guest Bots fighting it out I think.�
guest Looks like I'll be funneling more cash into my accounts lol�
guest Rockefellers to switch investments to 'clean energy'
Heirs to the Rockefeller family, which made its vast fortune from oil, are to sell investments in fossil fuels and reinvest in clean energy, reports say.
The Rockefeller Brothers Fund is joining a coalition of philanthropists pledging to rid themselves of more than $50 bn (�31 bn) in fossil fuel assets.
BBC News - Rockefellers to switch investments to�
guest Hot diggity damn.�
guest Ain't that cool?�
guest Those recent tepid comments from the auto analysts at big investment banks may have pushed the share price down to a point that allows the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and their allied investors to begin building TSLA positions at bargain entry points.�
guest Their grandfather would be proud of such forward-looking investment strategy.�
guest Well, putting my money on it, I just entered an order to sell a 10/18 $245 PUT for $7.70 in the morning. We'll see if it triggers. I figure the worst case is I effectively buy in at about $237.�
guest 237 is not a bad entry point even if the stock drops into the 220s. I fully anticipate we will be back into the 300s once this is all over with.
For my part my puts from Friday effectively floated the rest of my options plays which I was toying with since I was playing around with a bunch of QQQ... With the sell off today that made all of that super in the red... So I was glad for that, near the bottom today I did a new call for 247 so if we get a nice bounce it will be very nice to sell tomorrow... If not then I might have to ditch it... But I think with the broad sell of today we should get some recovery tomorrow.�
guest Well, I am not sure what today/next few days (weeks up to ER) holds but I did sell my 'trading shares' today premarket (still have my core shares). I was 'lucky' enough to have sold out all my 2015 LEAPS near the top (they were very red mid year). I am accumulating cash in the belief that there will be buying opportunities as it appears that 2017 LEAP release and Q3ER will both occur in early November. I am interested to hear what some of you are doing short term.
PS....I do have some sickly Oct 300 calls that I may hold onto for now as there is little value in selling them now and my thesis may be wrong.�
guest I sold all my long holdings Sept 2nd and have been on the sidelines while nibbling in and out of Oct18 puts. Would have been better off holding the puts I had but I exit them after achieving doubles.
My plan is to go long with 50% before Q3ER (late October) or near the 200 day MA, whichever comes first, then deploy the other 50% shortly after the ER. Looking at 2016/17 LEAPS when available. Will also do a jan15 NAIAS/Model X play if we near the 200 day.�
guest Thanks. So your thought is that TSLA will be down pre Q3ER enough that the buying opportunity may be just prior to that ER and CC? If true, that means the market will price in the thought of a 'miss' or just making deliveries and that delivery numbers and guidance will lift TSLA?�
guest I have no idea what Q3 will bring so I'm going in 50% before and 50% after. If we near 200 day before I may adjust that to 2/3 before and 1/3 after.�
guest Pleasantly surprised on that. I actually got $9.45 for my sold PUT instead of $7.70 because the market opened down quite a bit, then the stock zoomed straight back up. I might actually close the position and take the profit. I'm looking at the PUTs as a surrogate for a limit BUY order rather than a money maker, but I won't shed a tear if I can pick up some pocket change this time around and try selling the PUT again on the next dip.�
guest Sweet. Good job!�
guest Nice to see you doing well! Nicely done.:wink:�
guest Bought some March15's just now. Decided waiting for the mythical 230's before ER is probably going to bite me, so just jumped back in.
Whether or not it's revealed early, I'm so excited about the Model X. I already own the best sedan made, and was just browsing the X design page again and realized, this thing is going to sweep all of the car awards on the planet just like the S. It's going to be the best SUV ever made. Hard to imagine TSLA remaining stagnant when this happens.�
guest Agree on the 'X'. I am having trouble trying to time buying back in as I can see both scenarios being equally plausible. We could get the X reveal, announcement of AWD S, all the DA being put into some vehicles now being very positive and literally released tomorrow. But, I can also see just missing/just making guidance for Q3, having a slow drop in price up to ER, exacerbated by ER and us touching the 200d MA before rocketing in late Q4/Q1 2015.
Right now I am considering 'averging into March 2015 calls' vs waiting for 2017 LEAPS.�
guest What is DA?�
guest Driver Assist. Some cars are arriving with lane and speed assist as standard. See: Speed Assist and Lane Departure Warning
Thing is, it makes the bumpers ugly.
guest Many are hoping the Model X reveal is going to have big impact on the stock, sure its a positive & great for reservation holders but its a known event & IMO priced in, a lot has changed from the Model S reveal & we now have a market cap over $30B with a proven platform, so when the Gigafactory terms & deal didn't move the stock I can't see how the Model X reveal will result in a meaningful move.�
guest I agree that the X reveal event itself is not going to move the price instantly, in fact I almost expect to see the price actually drop 5-10% the day after the reveal (buy on the rumor sell on the news)...however, that would be an incredible buying opportunity because I think what will happen is this...
...in the following weeks/months once the X is revealed and it's incredible technology sits in and gets amazing reviews, reservations accelerate, and then production begins is when the market will realize actually how revolutionary it is and that Tesla is the real deal that will always be making the most amazing cars.... I see the stock creeping up over time over those weeks/months well above 300, perhaps even as high as 400�
guest I think the biggest impact will depend on the gull wing door reviews, if problems arise or reviews come in negative then reservations stay on hold, if they hit a home run & the doors function without issue in rain, snow etc... then we might get a pop but thats not for many months.�
guest I think the Model X reveal's impact on the stock price is entirely dependent upon how much the announced features exceed the "concept" car features. Musk said that he hopes to significantly exceed expectations and if he does, price goes up, otherwise, it goes down.�
guest Found a website about the Bertha-Benz-Challenge 2014, which took place last weekend in germany.
PowerPointPresentation in english on right side and lots of pictures with cars powered by sustainable energy.
click left side under Fotos 2014 on 19./20./21. September 2014 and watch out for the twin S in red.
Bertha-Benz-Challenge Offen nur für Elektroautos und zukunftsgerechte Fahrzeuge. - 20. September 2014 - 20. September 2014�
guest Ugh. I just KNEW I should have sold at $290. But thought no... (for whatever reason). grrrrrr. Would have loved to buy back in now. But, then I probably would have questioned that too, and it would have gone up again, etc. etc. It's an ugly roller coaster.
guest I've been wanting to do the same but kind of put all my extra funds into other stocks...If we get down to the 230s I think I may have to sell my core TSLA stock position and move it into either March or Jan 16 calls...�
guest Data point: I was at the Devon SC this AM and heard they have 50 deliveries scheduled before end if Q3. YIkes! There were about 10 cars on the lot at 8am waiting for delivery all 85s, average price $105k. None had the new sensors. I was told the manifest for cars coming in before end of Q3 had just a couple with the sensors but the majority did not.�
guest Was that a yikes good or yikes bad? I mean that is one SC and 50 deliveries set over the next what, three days? That seems like yikes good, although it will be cutting some of that very close. Also if most don't have the new sensors sounds like there is a huge overlap there between cars that got it and cars that didn't.�
guest Yikes good. :wink:.�
guest LOST: Elon Musk, Before Paypal - YouTube
Why isn't this man on the cover of Rolling Stone yet?
guest Wow, Elon is a lot more cocky and confident in his youth�
guest weren't we all :tongue: he's come a long way!
guest Aah you hadn't seen that one before. It's Jurvetson with him there at the end (of course you know, but for others: the venture capitalist who took delivery of Sig #1).�
guest Some interesting news, Tesla might already be looking for a European factory?Slovakia in talks with Tesla Motors - The Slovak Spectator�
guest Cool.�
guest Can't seem to get past the pay wall... Anything substantial in the article?
I thought they were planning China before Europe? Just because demand is much higher in Asia.�
guest Where are the best cars made
Regarding new car making facility, imho it makes no sense to build new facility anywhere before Fremont is at full capacity, 500,000 cars/year.
Once Fremont is at full capacity and new capacity is needed, as an investor I would prefer that new plant to be built in US again rather than anywhere else in the world.
The benefit of having car making plants around the world, especially in places with low business maturity, may be easily outweighed with the risks and downsides of various locations.
Tesla brand may be at risk, amongst other things.�
guest Not really. They'd open a hub in EU for logistical reasons. That and if anything it's good risk management geographically. There's also fiscal benefits depending on where they are.�
guest Premarket looking rough at 8:30am EST. Good luck to all with any short term moves. Are we really heading for the 200 day MA?�
guest I don't think they will wait to hit full cap at Fremont before making a move. If they are going to potentially cap the factory in 2019 (which has been hinted at many times) then they would need to start thinking about it today, to plan for a purchase in about a year from now, to be online in 2018 so you can smoothly transition through hitting that cap without causing a disruption.
Keep in mind that based on the recent information that came out about the process for the gigafactory, it was mentioned in November 2013 that "we probably need to build our own battery factory" and then by December they had already started looking around for locations to build (at least in Nevada), and then by the spring they had settled on Reno, and started construction ~June. All this to get the factory online by 2017. That means 2015 will be about when they start that process all over again if they want to hit some kind of 2018/19 timeframe.
But I still don't agree with Europe... the demand just isn't there right now. Probably just exploring their options though.�
guest I'm hoping the market finds reasons to be dissapointed with Q3 and that we find ourselves at the 200 day MA on Nov. 17th when the 2017 LEAPs come out. That is just me though. I feel I can get somewhat aggressive on 2017 LEAPs since 2016 will be full production for Model S and X and we might even have Gen 3 reservation numbers by then.�
guest Just because TM is talking to Slovakia, doesn't mean they aren't talking to China!�
guest This is also true. If their cash flow goes as good as Elon hinted at they might just build out two factories at the same time so they can quickly bump themselves up to around 1.5M cars.
And keep in mind that as battery tech improves the capacity of the Gigafactory will naturally increase. So what might be 50GW output in 2020 will likely be 70GW by 2025 (just taking the natural 7% rise y/y. Not saying we won't need a second (or third) gigafactory, just that the build rate of these might not need to be as quick as the car factories themselves.�
guest It might also be wise to keep in mind that it seems Tesla now is able to dodge import taxes in Europe by "building" the car in Tilburg, which I guess is not the intention of the laws. So they might have to in the future build an essential part of the car in Europe to avoid the taxes, like the motor, battery or somesuch. Assembling battery packs in Slovakia from single cells should be about as effecient as shipping complete packs over the sea. For all I know Tesla has been told something about new laws arriving in EU?
This is me speculating I do not know any of this.
guest If Elon remains CEO past 2021 then I can envision a "DualGigafactory" in China producing batteries & vehicles in one giant campus. If he gives up CEO responabilities then Europe would be my guess for factories.�
guest It'll produce more Model 3 than all other factories in the world combined, so we'll call it the "Terafactory".�
guest If anyone needs a chuckle today at the expense of old ICE, here:
BMW i8 vs. Tesla Model S | Consumer Reports - YouTube
Also, not sure where to post this, but here's a good cause that also happens to be good publicity for Tesla Motors:
Buy a brick for the Nikola Tesla Museum - The Oatmeal
If you buy one of the t-shirts, you are guaranteed to make a flawless trade on TSLA whenever wearing this shirt. If you buy a brick, you are guaranteed to have the spirit of Nikola Tesla powering you wherever you go. Or something.
guest Flawless trade you say? Sold! Ordered a t-shirt to support the cause
guest Nice!
guest I didn't buy the T-shirt, but I did do the reservation of my 2nd Model X today, a Signature X, EU, could not wait any longer, as the numbers of reservations where bypassing 500. I still have the European X P#112 from 2012, and I will have some time to figure out what to do with it
I still have my core TSLA position as wellI love my Tesla Model S, the X is for my husband and family trips
guest Nice to see that in Norway you love Tesla cars like this. Hope that same thing will happen in Italy soon.�
guest Way to go, Wenche!!�
guest When I first read about the i8 I was really excited, because it looks cool and I liked that apparently BMW had realized the importance of electric transportation. Then I saw the range: 30 km ! and I thought "is this a joke ?" That is such a waste and an idea that is beyond stupid to put such a weak electric motor into a car with another motor of this power. I don�t know what they were smoking down in Bavaria when they designed this. Interesting, too that everybody was complaining about how expensive the Model S was and this money burner starts at what ? 120K � ? This is no competition for our Tesla. And it is a real pity: It looks awesome, though the paint job in the video is absolutely horrid. Anyway: bought some more shares long yesterday...of Tesla not BMW of course.
guest Agreed, Tasmanian. I wish (like Elon does) that BMW and other carmakers actually put more effort into making a competitive BEV, but it is growing increasingly clear that they lack the engineering talent and/or will to achieve even basic parity with Tesla products in range, performance, safety, user interface, comfort and practicality. At 30 miles of range, the i8 might as well be a gas car. And the i3 might as well be a go-cart. I'm increasingly confident the Model III will upend the automotive industry, but that not until it is released and people are fighting each other for spots in reservation line will the world fully understand that the auto industry must move to 100% BEV in time.�
guest So I am probably going to regret this, but I did a Nov monthly 285 @ 4.10 today we will see if this really is the bottom or not. *fingers crossed�
guest Can you clarify? I am assuming that it was call you are referring to and it was bought, not sold? thanks!�
guest Regarding engineering talent in ice car making businesses, I would disagree that it is lacking, on the contrary. Car making business always was, always will be like a honey pot in attracting the best engineering talent there is.
Strategic decisions are made at the top level to achieve the best outcome for the business (not for the planet). For ice car makers the best short to medium business course may be to continue making ice cars for as long as they can.�
guest Correct and correct sorry for not clarifying. I know we have a chance for this downward pressure to last another ~2 weeks before we should start our steady climb back up... But I just can't help but notice how much the stock keeps resisting the break through ~240 barrier. If we get a clean break I think we will see it trek on much closer to the 200 day moving average, but I would note that hitting the 200 is no guarantee. The first drop never quite hit that level and this one could be similar.
If it drops again over the next two weeks I think I will just look to add some calls for Nov/Dec depending on the price and such.
And sorry for not posting anything sooner about it since it was put in as a limit order earlier in the day and I had meetings to attend and didn't even see it triggered until near market close. If I was actually able to watch it drop I might have made a different move, but I feel OK about the price point.�
guest Regarding engineering talent, Marc Tarpenning talks about how the major automakers have outsourced so much of their engineering that they are shells of what they once were in this talk: Amplify Mentor Event: Marc Tarpenning (Tesla) - YouTube It's long, and that's not all he talks about, but it's worth watching in the entirety. I think the engineering question comes up at the end during the Q&A.
You also assume that the business people *know* what decision will make the best outcome for the business, or that they're capable of making that decision (innovator's dilemma). And as you mentioned, term is important. I would also argue that any business decision which is bad for the planet is a bad business decision.�
guest I agree with Marc.
I love this video. Thank you Fango. The whole thing is worth watching.
The response to the competition question at 52:00 is fantastic. Some quotes talking about other automakers:
"It's actually even worse than I ever imagined. They will get there, but it's an epically slow journey for them."
"They don't even design the computers that control the engines, they outsource it."
Nearly all relevant car companies other than Tesla Motors in 2014 don't design or manufacture much of anything internally except engines, and spend most of their money on sales and marketing. They certainly aren't made up of software guys and electrical engineers, they have divested and outsourced those almost completely. It will take them so very long to catch up, if they ever even decide to try. By then, my bet is they will be begging Tesla Motors for help.�
guest That is one of my favorite videos regarding Tesla and everyone else. I wish Tesla would hand been able to continue with all the original founders at the helm... It is too bad they had a falling out.�
guest I grew up in the Detroit suburbs and don't recall many people being excited to work for auto companies. In college the best and brightest that I knew all moved away for a job they were more interested in. Personally, I moved to silicon valley and would never consider going back to work for one of the ICE manufacturers.�
guest There is a lot of outsourcing in all businesses, not just car making. My point was that car makers can have and do have all the engineering talent that they wish or need.
Regarding business decisions in well established businesses, they are usually made based on numbers. It is unfortunate that some businesses are not aligned with the planet survival, but they are still thriving.
There are many examples of profitable businesses that are not aligned with planet survival or human race benefit. How about guns, heavy weapons makers, and other killing accessories, I do not think that they help the planet, yet they are thriving.
Car makers chasing profit are like innocent babies when compared to some businesses out there.
guest All of the motive bits about the i8 reminds me of Fisker's Karma, particularly the efficiency numbers. But each manufacturer has decided what goal they hope to achieve. I even sort of understand what the plug-in Prius was about. The i3 is a member of a growing class of, shall we call them, "almost 100 mile" cars. Elon doesn't even regard them as real EV's (and many of you won't, either), but they do serve a useful purpose, particularly for those households with more than one car.
In other news, I finally bought me a few shares of this fine company (TSLA), so watch for another dropNo worries, though; I plan to buy more if they keep dropping the price. It will all be good in the long term.
guest Dana Hull is a reporter that follows Tesla closely and tweeted last night "@danahull: Dougherty's Andrea James: Tesla's biggest mistake thus far as a company has been to massively underestimate demand for the Model S"
Does anyone know if there is perhaps a new report issued by Andrea James or a new interview done with her on TSLA? Or perhaps Dana Hull is just regurgitating an old quote�
guest Alright, enough sitting on the sidelines. I'm buying LEAPs from here down to the 200-day.�
guest I also love that video, and I think Marc is spot on for the US ICE-makers, but the 3 "premium" German brands still has an image that says they have excellent in-house engineers. Anyone that knows if this is true? The i3 and the VW e-Golf are both decent city cars with enough range to sell like crazy here in Norway. Keep in mind generally, Leaf, e-up, e-Golf and i3 individually outsell the Model S every month. So in a EV-positive country these cars DO have their uses and loyal followers.
guest You are 'the man'. I am sitting out till $230 which with the angry market today may actually be today!�
guest Well, my clever plan of selling a $245 PUT earlier for $9.45 isn't working very well at this point. All my holdings are red. Even some SPWR I got a long while back and has been green for a long time has turned red again. TSLA and solar both are in a pretty extended dive.
guest I decided with seeing that everything I hold is down today I have decided it would be best not to even look at my TDAmeritrade account today.....�
guest Yeah, me too. But I picked up a little VSLR at below the IPO price, it's insane that the solars are down so much.�
guest It looks as if we were heading towards the 200 MA more quickly than expected. So to all the chartist, where will be the next resistance (other than the 200 MA) will be ? All the strong longs should have some cash ready too load up again at these bargain prices.�
guest I'm not a chartist, but I noted earlier up thread that the first two big falls off ATH gave up 1/2 their gains. If it does that again, we'd be looking for $235. I'm very curious to see if that pattern holds up.�
guest I believe this is a good thesis you have...It also closely follows the support of 200dMA. (In this instance 200dMA is $215ish)�
guest Well by the metric of Tesla sightings in Northwest Austin they completely blew the roof off this quarter. It seems like we are seeing twice as many daily since the deliveries really ramped up 2 weeks ago.�
guest If they beat guidance, this dip could certainly make for some tidy profits. I believe the market has priced in a Q3 miss at these levels.�
guest Ok, I looked...not pretty, and I decided to put in some low ball bids on some LEAPS.�
guest Further supporting that $235 level, I noticed a trend. Back when the craze started at ~$55 started, I remember how long of a run up we enjoyed all the way up to $195 before falling back to ~$115, which is $60 above $55. Then we rallied to $265 before falling to ~$175, which is $60 above $115. Then we rallied to $290, and $60 above $175 is $235.�
guest The display car was gone from the store too.�
guest Well 237 now, pretty close.
i thought there was a large order providing support at 240, did that go thru?
Or did I misunderstand or misremember? (90% of what I know about trading I have learned from reading all your posts, and I still don't "get it" a lot of times)�
guest The last $20 move down has been mostly on very light volume. Right now we are only at 3 million shares traded. I think the institutional holders are holding out for dirt cheap prices, and will move in big once we get closer to the 200-day SMA. Also, for those keeping track, the current price is $38 discount from the average analyst estimate, the largest discount ever!�
guest LOL, really, so like all they have in there now is the skateboard?�
guest Maybe they sold that too.
I drove 940 miles yesterday and from Edison NJ to Albany NY and back I saw 12 other Tesla MS's, 7 of those were random and not at superchargers. I'm sure I missed some too. I think that is more than I have seen total excluding stores. Also saw my first Sig Red ever in person. Amazing!
There are more Tesla's out there now than ever!
The report of 2500 sold in Sept is really awesome if it is true. If they sustain that number going forward, that's 30k per year in the USA alone. I don't expect them to sustain it but I do expect Decembers number to be larger.
This market funk is really helping to create a long term buying opportunity IMO.�
guest the 2500 in sept is huge. they always underestimate because it's based on registrations. Took me a month to register mine. Certainly cars delivered last week will not be included. In past these estimates always off�
guest 2500 NA deliveries in Sept? Link? Thanks
*****nevermind...found it*****�
guest Correct. and stylish set of chairs a table.�
guest For those looking for a 235 resistance I think we are seeing that right now. It touched into 235s a number of times now with the low being 235.65�
guest I went for a run around my neighborhood on Saturday and saw 4 Tesla's out and about. Getting really densely populated here in Raleigh.�
guest You could well be right. But please forgive my correction of terminology. It appears that you actually look upon 235 as a support level at which many investors become willing to buy. A resistance level is one that a share's price has a hard time getting above due to a supply of shares readily offered at that price. Support comes at near-term bottoms. Resistance comes at near-term tops. Meanwhile, your observation appears to have become even more valid while I was composing this response. :smile:�
guest Sorry, yes, you are of course right, for some reason I keep wanting to think resistance in both directions, and I wasn't using the term correctly.�
guest GM will be offering "Super Cruise" in two years for limited hands free driving, which should improve safety. Drivers could use a free hand to make sure their key stays in the ignition. Good luck GM.�
guest A low blow, sir! But it made me laugh.�
guest A big laugh from me. I have one of those cars for which the ignition switch had to be replaced. Its production cost is less than a dollar, but the service writer told me his dealership would be billing General Motors for over $200.�
guest Can you go for a run for me while you're at it?
We saw 6 Teslas in one day last Saturday, a record for us in our DC neighborhood. Feels like they are delivering them by the bucketload.�
guest ROFL. Good one!�
guest If you could figure out how to move fitness (or fat) from one person to another, you would have yourself a trillion dollar business.�
guest Yes, another truly disruptive business:wink:. Surprised, but happy we pulled back to over $240 at close.�
guest I think it's a good time for people to buy in if they want to pick up some shares. When forum activity is low I see a bottoming out (or close to it).�
guest The small number of shares I bought today at $236 are looking pretty good right now. Wish I had elected calls instead, but wasn't confident enough that the drop was ending.�
guest Especially if you could do it across continents (to malnourished regions).
- - - Updated - - -
I generally don't keep up with the ST threads, so yah we may be near a bottom.
That said, on the way down I went a little deeper than usual into Jan '16 calls. Hopefully TSLA will have at least a few spikes in the next 15 months.�
guest Well, after Elon's tweet my confidence about this being the bottom just went WAAAAY upMight want to load up on your shares and calls tomorrow if you are given the chance.
- - - Updated - - -
Oh and his tweet happened after the after hours market had closed so we will have to wait for the early hours to even see if this tweet had any immediate affect on the stock. Good luck to everyone tomorrow!�
guest I think I might buy an oct 10 call or two at market open tomorrow.
If the macro market has a flat or bull day, tomorrow could be really exciting. I think we will gap up tomorrow.�
guest Well goddamit. I felt like something might happen, just had a feeling, since things were quiet and the quarter was ending and so many reports of Tesla employees working extra hard to meet delivery etc, and was planning to buy something today - some kind of options (either 400 '16 leaps or something with a post-earnings expiration probly around ~300 strike), since I figured the stock was getting close to the bottom. Planned to look into it sometime today near close. Of course I woke up and the power was out in the house all day long until just now, so didn't buy anything since I didn't have internet. Now Elon says this thing about D which means I'm sure we'll be gapping up tomorrow morning. Grr.�
guest Well if it gaps up enough such that my oldest 400 strike leaps are profitable, I'll buy you lunch at the next TMC Connect. Does that help?
guest Well, the idea was to average down the $400 '16 contracts I have (which I bought as part of a spread, and already booked profit on the $500 calls I wrote as part of the spread), because I think they'll go up from here.�
guest Since I've been on the sidelines since first week of Sept, I've been suffering from what my wife refers to as FOMO - "fear of missing out".
Last night my FOMO kicked into overdrive, or is it AWD?!�
guest If it is stock, 246 (current premarket) is still a great price if this was the new bottom. Buy in today and you should be relatively OK. For options just give yourself enough time for it to top out. There is still plenty of upside from here�
guest No doubt, certainly better than the 280's where I closed everything off. Thanks.�
guest I'm glad I did some buying on Tuesday if not at as good of prices as yesterday. Up $13 so far in pre-market.�
guest So, both of my strikes are going to be super green today, with a November expiration, I am halfway tempted to ride this until Oct 9th and bail before the news is released, in anticipation of a "buy on the rumor sell on the news". I know some of you are setting up for an Oct 10 bail, what do you all think? Best case, the most amazing of amazing announcements happens on Oct 9th and the stock jumps again, but in light of recent "sell on the news" circumstances... I am tempted to be prepared for a bail on the 8th/9th... I think it might also depend on how much we jump between now and middle of next week.�
guest So my big question of the next 15 minutes is this a good time to buy some weekly calls.�
guest I'm considering weekly puts, seems a little overheated in the premarket. But it's a crapshoot imo. Market futures marginally red.�
guest well seems like you might be right, stock is coming back down for now.�
guest I caught 245 weeklies for 1.00 flat�
guest Did you mean $255?�
guest Sorry, no, 245 puts.�
guest Oh okay. You can probably get rid of them soon for $2.
guest Waited it out a bit and out at 2.25. No complaints!�
guest Guys, relax. Elon is finally releasing the model DaveT, that's all.�
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