guest between the wife and I, we actually saw 5 model S's in northern virginia yesterday. That might not be of note in california, but out here it's pretty huge. Maybe we're going to start seeing more saturation now!�
guest Not so random, at Norristown Service Center getting my Titanium Plate put in! Very cramped but they should be moving to a big new SC in Devon (old Devon Toyota) at the end of this month.
guest OT: did you call them to get the plate installed? How long did it take?�
guest Yup... there are getting to be more of us around here. I probably see one 1-2 times/week now. Seeing more than one in a single day has happened several times in hte last couple of months.
Whereabouts in NoVA, may I ask?�
guest I called them the day the news came out. They put me on the list and called me pretty much a day or two later to schedule. As I sit here in the SC, I heard at least 10 people call to inquire about it and schedule their install.�
guest these sightings were all between Fair Oaks hospital and the Herndon area - up and down the Ffx County Parkway and around.. And to keep this relevant to the thread, saw another one in the Fairfax Town Center at lunch today - the guy had a nice Tesla jacket on too coming out of the Baja Fresh
guest Wow, here's a sighting that I thought would not happen for a long time yet: A work colleague of mine spotted this white MS parked at the parking lot of a local mall. Here, in the middle of Finland, in my town! There are only 14 Teslas total in Finland, including the several demo cars, so the chance that one of the non-demo cars happens to be in my town, and my work colleague happening to be there at the same time, had to be pretty slim!
Since there are no public chargers within 150km of my town, I think it is reasonably likely that the owner actually lives here. Wow, at least two Teslas (after I get mine) in my town!
(I blacked out the registration plate just in case.. That's my work colleague's car with the door open, proof that the image was actually taken by him :smile.
guest I think I'm more surprised that Finland has a Toys r Us!�
guest Heh, I wondered if someone would spot/comment on that. :smile: Sure we do, along with many other big American retail franchises.�
guest This multi-coat red S85 beauty was parked on my street the other day. Something tells me he or she is quite happy with their purchase.
guest Missed connection:
Me: traveling east on Gandy Blvd at 8:05am Friday morning in my beautiful blue MS.
You: traveling west in a beautiful gray MS.
We passed each other just east of 4th St. I saw you too late to even flash my lights.�
guest Nice! Maybe you can get Alison Brie and Jimmy Kimmel to read this.
Craigslist Missed Connections with Jimmy Kimmel Alison Brie - YouTube�
guest Not so random! Howard from Bethlehem came to visit, buy my Primacy tires and charge up!
guest Ha, I have seen the TSLA ROX car before.�
guest ![]()
guest Taken from my office window.
Here in Calgary there are less than 20 Teslas including roadsters according to a service rep. This is in a city where there are around 765,000 registered vehicles. The city is also geographically fairly large - around 745 sq km/463 sq mi. Despite this, of the three Teslas I've seen in Calgary, I've seen all three in this same location, two were parked at different times within this frame. If you include my car which is parked below the building that is 4 within the same small area. Granted I spend more time looking out this window than any other area but I still think this must be the Tesla Apex for the city.�
guest @gpetti
Where is the Model S?
guest seriously? The white car driving through the intersection is a model S. I guess it's a bit small.�
guest I had to use a picture viewer to see the Model S off to the right side; couldn't scroll the width of the photo in my browser.�
guest I sure hope that was a super early model, those body panel gaps are terrible to behold.�
guest Looks new to me, its got parking sensors & registration sticker on the windshield.�
guest I see what you mean, using my laptop. It looked fine on my ipad. Maybe I can start a game of "Where's Tesla"�
guest Nah... That's just how white looks.... You see all the gaps. It's really not that bad when you see it in person. The gaps are noticeable, but it doesn't look off because you can see all the detail�
guest Saw a black Model S with Maryland plates at the Essex Green AMC Movie theater in New Jersey this weekend.�
guest Saw a black or blue model s on i90 westbound in Chicago. Before the model s passed me a Lamborghini gallardo and a Porsche carrera gt passed me, so if they passed you as we'll then you are the model a I saw.�
guest Saw a beautiful black model S in Portland today, I was the Lexus driver giving the thumbs up!�
guest Black 85 On I-95 North near the Newark airport around 2-2:30 this afternoon
guest Another missed connection:
Me, having lunch at Doormet in Tampa today a little after noon.
You, driving in the parking lot, past the restaurant in your pretty gray MS.
I'm starting to wonder if I should have shared my thoughts about getting #2 in gray with the manager of the Tampa SC...I think he could be trying to work some kind of psychology on me and showing up in a gray one randomly.�
guest It appears to have parking sensors.�
guest Silver P85 far from its Michigan home in Herndon VA this morning. Sorry I couldn't get next to you at one of the lights to say Hi and Welcome.�
guest Ugggg this one
guest Saw a red MS with Coast-to-Coast Rally insignia flat-bedded along the Upper Holland Road in Richboro, PA on Saturday. Really curious what is the story behind this. Anybody willing to speculate?�
guest I think one of them was at the Philly auto show a while back.�
guest May be now it is assigned to Phila area SC and was flat-bedded to somebody as a loaner? That would be a treat - perhaps it still has v6.0 installed?�
guest Beautiful P85 for sale.
guest ![]()
Two days ago heading in to PDX on Hwy 26.
I've met this gentleman before, at the Woodburn Supercharger grand opening. His name escapes me tho.
Beautiful pearl white P85, custom lowered, with gold rims, and blacked out windows.
- - - Updated - - -
Hey just missed you. I'm here now. Saw that brown one too.
Joy just voice-mailed you about your firmware upgrade.
My rear window dropped, so getting that fixed.�
guest I'm at Bridgeport watching a movie lol, they just picked up my car!�
guest A couple of Model S's, and a Roadster with Roadster #6. Does anyone know who bought #6?
guest I've been seeing so many model S's around in Chicago, unfortunately I never have enough time to take a pic.�
guest My cousin sent these pictures from the Denver Auto Show. Anyone else with interior pictures of the horizontal wood, PLEASE POST: Interior wood trim - Now available in horizontal grain - Page 4
I have a car on order and STILL haven't see pic of what its interior will look like!
guest Saw a beautiful blue P85 coming into my office building parking lot.
Ok, ok, it's just me shamelessly posting pictures of my own car but I like observing it in motion.
I let my (26 year old) son borrow it so I was using stalker mode on the app to see when he was arriving.
He drove pretty calmly but the car did "disappear" for about 5-10 mins so maybe he knows how to disable the remote access.
check out out the guy doing a double take from the delivery truck.�
guest You know a place has it made when not one but two Teslas show up. Welcome new owner to my Starbucks !
guest No pictures, since I was driving, but:
Three Model S's so far while vacationing here on Maui:
A brown one parked along Dairy Road earlier this week.
A silver in traffic somewhere in the valley, I forgot exactly where.
A Sunset red with the dark turbine wheels parked at the Japanese restaurant in the Kapalua village. Later saw this same one on the Honoapiliani highway.
Sure wish I had mine here
guest Don't know if this qualifies - but I saw this in a Chinese blog - recent sighting of a Model S in Beijing street!
��һ��������������·��Model S�������ͼ����_tesla��̳_XCAR �����������ֲ�
guest Started working at local hospital here in Austin, Texas this week. Get to park next to a silver Tesla daily on the designated hybrid/electric parking spots with chargers by side entrance of building. Electric membership has its privileges. It's a charge point charger w $2 per hour fee. Just need to get the Austin $25 charge card for 6 months of all you can charge at their stations which include these 3 by hospital
Ian B�
guest I saw the pretty bright green one (along with a few others) in downtown sf�
guest Nice, with local Beijing plates... Must be the store car as the deliveries to end customers won't start for another week...�
guest yeah dealing with the sons. A bit of an emotional tug-of-war between how happy they are getting to drive it and my fear of ... I don't know what. The slight sense of entitlement (kids these days!) is worse in my case because my son has been following Tesla since Who Killed ECar and he finally persuaded me to invest in Tesla stock, so we all know how that turned out. But as much as I enjoy seeing the car in motion, I'd rather be driving! And knowing kids these days, FOR SURE he knows how to disable remote access!!
guest Spotted my mom trying to rent out my Tesla
At the Tigard SC
guest I saw a green MS today at the foot of the George Washington Bridge (NY side, Riverside Drive) being loaded onto a flat-bed tow truck.
I didn't see the owner milling about (only the driver about ready to drive off), or I would have pulled over to offer assistance or a ride.
I wondered if it was one of those occasions where someone ran out of main battery juice, and a hypothetical MS<-->MS battery transfer cable would have helped. I had plenty of spare charge and less than 20 miles to get home (or to the nearest SC).
Whoever it was, I hope your MS is OK.�
guest ![]()
Was in Tampa over the weekend. Saw two while I was down there.
Was coming back from golfing around 2pm on Friday saw a white Model S coming down Ashley Dr. (downtown Tampa) getting onto 275.
The second one was the picture above. Saw this one also on Friday at Bern's Steakhouse (awesome food by the way) sitting out front.�
guest Spotted a Black Model S heading north on I-95 near Exit 3 (Scotch Rd.) near the Trenton Airport at 11:49am today. I was heading South at the time.
I excitedly shouted "Tesla!!!" and scared my wife in the passenger seat.�
guest I saw the following P85 parked at the Franklin Covey complex in West Valley around 11:00am, congratulations on your new car! I also saw one just like it heading SB on I-15 near the point of the mountain ~9:00am this morning.
guest Saw two Model S in Rock Creek Park (DC) on my way home today. The first was a Sig Red with VA Clean Fuel tags heading North. The second one was Black? with DC tags [1PT21GW]. Kudos to the DC driver who fitted a flux capacitor in a Tesla.�
guest ok, who was in the MC RED next to me 10 min ago on Gandy Blvd heading west, just before 275. you exited, i stayed on Gandy. you had 21" gray wheels and a FL reef plate...had it not been raining i would have rolled my window down,�
guest Very funny --- I'm not in DC, but here is my car's homage to my 1981 Delorean that I just sold:
And of course it would not be complete without this:
Tesla Model S Flux Capacitor - YouTube�
guest Woodburn Supercharger today
guest Dude, it's not random when you keep putting up pics of your own car. Enough already....�
guest Oh I'm sorry "dude" does it say "random sightings other others peoples model S" ummmm NO It doesn't! "dude"�
guest No need to get excited. "Dude" wasn't an insult, it's impossible to tell if you're a man or a woman from your username.�
guest HA!.�
guest "Random" in this context means "unpredictable" - taking pics of your own car is definitely NOT random. It's just pics of your car found in an expected place. Unless, of course, you've been diagnosed with dementia or other loss of memory. Then I suppose it's a bit of a surprise that you've even found this forum.�
guest Thanks Bonnie�
guest If you've ever walked out of the Starbucks in Dupont Circle in DC and saw the Starbucks directly across the street and got confused that might be an early sign.�
guest I was also thinking Tesla stores and superchargers are not random either.�
guest And service centers, also not random.�
guest This is me everytime.
I saw two when I was heading down to Orem yesterday. Both headed north on I-15 one was Matte Black, the other was white.�
unless you're randomly taking random pictures of your car in random places.�
guest This is hilarious. I hope she charges a premium.�
guest A blue S with 21's paced us from downtown Victoria to Uptown before turning off. We both waved at each other. The blue looked great in the sun.�
guest This past Wednesday afternoon, my son spotted a blue MS on 5th Ave passing the New York Public Library. I had my back turned taking a tourist pic of the family so never saw it. Surprisingly, it was the only Tesla spotting in 6 days in Manhattan.�
guest Holiday in Philadelphia-- Very few Tesla sightings so far but caught a couple today.
Blue MS cruising for parking in Chestnut Hill shopping district (Germantown Avenue area). No picture of that one-- but found a silver beauty in the parking lot behind a Coop grocery:
Also made the pilgrimage out to King of Prussia store to say "hi" and took a snapshot of the gathered flock. Was happy to see the floor model in the store is the same color combo we are waiting on (and have RARELY SEEN!!), grey/tan/obeche gloss. Would include a picture but not really random to see a Tesla in a Tesla store. I read the warning. :wink:
guest Saw a white MS85 on 22nd Ave N yesterday around noon.�
guest Saw this beauty this am downtown Portland. Could you get any closer to the curb?
guest Sam, I know exactly where that is. We live just a few minutes away in Southampton. I keep seeing more and more Teslas every day. - Jim
guest Cool! You are very close to me
guest Not a Model S sighting, but I was driving my Model S home from showing it at an Earth Day event and I saw an auto transporter on the highway loaded with about 20 Smart Cars. Just a cool sighting that I wanted to share.�
guest That must have been an interesting sight!�
guest Saw a blue model s in Kansas on i70
amongst all the wind turbines, funny thing is I was thinking about the model a as I was driving and looking at all the wind turbines would have given you a thumbs up but you were headed in the opposite direction, had no time to roll down my window�
guest White MS at intersection of Philmont Ave and Bustelton Pike in Northeast Philly.�
guest This thread is beginning to puzzle me. When it got started Teslas were quite a rare site. Right now in Portland I tend to see two or three every day, not counting my two co-workers who park in the same lot (or my own car - Hi GDH). Should I report every sighting here? That would be, err, boring?
I can try:
- black P85 on 21" in Downtown Portland around 11
- white Model S with pano on Hwy 26 near the Cornel Rd exit, going the other direction around 11:30
- white Model S85, 19" (?) no pano on Hwy 26 near Sylvan around 4pm�
guest dirkhh, you should follow our (Californian) lead. We had stopped posting here a long time ago; on my commute route, I see about 7 or 8 going the same way and about the same going the opposite way. x2 in the evening.�
guest I guess that was kinda my point. I'm confused how many people still post (from places that aren't exactly a Tesla Diaspora)�
guest Not only in California. In our small neck of the woods: there's a white MS belonging to one of our neighbors, a grey one that drives the opposite way to my wife every morning, a black one at our school, a blue one at our school, a red one we see regularly at Publix, another one we see regularly at the polo games, not to mention Larry's Sig Red and DavidM's green one that we see around town.....the list goes on and on, barely a day goes past that one of us doesn't see another MS.�
guest Mod Note: some posts went here - Naked-Kung-Fu-in-a-Tesla-on-PCH�
guest In the Northern VA and Maryland areas near DC where I live and work they are becoming increasingly common as well... I probably see 8-10 a week.... and mine no longer turns as many heads...
guest Hey guys I saw my second Model S at Skutberget camping on the 17th of April in Karlstad, V�rmland in Sweden. It was getting juiced up at the camping. V�rmland is neighbouring the border to Norway. It was a beautiful silver Model S with norwegian plates. On friday the 18th I see my 3rd ever Model S driving behind me! It was also a Norwegian Model S, a white one. Damn it was surreal to see 2 Model S at the same weekend in Sweden. I loved it
guest Hi!
I think this thread should be pics only. I also see few every week, there's a lot of them in NW Portland.�
guest In orlando on vineland
Too bad you didn't see me while visiting Philly. I'm in a brown metallic. Some days I see 2 or 3 Teslas, other times I go days without seeing one.�
guest spotted at the car wash next to the Hollywood 20 in Sarasota
guest Saw a truck full of tesla heading east on 80 in Evanston WY
unlucky for the expecting owners, Laramie/Cheyenne is experiencing winter like conditions, when I drove through eastbound 80 was closed.�
guest Not really a Model S but cool none the less. This is right before we crossed the Verrazano bridge. I gave him a thumbs up but he didn't see me.
guest I wind up behind the same guy in a beautiful dark gray/blue Karma at least 3 time a week. He must live near me. They are really beautiful.�
guest Yup, i'm with him on Park then onto Seminole. Guessing he lives out near the beach. We both went to Best Buy once, he parked in the handicapped space. I pulled behind him and we exchanged "nice car" s.
OK, back on topic!�
guest Way behind posting these. Spotted this one heading south on I95 on April 5th, I pulled onto the highway and they were right beside me as I came on, gave em a wave as I let them pass me. It was actually a signature owner who I met before at a Tesla event, but don't know if they are active on the forums... the owner also has a super sexy midnight blue roadster
This one I barely caught on April 12th heading south on Route 1, I don't know if they saw me, but didn't get to wave at each other
Also saw a Silver one also heading south later that same day, we were going in the same direction so since we were both stuck in traffic we chatted it up for a while. Funny thing is this was the major spring break weekend and both owners has CT tags
guest Last weekend in Arlington, VA parked outside of an apt building in Clarendon.
On ramp to 495 Southbound from Old Georgetown road in Bethesda last week.
guest One sighting was notable for me this morning on the Northbound 270 spur in Maryland at about 8:30am: the first time I've seen the Aero wheels in the wild... on a white S 85 with MD plates...�
guest I wonder if Karma owners regret not waiting for a Tesla so they could skip the gas station entirely and have service from a company still in business...�
guest I think I just saw my first Michigan Tesla! It happened so fast, I just caught it out of the corner of my eye. I was heading East on I-96, they were heading West, between Lansing and Grand Rapids about 4:15 pm today. It might have been green, but it's overcast so I'm not positive. Hopefully someone on here can confirm that it actually was the elusive Mid-Michigan Tesla that I spotted!�
guest To the Driver of the Blue (Black?) MS on 5S Last Night
I was trying sooooooo hard to not give you a thumbs-up through the sunroof of my Celica (that looks like a Mad Max refugee) because you were tailgating me, but as I took possession of a hole in the next lane (which, weirdly, was moving faster than #1), my thumb was COMPELLED to pop out of my car.
It seems to be an involuntary reaction.�
guest NW Portland, gorgeous white.
guest Black MS (PA plate "0-Petrol") spotted in Downtown Philly near Public House (18th and Arch)
guest Also spotted a second MS on my way home. Black P85 this time turning onto Bridgetown Pike from Street Road in Feasterville, PA.�
guest Black or Blue MS heading towards Northeast Philadelphia on Bridgetown Pike in Feasterville around 2:30pm today.�
guest Black MS heading north on Route 1 near Maple Ave (PA-213) exit at 3pm today.�
guest Btrflyl8e, post 2649:
Orlando, that might have been me. 4/25 weekend. (First post)
We were in Orlando, taking our first road trip from Miami. Checking out Hilton timeshare at SeaWorld. Then on to Ocala to see my brother. A lot of firsts, seconds & thirds. Port St Lucie (PSL) SC to Port Orange to Orlando, then Port Orange to Ocala, then Port Orange to PSL to home. First SC visits. Orlando back to Port Orange had a bit of range anxiety, but no problems. Love this vehicle.
Saw another S at PSL SC with an awesome license plate: "SHHHHH"
Ordered 2/28/14, Delivered 4/11/14, just over 1000 miles now.
guest Aw, too bad my pics were so crappy. You can't zoom in to see the driver. Maybe it WAS you!
My missed connection today:
You, red MS in front of me on the 275 on ramp from Gandy, heading east
Me, passing you to make sure you saw me!
We both took the Roosevelt exit and turned in to Carillon. I turned left to go to the St Anthony's gym, you went straight.�
guest Wasn't me, but I used to live in Carillon Pkwy, brings back memories of the area reading your description - this was way before the Model S, but the Florida hwy's would be a fun place to cruise!�
guest Every morning, that 20 seconds it takes me to go through all those tight twisty turns... Awesome. Wish it lasted longer!�
guest Illegally parked Tesla, notty notty
guest Saw a beautiful Gray rocking the open pano roof headed East on Harmony Rd. I think that's the fourth one I've seen in Fort Collins.�
guest I hope it's true! I hate those corner-of-the-eye or too-distant-to-be-sure sightings. I've only been tracking sightings that I could confirm with certainty to be Model S. My first sighting was the best, when I (or the coworker who was driving) was pulling into a parking lot as it was leaving. I had a great view of the front and right side and a bit of the back. The whole sighting lasted maybe a whopping 10 seconds, at least it felt like it. I have blurry dashcam videos for 3 other sightings that I might post later once I chop up the raw footage. As far as I can tell, there are no active TMC members near where I saw any of them.�
guest Kind of like those blurry trail cam pics of the Michigan Dogman!
- Dude, that's a Ford Fusion.
- No, it's a Tesla, I swear!
- C'mon, obviously a Kia Optima.
- It's a Tesla, look, I've got plaster casts of its tire tracks!
guest Was flipping through an entertainment mag at doctor's office yesterday and was happily surprised to see that Brad and Angelina haul their kids in a Tesla!
- - - Updated - - -
Saw a white MS near King of Prussia on Route 202 going towards West Chester around 6:15-6:30pm on Tuesday. PA plate ended in XXX- 0222 I think. Couldn't slow down/stop to snap a pic.�
guest Here's the blurry dashcam video of 3 of my sightings. Details of all 5 sightings in the description.
guest I'm in Copenhagen, Denmark, for a conference. It just happens that the Eurovision Song Contest finale is here, too. I saw a while P85 with official Eurovision markings on it. I spoke to the driver, apparently Tesla provided 6 loaners for VIP cars. I didn't have my phone with me, though, so no pics, sorry.�
guest Mr. Blurrycam strikes again! Spotted a black S85 with PA plates heading towards Northeast Philadelphia on Bridgetown Pike in Feasterville.
guest ![]()
Pulled into the local supermarket on a busy Saturday afternoon and lo and behold - the only open spot was next to this green beauty!! Didn't get a chance to meet "stalk" as my kid said, the owner. No comments on the newbie curb overhang please!! Beginners luck!!
- - - Updated - - -
sorry about doubling down on the photo. Mod if you can edit one out, go for it. I don't know how. Thx.�
guest Saw a brown MS like mine driving South on Broad Street in Philly near city hall early this afternoon. Couldn't get a good look at driver though.�
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