guest I don't know TEG, the pavement stripes in the photo are rectangular, while the ones in your overhead shot are parallelograms
Edit: Oh, here they are, just to the left
Twitter / GreenCarReports: We just spotted a Tesla Model ...�
guest Nice! Instagram and all. The chocolate looks great!�
guest I think it's the Portland test drive car. I remember hearing it was going to be a brown perf.�
guest Wow! That's my color. :love: The only difference in "looks" is that we're getting the 19-inch wheels.
But those 21-inchers in motion look way hot there in that photo.
Must.. not.. change.. order.. must.. have.. strength.. argh..�
guest My list of random S sightings is piling up rapidly! Been unable to take pics as I was driving in the opposite direction on both occasions:
- Spotted a Sig Red on Woodside Rd in Redwood City around noon today.
- Saw a gorgeous Silver on Middlefield Rd between Embarcadero and Oregon in Palo Alto near my son's school early in the evening.
These are not so random; these two customer Sig Reds were sitting in the service bay at Tesla Menlo Park (my wife test drove the silver non-perf there today and just loved it!); one of these apparently had an unfortunate rear bumper vs curb incident and had the bumper replaced!
guest wow big workshop full of roadsters! Are these in service or prepared for sale?�
guest Apparently a mix of both. There were a few more outside the shot. And, a couple of them are always around (one of them belongs to a Tesla exec apparently).�
guest Interesting how all of the Model S Signatures have 19" wheels...�
guest Your definition of 'all' is pretty generous. I would say most of the S sightings in this thread have the 21" rims. It just happens that the last photo has 2 cars with 19" rims.�
guest Only above 30 mph. :scared:
guest Yep, I was referring only to the shots taken in the shop. Seemed like a funny observation...�
guest Yes, it's brown... I've driven it!
guest You live in SoCal and are getting 19"!?! As a Model S over for 1-1/2 months now my advice is: CHANGE YOUR ORDER! If you live in the snow belt, okay, maybe, but not here.�
guest Saw this at work yesterday. I have a couple of other shots if anyone is interested
guest the more the happyer�
guest more please!�
guest Still appears to be an issue.
guest other views
guest Nice! The trunk gaps worry me though. Also I'm still not used to the line down the rear door.�
guest I do like the silver.
The first shot posted was nearly directly behind the car, so the gaps I think are real. I definitely think this is more visible on the lighter colored cars.�
guest Without the VIN for the car, I don't think you can assume that.
guest I feel your pain...that photo makes the brown look�
guest Here's a shot of the rear of the blue test drive car in the Menlo Park store. The sun was coming from the right. Notice how the gap on the right side, which is most effected by the sun's angle, looks larger than that on the right. When I put my camera down and inspected the car with my own eyes, I was not at all troubled. We just can't trust photographs. I'd be most interested in the personal eyes-on judgments of those who have taken delivery. If they're concerned, then those of us waiting our turn should be as well.
guest I agree...for the most part. However, in the photograph of the silver one, there is no lighting issue. Both sides are essentially equally shaded. Now, srram said s/he saw the car at work -- not at a store (unless s/he works for Tesla). It still doesn't have a plate, so I think it would be reasonable, although not definitive, to assume that the one s/he photographed is a newly owned and delivered car and not a RC, beta, or otherwise. It's probably a Performance Sig. Even though we don't know the VIN, it appears that the gaps in this case appear to be an issue.�
guest That's an awful lot of assumptions. It could just as well be VIN S000003. CA doesn't require tags for the first 6 months after delivery.
guest Someone in Palm Beach FL got my car!!!!
guest Spoke with the owner (someone I know). The car was delivered on wednesday. Honestly, the gap did not seem bad to me when I looked at it closely�
guest This newly delivered? car has a gap. I'm glad it didn't seem bad in person. That is all I'm sayin'.�
guest Saw two recently in the Bay Area.
One red Sig. Grey 21" wheels, plate and spoiler so it was probably a Sig Performance, perhaps even a Founder. This was a weekday morning driving up 85N and she (driver was a woman) got off at Saratoga Ave.
Saw a silver Sig today on 880 heading south. 21" inch silver wheels, no spoiler, no plate yet. Guy driving had a blue baseball cap on and probably got off at Hamilton Ave.
Both looked great. Love the red color in particular. And the LED daytime running lights on the silver car looked very cool.�
guest Spotted today in Menlo Park, not far from the showroom. I pulled a quick U-turn so I could stop and gawk at the beautiful Signature Red Performance with silver wheels, a spoiler and the white interior. As I was gawking, the owner came up, and said that she had taken delivery last week. She said the car is really a lot of fun. And then, silently, away they went.
guest Don't know about everyone else, but I want my high-performance all-electric rolling sex machine NOW.....with gaps or not�
guest I saw my first S in the wild today! And it was in Delaware!
I've been a huge Tesla fan and stock holder for some time, but sadly not yet a reservation holder. Probably have to wait for the Gen 3.
But cruising up Papermill road just outside of Newark, DE I passed a white S waiting to turn at a light. I rolled down my window and honked with a big thumbs up. My kids (5 & 3) thought I was crazy, but the little old lady driving smiled and waved back. There were no plates on the car, and I assumed it would be years before I would actually see one outside of a store, or over 100 miles from a store, but there it was, and it was awesome!
Last weekend I convinced my wife to go check out the new store in North Jersey, and I think she really liked it too. We'll see what the future holds...
guest MY buddy from delaware said he spotted a Red S on the PA turnpike just past 176. Poor pics, but he said it was going so slow he had to slow down to even get these (cue range jokes)
guest It's fun to read how they are already getting spotted all over the country.�
guest Spotted another one (no picture, sorry) at 8:22PM 10/23/12 on southbound CA-9 between Saratoga Avenue and Fruitvale Avenue (Saratoga, CA).
It was night, but I immediately recognized it was a Model S by the headlights behind me. Turned off to head home and a white (possibly silver) S, no plates, cruised along towards Los Gatos.
Hopefully someday soon, I'll be the one who's randomly sighted!![]()
guest Spotted my first one in Chesterfield (St. Louis county) on hwy 40!
Gave the driver thumbs-up as he exited at Boon's Crossing.�
guest Spotted in Sunnyvale today, near where I saw one before. Might or might not be the same one I saw before (this one had license plates, though).
guest What's the deal with no rear license plate? Is that a California thing?�
guest While waiting for plates to be issued, there's a piece of paperwork taped in the windshield. No temp plate in back.�
guest Seen on northbound 101 through San Jose this morning. I was surprised to see it stuck with me in stop-and-go (mostly stopped) traffic instead of using the HOV lane.
guest Nice "spy" shots Schlermie ... especially the side mirror shot.�
guest Yeah, it may take a few weeks to get the HOV stickers after getting the car. I've seen many a new LEAF in the same situation.
- - - Updated - - -
The "cat-eye" shot in the side mirror is indeed nice. The cat-eye DRLs are the dead giveaway for the Model S; almost all other DRLs (such as the Audi's) are implemented as "eye-liners".�
guest What do you guys think are the odds of getting a HOV ticket in a Tesla without stickers? Is the law about being qualified for the HOV lane or have the stickers for it? I guess it would be too much to ask for law enforcement to keep track of what models qualify and don't, but cars like Tesla and the Leaf where there really is no question... grey zone?�
guest I am wondering about this in Georgia also. I won't chance the HOT lanes, but the regular HOV lanes I probably will. We don't have stickers but an "Alternative Fuel Vehicle" plate. You can't personalize any of the special plates in Georgia, so I was thinking keeping my Georgia Tech plate, or getting a 'prestige' plate (vanity tag in Georgia).
It isn't really nice looking and NG vehicles can get them also. I am not sure on whether I am required to be Alternative Fuel, or have the plate for the HOV lanes. The HOT lanes, I know, require the tag.�
guest The odds of getting a ticket are very high, I'd say. And, the HOV violation tickets are super-expensive to boot. You may have a case after to get the fine reduced if cited but, still not worth it.
I'm going to use strider's idea of using paint armor bits with the HOV tags on them rather than applying the tags to the paint directly. The tags are ugly all the same but, getting rid of the horrible crawl down 101 South between Redwood City and Palo Alto between 5 and 6 pm is worth it!�
guest The law specifically requires that the vehicle display the stickers, as I recall.�
guest As others have said, the law is clear - you must have stickers. But I'll admit to cheating a few times when I got my Roadster and never got caught. Lucky for my wife her commute doesn't have any HOV lanes so the delay won't affect her.�
guest To the CHP I think it is all about the stickers.
For example, a 2011 Volt doesn't qualify, but a 2012 with certain emissions improvements does.
The CHP aren't going to study every make and model, year, and options packages to know what is qualified.
If you didn't get stickers and put them on the vehicle then (in their eyes) I think you are "fair game."
How the stickers are displayed is another matter. I think people do frequently get away with only displaying one sticker, and putting it in a place more attractive than the suggested location. Personally I try to follow their guidelines, but I think there is some vagueness and leeway in how/where you mount the stickers.�
guest I'm not suprised. No ugly stickers for me.�
guest I have just seen a silver Model S near Munich Airport in Germany. This may be the first sighting "in the wild", driving, of a Model S in Europe. No photos, I barely had time to register it and it was past in a second. Brandname badge and fascia were unistakeable, though.�
guest Tesla posted a photo of a red Sig in Munich on their Facebook page yesterday. I bet you saw that car! Awesome.�
guest There are at least three: red, black, silver (apparently all performance).�
guest Oh, yes, actually the Facebook car was Sig Red, so this couldn't have been the same car. Great to hear that Tesla has cars rolling in Europe, though!�
guest My daughter saw this black Model S today on the 101 freeway in Calabasas (northwest of LA), ironically passing by the BMW dealership. I've taught her well to be on the lookout for Teslas...
guest Forgive me for cross-posting this in the delivery thread as well, but it is such a beautiful sight to see! VIN#'s 400, 401, 537 and 540, waiting to be delivered in the Bellevue, Washington area! They are parked at Bellevue Square in a public parking garage at the mall for anyone to walk by and see.
guest Im down in Wilmington delaware today and was on the lookout for a red S that my buddy spotted recently. Instead, we drive by and spot this in a nearby parking lot:
Ugh wont let me upload mobile. Will try again later
guest Driving back from daughter's soccer game behind a brand new, gorgeous, white Model S Performance with the dark wheels. On 14th at Pico in Santa Monica.
guest Still seems odd to me that California doesn't have temporary plates.�
guest Loving the pearl cars!�
guest I almost got pearl white, but when I looked at it and plain white in the store it was hard to tell the difference. They even let me take the samples outside and look in the sun and they still looked really similar. I wanted the pearl white to be a bit more differentiated from plain white (I'm not a fan of basic white), so I ended up going with the carbon grey which was my 2nd choice going into the store. I was really glad I went and saw the samples in person. I'd also been a fan of the blue, but in person it didn't grab me nearly as much as it did in the design studio.�
guest Red sighted. Redmond, WA. Eastbound NE 51st, it took the 520 freeway west/south. Was a casual ramp up on the freeway, he didn't floor it by any means. (Somewhat disappointed.) No rear license plate.
Didn't have time to catch a picture cause the light turned.�
guest I've seen two, both silver. First was on October 15th on 4th Street in San Francisco headed towards AT&T Park about an hour before Game 2 of the NLCS against the Cardinals. The second was on Sir Francis Drake Blvd in Marin County heading west on Saturday Oct 27th (before Game 3 of the World Series). Coincidence? Perhaps not! GO GIANTS!!! Maybe there will be another in the victory parade on Wednesday! (Sorry, just a way to combine my two current obsessions!)�
guest This is literally a quarter mile from my house! Hopefully I can spot it and talk to the owner!
- - - Updated - - -
Well apparently I don't know how to edit my previous post... I was referring to the white Model S in Wilmington.�
guest Anyone on here who lives on Bellview Dr near N California Ave in Palo Alto, CA? Sorry, not stalking but, noticed a silver Model S pulling out when I was heading to my son's school nearby. There used to be a silver/gray Roadster here that I had seen in the past...�
guest Spotted on 280N near Los Altos.
As I was following the car, I noticed some weird behavior of several motorists. One was swirling from lane to lane, seeming to wanting to stay close to have a good look at the Tesla Model S. Another (solo) driver used the carpool lane to get around me and get in behind the Model S.
Then it occurred to me, I probably was doing the same things, just to get close enough to snap a picture.Distracted driving is what spotting a Model S really does to me!
guest One thing they teach you in performance driving school - you tend to drive where you look. If you're in trouble don't look at the approaching concrete wall, look where you want to go.
The reason I bring this up is I have found it is relevant to a Tesla driver. Some people turn their heads to look at your car. And when they do that, they often unconsciously turn the steering wheel in that direction, too!
Pedestrians also do it. Last month I had to swerve around a couple of teenagers because they turned their heads and then walked right into my path.
Remember that when driving your Tesla - head turning can be potentially dangerous!�
guest Spotted a silver Model S driving south on Bramalea Road approaching Derry Road in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada today just before 5pm. Hopefully that is the sign of the Canadian deliveries starting soon. I couldn't stop to take a picture as there was an ambulance behind me that just lit up it's lights and I had to get over to let it by.�
guest Also true for motorcycle school.�
guest California plates or Ontario?�
guest Parked my S at the Juice Bar in airport parking at DIA this morning.
guest I reallllly like the 19 inch wheels. Each time I see them, they remind me more and more of the 2001 BMW 750iL wheels that I had. Classy, I say. Classy ......�
guest Thanks, sublimaze1. I got em for reasons of practicality, but I agree: they look great, too.�
guest Did you note the panel gap issue on that Suburban or Yukon's hood? Geesh!
guest Same here. Cost of the tires (tyres) is about 1/3 where I am. And curb rash incidence is decreased.�
guest That GMC's hood was popped open to admit an extension cord. Don't know why it needed 120VAC...�
guest Block heater???�
guest Heated, indoor parking...so, not likely. Battery charger?�
guest I figured its hood was popped, I just couldn't resist the bringing up the "panel gap" topic.
guest 101 Northbound red S in Cupertino. Was going south so no pic. Headlights were on!�
guest Didn't catch the plates but it turns out it was the new local demo vehicle. From the folks at the Tesla office in Toronto:
guest This one isn't quite as random as some others...
guest Elon's at a park in Northern LA?�
guest Altadena?�
guest That is what I was thinking!�
guest JPL - My cousin saw the car too and says that Elon was there today.�
guest Parked at the Bunker Hill Mall in Charlestown, Boston was VIN#S00195. Not a car we know about, I think.
guest I thought Elon had the dark grey wheels. Did he replace them, or do I have my early black Founders cars mixed up?�
guest Either way, they did look like non-OEM tyres. Perhaps he switched out a set (wheels and shoes) at the factory as his already had 15K+ miles on them ???
- - - Updated - - -
TEG do a sleuth for us ???�
guest No. I drove the car at the Get Amped event in Fremont, and they're silver. Here's doug's (the other doug) video of my drive:
guest And tell you what?
- - - Updated - - -
Is/was "silver":
Maybe you were thinking about Jason's Sig#1 (not Founders') car:
Jason Calacanis' Tumblelog - Showed two people tesla model s and both put...
Or Elon's brother Kimbal?
Twitter / kimbal: Headed up Flagstaff Mountain ...
guest Cool that you guys have special EV plates. Are they given out sequentially? I was thinking 1404 was a rather high number, but then I remembered that they give them to any old hybrid as well.�
guest Love that video. Hearing grown men laugh like that is priceless!
guest Saw my first in the wild S. Sig red in Santa Clara going south bound on Great America Parkway about 6PM today.�
guest Someone at work has one! VIN 4xx! So Jealous...�
guest Unicorns do exist!
I was returning from an appointment in Chesterfield (just outside of St. Louis) when this silver car passing me in the fast lane caught my eye. As it passed along side of me, my mind registered the body flush silver door handles. And as the light bulb slowly came on, the car finished passing me bringing the rear of the car came into view and there was that signature Tesla emblem.
We now have a Model in the St. Louis area. Awesome.�
guest Marcia and I are in wine country for a few days. Saw my first S in the wild today (I can't count my own car) going the other way on Soda Canyon Road in Napa: black on black is a good look, but I almost missed it because he was on me in a flash around a blind corner and the black nose dome doesn't stand out.�
guest Spotted by my Dad in Northampton, MA.
Anyone we know?
guest I'm guessing your dad didn't get the VIN #?�
guest Here, we can fix that.
"@TEG: Enhance. Post #619, attached image 1. Extract VIN."�
guest No. There was actually a guy in the car when my dad took the pictures.�
guest It would be hilarious to see a reply post in the "pictures of people taking pictures" thread.�
guest That would be awesome :biggrin:�
guest Not sequentially. Each branch of the Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) was sent a (at least one) box full, they grab one out of the box and hand it to you. So the numbering depends mostly on which of the 36 branches of the RMV was visited to get the plates.�
guest Saw a Pearl White at the Half Moon Bay Ritz Carlton. You left it with the valet, but they didn't know how to drive it, so I showed them how to put it in gear
guest Shout out to someone at that one Cupertino company. VIN in the mid 500-range.
guest Signature Red at the Half Moon Bay Ritz (2nd one this weekend). VIN low 100s�
guest I have EV4944�
guest Is that an electric Beetle? Awesome!�
guest My buddies and I had planned on taking our cars to the track today. I, originally assuming I'd have my car in September, let alone early November, had originally planned on going and putting the Model S up against all their souped up rides. Obviously, I don't have my S and we were invited to a Baby Shower today, so I declined to go.
So, of course it made me a little sad to get these texts from the pit:
guest Very cool! How did it do?�
guest It is indeed. Late 60's model, the guy bought it a few years ago with the intention of converting it. Gets about 70-90 miles to a charge I believe. Probably oldest car in California to have the zero emission HOV stickers...�
guest That is excellent news! Hopefully they'll make the rubber mats standard in Norway, like most every other manufacturer.�
guest ![]()
Spotted yesterday at Bellevue Square (Seattle area) garage waiting to be delivered. Highest VIN: 752.�
guest I'm pretty sure that is the one that lives somewhere in Santa Cruz. We saw in at the National Plugin Day and a couple other times charging in Santa Cruz.
guest I know this is off-topic, but just to close the loop, here's the blog: http://www.corbinstreehouse.com/blog/plug-bug/�
guest Finally saw my first Model S in the wild at Stonebriar Mall (Frisco, TX) today:
guest Not really a random sighting here. It's my Model S (VIN #532) by our parking garage area. For those who notice, I do have the suspension set to Very High mode in this picture. Been experimenting with it to see how it impacts getting in and out of the car.
guest We just got back from 3 weeks in California and I finally saw a Tesla S in the wild in San Francisco as we were on our way to the airport to go home. Signature red near the Giant's stadium last Friday morning.
I was afraid I wouldn't see any!�
guest Malibu shopping center near Pepperdine. No VIN but the driver looked college-aged (if that).
cell phone pic
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