guest Also, in the map update thread, people are reporting receiving it while not on wifi.�
guest Yes, indeed, both of my cars appear to have received the map update while not on Wifi. or at least the message about new maps being installed was displayed after each was parked while away from home when we returned to our cars after several hours of them being parked.
I received and notice yesterday, and I have an update waiting for my classic S85, second one this week, but my autopilot equipped S85 hasn't gotten an update in a while. Wonder what's up with that.�
guest I solved this problem by installing a 'powerline extender' (TP-Link WPA4220, though the model # might be different in the USA) - 2 little boxes that send and receive the ethernet signal over the house wiring; the receiver acts as a wifi extender. Works a treat.�
guest I think I'm further behind than you, but I'm on wifi every night at home; so while wifi vs. LTE may play some role, there's probably something else going on.
ETA: I'm on 2.9.172�
guest I'm still on 2.9.154 (rec'd and installed on Jan. 8th) and I'm on WiFi at all times parked at home.�
guest I got my .22 and .167 updates over wifi and the map upgrade over 3G.
As I am ALWAYS the last to get a software upgrade, you all should have it by now!:smile:�
guest Almost identical situation here, Marc: Still on 2.9.154 which was received and installed on January 9th and parked at home with WiFi every night. Also received an update overnight that we'll install when my wife returns home from work. There seems to be a pretty widespread firmware push going on now, so it may just be a coincidence that you turned your WiFi back on and immediately received an update, Marc.
For everyone saying they didn't get their maps update over WiFi, I'm wondering how you know this. For all we know, once downloaded the maps update could take six, twelve, or even twenty-four hours to unpack / install before the "your maps have been updated" message appears.
If someone's car had been off WiFi for a week or two straight, and received the update I think I'd acknowledge there's a pretty good chance they received it over something other than WiFi. But anything short of that, and I'd still have some questions.�
guest 2.12.126 installed. No noticeable difference in power going up "steep" drive or over garage lip. However, it appears that they changed it so that the handles present once the summon is completed.�
guest Got 2.12.126 this morning. Looks like regen is actually improved. Made a record 474 (reported) Wh/mi to work at 37F, but with heat off. IMHO could still be more aggressive.�
guest Wow, the download of the firmware update to my car took over 3.5 hours! And I have a solid 12Mbps dedicated line (not cable), so the file must have been huge. Glad I didn't stay up and wait for it to complete...
The large file size may have been the reason for WiFi vs OTA requirement. Anyway, I'll initiate the installation when I get to work and report back with the version I received (and any noticeable changes).�
guest The following systems were updated in 2.12.126:
- Gateway (GTW)
- Battery (BMS)
- Charger(s) (CHG/CHGS)
- Charge Port (CP)
- Drive Inverter(s) (DI/DIS)
- Pedal Monitor (PM)
- Thermal/Hydro Controller (THC)
- Driver Assistance/MobilEye (DAS)
- Electronic Parking Brake (EPB)
- Touchscreen (CID)
- Instrument Cluster (IC)
- - - Updated - - -
FYI, they are using rsync to fetch the map updates:
They limit the max bandwidth on WiFi to 10megs. It's one hell of an update at 3.6 gigs!�
guest Any specifics on function/feature/behavior changes with 2.12.126? I'm installing it now.�
guest No wonder it took >3.5 hours to download!
Interesting that max_cell_kpbs is 0. So I guess each version has a specific bandwidth limit, and this one was not allowed over a cell network - for good reason!
Everything makes sense now. Thanks for the details! :smile:�
guest FWIW I don't believe I've ever received a map update over anything but WiFi. WiFi at our house requires WPA Enterprise (or WPA2 Enterprise) which Tesla does not (or did not, haven't checked recently) support. Similar problem at hotels.
The only update I've ever received, or at least that I've received notice for, was nearly a year ago when I connected to a friends WiFi to see if that would help me get an update that everyone else had received a long time before (it didn't). I got the LTE upgrade last Sep and that hasn't seemed to have given us a map update either unless there is no longer notice of the updates.�
Interesting. When I did an md5sum and file list difference for 2.12.45 -> 2.12.126 I only saw one firmware file difference... perhaps I'm looking in the wrong place somehow. 2.12.45->2.12.126 was only an 8MB download for me.
Did you go from 2.12.22 -> 2.12.126? Because that would explain it.�
guest Yeah, I think you're right. It should be worth noting that there is almost no consistency across the fleet. Most cars skip a lot of minor versions.�
guest I would raise this point about firmware updates as well. When I report a firmware update to the firmware tracker, I enter it has having been received via the connectivity the car had at the time I got the update notification on my iPhone. But this doesn't have to be the actual way I received it, because of possible, impossible to quantify, delays in verifying and/or unpacking the update.�
guest I use a base station that supports multiple SSIDs connected to different VLANs and my Tesla is connected to my guest network which doesn't require WPA2 enterprise.�
guest Just got the Software Update Notification. Within 6 hours of posting here that I haven't seen one in almost 2 months...
guest Oh no... cue the flood of "I haven't gotten it yet either!" posts thinking big brother Tesla is watching... lol�
guest My update to 2.12.126 from 2.11.54 completed in about 1h15min (car said it would take 1h40min).
Since I was coming from an older release that was 5 versions behind, new release notes were presented - screenshots below:
guest We know that big brother is watching...
Though I don't expect them to individually push out firmware updates for the people who complain.�
guest 2.12.126 Release Notes
Attached are the release notes for the latest update. 2.12.126 in case anyone is interested.
guest It's worth noting that updates to the autopilot hardware suck. It takes the car something like 50 minutes to push firmware to the autopilot (DAS) module. This is why autopilot cars take so long to update. When an update is fast on an autopilot car, no changes have been made to autopilot.�
guest Beat you to it by about 5 min :biggrin:�
guest Just updated the original 7.1 2.9.154 to today's 2.1.126. Took 65 minutes on my 85D with AP. Screen said 1 hour 40 minutes actually took 65 minutes�
guest I received my in-car notification about 3 pm EST today.
I'm wondering when the iPhone app update will be available? Doesn't show up in the app store yet.�
guest I am glad to report that changes were made to 2.1.126 for Model X that are greatly appreciated. You can see an extra paragraph appears that isn't in the Model S "Additional Improvements" shown above. One touch allows easy access to the 3rd row or when moving the seat back. Holding the button is still allowed and a second press will stop the seat movement.
A softer beep has replaced the recent silence when closing the Falcon Wing Doors or the rear hatch.
guest After updating to 2.12.126 I am only charging at "1/2 rate". I.e., using my HPWC I am set to charge at 50A. After the update I am only charging at 25A (even though it is still set at 50A). Anybody else?�
guest And now for my regular update
It looks like 2.12.126 is a broader roll-out with 117 updates reported so far.
We have ONE report from a Model X, the rest are Model S, still only reports from North America and NL (odd - usually at this point we'd see a few reports from Norway, Germany, or Great Britain).
Other than that all batteries (ok, no report from a 40, but those are extremely rare), all drive systems, AP/non-AP, all VIN ranges.
So with the exception of the geographical distribution this does feel like a pretty full roll-out. And the volume of reports per day appears to match what we have seen on earlier widely distributed builds.�
guest I noticed something similar but with an 80a HPWC. In my case it charged at 40a for several minutes but when I checked a bit later (10 minutes?) it had jumped up to 80a.�
guest I agree that the time for 40a ramping up to 80a seems to be a bit longer than before. I thought I was going to see the same issue as some others but it did ramp up to my usual 79 after a while�
guest Hah, well look at that, after complaining on TMC, I have an update pending
guest iPhone app update available now�
guest A few updates on my end:
1. This 2.12.126 firmware version fixes a problem I (and many others, apparently) have been having with trip meters going wacky
2. I charged shortly after updating, and even though it was only 30A at 208V, I did not see any abnormal drop or fluctuation in current draw from the car
3. There seems to be new text in the AutoSteer restriction: where it used to say "Autosteer is restriction on this road <Return> Speed will be limited" it now calls out the actual speed it will be limited to. For example, if the speed limit is 35 mph and the road is classified as restriction, it will say "Autosteer is restricted to 40 mph" (which is 5 over the limit).
I'll try to take a screenshot of this next time I drive and post it on here.�
guest I just got my maps updated on WiFi after 2.12.126.�
guest Me too, and I have a "classic" signature S85. I did notice the improved regen today and even though its cool (49�F) I wondered about the stronger regen. Nice to see that feature applies to all models. Plus got the map update later today (I have wifi in the garage).�
guest Just checked and it's still missing after today's update.�
guest How long is your "bit longer" Mine has been stuck at half rate for 15 minutes. (set for 50, but only puling 25)�
guest Updated this evening and noticed that the amps setting for charging had changed from 40 to 30. Anyone else see that?�
guest Welcome to the forums!
If you just mean that the default has changed you can, of course, change that back. It could have been something unintended during the update.
If you're suggesting that your car is still set to charge at 40, but is only actually charging at 30, others have reported similar things, but at least one person noted that eventually the amps ramped all the way up to the full 80 amps they were expecting.
Edit: Just go back and read the last couple of pages in this thread, and I think you'll see what I mean.�
guest Thanks! It was the former of what you mentioned. I was able to change it back to 40 but was curious why it changed to 30�
guest Happy to help!
You'll find that occasionally a firmware update will randomly change things for no apparent reason. They'll also occasionally "break" random things, also for no apparent reason. If anything has seemed to stop working after a firmware update, you should try rebooting the 17" display, and also the instrument cluster, as doing one or both often resolve those minor issues.�
guest I haven't been on WiFi since early this morning but got the notification late tonight that I now have the latest maps (first ever in over 14 months of ownership!)
So it seems as though the download occurred over WiFi last night (I highly doubt the 2.12.126 firmware is over 3 GB...) but it took a while to install.
guest Updated to 2.12.126 and now cannot activate summon with key fob. Holding down the roof part of the fob only locks the car now. Did something change? Anyone else have this problem?�
guest Please read the release notes...you need to reactivate Summon.�
guest I did, didn't work. I even turned it off and back on and still nothing. Tried both key fobs, nada.�
guest Interesting. I haven't seen this problem, although I only tried it one time (successfully) since updating.�
guest I think you need to go through some of the summon options on the app on your phone. Release notes said something about having expanded summon capabilities (summon via fob, auto'un-summon' aka park ater pushing park button twice)only if you select NO for having to have to hold down the button in the phone app.�
guest if you want the old behavior, you also have to set REQUIRE CONTINUOUS PRESS to NO.
and autolink with Summon also has to be rechecked.�
guest Yep, mine no longer "ramps up" from the halfway point. It has always paused for a few seconds at the mid point and then continued to ramp up to the set point.
Circumstances were that I was charging at my normal rate (240V, 50A) when I started the update. Upon completing the update charging resumed at 25A. I've tried rebooting the center screen, killing power to the HPWC and restarting - nothing I've tried has cured it.
My HPWC is on an 80A circuit so it is dip switch limited to 64A charging. If I change the car settings to 64A it charges at 32A. If I change it to 50A it charges at 25A. Half rate...�
guest You started the update while charging? I bet you hit an edge case where the slave charger didn't update its firmware. Now the master and slave aren't talking, and you're essentially down to one charger. Just a guess. I bet a reinstall would fix it.�
guest Yes - started while charging. I thought about stopping the charge before starting the update but then thought of all the people who schedule their charging for the middle of the night and also schedule their updates for the middle of the night and thought "...I can't be the first one who started an update while charging...".
But I agree with your assessment and have sent an email to [email�protected] describing my issue with the hope they will either send a remote charging system reset or restage the update to install again.
guest I charge on a NEMA 14-50 at 40A and installed the update yesterday evening. I noticed that last night it took 4 hrs, 35 mins to recharge vs my usual 3 hrs, so I think I was bumped down to 30A by the update as well. Will verify later.�
guest Yup. The is exactly what my car does with the new code (2.12.126). Wall connector set to 64, the max current I can draw is 32. I opened a trouble ticket with he help desk, while charging. They logged in to my car, and could see both the requested rate, and the fact it was charging at half that. They had me change the rate while I was on the phone with them. It was NOT charging during the update itself.
I pulled the UMC out of the trunk and tried that. It works fine @40 amps
It looks like a dual charger Ooops to me. I would encourage folks noticing similar behavior to open a ticket.�
guest I am not having this problem after the update. As was stated, you have to read the release notes closely and do two things:
Controlling Summon via FOB then works fine and just like previous releases on my S90D. Good luck.
- Turn Controls/Settings/Driver Assistance/Autopark/Summon = ON
- THEN select the Summon Customize Button and if you want the FOB to control Summon, set Require Continuous Press to NO
guest I was not charging during the update. I called them while I WAS charging. They could see that I had requested 50, but was only getting 25. They asked me to adjust the rate, but I only could get half the requested value. My WC is set to 64, so the max I can run now is 32.
guest Good to hear I'm not the only one - sounds like you and I have nearly identical settings/situation. Let us know if you hear back from them or get any resolution and I will do the same. All I've done so far is sent a report to [email�protected] - if I don't hear back from them soon I will likely call the support line too.
guest Summon works now on the fob. Thanks all for the replies.�
guest Further, I discovered if I request anything 40 or below, I get what I request. But anything above 40 is cut in half.�
guest I too had the charging amperage cut in half. You'll find that if you set your amperage to anything above 40 it will cut in half (master charger maximum perhaps). If you set you amperage at 40, you should charge at 40A. Anything above will result in 1/2 of the amperage setpoint. Anything below will result in charging at that limit.�
guest Same here.
I just got the usual "...we will forward your issue on to your Service Center..." reply in email.�
guest That makes sense. Anything above 40 is supposed to be split between the chargers.�
guest Our maps got updated today; the car was away from home, so it must have happened over 3G.�
guest I thought I read somewhere that they were going to disable that feature from the FOB and you can only do it from the app.�
guest I believe I read in the release notes that you can re-enable the fob method. I have not had time to try it yet.�
guest Yes, it's a two step enabling process, but the FOB can still work exactly how it has in the past. Mine does.�
guest Just another data point on Sumon in .126...
I found the release notes clear. The car behaves exactly as I expect after re-enabling the Summon feature and disabling the Continuous setting. The fob works as before for me w/r/t the Summon feature. Also, I like the new double-park-press-before-exit functionality that was added -- a lot.�
guest Same here. When I talked to Tesla they said they knew about the problem and were working on it.�
guest Actually that's not the case. The download happened while you had WiFi access, and then just took time to prepare.
I had posted the following up thread. Ingineer then posted a reply, which indicated that the download can't take place over 3G. (I added the bold.)
guest The newly revised Summon feature works much better than before on our sloped driveway. Under the previous release the car would stop halfway out of the garage as it sensed the downhill slope. Now it exits the garage completely, stops, and closes the garage door.�
guest And now for the regular stats update...The pace of the reporting (or the roll-out) appears to have slowed down a bit. Only 15 new reports yesterday for a total of 184 by now - still the by far biggest roll-out after K.I.T.T. (2.9.154, the initial full 7.1 roll-out that many people still appear to be on).
It continues to look like a very broad roll-out with the only oddity being that we only have reports from the US, Canada and The Netherlands. None from Norway, yet. None from the rest of Europe or anywhere in Asia / Australia. Very unusual for so many reports to be restricted to only three countries.
If you have received 2.12.126 outside of those three countries (or see people from outside these three countries posting about having received it), I'd appreciate if people would report the update to Tesla Firmware Upgrade Tracker Web App�
guest + 1�
guest Oh really? I hadn't even tried it because of my sloped driveway. Now I need to
guest I suspect given the dual charger issue that tesla will hault deployment, or at least stop it for cars with dual chargers.�
guest Possibly the recent attention we have given to your great Tesla Firmware Upgrade Tracker Web App in our Dutch (NL/B in fact) 7.1 related topics biases the results.�
guest What "recent attention"? Please explain.�
guest A few members, including myself, urged posters in Dutch 7.1 threads to contribute to Dirkhh's Web App.
So they did, apparently.�
guest Got it, thanks!�
guest Yes, stupid of me; I read your original post and forgot about it. Thanks for reminding me. A few other people in Britain have said on the speakev forum that they have the update and I'll post the gist of yours there for interest's sake.
It's a pity that the update doesn't have a reference of any sort, I think; the only indication seems to be the copyright 2016 statement.�
guest Are you talking about the Google Maps copyright? If so that's not the same as the Navigon maps update date which, as far as I know, is not visible to users like us.�
guest Hi, @dirkhh, I already entered firmware update to your app, and I'm from Asia (Japan). I got and installed the update on 25th.�
guest I just confirmed that both my "classic" with dual chargers and my autopilot with dual chargers equipped cars indeed do not enable the second charger after installing the latest update. (2.12.126) I called Tesla motors technical support and they pulled the log from my autopilot car and could see indeed it was only using one charger even though it should have been using two. They said the service center will contact me tomorrow, I suspect we'll see an OTA update pretty quickly to fix this issue. I wonder how this one slipped by Software QA?�
guest Funny, mine installed itself before I went to check on it after getting notification that an update was available. Thought it was perhaps another 'no choice' update.
Vers 2.12.126�
guest Curious - is everyone with dual chargers having the problem or is it just a few of us?�
guest My charging normally starts at 12AM and ends before I wake up each morning, so I have not paid attention to it. Just went out and manually initiated a charge after running errands. My S90D running 7.1 2.12.126 (since 2/26) with dual chargers and an 80A HPWC is also maxing out at 40A during a charge, even though the maximum available is still showing 80A. I have consistently seen charging as high as 79-80A for months before this after replacing a defective HPWC early on. I'll get a note off to [email�protected] after this post to chime in with my problem as well.�
guest I'm on 2.12.126 now and currently charging at 80A, so, seems to not be everyone.
Did you update from 2.9.x or 2.12.22 to 2.12.126? 2.12.45 is where the last charger firmware update came into play, so, if you had 2.12.45 already and didn't have the issue then, I'd be pretty confused.�
guest FWIW my S90D was on 2.9.154 working fine with dual chargers at 80A before my update on the 26th. It seems to be limited to a single charger since moving to 2.12.126, and would be awful coincidental if several of us started having a hardware failure about the time of new firmware being introduced. I wonder if this has something to do firmware specific to Gen1 vs Gen2 Chargers? I was told I have Gen2 in my S90D.�
guest I went from 2.9.154 -> 2.12.126
How about the P85 (wife's) - is it okay too?�
guest Appears to be, yeah. She went from 2.9.154 to 2.12.126. She has gen1 chargers, my P85D has gen2. Both seem fine.
The charger firmware was in fact changed in 2.12.45 (so a jump from 2.9.154 to 2.12.126 would have included it). Not sure what changed, but it's definitely conceivable that something got botched for some people.�
guest Mine went from 2.12.22 to 2.12.126 and I had the problem in both. I was hoping the update to .126 would fix it. I have an appt with service this week for the problem but I wonder if I should cancel it since it'll likely just be a firmware fix anyway.
Edit: the previous firmware I had (2.9.154) did not have this issue.�
guest Those of you having the issue... maybe convince your service center or someone else to try a redeploy of your firmware? This would reflash any modules (charger included) that didn't take the latest update, and might fix the issue. Not sure if the service centers can do this remotely, although technically the ability to do so by Tesla is there.�
guest Whether it's a messed up module, bug or deployment issue or something else I saw some people in the Tesla Motors forum posting about the same issue.�
guest I haven't had the opportunity to test my dual chargers at 2.12.45. But given the reports, I have not installed the software update pending on my car (got it the first day of 2.12.126 reports, so likely that). I may have to swing by the service center just to try it out and make sure they are still enabled on my car.�
guest The update fixes the hump my entrance to garage has where before it wouldn't proceed. Now it enters without an issue.�
guest I received a reply email from Tech Support in just 2 hours ... problem has been opened with my local SC and I should be hearing from them soon (I suspect tomorrow, as they are closed on Sunday). I'll post back if I come up with new news should someone else not report back here first.�
guest Looks like the new summon doesn't support parking tail-in. The distance setting won't work in this case :-/�
That's much appreciated!
I know that the same has been done in Norwegian forums in the past. Still, not a single report from Norway, UK, Germany. Very odd.
- - - Updated - - -
Thanks - I see that you specify Japan in the Notes section, but that isn't taken into account in the statistics. Could you update your country?
On the tracker, click on Home, then on the little pencil after the description of your car. That opens a new window where you can update the car data, including the country
guest I'm pretty sure 2.12.45 -> 2.12.126 doesn't update anything with the chargers, so, if you already have .45 you're not going to hurt anything. Worst case, if your charger didn't take the update before it'll try to redeploy to it when it sees it isn't up to date.�
guest I have seen a couple of 2.12.126 reports on the norwegian forum.
Also put in a request for people to update the tracker, hope that helps.�
guest Well, they were going to just wait to fix my rear door handle at my next tire rotation. Maybe I'll just go in early.
guest On 2.12.126, dual chargers and it charged up to 79A (set at 80A).�
guest Can one of you guys that normally charges at 80A and is not having the problem try something for me - unplug and set your car to charge at 64A and then plug it in and see if it properly ramps up to 64A or if it stops at 32A.
guest WK057, I'll be honest, I didn't notice if dual chargers were working properly on the previous release, since my cars charge at night, I rarely look at them while they are charging. I only looked today because we're getting ready for a long trip and wanted to check everything out after hearing about this problem I live 150 miles from the "local" service center, even though we have a ranger around town, I hope they can reflash it OTA.
BTW- I really enjoy reading about all the things you've done with the cars, center console and IC. Even though I'm an EE and still actually do EE things after 34 years since I graduated, I wish I had half the skills you do in this area. I'm also very impressed with your solar installation. Inspiring to say the least. Keep up the work. and thanks for your contributions to the community.�
guest Dual charges with HPWC all set to 80Amps. Charging at my usual 79A. It does seem to take a bit longer to ramp up past 40 now tho. But it does. Tested at about 2 minutes to get up to full speed
guest Mine was slow to engage the second charger and get over 40 amps but it did eventually. Perhaps just wait and see if it eventually ramps up.�
guest I also just checked this. My car is charging properly, at 72 (well, 71, but I'm not sure if it would usually have shown 72 or not, and I didn't watch it very long) amps. I updated from 2.9.154 to 2.12.126.�
guest I'm on 2.12.126 now and currently charging at 80A and 56 Amps just fine. That is on a Sig P85 with dual chargers.�
guest I saw reports elsewhere that some started having the charging issue about 10 days ago with an earlier release. One person seems to have discovered that if he plugs in to his HPWC with the car set to anything above 70A everything works as expected - it ramps up to the setting and then he can change it to anything he wants and it charges as expected.
If he plugs in with the car set to say 50A then he also gets the "half rate" charging error no matter what setting he chooses. I'm dip switch limited to 64A due to being on an 80A circuit so I can't easily test this theory.�
guest Hmm- I can't try 80 amps either, my house won't support setting the HPWC to 80 Amps. We'll see what Tesla Service says when they look into it. I'll report back here anything I find out from them.�
guest I can charge at 80 Amps, but normally dial it back to 56 Amps to reduce resistive heating by 50%. Both charge rates work fine on my 3.5 year old, Sig P85 with 2.12.126 installed.�
guest That seems to be what happens for me as well. If I start the charge session at 70 or more amps, it will work fine. I can adjust the amps back down to 56 or whatever else and it's still fine. But if I start the session between 41 and about 65 amps it will only charge at half the amps until I adjust it to 70+.�
guest That isn't my situation. I have always kept my home setting at 80A, and my HPWC is on a 100A-circuit with dip switches for 80A. When I manually charge, numbers now climb to only 40 and vacillate between 39-40 for the couple minutes I sat and watched both of my tests after your request yesterday (they could have perhaps gone up later if I waited more), whereas in the past, the numbers always kept climbing beyond 40 to at least 79 on my home HPWC and the one at the SC.
I'll post back when I hear more from my SC.�
guest I did the exact same thing and have the same problem. But it will charge at 40 amps if I set the max to 40.�
guest I kept wanting to post these snapshots of the new text for Autosteer speed-limiting on lower category roads, now finally getting around to it.
For background, when driving on roads that are "restricted" by Tesla's definition (e.g. roads that have undivided lanes, or residential roads), using Autosteer limits the speed to 5 mph over the speed limit even if TACC is set to a higher speed.
In previous versions, the text was "Autosteer is restricted on this road; speed will be limited". It nows reflects the actual speed that Autosteer is limited to:
guest I've usually been keeping my car at 40 amps on my 100/80 amp HPWC - but switched it this morning back to 80 to see about the slow ramp up being reported here. It definitely ramps to 40 amps slower than before - and then sits a bit longer at 40 amps before ramping up to 80 amps. But for me, it didn't sit at 40 amps for a couple of minutes. Maybe - 20-30 seconds - before making its way up to 80.�
guest Sorry, Mike. If I had seen this before testing last night I would have tested exactly this. I did not realize 70 Amps was a significant threshold.
If your car is not yet fully charged, and you are able to test this, I think what NOLA_Mike would like to see you test would be:
--Stop your charge.
--Set the charge rate to 64 Amps
--Plug In and Start Charge
--Note charge rate
--Report back
I would do this, and will later if it still needs to be done, but my wife has the car at work now. When I tested things last night I did not realize that there was a known issue with a threshold above and below 70 amps, and I had my charge rate set above that, so didn't actually manage to test what we're now interested in testing.
guest I meant to post that as well. New for me in 126 as well.
Also noticed that either the map update or 126 has changed the navigation arrows on the instrument cluster from yellow/orange to blue.�
guest Do you have a screenshot of that? They've always been white-on-blue for me.�
guest You're talking about the 17" (I presume). That remains white-outlined-in-blue (I think, I'll check tonite) in 126-with-new-maps.
I'm talking about the instrument cluster. Mine is now blue instead of the yellow/orange shown in the (from the web) image below:
It looks more like this now:
I'm not sure which I like better, but it's definitely different from what I've driven with the last 3+ years.�
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