guest Disagree. The car doesn't deserve keying. Nor does the driver. A strong note perhaps. And maybe a tow if it's in a high value (close to the store/whatever) location.
Mods: Prolly time to move some of this chatter to "why some people think keying is 'justified' " thread.�
How many door dings does it take before he starts parking like that? I'm OK with him doing that out in the end of the parking lot. Especially when it's that empty.�
guest ![]()
I prefer this approach... totally passive, doesn't harm the car in anyway and gets your point across.�
guest I always go out of my way to park as far away as possible from everyone else ...... and Im amazed that people STILL find a way to end up pulling in right next to me in a junker.�
guest Not really a sighting, but this is my car after I just got it about three weeks ago.
And before I get flamed for the parking job, it is my parking lot and I don't have any employees who have EVs (yet).:wink:
guest It's good to be the king!�
guest While I'm not a Ford fan, all the Jaguars I saw before Ford took over were ten days in the shop for every one day on the road (assuming you got a good one).�
guest Carmel-by-the-Sea�
guest Not really a random sighting as this was in the Menlo Park service center/store.
Shows the relative size of the Model S, Roadster and Leaf quite well.
guest While Ford brought the Jags out of the shop, they stripped them of their soul on the way out IMHO. It was about this aspect of the change I was thinking with the comment. Should have been more specific.
The newer ones are getting their groove once again, but as I mentioned I think they ripped off Tesla's design.
guest Jaguar styling has always seemed like such an "old man's car" styling that I never paid much attention to it.�
guest I saw a Red Signature Model S in Chatham, NJ and did a little jig in the car. My folks thought I went looney.�
guest Sorry no pics, but on Friday the 23rd I saw a sig red going up the 50 near Placerville as we were leaving the Apple Hill area, around 2pm.
Also this morning saw a white one leaving Foster City on Edgewater around 9am as I was pulling in to go to work. Second time spotting that one. I thought it looked like GeorgeB but my eyes must be tricking me.�
guest Funny... I was there in my S on Sunday too, but this isn't mine. Drove Highway 1 up through Big Sur. Looked here half expecting to see my car at Nepenthe or something. The S is a joy to drive on that windy route.�
guest I believe he does live in FC. Can't recall if his is white. TEG will be along shortly to find the thread/video in which he told us
guest I found out today that there is a Signature Red Model S at a business on Rte. 17 South in Paramus NJ. The fellow that saw it asked who owned it and found out it was the owners car.�
guest George has a white one.�
guest > I saw a Red Signature Model S in Chatham, NJ and did a little jig in the car. [geramu]
Awfully nice of the owners to invite you in. :biggrin:
- - - Updated - - -
> it is my parking lot and I don't have any employees who have EVs (yet). [dailydriver]
Yeah man, way to walk the walk! Looks like a j1772 plug > Henry's CAN > ModelS.
Don't recognise the EVSE - specs please.
guest Saw a white Model S with gray wheels on the back of a flatbed truck today.
It had rear end damage... :crying:
(US 101 North in Redwood City.)
I am guessing it was on its' way to a body shop to fix the "boo-boo".�
guest What I fear, more than being pulled over by cops or spending extra "Tesla Time" when I'm in a hurry, is
People gawking at the shiny new Tesla, forgetting to pay attention to driving, and ending up smashing into my new shiny car.
guest '
We have a damaged one here in LA too. I think it was the front.�
guest We'll have to start a Carmel Chapter of the Tesla Club. I can't wait to take the Model S to Nepenthe. Maybe we can convince them to install a charger so we can just drive up and down Hwy 1.�
guest Make it a Roadster plug to keep it Tesla.
guest I've tried:
(I blotted out my last name and Luis' email address with ~s for privacy.)
On Nov 4, 2012, at 10:08 AM, Luis Potter <[email�protected]> wrote:
Sorry but were unable to do this.
Luis Potter
-----Original Message-----
From: Jason ~~~~~
Sent: Sunday, November 04, 2012 10:03 AM
To: Luis Potter
Subject: Plug in for electric cars?
Hi there,
My family and I love Nepenthe. I've been visiting since I
was a little kid, and now I take my kids there whenever I have the
chance to visit Big Sur.
In our quest to live a green lifestyle, we've switched to electric
cars. Is there any chance Nepenthe would host a 208/240 volt outlet
for electric cars to plug into while dining and visiting the shop?
This is the kind of outlet commonly found for dryers. I'm sure it
would attract a good amount of business since I'm unaware of anywhere
else in Big Sur to plug in. (The closest is Carmel).
The parts have a small cost (<$100 if near your breaker box) and the
cost of electricity is small (generally $2-5 per car), which I'm sure
customers would be happy to pay if you are worried about it. I'd be
happy to talk to your electrician myself, and I'd even be willing to
pay the installation cost if it would help.
I'm visiting on Nov 18 with my family. It would be awesome if
something like this existed by then, but we'll be there regardless.
Let me know if you'd like to see our Tesla Model S when we visit to
see the future of environmental travel.
Solana Beach, CA�
guest Just saw my first S in the wild. Right off of E/W connector in Smyrna. About 2 mins ago!
Pic when I get home.
Funny story. They cut me off. I was in a right turn only lane, that backs up at a stop sign. They cruised to the front and turned right in front of me from the straight/left lane. I chased them down (damn that car is fast) and took a picture. They thought I was really pissed off that they cut me off. I was dumbfounded when I saw the side turn indicators, by the time I saw the tail lights I was back to normal. We both were on Highlands Pkwy turning right onto Highlands Ridge Road in Smyrna.
It was black with black wheels. Pano roof. He said he got it today. He invited me to race his with mine when I get mine.�
guest A friend texted me todays saying he say his first Model S (black) in Birmingham, AL. Very cool.�
guest I was driving home from the office today, minding my own business, when I spied a car transporter with *six* brandy-new Model Ss being delivered to six lucky about-to-be owners in the O.C. of Southern California. (Sadly, mine was not on board.)
There was an empty space on the transporter (sob!). I hope it was due to a previous delivery, and not that the last one slid off the truck.
Photo was taken at great personal risk as I maneuvered like an idiot to try and get a better shot from my ActiveE.
-- Ardie�
guest Yikes! Glad mine got shipped in an enclosed trailer and in a cover ....�
guest @herbvdh I have been driving my red sig in that area Monday, Tuesday and Thursday night this week to steal some juice from the HPC chargers at One Garden State Plaza.�
guest Saw this Model S at Gibson's Steakhouse in Rosemont, IL. First one in the wild. Beautiful red sig!
guest Spotted in downtown Cleveland by a friend earlier tonight.
guest The top, rear Model S in that pic appears to be Dolphin Grey to me. Does anyone else see it that way?
guest Yes. Because it is. I'm curious about the excitement.
As a side note, IMHO the grey is one of the colors that photographs the least well. In photos, it is quite ho-hum. In person, it looks really slick. But of course I am biased....
On a side note, on my way home from work at about 11:15 PM I saw a red sig Model S at the corner of El Camino and Grant/237 turing onto Grant on the Mountain View / Sunnyvale border. At night, the rear brake lights look really cool. I was impressed all over again.
guest I'm seeing them almost daily in between mountain view and Belmont. I've been driving a lot recently...�
guest That is not an S IMHO ... Check out the wheels or the framing of the side rear Window.�
guest That was me last night! Had dinner with some friends before the Who concert and left the car parked with the valet.�
guest Is this the pearl (multi-coat) white?
guest Hey @dailydriver, did you ask them to leave it out front, or actually let them park it? What was your experience?�
guest Yes it is.�
guest OK, that's pretty funny. Two most recent random sightings reported, and the owners both immediately "out themselves" on the forum... (Right mlascano?)
- - - Updated - - -
Because it's a non-Sig color?�
guest I wish! I just got word from my DS that my car will get to me Tuesday morning. This wait is killing me!�
guest You need to blow up the photo. Tesla doesn't make anything else right now. There is a huge Model S Tesla chrome piece across the back. It is most certainly a grey model S. I'm all for individual opinions, but if you blow up the photo I don't think there is any question, unless you are looking at a different photo, or a different car in the photo.
guest Beautiful Signature Red seen yesterday morning at 8am on the 56 freeway (Del Mar/Carmel Valley) going West.�
guest This pair spotted charging at IAD in VA yesterday by a friend.
guest I think people might be looking at different photos here.
I think clea was talking about this one:
Perhaps 49er was talking about a different one? Like the one on the back of the car carrier?�
guest 49er was definitely talking about the one on the car carrier (it was in reply to that post), and it's definitely a Model S. Not sure if clea was confused what car was being talked about. Since lots of production cars are currently being delivered, it's not too surprising to see one on the car carrier.�
guest The one on the back of the car carrier looked like it might be too dark to be Dolphin Gray. Perhaps it was black?
guest Maybe it's my carbon grey! Ah, no, it has 19" wheels.�
guest As usual TEG was able to correctly translate my confusion ... lazily didn't follow the link with the quoted post and assumed the discussion was around the post immediately above it ... my bad :redface:�
guest I just let them take it, but I will usually ask if they know what the car is. Surprisingly, a number of the better restaurant valets know what they are dealing with (Gibson's, Hugo's, Sullivan's, Del Frisco's). There was one downtown restaurant where I explained a few things and the guy looked a little perplexed and said he would just leave it. Most places have tended to leave it out front anyway, since the car is still a bit of a novelty and attracts attention (and some of the places know I tip good too :wink.
guest Okay, here's another pic of the car transporter.�
guest Yeah, looks like it could be Dolphin Gray there. I only saw that "color" in bright sunlight where it looked much lighter. I guess under clouds, and in the shadows it starts to look darker.�
guest As is the case for nearly all of Tesla's non-white production car colors. In certain situations they could easily be mistaken for black.�
guest A friend said the Costa Mesa service center received a transport delivery while they were there. Sounds like the same one pictured here.
Also that Tesla had so many cars in prep that they had to lease the building next door.�
guest That car at the end really looks like it's one tiny speed bump away from landing on the tarmac...�
guest Spotted my first 2 Model S's on the 405 South over the past week. I was following the Signature Red S in the carpool lane for quite a while....and on a different day, I passed a white S while in the carpool lane. Beautiful cars but boy did they seem big from my little RoadsterNext time, I will try to take some pics....
guest Did one of them have a "4GET OIL" plate?
guest Wow, dadaleus, what a rare sighting! ... (Rain in Beverly Hills!)�
guest Too easy for TEG to Google map it for us.�
guest Yeah, that was "fish in a barrel"...
guest I believe it was! Love your car but wish we can do something about those darn HOV stickers
guest Saw a sig perf today at the corner of 148th and 520 in Redmond, WA. Think that's the third I've seen in the Seattle area.�
guest You mean like this one, Jason? I hope you had a nice flight (kinda creepy, eh?).
guest Time of day?�
guest HA! Yes, that was a NY trip. I didn't get an EV space, but was glad to see them taken by Leafs instead non-EVs as I so often see at SAN.�
guest Nice. This is one of my favorites of Model S spotted in the wild. Thanks!:smile:�
guest At least you got an end space where you're less likely to get a door ding. I remember parking in remote areas of Dodger stadium in the late 70's because my dad didn't want to get a ding in his 1977 Porsche 911, a trait that he's passed onto me.�
guest Not sure what SAN is. SFO=San Francisco, SJC=San Jose. I think this looks like San Jose in this pic.�
guest SAN = San Diego, if you are an airline baggage handler.�
guest Not sure if I can call my sightings "random" anymore, at least not here in the SF Bay area.
In my morning runs to drop the kids off at school, one red Sig often spotted on northbound Hwy 9 just before downtown Saratoga, CA.
This morning at 9AM, a brand new white S (no tags yet) spotted near the Saratoga High School on Saratoga-Sunnyvale Rd headed towards Cupertino.
We seem to be watching for each other -- lots of waving.
guest Pretty soon, in most major urban areas, Model S sightings will be so common there won't be much point in this thread
guest Then we'll just replace it with one in the Model X forum and then the Gen III or Pickup or ???
guest This was my first sighting of a Tesla and I fell in love. That's my brand new Volvo in front of it, which Is currently for sale so I can buy a Model S!
Anyone want to buy a Volvo?!?!?�
guest Heh - wrong forum GDH
I want some Oregon sightings! Sadly, I can't contribute one myself yet.�
guest OK, this isn't "random", but I thought it was a cool picture. I went by the Dania service center yesterday (it's under construction and the "store" part will be tiny when completed) and they had a ton of Model S's all over the place! These were being detailed by the detailer (you can see another Gray in the lower left corner as well).
It's also pretty apparent there is some batching at work here. Some of these are production, and they said they really only have gray, white, black and silver (in addition to the Sig Reds still to be delivered). That's a gray second from the right -- it looks green I think because of the reflection from the trees.
I also like the runt of the litter sitting in the corner with all of her big brothers and sisters!
guest Yikes, cramming 6 Model S into 4.75 parking spaces, that is some fancy parking going on there!�
guest Just saw another one in Redmond, WA on 520 this morning. It seems to be riding very low... is that the air suspension doing its thing?�
guest It's the Detailer. I saw him parking the red one. He's clearly experienced and unafraid because he backed it up and into the spot in two seconds with no hesitation whatsoever. I think the Roadster is afraid of him!
guest Saw the sig red again at the UTC mall in La Jolla... Wasn't running later his time. She is vin 416 for you vin trackers
guest Huh, guess he has a sixth sense and doesn't need the backup camera, let alone guide lines in the backup camera display!
Then again, if he scuffs up the side, he probably has all the tools needed to hide the evidence... :tongue:�
guest and she's a wide beast!�
guest Time of day and cross-street requested for such posts.
guest Signature Red coming out of Pacific Athletic Club in Carmel Valley / San Diego this evening.�
guest Saw This Multicoat White by Dadeland mall in South Miami![]()
guest Dade has his own mall now?
guest Could be the same one theganjaguru saw 4 posts up, this is only 6-7 miles from UTC where the other was spotted.�
guest Sent to me by my father-in-law, from the Miami Beach Marina. He said it has been there pretty frequently, so maybe a boat owner? Note the sand on the grill.
guest Saw a White Model S on Cameden Ave & Almaden Expressway in south San Jose this morning. Quite the surreal experience seeing another Model S in my Model S's review mirror. It snuck past me later and I didn't get a chance to wave.�
guest �
guest Newton, MA... I suspect the local owner doesn't want to admit they were haulin' ass through a school zone...�
guest Saw a black Model S in San Francisco parked on Mission St. outside of Salt House with no plates, tan interior, and 21 inch wheels. Saw 6 people starring at the car in the span of 2 minutes.�
guest Spotted a white Model S in Tualatin, Oregon, on Lower Boones Ferry Road around 5:45 PM, Tuesday Dec. 11.
I had to double-take to make sure it wasn't a copycat Jag. It was real!�
guest I SO agree with you on Jag copying the Model S design. I lost a ton of respect for Jag over that.
guest blue sighted in Westwood (Los Angeles)
guest White Model S spotted last night in Carmel Valley/Del Mar on Del Mar Mesa Road in San Diego�
guest Saw this beauty today. Actually surprised how nice the 19" wheels looked.
guest 19" wheels on any other car would be considered the big, upgraded wheels. Tesla designed a very nice set, IMO.�
guest Yes they are but worth $3500?�
guest I agree that the 19's are nice looking but I wouldn't consider them "upgraded" wheels today. Most competitive luxury sports sedans come with 19" standard. Only exception is the lower end BMW 5 series models.
2013 BMW 550i has 18" standard, 19" as an option. BMW M5 has 19" standard
2013 Audi A8 has 19" standard, 20" option. Audi S8 has 21" standard
2013 Jaguar XJ has 19" standard, 20" is standard on all performance models�
guest I don't think the 19" are $3,500......I think they are $2,500. The 21" are $3,500.
I plan on getting both sets.�
guest Fair points; I was cross-shopping against the Audi A7, where 18" come standard, 19" on the better packages, and 20" optional ($1,200-$1,500 adder).�
guest If you get aftermarket wheels they're a lot cheaper than manufacture-installed ones. There are also obviously a lot more options to pick from. I came across these, which look like a chrome version of the tesla 21" wheels.
guest At work this week...
Both owners are 'David', and yes, we really do have a lot of free ChargePoints at work (16 in my building).�
guest Those wheels do not have the right bolt pattern (5x120) in the 19" size. So they won't fit a Model S.�
guest Model s sighting today
Today, Sunday, about 11am, December 16, 2012, white sedan, on Portola avenue, in palm desert, California, who was it?! Anybody?! LOOKING GOOD! ENJOY!
guest It's the 21" that cost $3500 ...�
guest Patriotic Teslas!
guest Around 1:45pm today, I caught my first Model S in the wild. 485 outerloop near Johnston Rd. I was going the opposite direction, so I couldn't get pics. Let me know if that's you, I'd love to see it up close!
- - - Updated - - -
Charlotte, NC (sorry)�
guest This picture is awesome - thanks for sharing!�
guest I was driving my brown Model S about a mile from my home today on the Wilshire Corridor near my home in Century City (Los Angeles). Noticed a black S and pulled in front of it. Then noticed another black S two cars up. So 3 out of 4 cars in that lane were Model S's! This thread may soon be moot.�
guest The thread may soon be moot in Los Angeles but in other parts of the country perhaps not so fast. I'm hoping to enjoy a modicum of selectivity for a least a little while. Hope Model S's don't soon become what BMW's are here -- a dime a dozen, common currency.�
guest Moot even more so in the Bay Area. I'm seeing two to three almost every day (including a white one heading off 101, west onto Oregon Expwy in Palo Alto this morning)...
Not even going to the first at my son's school; that privilege went to a Sig Red a couple of weeks ago. Darn it!
guest I know what you mean. I read about lots of people on TMC getting gawkers and thumbs up and so forth. I've had hardly a second glance.�
guest Fixed. Bleu Blanc Rouge.
guest Well there may be a lot of them around here but I still get the gawkers and the thumbs up daily. Over the weekend I got it from a guy in an Audi R8 and the next day from a guy in a brand new Porsche Carrera Carbiolet. I think the car enthusiasts are the most likely to notice but it continues to be a parade of attention from all kinds.�
guest Yes I saw three this morning along my 8 mile commute. Reporting S sightings in the Bay Area just isn't sporting anymore.
(Sig red on Ralston, "CALEECS" - forum member? And 2 turning into Solar City)�
guest Wow... I have yet to see even one yet in northern VA - the wealthiest area in the country.�
guest If one of them was Dolphin Grey it was likely my wife headed down 92 from Ralston.�
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