guest Nicely done.�
guest ... currently up a bit in Frankfurt:
guest Nice gap-up probable today, as of now $288.05 in pre-market trading on NASDAQ. The drawn out squeeze keeps rolling. To quote luvb2b: "get on the train, toot toot"
guest Based on my math that's about 288 USD which should be a good sign coming in to today. Question about the foreign exchanges, when do they trade their shares back into the "home base" exchange, in this case, the NASDAQ?�
guest Looks like more of a consolidation day ... which, frankly, I'm happy with. It helps that I'm currently holding only stock.�
guest Thankfully my contracts don't expire until 20 Sept, so I am fine with a small consolidation at this level as well. Hopefully we will pick back up again later this week.
- - - Updated - - -
Seeing this I hope you cashed out on these while the stock was down and you might have even made some money from it
guest It's only a token amount. Still have them.
Most of my chips are long term bets on the opposite direction. I just throw a chip or two on the Zero square every now and then.�
guest Because of the Tesla factory news break and the fact that the stock is still down right now, I have rolled just one of my Sep 280s into 3 Sept 295s... so not rolling everything but feel like my confidence just went way up on us easily hitting 300 and beyond! (at least in the short term)�
guest I'm not as confident. No tax breaks from nevada to my knowledge, no fighting over tesla from cali and texas, and the potential delays indicate to me that we are currently running on the fumes of the upgrade and that means a trend down until more news is released. I say neutral to down until october.
If they got incentives from nevada, it could be another story, but even then i don't think it would push us over 300.�
guest +1: Maybe not running on fumes but I don't have a lot of confidence on a large upward surge based of the GF news.�
guest i have no knowledge either so why speculate. Not even officially announced. Are you an insider with inside info?�
guest Not an insider, and you know that, just another message board frequenter with an opinion! Why speculate? because it's the social chat forum of tesla! All we do here is speculate. Lol. Sell on the news tomorrow.�
guest Going from doubt and uncertainty to certainty on the GF location is a positive thing.�
guest I agree it is not a negative but it alone is not what we need to see TM over $300 within the month of September. Having said that I bought some Sept 5 290s at market close....Lotto tickets for .71. Probably will go worthless but it has been a nice run. I hope the market looks at the decision with a green eye as do several of my TMC forum friends.:wink:�
guest Well after market if I am looking at this correctly just shot way up and this doesn't seem to be one of those "missed trades" during the day to post but a legitimate rise in the afterhours. So I think me and AIMc might be making out like a bandit here shortly
guest Go AlMc and Chicken! Oh, and Yea...of course TM too :wink:�
guest *sniff*... I was wrong... oh well... I hate it when the after hours does that!!! GRRRRR.... haha�
guest I saw it at 287.57 but now it is 281.20 so I think it was one of those missed trades after all.�
guest As of now it's just two prints of 400 shares that went through at 287, the one before was 281 and the one after it is 281. The current bid and ask are 281.20 and 281.38.�
guest Well, that is not good...I got so excited with my 'paper profits' based on your post that I ordered another model S..............kidding
guest But seriously, I think the stock just hadn't picked up on any of this news yet because the first headlines were not trailing in on this until like 3:30 and Google took a while to update it's search on these being posted. I think the market has had no time to react to this and we will get *something* out of it.
Look we have everything in China going our way (EV incentives, charging being built out, all signs of positive news, etc)
We have the recent 400$ PT
We have multiple reports coming out of the factory that they are on path to hit their targets, they are ramping quickly, they will be at 1k by the end of Q3 as expected, etc.
Now we have the gigafactory news (which really will not sink in until later I think... The market has been slow to react to our breaking news alerts haha)
All this stuff has been hitting in a really short window and the technicals are there to support a rise to either ~317 or ~370 depending on which one you want to look at... I feel pretty good.�
guest That was undoubtedly to clear up an "out trade", i.e. a discrepancy in the information reported by the parties in a trade intended to be made earlier in day.�
guest We think alike, but I run with more boring strikes. I got some sept 5 262's.�
guest The tesla site choice is now up on the front of Google Finance, yet the stock price has acted as though there's no news, staying within 50 cents of the ending price. Is it just the lack of information on the deal that is causing this? Or is there apathy about the decision to continue construction there?�
guest Is there anything about this news that makes you want to buy TSLA? We knew they had to pick a site and they did, but that doesn't really change anything materially. Just like how people thought breaking ground would give us a boost. If it doesn't change the story, it shouldn't affect the stock price much. Now if a sweet incentives deal was revealed, that might be helpful.�
guest The news broke an hour before the market closed. Benzinga posted a headline at 2:57 pm EDT. The share price immediately dropped in response. MarketWatch posted a headline at 2:59 and a paragraph at 3:11. These pushed the price down even more.�
guest Could be one of those 'buy n the rumor sell on the news' type of things...now that the news is coming the people are selling who had bought on rumors recently of an imminent announcement, we will see tomorrow I suspect.
as a long term holder it pleases me, but as a short term trader I would not know what to do here�
guest based on the information it seems like they are finalizing the incentive package, but there *will be an incentive package*. Plus my calls are a bit farther out than this week so it will give time for the full announcement, big news, etc.
Based on my following of this forum vs the overall market we seem to be excited about 2 weeks before anything ever actually happens... I have my 2 week buffer still for this news to fully sink in.
I don't feel like this is the top, and we have just a little more room to go before there is a serious pull back... but I could totally be wrong.�
guest I would be curious to know: Any forum members buying TSLA at 280ish recently?�
guest I've been selling calls against my core position. My general opinion is that the gigafactory is good for the stock long term, but most people were expecting some sort of great fight between california and texas that would result in a windfall for tesla. Without that, the last news piece was the 400 dollar price target and the next known news piece is the model x reveal, so we're in no-man's land for a month. Furthermore, short interest was at a relative low for tesla on the last report if i recall correctly, so I felt comfortable selling the 295's on a fraction of my shares and the 320's on another fraction.�
guest I have contemplated selling covered calls before but never done so. I still feel there is the possibility of more positive news in the coming days/weeks. My fear...probably more of a concern is Q3ER.....�
guest I did not buy stocks outright, but I bought back some covered calls that were ITM.�
guest Yes will be exercising 140 contracts with strike prices between 100 and 130 before expiration�
guest You're exercising 14,000 shares?�
guest Well, that is 'cheating'...not paying $280ish:wink:. Congratulations: May I get a loan?:biggrin:�
guest Holding for a while. Will wait till jan just in case no longer in the money�
guest I'll be buying some common at these levels with the call options that I will be closing. This is to increase my delta and to take a bit of a breather. If it goes down $10 while I hold the common I will still be happy.
I was busy all day today so I didn't do anything. Only looked at my phone about 4 times while the market was open.�
guest Are you planning to sell some other holdings to exercise all the contracts? Or are you planning on selling some and exercising some?�
guest As price goes up I periodically sell higher strike options to exercise. With pull significant pull backs I buy options again. The stock is less volatile so I loose less on pull back but participate on further increases if I pick wrong top. Other stocks I play options differently. Like Alcoa started with srike 10 leaps and as it goes past strike price sell and buy higher strike, garnering more contracts 2 to 3 x more each time. Have moved from 10 to 12 to 15 to 17 and now going to 20s. May play tesla like that as it matures�
guest Interesting. Would you describe this strategy as a LEAPS in place of stock strategy as has been discussed before? I suppose it is different as you sell some of your options to buy stock but never sell stock to buy options (LEAPS). You fund stock purchases with roll ups using the cash generated to increase your stock position. Correct?�
guest Yes but also keep significant cash position in case of severe market down turn. It's a very aggressive strategy and by keeping enough cash for my entire retirement I can risk it. I don't believe in diversification and putting all my money on table for average return. Prefer to keep significant amount in cash and only risk what I can lose for large return
yes haven't owned a share of aa but up 15 fold with strategy
if I owned stock would be up less than 2.5 fold�
guest Interesting. Thanks. Nicely played.:wink:�
guest Thanks for sharing! Always love reading how people play things so differentlyeven stock to stock.
guest Whoooaaaa! Crazy volume and crazy spike!! Is it really the GF news or something else???�
guest Thought I would go back to your previous celebration, since we can both officially start celebrating... you probably more than me since the jump your weekly must have had now that we are over 290 must be CRAZY!
- - - Updated - - -
I mean you said you got them for what? .60 a pop? They are now going for 3.00+
guest Call me crazy. Since I had a good week with my weeklies I took a little and bought some 310's and some 300's that expire tomorrow. If we rocket on the news tonight I will be very very happy, if not, I will still be very happy because this week has been wonderful and I have already taken great profits.�
guest You are crazy. Good luck
guest Did anyone propose Tesla Electric Freight Trains yet?
I can't see Tesla burning fuel to carry batteries from Reno to Fremont everyday.�
guest + 1�
guest It has indeed been suggested once or twice
Wouldn't surprise me, based on that article/report from Global Equities. I mean, they gave batteries like 5 new classifications!�
guest Pretty much every freight train is electrically run these days, they just use diesel generators to power electric motors. American freight is actually very efficient.�
guest trains are remarkably efficient for this�
guest I was thinking the GF announcement would not generate much excitement, but after seeing the incentive package and the cool picture, I'm more optimistic this won't be a sell on the news scenario tomorrow.�
guest Where is the cool picture? I missed that...�
guest Nevada Selected As Official Site for Tesla Battery Gigafactory | Press Releases | Tesla Motors�
guest That was underway by the early thirties and became almost universal by the late fifties for both freight and passenger trains. However as you imply, diesel locomotive engines turn electrical generators which transfer energy to electric motors.
Here's a video of the first run of the diesel-electric Burlington Zephyr in 1934. I rode the exact same train from Chicago to Keokuk, Iowa in 1952 after having seen it at the Chicago Railroad Fair in 1949: 1934 Burlington Pioneer Zephyr - YouTube
What Tesla Motors needs to do is provide the locomotives with batteries that replace the diesel engines and generators.�
guest That's the final QA step for the battery packs. If they can get themselves to Fremont, they pass.�
guest Ah yes, that is mighty cool looking! Like one giant battery. I love the macro to micro connection.
Yes, that's what I meant in my original post about Electric Trains.�
guest Hahahaha! I like it
- - - Updated - - -
Oh wow, that is a far more accurate description... diamond shaped... bah! I like your's better, you should write to Elon and tell him that is what he should tell people it was shaped after.�
guest @Curt Renz, so to what degree are you hinting?�
guest I was suggesting that Tesla might someday consider making batteries that would power railroad locomotives. Of course eventually a more ambitious plan could be to manufacture entire locomotives.�
guest Ah, this is so frustraiting, because without Elon's comments I would think everything would be positive and on the move up... but now I just don't know how to read this.
Plus we have Cramer still recommending the stock which he has been a contrarian indicator for so long that I feel like that is also a negative hit.
But we have the PT upgrade from Global Equities, The news itself was outstanding, and we are executing step for step exactly as we should be... So there is nothing that has changed about the company itself. Stock, just hold. That's easy... but Options??? Gosh, I don't know.
I think if I can get at least 10$ on my Sept 20 @ 280 I am going to take half off the table just so I can get my initial investment back at this point, and then just hold the rest so at least I don't run the risk of losing everything should we take a nose dive. I might even buy a really cheap put out there at like the 270 or lower strike just to hedge a bit.�
guest Actually.. I think GER has retracted and clarified its comments about gigafactory 2 and 3 etc. since Elon has confirmed that NV will be the only one, no further plans...�
guest They did, but they still threw out a 360 PT in their correct based on a 60B value for just the one gigafactory. Seems a little optimistic, but at least we have that going in our favor...�
guest dipping to $281 in pre-market.
Will this be the lowpoint of the day, or will dip further once trading starts.
I can see it going either way since any good news usually takes a few days to sink in.�
guest Well I guess we know who is winning this morning. And it's not my weeklies so far.
Anyone buying at these levels?�
guest Yea, so much for my 300's and 310's. Someone got those nickels.
I thought about it but didn't.�
guest I just did, for next week. I think we will see 290 again very soon. Warning: don't do what I do.
guest Well, I am now holding on both sides of this game... as long as we break through one side of this or the other I should be fine. I will be much happier if we go up, since I still stand to profit much better in this direction, but should the price crash off (sub 260) I will at the very least come out at a break even overall which I will be fine with (maybe a little positive). So my hope is we either see 295 or 260... Which I will give you is a huge spread... so in the absolute worse case I end up with half of my investment when I started messing with the Sept 20 options, since I took that off the table completely... So I won't completely lose everything... but this was NOT the top I was hoping/planning for...
Also, should probably not do what I do at this point either... but we are both still holding out for a recovery and rise... here is hoping.�
guest At 270 I am buying dailies....�
guest Oh, Elon. <sigh>
Go AustinEV go!�
guest Actually went in now. Looks like it might be inflecting. Don't do what I do.�
guest I wonder at times like this if Elon's comments are in fact very strategic, perhaps an attempt to temper exuberance to curtail wild swings. Of course we all want it to go up, up up, but perhaps he has seen enough to know that if it goes up too fast it could too easily collapse catastrophically.�
guest Already did before you, sorry. Playing with a little house money.
guest He often says that the price action is distracting, and he doesn't want it to be a 'mood barometer' for his employees, which it obviously must be.
Sometimes I think he makes those comments to benefit his employees (long term) who make scheduled purchases as part of a SPP. He knows it will be worth much much more 5-10 years from now, and he wants his employees to accumulate as much as possible with their weekly contributions now, and reap the benefits later.�
guest + 1�
His employees who scheduled to exercise options must hate him for talking down the stock price.
I think he said it just because he has a big mouth, anyone remember he said that Germany model S sales will exceed 10k this year?�
guest He did successfully wade the waters of TWO companies through the dot com era. So this could very likely be it. He doesn't want the stock to completely bubble up and away.
I had said quite a few times we were due for some kind of decent correction. I was just hoping and planning for us to hit 300 before it happened. With no real negative news happenings any pull back that occurs is certainly a buy signal for common stock if anyone is in the market. As much as those of us doing options do not want it to happen, we could see a decent pullback over the next couple of days/weeks.
I am still holding out for a return back to 290+ within September, but if we don't see that then I won't be surprised.�
guest didn't we just had a break out from a 6 months long correction?�
guest Why? if they are excercising options to convert to stock in order to hold, they likely have a purchase price on those options waaaaaay lower than where we are right now. Most of these options were put in at a cost basis of less than 200 (some even lower than that). They are also not very likely to be selling the stock itself (or would sell very little of it).
Option exercise is not the same as a stock sell.�
guest Especially if Q3 ER doesn't go swimmingly�
guest well.. in real life, people tend to sell stocks while exercise company stock options.�
guest I'm not in his head, but I would suspect that's exactly why he's doing it. I think he's essentially trying to manage the human psychology of the market. By semi-occasionally stating that the stock is "overpriced," Elon essentially mitigates some of the latent fear and anxiety in the market. He's telling you right now: it's overpriced. Those comments help spread the latent fear over a longer period of time instead of allowing it to concentrate into a single (as of yet unknown) event in the future.
If that causes a temporary sell off, that's fine, because it's also probably diffusing what would have been a much bigger, panic-induced sell-off sometime down the road.�
guest I'm talking about the front line employees on the floor etc, not senior leadership. I don't think the common ranked employee gets options, just a share purchase plan. At least that's how it works in the larger corporation I've been in.�
guest all the silicon valley companies give stock options, a method to attract the brightest.�
guest From my experience in the dot com era with stock options, this is a bad idea. Either cash our and diversify or hold and wait it out. Never put your own money in when your total net worth is so heavily tied to one company's performance.�
guest True, but there has been a shift to using RSUs instead of options to minimize dilution.�
guest So I'm thinking we remain range bound now for the next month. I think tesla is about to lose a significant amount of volatility into the month before the model x release, and that will springboard us up to the 290-310 range going into the end of the year.
Edit: the magnitude of the tax breaks from nevada was greater than i expected, in fact significantly more so. However, i don't think it will be recognized by the market. It will be recognized by larger institutions and they will keep the price stable as they accumulate at the 275 range looking into next year.�
guest Is there an official date to release the model x?�
guest nope, Detroit auto show is my guess�
guest Always possible, but TSLA is already at the very low end of its IV and HV range. In fact, it hasn't been this low in more than a year. Given the mean-reverting nature of volatility, I kind of doubt it goes much lower (though that doesn't mean the stock can't stay rangebound).�
guest My guess too, however I thought that about this years Detroit auto show.
Since we often share our wins, it's good to share our losses too. So I'm offering some 300's and some 310's to anyone that would like to share them with me today..
I'm still pleased with this week though.�
guest I'm slightly unclear on the timing of the Model X release (alpha/beta/production rel).
Is the expectation that when we see it, it'll be the production ready car, or is there a chance there'll be a reveal at the beta level.
On the Q2 call, Elon said Alphas were being built the following week (first week of August) and Betas would be 3 months from then, which puts us into beginning of November. Production release articles would be doing final validation Q1 2015.
So Detroit aligns well to reveal the production release, but is there a chance we see a reveal at the Beta level?�
guest I totally agree that tesla is at the lower end of the volatility spectrum- but i've been tossing this over a lot in my head and I think we will see volatility trend down to all time lows over the next year for tesla. I think it has to do with the new low short interest. I think we'll see some re-entry of shorts at the 290 point, but I think we will see the short interest move down to just below 20 million and we see volatility come down. I think that besides the reveal of the X, this next year is going be a "sell covered calls" year, where overselling calls dominates as an investment strategy. Obviously a personal opinion, just thought I would share it for anyone to consider.�
guest Yes, the expectation is to have a Beta reveal. Again this coincides with how they did the Roadster and Model S. They even toured the Betas around the country to various locations in order to help get hands on for many customers.�
guest The difference this time is that they do not need (or even want) to drum up more demand for the Model X yet. They will need to send out Model X to stores/galleries in time for reservation holders to see the cars before they finalize their purchases, but otherwise I don't think they need to show off Betas before going into production.�
guest Because they don't want ordinary mortals to make comments on it?�
guest Interesting. That's a really good point about the declining short interest.
Still, I think the broader market is going to make it challenging for TSLA to remain low vol for months and months. The market itself is near the low end of its volatility range, and that's going to move up at some point. When broad market volatility increases (and it will, even if only because people panic during the next 5-10% correction), I think TSLA is going to have a really hard time escaping the volatility increase, especially as a high-growth stock currently trading at a whopping 82 times forward earnings.�
guest Elon Musk has indicated that they do not want to increase demand right now since that would only increase waiting times. Pre-orders of the Model X give Tesla an impressive backlog already - if they start showing off the car that backlog will only get worse. (It's a good problem to have, but Tesla does consider it a problem...)�
guest With regards to TSLA losing about 3% today, I think this was to be expected as a "buy on the rumor, sell on the news" event. Although Elon's comment made numerous headlines in my TSLA news feed, this is not the first time he's made this type of statement, so I am therefore somewhat skeptical that it would have as big an effect as his similar statement last year. Perhaps there was some effect, but nobody can really know the full impact.
Also, for some perspective, TLSA closed at $269.70 last Friday, and it closed at $277.39 today. That's a 2.85% gain for the week, so overall I think the stock did pretty well.
This is my expectation as well. People who made down payments on a reservation are going to want a preview of what they are buying. The Alpha is to work out minor issues in the design, while the Beta is to work out issues in the production process. The Beta is essentially almost the production vehicle.�
guest It isn't about the demand drumming. That is a side affect. While people like Bonnie would easily still buy the MX without ever seeing or touching the car, how many other people would do the same? They said the new MX design is going to be different from what we already saw. They claim in a good way, but people have their own tastes on design and might be overly partial to the concept design and absolutely hate the new design. And who isn't going to want to at the very least go for a test ride before buying the car?
What I am getting at is their wait list would easily be cut in half if they forced everyone to finalize without getting to even see the cars. Note that the price finalizing will come at around the same time as the Betas hit... so around the November timeframe. This is because they will have a decent idea at that point how much to charge for things without undercharging (or price gouging). So what if the base price of the X is 10k higher? And the fully optioned X is 30k higher (than the same fully optioned MS)... Maybe you would just blindly throw down the cash, but a huge amount of people won't.
As such they will use the Betas for this purpose... to send them all around the world to at their their major stores (LA, DC, Miami, NY, etc) in order to let people who have never even seen the car make the final decision on what they want and how they want it.�
guest i actually bough back 300 calls I sold months ago exp September 20th. Cost me half what I sold them for but was concerned it would hit it. What a waste�
guest I think you forgot Oslo, Stavanger and Drammen in your list of major stores![]()
Actually does anyone know sales in the US divided by stores? I'm guessing since there essentially only was the Oslo stores last year all of Norways sales was picked up in Oslo/Drammen for a while.
guest I'm sure they'll do drive events again, just like they did for the Model S, that allowed reservation holders to drive the vehicle and see the different configuration choices. Only Model S Signature holders (and not all) had to finalize without having driven the S. And it was a great way to bump reservations at the same time, got lots of publicity, etc.
Model S Get Amped Tour
Bring on the X Drive Events!�
guest The "etc" included the rest of the world... I just didn't want to list every single major location. No offense meant.
The only details I know of is off the cuff and based on the service centers not the stores themselves. Last I heard Tampa (I think... might have been the Miami one...) was the largest on the East Coast and then Rockville was the second largest by delivery count. But that is all I have for those details. You could swing by your service center and have some casual conversation with them and get the subject brought up... you might be able to gleam which is the largest SC in Norway. I would expect one the stores nearest to that would be where any Get Amped Tours would happen.�
guest Speed Dating
"Tesla or Edison?" "Who is Tesla?"
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!�
guest Have you guys seen this? I wonder what's coming!
guest Giga Factory Web cam.
guest Probably just regular maintenance.�
guest From the short-term thread:
I've been wondering about this, and thought I might bring it up in the Social Chat.
What are the rules about inside information and trades? I mean, just about anything coming from a CEO could potentially "manipulate" the stock market. Even when all inside-trades are public and CEO speaks on public TV, there are possibilities of exploitations. I'm not saying that the Musks did anything illegal, but wheres the line between illegal and "ill-timed"?�
guest The sale is planned well in advance of it actually happening. I don't remember what the requirements are for the timing but it is something silly like 30 days or more. The rules apply to people who own a certain percentage of shares and if you hold a specific position in the company if I am not mistaken. I am trying to pull all these from memory so someone else who has access to that information feel free to correct anything I said that is wrong.�
guest Didn't see this posted anywhere on the forum yet, but it's worth reading - an analysis of the economic effect of the Gigafactory on Nevada's economy. Despite giving up $1.25billion in taxes over several years, Nevada still gets some sneaky benefits like increased property taxes via higher real estate values.
Tesla Factory Boosts Nevada Muni Finances Despite $1.25B Tax Break s - Income Investing - Barrons.com
I don't recall a lot of positive coverage out of Barron's before, so this was nice to read.�
guest I had a dream last night that Apple mentioned tesla during today's event. Only a dream but would be nice�
guest Noticed a couple of deliveries being mentioned delayed by 30 days. We need to watch this to see if this is a special cases.�
guest I bought AAPL weekly puts on a hunch. Even mentioning Tesla couldn't save their rapidly stagnating product development, IMO. I think AAPL is an overly comfy, sleepy giant now rather than a high-growth / disruptive innovator, and I think it's overvalued.�
guest Ive been concerned about delayed deliveries & a 3rd Qtr miss, who knows if Elon was trying to talk to stock down with his comments last week knowing delays were coming.�
guest Not clear whether delays, if real, may indicate increase deliveries in other parts of the world. Also have read of some cars being delivered early. It's like reading tea leaves or the cloud formation. Delivery number important but not as important as guidance and announcement of taking orders ( not reservations) on the model x�
guest Apple watch has BMW i app on it, what about tesla app? C'mon tesla, get on it! You can't let BMW scoop you on this one!�
guest I do not believe that watch will go anywhere. Would not bother�
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