guest I-59 at 1960 southbound
guest Shoulda zoomed in a little maybe. I'm still enthralled w the 'no front plate' thing. Oh, and the whole Tesla thing!
guest ![]()
Out of state, had a front plate. On Seminole Blvd north bound, 5 minutes ago�
guest No picture, but just passed (about 1:45 PM) a black Model S that was headed East on I-90, just west of the Lee Plaza. (We were headed west, in the Subaru.)�
guest For two days Wednesday and Thursday the 27th and 28th someone parked a Blue 70D about 6 spaces from a White 85 at Mindray North America Mahwah NJ Yes you parked just South of me any one here.�
guest I am so excited to see an S in my neighborhood! I-64 West passing through Waynesboro en route to Augusta Health this morning around 10:30. Anyone here? Let me buy you a cup of coffee!
guest I need to get a dash cam so I can post pictures of 5-6 model Ss in row during the morning commute. I think my record is 7 one morning all in a row.�
guest Not sure it counts if it is in the carpool lane
guest Watching your pictures cured my neck problem! :biggrin:�
guest did they come out askew? Sorry. Looks nomal on my iPhone.
guest They are upside down in Chrome on my desktop machine (and probably other desktop browsers as well). Love the picture of the dog!�
guest iPhone pictures often post upside down on the forum. I think it's another example of Apple doing its own thing from the rest of the world.�
guest I never realized this. How does one fix?
If I rotate it 180deg on my phone, will it come out correct orientation?�
guest I transfer them to my Windows machine, open them in Photoshop and resave them, but that probably isn't too useful to too many people.�
guest Any photo editing tool will do, even "Preview" can rotate images. iPhone doesn't always do it, I take lots of iPhone pics that aren't inverted. I don't know what triggers it, unless you're holding the phone upside down.�
guest Pretty much. Why Your iPhone Photos Are Upside Down How To Fix That�
guest I was too late to take a pic...but I saw a MS in front of the Bon March� in Paris today. After I had just told my coworkers all about my car (they had no idea) at lunch in the �picerie. :tongue:�
guest ^ This makes sense!
Back on topic- I'm on a roll with this 70D sighting today at lunch at Vito's in Harrisonburg, VA. TWO Teslas in the same parking lot, two random sightings- it's a first for me. (And I hope this one's right-side-up)
guest ![]()
By the Roseville auto mall�
guest Portland Cars & Coffee from 1/30/2016. A few Model S's (mine is the midnight silver metallic) and an appearance from Model X Sig 118. First Model X in Oregon.
Portland Cars Coffee Weekly Meet (1/30/16) - YouTube
Also a nifty article in the wilsonville spokesman regarding the Model X.
Oregon Local News - A slow wait for a fast car�
guest One of these things is not like the others...
We almost got all three Teslas at my son's school lined up for parent-teacher conference day, and since we didn't plan it this way I'm going to declare it belongs in the "random" thread. :biggrin:
(The silver Model S in the back is mine, and the two in front belong to one of the other families at school. The outlier is my wife's BMW 335d. We were joking about making her move so we could get all the Teslas together.)
guest If that were me and my SO, I wouldn't be joking about making her move, I would have practically insisted on it!!! (And she probably would.)�
guest you should've taken her keys, moved her car and summoned your car forward.�
guest In my twice weekly trip to Detroit, I have had the chance to see and follow a DeLorean, a EV1, even a Ford GT. Around the Detroit Woodward Dream Cruise event, lots of exotic cars. All on the interstates and being driven.�
guest How is it possible an EV1 was seen driving?
I thought GM disabled the few they allowed to be saved by museums and the rest destroyed.�
guest I was wondering the same. The only EV1 that was not disabled was the one given to the Smithsonian, since they only take intact specimens. However, according to Wikipedia, some deactivated EV1s were later reactivated against their agreements.�
guest Francis Ford Coppola has an EV-1 that works. Jay Leno included it in a recent episode of his current show online.�
guest I don't know if this counts as a Random Sighting...
A group of local owners got together for lunch today. Someone driving by snapped this picture (so Random Sighting to him), and posted about it on Reddit. In our town, it still is pretty uncommon to see a Tesla, let alone a group of them together.�
guest It doesn't count but who cares. Your screen name is hilarious.�
guest I'm in Oslo right now and it's great seeing all the MS here. The D probably is great in the winter months.�
guest Saw this one in downtown Vancouver, WA today. What was funny was I had a feeling to look around the parking lot to look for Tesla's when I left the building. I had given up and was getting into my car when I looked up and saw this P85. I saw a black one on SR14 on my way there. The first two Teslas I've seen in weeks.
guest Saw a white one on EB Square Lake at Rochester around 6PM. I was NB Rochester in the right lane hiding behind a van and SUV. I'm pretty sure that was the first sighting I confirmed by looking at the tail lights, since I didn't take notice until after it passed the intersection.�
guest Saw a black Tesla S in Telluride, CO yesterday AM. With no nearby superchargers, I can only guess it is a local car?�
guest Is that the dinosaur from the movie "The Wizard" where the younger brother yells out "California!!"?�
guest Past and Future�
guest Saw this one on February 7th. Seems to be an early one since there's no battery designation. It is an old blue on 422. TMC member?![]()
guest Not me... But, speaking for those that have "Old Blue". I prefer the term "Classic Tesla Blue"�
guest Saw one in a very remote location: Stovepipe Wells hotel in the middle of Death Valley National Park!! Was surprised to see a Tesla there.
guest I've recently heard the Model S referred to as passe and I see them fairly regularly now, but this morning I saw a Sig Reg heading into DC on Chain Bridge. This rare bird still makes me jealous of the truly early adopters.�
guest much blue.
guest Burbank? And that must be a wrap!�
guest yep, coming up on olive.�
guest My midnight silver 85D on the right, an acquaintance's deep blue metallic 70 on the left.
guest My daughter just sent me the excellent picture below.
It appears to be a black P90D Ludicrous, with 21" Grey Turbine wheels and panoramic roof. It was on the Cornell campus, heading South on East Avenue, almost at the intersection with Campus Road, shortly after 1:00 PM. If this is your gorgeous car, drop me a PM, as a couple of us in Ithaca are considering trying to get some sort of local owner's group going.
guest I know, since I didn't get a picture it didn't happen...but, a couple of days ago, I attended a Cubs spring training game in Mesa. I pulled into the reserved lot to park and the next car to park along side me was a duplicate to my multi-red Model S. The Ho Ho Kam parking attendents were excited to see two such cars, but one after the other was amazing. Needless to say, the Cubs lost!�
guest Saw this black beauty driving north on 95 in Florida or Georgia on Monday.
On the back window are big numbers 5.10 in red.
guest The only thing that comes to mind when I see 5.10 is a climbing grade...�
guest Well, that or a small Ukrainian Libertarian party: 5.10 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia�
guest You win, the color does look similar to the image that Hank posted...�
guest That's totally it. Exactly.�
guest Yours is very glossy and shiny, do you do something to it, a special wax etc? It looks great and classy.
Midnight Silver keeps nudging Plain white trying to be my favourite Tesla colour.�
guest On 290 feeder in Houston today. I'm driving my Volt this week so it was extra nice to see a Tesla.
guest ![]()
blacked out p85d on the 134 spotted from a p90d.�
I had C.Quartz applied to it several months ago, and I just finished washing it before I took this picture. I normally wash it at a place that has the spray wands -- I can do a touchless wash there, and they have the different detergents, spot-free rinse, etc. Then I usually take it over to the vacuum station, hand-dry it with a chamois, clean wheels if they need it after the spray wash, and clean glass inside.
I'm still gun-shy when it comes to wiping the body of the car to make sure I don't scratch it -- I have a box of clean towels and chamois with me when I go so I can change to a new clean one repeatedly.
By the way, those wheels are the T-Sportline 19" in bright silver (winter set). I have a set of the T-Sportline 20" in bright silver on order to become the summer set.�
guest That's weird. Your post shows you are replying to a post I made. But its actually a post from another user - 1208. No biggie, I just never saw that before. Interesting.�
guest Me neither...�
Ya, that's odd, I didn't even notice. I nearly always have trouble with the editor on this forum inserting paragraphs and moving the cursor back to the beginning of the reply when I'm typing, but I haven't seen this issue.�
guest Yeah, that happens here also, about 5 seconds into typing a reply, it jumps back to the beginning. After that I can type as long as I want and it's normal. Kinda annoying.�
guest Hrm, so it's not just me! I haven't seen this weird jumping around problem as much (at all?) if I "Go Advanced" and finish working on my reply in that environment.�
guest It happens to me as soon as I hit backspace and then try to type a letter ... Tesla isn't the only tech company who doesn't squash bugs! (This forum template is relatively common out there.) :smile:�
guest LOL! I saw what you did there!�
guest :innocent:
And to get this thread back on topic.
Anyone here? This was in my subdivision. Titanium, with what looks like 19" cyclones, didn't catch the model.�
guest Really? The pic makes it look like discontinued Green!�
guest I think its a Model S. I saw the one below today on I-10 eastbound in rush hour.
guest It was dark, I thin it's just a bad photo, I'm 99% sure it's titanium. I'll see if he's there today, though if no one responded, it's not a regular here.
- - - Updated - - -
guest Signature red Model S on County Line Road in Land O Lakes yesterday around noon. Going the opposite direction so it happened too fast to take a picture.�
guest Had one of my best sightings on NB Rochester in Troy this evening. A gray (or midnight silver) 85.
Got a thumbs up out the window (pictured), though I didn't return one because I was sort of caught off guard by how quickly he passed and he didn't seem interested in sticking around since he continued to weave through traffic. By the time I got behind him at a light, I felt it was too late to return the thumbs up and couldn't tell through the tint if he was looking. Instead, we both gunned it. That was fun.
guest On Saturday I saw a signature red Model S at the intersection of Mill Plain and 164th in Vancouver, WA. I only got a glimpse at it (trying to get out of the intersection and not hit the car in front of me before the light changed to red), but it had Oregon plates.�
guest Found my Model S on Google street view.
I suppose it's not really random but wonder how often that happens.
guest Kind of a funny sighting this evening. I stopped with my family at a Potbelly for a late-ish dinner, and we parked close to the front, facing the door. It took a few minutes to order, pay, and sit down, but once we start eating, my wife looks out the window and says "your lights are still on." I know they stay on for a minute or so but I also knew we didn't get our food that quickly. Still, I looked outside and saw the familiar shape of the headlights staring back at me. So I started to walk toward the door and pressed the top button on my keyfob to make sure my car is locked, hoping that would turn off the lights. Instead, the car next to the one whose lights are on (i.e. my actual car) flashes its lights! So someone arrived after me in another Model S and parked next to me. I didn't end up meeting the driver before we left.
In hindsight perhaps not so random, since we were in Tysons Corner not far from the service center, but I found it amusing.�
guest �
guest From Allie Knight's (Twitter: @gluttnous) trucking vlog: (Fastforward to 5:08)
guest Passed another Model S this evening, but too fast to even attempt to wave, flash lights, etc.
It was about 6:50 PM and I was heading East on the access road to Route 81 North at Exit 12, in Homer, and the other Model S was heading West, towards Route 281, probably coming off of Route 81. I could tell that it was a dark Model S as I passed, but that was about all. The video from the dashcam doesn't help much.
Below are a couple of pictures, coming and going, captured from my dashcam video. Feel free to say hello if this was you and your car!
guest Driving out of Oslo yesterday I had four Model S in front in my lane and three behind me. so 8 in a row which is the longest line of Tesla's I have been in so far. Another couple of Tesla's in the other lanes, but counting becomes too streneous if I start counting Teslas in other lanes or with another type of car inbetween�
guest I took the Model S on a very quick errand this afternoon. I was planning on staying in the car, while my wife ran into the grocery store to pick up a couple of quick items. As we pulled into the parking lot, I saw another blue Model S parked a short distance away from the grocery store. I dropped my wife off closer to the store, and told her I'd be parked near the other Model S. I waited there for the few minutes my wife was in the store, but the owner never appeared. It was a P85, standard wheels, and first generation seats. (I noticed the short headrests in the back.) I didn't know of another blue Model S in my town, so this may have been someone passing through.
guest Saturday, 4/2, at Pappas Burgers on Westheimer in Houston. Didn't get a look at the back, so don't know the model, but it looks to be non-AP, so probably an 85.
guest We went to dinner at an Applebees in Vancouver, WA tonight and there was a brand new white P90DL in the parking lot with paper plates. I thought it was funny that our friend's 6 year old daughter who I have never seen take the slightest interest in cars immediately said, "I want a Tesla!" when she saw it.�
guest Here's a sighting a bit out of the usual. Before lunch today, I went for a walk around the building complex with my team. One of the neighboring buildings which we share the parking lot with is an auto supplier, which I knew supplied parts for Model X, but didn't know if this location had much to do with it. Well, as we were walking by the front half of a vehicle, I noticed the large windshield, told everyone that it's a Model X, and snapped this photo.
We continued on and almost immediately to the other side, we noticed the front halves of two more cars, which I quickly recognized as a Model S and another Model X.
Those were the only car parts that we saw for the entire walk and the only Teslas in the 3-building complex besides my own (I estimate roughly 500 parking spaces). So, it seems this location is indeed doing a lot of work for Tesla. They also have an i3 with company decals, which I first noticed about a month ago.�
guest OMG. Haha
UCSD today my brother sent pic to me w caption "California Rules"
guest I have a sneaking suspicion who that person will be voting for in the California primary.
I saw a pearl white S85D in Washougal, WA today. It had Oregon plates. I reached for my phone but realized I had left it at home.�
guest Yesterday (Wednesday, April 13) I passed a Titanium Metallic Model S at 2:08 PM as it was heading into Ithaca on Route 79 West / State Street, heading down the hill, towards The Ithaca Commons. I was headed the other way, driving my black loaner Model S. (My P85D is at the service center for its Ludicrous upgrade, and other things.) I attempted to flash my high beams, but it was pretty last second, and I don't think the driver of the Titanium Model S noticed.�
guest OK, this is a record for me. Three Model S random sightings in Ithaca, all within about fifteen minutes!
I was still driving the black Model S loaner. The first Model S sighting of the evening happened at about 7:40 PM or so. I was heading south-west on University Avenue on the Cornell campus, down the hill towards West Campus, and the other Model S, a dark one--probably black--was headed up the hill. I noticed it from far enough away that I flashed my lights several times, but I don't know if the other driver noticed or not. There was no indication that he did. (It did look like a youngish man driving.)
I dropped my daughter off at her apartment, chatting a couple of minutes, and continued downtown. I let my wife and mother-in-law out while stopped at the light at the intersection with The Commons, so they could see about getting a table for dinner, while I attempted to park. Just after turning the corner onto North Aurora Street (heading North) I realized there was a blue (new blue) Model S behind me. I pulled over as far to the left as I could, and lowered the passenger window on the right, as the Model S was going to pass on my right, and tried to wave as it did, but again there was no sign of any recognition.
My wife, who was on foot at this point, actually snapped a picture of this one. The picture, which shows the car has New Jersey plates, is below. The black loaner I was driving is also visible, further up, on the left.
I found a parking spot a block or two further up N. Aurora, but having seen how crowded the restaurants on the street were, I figured we'd be leaving and going somewhere else, so after I parked, I called my wife. The wait at the restaurant we had wanted to eat at was an hour and a half, so I told her where I was parked, and she and my mother-in law started walking the couple of blocks to where I was parked. Just as they got to the car, I spotted a dark Model S approaching from behind. I was parked on the right side of the one-way street, so I lowered my window and stuck my hand out, and this time the person waved as he went by. I'm not sure, but it could have been the same Model S I had passed fifteen minutes earlier, though he would have had to have been going somewhere else first, as the route he had been on would not have taken him to this location in any sort of direct path.
So it was at least two, and possibly three different Model S random sightings all in about fifteen minutes. In Ithaca! Crazy!
guest I saw this one as I was leaving Joe's Crab Shack in Clifton, NJ. Looks like it has the new wheels.
guest �
guest The new wheels are 19" Slipstream wheels. The wheels in the picture appear to be the regular (old) 21" Turbine wheels.�
guest Today (Sunday) was one of the most summer-like days this year (so far) here in Silicon Valley, and today I saw more Tesla's (especially in the places I usually see them, e.g., Los Gatos), than I ever have in the past. Obviously, Teslas have continued to be the current most popular expensive car to be seen in by those who want to be seen in a nice car (true for the last three years and continuing to be so), in addition to those who prefer electric and prefer being less of a pollution problem and prefer to stop subsidizing dirty energy wars and religious terrorist reactions to those wars. I did not count, but it felt like between 3 and 6 dozen. They are becoming nearly ubiquitous.
I have noticed that Tesla's are not increasing in number in the less expensive parts of town. In fact, I'm seeing slightly less of them in the places less wealthy people live. I have a feeling that cost is a factor.
Also, I have been doing some mountain driving lately, on dirt roads commonly referred to as "jeep" roads, and I'm not seeing any Tesla's there at all, for obvious reasons. Also, Teslas have not penetrated the farming areas I often drive through.
I think cost is a huge factor, so when the Model 3 comes out at a lower price point, they will have solid sales; not only do people want the idea of Tesla, but I think they will also actually get one, if they can afford it, and many many more people will afford a Model 3. Distance is a real issue day to day, but not super long distance; this makes the Model 3 an obvious benefit since it can handle ample distance. People finally realize that most weeks, they don't even need to fill up on the road any more, since they just charge at home, and they love that. Superchargers just fill the gaps of the occasional road trip. As Tesla's become more popular, more people understand how they work, and they are comfortable with them. Having the roads filled with the luxury versions obviously has helped with this.
But after that, I think Tesla is not showing any obvious signs of entering the rugged vehicle side of the marketplace, such as trucks, pickups, jeeps, all-terrain vehicles, etc. (or even campers); indeed, this market tends to be populated by people who don't get along with the high end car marketplace, and would rather throw a bail of hay or mound of dirt into their vehicle than be fancy. But unless there's something that lithium batteries don't like about being shaken about, I don't see any reason why EV's ought to stay out of the rugged vehicle marketplace. I feel like Tesla's plans to go into Model 3, then swing back to Model S & Model X refreshes and improvements, would leave out the rugged side of the marketplace. Perhaps they're hoping other brands fill this gap, or are hoping they can branch out and develop multiple product lines simultaneously.�
guest Elon Musk has said Tesla will produce a pickup at some point, but with the Model 3 Tesla is aiming towards a more humble market that the high end the S and X occupy. The long term mission is EVs for everyone, not just the wealthy. But Tesla is a classic high end disrupter, moving from the top end of the market down. That isn't unusual for new tech, most new technology starts out as expensive and only affordable for those with money to burn and then moves down market for everyone.
In the 1970s VCRs for home users existed and they were toys fro the rich. Around 1980 the price dropped to around $1000 and they took off in popularity. Tesla is doing the same thing.
Over the last year when I talk to people and the subject of Tesla comes around, I hear lots of lust for the cars, it's just nobody I'm talking to can afford a Model S or X. The 400,000 reservations for the Model 3 is an indication of that pent up demand. It's a major stretch for me to afford a Model S, but I'm doing it because it's the only car I looked at I really liked. My 24 year old Buick is nicer in some ways than most of the junk being sold by the mainstream car makers these days.�
guest From a trip to the San Juan Islands...
guest A nice car in a nice place!�
guest I am on the East Coast and unfamiliar with that area. Could the 2nd case partially explain the first? While totally possible to own a Tesla without a garage or dedicated driveway, it is much more involved and complicated. Much of the simplicity is having a dedicated area at home to charge. Do the "less expensive parts of town" require curbside parking for instance?�
guest Silicon Valley and the cities of the west coast in general have a lot of single family homes, even in the bad neighborhoods. Apartments and condos are often in complexes with a dedicated parking lot or parking garage. Silicon Valley is a weird place for real estate because houses in the poorest parts of town are often worth over $500,000. My SO grew up in Portland, but the rest of her father's extended family settled in east San Jose. I've been to her aunt's house and it's a working class neighborhood built in the 50s and she was an original owner. Her aunt has a garage, but few in that neighborhood has the kind of income to afford a Tesla.
Because of the nose bleed property prices in the Bay Area people who don't make 6-7 figures a year live in economic hardship. Many have to live a long ways out of town an drive a very long commute, which is ideal for a Tesla, but they don't have the money to buy one. Most drive older economy cars. A few are lucky to get subsidized housing or have a relative who was there before the property prices went nuts, but it's a very tough place to live if you're not in the top 5% of incomes.
My SO's ex-step son (her ex husbands son) lives down there and the closest place to the Bay Area where they could find a house they could afford was Manteca, CA. It's 70 miles from San Jose (probably a 2 hour commute when traffic is heave). 54 miles to Fremont, CA. I would not be surprised if some of the workers at the Tesla factory live in Manteca or somewhere around there.
The Bay Area has some mass transit, but it's far less extensive than what you see in most East Coast cities. Because so many people live in single family homes, the population density is much lower than on much of the east coast. (Row houses are rare and most houses have big enough lots to have space around them on all 4 sides.) In western cities some people who live in the city core and don't want to leave it can get away without having a car, but generally if you don't own a car, you're life is going to be miserable.
I know a guy who has a seizure disorder and can't get a driver's license. He lived here in Portland which has one of the best mass transit systems in the west, but he still had to plan out his travels or hitch a ride with someone and on mass transit he was limited to the city core. If he came out to see us (outer suburbs) we would have to pick him up from the last light rail stop. Otherwise he was looking at 1 1/2 hours on a bus to travel a distance you can cover in 20 minutes by car.�
guest This was this morning on 290 eastbound - a beautiful white 90D still with its Tesla tag so brand new... sorry for bad dashcam quality, didn't get my phone out in time.
guest Saw a tesla taxi this morning in Paris. I've seen many in Amsterdam but this was my first for Paris...
guest Yea right, you just want everybody to know you're in Paris... I wish I was.�
guest HAHA! I go there often for work - but just for 24 hours at a time. So no time to actually enjoy it! I doubt I'll see any Teslas when I'm in Athens on Monday.
guest Yes Tesla made a deal, I guess, with the taxi company to drive with white Tesla's. Although I would pay to sit in one sure, the back seat is actually not very comfortable. I'd rather take the S class taxi or 7-series. Or even a Skoda Superb has much better rear seats. I don't find the Model S a very good car to be a taxi....�
guest @Pilot_51 - Pictures not showing up for me. Do you still have them?�
guest If Tesla taxis become more common they may bring back the executive seats for commercial Teslas?�
guest Sorry, I used the G+ images directly and I guess that doesn't work on certain networks. Here they are...
Update: It looks like they finally got a full Model S test vehicle. As I was walking out of work on Monday last week, I saw the car carrier just outside the door and immediately suspected Tesla, which I confirmed as I approached and saw the car inside. Introduced myself to the guy (with I think a French accent) taking delivery and congratulated him assuming it was a normal owner delivery. It took a little while to sink in that it was only a test vehicle, as I asked where he worked after he told me maybe twice it was a test vehicle. As they were starting to unload it, I continued on my way only to return with my car because I was wondering if it was the new design (it wasn't, apparently a CPO since it has HOV stickers). Didn't take any photos, but my dashcam caught the moment.
guest Visiting Prague, saw a couple of Model S![]()
[thanks to my eagle-eyed son for spotting this nice subtle detail in this video]�
guest One more, in Blue.
guest At 13:17, a parked Model S
guest One more, different color
guest oh, hi.
guest You guys need to turn down the your launches... You're peeling off road pavement
guest @AEdennis - hahahaha
guest On a residential street corner in Laramie Wyoming (!!!) as I was visiting family there.
guest wasn't at this event in person, but I noticed a Tesla quickly flash by in a brief clip on the local 6pm TV News last night (maybe this belongs instead in the "Teslas in Movies & TV" thread?!?)
- a red refreshed Model S was the pace car for yesterday's Gastown Grand Prix bicycle race here in Vancouver.
the news clip was brief and I was too slow to catch a pic at the time but I found a video of the event elsewhere online�
guest I can just hear someone razzing Tesla for being the pace car for a bicycle race
guest You wouldn't want the bicycle riders breathing in car exhaust, would you?�
guest An electric car would make the perfect chase vehicle for a bike race.�
guest Saw my first random Model S "in the wild" in this city today. I didn't react as well as I thought I would. As I was moving slowly through traffic I said to myself of the black car coming towards me "That car's front looks a lot like a Tesla's." Then realization hit, my jaw dropped and I did a double take just as I was passing by, "Hey! That is a Tesla."�
guest I saw one yesterday on the Bronx River Parkway about 2:00 P.M. What made it interesting is it was a 2-tone black and grey Model S. I had not seen that before and slowed for it to catch up so I could snap a pic. Too late it exited the pkwy.
No one is going to point out the irony of a Tesla ruling in Gastown?
guest that's funny, I never gave it a thought!
fyi the Gastown area is named after "Gassy" Jack Deighton, a colourful saloon owner in early Vancouver history.
"In Victorian times the term 'to gas' referred to talking a lot, something which Captain Deighton had become famous for."
but now that you mention it, Vancouver city council makes a big deal about how "green" a city we are, and aims "to get 100% of our energy from renewable source before 2050". I wonder if it will have to rename Gastown then???
Anyhow in light of this goal, maybe appropriate to use a Model S as a pace car�
guest Haven't checked here too much but this happened yesterday at a local Pizza joint near where I work in Rockville, MD:
Mine is the ride on the left...�
guest Need MOAR pics!!!!!!
guest Finally something an i3 or Leaf could easily handle!�
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