Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 10, 2016

Firmware 7.1 part 2

  • 1/1/2015
    Thanks @epicsurf, that is interesting data...OT - did anyone win the $900m tonight?
  • 1/1/2015
    IIRC: He is trying to point out NO '90s have received the update.
  • 1/1/2015
    I mentioned it earlier in the post, but figured with the Summon hype it might have been missed. Do most owners use the quick select feature in the radio app? I noticed its missing, I used it all the time so its kinda a bummer its gone.

  • 1/1/2015
    I love the quick select
  • 1/1/2015
    Just speaking for myself it is much easier to use the scroll wheel than to reach over to the 17".
  • 1/1/2015
    We are on a long road trip in the US with our Canadian S85D. Will we be able to download the 7.1 upgrade through LTE/3G or only wifi? Will we get the notice while out of country with the car?
    Seen nothing yet.
  • 1/1/2015
    Likewise. I rely upon it. Not sure why it would be removed - it seemed innocuous enough.
  • 1/1/2015
    The problem with the scroll wheel is that my wife accidentally presses it, and when you do, you delete favorites. If I could disable that "feature" I'd consider using the scroll wheel. Not sure I would, but I'd give it a try...
  • 1/1/2015
    Yeah, I don't like that "feature" either.
  • 1/1/2015
  • 1/1/2015
    I have a vin > 100000 & I saw a Notification that the Update downloaded - I want to say it happened in the AM. My car is in Service because they are replacing the sideview mirror. 70D. Not so excited that there is a +5 MPH buffer on Autosteeer.

    The Summons is not at all useful for me today, but looking forward to playing with it when my car is back. I do acknowledge being lucky that the car can feel like brand new on any given update...
  • 1/1/2015
    Which is fine. But he also says it's an analomy that is statistically significant. Personally, I do not believe so given how fewer 90s out there versus their brethren. Just because the limited number of cars that have only been available for months hadn't received an update yet while out of the set of nearly 100k cars with batteries available over 3 years (that are also reporting their results) has doesn't mean we have a statistically significant even yet. But oh well. I'm out.
  • 1/1/2015
    That +5 MPH buffer on Auto Steer Beta is only on roads it is not intended for use on anyway. In earlier versions the release notes indicated that on those roads the speed would just be limited to 45 MPH. That would have meant that on some 55 MPH highways that people wanted to use Auto Steer on, they would have been limited to 45 MPH. Now on those roads they'll be limited to 60 MPH. This is less restrictive than what was in the release notes previously.
  • 1/1/2015
    Coolest video of the summoning feature I've seen so far: Tesla Model S Summon �Knight Rider style

    Tesla has built the real life "K.I.T.T." with the 7.1 Firmware release!
  • 1/1/2015
    Sorry, confused. What's the quick select? The image you have here is what I use to make sure it's on Surround Sound/Fade/Balance and also for the equalizer. Is that useful for something else I never knew about?
  • 1/1/2015
    That icon on the far right has the same function as the right side steering wheel scroll button in changing media selections (AM, FM, TuneIn, Slacker, USB, Bluetooth, etc..). I never used it but apparently several people did and miss that it was removed.
  • 1/1/2015
    The next one to the right let you pick AM, FM, XM, Internet Radio, Bluetooth, and USB. Now it's gone.
  • 1/1/2015
    I find that the restrictions are inconsistent. So far, I've only found roads that should be restricted but aren't. I've yet to find a road that is restricted when it shouldn't be. It also does the speed limit +5 based on what it thinks the limit is. If it's confused, it limits to the wrong speed.

    This release has launch control. It's not on the release notes, but it's in there. I never got the release that offered it before.

    It works, but it won't turn -- it will just back straight out.
  • 1/1/2015
    green1 will be disappointed with this
  • 1/1/2015

    Which is why I suggested KITT as the name for this version of the firmware. But of course the decision is up to whomever was the first to report it in the tracker.

  • 1/1/2015
    I'm glad to hear you have had no false positives, but then you say that it limits to the wrong speed, that sounds somewhat like a false positive to me. If I'm on a road that I used to be able to drive 100km/hr on, and it misreads the sign as 10km/hr (and I know of a highway here where it does that 100% of the time) that means I would be forced to go hazardously under the speed limit.

    I'll wait for some more feedback. But if it's as bad as you just said, I'm not upgrading.

    - - - Updated - - -

    it's only disappointment if it's not what you expected. This is exactly what I expected. That said, it doesn't make me happy.
  • 1/1/2015
    I've been driving with 7.1 for a few hours. Some important notes (and a video):

    It definitely asks you to place your hands on the wheel more. When driving on a straight, uncomplicated road on Autopilot, I keep my index finger and thumb looped around the wheel, ready to take over instantly. Since 7.0, I've been driving the same stretches of roads without a single "Place hands on wheel." I'm talking months without seeing it. Today, over a 20 minute span with 7.1, I had 3 "Place hands on wheel" warnings. There was no particular reasoning. This was a 50mph 3-lane highway with a center divider and clear lane markings (with reflectors). There does appear to be some kind of counter now. It was particularly annoying because, like I said, I was actually resting my fingers on the wheel, but it wasn't enough. I had to grip the wheel and kinda nudge it, which seems counterproductive and more dangerous?

    Also, Autosteer is activating in less locations. I even made a video of it. Sorry for the shaking... I didn't have my suction cup mount with me. But you can see clear lane markings and no Autosteer. And, to be clear, this is a road I've traveled on regularly and never had an issue before:

    Tesla 7.1 AutoSteer Not Activating - YouTube

    EDIT: It was misting out so the wipers were on intermittently. As you can see, the lanes were very clear, but someone on YouTube suggested it may have been the weather.
  • 1/1/2015
    Fair point, but I drove up from Fl to NY in November and I loved how it "actually" worked. Cruise @ 75 - 80 middle lane unless someone in front was slower and ichad the option to pass or follow the slower car. Automatic protection in front and sides as long as I was below the 88 limit for Autosteeer.
  • 1/1/2015
    Impatient, here. Tried that, and it didn't work.
  • 1/1/2015
    When backing out of the garage can you tell the car how far to back out?
  • 1/1/2015
    I have a P90D and am in California. My update came through last night.
  • 1/1/2015
    That was me haha! I'll have to go for a drive on my standard test roads when I get back to my car. Keep us updated as to what you determine.
  • 1/1/2015
    Yes, for those of us with rather shorter than 39' driveways, I'm worried about its ending up in the street.

    - - - Updated - - -

    But that limit is not for freeways. Just for undivided roads. Your scenario would still work as before, except for more "nags" according to some others.
  • 1/1/2015
    This seems like a sizeable roll-out. 69 reports in the first day. So far all Model S. Seems fairly well distributed across models. No 90s, but there aren't all that many on the road, yet, so that could just be an issue with the small sample size.
    But it's about 1:1 AWD/RWD, 2:1 AP/non-AP, we have reports in every VIN range except for 100k+ (ahh - that might be correlated to the "no 90s")
  • 1/1/2015
    As long as the car recognizes that road as a divided highway (assuming it is a divided highway) you'd be fine. Of course if it is one of the roads that the new restrictions would be implemented on, you wouldn't be able to use Auto Steer and TACC together, though from other posts it sounds like you could use Auto Steer, and the accelerator pedal.

    If that trip was on divided highways, this new limitation would have no impact on your trip. Since you say "middle lane" that sounds like three lanes in each direction, which sounds like a divided highway. You should be able to drive exactly the same way with this version of the software.
  • 1/1/2015
    @green1 the limit in Canada is 10 km/hr above.
  • 1/1/2015
    Yep. Maybe so. 108409 here.
  • 1/1/2015
    No, it keeps going until it reaches the fixed limit, detects something in its path, or you press the lock button. It should allow, under Settings, a configurable distance for shorter driveways. If the keyfob doesn't respond, it could end up in the road unless you want to jump behind it.
  • 1/1/2015
    [Upset with] Tesla. No updates for me anymore, I guess. And _other_ AutoSteer updates actually sound like safety improvements. Double [upset with] Tesla.

    - - - Updated - - -

    If the car can't detect the limit you're still limited to 45mph. And my car CAN NOT detect limit or even read freaking signs more than half of the time (yes, it's Oregon with its weird font on speed limit signs). And even then, on many roads with 45mph limit driving at 50mph will create a road hazard by forcing pretty much everybody else to pass you.

    And pressing accelerator constantly to placate the AP is [totally] ridiculous. It's like they don't understand why people want it.

    Way to go Tesla, way to go.
  • 1/1/2015
    They put a digital clock back on the dash, next to the gear indicator.

    The outside temp got moved to the dash also. Next to the little useless battery meter.

    As someone else mentioned, they removed the source select from the Media app.

    The climate control (now?) shows the car is in range mode.

    I think the analog clock looks different.
  • 1/1/2015
    It's not in the firmware tracker. That's what people use to determine which models got it, and what countries.
  • 1/1/2015
    Kinda frustrated that my p85d has not received the update yet. Seems like most of the cars that have received it so far are the same model and vin range as mine. Safe to assume there is nothing that can be done on my end to speed things along?
  • 1/1/2015
    Unfortunately not, unless you want to stop by a service center. I would, but the closest one to me is a couple hours away. I'm in the same boat, still waiting for it to show up. Really thought it would be there when I woke up today, but apparently not. I haven't had any firmware updates pushed to me since 7.0. Not a fan of the seemingly random way tesla seems to sends these out.

    Since this update adds little to non-AP cars, more frustrating that they didn't prioritize the AP cars that can actually use it! Maybe tesla is mad at me for insulting their crap iPhone app.
  • 1/1/2015
    No reason to be mad at me and I have a 70D 05xxxx. Got 7.0 first morning but no 7.1 for me yet. East coast too...

    My wifi is reading weak so I've repositioned my router a bit. And I've rebooted. Patience is a virtue.....
  • 1/1/2015
    New Tesla iPhone App Update out allowing "Summoning" of car via the iPhone app.

  • 1/1/2015
    Any idea how this works? Do you have to be close to the car? And has there been any confirmation that if you have a short driveway, the tesla would just drive itself right into the road if you're not there to stop it?
  • 1/1/2015
    It appears you have to be close to the car. If you're not, the option does not appear. I mistakenly thought summon hadn't been implemented on the backend yet.

    It would have been more clear if the summon button appeared greyed out if you're not in the geofence instead of disappearing.
  • 1/1/2015
    If you want to be able to summon the car and be nowhere around then theoretically you could leave a spare phone with the Tesla App in the garage all of the time and use remote software on the phone you carry to control the phone in the garage making the car think you are right next to it but not. I wouldn't do it but I guarantee someone will eventually.
  • 1/1/2015
    It does not work that way.

    The car does not know if the phone app is actually near the vehicule. It should also not know if it is on the same wifi network. It can't use bluetooth since when the car is off bluetooth is off too.

    The only way to know that is to compare the phone's location (as reported by the phone's OS) and the car location (as reported by the car's GPS).
    So leaving a phone nearby will only allow that phone to summon the car, but not an other one.
  • 1/1/2015
    this is what Vince was saying. In his proposed set up, the phone nearby the car is the reference phone. The phone you carry only receives an image of the reference phone. The location of the carried phone is not used.
  • 1/1/2015
    Why (and how) would the app on the phone you use get the location of the other phone ?

    What do you mean by "receiving an image of the reference phone" ?
  • 1/1/2015
    No 7.1 yet. No Android app update. Hope it's not linked...
  • 1/1/2015
    Ugh this probably means door dings. :mad:
  • 1/1/2015
    It is possible to remote control a phone. VNC app would be an example. Two phones and remote control of the local phone is what he is talking about. I wouldn't do it but you could is all he's saying.
  • 1/1/2015
    So the door dings from the other cars are worth it to you?
  • 1/1/2015
    It is easier to look at it like your computer. For computer support you can use all sorts of applications to take control of a computer remotely. Best Buy can provide Geek Squad support on your home computer using these applications just like any remote administrator would.

    Applications that you are manipulating are on lets call it cell phone A in your garage. You can be anywhere in the world and execute a program on the phone with you (phone B) to literally take control over that phone in your garage. That phone A in your garage is on the same network, is located via GPS right next to the car. Phone B is seeing the screen of A and can execute any application and perform any function on Phone A remotely including backing your car out or into the garage.

    Like I said I'll never do it but someone will.

    I'm just waiting for my friggin update.
  • 1/1/2015
    No 7.1 yet, but did get the iPhone app update. I'm from Canada though where Summon isn't available, so not sure what will change in the app?
  • 1/1/2015
    There is truth to what you say. Don't forget the guy that backed over a bike or his wife's bushes (can't remember which one, bike sounds more dramatic). This was immediately following torque sleep update IIRC.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Android will get it in 2 years
  • 1/1/2015
    Perhaps. More coding I suppose could refine it as you suggest, but I suspect part of Tesla's reasoning may be to just not show the option at all when it's not available for any reason, including e.g. if it's not available in some geo perhaps because of legalities, Tesla would likely pi@@-off less customers by not showing even a greyed-out option that would never apply to them. We do already have complaints from non-US owners here about the feature not (yet?) being made available to them. ;)
  • 1/1/2015
    You may get it via either, but my advice would be even if you receive the update, to wait until you are home to install it. The odds are it goes smoothly, but you don't want to risk having a problem in the middle of your long trip, far from home. I never update my phone or laptop while traveling either, for the same reason.
  • 1/1/2015
    Doesn't anyone else find it curious that no 90 packs anywhere in the world have reported getting this update?
  • 1/1/2015
    Yes, it's curious, but we'll never know what Tesla's real reason for deploying releases may be.

    My teams and I used to sometimes change deployment strategies and stagger release based on need to get input from certain populations first, or when Mktg or some Exec told us to get it done ASAP -- to initially limit it to populations where all our use cases had been completed while the teams were finishing detail on some outliers. It could just be some Tesla program manager that has control over this loves having the power, and plays a bit of a game with Owners that doesn't really hurt anything, but allows him or her to have a big smirk on their face as they read threads like this. I could of course tell you there is the possibility there may be a present in the eventual S90 code release like fixes for our non-60/70/85 Rated Range display problem, but I wouldn't want to speculate on something I have no facts on -- not that anyone around here ever does! AHAHAH :)
  • 1/1/2015
    nooo ... please not Elon years ;)
  • 1/1/2015
    I had the same exact speculative hope. [emoji3]
  • 1/1/2015
    Someone upthread did. They didn't put it on the firmware tracker though.
  • 1/1/2015
    Got the 7.1 in Canada yesterday... everything but Summon is in it.
  • 1/1/2015
    From what I can tell, it'll back out only to where you auto-pulled-in from. So if you park the car a few feet from the garage door and tell it to pull in, when it backs out it'll put you back a few feet from the garage again, not in the street. It doesn't seem to remember that position though. If you manually park the next time it'll back out into your street again.

    Hitting the fob button is easy enough to stop it, with sticking your hand in front of a parking sensor as a backup plan. It would be nice if it could remember where to stop when exiting the garage though.
  • 1/1/2015
    Park so close nobody can get in the other car. That's actually what happens at the "EV sized" charging spots around here. Barely fits a leaf.
  • 1/1/2015

    no doubt. For whatever reason it seems like I receive updates months after they start. I wonder what their protocol is?
  • 1/1/2015
    I think it's random; I usually receive updates late, haven't received any since the original 7.0 and seemed to have been early on 7.1
  • 1/1/2015
    Same here. As anyone gotten any kind of information as to why it was not available in Canada (and other countries outside the US from what I gather)?
  • 1/1/2015
    You're a hope killer, damn you [emoji3]. It must be that Elon hates me then.
  • 1/1/2015
    And still nothing. Why so long? I use AP every day and really want to see how it stays in the lane better on curves. That's been something I've been working on all along. Whine
  • 1/1/2015
    I don't mind Tesla imposing some AP restrictions on certain roads, but what needs to accompany that is an updated maps database. I have a newly (1+ years ago) 8 lane highway that was built by my house that my car now thinks is a restricted road.
  • 1/1/2015
    I've rebooted both consoles TWICE and did a rain dance. I brought rain to Thousand Oaks but no sad!
  • 1/1/2015
    I'm wondering if perpendicular autoparking will solve the "I'm totally incompetent at backing into a supercharger stall" problem. It would be another step on the path to automated swapping of cars at superchargers too. Maybe a robot attendant that pulls the cable out of a car that's finished charging, and then plugs in the next car. Tesla can do this because it knows everything: who is waiting to charge, the order they got there, whether they are passing through or local, their state of charge, whether there are more cars that will show up to charge soon, whether they have a trip in progress or not. Lots of optimization and prioritization possible.

    The only thing standing in the way of this that I can see is the physical plugging in and unplugging of charging cables. Of course new hardware on the car and charging stall can address this (metal snake anyone?), but to do this with existing vehicles and charging stations would require an attendant of some sort, robot or human. Perhaps when Tesla starts updating their supercharging locations to include thin cables, reconfiguration to handle X's that are towing, and more stalls, then they can add hardware to facilitate this sort of thing as well. On the other hand, they can pilot something at just their busiest locations, and those are the only places where it really matters at first. Although for true self-driving, the cars must be self-charging as well, so something will have to be done within the next few years.

    So can anybody report on having used this new feature at a supercharger?
  • 1/1/2015
    Wonderful! Thanks for the clarification. I get my car back on Tuesday, so will try it out on Jersey freeways... Plus play with the other items.
  • 1/1/2015
    Can't get the summon button to pop-up on my iPhone when standing next to the car. . .

    Haven't been able to get the perpendicular parking spot to light up either, even when moving ~5 MPH in a parking lot with plenty of spots with two cars on either side of an open spot.
  • 1/1/2015
    I have actually never gotten the regular auto park to work. I'll check with the service center to see if they can. I assume I am alone in never experiencing Autopark? I prefer to park myself, but it would be cool to see.
  • 1/1/2015
    Some people in the US also reported having Launch Mode added (they didn't have it before)... and it was not included in my update last night.
    Another feature missing for us in the Great White North? :-(
  • 1/1/2015
    Perpendicular parking didn't work for me this morning either, and I've also never gotten autopark to work.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Driving home today from work, and the autopilot does not appear to change speed when the speed limit signs change. You can pull the stalk and it will automatically change to the new speed limit (+ the offset), but it does not appear to do this automatically.

    Is this correct? If so, that's only half the solution. I would really want the car to follow the speed limits as they change.
  • 1/1/2015
    I'd like to view the firmware update tracker but my credentials aren't listed. Anyone I need to contact?
  • 1/1/2015
    And I don't want the car to follow the speed limits as they change, sop I hope Tesla never forces that upon us. As an option? Sure.
  • 1/1/2015
    you need to create your own account.
  • 1/1/2015
    The only time the car automatically adjusts to the speed limit is on an undivided road, with autopilot on, where it wants to restrict your speed to speed limit+5. That is, it will only slow you down when the speed limit lowers.

    It does not change your speed setpoint, just slows you down to speed limit+5. You could have your setpoint at 80 though and then you'd effectively speed up and slow down as the speed limit changes. This would not work on a divided highway because it won't restrict your speed there.
  • 1/1/2015
    Would you be using the "Snap to speed limit (plus offset)" toggle to set TACC?

    I'm thinking the logical approach is to make it so the car follows the speed limit as it changes if set using that while not changing the speed if TACC is set to a speed other than the limit+offset.
  • 1/1/2015
    I would not. I'd like to set it and forget it. I'm rarely the first car, and if the speed limit is bouncing between 55 and 65, but I have AP set to 75 to follow traffic, I want AP to be set to 75, not speed limit plus delta.
  • 1/1/2015
    you may know this but the US sensors not only need to see the cars but a curb as well. No curb...No auto park.
  • 1/1/2015
    Yes hoping it comes to me soon!

  • 1/1/2015
    The fob has to be in proximity to the car for the summon and homelink buttons to appear on the app.
  • 1/1/2015
    I am confused by what is being referenced as the "Launch Mode" button. My P85D has the Max Power button under the Sport/Insane toggle, but I have never seen anything that says Launch Mode, either in the previous version 7.0 (2.9.12) or 7/ (2.9.154)?
  • 1/1/2015
    any news on the 90d cars getting the upgrade?
    I am still anxiously awaiting for my car to get it
  • 1/1/2015
    Only 1 report up thread, but nothing in the tracker thus far. We're all waiting.
  • 1/1/2015
    I'm probably just missing it but I wonder why they would even put it in the app then. What's the added value?
  • 1/1/2015
    Just like jailbreaking your iPhone may negatively impact your ability to call 911. It is not approved by the manufacturer.
  • 1/1/2015
    I'm in the car with the fob. Updated iPhone app shows neither. Which screen of the app do they appear in for you?
  • 1/1/2015
    Additional PSA i haven't seen anything on, 7.1 now has audible warnings of trunk is open and you have the car in reverse or drive. This seems to be very similar to the frunk warning if you try to drive with it open.

    Another thank you to Tesla for this feature as some of us have garage door openings shorter than the high point of the rear trunk height. I have had nightmares about this up until now, reversing with trunk up and destroying both it and the garage door.
  • 1/1/2015
    Didn't you say upthread you were from Canada where it is disabled?
  • 1/1/2015
    Indeed. Not expecting Summon in the app for me, although I can toggle Summon notifications on or off in the app oddly enough. I was referring to Homelink which should work here.
  • 1/1/2015
    You've gotta wonder if TM has done this release thumbing their nose at the Detroit Auto Show and coordinating with CES.

    I can't tell because I haven't watched this stuff enough but it seems there have been far fewer updates today than yesterday and with 100+K cars to do this is rolling out very very slowly. I realize only a fraction of owners actually report but even if it is 1 in 100 that's pretty thin.
  • 1/1/2015
    Has anyone had a chance to try Auto-summoning into a garage on an angle vs straight in? Our garage needs us to get in on an angle with the garage door pillar on one side and a car on the other. Haven't gotten the update yet. Thanks
  • 1/1/2015
    Some have, up thread.
  • 1/1/2015
    Has anybody received and update today? 1/10? Seems like they were all yesterday?

    Do they normally continue sending out updates on a Sunday?
  • 1/1/2015
    90DL here, no upgrade yet...
  • 1/1/2015
    I don't think you're missing anything. Ease of use - maybe. If you have the fob, then you might as well use it.

    Edit: the app does tell you if it cancels for some reason, so there is that. It doesn't give you a specific reason, but maybe that will come with an update.
  • 1/1/2015
    Check this thread, the first post has the release note on how to enable it:

    ...and it is included in Canada.
    Your question prompted me to RTFM and I had forgotten about enabling the Max Battery Power mode :redface:
  • 1/1/2015
    Right one person.
  • 1/1/2015
    I am on a road trip in Texas and am based in Colorado. I got the 7.1 upgrade OTA just fine yesterday.

    Just don't do the upgrade while you are doing any critical charging or the such. As I learned on a previous upgrade, the charging gets interrupted a few times in the upgrade process.
  • 1/1/2015
    It will only go in the general direction you pointed the car. It doesn't seem to adjust the angle based on walls, cars, or other obstacles. It will stop before hitting those though.
  • 1/1/2015
    So you are the one who brought me more rain. I was the first one (maybe 2nd) who got the 7.0 update but still no 7.1.
  • 1/1/2015
    Yeah sorry about that. [emoji3]
  • 1/1/2015
    So Elon just tweeted:

    "@elonmusk: In ~2 years, summon should work anywhere connected by land & not blocked by borders, eg you're in LA and the car is in NY"
  • 1/1/2015
    Only if paired with an Uber driver, at least with today's hardware.
  • 1/1/2015
    Highly doubt that this will be possible with the current AP HW. And highly doubt that regulations will allow that in 2 years.
  • 1/1/2015
    He said during the press Q&A today (Sunday) that they are working on an enhanced sensor suite that isn't ready for production yet, but would be required for this.
  • 1/1/2015
    Well, there are hints in the firmware from my hacking efforts of things like another camera and front and rear corner radars...
  • 1/1/2015
    Tracker shows 10 today, although I don't know if that means they were updated today, or just logged into the tracker today. I don't see any reason why updates shouldn't go out on Sunday since they don't presumably require a person to manually do anything. I'm still impatiently awaiting my upgrade. This does seem a lot slower than 7.0 and I'm hoping it's not a typical update that can take weeks!
  • 1/1/2015
    I'm curious if he's envisioning the car driving, charging, parking LA -> NY without human intervention in about 2 years. If so, that's about half the time he mentioned a month or so ago which was 4-5 years for full autonomous driving if I recall correctly. Quite a goal.
  • 1/1/2015
    For those who have not seen it, a new tweet (30 minutes ago) from Elon Musk:

    "In ~2 years, summon should work anywhere connected by land & not blocked by borders, eg you're in LA and the car is in NY"

    BTW, I see that there's a newly updated version of the Tesla app on the iTunes store. Not surprisingly the text indicates the updates include:

    -Summon Model S
    -Open/Close a HomeLink-controlled garage door (for U.S. vehicles only)
  • 1/1/2015
  • 1/1/2015
    They better have something in the works better than the Tesla "probe" that was a epic fail. Go to induction charging somehow. Only way to really do it unattended.
  • 1/1/2015
    Elon just tweeted

    edit: Dammit i'm too slow others beat me to it.
  • 1/1/2015
  • 1/1/2015
    � and a dedicated thread.

    Could we please keep this thread on topic (so 7.1 firmware only) ?

    Also, if you do not have the update yet; please don't complain about it here, unless you have an idea about how Tesla rolls its update out.
    Check the firmware update tracker to see if you can find any correlation.
  • 1/1/2015
    Tesla's anti-android devs stike again...
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