guest Driver was hotter than the car.
guest Pics or it didn't happen.�
guest erm .. seeing how we don't know your gender, just curious ... drivers gender?�
guest Hi Kevin,
Thank you for the compliment.
When I moved to Atherton in 2009, I first noticed how many Priuses where there. Then it hit me - Priuses are really economical and nice cars to get around. I mean, these guys need to be pretty smart to make enough money to get homes around here. I live on the part of Atherton that has lower-priced homes. Most of my neighbors are business owners and made money through the hard way. So they tend to be practical.
Fast forward four years, Model S'es started to pop up. They probably did their homework and decided Model S would fit their needs, just like the Prius did in the past.
I think as long as we notice the trend, we can make money. A good example would be the iPhone. It came out in 2007. As time went by, you would see more and more people with iPhones. Then Apple stock started to skyrocket. Now I notice more and more people move away from the iPhone, and have Samsung phones. If Apple does not get another product category soon, Apple is in trouble.
Coming back to Tesla, IMHO Tesla still has tons of room to grow. The luxury car market is pretty big. There are a lot of rich people out there that can buy $100,000 cars. I still see a lot of brand new Mercedes and BMWs around. I chuckle when I see them - their owners probably have not heard of Tesla. I had owned an M5 and an S55 AMG. I think my next car will definitely be a Tesla.
It's interesting you mentioned trying to get a job at Tesla. Me too! Didn't know about having to graduate from top colleges. Well, I didn't. That's probably why I did not hear from them, even though I went through a referral. Still, glad they only take candidates from the top colleges. By the way, I've heard they work you really, really hard. If you are ok with working more than 12 hours a day, then Tesla is probably a suitable place for you then.
One more thing, thank you for your contribution to this board. Your input is very much appreciated. I joined the TSLA train @ 109. Did not make the 100 fold like you, still happy nonetheless.
Keep up the good work, Kevin. One day after I get my Model S, perhaps I will see you in one of the Tesla owners' get togethers.
guest Great place to stay in Asheville, NC. Hilton has 2 reserved spots for EVs right out front!
guest hehe James. Would be nice to hear what your decision making process in term of when to get a Tesla as a owner of other luxury brand. Wait until your current car no longer as dependable? Model E? or a used Model S? These thoughts will help us understand how Tesla wins over the other luxury cars owners.
Oh one clarification, the 100 fold is my trading size, not the gain. My gain is about 10X. I started very modest, like many of us. But I have the strong conviction and guts to go bigger.
One ironic thing is we have many and many more Model S showing up in the bay area, the owners don't necessary care. I went to a meeting yesterday, and there were 3 Model S (including mine) out of the 10 cars parked there. Anyhow we will sure connect.�
guest My cousin sent me this one from Houston. Plate reads "GAS HA".
guest That black with grey wheels looks great!�
guest Hi Kevin,
My wife had sold her M5 a year ago. She is now trying to sell her Mercedes S55 AMG. Both cars are about 10 years old. So time to move on.
Right now she drives a Honda CRV, and I drive a Honda Insight.
As for our decision making process, it started with my wife making a deposit on the Model X about 6 months ago. She came home one day and showed me the key chain and the other things that she got for ordering a Model X. She likes to be up high, so she can see road conditions, hence a Model X.
I'd like a Model S myself. It is in my DNA not to buy a new car. I've never owned a new car in my life. So the plan now is to wait about three years, when the first set of Model Ses will be worth about 50% of the new value. Or it will be some time between now and then - pick up a second hand one somewhere. A friend picked up a second hand P85+ from Chicago for $102K, quite a bargain in my opinion.
By the way, that meeting you are referring to, is it some type of Electric Vehicle meeting?
Another thing is, when you say owners don't necessary care, care about what?
My next door neighbor has a Roadster. I don't think she particularly cares about the cost nor the environment. My neighbor across the street has a Model S, not sure what she thinks, but probably not about the cost nor the environment.
As for me, I was recently blessed with my first baby. I love him so much, and want leave this world a better place for him. For now I'm working on placing solar on my roof. Then eventually I'll get an electric car. My motive is indeed for the environment, and the fact that the Model S is the safest car in the world, I feel good having him in a Model S. This is not a knock on the Honda CRV, but the CRV is not the safest car in the world.�
guest Thanks for sharing your thoughts, James!
Haha I just turn on my Solar city service today, as I posted on another thread. It is also the investment research I do before becoming a SCTY investor. I did this with TSLA by owning the model S.
I went to a startup pitch meeting with an angel fund. I mean here in the bay area the owners are not as organized or closely connected like in other city. Atlanta in particular has a very well run Tesla owners group. I saw there was a party where well known jazz musicians performs, only tesla owners are invited! ( Actually others are invited as well but not as much, I guess). Owning a Tesla seems to be a ticket to these 'high class' events.
guest Found two MS's at the Newark Supercharger!
Spotted a white P85+ with MD tags and a silver S60 with MD tag "16" charging up!�
guest Saw a new Model S this morning that i hadn't seen before, in the same spot as the regular black model s, but this one has plates so its not new so i dont know if its his or someone elses, it has one of those weird license plates too.... im assuming its a loaner or he swapped his black one for this... P85+ with grey interior looks amazing
guest I saw 3 different Model S on the same day last week in NYC (well technically two were in 495 getting in and out of the city). I still very rarely see any at all , but 3 in one day?? That's great! Here's two of them. I wasn't quick enough to catch the 3rd one which I think was a white P85 with grey 21s.
guest Old Orchard Shopping Mall
guest My son sent me this from somewhere near his school in Plano, TX (DFW) area. Perhaps a TMC member ?
guest Saw a Multi Coat Red on MacArthur Blvd. in Mahwah, NJ Saturday afternoon at about 3:30 PM coming towards me.�
guest Finally got a chance to park next to a twin. Both of us were unbadged, but his is on the left (P85 w Carbon Fiber). This was in Vienna, VA on 10/1 in the parking lot for Chipotle/Noodles & Co.
guest One of you guys posted a photo of a model s parked in vienna/austria. I went there last week and it was still stading there. I cant explain why.�
guest I guess that was me.
And it appears this is where the Munich Tesla team meets with potential buyers in Vienna - Vienna doesn't have its own sales center, yet, so they drive the Munich car all the way to Vienna to talk to prospective customers
guest I was reading scientific paper this morning, totally unrelated to cars, but to mine huge surprise when author decided to pick some general concept he picked cars and mentioned Tesla Model S as an example of car!
DeViSE: A Deep Visual-Semantic Embedding Model
This is totally random, but not sure if spotting it qualify as "sighting".�
guest Saw a silver Model S with 19'"s pull out of a Best Wester Hotel in Simi, guy had on a tux.�
guest I was a couple cars behind this Red Model S this morning on Ridge Rd in MD.
guest Is that a Model X?![]()
guest Hmm...
I was probably heading east on ridge from greenspring around 830a...close to my house.
Cannot make out the tag, but guessing it is me... ;-)�
guest Here is another sighting of mine on Alligator Alley this past Sunday. It was a Black P85 with tints. My wife and I gave the driver the thumbs up as we drove alongside him.�
guest On Sunday I saw an MC Red at the Kierland Crossing shopping mall in Scottsdale, and a white one on Highway 51 between Scottsdale and Phoenix. I pulled up behind the white one in my own MC Red and we had a little caravan going for a few miles. We honked, waved, and went our separate ways.�
What was his name? (Sorry, that's an inside joke that me and my friends do to each other whenever one of us makes a statement like that).�
guest Saw a silver MS today heading up Route one from Middletown DE to Newark DE around 7:30! Looked great!�
guest Tesla in Munich
guest @Osiris
Very nice pic.I like the Model S but I also like to see the other electric cars charging. In Italy unluckily it would be difficult to see so many electric cars all together like this.
guest @ costco
@ tom barber golf center
guest Only the fifth model s other than ours I've seen in vacaville... And like most he was just passing through. Almost identical to ours though.
Threw me off guard because I had just dropped ours off with my wife who was elsewhere. Yesterday we were driving separately to work (unusual), and she happened to catch up to me on my way home. I wasn't expecting it, so for a split moment I got all excited for another pearl white model s in the area. Then to see one today really had me second guessing.�
guest Should've gotten the 21s!!!�
guest I don't have any pics I'm afraid, just the anecdotal evidence that the cars are becoming more popular in Austin. I first saw one in March of this year, around the time of EM's visit to Austin and the opening of the store in The Domain. Then I wuold very occasionally see a white one or a black one around the roads of South Austin or out on Highway 71. Then it dropped off... I felt like I hadn't seen any in a while. But I saw a white '60 on Thursday night parked downtown, then a blue one parked on Congress Avenue yesterday, and then today I saw another white one pull up in the parking lot of my local grocery store! (HEB Oltorf) Am I going to be seeing them once every day now?
It so happens I am test-driving one tomorrow, so that will be four days in a row
guest Well let's get you in one...P+ goes very nice in Austin, and if you're in South Austin we need more +'s in that area.
Let us know how test drive goes.�
guest Please! Need more blog posts texex.�
guest You can see my pearl white p85 at heb slaughter periodically... I have seen a blue one and a black in the area.�
guest I saw a model s got pulled over on Highway 85 between De Anza and Saratoga around 5pm. The car does not have hov decal and it is park on hov side. Most likely the cop does not like to see the Model S on hov without a decal.�
guest In that case you live less than 10 min from me. I've been seeing quite a few Model S's in the area lately.�
guest Charged next to a white P85 in downtown Durham, NC last weekend. My first encounter in the wild with a stationary Model S. Also first I've seen outside of the DC area.�
guest Bastiges!�
guest ![]()
Parked in Burr Ridge, IL, parking lot. Had the red Tesla sticker on both sides. Interestingly, VIN 053xx, much lower than my 08945, but higher EL plates (790 vs my 739): inventory car?�
guest Stickers are kinda strange looking IMHO.�
guest More like stupid and defacing such a beautiful car. Ugh.
ian B�
guest What the heck do you refer to? The driver, me or the cop?�
guest Last night coming home from a business dinner I came up behind a white MS. Arranged to stop side by side at a light so we could chat for a moment. There were two very nice gentlemen, the driver said he'd had it for 3 weeks. I didn't have time to take a pic.
At that business dinner, one of my coworkers came straight from the Audi dealership after buying a new Q5. After dinner, everyone swarmed my car, asking me all about it, oooing and awwing...I felt bad since she had parked right next to me in her hours old new Audi and no one was looking at it.
The funniest random sighting was... mine! We went to dinner in Gulfport last weekend, then moved the car to a free charging station near a new bar. Plugged in and went to the rooftop bar for a drink. We ran into a coworker of my BF's, who laughingly showed us the pics on her iphone of us driving to dinner hours earlier! She was a fan of the car and had been behind us on the way in. She had no idea we even had a Tesla.�
guest A couple blocks away from my home there's a house that often has a Leaf and an old RAV4 EV parked out front. Today I caught a glimpse of what's in that home's garage -- a beautiful Tesla Roadster AND a gorgeous Sig Red Model S. A had a nice chat with the owner. In the past they've also had a Ford Ranger EV, an EV1, and they recently sold their CNG car. Very cool.�
guest Certainly not you or the driver... but I was just joking.
guest I was complaining about the fact that as soon as I got my Tesla, all my Tesla sightings on the road suddenly stopped. That all changed last week. Had fun waving and flashing on the Mass Pike with a black S (plate TERRA if you're reading this!). Then to our surprise we passed a grey one in the middle lane, 3 Teslas in one spot here is highly unusual! But despite us both waving like lunatics, she ignored us :-( Never mind.
We switched up a bit later so I got to be in front, LOVED getting to see a Tesla in my rear view mirror, it looks awesome!�
guest Tslagrl, I take it that you are loving the Green?!
guest Absolutely! Its very classy, and I love how it changes color in certain lights, almost like getting 3 or 4 colors in one. I drove a MC red the other week when mine was having a few fixes done, and while I had fun for the day I was very glad to get back into my nice calming green/grey color schemeI like seeing the red car, its just not "me". IIRC you brought green up when I was having trouble choosing color.....so thank-you!
guest You are welcome! We Greens are still a rare breed; even in the Model S-packed Silicon Valley, I've only ever spotted one other green S.�
guest Spotted an orange color MS in the factory�
guest I had a grand slam of Model S' on friday in New Jersey.
1. black s with new york plates heading south on the NJTP near exit 11.
2. white s at sawbucks right before RT9
3. heading north bound on RT18 (near East Brunswick)- a white one with a white nose cone and custom rims. I was heading the other way.
4. a grey s driving next to me north bound on the 9 all the way through East Brunswick on the 18. tried to wave and give him the 9 but he didn't even turn his head.
I was just watching HULU and the Subway commercial features a S with custom rims in the beginning and end, parked next to the restaurant.�
guest Charleston, South Carolina.
guest "Stark Industries" - now that is clever!
I saw a Blue P85+ at the Hyatt at the Bellevue last night in Philadelphia with PA plates. I was driving by so I didn't get a chance to pull out my camera. Wondered all night if it was another guest at the wedding I attended and I kept looking for someone warming up their MS on an iPhone app ;-)�
guest Nice. White Pearl is my favourite colour (also if this is normal white IMO).�
guest I never have nor would I ever put stickers on my car. But goddamn I would put a stark industry sticker on model S!�
guest What are the odds. 24h visit to Germany. This is what I see on the Autobahn. Drove alongside / behind it from Greeding to Neufahrn. Going mostly 130 (80mph) but up to 160 (100mph). Clearly no range anxiety.
Sorry for the rotten bad pictures.
guest There were two of us Green Model S's at the Centralia WA SC yesterday afternoon, with my vehicle 3 weeks old and the other nearly a year old.
My succession of previous car colors has been gray, red, blue, champage, black, silver, etc - so Green was the next obvious choice. Love it!�
guest Exchanged a thumbs up to the Model S owner who drove up beside my Model S in Palm Desert.
guest Here's another contribution to the sightings list. We were on SW 8th Street going towards the Everglades.�
guest ![]()
Visiting Austin this week and there was another Model S in the Fry's Electronics parking lot on Wednesday.�
guest This from about a month ago... Just found it on my phone today. White P85 with 21 Greys in Wayzata Minnesota.
- - - Updated - - -
And another one. New white 60 in Excelsior Minnesota about a week ago. It was a full car, no doubt someone showing his friends what the Model S could do. Sorry for the crappy picture, I was driving.
- - - Updated - - -
Red 85 with the plate "NOGASEV". We both ended up heading to the same event for EVs. I'm driving my volt.![]()
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Another pearl white P85. This one belongs to the Minnesota service center as one of their loaners.
- - - Updated - - -
Sig red P85 with 21 greys. Seen in Deephaven Minnesota about a month ago.
guest Saw a white one Tuesday at Maudie's Mex rest on 360 and davenport in Austin, Texas. Saw a couple of white ones on 2222 heading towards 360 in Austin.
ian b�
guest Had seen a black Model S in Brooklyn Heights on Montague street a month ago and a Red Model S in Cobble Hill in Brooklyn. I was wondering where they charge their cars. I am not sure the parking lots have EV chargers.�
guest OK, I know it's not a "random" sighting but I couldn't think of a better thread to post it.... it's my car but it seemed such an appropriate place to park:
guest Saw one this evening going east on Sarasota Sq. Blvd. it was kind of dark so i can't tell you the color, but the third brake light and taillights were all Tesla Model S�
guest ![]()
As I�ve written previously, it was roadtrip to Chicago last June and parts mid-West that really opened my eyes that Teslas were REAL cars, not just toys. The white one pictured here was the first one I�d EVER seen in the wild on the streets (I�d seen two transports loaded on the highway days before).
A car guy all my life�but this is the first one that really struck me like this AND I have a picture of it!
Then when I got home I realized to my amusement ANOTHER one had snuck in a picture of building I liked (I guess I DIDN'T HEAR IT GO BY).:tongue:�
guest About a month ago or so, someone posted another model s parked in about the same spot, basically right across the parking lot from sunsets. It had dealer tags.�
guest Friday morning just after 8am there were 3 Model S's stopped at the same light at Coolidge Ave and Mt Auburn St in Cambridge MA. Two of us had just done a school dropoff, and the other was heading East on Mt. Auburn. I've seen both cars before. I wasn't in time to get a shot of all three, but caught the other dropoff car at the next light.
guest ![]()
Yesterday afternoon in Plano, TX.�
guest I've seen this blue one parked on/around 41st street in Manhattan every Sunday for the last month or so. I salute you for having the cojones to leave your Tesla on the street in midtown, haven't been able to bring myself to do that yet
guest My wife and I just saw a silver Model S near the IKEA in Sunrise. No pics because I was moving to fast.�
guest I see dozens of Model S's each day in Newport Beach but today I saw one while I was out to dinner with a special color I haven't come across before.
No plate and it's a P85
guest This was seen at the Fremont factory superchargers a few days ago; a pic was posted here somewhere. Someone managed to get Tesla to do a custom color.�
guest ![]()
Saw this beauty this weekend in Columbus, OH�
guest My wife snapped this picture on traverse mountain today. Are you here on the forums?�
guest looked like a different orange than the one at the supercharger in Fremont. I thought that was a Tesla test vehicle for a new color scheme�
guest No plate, but a California car pool sticker. Someone is pushing the limits of law.�
guest That blue doesn't seem like the blue offered by Tesla. Paint job?�
guest Some very early "founders series" cars had custom paint from the factory. There is even a pink one in southern California. Still others have wrapped their cars after receiving one of the standard colors from Tesla.�
guest Some members of the Tesla Quebec group visiting to learn environmentally friendly washing techniques.�
guest Friend of mine snapped this first Model S in Tallinn, Estonia. It has Norwegian plates.�
guest IT'S NOT P...
It's Lavender Mist, or '67 Mustang Metallic Purple, or Unicorn. The three factory custom paint jobs were on Signature Series, not Founder's series.
It could be the wrap mentioned in http://www.teslamotorsclub.com/showthread.php/15924-Model-S-with-Custom-Blue-Paint.�
guest Is that french for Pink?�
guest I have spotted many a model s parked around this spot. Silver p85 with grey 21s, that white one a couple times, and I saw a blue one driving near there. They are definitely becoming more common up here in the north woods!�
guest Lavendar Mist. And no, it's not mine but I've caravan'd with it before.
Derp, ggr already covered it.�
guest You decide.
PINK Model S! Custom colors?�
guest ![]()
Saw this beauty turning from Timberline on to Harmony!�
guest Cool.
I always like to see Pearl White Model S.�
guest DC Beltway this morning... got on 495 Inner Loop going North at the 66/495 interchange and headed across the American Legion Bridge where he subsequently exited. Could get a pic, but appeared to be a blue P85.�
guest Bunch of random Model S's (and one Roadster) sighted on Sunday at the 1 Year Anniversary UTC Mall Tesla Store event in San Diego. Lots of owners showed up, INCLUDING the one who owns the lavender custom painted S. Here's a quick snapshot:
But probably the most notable thing that happened that day was that I saw two random UFOs. Seriously. Weirdest thing ever. But that's another story . . .�
guest are you sure that wasn't just the Pink Model S running over a speed bump?�
guest Nah. I was sitting on the ledge of the trunk of my Model S, at this event, and between 2 and 3pm I noticed the clouds had finally burned off and the sky was a brilliant blue. So I'm lookin' up to the sky and I see this weird dot, very bright, very distant. So I squinted and noticed it was not a star, it was some kind of aircraft or something, but it was really high up, I mean many miles. But absolutely stationary. And then *another* one appeared next to it, just suddenly, maybe 1 degree apart. They just both sat there, very high in the blue sky, doing nothing. Moved my eyes around, moved my shades around, to make sure they were actually there. They were. And then after about a minute or two the one on the left suddenly vanished and then about 10-15 sec after that, the one on the right suddenly vanished.
And so now I can actually say I have seen UFOs. But I digress . . .�
guest Brian...Come on! That was Elon in something new from SpaceX. Nothing more, nothing less:wink:�
guest I saw a Model S on the road today. It was black.�
guest This is really nice.I am still laughing. :biggrin:
guest Separated at birth?
Not random on the Model S which is mine, but a random occurrence nonetheless. Daughter's babysitter arrived in her "new" used car that her father helped her buy. She said it's a Chevy but has a Toyota engine. I googled Chevrolet Prizm to confirm my suspicion that it was made at the NUMMI plant in Fremont between 1998 and 2002.
When I told her our cars were built in the same plant, she excitedly replied "So I can tell everyone I got a Tesla!?"
guest LOL... tell her yeah in essence.�
guest Touring the FL Panhandle in an ICE with friends. Yesterday, saw a white S in the Seaside Village of FL near Destin. Black wheels. "NO GAS" Florida License plates. Surrounded by gawkers as expected (mostly younger folks). No badging on rear so probably a 60. Somebody on the Florida TME list perhaps?�
guest Only the 2nd other MS I have seen in the wild, in motion (even thought there are purportedly 1000+ in Texas). I was headed north on Jackson (Colleyville, Tx, 30mph skinny two lane road) and another white MS headed south. Gave him a flash of the headlights. The other driver was of Asian heritage - I passed within 6 feet going the opposite direction, but he never saw me - he was heads down fiddling with the 17" display, no Tesla grin.![]()
Anyway, greetings, new owner!�
guest why you gotta be racialist?�
guest Profiling to find my local posse. Not many Teslas in my 'hood. :love:�
guest I tend to see other Model S in Portland rather regularly. But today? SIX of them. Outside of organized meetings of the PDXTesla club or visits to the service center that's by far the most I've seen in a day. Two multi coat red, two gray, one blue and one white.�
guest I live on NW 23rd and I see them daily. I saw a brown one driving down 23rd last night while I was on the phone placing my order for my Tesla last night :biggrin:�
guest Congrats! Have you joined the PDXtesla group / mailing list, yet?�
guest Nope, but I will :wink:�
guest Spotted on car carrier 95 Southbound lanes in Southern VA.
guest Seen in Denton, Texas today:�
guest Ok, be honest. When I first took delivery of my MS, everywhere I drove attracted spectators. Even while driving down the LIE or Southern State Parkway. I've been out at the LI forks visiting some wineries and a crowd would come over, wine in hand. And it was fun and cool. But , now over 6 months later, the attraction has not subsided at all. Maybe because I'm on the east coast in NY and the MS population is not quite as high as on the west coast. But, back to it, after awhile does a small voice inside say " oh no, not again", when you see new strangers chase you down?
One thing that is always appreciated is when you see someone saying "nice car", as you drive by. Or a driver in the next lane gives a "thumbs up". I have never experienced this with any other car that I have owned.�
guest Not tired of it yet, but you have over a month on me so it could happen,..�
guest I am actually happy about it. Unless I am late for something I try to take time to talk up the EV/Tesla revolution. On the other hand, my wife and daughter....'not again dad!!' :biggrin:�
guest Two of my daughter's soccer team mates ran up to the car today followed by one of the Moms. Kids (and apparently Moms) really love this car. They get it.
guest On the way to Portland, I was "near" a Dodge Challenger for a while. We'd weave in an out of traffic making different choices but eventually meeting up again. Weave is probably the wrong word. It wasn't quick, it was across miles -- more like wandering. Anyway...
The traffic finally opened up and I had some daylight in front of me. After seemingly forever with traffic "in the way", Tess took over pulling me (leash and all) at a breakneck pace. Finally slowly down about 5 car lengths prior to the next clump of traffic.
I notice in my side mirror the Dodge rolling up beside me. Quickly but safely.
The passenger had the Tesla Grin, and laughing gave me two thumbs up.
A few exits later we parted ways. Definitely brightened up the trip.�
guest I went to Washington DC for a work conference, walked out of the omni shoreham hotel for lunch and saw a beautiful multi-color red model S. Not tech. good enough to post picture from iPhone. :wink:
guest This thread needs less talking and more pictures.�
guest finally :smile:
guest Followed this beauty in Portland on Lovejoy this morning. Yesterday I saw two white (one might be pearl) and one had a plate "TESLAAH". Are you on the forum?�
guest Must be Red Tesla day today. What are the odds of seeing the same exact car on the same exact location in the same direction within 2 hours?
I also ran into another P85+ MC Red. Exchanged greetings and talked about license plate mountings!�
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