guest ![]()
Why so serious?
curb rash?�
guest Nope, the parking sensor are my best friend.�
guest I had a very strange sighting today while out to lunch with a friend.
I saw MY Model S drive by the window and leave the parking lot. My wife stole it and left me her Highlander Hybrid. When I called her to ask WTF she laughed and told me to go get gas.
I think I need to confiscate her fob until we get her X!�
guest BWAHAHAAHAHAHAHA This is terribly fantastic!�
guest This is frickin hilarious and I do believe qualifies to win the internet for the day.�
guest Ah, so your wife and my wife have a lot in common.
Tesla, you must get the Model X out soon to preserve the sanctity of marriage.
+1 for post of the day-- GREAT story.�
guest Saw a silver one at Lifetime fitness gym in nw Austin today around 11am parked. Saw another one west bound on Parmer lane today around 8:20am today.
ian B�
guest A bunch of demo cars at King of Prussia Mall
guest At the Richmond, VA "Frostfest" Amateur Radio festival today. While getting some stuff out of my frunk in the parking lot, a gray Model Ess drove right by, don't even think he saw us.
Don't know if he was heading to the radio event, or the gun show.�
guest Saw an unusual one in San Mateo yesterday. New (no plates), red, debadged (no Tesla T, "Model S", or "P85"), but the chrome strip said "Founder". And the vin was a P not F.
guest Red? As in MC Red? Or, Sig Red? Couldn't quite tell from the pics.
Must be one of the founders - the Rive brothers, given San Mateo and SolarCity?! - who may have wanted another car made for them.�
guest Nice find, Kipernicus!�
guest You know, I don't really remember which it was. Pretty sure it wasn't Sig red. Must have been multi coat red. Unless it was a custom color. I'm sorry I didn't take a pic of the whole car, had to catch up with the kids. This was at the big Catholic church on El Camino near down town.
I believe Peter's car is silver, and Lyndon's is Sig red, with license plate of "PV EV".�
guest Sighted a Multi Coat Red I80 East express lanes at about 3:?? PM Sunday Feb. 2. Passed us up then we passed you at the George Washington Bridge�
guest White S @ Metro 29 Diner in Arlington, VA yesterday morning (2/2 around 10:30am). You were parked in the bank parking lot next door. Sorry I didn't snag a pic! I also spotted another (or the same) white on parked in a driveway on Lorcom lane close to Spout Run, also in Arlington. Teslas are invading Arlington!�
guest Posting other peoples VIN's is not cool.�
guest Don't worry, the NSA doesn't share your concern....�
guest I spotted a brand new white Model S with performance wheels out for delivery on the Capital Beltway in MD this morning. If you're on the forum, hope you're enjoying your new car! Shortly after that I waved at (and received no response) a black Model S heading towards Chain Bridge on Glebe Road in Arlington. I think this is the same car that I 'randomly' see parked on Glebe Road on my way to work most mornings.�
guest Agreed.
Even partial VIN information would indicate that the number is nearly 17k too high for a Founder's car too. That is a very curious situation. Wrong color, wrong VIN...
The Founder's script looks a bit "off" to me. My memory might be failing me on that last part though.�
guest What's the difference between "signature" and "founder"... I was thinking they were the same, but I seem to be off on that. Did founders go to specific people or a certain number of first orders, or specific people who got the first orders? What was different about the founder cars that wasn't in signatures or was it just the badge on the car?�
guest Could this possibly be a European Founder's editions (I don't know why it would be in San Mateo, but the VINs line up with the beginning of European production.�
guest Interesting theory.�
guest what's wrong with posting someone else's VIN number? it's not like a name and address is being attached along side it. I mean honestly, VIN numbers are accrued in sequentially anyway. Anybody can take their VIN number and start counting down or up and likely have another valid VIN number too (with slight possible variances)�
guest Agree. Not to mention .... it's in public view when out and about ... same theory with license plates. I think folks are way too uptight especially considering what our own government does.�
guest Yes, the Founder cars - similar in build and options to the Signatures that followed - were delivered to:
- Steve Jurvetson (of Draper, Fisher, Jurvetson, a VC firm that invested in Tesla and SpaceX)
- Elon Musk
- the Rive brothers (Elon's cousins and founders of SolarCity)
- Kimbal Musk (Elon's brother)
...and others with the tally ranging from 16 to 32 by various estimates.
They were different primarily with that lettering although Jurvetson had a one of a kind P85 badge (with a byline "Phase Current Amplification") and Elon's Founder #2 was the first car with some early P85+ mods.�
guest It may be public view, but with a license plate, I don't know about vin, I can search DMV records to find out your address, name, etc. I don't want someone posting mine.�
guest But you just did in your signature. All the letters and numbers before the "13201" are known / easy to reconstruct knowing its a 2013 P85+�
guest We have no privacy!! Any perception of such is just window dressing to make you feel better!!�
guest Ok, thank you for that. Seemed like Google/Wikipedia wasn't really helping me with this. So I am glad you explained it for me
- - - Updated - - -
posting the VIN or the plates does not in and of itself constitute a breach of privacy (since this information is in plain view when looking at the car), looking up that data in a database without a valid reason does. Since that would then violate your 4th amendment and the courts have generally favored this line of thinking (meaning cops can't just sit on the side of the road hand-jamming random people's plates into their system "phishing" for someone who might be suspicious so they can go after them. Have to have a reason to search the database first... ie. a crime or law being broken)
The VIN on the other hand... I mean, anyone could get your data for that (if they were so inclined) and look up the car in a Carfax type report and find out what has happened to it in the past. I don't think there is anything special or restrictive tied to this, since it does not link personal information to the events that happened in the car. Just mentions different things you have had in for service and such. To my knowledge you would need to go to the DMV (government system - 4th amendment applies) to retrieve that data.
Disclaimer I am not a lawyer or any such thing.�
guest Would you want someone taking pics of your car and your VIN then posting them on a worldwide website?�
guest *I* can choose to expose as much of my VIN as I feel comfortable with. Someone else posting it takes away my choice in the matter.�
guest I don't have a problem with this. Anywhere I go this is out for public viewing.�
guest Yes...
I am only here for a short period of time...to each their own.�
guest When I go out in public with my 5 year old daughter, she is in the public view. However, I would not want someone to post pictures of her on the internet without my permission. Please respect that people have different feelings about privacy when it comes to there kids, their address, their VIN, their license plate, etc.�
guest a VIN number is not the same thing as posting your daughter's picture online. to equate the two is absurd.�
guest I think we have gone a long was OT, and Mods may want to move some of these posts elsewhere.
Privacy and privacy concerns are real and personal and can be really personal; thus there will be many differing levels of tolerance.
That said, they aren't Model S sightings.�
guest Got to meet Wormhole today at the Delaware Supercharger. Thanks for chatting with me today and pushing me towards powder coating my 19" Cyclones! Hope you had a good trip back North!�
guest Ha, you mean GASNOMO"NoMoGas" was already taken in NY...great meeting you too...hope you get power back sooner than PECO indicated. Amazing there was ZERO traffic on the NJ Turnpike and the George Washington Bridge...total ghost town...amazing.
guest Black Model S on the last episode of the Tonight Show with Jay Leno
during the "what j should do now" celebrity compilation behind Miley Cyrus�
guest GDH
Did you get parking sensors with the car or is this after market installation? If it is after market, would you mind giving me the info. I am looking to install in mine. You can PM as well.
Thanks a lot�
guest Parking sensors came with the car. They are awesome, I have no idea where you can get them after market though.
I think I saw you driving down NW 23rd the other day?�
guest +1 I Agree. Let people choose to post what they want. VINs may be 'publicly viewable" but ya have to go out of your way to do it. It's not readily viewable by the average driver, and also is unnecessary to this thread.
That said, Silver Model S on CBS's "Rake"�
guest Totally meant no disrespect to the person who posted the VIN, I just know that I would be pissed if someone posted mine.....personal preference I guess.�
guest Most likely. I go by almost daily. What color is yours?�
guest Green.�
guest Spotted a gray 60 at the Bensalem PA Lowes! The owner was buying a snow shovel...
guest Spotted a blue P85 with PA plates at the PHL airport PreFlight parking garage. There was the regular black MS charging also.
guest ![]()
guest I think I managed to grab a few pictures of what I beileve must be the first Model S in Hungary. There is no Tesla store in Hungary yet, the closest one is in Vienna, but the car had a Hungarian license plate.
Apologies for the quality, I was driving, asked my best friend sitting next to me to grab my phone and take the pictures. It is not the nicest part of the city and it was raining real bad, plus we had to stop in the middle of the bus lane for a moment to take the pictures - oh the things I do for this car. :tongue:
guest You can drive on the sidewalks in Hungary?�
guest You can park on them atleast
guest He's not parking on the sidewalk! She is walking in the street!!!�
guest Lol. Yeah, the S is not parking legally for sure. Normally you see Audis, BMWs and Mercedes parking outrageously in my country - needless to say these cars have built a bad rep as being owned by the newly rich. Not sure I like Tesla listed with those brands, so let's be positive and assume the guy has a permit...�
guest NIN is still a band?, weird....that's so 1990's�
Whos idea was it to put trees and booths in the street?
guest Funny what you get out of a picture. My grandfather was born in Budapest and I've never been...just makes we want to go there....�
guest ![]()
There are three charge points and zero gas stations in Yosemite NP.�
guest I would love to go there, maybe I will go in June and see NIN while I am there!�
guest My wife says I don't need to go. She says I am a NINny already!�
guest Today @ Darien, CT Southbound I95
guest I see one MS I'd never drive ....�
guest What does it say on it?�
guest I keep seeing a gray Model S around Columbia, MO. Still haven't been able to get a pic of it yet, despite having seen it about 4 times now. (there could be more than 1, but probably unlikely given the smaller city size in an area without superchargers).�
guest ![]()
Spotted last summer leading a bunch of old cars (Lamborgini gallardo spyder, Lotus elise, Maserati gran turismo, R8 ,nissan GTR) :tongue:�
guest I don't like the graffiti on the white car but I like the look of the vinyl(?) covered nosecone. I have always thought that Tesla should offer the option of a nosecone painted totally in body color. That would really make the car stand out from the IC crowd.
anybody here with photoshop skills who can show us what for instance a red or white car would look like with such an option?�
guest Spotted a white MS in the Valet area at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas!
guest Got a close up
guest Saw this beauty this am in NW pdx
guest Heres a thread with green and brown
Painted Nose Cone - Looks Great (IMO)
Found a white one for ya
Wrapped nose cone | Forums | Tesla Motors�
guest Thanks! Now the chrome is gone and the top part of the nose cone is CF
My Blacked out Green MS�
guest Model S at my Westlake Village Office Complex. My Model S arrives March 15th, which will make three blue S at the same building.![]()
guest We were driving up I-91 N between New Haven and Hartford and spotted a Black MS in front of us, with CA plates. Looked like dealer plates.
Then we passed him, and then about 10 car lengths in front of him, was another White MS, also with dealer CA plates.
Well, that can't be a coincidence! I figured both cars must be part of the Tesla Events program. Today, I checked the Events page, and sure enough, today is a Tesla MS Event in Hartford: Test Drive Model S in Hartford! | Events | Tesla Motors
Since they don't show the previous events on the page, I wonder where these two cars were coming from? A previous New England event, or maybe the Milford or Westchester stores?
Still, pretty fun to see TWO MS's running up the highway. (I get my car on Monday, so it's not like there were three at the same time, unfortunately).�
guest MS parking lot
A black Model S 60 parked to the right of my blue 85 at Costco in Mettawa, Illinois. This is what winter, especially a brutal one like we have had this year, looks like near Chicago. Not just the piles of snow, but dirty Teslas. There is just no way to keep our cars clean for more than a day. Another 3-6" tomorrow - sigh!.
It's great to see another MS here - often see a gray one in the Vernon Hills area and there is a white one regularly seen at my office. I don't believe I have seen this one before.�
guest All four of these photos were taken this afternoon from the observation tower at the Udvar-Hazy Air & Space museum near Dulles airport. First, the non-random: two groups of Teslas visiting for TeslaRoadTrip2014 on opposite ends of the parking lot. (My car is the silver one on the right side of the first photo.)
Now, the random: my wife and kids just happened to see these two parked away from all the other Teslas.
I could only attend part of today's events, but I had a great time! Many thanks to a great group of organizers, who are probably still enjoying tonight's dinner.
guest The first two pictures are what I imagine all parking lots will look like in a few years...�
guest ...but with rows and rows of charging stations installed, right? ;-)�
guest Bluetinc & I spotted this Signature Red as we were leaving the @TeslaRoadTrip2014 event at the Udvar Hazy Air & Space Museum. We had three Signature Red attendees and then this beauty randomly appeared!
guest ![]()
guest @jcadman22: the tower in the background of your photo is where I was when I took my photo of the same sig red MS (post #2936 above).
guest The car in the previous post is multi-coat red with 19" wheels vice the Sig red with perf. 21s. VIN was somewhere in the 600s.�
guest YUM!�
guest Ha, good catch. I'm pretty sure I walked by the Sig red MS from your photo on my way into the museum, and based on the position of the red one I saw from the tower, I thought they were the same car. So does that mean there were *three* Teslas there that were unrelated to our group? Wow.
guest South of DC on 95N![]()
Thanks to Izzie for the pic.
In 700+ miles we have seen 2 in our direction and 4 coming at us - excluding superchargers where we've seen plenty...�
guest Saw a white one in Tampa FL last night, went by me too fast to snap a pic.�
guest Eva Longoria Tests Out Her New Tesla | Celebrity Cars Blog
Eva Longoria & Jose Antonio Baston Out For Brunch In Santa Monica - Pictures - Zimbio
guest ![]()
At PHL PreFlight Parking.�
guest What kind of chargers are there?�
guest Just regular 110v outlets. Great for more than 1 day or if you're at least halfway charged.�
guest parked for the night next to this nicely wrapped (lighted T too) NJ plates. Next to the New Brunswick train station...
guest It's fun to spot friends from the TeslaRoadTrip that made their way back home. If I'm not mistaken, that's Ken that was here in DC last weekend.�
guest Thanks for the links. I have to admit the white one especially doesn't look nearly as good with a white nose cone as I had imagined ... pretty weird ctually, with all the bumps and lines and angles on the nosecone that are not noticeable on the black version ...�
guest Someone in Portland is getting a sweet grey
guest Also saw this beauty today.
guest Lime Green Model S (not a wrap)
guest Did it have any badging (P85?)... I'm guessing this was outside Fremont?�
guest ![]()
Our Model S next to a Ferrari in Miami, FL
Our Model S next to a White Performance at Rockrimmon Country Club in Stamford, CT Summer 2013
Blue Model S spotted at the IBM North Castle former HQ site Summer 2013
One of the six Model S cars we see around our kid's school, Temple Beth Am Day School in Miami, FL
Our daughter standing in front of a random Model S parked next to ours for a Miami Hurricanes Football game at SunLife Stadium Fall 2013
Our Model S parked under a beautiful ficus tree at the brand new CHAdeMO station at historic Pinecrest Gardens in Pinecrest, FL January 2014
Two Gray Model S cars parked next to each other during dropoff at Temple Beth Am Day School in Miami, FL February 2014�
guest Yes right by the superchargers - standard 85 model, VIN# and license plate omitted to protect the guilty
guest I spy this beauty
guest Many people are guessing this is the car that is to be used in an upcoming movie (see like 10 pages back in this thread). Interesting that it is just a standard 85 though...�
guest Aren't they all "beauties"??
guest God no, have you seen the pink one?�
guest If you mean this one, I think it's rather beautiful.
guest IT'S NOT P...
It's 67 Mustang Metallic Purple.
Thanks, Btrflyl8te! So do we.�
guest Taste is subjective and that's not the car I was referring to.�
guest Just saw this beauty, so low.
guest Exactly and don't the cars with air suspension lower automatically after a while?�
guest I know the height I'll clear and I'll pull up over the curb depending on how short the spaces seem to be. The Model S is an extremely long car and I'd rather be over the curb than have the rear end hanging out to get side swiped.
That's a Signature red. The person probably knows their car pretty well at this point.�
guest Here's the second "S" this past Friday.�
guest Yah, I have a similar dilemma at times as well. Nonetheless, I tend to avoid curbs and take the risk.�
guest i know the height I'll clear as well, but what I don't know is the height it drops to when your out/get back in. I know it drop; I've felt it come back up. I've also heard others report they've hit something when it drops. I trust that others won't hit a parked car more than I trust the car to not do the auto adjustments it does. Plus, if someone was going to hit my parked car, a couple inches won't make the difference. They were going to hit my car anyway. If it is that tight, I'll park elsewhere.�
guest Both seen Sat Feb 22 in North Scottsdale in McDowell Mtn Ranch area.
guest I was out walking my dog yesterday and saw someone washing a black P85 by one of the apartment complexes with a manufacturer's license plate. I later saw it driving around my neighborhood. When I passed by I said, "Nice car! I've got a green one."�
guest Moderator note: Several off-topic posts were moved to http://www.teslamotorsclub.com/showthread.php/27947-Yet-Another-Silly-Gender-Based-Parking-Discussion�
guest An everything bagel with extra Tesla please!
guest It's about time, thought you were slackin!�
guest Saw a white Model S on Montrose Parkway in Rockville, VA this mornign at about 9am... License plate: "ZEEEERO".�
guest Much Tesla -
Queens Service Center
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