guest It was most likely black because I don't think there were any blue cars, except for custom colors. Nice spot though!�
guest Spotted a black, blue or green MS sitting at the light at McMullen-Booth and 590 last night. I was making a u-turn into the Walgreen's, on my way to see Bill Maher at Ruth Eckerd. It was nearly dark out so not sure what color it was.�
guest Spotted a white MS heading towards Northeast Philly on Woodhaven Rd�
guest White P85 with grey 21's and carbon fiber spoiler sitting out front of The Conch Republic Grill in Redington Beach. A lot of people were staring as I drove by so if you were one of them, hi.�
guest Is it time to kill the thread yet? I mean, Tesla doesn't quite have the reach of Ford, Honda, Toyota, etc, but sightings aren't exactly "random" at this point. Unless it's something crazy, like at the top of Machu Picchu or somewhere like that.�
guest I almost never see other Model S in the wild... only at superchargers and maybe 4 others in over a year. Still not very common to see one.
Fun thread either way. I keep waiting for someone to spot me... lol�
guest I have been too.. for almost a yr and a half now.
I've called out a number of sightings of other drivers here on the thread too, hoping somebody will recgonize themselves... also to no avail.
With the number I see around here now (several a week on average), I've stopped...�
guest There is a black model S that one of my employees has seen twice now on Brock Rd in Pickering, Ontario. Hi neighbour!�
guest We could rename this thread "missed connections".
" to the black model s I passed on hwy 290 west I meant to wave but didn't have time."
guest ![]()
finally a resla
guest Similar here, except I've never been to a Supercharger and I've spotted 8 this year. I'm still waiting for my first sighting where I can identify more about it than the color. My last sighting (#11) earlier this month was the closest me and my car have come to another Model S since delivery, going the opposite direction on a two lane road. I really doubt a sighting of my car would be posted here, but I'm always hoping to be surprised.�
guest We have a good number of them in the Tampa Bay area, yet I go weeks without seeing one still. I rarely even spot FLDarren, and he lives less than a mile from me. I DID randomly see him Sunday, though. It was a beautiful morning and he had the roof open and windows down, thoroughly enjoying his drive. I can't believe we didn't post our random sighting of each other!
I have to thank you, Darren. I was doing a favor for a friend (filling a prescription for her 83 year old mother and then overnighting it to her in SC), and was in errand mode. When you passed me and waved, I realized I too should be enjoying our rare dry weather, and opened my pano and windows, cranked up the tunes and that errand became a lot more fun!�
guest I spotted this one on the 28th on my way up to the University of Utah:
guest I have seen quite a few over the last two weeks in Utah. Havent had time to take photos.�
guest I've been coming to the Bay Area for work the last two months and I am seeing just ridiculous amounts of Teslas. I guess I can see why no one posts those sightings anymore.�
guest Not random and not a sighting - my own car - but this seemed the best place to post this. Anyone else decorate their Model S for Halloween?
Picked it up on Amazon last year.�
guest I thought those things were now against the law. Maybe just in FL? Too many people thinking it was real and calling 911. :crying:�
guest I'll risk it for a few days. Though I did have a parking lot attendant ask me to open the trunk so he could check...�
guest I saw a white one heading towards Sugar land here in Texas. The lady driving it was texting unfortunately.
The second was right in the parking lot of my work. The owner was coming from the bank. I missed him getting into the car, apparently Tesla drivers are as silent as the car itself.
I thought I saw a third one but it turned out to be a Jaguar. 5 more days ETA until mine arrives!�
guest Yeah, it's pretty crazy here. I've seen every type of person you can imagine driving them too. It's not just the engineers. We have THREE of them on my street. One Grey, one Silver, one White. I'm the only "P" though, so mine rules.
guest Spotted one visiting a neighbor on my street!!! I think this is the closest random spotting to my house.
guest RDU airport parking garage. Saw a (green, I think) S60 last Wednesday on the way in and a black P85 today before leaving.�
guest Love this. Don't think I'd have the guts to use it though.�
guest Black or blue spotted at 8:58am, NB Rochester just north of Big Beaver. Only managed a couple glances as I was in SB traffic.�
guest Was driving to my Model S test drive when I spotted my first ever Tesla in the wild:
Monday 11-03 around 1400 hours.
Columbus, OH I-270 near Dublin, OH heading towards Easton.
Green Model S with granny (silver fox) driver zipping in L lane at 85mph, eeeh haaah!
Sadly I could not follow having been a victim of the VA and OH staties twice already
within a year
Oh, and BTW, as an internist/geriatrician I really have a lot of respect for these elderly
but young in spirit people who drive a Model S.�
guest Wow. Here in the Bay Area, I think we are the highest MSs per capita. Especially in Marin County. I have a new P85+ and nary a notice.�
guest Not so randomly spotted my loaner. I like this color combo with grey turbines. I think I heard green is no longer available?
---as an update saw another MS nearby in New Hanover NJ. It was Brown!�
guest Saw one on I-90 heading into downtown Cleveland yesterday. Once the Cleveland store + service center opens in a few weeks, hopefully the sightings will become more frequent.�
guest Heading into Tysons Corner VA on Rt 123 this week.
guest Spotted on Lee Highway in Arlington VA. I'm pretty sure this was the same car I saw more than a year ago as my third "in the wild experience." It's still fun when people react when being spotted like these guys did. As discussed earlier, we are definitely getting much more prevalent and people don't seem to care to thumbs up or wave nearly as much as they used to. I wish I could have snagged a pic of three of us when we ended up together in a DC traffic circle last week. I saw 9 that day.
guest I still try to wave back if I see it. I am just not usually paying attention to the other cars around me like that. Although if I spot a Model S I generally try to flash em or wave or something. It has been about 50/50 for me getting a response back... And strangely every time a woman is driving I never have gotten a response
guest Ooh, did you get that from devon? We are getting a loaner this week. It'd be nice to not get the black 60. Maybe they sold that one end of Q3.�
guest Nope this was Springfield. Devon was going to make me wait an extra week and not have a loaner. My travel worked out well and Springfield surprised me with this loaner.�
guest Yep, just had family from LA visiting, they said Teslas are everywhere, and the supercharger density on the map is amazing!�
guest Found 'MYTESLA' from..my tesla today. Looked like we were twins!
guest Passed one on the way to work - on the north loop of beltway 8 heading towards 290, yesterday morning early. First one I've seen in months.
guest Black (pretty sure) on NB Stephenson near Maple at 9:08am. I think this is the 4th time I've seen that specific Model S, of 13 total. Their commute in the opposite direction seems to occasionally cross paths with mine.
On another note, winter arrived today by dumping a bunch of large snow flakes.�
guest 18th and Market in Philly this evening.
guest Yesterday, I saw a brown MS being unloaded from an enclosed 18 wheeler on the 95S on-ramp at exit 4 in Connecticut (Cos Cob exit).
My dashcam caught it, but I don't have the footage right now.
I doubt it was a new delivery, since those now happen at the service centers... I guess it was someone moving or buying a car and taking possession? I couldn't make out the license plate or model. But someone has a new toy!�
guest Saw a Black MS in Michigan heading south on US 31. I was driving a borrowed Smart car heading North.�
guest Saw another Gray MS in downtown Philly this evening around Rittenhouse Square looking for parking while I was leaving to get back on I-95�
guest ![]()
guest At a Rock Hill South Carolina soccer complex. Still unusual to see them around here (mine's on the right).
guest Do they live in Reading PA in the Exeter area.�
guest Saw what looked like a new gray colored MS heading north on US1 near Langhorne PA exit.�
guest Had a little "caravan" with an MC red just like mine today crossing Gandy Bridge from Clearwater to Tampa. I'm sure you share my relief that the Fl Hwy Patrol vehicle hit us with radar on the road before the bridge, rather than at the top of the hump on the bridge. You obviously share my desire to test the car's "performance characteristics" on that bridge.
Despite the rather large number of Teslas in our area, that was the first one I've seen in several weeks.�
guest I go weeks without seeing another one, too, and i drive that bridge twice a day..yeah I do�
guest Did you have a red loaner today? :wink:�
guest wasn't me!�
guest excuse these horrible pics, stupid iphone camera not focusing quick enough... for now on i'll take video... but saw this tesla crashed
guest oh look, it did not go all hindenburg...�
guest at the los angeles auto show.
IMG_9529_RAW by jeremy!, on Flickr
guest In Rancho Mirage CA
Sure see a lot of them.
Probably not rare enough around here to continue posting
guest That's a Signature Red man! They can't be that common.�
guest White MS heading south on US1 near Ryders Ln exit in North Brunswick NJ�
guest I would assume we are allowed to post pics of other people's cars? Saw these beauties getting ready for delivery in Tigard and someone's cool plate.
guest From Mr X's post #3210 on previous page:
Oh boy, I almost had same happen to me on test drive. The MS is so stable and fast in lane changes that other drivers do not notice it as they checked their blind spot a fraction of a second earlier, add on top failure to signal lane change and BANG!
I love camouflage colors, grey on current car, but I am seriously thinking about switching to a high visibility one like silver or white for this reason, of course as seen above no guarantees with the 10% DUI/DWI rates on our roads in addition to the ones who cannot remember what they did an hour ago. Hope Google releases an personal autonomous car with a hefty AARP discount.
Sad to see this happen, my wife is an Odyssey addict but she looked real interested when I showed her the Model X gullwings which may require less clearance than the sliding doors.�
guest Sorry, no pictures but yesterday, while we were out wine touring, we saw two other MSes at a winery in McMinnville OR (Brittan in the Granary District.) While walking out one MS was parked at the door and as we were driving away we were following another MS right in front of mine.�
guest This was my best sighting yet. Standing inside Carmax on Roosevelt (getting a 2004 Silverado appraised), I had my Tesla-sense go off and spotted something across the street. Can you find it?
guest I'm not sure what we're looking at. The red car in front isn't a model s, but it sure looks like the same color as multi-red. Then in the distance it looks like an area has been roped off. Perhaps a new supercharger?�
guest Nope. If you zoom way in to see across the street, there's a blue or black Model S with 19s parked there. I was standing by a Charger in the showroom when I spotted it, and I didn't even have my glasses on! Here's a zoomed in shot I took from outside.
guest I hit a record. I saw 3 Sig Red's in the wild in half an hour period. I stopped counting regular sightings a once I started seeing one every few minutes.�
guest Wow, usually in Reading PA, I see at least one Model S every week. I haven't seen a Model S on the road for a while now.�
guest I've seen one in the wild (over a month ago) when I started really looking into Tesla.
Haven't seen one since. (I think there are about 300 total in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metro area).�
guest Black MS on Hanover Rd in East Hanover, NJ. I flashed my lights. Nothing back.�
guest someone has a sexy red 85kw at my new office.
20141124_113032 by jeremy!, on Flickr
guest View attachment 64046 [/QUOTE]
That is a Model S from Idaho that has autopilot!�
guest I saw a Sig Red Model S heading South on I-95 in MD this morning near the DE line. Might that be @DigitalTim? Happy Turkey Day!�
guest Not it! ;-)
I haven't left the house in MD yet - about to head to western MD w/ the fam...
Happy Thanksgiving!!!�
guest A semi-random sighting of my own car... My daughter pointed out that the latest Google Maps Street View update from September 2014 shows our newly bricked driveway and my Model S, which is usually parked in the garage in back when at home but happened to be in front that day.
guest Ok, that's funny.�
guest I saw a black P85+ in Calgary yesterday driving through Marda Loop then through South Calgary. Anyone here?�
guest Seems Legit�
guest A couple of weeks ago Friday night it rained, I saw an MS that was involved in a tangle with a large SUV in front of the Fairmont Hotel in Downtown Dallas.
Drivers were in the road exchanging info.
Hope there was not too much damage....�
guest I saw two Model S's on the way to work today! First time I've ever seen two in the wild on the same day. They must have been traveling together, because they were on the same road going the same direction only about a minute apart (I was going the opposite direction as always), and the rarity of sightings (1-2 a month) further supports that assumption.
They were on EB Hall Rd. between M-53 and Van Dyke Ave. at 8:47 and 8:48. Both were clearly grey. I'm not very familiar with the real-world differences between dolphin and steel, but I think the first was steel grey and the second was dolphin grey.
Here's my dashcam video of the sightings, no cuts between them.
On a related note, I also saw my first confirmed wild LEAF on the way home. This was a very good day for EV sightings.
guest Lamenting my ability to drive Serena from Pittsburgh to my in-laws' for Thanksgiving my spirit was lifted to see a MCRed Model S quietly prowling on the main street in Owego, NY. Whoever you are, you made my black Friday a vibrant RED. Thanks!�
guest MC Red MS spotted just now heading West on Columbia Turnpike in Florham Park, NJ.�
guest News crew on scene of car vs. house accident on Bates St in Oakland (Pittsburgh area) this morning-- caught a blue MS, no tech pkg w/19s.
guest Another MC Red MS heading South on I-287 near Bernards Twp, NJ. Tesla nods were exchanged!
guest this lucky guy got the office complex to install a charger for him.
20141201_101852 by jeremy!, on Flickr
guest Saw a gray MS heading north on Seminole Blvd about an hour ago. We sure look pretty at night!�
guest Saw a white Model S on my way to Starbucks heading the opposite direction right outside of Mystic, CT. Could it be that I'm not all alone down here anymore?!�
guest I've been to the Starbucks there beforethere's even a charger at the aquarium of staying overnight nearby.
guest every morning there has been a black MS going south on del mar ave, taunting me, day in, day out...
i need to leave for work earlier or something.�
guest Not me (if it's dark enough the blue ones, green ones, look black), but if the traffic is bad, I'm often on the 210 West to the 134 in the morning (check the carpool lane).�
guest Just got obliterated by a P85 at a light in Moorpark. I took off on him for about 4 seconds then he just smashed the pedal and flew by me with rail gun like speed and was gone into the future :scared:
so crazy so FRICKIN FAST:love:�
guest Is it not bad form to go all smash pedal on a fellow Tesla?
Shouldn't that be reserved S63's, M5's and RS7's?�
guest Spotted a white S85 in Trenton Station garage. I wonder if he didn't know about the charging area on the roof.
guest I don't believe Mr X has a Tesla.�
guest Ah-so!
I assumed he was comparing his non "P" to the Performance version.�
guest I saw a white one with 19's parked on corporate drive in Portsmouth NH. They were backed and charging from the parking lot light.�
guest White MS heading South on NJ Turnpike near East Windsor exit.�
guest Saw this white one on highway 5 in Chanhassen MN
guest I am not sure if this counts as a "Random Sighting" but, . . . . we were up in Reno testing Henry's CAN-SR with our Roadster and spotted this.
guest at streets of willow springs yesterday.
20141206_095823 by jeremy!, on Flickr
the guy pulled a pretty good time too. 01.34 which put him just below a supercharged miata and a bmw 135i.�
guest Not exactly random... we took these today on the NJ Turnpike. The first one I took (driving) the second one my g/f took with an instagram filter. I like them alot, and figured this was the best thread to share them.
guest Sam, It seems you have seen almost same teslas that I have seen in NJ.
But I am waiting for you to report seeing my car..
Usually, I am around 78, 206, 287, 80, GSP and occasionally in week-end Route 9, 18, Turnpike..�
guest What should I look for to spot yours? By the way saw a white one this morning near Short Hills mall on Rt24 with DRLs off so possibly no tech package.�
guest Silver Model S eastbound on Howard Frankland Bridge about 6pm today. Flashes of lights were exchanged.�
guest Saw this beauty on NW 23rd in Portland
guest I was in Prague last week and I saw an Orange Tesla.
Is that a new color? I am not sure I like it.
But who am I to complain. I have a brown Tesla and it is not available anymore.
- - - Updated - - -
Not many Tesla in Prague. But in a shopping center, Ther is a nice tribute to Tesla, in stained glass.
guest Orange isn't available from Tesla. They probably had the car wrapped.
That stained glass window is awesome!�
guest ![]()
Saw this one as I was driving by and sitting at a red light during rush hour in Boston. It's always a good feeling seeing a Tesla around town.�
guest Black MS heading south on US1 in Monmouth Jct NJ at Beekman Rd intersection�
guest Drove up to Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville this morning. As I was paying the cashier at the garage entrance (flat fee pay as you enter) she eyed my car and said "Wow, this is the second Tesla I've seen today". After a few pleasantries, I continued inwards and drove up to the second level. Imagine my pleasant surprise when I saw the Tesla she was talking about parked in my favorite section with a vacant slot next to it. Needless to say, I took a picture which I am posting with apologies for the quality. I do not know whose car this is and if he/she is a forum member. When I came back 3 hours later, it was gone and I wonder what his/her reaction was to the sight of 2 externally identical models (except pano, color and wheels) parked side by side.
guest Very likely that it was mine. I stopped by the mall that morning, and I had my DRL's turned off for some reason. First time that I've been "spotted!"�
guest Awesome! Full Tesla house at Short Hills today. No way to park or charge.�
guest Not so random at the Edison SC but I thought the nice MC red and gray TST wheels make this P85 beauty worthy of a post. Oh and the cool plate.
guest That S you saw was either wrapped or had a custom paint job done after it was delivered. But I bet it was wrapped.
Thanks for posting the photo of that stained glass tribute to Tesla. Impressive!�
guest Looks like a Tesla-ful day! White P85 getting PF Changs takeout at MarketFair in Princeton!
guest Those aren't the TST's Sam. They are the Rial Lugano's. The spokes are too sharp to be TST's. Still great looking nonetheless.�
guest Ran into a subway for a quick sandwich here in Houston this afternoon came out and had to do a double take...identical car to mine sitting in the parking lot.
guest Oops! It was snowing. I stand corrected
guest Spotted this while watching the Weather Channel the other day. (Near Malibu, CA. Aftermath of a mudslide.)
I even recorded it!
guest Pretty soon Tesla will rule the world. We need more electric cars to solve the problem with the environment and stuff.�
guest Northern VA: 267 Eastbound on to 495 North this morning (12/12/14 @ 8:15am). Blue(?) Model S behind me. License plate: "AMP 4ME"
Me: a thumbs up. Her: a wave in response.�
guest White MS spotted heading North on I-95 near Academy Rd exit in Philadelphia�
guest And another one spotted at light exiting I-95 @ Callowhill St in Philadelphia. Owner from Newtown PA said hi.
guest Wow, you see Model S's all the time.�
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