guest Tesla are doing certification of the wall connector here in Sydney so the Australian Tesla demo car spent the night in my garage.
This is a picture as they took it away.:crying:
guest What exactly is the problem? I dont see any pictures of "the guy" going to the gym, its the car were here for. There is nothing stalky about this thread. The car is a work of art and I want to see it along with many others.
With you having said what you said i assume that you think this site is "stalky" too? Exotic Cars Spotted on the Streets - ExoticSpotter.com
LOL come on man
Tesla section there too Tesla Pictures | ExoticSpotter.com
Sounds absurd. I enjoy seeing pictures of Model S's, never gets old. There is nothing wrong with reporting sightings of teslas, the car looks amazing and i want to see it in all different types of environments and angles!
Are you serious? ROFL, thats laughable, good one.
came out blurry, wasnt going to take a pic but decided to at the last second
guest Politics. Amend unfavorable proposal to be more favorable to self in a way that the author would likely approve, then vote against the proposal.
And yes, it's tongue-in-cheek in the same way as the original proposal. The suggestion to start the Random Model X Sightings thread was the giveaway.�
guest Three days in Chicagoland - mostly in the western suburbs of Wood Dale, Elk Grove, Schaumburg and Arlington Heights and today, in Downtown Chicago - and not a single sighting to report!
I miss my baby about 1,800 miles away, trickle-charging at SFO:
guest I'm in Chicago right now, the car was on Wacker St for a good part of Friday afternoon waiting for the valet to move it to the hotel's parking area. If you're downtown mid- to late morning Sunday, we'll be leaving [tongue-in-cheek]!! Unless we decide to stay another day -- Chicago's amazing.�
guest Spotted on I-75 in Sarasota
guest In Houston, Beltway 8, eastbound this afternoon... (I was in my Volt, as you can see from the dash, couldn't keep up with him...)
guest No one ever stalks me.... <sniff>�
guest I was passed by a brown Model S on the A99 north of Munich yesterday and today I saw a shiny black one near Eichenried, between Munich and Erding. That is two sightings on consecutive days! A first for me. Now I am eagerly awaiting two sightings on a single day.�
Well, I saw a white one driving the other way on what must have been Washington Blvd, downtown Detroit on Thursday (7/3). He must have thought I was some kind of loon, giving him a V-for-victory and then a thumb's up, driving by in a rented ICE SUV. Loved the idea of a Model S in downtown Motown.�
guest Love this! Great to se France getting its first superchargers too. I can't wait for it to become easier/cheaper to rent Model S over there.�
guest On my way home from work today I spotted a MC red heading the opposite direction. I grabbed my phone to text FLDarren when I got to the next red light, to see if it was him. By the time I got to a light, I already had a text from him letting me know he had spotted ME.
Fun when you know a lot of the owners in town...�
guest Tsk tsk, please don't text while driving, even when stopped at a light </PSA>�
guest Caught a glimpse of a black Model S for just a moment, traveling south on I-295 near Cherry Hill this morning around 7:15AM...�
guest You mean "possible at all"? I cannot WAIT until I can stop renting crap ICE cars wherever I go. But even in California you can't rent a Tesla (or a Leaf or a Volt) :-(�
guest I saw a black Model S with some electric green decals (advertising or promotion?) heading north on Georgia Avenue in MD. I didn't get a good look at the car because northbound traffic was pretty heavy this afternoon as I was motoring southbound.�
guest "PLUGZEN" was behind me on Old Georgetown Rd. at about 5pm tonight in Rockville MD. We exchanged "greetings" via lights. Sharp looking ride he's got.�
guest Blue MS 60 @ Front St., Georgetown SC
Who was around at 3:20 pm today.......�
guest You most certainly can. I know of three different places renting Model S's here in SoCal. Thats just off the top of my head, there may be more. Leaf's and Volt's too :smile:
guest Paced a red P85 in Sarasota today, and saw a white one in Brandon last week.
Twice as many as I usually see around Greenville
guest I keep coming over to this thread to see if any one has randomly seen my white s85.
And so far, I haven't been spotted once and we have already driven 6500 miles in 2 months and one week.
Come on people, spot my car. BTW, my plate is SUNPWRD
guest I've had mine for coming up on 14 months and I still haven't had anyone spot me and mention it here!
guest Saw my very first Tesla today. A dark S that I think had Norwegian plates. Met this car in the oncoming lane today at about 16:20 local time on a 90 km/h road when passing by the tiny village �rkelljunga.�
guest Me either.
guest Same here - 16 months.�
guest I'm not holding my breath. Given that most active members are owners, a tiny fraction of all owners, and that I very rarely see other Teslas, it makes sense that they won't see me either. It would be really cool, though.�
guest was it you or the model s that was going south? I was going north on 295 around there around that time frame. actually I was probably like 20 minutes earlier...�
guest The Model S was going south. I was heading north driving a bright orange Prius C (fiance's).
guest I have been traveling for business for the last month and a half to Greenwich, CT.
First two time, flew into White Plains/Westchester, last two times flew into LGA.
Running total of MSs I have spotted per each day trip: one, three, three and another one today.
Have seen a dark blue one each time.
Second trip, I parked right next to one, and then spotted another one parked on my walk to the building (actually took pics of both of those).
All the rest were spatted while I was driving in traffic.
AND I would mention the number of MS I saw during my trip to the West Coast (South Bay by San Jose/Fremont/Palo Alto and Mid-coast area /Cambria and points North) a couple of weeks ago, but I literally lost count after seeing 40 or so.�
guest I was in my blue one going south on 295 near Cherry Hill around that time on that day.�
guest Right Hand Drive Signature Red S85 with Pano and 19s, last night coming out of the David Lloyd tennis centre in Raynes Park, South London around 6.30 yesterday evening. Lady driver with two children in car seats behind. Nice!
That's the second RHD I've seen and the launch was only a month ago!�
guest There are A LOT of Model Ss in Greenwich. I think the reg data said there were 87 at last count, so it's got to be at least 100 by now. They are so common that pretty much nobody waves at each other anymore. I'll see a few to several every day.�
guest Was probably you then... Looked black but I literally only caught it for a second right as I passed.(My MS has been mistaken for black also... the dark blue is nice.)
guest People in Greenwich don't wave�
guest LoL Rick, is this Lightning that I saw last night on 2nd St. N. in downtown St. Petersburg? My spidey sense told me there was a Model S in the area. And voila.
guest You know what's freaky about that? It looks like Lightning but it isn't! That picture looks like it's next to Midtown which is right across the street from where I work. But my car was safely inside the parking garage for most of the evening while I was at the baseball game. I guess Lightning has a twin in St. Pete.
After some further thought - there was a guy with a silver one at Cars & Coffee last month but I didn't get to talk to him. Maybe he'll be there again next week and we can compare notes.�
guest Are you sure Brad didn't take it for a quick spin to get his Tesla fix? :wink: I know he was pretty psyched.
I was kinda waiting for you to come around the corner waving your hands in the air trying to flag me down. Cause that's what I would've done if I spotted another S stopped in the middle of the road to snap a photo. :biggrin:
It's crazy. Even with little lighting on a dark road, the S still sticks out like a sore thumb. A beautiful sore thumb that is.�
guest Spotted a gray 60 with PA plates at the Wave parking garage in Atlantic City when I got back.
They have 6 Chargepoint 30A J1772 stations there, pretty much the only charging in Atlantic City besides a few 120V outlets in other garages.
I'd assume I was spotted as well... lol. (I'm the blue in the top picture)�
guest Spotted a white MS heading South on US-1 near Alexander Rd in Princeton, NJ today at 5pm�
guest ![]()
Pretty cool. Randomly spotted Nicola Tesla Corner in NYC while looking for a place to sit at curb in my MS. It was a sign!�
guest I'm headed up there this weekend. How is the availability of those chargers? Pretty good?�
guest Saw a black (I think) one in front of Subway at 14 Mile and Rochester Rd. at 12:25pm today, riding in my coworker's car for monthly team lunch. I'm starting to notice a trend that whenever I'm going somewhere outside of the usual, my chances of seeing a Model S increase significantly.�
guest The management tends to cone off the spots and only let EVs park there. Sometimes an ICE will sneak in, but I've been there several times now and there has always been at least a couple of spots to charge.
The middle charger on both sides were down last I was there, so, 4 working (can reach 8-ish spots, so, should be fine).�
guest ![]()
and a white tesla pulled up next to me on the road, my hands are shaking and my heart is still beating fast, best car ever made so epic�
guest That may have been my brother.�
guest Maybe ask him. I work about half a mile from there and would be fun to get two Model S's together.�
guest Saw a silver tesla launch down an onramp.... 10 minutes later, this...
Matte black tesla!�
guest ![]()
My twin above - a Grey 60 on i495 with me today as we headed across the American Legion bridge into Maryland.
Below was an interesting find last week at the Bethesda temporary supercharger. My first sighting of a car service running Teslas. A black 85.
And last but not least, a sighting of an infectiously excited owner in Bethesda in a black 85 with tinted windows. Loved the thumbs up!
guest I saw a Silver MS pulling into a parking garage in Arlington, VA (Ballston) this morning - probably @PaulKVA. G'mornin!
Nice pic Chris! That's the car I spotted on Georgia Ave. in Silver Spring last week.�
guest Heh, yep that was most likely me yesterday! I rode my bicycle into work today though. I've occasionally wondered when/whether I'd be a random Model S sighting...
Since I'm posting, I'll include another random sighting of my own. During the spring I regularly saw a black P85 in the McLean Little League parking lot. I haven't met the owner but last game of the season we waved to each other as they were leaving and I was getting into my car. On July 4 weekend I saw that same car at the DE supercharger but didn't see the owner.�
guest Black MS heading West on Street Road at the intersection with Bustelton Ave in Feasterville.�
guest ![]()
^ pearl white... that thing was glimmering and was dirty :love:
guest Sorry No pic
Red Tesla with lid up T in front looked great !!! Now who could that be ?
Central and 3 rd street east bound, I was in an ice, girlfriends convertible Sebring 12:50 pm
Met yesterday and see you downtown today !!
It just has to be FLDarren
Dark blue spotted by girlfriend in seminole at publix sun late afternoon (Btrflyl8e perhaps?) to funny !!!�
guest In Monterey (yeah, lots of Model S around) I saw an MC red with black hood and black roof... Odd...�
guest oops, looks like i posted this into the wrong thread! this seems like a better home for it.
guest Yay! I was finally spotted! Yes, that was me at Publix I'm sure. The one on 113th and Park.
That red you saw could have been xhawk101, although he has the dark 19" Rial Lugano turbines. He also has the lighted T, I'm fairly certain.�
guest Ah, the old two red model esses with lighted T trick !!
Did not get a chance look at his wheels
Maybe he will check in .�
guest That was probably me. I was in the area. I drove so much today to get my fill before I turn her over to Aaron for Opticoat tomorrow. I almost went from full to empty today. You know why? Just cause.:biggrin: I'd never want to have a twin, I just know they'd do something bad and blame it on me.�
guest Well well yes red with lighted t sans flickering would be me lol until I get my controller installed that is haha�
guest Blue one east bound on Howard Frankland bridge around 5:30 this afternoon. Btrflyl8e, was that you? The windows were too dark to see the driver.�
guest Not me! I drive the Gandy bridge.:crying:�
guest Zipped on to the I-95 northbound left lane at Daytona Beach and found myself behind a dark green MS with "TESLA MD" on FL "Education" plates. Convoyed behind him until the Flagler Beach exit. At one point saw a back seat passenger taking my photo. Wonder who, from where, and if a FL club member. Mutual waves as I pulled right and passed him on my way to the exit ramp.�
guest Gray 85 with Virginia EV plates at the Woodbridge Supercharger. Still there when I left after eating lunch and getting 140 miles.�
guest White MS at intersection of Bustelton Ave and Street Rd in Feasterville Pa. I could see the surprised look on the drivers face
guest Since Sam missed us in Philly/NJ :tongue:....
Had a random sighting of my own car today.
A friend of a coworker's brother-in-law (seriously) caught my wife running errands this afternoon... and the picture wound its way back to me.
Never had that happen with the Chrysler.
Was quite a surprise when he walked up to show me-- nearly real-time tracking! Who needs an app??
Still amused that it circulated all across the city to get to me... through 2 people I've never met.
guest Black P85+ on Beach Drive in St. Pete this evening. Taken from the back seat of Btrflyl8e's Model S with Great Dane yapping in the seat next to me. We thought it was ICEd by the Hyundai but on second thought maybe not.
guest We were like a little gaggle of Tesla owners!�
guest Black(?) spotted on SB M-53 between 21 and 22 Mile at 5:54pm today. I was headed the opposite direction. If it weren't for the DRL, I would've missed it.�
guest What better to carry in the Frunk than a 60 cm, 30 dB gain, 5 GHz, WiFi Dish. Ubiquiti Rocket Dish, RD-5G30: http://dl.ubnt.com/datasheets/rocketdish/rd_ds_web.pdf
I was on the way to help some friends set up a 50 km, 30 mile, line-of-sight, WiFi internet feed in the mountains. The dish fit perfectly in the Frunk, and the dog in the back...
guest 3 sightings in 2 days...
Red spotted yesterday morning around 7am at the intersection of Rt. 100 & Townshipline Rd in Chester Springs, PA.
Presumably same Red on Rt. 401 in Chester Springs this morning around 9am.
Crossed a Silver S this evening around 5 on St.Mathews Rd in Chester Springs.�
guest been a few weeks but on july 1st on Rt. 1 south in NJ, I spotted this gorgeous blue roadster on a flatbed. license plate: A TESLA
guest Can you spot the Tesla? Well, besides the one I'm driving.
End of I95 HOV near Quantico�
guest Umm, there is a Random Roadster thread as well (I subscribe to both). Might be one to move there.�
guest Hodginator, hahahah, I like that. I was peering off into the distance when suddenly I realized where it was...�
guest ![]()
P85 in Bruge, Belgium the other day, unfortunately it appeared to have been keyed.�
guest Saw this beautiful Multi-Coat Red P85+ at the Olive Garden in Murray, Utah.
guest Sacrilege! How dare someone deface a sacred Tesla!�
guest Not exactly a Model S but it is apparently still Electric! Aruba Renaissance parking lot.
guest Saw a red in the handicap parking at the Mono Lake Visitor Center yesterday. I know Mono Lake is in California but this is (currently) off the beaten path. Would love to know how the owner got there since I had too leave my Model S at home and drive the gas guzzler.�
guest Look what showed up in Kennebunk Maine! I can't believe they made it all the way from ... Ontario Canada. Is this one of the first non domestic non supercharger sightings? It was an 85 on 19's.
guest That is impressive especially considering the Bishop supercharger does not exist....yet. The mountains around Mono Lake would be quite detrimental to battery usage too. I will be taking mine, once I get it, on a road trip that will certainly include a stop at the Mobil gas station at Mono Lake. Hopefully you know about that place!�
guest Another no-sighting report - after the previous one from the Windy City - this time from the Vancouver region after three days in Richmond, Victoria, North and Downtown Vancouver.
Should have stopped by Salt Spring Island and paid @vger a visit on the ferry ride over from Victoria...
Tessie slowly losing miles to the vampire back home (12 miles in 3 days, sleep mode on, not plugged in, woken up just this time):
guest G_G, I'll be making the drive from SFO to Seattle with my family next week, followed by an Alaskan cruise. It will be tons of fun, but I am *dreading* driving a rented ICE Minivan for that distance, and will undoubtedly be monitoring Tess longingly over the iPhone App, as you are!�
guest Yup, driving one such ICE behemoth (a Chrysler Town & Country) here. Not fun at all. Can't wait for the Hyperloop Vehicle Transporter!
guest Saw 3 in my same row of parking (including mine) in Terminal Direct parking near Alaska Airlines at SeaTac this morning. A few weeks ago I was one of 4 lined up in charging spots at SeaTac. I regularly see 2 whites and one grey on Vashon Island too.�
guest Strike that. Saw a beautiful Sig Red on Granville St near W King Edward Ave. in Vancouver. Sweet!�
guest Black (I'm sure of it this time) spotted NB Stephenson Hwy between 14 Mile and Maple at 10:03am. Maybe the same one I saw on the 14th.�
guest Hilarious. A few months ago I wouldn't have been sure, but now I have a trained eye.�
guest You're welcome :wink:�
guest Had my first sighting where I had a camera handy yesterday! I'd say 5th sighting overall (not counting when I drive by the Watertown service center to gawk).
Went to see Guardians of the Galaxy at the Jordan's Imax in Reading, MA opening night last night (by the way that movie is hilarious and amazing, possibly Marvel's best yet) and saw a beautiful and spotless Red 60. Pano roof, tan leather interior, piano black dash. VIN in the 34,000s.
I LOVED the license plate. I suspect he went to see the earlier showing (we arrived 80 minutes early for the later showing and there was already a huge line). While I was taking the photo a Ford explorer type car with all the windows down, carrying 5 teenage boys drove by us. I heard one guy say "Wooo sweet ride!" then a pause "Holy **** was that a Tesla??" Then they drove around the parking lot and came back the other way yelling "Love it!" as they zoomed by.
By the time the movie got out at midnight, the Tesla was gone. I hope he enjoyed the movie as much as we did!�
guest ![]()
Sig S spotted at chase field tonight leaving the diamond back game.�
guest I am driving an underpowered Dodge Caravan, and have never missed my Tesla more than on yesterday's sinuous stretch between Cloverdale and Mendocino. Until today's equally curvy ascent on the 1 from Mendocino to Leggett, and then winding up the Avenue of Giants into Humboldt.
Let me big shout out to ZExtraterrestrial for some fantastic tour tips and stops, this coastal rainforest is truly spectacular! I have been on the lookout for your Grey Ghost, but have seen no Teslas since SFO!�
guest Enjoying the awe-inspiring beauty of Banff and Jasper now (and that included a bonus Grizzly sighting!); no sightings of a Tesla in Alberta so far.
There are some TMC folks in Calgary so, may hopefully run into one in the next day.
Hiya Tessie!
guest Cool... I have a TESLA Model S as well. I live in Calgary. There are only a few TESLAs yet we all love our EV. Come and see us.. Calgary is a great place.
On wednesday at the Grey Eagle Casino, there is a car show and a few tesla owners come and meet and show off their cars.�
guest Just spotted my first Tesla since SFO...a dark P85 with WA plates leaving the Trees of Mystery parking lot south of Crescent City. Pretty sure it was green, but it might have been blue and just looked green with all of the reflected trees.�
guest New Orleans International Airport Long Term Parking. Three Chargepoint Level 2 chargers installed and two Teslas using them.
(Admittedly, one of them is mine, the other is "random"...)
guest Vacationing in Maine this week I spotted a nice MC red heading south on 95 outside of Bangor. I waved from the northbound lanes but I don't think they noticed the rental ICE.�
guest Possibly a Sig Red heading West on I-195 near Cream Ridge NJ just now�
guest SamGarber, from Philly to Aruba.Pretty cool travel schedule.
I was born next door in curacao
I think That picture qualifies as an island electric car
You think it was a convert job ?�
guest Ha not sure. Never even heard of the make! Seemed like the person was pretty proud of it since he wrapped the whole car advertising it being electric.�
guest BYD = "Build Your Dreams," a Chinese car maker that once had ambitious plans for selling electric cars in the US. Warren Buffett was a major investor. It didn't really work out, obvs.
How China's Electric Car Dreams Became A PR Nightmare In America
But they are still around:
New Rules Lift BYDs Electric-Car Sales - WSJ�
guest Learn something new every day! Thanks JST!�
guest Not so random at the Hamilton SC but a nice new loaded P85+ in Pearl White!
guest I thought this was interesting. On my way to work I saw a Tesla Taxi!!!. Unfortunately the picture is not very good and I didn't get the name of the Taxi service. I only saw "Taxi" as it drove by.
Update: This is apparently the owner of a Taxi service and not a Taxi. Oh well....�
guest Saw this same car again. Different place. Multi Coat Red, P85+, Gray 21s, Tan interior.�
guest Sorry no picture
Black Tesla, shore acres blvd 8:50 am�
guest MS spotting by my father from a bus he was on in Bucks County PA this morning.
guest At the Houston service center today:
those rims are.... different
and it looks like the frunk isn't shut.�
guest Yesterday (Wed, 8/6):
- In NoVA: White S on 267 Eastbound close to 495 at about 8:15am.
-In MD: Another White S on the 270 spur South in Rockville at about 5:15PM.... tried to get my window down for a thumbs-up in time as I was on the merge ramp...�
guest Spotted two in Portland, OR yesterday, including this green 60 near Washington Park. Numbers 5 and 6 since arriving in SFO. Number four was at the base of the McKenzie-Santiam pass, at the intersection of 20 and 22, turning off toward Eugene.
guest Saw 3 Today.. One White, One Gray and One Black..
Got Pic of Black parked next to my White car..
guest Yes, that's next to in Tesla terms! :biggrin:�
guest Seeing those shopping carts so close makes me cringe.�
guest I purposely park uphill from any potential shopping carts and stores whenever possible. What a menace.�
guest I thought I spotted two more Teslas on the way to the Columbia Gorge, but one was a duplicate that we saw in downtown Portland yesterday...mister PRES 11 below:
guest Fuzzy picture, stupid IPHONE camera.. this morning on I-10 West, nice Red S with 21" rims This was the first one I've seen in a month or so.
guest ![]()
Saw this one last weekend on Lincoln Memorial Drive at Veteran's Park, downtown Milwaukee.�
guest Family is on vacation in Italy ... we stumbled upon a Tesla in the middle of nowhere! P85+ from Austria.
guest Random sighting, I promise. Cross my heart and hope to crash my Tesla. Btrflyl8e and her boyfriend came to downtown St. Pete to meet me for dinner tonight. They took me to someplace that has a mac & cheese & BBQ sandwich. (I think maybe BBQ is the only thing she ever eats.) After dinner we walk up Beach Drive for gelato, of course. On the way back she spots (props to Btrflyl8e) a red Model S across the street. She says hey, those are 19s, that must be xhawk101�s car.
I don�t care whose car it is, I�m crossing the street to snap a picture for a random sighting and Btrflyl8e wants to make sure they are Rial Luganos. As we get closer and I take out my phone, the horn starts beeping and the lights are flashing. We can�t see who is doing it, but obviously they must be watching us. I get my picture.
As we turn to walk back across the street, xhawk101 and his partner are heading towards us. We all say something like �Ha ha, very funny honking the horn and flashing the lights when you knew we were looking at your car.� He says �No, I forgot where it was and was trying to find it.� Fun little meetup on a hot muggy night in Florida. And truly random.�
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