Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 10, 2016

Social Chat - Short Term TSLA Movements part 17

  • 1/1/2015
    No cojones for me, just TSLA withdrawal symptoms. I put in a buy limit this weekend at $250, but got it for $236.79. I was surprised the price dropped that much over the weekend.
  • 1/1/2015
    Buying up LEAPS as stock replacement. Will see how that goes. I trimmed back some of position on TSLA (but still have about 2/3 of original position), luckily at $257 last week to pursue this new strategy. Will still dabble in short term options but proibably not this week. Too much geopolitical uncertainty.
  • 1/1/2015
    <=== IS STILL SHORT :scared:

    I tried to get a little less short this morning when it opened down 3.5% but I wasn't fast enough. I'm hoping for a return to the LoD before the day is through so I can give that a second shot.
  • 1/1/2015
    ok a no cojones strategy for you. keep the stock (suspect it will recover, drop not related to company) and sell short term calls (less than a month strike date) at say 255. stock drops further you keep the cash you sold it for. if stock recovers and goes up to 255, you sell and get maybe 260 (including the cash you got for selling the call). i think most of us would sell the stock today at 260.
  • 1/1/2015
    I had a dream last night that TSLA hit $270 on news of an all-clear NHTSA announcement. I checked pre-market and it was at $237. I went back to sleep and returned to the $270 nhtsa dream. It was so real I couldn't tell if TSLA was at $237 or $270. :)
  • 1/1/2015
    Another potential piece of good news would be inclusion in the S&P 500. That could solidify investor confidence (especially the funds) that Tesla Motors is one of the big guys and here to stay.
  • 1/1/2015
    I'm holding VXX calls overnight as an experimental hedge, bought some deep OTM TSLA LEAPS back along with some April 280's to see if Dave's dream comes true :).
  • 1/1/2015
    I would not like that yet. I only have my core stock and leaps and one weekly and one June right now. I'm hoping there is a week or two of sideways or slightly downward trend. I think we will go back down to 220 in the near term. Possibly lower if things get ugly in Ukraine.
  • 1/1/2015
    Why do you think 220 near-term? What events / catalysts, or do you mean just Ukraine?
  • 1/1/2015
    I think it went up pretty fast and it will test the 20 day moving average. If things start to go bad in the Ukraine I think it could shake the global markets.
  • 1/1/2015
    I bought a few contracts worth of bear put spread 220/230 for 2.50 this morning, have lost value on it of course, so I just bought back the sold leg and put in a limit order to close out the other one in case we see another morning swing like this last one...
  • 1/1/2015
    Does anyone have a subscription to real money pro to see what Kass writes about covering? I'm curious what he lost (I doubt he would post his total loss in $ value, but I'd love to see just to feel good) and I just don't feel like paying for a subscription.
  • 1/1/2015
    take a look on twitter @dougkass. looks like he covered somewhere in the $230-$240 range
  • 1/1/2015
    yeah but i want to know what amount he covered. he just has a "small position" open now.
  • 1/1/2015
    Probably back to his original "just a small short of 5% of my fund" that he started with :p I bet he doubled down to make it 10%, then doubled down again to make it 20%. Too bad he didn't go a couple of rounds more ;) I think Johan (or was it Norse?) said it best: "The more I think about Doug Kass's Tesla short, the better I feel about it".
  • 1/1/2015
    Almost done with my taxes. I think I need to hire an accountant in the future. I have to pay... a lot of taxes. This hurts so much. Why can't every country become Estonia. Or just allow us to use LIFO accounting method would be better.

    Sorry, just ranting. BTW, people on this forum should begin doing their taxes. Judging from the amount of options and people new to options, there's going to be a lot of headache.
  • 1/1/2015
    Nah, I just need to declare my money inflow and the one withdrawal + monthly account fees. Total ca 20 transactions. What will pain me is figuring out how I declare all the Bitcoin profits...
  • 1/1/2015
    Are you sure they are taxable? In Norway profits from Bitcoin trading is taxable just like stock/option profits (28%). However, whether proceeds from Bitcoin mining are taxable or not has not yet been determined:

    Google Oversetter
  • 1/1/2015
    I'd just like to echo this. I have been new to options in 2013. I thought I had looked over the relevant rules for options tax in advance and they seemed relatively straightforward, but I hadn't appreciated the full extent of IRS straddle regulations. Thanks to buying a number of protective puts and selling a few non-qualified covered calls, it now seems that the majority of my Tesla trades are really just part of one large straddle...sorting this out and working out how to apply the wash sale rules in conjunction with the straddle rules has been an unexpectedly big headache, to say the least!
  • 1/1/2015
    So much for that theory. Looking to open around 260. Since 40% of our portfolio is cash, I'm thinking about buying common with most of it and then selling some of the common to buy options as the premiums come down.
  • 1/1/2015
    Yes, I specifically asked if mining profits are taxable and if I could discount the mining equipment costs. It becomes taxable the moment the BTC turns to EUR or any other fiat and there is no discounting of expenditures for private persons. So all the BTC that I've turned into EUR I have to pay taxes on. It's the same flat income tax of 21%, but I'm not 100% sure into which field to write it :D Also I have no records of when I did the conversions because Mt Gox went bankrupt and that was some of the transactions so I'd have to say that over the year I earned X amount of EUR from BTC and I'll pay taxes 0.21*X, but it'll be interesting for sure...
  • 1/1/2015
    Taxes definitely s**k, but the only way of getting out of paying tax is NO profit or a loss.
  • 1/1/2015

    Nice! congrats on the BTC gains!! I actually just bought a lot more when it dipped into the low $500's. I was going to write about it in the "Other Tech Stocks" thread, but decided not too because my previous posts on Bitcoin didn't really garner much attention.
  • 1/1/2015
    There is a bitcoin thread in "off topic". You can go nuts there.
  • 1/1/2015
    I just bought some TSLA weeklies $265 when it dipped below $255. Seems like a good entry point to me for today.
  • 1/1/2015
    I got $260 weeklies. GL.
  • 1/1/2015
    I bought some 265s for next week. I find that when I buy weeklies for 'this week', on average they don't do as well as when I buy them for 'next week', obviously because it gives more time for the expected jump before the time decay crashes.
  • 1/1/2015
    I ended up not adding and just roll with my current positions. I have a simple rule of reducing my exposure as much as possible when I am traveling. So good luck to all.
  • 1/1/2015
    Well, everybody seems to buy weeklies, but I have a different strategy, making bigger mostly mid-term bets. Between the today's notes from Morgan Stanley (upside to $320PT if battery cost is reduced to $150/kWh or less) and Deutsche Bank (Tesla is likely to beat street expectations on margin in 2014 and 2015), TSLA seems to be on a verge of another break-out.

    So I bought sizable chunk of $265 June 21 calls with portion of the proceeds from sale of March 22 $190 calls last Wednesday, with hopes to establish cost free time delayed spread. Already hold June 21 $215-270 spreads at a net credit of $2.
  • 1/1/2015
    did anyone else catch on cnbc this am ceo of autonation bringing up tesla and how they will not participate in dealers association challenging tesla selling by their current model. he sees no problem with the way they sell and hopes one day his phone rings with tesla proposing to use his network of dealers. wow what a crack in the wall. although he will be waiting a long time.
  • 1/1/2015
    The longer I am on this forum the more I realize that TSLA works for almost ALL strategies, except shorting.:biggrin:
  • 1/1/2015
    He seemed to be talking from both sides of his mouth, as he could not resist the urge to back-slap TSLA, ridiculing valuations without anybody asking him a question about it.
  • 1/1/2015
    For the record I almost never dabble in weeklies, except for when I think a catalyst is coming this week. This weekly position I bought is 0.2% of my portfolio.
  • 1/1/2015
    Well everyone, I just want to say thanks for all the info provided here. I may not be able to retire yet but my portfolio has doubled since last year and without this forum I don't think I would've ever had enough faith in TSLA to make it my largest holding. You will all probably think me crazy since so many of you are short term traders but as a Catholic I am giving up stocks for Lent. Mind you, I am not selling any TSLA or any other stock or LEAP that I own, but I am not going to be logging onto forums or brokerage accounts and most importantly there will be 0 transactions in my account until April 21st. While the Easter Bunny may be bringing my son candy I'm very much hoping he brings me a nice surprise when I open up my brokerage account for the first time after a month and a half. So good luck everyone and I'll see you in April!
  • 1/1/2015
    Congratulations and good luck.

    BTW, that would sound like the worst punishment for half the people on this forum :smile:
  • 1/1/2015

    Good luck! Would it be against your religious conviction to put in a stop-loss order? A trailing stop? Some more complex form of delayed order? Just curious, since this is the first I've heard of stock market celibacy for Lent.
  • 1/1/2015
    Give us your phone number - we'll call you if a meteor hits the Tesla plant! :)
  • 1/1/2015
    Yeah, don't worry, we'll watch your shares for you. Which ones are yours? :wink:
  • 1/1/2015
    The idea is to make more time for God. As far as the rules of the church go giving something up like this for Lent is voluntary so I can make my own rules. I would do a stop loss if I thought I needed it but I don't normally do them anyway. I'm pretty sure a coworker will tell me if something crazy happens. It wouldn't be against my religious convictions to log in and evaluate things if I get wind of some major negative catalyst but I will contain myself if I hear of positive things.
  • 1/1/2015
    Be wary of a stop-loss order. Here's a recent cautionary tale courtesy yours truly.
  • 1/1/2015
    I have forgone alcohol and diet coke.....but no Tesla? That, my friend, is a truly impressive sacrifice. Cheers to your faith, conviction and God Bless. We will do the little we can to keep the lights on.
  • 1/1/2015
    Man. I was feeling pretty good about giving up ice cream.

  • 1/1/2015
    I don't think this is crazy at all. As a Boglehead (long-term buy and hold investor), I approve. I am not religious, but I can appreciate stepping away from the worldly concerns of investing to spend time on family and spiritual matters.

    Enjoy the holidays!
  • 1/1/2015
    Another recommendation for those of you who recently made it from q3 to now. (and judging by the amount if talk with weeklies, there are a lot of you)

    Do not increase position size for each trade yet. Increase it slowly each month by 10% until you are comfortable with the new found wealth. At each bracket of money, the management if it needs to change and a major mistake is to still trade like when you only have a few thousand dollars.
  • 1/1/2015
    That's a good recommendation, it's easy to get sloppy when the exponential power of compound interest/growth starts to take effect.
  • 1/1/2015
    Heh. If only I had read your advice last week.

    It's strange. The numbers are significantly larger, but they don't feel any different, just some numbers in the corner of a screen. Your portfolio statistics look like a Pacman scoreboard. After a few good runs, you start to accelerate, increasing the frequency of trades. You use less planning or justification, because it's so easy. You also make larger bets than you should, because "5x of this would be awesome", and if it doesn't work out, hey, you have many more lives left.

    Then suddenly, it stops feeling like a game when you are down 25% on a week in which the stock went up, because you picked the wrong timing and the wrong strikes. You start to think "if only I hadn't done that, I should have done the other thing instead", and jump into the next misguided trade because just imagining the next success dulls the pain from the last failure.

    But instead, the first thing should be to stop, catch your breath, put things in perspective. Then focus on learning as much as possible from every individual mistake. Then start again, smaller, and build from there, while keeping emotions out of it. Fortunately, this board is a treasure for anyone willing to learn.

    Anyway, right now, the only wisdom I have to offer is sharing my mistakes. I just wanted to attest, from experience, the value of the above advice :)
  • 1/1/2015
    Five of the last six days now (including today), TSLA has had its high for the day near the open and then gradually slumped downward. For those of you who follow charts, is this indicative of anything in particular?
  • 1/1/2015
    Historically, it's fairly typical for Tesla (or it seems to me so, anyway). I think it is a stock that needs new news to keep people interested.
  • 1/1/2015
    Bought 2 more TSLA shares today $252.49, now total of 207 shares. ASP $100.72
  • 1/1/2015
    Does anyone remember in what thread and where different brokerages were discussed? I called optionshouse this evening to ask for lower commissions and they told me their fees are fixed and nonnegotiable. So now I'm looking at other brokerage firms.
  • 1/1/2015
    PM Sleepy or DaveT
  • 1/1/2015
    I asked in the n00b trading thread: Newbie Options Trading - Page 88, and there are some good responses there.

    I ended up moving (in process now) to Just2Trade. Their combination of fees and features seemed right for my profile.
  • 1/1/2015
    There was some discussion here Brokerages Trading Tools

    Coincidence! I bought 2 shares this morning as well. Just had that urge.
  • 1/1/2015
    Bought 3 more TSLA shares this morning at $248.94. Will buy more if we see a dip below $245
  • 1/1/2015
    Bought some daily TSLA $250's at 0.48. I logged in a few seconds too late and could have got them for a lot cheaper.

    Hoping for that bounce back to $252 :)

    Might not happen if the market makers were able to unload all of the notes already.
  • 1/1/2015
    It sort of "smells" like market makers have left the building today. Not a bad thing necessarily if true, since that could remove the range-bound state of the stock.

    Seems like NASDAQ is dragging us down with magnified movements today, unless I'm missing something.
  • 1/1/2015
    IDK, it looks to me like they haven't left the building yet.

    Every now and then they have to let the stock price fall to knock out some weak longs and then it is easy to build the position back up to $252 once selling is exhausted.
  • 1/1/2015
    Hoping you're right for your "daily" 250's!
  • 1/1/2015
    I didn't get any that expire this week, however I did buy for the bull flag to complete next Wednesday or Thursday. I bet on the resuming of the upward trend. Not crazy though, got 255's.
  • 1/1/2015
    I sold some 245 puts expiring today. Part of me is hoping that we stay above that point; another part would be okay with buying some more shares <$245 (especially as my effective cost-to-buy would be <240).
  • 1/1/2015
    When TSLA didn't go up above 250 as I expected, around lunch time I put in three orders (1/3 each) to close my daily options at 10%, 20%, and 30% gain. The 10% and 20% quickly got struck and missed the 30% by a hair. Ended up taking a 70% loss on the last third.

    Overall, I could (should) have covered my trade for a quick double just minutes after I made it, but I got greedy and once again greed did not pay off. Overall I lost about 20% on the trade, so not too bade considering that there was potential for a big pay off.

    I also lost money on my 265 trade earlier in the week. I was smart enough to cover half yesterday morning when TSLA was rallying, but kept the other half and let it expire worthless. I made some good solar trades this week to offset that, so all is good.

    Overall, I don't know about these weeklies; just not enough time to make money in them. That 10-bagger every now makes up for the losses, but it is a lot better to be selling these than buying.
  • 1/1/2015
    I'm a seller of weeklies, you may have bought some of mine. They lose value so fast that some days I day trade them, sell at the top, buy back at the low (30-50% gain), rinse and repeat.
  • 1/1/2015
    I used to do that strategy as well, and I am going back to doing that one instead of buying.
  • 1/1/2015
    I'm just curious if you could do that selling a call that is one or two strikes otm and also selling a put one or two strikes otm. Or is that being greedy?

    I bought back my first weekly play this am, I mad out great on it but now we know I should have let it expire worthless.

    I will not be trying anything like this next week. I think the bull pennant is strongly formed now.

    I am making a pennant play for next week. I bought half of it today. I think I will be able to buy the other half early next week for a little less.

    We will see how this goes.
  • 1/1/2015

    I do not sell naked calls or naked puts (I would do this, but it ties up too much capital and I don't plan on buying stock yet).

    I have a bunch of ITM TSLA LEAPS that I am riding naked for now. So I just sell as many calls as I have naked LEAPS at the most. That way I am always covered if something crazy happens.

    Also, I am almost always 100% invested so I can't sell naked options because they have margin requirements.
  • 1/1/2015
    I sold some naked otm weekly puts ~10 mins before the close. It does tie up a considerable amount of margin, but I had the cash to cover it and that cash would be freed up soon since the contracts expired worthless.
  • 1/1/2015
    This is why I sold put spreads on the last earnings call, I was able to do 15 contracts worth of spreads whereas if I had gone naked puts I could have done like one or two contracts worth. Could do more but most of my stock is in an account which doesn't let me sell puts :-/
  • 1/1/2015
    Would my itm leap calls cover me selling puts. I forgot about that aspect of it. The calls I sell are always well covered. I guess I could try to sell a put now since the market is closed. It would let me know if I can sell it or not. I have level 2 options so I can't do anything naked.
  • 1/1/2015
    I don't think you can cover a put with a call. For a covered put you would have to short sell the stock. If you buy a call and write a put, then both are betting on the stock going the same direction, so you are uncovered if it goes in the opposite direction.
  • 1/1/2015
    You are correct. I can sell the put(s) as long as I have enough cash to exercise the option at market value. I tested it with an order that I had enough cash that I could cover if it exercised. It let me place the order. I tried placing an order that I did not have enough cash but enough value and it would not let me place the order.
  • 1/1/2015
    But also there will come a day where you are picking up the nickles, and I come in charging as the steamroller. I can lose 9 times out of 10 and still win overall big time if I am long weekly OTM options.

    I know it sounds like a losing strategy and normally it is, but with TSLA you would have been a lot better off buying deep OTM weeklies than selling them over the past 12 months.
  • 1/1/2015

    So this is why I sold bull put spreads. If you sell a naked put then you have to be able to cover (some percentage of) the full price of the stock times the number of shares, but if you sell a put spread then you just have to be able to cover the width of the spread times the number of shares. So when I did mine, instead of selling a 185 put, I sold 170/185 put spreads, which means instead of having to cover 185 points worth of potential drop, I only had to cover 15 points worth. But I still got something like half as much per contract as I would have gotten for the naked 185 put, so the total possible proceeds are much higher. Though the total realistic loss is also higher (cause really, the stock isn't going to zero, but maybe it would go to 170, and that would hurt a lot more with 15 170/185 puts than with 1 naked 185). This was all at ER so the stock was at 195 or something at the time.
  • 1/1/2015
    wasnt questioning your strategy, I do understand the odds and that those of you that play options heavily have had big playoffs. It comes down to investing strategy and risk tolerance. I'm 90% buy and hold and dabble in options here and there with small amounts. I hold 20-30% in cash and cover my options if strike met with more shares. This allows me to make 2-5x more off my cash than if I just held another 100-200 shares even over the past 8 months since I've been in the stock. So, I don't get run over by the steam roller, I buy it and make more money. I don't yet have the risk tolerance to do heavy options.
  • 1/1/2015
    When you say deep OTM weeklies, what's deep in that context? 5%? 10%? (versus deep OTM in the context of a LEAPS would be completely different)
  • 1/1/2015
    Tremendous leverage with deep OTM weeklies if you catch a shooting star. While I am new to options I like to pick 2-3 strike prices out of the current price with weeklies. Sleepy is WAY more experienced but that is my comfort level.
    Over the last 12 months it is difficult not to make money with almost any bull strategy with TSLA.
  • 1/1/2015
    When it comes to TSLA I would say about 5% to 10% is what I consider deep OTM.
  • 1/1/2015
    Uhm, not feeling too happy about this mornings drop. For CSIQ it's a nice buying opportunity, but for TSLA I guess I shouldn't have bought as many March $270's, looks like the pennant might be broken to the wrong side :/ Anyone got an update on the chart, where's the support line that we better not break?
  • 1/1/2015
    Yuck. Looks like it flat broke the wrong way. $225 20 day MA looks like the next technical support to me... Or just 238 because it bounced there a few days ago.

  • 1/1/2015
    Meh, I am a buyer of TSLA on this weakness. Don't believe in the pennant. Bought some weekly call options again.
  • 1/1/2015
    Mind sharing what exp?
  • 1/1/2015
    When you (and others) say "weekly" does that imply this week or any weekly such as MarWk3 or MarWk4??? In related news: I have some MarWk4 calls that are in the red but holding on for now.
  • 1/1/2015
    Well so far I bought too. Averaged down my March 21st $270, will see how it does. Also bought this weeks $250 for $2.25 that is now in the green slightly already. We'll see. If it holds this level and goes up again, then I can still gain some, but those $270's are bleeding from all orificies ;)
  • 1/1/2015
    Shoot, my weekly didn't get filled. My leap did though.
  • 1/1/2015
    Anyone got a clue what has caused this slump? The overall market is only down 0.3% so getting a -3% on TSLA today as well as CSIQ is a bit of a reaction that looks like news, but with no news...
  • 1/1/2015
    I can't find relevant news, but I don't mind the buying opportunity. I'll see what I can dig up.
  • 1/1/2015
    Bought 6 shares of TSLA @$238.30
  • 1/1/2015
    Great, you now own 4,8705252049679357090672944232486e-6 % of Tesla Motors Inc.
  • 1/1/2015

    According to my chart, 230 trend line is the next major support level. But it's feeling like this level (236-238) might be where it's at. We'll see if we head lower tomorrow. But with this drop, TSLA is quickly becoming oversold so I'm actually fine with a little consolidation. Though, I wish I was in front of my computer when TSLA was in the 260s and gotten out then because today is a buying opportunity.
  • 1/1/2015
    yep. :)
  • 1/1/2015
    When I say weekly, I am talking about this week.

    When other people say that they bought weeklies without specifying expiration, and it turns out that they bought the April 25, then they are being extremely misleading.
  • 1/1/2015
    Then we are in agreement as to the correct use of the term. Good luck! :)
  • 1/1/2015
    All I can see is general unease about Ukraine. No significant economic data released today, no analyst changes that I can tell (definitely nothing from Adam Jonas).

    Can anyone find anything TSLA-specific that was released over the weekend / this morning? Almost every material news article I can find was released before the close on Friday.
  • 1/1/2015
    Relatively low volume compared to the past few weeks. The overall market is being dragged down as well. It's going to be magnified with momentum stocks. I wouldn't read too much into it. It's near impossible to time the market. Like the other thread says, I think $280 is in the cards by end of March so I'll be holding on for a bit and liquidate some to pay taxes.
  • 1/1/2015
    Market makers might be unloading their TSLA positions as well. Eventually they will stop supporting the stock when the note offering is completed. It could put downward pressure on the stock.
  • 1/1/2015
    I agree, if I say weekly it is this week.
  • 1/1/2015
    But most likely it is simply a risk-off trade today.
  • 1/1/2015
    So in your opinion, you think we're still headed upwards? I'm trying to figure out how to make a few extra bucks before paying my cap gains for last year =D
  • 1/1/2015

    Everything is red today as China exports slumped by shocking 18%.
  • 1/1/2015
    Good call; $238 seems to be where we've settled this morning. Would be nice if it stayed here....
  • 1/1/2015
    I am pretty sure it has got more to do with China export numbers. The price of oil went down as well due to this.
  • 1/1/2015
    A somewhat steep drop on no TSLA-specific news is a good time to buy in IMO.
  • 1/1/2015
    I'm done shopping for the day. 12 different orders filled for a variety of tsla, and a mixed bag of solars today.
  • 1/1/2015
    I hope it works out for you. The only solar shopping I have done today was JASO. Even unloaded some TSLA to buy JASO when it dipped below $11.

    The market sell-off will not last, because the Chinese export data is skewed due to timing of Lunar New Year in 2014 vs. 2013 and due to "fake exports", i.e. accounting where there was a lot of book cooking that made Jan 14 exports look a lot better since they pulled Feb. exports at the cost of February. Last year the exact opposite happened, which exaggerated that number.

    Nothing to worry about just yet. The headline number is scary, but there is a good reason for it. Yes, there is softening in China, but it is not that grave. Otherwise markets would be down 2% in the US.
  • 1/1/2015
    No CSIQ for sleepy?

    I actually managed to time everything pretty well today (Sold an ITM put, bought June $270 Call) right at ~$236.
  • 1/1/2015
    Most of what I got was leaps. Nothing short term in solar except one June and one oct csiq ATM.

    Even most of tsla was leaps.
  • 1/1/2015
    I like CSIQ a lot at these levels and normally would be buying, but I have a lot of short term calls on CSIQ already. If the price goes up quick then my short term calls will make me a lot of money. If CSIQ continues with its weakness then I will load up later, so I look at it as a win-win.

    In the mean time, I think that JASO is the best value out there so I loaded up on even more JASO today. I may turn out to be completely wrong on this one, but from all of the extensive research that I have done JASO looks very attractive at these levels.

    edit: JASO looks extremely attractive relative to peers, so if the whole sector goes down then JASO most likely will as well (though it is bucking that trend today).

    - - - Updated - - -, aka Investors Business Daily, aka IBD separates stocks into 197 sectors and in 2013 the best performing sector was solar. Number 1 out of 197.

    YTD 2014 number 1 out of 197 is, you guessed it:

  • 1/1/2015
    good news!
    BoAML increased their price target from $65 to $75 (lol)
  • 1/1/2015
    Finally an explanation to the dip ;)
  • 1/1/2015
    Try again. That BofA PT increase is a week old.
  • 1/1/2015
  • 1/1/2015
  • 1/1/2015
    Hedged my core TSLA holdings for the second time ever today. Recent price action making me uncomfortable and I'm not seeing any well-defined positive catalysts up ahead, so I protected myself with June $220 puts. I might sell some covered calls for a "delayed construct" collar at some point.

    I wouldn't be surprised / upset to lose my entire premium on these puts. Strictly a gut feeling and a price I'm willing to pay for sleeping a little better for the next couple months.
  • 1/1/2015
    I hope you are aware that hedging a stock by buying puts can reset the clock for the IRS tax definition of long term gains. Writing covered calls avoids this. Here is a link to a related article recently written by my friend Bob Gordon:
  • 1/1/2015
    Thanks for the tip Curt. I was aware of the tax implications but as I intend to hold my shares indefinitely (well, at least through GenIII volume production) it didn't affect my decision too much. My puts will either expire worthless or I will sell them for a short-term gain.

    Covered calls do not satisfy me as a hedge for a number of reasons. First, they don't offer much protection in the event of a sharp decline (e.g. Q3 / fires). Second, I am not comfortable with the possibility of an unexpected event sending share price through my strike, and facing a choice of whether to buy to close or allow my shares to be called away, all the while being left out of the movement.
  • 1/1/2015
    Well options IV are relatively high so I decided to use it a bit. Sold June $225 put and $250 call for a total credit of $49. This way I either get 100 shares of TSLA @ $176 cost basis or if TSLA really moves beyond $299 by June, then my LEAPs will by far compensate this move (I have a bunch of $300 calls so I'm basically covered). Looks like a win-win situation to me and if TSLA moves sideways I just close the straddle at a later date for profit from time decay.
  • 1/1/2015
    How you people who have a job play weeklies? I bought a couple yesterday, and I can't focus on work because I'm too worried about what my weeklies are doing! :)
  • 1/1/2015
    I set alerts and my cell phone goes off if the price moves enough. I usually have multiple ones set and if it goes off two times then I look right away.
  • 1/1/2015
    I don't get much work done those weeks!
  • 1/1/2015
  • 1/1/2015
    Weeklies are a full time job. January and February were good 'work' months. March...not so much!
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