guest @spottyq, no offense and I'd be happy to exclude parts of the 7.1 upgrade (summoning) from the 7.1 thread if that makes sense but your comment about there not being any correlation in terms of geography or battery packs included is not correct.�
guest Don't feel too bad, iOS is pretty well ignored also. You would think that just one full time mobile app programmer could get more done than what they've been doing. Allen gets more done, and he's far from full time!�
guest Has anyone with 7.1 and an iPhone figured out how to summon the car from the app? I see the notifications but there doesn't seem to be any kind of controls to summon.�
guest I hope Tesla is intending to upgrade the Summon feature to actually do the promised garage parking. In our somewhat narrow garage it centers the car between the wall and our other car, but that's not the position I'd like it in because it leaves too little space to easily open the other car's door. It should be programmable for where it positions the car as well as the path from the street to the garage and should it should be possible to start the process from the touchscreen while you're in the car.
I'm not sure what the value of the current Summon feature is although it's interesting to watch.�
guest You need to be in proximity of the car (I believe with the fob) and it will appear at the top of the app home page in the spot that usually gives you the status of the car. ie. parked, driving, charging�
guest See screenshots from Andrew on post 10 here:
Summon is on the App!!�
guest Oh and it won't appear if the car is plugged in.�
guest Thanks KyP85D & msnow! I'll try it now.�
guest Can you post a picture of how its positioned?�
guest I don't know if this will help you, but it will try to more or less maintain the angle that it is pointed at when autopark starts. If I line it up at the ideal angle, it will park closer to the right side than the left, leaving sufficient room to open the doors on the left side as well as on my wife's car.�
guest Question about the autopilot changes: Can anyone tell us if "center divider" means a concrete barrier? In other words, can Autopilot still be used on divided highways where the divider is a grass median as is common where I live? I'd hate to think I would no longer be able to use it on roads without a concrete barrier on my left....
And my apologies if that has been answered above. I admit to not reading all 400+ previous posts in this thread! (And I have not yet received notice of the download to my car.)�
guest Do they hate us? Expect summon in 2018 for Android.... about the same lag as receiving notifications.�
guest It works fine for me on 2 lane road ( 1 lane each way with solid and broken center line ) with 80km/h ( 50 mph ) speed limit. I was running in Autopilot mode at 90 km/h ( 55 mph ).�
guest I'm looking for something that I can manually park the car once and it will always return to that spot. I'd even be willing to glue down some sort of marker (heck, even a bluetooth low energy beacons) on the garage floor next to the tires to mark exactly where it should end up. Perfect parking, every time. That's what I would really like!�
guest So you up dated at a Supercharger with an 1hr+ update time for the process?�
guest Your FOB must be in proximity to the car, and the car must be unplugged for the summon options to appear.�
guest Ah...so that would prevent spoofing and remotely controlling the app. The phone and the fob have to be in proximity of the car. Smart.
Except I guess you could leave a phone and a fob in proximity while you remotely manipulate the app on the phone.�
guest Is this really is accurate. Watch some of the videos, etc.
Phone yes should be in proximity for Summon to appear; however, the MS doesn't seem to detect the key unless you are very close to the car, like 2-3 feet at times, at least with the current remotes. Maybe this will differ when they are more low-power Bluetooth or something in the future.
Not a biggy either way as seems like most of us will use Summon here at first to see it, and then maybe like once a year after this ;-)�
guest A grass median is fine. I assume it uses the "divided highway" indication from the map data. I know at least two local roads that have no median in my area that are not restricted.�
guest Great... restrictions based on ancient obsolete map data...�
guest Well... I decided to to the downgrade to V7.1 I am not very excited about it. Since Canada has been left out of some of the really cool summon feature! The USA gets it and we don't! I am concerned I might be getting less features on this version. For some reason i was under the impression that TESLA was listening to owners and perhaps offer some new designs or features. I was hoping to get the KM miles on the dashboard,as well I don;t really care to know that the car sees other car on the auto pilot. I am more interested in information such as regen, power usage. I would have really like a new Option for the insane mode! now colors, maybe orange or red to show that the car is in High power mode.
It would be awesome to see an interactive graphic picture of the system in real time. information such as temperature of batteries, charge, re-gen.�
guest More importantly (at lest to me), is once some 90D owner start getting it: Does it correct the continual range loss issue?
My range at 90% now down from 257 to 243 in just 3 months. :crying:�
guest I'm curious, if you're not happy with doing it, and you believe it to be a downgrade, why are you doing it?�
guest +1 Me too. I hope you reported it to Tesla and had them check out your hardware. Best way to keep them honest.�
guest Question: how do I make summon stop at a specific point? My driveway is less than 39ft wide, so it wants to go on the grass.�
guest �
guest You nailed it on this one @eye.surgeon. We do have a tendency to not appreciate what we have and take things for granted.�
guest I got it this morning.�
guest I Don't have it yet, but from instructions I've read, Push the FOB lock button to stop.�
guest Not really, Airlines do suck in the way they treat people. It is a flying cattle car.�
guest You may have missed the point of the piece.�
guest That is correct, but rather than just canceling it, what about a trained stopping position?�
guest I have pretty much read this whole thread today but I don't remember anyone asking why this was not the big revamp of the UI that Musk said was coming in 7.1? I was thinking this would be the release that changed the real estate of the screen completely and fixed the effed up way the music app works, changed the navigation to WAYZ or something that actually works, etc. I love the car, and all the improvements, but I agree with many here that Summon in this initial incarnation is not overly helpful and more of a novelty. I love AP but would give up more improvements to that if we'd get the UI overhaul we were promised. Things like dropping the audio select button is taking us backwards, not forwards in this manner.
Anyone know what the status of the overhaul is?�
guest . Elon. I suspect no one here has insider information they can share. Many of us continue to hope.
guest I think maybe they pushed up the release of the summon feature to get some press before any competitor announcements at the Detroit Auto Show this week.
Hopefully the UI improvement are still coming.�
guest Because "we" were too excited to read/comprehend the release notes. Whoops. I've updated the video with text bubbles clarifying.
Nope, we were just rushing to test things in open space before attempting in our narrow garage.
You can use your fob to manually stop it, which is what we need to do since our driveway is < 39'.
Here is a video of the car parking in a narrow garage. (Please be kind - it was literally a first attempt, one take, and I'm a blubbering buffoon.)
guest Does Summon work, in say, a restaurant parking lot?�
guest Any suggestions as to getting over the lip for garages? Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't , even after engaging and re-engaging summon. That's my biggest complaint; that you can't check a box to allow more power when a lip is present, and you'd assume responsibility.�
guest Off topic, but...Its January, you have PA tags, and your grass is crazy green!�
guest This weather has been nuts. I'm also not wearing a jacket! It hit 50 yesterday, 60 today, but high will be low 30s tomorrow.�
guest Yes, confirmed by experience.�
guest Keep in mind the software/firmware package sent to each car is rather large, so Tesla must limit the updates to a handful at a time to prevent overloading it's data center connection. This is the main reason for the slow rollout, and it gets worse as the fleet gets larger.�
guest So it must be bigger than 7.0 which was rolled very quickly. I had thought the updates were incremental no?�
guest Each update is self-sufficient; hundreds of MB per download. Not incremental.�
guest One hopes they're planning to move to something less horrifically unscalable before Model 3 hits the streets. This ain't (ahem) rocket science.�
guest I wonder if they may also do some random shuffle or something similar? I received it very early for 7.0 and still nothing for 7.1. Maybe I'm on the other end now to 'play fair' so to speak? Just surmising.
- - - Updated - - -
Mine has as well, but I'm pretty sure that's colder weather-related from other threads I've read. Let's see what happens once it starts to warm up again.�
guest From your lips to Elon's ears.
Yes, the impromptu press call today makes me think that they prioritized a marketing stunt over the expressed wishes of their paying customers.
Once again we're getting things on the bleeding edge with limited use instead of Tesla fixing bugs that many hear complain about.
UI isn't fixed. Nav isn't fixed. Media app got worse, not better. No Spotify for the US.
But UHHHHHH, SHINY!!!! I can summon the car. Which is something that most likely fewer than 1% of their user base will use on even a semi regular basis (if ever). Half the cars have no AP hardware. Most cars are plugged into the charger when in the garage.
ARGL. This is so painfully frustrating. All this potential. But it doesn't matter what the cattle, err, I mean, the existing customers want. What matters is things that Elon can talk about in front of the press.�
guest I have been logging flows coming from the car and I see hits to Akamai. Most mature public SW deployment/update uses a CDN. As an example, Microsoft patches an absolutely amazing number of computers on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. There should be essentially "zero" bandwidth limitation for Tesla DCs if they are using a CDN. Best reason to do a slow roll, IMHO, is to make sure they did not screw something up that will cause widespread problems.
Interestingly, the Akamai connection I have been watching only does a HEAD request and gets a 400 response (bad request). This does not necessarily indicate a problem but it is somewhat of an unusual thing.
If someone else has done traces during an update it would be interesting to see whether they are delivering the updates over VPN, SSL, or in the clear.�
guest I guess they've never heard of a CDN in Fremont :-/
No one serves traffic from a single point.�
guest Was anybody able to use new Tesla MS app feature to open/close garage door? I am not seeing this option on my app - maybe it is part of the app for AP cars only (although it does not seem to make sense)?
guest i have an S70 non-D but with AP. 3 weeks old. VIN 118xx, no signs of updates, i'e never done an update before (As the car is new, so it came with 7.0) according to ev-fw no 70s have been upgraded. Wonder if anyone here has a RWD 70�
guest I believe someone posted that they tried it in a parking lot and it worked. I assume that Summon will work in locations off public roads. But I suspect you have to use it with caution because the car will not be able to detect the difference between, for example, a paved surface and a lawn, and there might be some obstacles it will not detect such as a fence consisting of a few horizontal wires several feet off the ground.�
guest So summon appears to rely on walls, etc - things that the sensors can detect. So I guess it would work if parking between other cars. But since the car ignores markings on the surface I think this wouldn't work unless you had a spot between other cars, right?
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I think the sample size of RWD 70s is very small. If you look at the stats for v7.0 you see that we only have a total of 5 Model S 70 ever reporting - the only cars more rare in our data are the Model S 40 (3 of them) the Model S 90 (1), the Model X (2) and the non-existing Model S P60 (we have one of those... fascinating...)
This is why I keep posting here and there and everywhere, asking people to enter data into the tracker. The tracker is only as useful as the data that we can get. And the fewer people enter their data, the less useful the tracker becomes.�
guest We don't know what distribution platform they use though, They pushed out 7.0, tens of thousands cars,to the world in 36 hours last October so whatever they have worked. The slowness could be many things; strategic, focused, random, technical problems all the things mentioned above.�
guest But where does it go? Does it come to wherever the phone is? Does it just sit in the middle of the road?�
guest Interestingly. Today mercedes Benz released the 2017 E class data that goes for sale in the summer of 2016. It has Drive pilot which sounds equal or better than autopilot. They "say" it can drive up to 81mph on the highway without lane markings and just use cars and medians etc to navigate. It has active lane change assist and will look if the lane is clear then change lanes. It also has remote parking from the app.
Looks like MB has stepped it up and is bringing 7.1 features out this summer. I am sure Elon keeps us ahead with more updates by then but is now hardware limited vs the suite of sensors on the 2017 MB.
Also I would like to add the 7.1 update does better driving on single lane undivided roads at 5mph over limit that it could not navigate at all before without hitting a ditch or oncoming traffic.�
guest It will just back up or go forward up to 39 ft till it feels it needs to stop.�
guest So it wont navigate through the parking lot at all....�
guest Nope. No turning.
It will perpendicular park nicely and turn . So this summoning may get upgraded in time.�
guest Makes sense, i will enter it to the db when i get it�
guest Akamai is a CDN and can definitely handle the 100k+ downloads.
Staged rollouts are common practice, it will pick up steam in the coming days once they validate the release.�
guest Still no update. The tracker looks like several 90's have it now. Hopefully tonight.�
Yawn.... Tesla's are doing now, what a mercedes will do in a year.�
guest Makes sense given Elons tweets today..
guest No 90's on the tracker at this point... maybe you're looking at the wrong version?�
guest I don't know if this has been mentioned but it seems highly unlikely unless they will have robots at supercharger stations
"Eventually, your Tesla will be able to drive anywhere across the country to meet you, charging itself along the way"�
guest He said a version of the robotic snake charger will make it to superchargers eventually.�
guest that seems way off in the future�
guest I just checked and didn't see any 90's in Tracker for 7.1.�
guest Yes, in his press conference he mentioned robotic chargers.�
guest Yep. Looked at wrong version. I've got two trips this week and would love to eliminate the routing to the supercharger that's 7 miles from my house to charge for 0 minutes.�
It will back out of the garage to the same general distance that you auto-pulled in from, so if you park it 10 feet from the garage opening and have it park itself, when you summon it, the car will only back out to about 10 feet from the garage. Of course, you can also make the car stop by hitting the key fob again.
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Wow, thanks for the response - I never got firmware 2.9.40 and hadn't been staying to up-to-date on the forum, so I would have completely missed this if you hadn't pointed me in the right direction.�
guest Am I reading the Tracker correctly when it says that the highest VIN to get the update is 090xxx
Tesla Firmware Upgrade Tracker Web App�
guest Yes, you are reading it correctly. FWIW, someone earlier in this discussion said they had a 1xxxxx VIN and had received the update but not updated the tracker.�
guest So for some reason they are starting with the lowest Vin numbers?�
guest No one knows the distribution strategy. Could be anything.�
guest Forgive me if this has been discussed already, but is anyone having problems getting the new homelink options to close the garage door when you drive away? Mine opens fine on arrival but it hasn't closed the garage door after leaving once since checking both boxes... anybody have any ideas?
Okay never mind, in the MS Classic 7.1 thread I'm being told I have to open the garage door with the homelink button for it to auto-close it on the way out...�
guest Of course they've heard of it. I suspect Ingineer is not in SW development to speculate something like that. There are other more realistic and plausibility explanations as to why they upgrade our cars in phases.�
guest The 7.1 update was about 125MB on the wire... * 50,000 cars is 62TB of bandwidth. That's a decent amount, not that I think this was a limiting factor.
The way Tesla's firmware updates seem to work is the car sends a request to Tesla's server, Tesla's server then builds a custom package for your car based on the configuration and module versions, then the car downloads this later when it's done. Definitely an interesting approach, and certainly more difficult to scale than just adding more bandwidth.�
guest We have had some speculation on their algorithm but "random" seems to be the most plausible, but frustrating one for those of us still waiting! It's like waiting in line without knowing how many are ahead of you.�
guest So, a question from someone with limited tech experience: If my car asks for it before your car does mine get it first? Strength of wifi connection? Essentially, how do you think TM decides the order to send it out? Thanks�
guest I'm not installing mine ... To bad I can't give it to someone else!�
guest I have received updates early and late compared to other people. so, probably not by VIN, date of purchase. I go by firmware engineers sitting with a dartboard.
- - - Updated - - -
I know you have been steadfast in not installing recent downloads. ..what version are you running?�
guest The latest 6.2 build.�
guest So how does my car "know" to send the request? Or do they check in with the mothership every day and then once the package is ready it comes down the pipe? So to speak.�
guest I wonder if the newer VINs (100,000+) have some different hardware or something? It appears that no Xs have gotten it either, which would be consistent with that theory, assuming X and S hardware are in sync.�
guest Since Cottonwood must not have seen the above comment by susteki yet, I'll step in and point out, by bolding the relevant part of Cottonwood's comment, that he said nothing whatsoever to indicate that he updated the firmware while supercharging.�
guest Interesting theory. Not sure if it is correct..But, TM has been know to add hardware without telling the purchaser that they have something new (ex: early radar/US sensors ). We know to get truly AD driving you will need more cameras/radar/sensors ( per EM blog today ). Could some Ss and Xs have some of these sensors??? Doubt it, but possible.
My speculation (actually WAG): The wiring harnesses may be in place for additional cameras (like the Mobeleye 3 camera or 8 camera systems) and 4 corner radar. Retrofitting the cameras and radar would be relatively easy versus running all the wiring.�
guest As the screen you included showed, there was a disclaimer about US vehicles only. Others have said in other threads that the Homelink feature is only working through the summoning. Summoning is only in the US, so the note about Homelink control being for US cars only would be consistent with that.
So since your non-AP car can't be summoned, it also can't control Homelink.�
guest I doubt it. I know the early AP hardware is seen as a generous move, but personally I think it was released in order to crowd-source ultra-precise road maps before the public release of AP.�
guest Probably..hence why I call it my WAG:wink:�
guest I don't know for sure. It's quite possible that the packages are created in order, or not. There doesn't appear to be a wifi or cell preference, either.
The car is always checking for updates periodically, although I don't know on what time scale. It appears rebooting the 17" screen causes it to check for an update once it's booted, but that probably doesn't actually help since the servers still have the make the package and such and the car probably already requested that on its own.
With map updates it definitely doesn't pull those over the cell connection and requires WiFi it looks like...�
guest Thanks!
No, that was over a year ago at 70A J-plug in Salida, CO. It added 10-15 minutes to my time at the charger, but no one else was waiting...and I had a great talk with PT at Wood's Distillery about his latest batch of Rye!�
guest If you look at this table from the 7.0 firmware tracker, you can see that for some odd reason we have 0.9% of the 60k VINs entering data in the tracker, but only 0.3 and 0.2%, respectively, of the 100k and 110k VINs. So the sample size in the higher VINs appears to be lower. If you have a VIN 100k and up and are reading this... please add your data to the tracker - even if it is just for the last 7.0 update.
[TH="bgcolor: #5FBB8B"]Model[/TH][TH="bgcolor: #5FBB8B"]Vin Range[/TH][TH="bgcolor: #5FBB8B"]#Updates[/TH][TH="bgcolor: #5FBB8B"]#Cars[/TH][TH="bgcolor: #5FBB8B"]Builds (2.7*)[/TH] S 00xxxx 73 50 .106/.40/.56/.77/2.9.12/2.9.40/2.9.68/2.9.74/2.9.77 S 01xxxx 31 24 .40/.56/.77/2.9.12/2.9.40 S 02xxxx 37 20 .106/.56/.77/2.8.217/2.9.12/2.9.40/2.9.68 S 03xxxx 21 13 .106/.56/.77/2.8.188/2.8.217/2.9.12 S 04xxxx 15 14 .40/.56/.77/2.8.188/2.9.12/2.9.40 S 05xxxx 46 33 .106/.56/.77/2.9.12/2.9.40/2.9.77 S 06xxxx 143 87 .106/.40/.56/.77/2.8.188/2.8.217/2.9.12/2.9.40/2.9.68/2.9.74/2.9.77 S 07xxxx 72 55 .106/.56/.77/.85/2.8.188/2.9.12/2.9.40/2.9.68/2.9.74/2.9.77 S 08xxxx 97 68 .106/.56/.77/2.8.217/2.9.12/2.9.40/2.9.68/2.9.77 S 09xxxx 68 48 .106/.56/.77/2.8.217/2.9.12/2.9.40/2.9.68/2.9.74/2.9.77 S 10xxxx 28 20 .56/.77/2.9.12/2.9.40/2.9.68 S 11xxxx 19 16 .106/.77/2.8.217/2.9.12/2.9.68/2.9.74 S 12xxxx 1 1 2.9.74 X 00xxxx 2 2 2.9.74
But having said all that - even with 3-5x more people in the 60k range reporting, we still should have gotten a hand full of reports for the 100k+ VINs in the 7.1 tracker. So there is indeed a chance that they are predominantly pushing this to VINs below 100k�
guest Possibly the value is a number of things:
- Simply putting it out there for people to test and report their experience.
- Hearing your suggestions and those of others of how you would like it to work.
- Watching for unanticipated mishaps.
Those are a few things. It seems that those who develop software are generally pretty good at anticipating consequences of actions and probable preferences, etc. However, it is the user and the real life experiences that will matter in the end. We collectively provide information on lots of user experience, but few of us are experts at software development. Those who are doing the software engineering have their minds full of very technical problems/solutions on esoteric issues, but are not necessarily the most adept at anticipating subtle real-world eventualities.
So it's a game in which we are all participants, from our own angles.�
guest still waiting for my update. For the ones that got it, any changes on the trip planner ? someone said that it now recommends an average speed to hit the estimated mile range and optimize speed vs. charging time. Sounds like a very good feature if true, any more info on that ? can someone post screenshots or comment ? (if this exists of course)�
guest Why all the negativity? By reading the release notes I found several improvements, including some you mentioned, that are definitely worthwhile a release even without the summon feature.
But of course, there is always going to be a subset of people who like to complain
guest Dirk didn't say this explicitly, but the tracker will allow you to backdate your entries. So if you are entering information on an old firmware update, you can enter the date that you actually received it. If you've been keeping records, you could go back and enter more than one old update, if you so desired.�
guest There are simply more users in the 60k area. This might just have to do with the timing of that site coming online. Needs more advertising to Tesla owners.�
guest Am I right to assume that you know that the EYE-Q-3 chip now in Tesla cars is capable of all those things you mentioned Mercedes is working on and many, many more but they are not turned on yet? Yes, Tesla will run into a hardware wall with the MS at some point, but not yet, or even soon. The main obstacle seems to be full autonomy. As long as the human is there, it has all the sensing it needs for many more improvements. And, even though at some point new hardware will certainly be essential, and even though present hardware cannot be retro-fitted to pre-AP Teslas, that does not mean for sure that the present AP cars cannot be retrofitted with at least some future hardware. Consider that it is just as important to Tesla as it is to us to be able to use the 60K or more AP vehicles for more intensive testing than present hardware allows. Tesla always looks to the future in their current production. They certainly would have been aware that the MS (MX, same hardware) would have to do them at least for another two years (probably 4 years to get to volume). They would have planned for that.�
guest I was really hoping for the power meter shown in one of the slides at the version 7 press event. At the time, many thought since it was not the version 7.0 power meter that it was likely to be the version 7.1 power meter. I guess I can keep hoping the change gets made eventually.
guest Hey, I'm German by birth, complaining is our national past time.
That said... there are plenty of people here who will relentlessly cheer every word Elon says, any thing Elon does, every change Tesla pushes to our cars. I feel that someone needs to occasionally speak up and try to balance things a bit more. And while I agree that the release notes list a ton of improvements for AP cars, I'd say that for non-AP cars (still about half the installed base) the pickings are slim. Driver door only opening. Spotify (Europe only). Other than that... not much comes to mind.
People get very excited about the shiny stuff. Which is why Tesla is focusing on that (and the fact that MB is pushing ahead with their version of autopilot and will have something competitive later this year certainly makes it reasonable for Tesla to continue to push). I just wish they wouldn't completely ignore the long list of issues that have been reported for a long time (and some of which Elon acknowledged and promised fixes for in 7.1 which AFAIK haven't materialized.
So that's why I'm maybe not quite as positive as apparently some people believe is required...
Hey, should I add a standard disclaimer to my signature? Instead of the usual "this post is copytighted... bla bla bla" I could write something like "even if my post may sound like I am not 100% excited 100% of the time, I still love my car and own TSLA shares"?
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Yeah, that would be a big step in the right direction... let's keep hoping. Maybe in 9.4?
Oh wait, was that too negative again? Ok. Maybe in 8.3?�
guest Going back to a logarithm power gauge? I think it would be great, but I don't think that's the actual order of things, that's probably beta software.�
guest LOL I believe it given one of my best friend is German.. :biggrin:�
guest I don't believe any of the beta software images that were leaked back then showed that power meter. Feel free to dig up the discussion from that time, but as I recall the general consensus was that it was likely to be in a future variation of the firmware.
Please don't take away my hope!
guest Deleted.�
guest I very much doubt this. Lidars or radars require quite a lot of infrastructure for installation. Even a backwards-facing camera will need some radical improvements to work.
Mercedes announced that they're going to do _real_ autonomous lane changes, with car checking for the safety. I guess that Mercedes is going to be my next car if Tesla doesn't pull its head out of its ass...�
guest Tesla does not use a CDN for updates. All this goes over the VPN directly, so it's not possible to use outside resources without compromising security.
Every hour the car checks in with the mothership to see if there is a firmware update waiting. (providing it's not in a deep sleep) It sends the configuration string that shows which hardware and which versions of them are in the car. Tesla used to send a large tarball with a full version and all HEX files for all possible hardware, but more recently they got smarter and now only send the specific files needed along with a binary patch for the CID/IC. So this is an incremental system now.
The 7.0 update was pretty small compared to some. (surprisingly) It's possible the 7.1 update is more involved because the AP stuff is large.�
guest Sounds like radar/lidar is not really needed on future fully-auto cars, but just multiple cameras. And adding a camera to the rear window of TMS, like it has on front-window, is not that hard. I think it could be possible to retrofit SOME future upgrades to current AP cars, but I have a feeling that Tesla will not support/allow it, they rather sell a new car. Which is understandable, but may suck for some users.�
guest This may have been mentioned before as I have missed a few post. While Tacc limits the speed when using auto steer on certain roads you can drive faster with the pedal and auto steer remains engaged on the restricted roads.�
guest VINs in the 60s were some of the very first off the line with the AP hardware. Could be related. Could be completely a coincidence.�
guest wk, the ~62TB bandwidth would only be a factor if they pushed all cars concurrently like they apparently did with 7.0 correct?�
guest So it could be a total coincidence but I was asking support for my slacker login info and I mentioned that I'd like the 7.1 update and got this response:
Attached are your slacker radio credentials, and I have submitted a request to our software engineers for the firmware to be pushed to your vehicle. The 7.1 firmware has started to roll out to all Model S owners and will be installed onto your vehicle once the download has been completed. If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to contact us anytime at 1-877-798-3752.
FYI my phone received the notification of an update a few hours later and it's installing on my car now. Could have just been my time. Or maybe the fact that I washed the car last night. Dirty cars don't get updated as fast...�
guest but also a lot smarter than sending everything to every car and letting the car discard what it does not need. That simply wouldn't be viable as the number of vehicles and number of software variations increase over time. We also don't know for a fact if Tesla does have some sort of bandwidth throttle contractually built-in to their negotiated agreement with AT&T -- if so, that could account for why WiFi updates hit more cars faster -- assuming they do. Regardless, if I were Tesla and watching my costs, assuming Tesla pays for bandwidth they do use, I'd always prioritize WiFi first.
I personally don't buy internet bandwidth or data centers being an issue -- at least they don't have to be. It's not sexy stuff, but there is no excuse if Tesla is not ramping up support infrastructure as there is an increase in the size of the fleet. You would think Tesla would have the money to do that as the cash becomes available for a slight increase in support infrastructure every time a new vehicle is sold, and they project to the Press and Shareholders how many that is going to be in advance. It could come down to Tesla just not prioritizing build-out of this sort of infrastructure in a timely manner.Apple e.g. had early problems with significant releases having hiccups and being slow getting to the masses on day of availability, but you don't hear much of those sort of issues these days with specific iOS packages being delivered to tens/hundreds-of-thousands of different iOS devices when it become generally available.
Without any facts to back it up, my own simple conspiracy theory is: I just think Elon didn't like CES and MBZ doing all the EV & Autonomous car announcements they did last week without Tesla also being in the Press and on Twitter. It started to bug him, so he pushed his company to get something out to enough cars that he could do a previously unplanned Sunday (!) press call. Under pressure, I bet the Tesla Development teams then elected to send the pieces and configurations that they had most confidence in or had ready-to-go -- vs perhaps all variations and the rest of the originally planned 7.1 changes many were expecting.
...and no, my S90D here in SoCal does not yet have the 7.1 download, now 2 days after the first one hit the waves.�
guest 90D in Canada with VIN 11xxx and received the software notification a couple of hours ago. I am in the categories that didn't seem to have it yet. It is coming.�
guest Good news! Update Tracker when it's installed.�
guest Why nobody has modified a nosecone (perhaps the upper "slim" piece, with a KITT LED array is beyond me.
Honestly.. I'm surprised.
Once Summon is available via a Siri command thru an Apple watch, it's Game Over.�
guest Warning: You may not like what 7.1 does to Autosteer on (divided) highways.
While out testing the new software yesterday, I discovered that on a 6-lane divided highway with perfect visibility, well-marked lanes, no curves, no hills, and minimal traffic, AUTOSTEER FORCES YOU TO JIGGLE THE STEERING WHEEL AT LEAST ONCE EVERY 15 SECONDS to prevent receiving a message to hold the steering wheel.
IMHO this effectively takes away the ability to cruise using Autosteer. Just lightly resting your hand on the wheel doesn't stop the nagging "hold the wheel" messages; you've got to actively remember to wiggle the wheel every 15 seconds.
With the previous version 7.0 on the very same highway (which I routinely drive to the airport) I was able to drive 30 minutes without getting the nag. A few weeks ago I drove from DC to Atlanta and back without getting the message unless warranted by conditions (e.g., lane markings disappearing).
Has anyone else noticed this change with version 7.1?�
guest If this is correct I wouldn't use Autosteer.�
guest At 8:15am today my update came through while I was driving the kids to preschool. It's downloading now. Going to have to try this auto-summon thing during lunch(I'll update the tracker once I know which version I got)
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