no I am not paying $600+ for LTE as 3G is (was) plenty good for me.�
guest Ended up just being 2.28.19�
guest Crazy observation: Climate control in auto now uses higher fan speeds to maintain the setpoint. I often go out to my car to meditate after preconditioning it and have to crank the fan up manually because the slow steady state fan speed is inadequate at defeating radiant heat.
Now even with a set point of 70 the car is using fan speeds around 6 and produces a comfortable air flow.
I do this every day so I'm fairly confident this is a change that's new since 2.24.�
guest Great observation. I thought I noticed that too but didn't make the association between an update to that module and the @Ingineer changelog referencing climate control which I recall was about cabin heating? In any case it's been hot here in Southern California and imagined or not I like it!�
guest Noticed that he bioweapon defense mode blows a lot stronger now. I like that.�
guest Does turning Range Mode ON or OFF make a relative difference?�
guest I'll have to give that a shot � I don't really use range mode so I don't have much experience with how it affects the AC.�
guest just got 2.28.42. No real release notes.�
guest Got new version yesterday on my loaner MS P90D V7.1 - V2.28.42.
Release notes:
"Minor bugfix and improvements."�
guest Got 2.28.19 overnight. This is the first update I've had that wasn't followed by any sort of notification the next time I got in the car.
For the first time in recent memory it did not reset Require Continuous Press to Yes.�
guest Is this the first time we see this kind of release notes?�
guest I wouldn't call that boilerplate language "release notes".�
guest Odd that some folks got 28.19 pushed while others 28.42. Makes it almost look like a patch to a patch. Something get missed during csci testing??�
guest I find it an improvement over putting out the same "summons change" release notes for multiple releases. At least this constitutes
an explicit acknowledgment that there isn't some major change lurking in there.�
guest I don't know if you would call it major or minor but some of us have noticed climate control fan improvement, Media Player DSP improvement and favorable Rated Range algorithm changes in the 28.19 update. I agree that leaving a "Summons" change note in when there is no change to Summon is wrong and should be removed but if what some of have seen is true (no assurance without release notes so we are still guessing) Release Notes such as, Improvement to Climate Control, Media Player processing sound enhancement, Adjustment to Rated Range algorithm would be much more helpful than guessing or imagining what changed. Not looking for a lot of detail.�
guest No�
guest I agree with you.
The only thing I can imagine is that in the lab, they built the "release notes" with the thought being they do not know what version the car is coming from and if the owner has previously seen the newer features, so they included all the major updates since the last major release.
Personally, if a car hasn't been updated in a long time, I don't think they should build the release notes for those individuals. They are the minority (though not necessarily an obscure number). What they really should do is put a flag on each release note to what version it applies to and have the update include all the notes from the version the car was on. This however, requires more work on Tesla's part, so chances are we won't see it.�
guest Wha? Is it that noisy in your house? Does slacker have a guided meditation channel somewhere?�
guest That's happened a lot. Every patch has bugs, that's why we get the next patch soon afterwards. Some builds are only for specific configurations, and sometimes it appears they're doing A/B testing before a widespread release. Not everyone gets every minor release.�
guest It's hard to do at work. I work in an open office arrangement and it looks like I'm either being lazy and taking a nap or just look plain weird!
guest We might get there eventually...
I wonder how code documentation at Tesla looks like. I have a feeling that i don't want to know...�
guest While doing the 2.28.19 update the other day, I was cleaning the inside of my car at the same time- so essentially the first time I've done an update while inside the car observing all the goings on. I never touched the display or the keys, but midway through the update my frunk latch released. Anyone ever seen that? Maybe something to do with my doors being open during an update? Just thought it was weird/interesting.�
guest Ever since 2.28.19, which I got a week ago, I constantly loose the phone Bluetooth connection. I can answer the phone normally via the Answer button and conversation is normal for about 10 seconds and then Bluetooth is lost. Car Bluetooth says connected and phone Bluetooth says paired and connected. I have to unconnect the car Bluetooth and then re-connect to get back to normal operation.�
guest I've had the same issue... Sort of quasi connected... Happened 4 times already today.�
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