guest I've not noticed any significant changes to the RR challenges some our of early 90Ds have. I have only taken my MS through a single 90% charge thus far and it was no different than with .19, and have not trip charged as of yet (no plans for that until perhaps later this month).�
guest MS is this tracked anywhere or just randomly discussed?
Not much seasoning to my car yet, but I've been logging my charges and would love to see comps.�
guest I believe @msnow's comment is likely related to the discussion some of us have been having since last Fall related to early build S90D (that wouldn't likely be yours) here: 90D Range slowly declining. His S90D was produced a couple weeks before mine in September 2015. You'll find several of my charge/temp/firmware-level/rated-range logs there as attachments.�
guest Some of us are watching it to guage range loss which could be a sign of battery degradation (normal or abnormal) particularly those of us with gen 1 (2015) 90D batteries. I'm one of those plus it's interesting for me to see if certain updates like the ones @Ingineer identifies as having a BMS (battery management system) module affects the Rated Range you see on the dash. There are various threads where this is sometimes discussed ("What's your 90%?" or "90D range slowly declining") but I track mine using Visible Tesla - a PC and Mac app. @BertL use to manually log his Rated Range at 90% and 100% in Excel but I think that became too much of a PIA to be sustainable. There's others like TeslaFi and Teslalg.com that do it too and they are cloud based.
As I recall your refreshed 90D probably came new at 294 miles at 100% and 265 miles at 90% charge so that's likely your baseline. Our gen 1's were about 286 and 257 when new and range loss over the year has been all over the place. I'm told about 2%-3% loss isn't abnormal for the first year.�
guest Thank you @msnow and @BertL . Great info, links and sites. The techie at delivery told me to maintain steady charging between 225-265 unless tripping. My 100% trip charges started at 303ish, now 300ish, 2x per weekend, which are drained to 25ish when reaching my destination. Expecting range loss, I started logging. After reading your posts, I'll go back and cross reference releases and track going forward. Also now intrigued by BMS which I need to research. I looked at teslafi last month, but I'm not a cloud person. Sticking with PIA xls until I understand security which I probably can't. lol
The SvC charged the car last night and the app pinged me. They took it from 252 to 278 in 49 mins before the 'charge interrupted' hit my phone. Not sure if it was an intentional charge point, but its all interesting.
I had secret hopes there was a locked 100 somewhere, but they were dashed last week.
Thank you both.�
guest Anyone know what the "U" stands for in the release number below?
guest All the release numbers internally have the U. I think the might use the U for standard releases and D for development.�
guest Assuming you have 19" wheels and stock tires I wonder why they set them to 42 psi? Mine says it should be 45 psi.�
guest 21" ContSilents but what's the CA 42 psi mandate thing? You'd be under the same I'd assume,
It was 5 pages of service detail which I did not read until last night. I need to drop him an email for explanation on a few other things and ask about that too.�
guest Not sure but I assumed it's a CA "mandate" that they check your tires. If they're 21's then 42 psi sounds right.�
guest I really like the "Tested and inspected customer 42 PSI front, 42 PSI rear." line. Is it normal Tesla procedure to test and inspect the customer? What are they inspecting for?
guest Proper balance of my gut and butt! But 42 gives me a lot of room to work with so I'm good.�
guest Testing patience?
guest Got 2.34.115 today (triggered at SvC) from 2.32.100. I can see from Tracker that others received it too. I have no idea what was fixed. Awaiting @Ingineer to let us know.�
guest Does Ingineer receive the releases before we do, or does he have access to check them out somewhere whether he's installed or not.
Edit: or maybe it's simply don't ask, don't tell. If so, I respectfully withdraw my question.�
guest Right.
guest "I see nothing, I know nothing, I was not here" (Schultz - Hogan's Heroes).�
guest He could tell you, but then he'd have to kill you. So it's your choice.
guest You're carbon dating yourself.�
guest I hope that Tesla will be more "open" with what is being updated.... I would really like to know when something is changed in the car... be it new destination chargers listed, to "bug fixes and improvements" to TACC, and even autopilot "tiles"... no need to be asked if I want to apply the update... just let me know that an update occurred, and what it did....�
guest I can get them as soon as they are available to the fleet, but it's a lot of work to download, unpack, and compare versions. I do this as time permits. Very little changes on the point releases. It's usually just Tesla testing the changes to the various systems on a small percentage of the fleet.�
guest Understood. I'm sure I'm not alone it appreciating the information you share. Thanks again!�
guest Yes, thanks for all your effort and patience.
You literally make a difference in our ownership experience.....we are the luckiest and best informed owners out there.�
guest I'm at 2.32.65 and I keep getting these touch screen unresponsive warnings telling me to reboot the display with the scroll wheels... Hopefully the newer firmwares fix this as it keeps happening since this update
guest I assume reboots don't help?�
guest Reboot resolves the issue but it's back again 1-2 times a week�
guest To the folks in SoCal and San Diego,
No geofencing, no SvC Wifi connected, I have encountered several minor updates while my car is Supercharing at Service Centers. They are minor because the revision numbers bump only a little including the latest 2.34.115 from 2.34.100, and are available for 5 days as I checked ev-fw.com. So try charging at the Burbank Supercharger (also a Service Center) if you've waited for so long.�
guest My car updated from .19 to 2.35.115 from a 20 minute visit to the San Diego SvC last week.�
guest I reboot at least once per week minimum to keep the performance decent. I have it set to automatically do this every Friday morning at 4:00am (A time I am unlikely to be driving), and if the car is not in drive, it automatically reboots.
You can do this manually, just do the double scroll wheels once a week. It is safe (but annoying) to do it while driving, but might be best to do it right before you are getting out of the car for the evening.
If you let it run for much over a week it starts to get slower and slower. Most smartphones also benefit from a weekly reboot as well.�
guest How do you set an automatic reboot?
Or maybe the question should be, can I (an average noob) set an automatic reboot, and if so, how?
Sorry, if it's in the manual please feel free to tell me to RTFM! And if it's exclusive please feel free to tell me to stick to the manual reboot (you can always use more colorful language if you wish. No feelings would be hurt)!
guest Sorry, no, unfortunately Tesla doesn't provide any user-facing way to schedule a reboot. It cannot be done without root (internal) access.�
guest Just noticed that since 2.34.115 my iPhone "dings" when it's plugged into the USB charging port. It's always charged but this is the first time it's ever given the audible notification. Not a big deal but it's new!
guest Not new... Standard iPhone feature... My iPhone has always done this when its not on silent on any charger including the one in the car. If it's on silent it vibrates when plugged in or the car powers up, for example you exit the car and shut the door, when you open the door again the phone will vibrate or ping as the 12v gets power again.
I posted about it on August 10th in this other thread as well asking if the Usb ports are always powered
guest How about this message "systems are powering up press brake when this message clears". I sat there for a few minutes but the message never cleared / went away and the center touch screen also stayed dark. Finally I gave up and scroll wheel reset the touch screen waited for it to boot and then put my foot on the brake... Car started up and the message went away...
guest It's new, maybe not as of this latest firmware but @BertL and I discussed and tested this a few months and most of my local Tesla friends said they weren't getting a sound either (not on vibrate). Bert measured the power output at the time and it was sufficient but no "ding". Not sure what they did but it works now.�
Unfortunately I think you might wanna talk to your service center. I've been on the same build as you for weeks without these oddities. Maybe there's something wrong with your CID and it may not be related to the build?�
guest I guess I'll swing by there today since I've had 2 oddities in the past 4 days�
guest My iPhone 6s dings/beeps when plugged into an Apple charger USB or my Macbook Pro USB, but not when plugged into the USB of my Model S on 2.28.19.�
guest If you have a thumb drive in your USB disconnect, it helps�
guest The iPhone has made a noise since at least 2007 when plugged into a charger, playing with it today I suspect its related to the bluetooth connection. When the phone is connected to bluetooth in your car the sound is played over bluetooth if your playing music if not no sound will be heard. Also if you turn bluetooth off the sound will come from the phone assuming that the volume is turned up loud enough for you to hear it. If the phone is on silent it will vibrate when plugged in with bluetooth on or off.�
guest Bingo
guest In my car, when the phone is connected to Bluetooth it remains silent when plugged in regardless of music playing or not; when not connected to Bluetooth, it dings when plugged in.�
guest It will as soon as you get a more recent update.�
guest This sounds like it may have influenced something to do with bluetooth audio routing when not using the bluetooth source.
If you have a more recent update, what happens when you try to start playing music from your phone while it's paired via BT but your car has Internet Radio selected?
The old behavior is the phone still thinks it's hooked up to the car via A2DP and starts playing all of its sounds/music to A2DP (which goes to nowhere of course because that's not the car's input source). If this behavior changed in a recent update, that is very very curious because I do not know of any other car that is capable of communicating to a paired audio device that it's not the currently selected device.�
guest You're right. The iPhone only "dings" if it's not connected via BT.�
guest I don't think it has changed. In my case, (2.34.100) when on BT, the music from my phone won't play thru the car unless I have the media device selected on the CID. And then, I am only able to control tracks, not switch albums. I have to do that from my phone which is a PIA, since the charging station is so awkwardly placed. Either unable to see it, or unable to re-dock it....take your pick.
guest This will occur if you have power saving enabled in the settings. The CID has to be re-woke from it's deep sleep. Every so often if it has been rebooted in awhile, it will fail to resume and need rebooting.
I find energy saving mode to be buggy and a PITA. I keep it off, and if I park my car for more than a day I just plug in my external 12v battery charger to keep the 12v from cycling. Win-Win!�
guest I see this message often and do NOT have energy saving turned on in my car. I've seen it so frequently that I brought it up to my Service Center and the said they would tell Engineering about it. This was probably 2-3 months ago now.�
guest Right. It's on my list to report as well when I go in for service next month. The message became more apparent IMHO at some point this year perhaps just before or around my applying .19. I NEVER saw the message from delivery last October until early this spring timeframe with Energy Savings ON for almost all the time. Now it happens multiple times per week and is far too random -- sometimes appearing when I've stopped for just 10-15 minutes while running errands, and at times will cause what seems like a "fast" reboot of the IC and/or CID (I say "fast", because the Tesla T appears, but it takes much less time for either display to become responsive compared to if I manually reboot either display using the brake or not, AND Media Player always remembers which USB song it was playing -- generally restarting from the beginning of the track.)�
guest It was like this for me for the longest time, but with Energy Savings turned OFF. When my drive unit was replaced, they flashed my car again with the then-new version (before .32/.34) and now I don't get this message multiple times a day, but my instrument cluster is off when getting in the car, even if turning on conditioning via the app. I will go into Jimmy Johns to pick up my online order and get in the car to turned off screen and Tesla logo on the IC (17" stays normal). Sometimes I will see the powering up message once the screen comes on, but usually not. But again, I will be in the car for 30 minutes coming home from work, pick up a phoned in order at the Pho restaurant, and come back to this. I will turn on preconditioning via the app from my desk and walk to the car and see this. It is getting annoying and I've all but given up on my car being "instantly on" like when I got it. This happens multiple times a day when using the car. Very annoying.�
guest [QUOTE="Cyclone, post: 1716570, member: 31634"
I will go into Jimmy Johns to pick up my online order..............
But again, I will be in the car for 30 minutes coming home from work, pick up a phoned in order at the Pho restaurant...........
Dude, do you see a pattern?
guest Man, what the Pho?�
guest I am driving here on a restricted, divided 6 lane (3 each direction) roadway. Speed limit is 55 and highly policed so I never push it. What I like about this warning though, was it reduced speed as I approached a temporary construction zone (1 year project) with cones, idle equipment and dirt/debris piles along the left median and right shoulder. The car did not cede control, but proceeded to reduce speed and limit the auto steer speed almost immediately. The road was in good shape but re-striping was messy.
Question.....did it drop to 45 mph because it lost the left side lane line or because it 'detected' the temp 40 mph limit? (orange signs now post reduced speed for about 1/2 mile) If so, how do these machines learn a temp speed versus customary limits? Given 40 mph is displayed, I assumed it was actually detecting the reduced speed but then wondered why it didn't drop speed all the way to 40 mph? It bounced around a bit but once past the cone zone, it ramped back up to 55 mph. It was impressive, whatever it was thinking. [PS - it was after construction hours so the site/roads were clear and no one around. If needed, I was ready.] Any thoughts?
guest The Speed limit icon updating implies that it read the speed limit from the sign. Note that sometimes this feature doesn't work in your favor and it reads oddly labeled highway route numbers as a speed limit, etc. It's yet another reminder that this isn't a self driving car and it's still our job to be attentive to what our cars are doing.�
guest So it literally can 'read' the signs, even temporary ones? So freakin' cool, seriously!
Yes, I was very careful, thank you and I'll stay off back road route 66 just in case.�
guest Yep, the camera is definitely capable of reading speed limit signs in a variety of formats! It has some built-in secret sauce for whether to trust a sign it reads vs what its GPS tiles say the speed limit is, etc.
Watch out for friends pranking you by holding fake speed limit signs by the side of the road ;-) (ok fine maybe only I have really mean friends!)�
guest Is "Always Connected" checked? What is your schedule? Do you often start the car past 10pm?�
guest Same issue with school zones. The car can't detect "when children are present" (yet) so be prepared to slow quickly to 30 (5 over the 25).�
guest Interesting experience about the signs.
I was using AP a couple of nights ago on a highway where the speed transitions from 55 mph to 45 mph. I had the car set at 55 mph (Autosteer & TACC). The 45 mph sign has a pasted over "4" which I forgot about, and in the past the speed limit on the dash shows up as 5 mph at night (sorry no pics, traffic). Something about the pasted over "4" prevents the camera from seeing the number at night.
Anyhow, last minute I saw the sign, remembered that it will go to 5 mph and hovered my foot over the accelerator (expecting a sudden drop off in speed). Nothing. It kept going at 55 mph, no alarms, no nothing.
So AP ignored this false positive... (it did see the sign as 5 mph and showed up on the dash as such).
I have tried to test it during the day in the same location as it does read the sign as 45 mph. But during the day there is enough traffic that I'm sitting still at this location.
Closer to home that night it still automatically limited the speed to within 5 mph of a 25 mph zone (TACC & Autosteer) as I was testing it at 40 mph (divided local road with a median and no traffic, keeping safe...yes not a highway I know...). Brought me down to 30 mph.�
guest Just fascinating stuff, I wish I was both an engineer and @Ingineer !�
guest Thanks Legoman, that's another interesting example of what this tech can do. I'll be avoiding AP in school zones for sure!�
guest For me, Always Connected is ALWAYS checked as it's the only way to have a somewhat responsive Tesla App/Remote S. I am very seldom in my MS from say 7PM-6AM, so most of the time the pop-ups appear during the morning & early afternoon -- well outside the "auto sleep period", my scheduled charging (which begins at 12AM), etc.�
guest Always Connwcted checked. Schedule varies widely daily, but rarely am I in the car past 10 pm. I work 10 am - 6 pm and figure the commute around that, it usually is sitting in the garage by 8.�
guest Ingineer on my S85D I have to take the nose cone off to get to the 12V battery terminals if i want to connect a charger. What have you done so that you can connect the 12V charger so you do not need to take the nose cone off every time? I have thought about bringing some terminals into the frunk to make it easier to connect the charger.�
guest There are at least two ways:
1- a fused, dedicated connector like this one for a Ctek trickle charger
2- make your cigarette lighter socket connect permanently to 12V by bridging a relay in the fuse box and connect the trickle charger to the cigarette lighter socket.
I suggested method 1- to @Ingineer, who used method 2- at that point in time.�
guest I didn't know C-Tek made such a cool little jack panel. I just used their ring terminal pigtail that comes with the charger to permanently attach to the battery and routed the pigtail into the frunk. No pictures right now, but I'm travelling.
Paul, where did you install that jack? I can't tell from the pictures, is that just under the nosecone?
BTW, the C-tek chargers are excellent, this is the one I use to keep my S topped off when not in use: http://amzn.to/2cDhONa
guest Aha! I found the jack:
guest That is cool. I used a C-tek charger just like that to keep my Delorean and my BMW Z4 batteries alive during the winter.
Sold them both to buy the Model S, so the charger went to the Z4 buyer from Canada, so boy oh boy, did he need a winter trickle charger.
guest I bought the same charger months ago when there was a thread about charging the batteries and someone recommended this. I haven't used it for the Tesla but now use it for my other car that's garaged and a PU truck that gets like 100mi/yr usage.�
guest I use the CTEK adapter for the 12V accessory plug ... simple and convenient.
Also used ingineer's hack to provide constant 12V power to the interior plug
guest Maybe you recognize this picture?
And your Ctek is for lead acid batteries only, they have a version for both lead acid and AGM. (I have one of those.)
guest That explains why I couldn't figure out where on the Model S you mounted that port! =)
The version I have (MUS 4.3) has the AGM algortihm. They don't sell the model you showed here in the US.
guest In my experience they don't need to be "oddly" labeled in the slightest. It routinely misreads the most ordinary, rectangular, white
route number signs. It doesn't always do this, by any means, and I haven't been able to discern a pattern as to what fools it.�
guest Yep, this speed limit was picked up from the overhead freeway signs for ~10 mile stretch before it was replaced with 55.
Good thing AP doesn't auto-resume to the speed limit versus the set speed.
guest +1 for this issue occurring in my S P90D 2.28.19. My route home has a "County 25" highway sign that resets the AP speed limit setting to 25 MPH (rapidly reduces speed from 60 MPH to 30 MPH). Interestingly, this occurs about 50% of the time. Glad to know I'm not the only one dealing with this, but would like to see a fix happen since it can be quite jarring.�
guest I clicked the "Funny" icon but I couldn't find the one for "Terrifying"
guest I have a rental Austrian 70D with software 2.34.115
Every time I initiate a lane change while driving in Autopilot mode it asks me to touch the steering wheel first. Is this a European thing or a change in the latest software?�
guest I recall it was a European regulation that required hands on the steering wheel. I believe it's the same in Australia, but not sure...�
guest But if TACC is not enable, pulling the stick (or double-pull for Auto-steer) will set the speed to the wrong one... I really think that pulling the stick should activate TACC at the current speed instead of the posting speed, security wise!�
guest Constant touchscreen reboot was required for me too. My Delivery Specialist said it was an issue with USB sticks. I unplugged my micro USB stick that had music and the issue went away.�
guest What is the disadvantage of allowing the 12V battery to cycle, assuming the car is plugged in? Thanks!�
guest It kills the 12V quickly, like in 1-2years.�
guest I never trickle charge my 12v and I'm at 2 yrs and 44,000 miles on the original 12v (energy saving on, stay connected off). Plus I've got a dashcam plugged in and always on.
So given that it looks like I'll have a minimum of 2 yrs on the battery and possibly quite a bit more (hope this post doesn't jinx me), is it really worth plugging in the 12v so much?�
guest On the topic of 7.1, looks like a 2.36.17 is rolling out....�
guest Please enter it in Tesla Tracker. I don't see any cars with that version.�
guest Sadly I don't have it yet -- still in the geofence penalty box
It shows up on teslalog: Tesla Logs - Global Version History�
guest Nautilus apparently got 2.36.17, unfortunately it's still in the service center getting the pano roof fixed, so I have not seen it nor any release notes yet.�
guest How are you able to see your VIN remotely?�
guest My last couple of SvC visits, I've been able to check-in on my MS via the Tesla App, and when new firmware was made available and charging done, I received iPhone notifications as usual. It's how I found e.g. that Tesla was keeping my MS inside the SvC each night, opposed to the dozens parked outside around the building. (I know that some SvC have been turning off Tesla App communication while at the SvC, and I can't blame them for doing that to prevent a potential safety issue should the owner remotely do something while the vehicle in being serviced. That could be really bad, e.g. remotely opening the pano while the tech was working on it, or the vehicle is up on the rack and someone pops the frunk/trunk.)�
guest While I agree it's a safety issue, as of now, you can't pop the frunk/truck with the app. You can honk the horn, flash the lights and open the pano.�
guest Same here, but my app notifications did not specify the release number, only that the installation or charging was complete. The mystery was bugging me until I picked up the car.
Last week they disconnected my dash cam, but not the app. I watched the trunk open/close, frunk open/close etc and thought a little flash of the lights might remind them I was waiting.......but didn't.They really should disable all app functions.
guest VisibleTesla�
guest Thanks for the clarification. Right.�
guest Sorry, meant firmware version.�
guest Wouldn't any of the various logging tools that show installed firmware level still be active if the Tesla App can still get to the vehicle? I suspect so, and that is how one could discover a new installed release number after it's been installed at a SvC.�
guest I would imagine closing the pano (which you can do from the app) would be more potentially dangerous than opening it. But I guess that depends on your point of view. Opening may be more dangerous to the pano itself, but closing could be more dangerous to the tech.�
guest VisibleTesla and probably other third party apps can pickup the firmware version assuming the SvC didn't turn off Remote Access to the car as they have been doing lately.�
guest If you can obtain a Tesla API token from any of the 3rd-party tracking tools, you can add it to the Firmware tracker and it will automatically detect when your firmware is updated and send you a PM on the forums when it does. But yes, 'remote access' still needs to be enabled for it to work. But this way you'd know the instant it happens (well, within the hour) and the new version installed.�
guest They didn't turn off remote access, probably should have while they are working on the pano roof that can be actuated remotely. I checked late at night when it was unlikely that anyone was working on it. The roof was opened at 98%, doors closed.�
Sep 12, 2016 at 5:06 PM
NikeWings OK that's what I need to do....access a 3rd party. I've been hesitant to do so and was only relying on the Tesla app.�
Sep 12, 2016 at 6:23 PM
ArtInCT EVtriplanning.com shows your currently installed firmware version for each day's usage log.�
Sep 12, 2016 at 9:27 PM
BertL Yup. Been using it. Was trying to be generic in my post given the number of various tools out there that can do it today -- as I knew if I cited an example, someone would quickly post another and another...
Sep 13, 2016 at 3:03 AM
msnow Between this, Teslalog.com and TeslaFi.com which is the best for a geeky, data lover person�
Sep 13, 2016 at 8:53 AM
NikeWings And while your opining, which is most secure?�
Sep 13, 2016 at 10:56 AM
msnow My guess is none of these are as secure as VisibleTesla because it's on your own computer and you can control it while these others are cloud based and reliant on the developer and infrastructure where these apps are hosted. There's some risk due to that.�
Sep 13, 2016 at 11:11 AM
rxlawdude SOME risk? Unacceptable risk, IMO.�
guest Use a password manager like 1password or lastpass, then use the tools whenever you want, but change your password after each use, day, week or whatever. It will take a bit of extra effort to re-establish the api token, but it's safe.�
guest Agree, I was trying to be diplomatic.As a security professional I even worry about Tesla's infrastructure.
guest The problem is, what could happen between the time those Tokens are changed. That Is the risk one has to assume and an individual has no control over, no matter how small the possibility may be. Perhaps loosing one's FOB has more risk associated with it. IDK. There are just too many variables IMHO to speak with absolutes.
Me? I've vaselated on what makes sense for me. I've tried TeslaFi and its promising, the optional daily part of EVTripping is very helpful for what I tend to care most about, and others... But each time, I've gone through the process of disabling the functionality on all the tools, change my Tesla.com password (14 chars, upper/lower alpha with numeric and special character), store that in 1Password, then change the passwords on the Tesla App on both my iPhone and iPad. It's not a trivial process, but as you suggest is do-able. RIght now, it's only my official Tesla App and Remote S for me. I'd love to have the data some of the other tools provide, but just have not gotten to a comfort level to use anything else that "owns" a copy of my all-powerful Token for some period of time. ...but to each their own. It's great we have options to suit each of our needs and risk tolerance levels.�
guest VT has far less risk and provides a lot of data. The cons are its not up-to-date, supported, or as robust as these hosted apps. Still, it's better than nothing.�
guest Yes, thx. Agree one's self hosted app may be a better risk choice, but lack of support and VisibleTesla being Java-based (IIRC on a old release) was a no go for me.�
guest Change your tesla.com password and the token is invalid. Create a new token, use the tools, change the tesla.com password again.�
guest I've had AP do something good, but undocumented, three times now in the last couple of months. So I'm beginning to think it is not coincidence and am curious if others have noticed this.
Here is the scenario. TACC is on, perhaps auto steer also. I'm in the number two lane on the freeway. A car a little in front of me changes lanes from number four to three. I'm afraid he is going to keep coming into my lane and prepare to stomp on the brake. My car slows down before I can do this. TACC stays on and speeds back up after the car never actually enters my lane. I don't see any other reason why TACC would have slowed down. It seems like TACC is reacting to this car. Impressive if true.
I'm on version 7.1 2.32.100�
guest Yeah definitely recent versions of 7.1 are better than before about slowing down if it thinks a car beside you is encroaching in your lane boundary. It sounds like 8.0 will take that one step further and proactively leave more room and turn into more of something you can rely on....
Note that this behavior sometimes causes false positives and unwanted slowdowns too.�
guest I assume that the two connectors go to the battery jumper posts behind the nose cone. Do you need to drill holes in the Frunk tub to get the CTEK indicator panel inside the Frunk? What is the best way to accomplish this?�
guest Why go through the trouble. Just get any volt-meter equipped USB charger and connect it to the 12V plug inside. Here is one (of MANY) available ones: https://www.amazon.com/Efanr-Universal-Ports-Rapid-Charger/dp/B00V7XN8C6�
guest I'm getting a lot of false positives and have the opposite reflex of hovering my foot over the accelerator (instead of the brake) pedal to compensate for the unwanted slowdowns, which can be pretty abrupt at times.�
Ditto @MarcG I have gotten more than my fair share of false positives while driving on the expressway at full speed and all the sudden the warning alert and RED CAR in front of me and the car decelerates and I have to quickly press the accelerator pedal to not get rear ended. This has happened more often than not when the TACC setting has been set from 4 to 7 at highway speeds but NOT at lower setting in stop and go traffic. Very disconcerting!!�
guest I've seen both of these forms of false positives, and they've increased more in recent 7.1 updates. It looks to me like a response to the various AP videos showing Teslas rear-ending an offset-parked/stopped car, and presumably other nonpublicized accidents involving Teslas scraping nearby vehicles.
The car seems very biased (skiddish even) towards assuming a nearby car is in your lane.
I'm hoping that the 8.0 update (particularly the bullet point about offsetting itself when a overtaken car is close to the lane line) alleviates a lot of this. I find that the MobilEye camera in its current form is not great at identifying the attitude or position of cars in adjacent lanes versus your current lane. That might be one of many reasons for the shift towards the radar being primary.�
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