guest Another Sighting Fred Meyers by NW 158th. Quite common in Portland. Sorry for the blurry passing by iPhone shot.�
guest Blurry? My neck hurts!
Have to ask ... so many photos are uploaded here that are upside down / 90 degrees off ... what causes it and what can be done by the author to fix it?
None of my uploads every look like this (not saying I'm better), and I am familiar with various programming tools to upload pics ... and I don't really see (don't think) other site where this is a problem.
Is this a weakness with vBulletin software?�
guest Dunno. Whenever I attach pictures to the forum they look upright. When I get a picture from another source and post it, I check if it's oriented correctly. If not, I toss it in MsPaint, rotate, and update my post. So either it's a non-Windows thing or people haven't found MsPaint yet.�
guest Played a house party gig last night on lake Sammamish for a friends 40th bday. I parked my black S60 out in front of the house. Another dark colored S was close by, but never found out if it's owner was also at the party. Ring a bell for anyone??�
guest ![]()
Spotted in Fairfield CT. Noice car NO ICE!
I was having brunch across the street at The Chelsea�
guest At approximately at7:00pm to on Veterns Day I saw a black Model S picking u someone from the. Ft. Lauderdale Airport but no pictures. I could not stop because the S was near the exit of the concourse.�
guest The #DriveFree Model S at the Folsom SC earlier tonight. Looked great.�
guest Saw this beauty in NW Portland this am.
guest Today I saw a Grey P85 with grey wheels and CF in Dusseldorf, Germany. Could not take a pic - too fast. My first sighting of Tesla outside of US. It looked awesome among Audi's and BMW's.�
guest Brown beauty in NW
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Came back to find 2 other beauties sitting pretty next to mine. The far right is a P85 with grey turbines and the middle is an S85 like mine.�
guest I saw myself charging today!
guest I was just there a couple days ago.
guest I wish they had a faster charger there, I was at that mall for an hour and half�
guest Do you gave a single charger? If you have "twin" chargers, that charger should be able to give you 80amps (unless they have it dialed back internally), which is pretty quick.�
guest Excuse me. I saw this matter of the twin charger on the Tesla Web Site. Can you explain me what the twin charger is useful for? Can it double the input current to better charge the Model S? So is the twin charger actually a current amplifier?�
guest If you are charging from AC current (not Supercharger, not CHADEMO), the single charger will limit the charging rate to 40 amps (more or less). The twin charger can accept 80 amps, if that is available.�
guest Thank you for your kind answer. So I don't need the twin charger because in Italy we don't have AC charger > 40 amps (at least as far as I know).�
guest Saw this red beauty in SLC...
guest I have a single, and I am not sure what it is charging at. Yesterday it was so slow.�
guest Yes as Neroden said, you're capped at 40 max amps, which is about 29m /hr of charging. If you have two chargers, you can handle twice as much.
But note, there aren't too many 80 amp charging solutions out in the wild, and Tesla's SC network will supplant most travel needs anyway - since the Superchargers bypass the inboard chargers and feed direct to the battery pack.
Now back on topic... BryanW, love the red capture in SLC. What nice fin am I seeing out your rear window?
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Not so random but thanks for coming to visit @ArtSci and @Aaron.S�
guest Saw a gray(?) model S on Market St. in Leesburg VA this morning at about 11:30am... we exchanged headlight flashes.�
guest Saw another gray MS heading north on I-95 near Philadelphia at 4:10pm today. I was heading south and saw it across the divider near the Harbison St exit. At over 60mph and combined speed of over 120mph I had no time to do anything but notice the distinctive DRLs and the color!�
guest Last week I saw a Red Signature Model S belonging to an Italian friend of mine coming to visit Rome. There was a crowd staring at the Model S while charging close to my apartment in Rome.
The Model S is so beautiful. :love:�
guest What a Tesla-filled day! I saw a beautiful brown P85+ with VA plates "TSTARQ" parked right in front of the Max Brenner restaurant in Philly. Corner of 15th and Walnut Streets at 6:15pm. Looked like the rear child seats were folded out, so perhaps the owner brought in the whole family for a day in Philly? Actually had my DSLR with me, so here are some hi-res pictures!
guest They are pretty rare over here. I've only come across two to my knowledge. But one I definitely wish I could have used...�
guest My First Ever!!. I live in Chattanooga and the only MS I have ever seen is the one my cardiologist drives. I had never seen one in the wild until yesterday afternoon. I was traveling down I-75 south just after the I-24 split. This one looked to be a blue beauty with Tennessee military retired tags on it.�
guest Except in Canada.
guest Of all places, I found another white Tesla in Chilliwack (about 1.5 h out of Vancouver) when I was swinging by the Five Guys to grab a quick dinner!
Totally unexpected since there are still only around 160 Model S's in British Columbia.
The other owner was jazzed to see another Model S pulling up -- they were seated at the window and excitedly waved as I pulled up.
Mine's the S85 (NO FOSL).�
guest @SteveW25661
Very nice pic. Pearl White is my favourite colour.
guest 10 days after picking up my Performance 85, I had my first sighting of a Tesla in the wild, in McKinney, TX this morning around 8:20. A lovely blue Model S. Didn't get a picture, though.�
guest Sounds like Sublimaze1's badA**
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Spotted a black S85 with standard 19s at the Hotel Sorella CITYCENTRE garage valet area in Houston.�
guest Saw two Model S's in two days, both on Ravenna Ave NE, in Seattle. A beautiful pearl white and a green (like mine) and dirty (like mine). Was driving so no pictures.�
guest Followed home over the 405, then Westbound on 26, exiting at Murray together... a brown Model S with silver 21s and fog lights on. License plate "CHRGD".
Dennis or Ethan, did you get new plates?�
guest Saw this beauty in Provo today. Saw it once before, but it had the wrong school flags flying.
guest Nice! I've only spotted one S in the wild in Utah.�
guest Ive seen a couple now. I see a white one going south I-15 most mornings when im headed to work.�
guest Maybe I'm just to focused on the cars immediately around me.I rarely look at the cars traveling the other direction on I-15.
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OK, not exactly random. Still a nice group of Modes S's and a Volt at Chabot Space and Science Center in Oakland Saturday.�
guest Are those chargers free to use for anyone with an electric vehicle and you get preferred parking right out front like that? Maybe a little trip to Chabot is in order�
guest Spotted a yellow tesla�
guest I've been waiting for a year to see a yellow Model S! Finally! And it looks totally awesome aswell!�
guest Unfortunately those are not chargers at all. Just white posts to mark the sidewalk area.�
guest Saw a blue Model S on a Ranger trailer leaving DC this morning possibly headed towards Rockville Service Center.�
guest JohnEC in post #2121 above shows a photo with a handsome group of Model Ses.
What would be a great term for a group of Tesla Model Ses? "Group" seems inadequate. A related thread was discussed on Collective noun for a group of Teslas but that was pertaining to Roadsters and last visited before the Model S hit the road.
Examples of some other collective nouns can be found at List of collective nouns - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia�
guest Adding to the amount of people going out of their way to see my Model S, there has been quite a few who did not know that it was a Tesla, or for that matter, know very little about Tesla. They just thought it was a really amazing looking car. Common question: "Where is made, Italy?"
Thats cool in a way, as it meets the criteria of the original design goal, "to be an amazing car that happens to be electric"�
guest This is me posting about witnessing a stranger's random Model S sighting. Sunday I was shopping with friends at a dept store. When we came out and approached my car, there was a woman taking pictures of it in the parking lot.�
guest Nice plates on both! :smile:�
guest I still get people taking pics of mine all the time, with me in it and everything (they don't seem to care, it's awkward). They are still very rare around these parts...I can't tell you how many times I see a flash in my rear view mirror to look up and see the person in the car behind me taking a photo of it. Best was a dude in a brand new Ferrari snapping photos of my car. I took photos right back at him! Hah!�
guest Maybe they are taking pics of YOU cuz you're so pretty?
I see people taking pics of my car with their phone in traffic all the time, but someone up close and personal in a parking lot was a first for me.
I never posted about the woman who passed me in a white MS the other day on Gandy Blvd while I was waiting to turn left. I was so excited to see another MS in the wild, but she never even noticed me.�
guest Yeah I've had a couple walk up and take pics, then the guy stands next to our car, and she take pics of him standing next to out car... like it's his or something. Funny.�
guest Saw the same car again. Always going southbound around Bangerter Highway exit. @6:45ish
I can tell because of the headlights. It really stands out.�
guest Well that's why I've never seen it, I try not to wake up that early unless I absolutely have to!�
guest I randomly spotted myself charging at the Woodburn supercharger! :redface:
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Spotted a bunch of Teslas being worked on at the Norristown Service Center
They sure do have lots of rims and tires! Want!
guest �
guest I've been seeing this handsome Model S on my way to work in Arlington, VA. There was a Roadster (service loaner?) parked there for a couple days earlier this month. Hi if you're on the Forums!
guest I had a nice lady in a red P+ come borrow some plugshare electrons from my HPWC the other day. Silly as it sounds always being on the inside driving, I have never really watched an MS drive up and maneuver around in close quarters while outside watching. They really are pretty cars and stealthily quiet on the outside.�
guest I thought that looked like I thought that looked like the Norristown service center. They can't move into the bigger building fast enough, they really need more room.�
guest how bizarre - that's exactly one number off of my VA license plate
guest Tesla probably applied for several plates at the same time�
guest Last Sunday 11-24 My wife and I spotted a black ModelS in the Sarasota Landings parking lot close to the Olive garden.�
guest So glad I got green!
guest I finally see a car I recognize! That one is right around the corner from me and was one of the first I saw in the wild. Checking it out daily made me decide to buy mine. BTW - I see the Marymount shuttle in the background. I can never get away from those either!
Maybe it was just me, but AFAIK we Virginians were on our own for plates. Since Tesla can't sell here, they don't do much in terms of that stuff so it might have just been a coincidence. In another instance of bizarreness, I have the same address # as the guy pictured and the same phone number except for 1 digit (his # was posted on the M3 that he presumably sold after buying the S).�
guest Saw a truck full of Model S going up Parley's canyon. It had broken down. By the time I noticed it was Teslas I couldn't take a photo.�
guest spotted this blue beauty from my clunky, antique, gas-powered rental car in San Francisco this morning. I had three meetings in SF today. Interesting note: all three were with fellow Model S owners but that is not how I met any of them.
guest Spotted Mike F.'s Blue MS from Herkimer, NY charging at my house
guest At an event yesterday in Minneapolis, so not totally "random". Grey P85+ on the right and Black S85 on the left. We stopped to get lunchBoth are manufacturer cars owned by Tesla Minneapolis. Sorry for the pic quality. My phone didnt seem to want to focus...
Then, later that day at the Minneapolis Service Center, I saw one of the coolest/rarest color combos I have ever seen: Green P85+ with Grey 21s and red brake calipers. Christmas colors!
guest wow, on the fence about the red calipers.�
guest yea supposedly they actually do not look good in person. real pictures popping up now basically confirm this. I've only heard several people now see these new calipers in person, and all of them said they did *NOT* like the look. I'm actually glad I don't have these now. I think the only one it might look good on is the multicoat red.
here's another higher quality pic on one of the newer wheels.
guest Spied heading west on Gandy just a few minutes ago
guest Sighting at the Woodburn supercharger. Red, Silver and Blue. Blue is mine - just that day changed from 21" to 19" snow tires.
Rides completely different. I feel 21" responded better but 19" has better grip (with snow tires)�
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At the Broadmoor sanctuary in south Natick, MA�
guest @yobigd20
Really nice the Cyclone wheels with red calipers.
guest How do they look on the Performance (grey) wheels?�
guest watch at 1m14 of this video
Ultimate Oz Rocket! 2014 HSV Gen-F GTS Attacks Bathurst! Epic Drives Ep. 24 - YouTube�
guest Spotted a black P85 with NY plates in front of the David Zwirner gallery in Chelsea (NYC) today at 4pm. It was sitting pretty in front of about 200 people lined up to see the Yayoi Kusama exhibition (Exhibitions David Zwirner)
We wanted to go in but a 2.5 hour wait was a bit much. Got some pics with my DSLR, will post later...
guest I'm sorry but those look AWESOME!�
guest I was at that. Drove the P85+.�
guest Coming back from Thanksgiving with the in laws, east Seattle. Had fun using the Centralia SC on the way up, and here on the way back to Portland.
Met TeslaSinHR and his wife, in the red. Ours in black. Wish I would have stayed longer to meet the couple that just arrived in their Gray. No one was in the pearl. AJ said he was getting 120kw charge speeds.
I just used the SC for 5 min, to appease the wife and kids (keeping it short), but enough to put 40+ miles in and take the edge off, since we were only able to charge up to 90% before heading out.
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Saw BryanW's roadster at the service center in Vegas.�
guest @Park2760
Really nice to see the Roadster and the Model S together. :love:�
guest McLean VA must be a hot spot for Brown! In addition to my own Brown S85 I saw two others today within 5 minutes of each other...�
guest I saw a red Model S drive by me around 5:30pm as I was walking/biking home from a friend's house (Falls Church near Arlington and McLean). I knew there were others in the area but didn't know there was another one so close by. Might've been from elsewhere, as it was very slowly following another car. I didn't pay close enough attention to the license plate.�
guest Now and Then (OK, well not really random, posed)
- - - Updated - - -
Nearly shopping at El Paseo, Palm Desert, CA�
guest Love a black/blue with 21s!
And the old world transport, vs the new world transport. Nice!�
guest Man, how did you keep the dark car so clean driving on a dirt road like that?! Must be shopped!
guest Spotted a black MS heading north on I-95 today near Academy Rd exit in Northeast Philly. Also another black MS, this one a P85 in the PreFlight Parking garage near the Philly airport!
guest Trust me, it is dirty blue ...�
guest I guarantee there is NOTHING cooler than driving along in your MS and looking in your rearview to see an identical Model S behind you. Happened to me yesterday on the way from Chattanooga to Nashville. We shared the grin and a thumbs up and moved on.�
guest How about seeing an identicle car behind you AND in front of you. Happens to me all the time in Palo Alto.�
guest Oh Wow!~ Totally cool!! But we are talking Chattanooga TN here. Not exactly Tesla Mecca if you know what I mean.�
guest Isn't that Nissan Leaf country (or are they out of range given that its 114 miles from Smyrna, TN)?�
guest Still chuckling over that one! The only leafs around here are those that fell off my maple tree. There are a lot of TVA Volts around town though. I pulled up to one of their charging stations just to see if I could plug in. (I really would have asked permission first!!!) But there is a big sign that says TVA EVs ONLY so I just pulled back away from the curb and went about my business.�
guest Caught another blue (I think... it was dark) Model S on Democracy Dr. in Rockville, MD this evening just about 5pm... gave him a thumbs up.
Nice looking ride!
guest Just saw this (a few days late)! Yeah, getting the sound proofing upgrades, rear back up camera, updated double DIN, and putting on the winter wheels!
The Roadster is back in Utah now, with the winter wheels just in time for the big storm. The roadster with winter tires does very well, but she's definitely not shiny and clean like in that picture now...�
guest Spotted a white MS heading north on Sam Houston Tollway near the Clay Rd exit around 2:35pm today. Love those LED running lights. Can't miss them!�
guest Randomly saw this beauty parked next to my model s on my thanksgiving trip....�
guest Awesome!
Still amazing that thing can fly, and move as fast as it does/did.�
guest you should see the new one they are building...Lockheed Martin's currently building the 'Son of Blackbird'. Mach 6+ and armed. So fast that by the time your radar can pick it up (that is, if it even CAN pick it up), it'll be too late and you'll already be blown to bits before you even have the chance to move.�
guest OMG I'm getting old! I actually flew that airplane in the left background. Thought to be fair (to me) they were all older than me!
Where was that pic taken?�
guest I still have yet to see a roadster on the roads in Utah.�
guest Tesla meets General Patton!�
guest To be fair, here is one with an airframe I've flown. That's what happens when your fleet is 50+ years old... Hope I can drive my model s for 50 years and still be beating the hell out of it on a daily basis.
The t-38 was probably the only cockpit I've spent a good amount of time in at was more exhilarating than the cockpit of the model s. the model I flew had a nice glass cockpit too...
this was at Edwards afb... A nice little shortcut between tejon ranch and Barstow if you have access. Saves about 10 miles.�
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Spotted the KOP Mall demo Silver P85+ with gray turbines as well as the Black S85 with gray turbines.�
guest Spotted a white MS with Pano right in my neighborhood! Intersection of Bustelton Ave and Street Rd in Feasterville Pa (9:55am)�
guest There was a blue? Model S with powder coated rims at The Sorrento in Seattle on Friday. I was the black one.�
guest Parked next to this red 85 at Home Depot on Murray Blvd. lot of reds nowadays.�
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Even MSs like meat - spotted this green beauty at Rudy's BBQ on Northwest Fwy in Houston.�
guest Also spotted a gray MS heading east on 290 near Cypress road exit.�
guest I saw a Pearl White signature Model S at North Hills in Raleigh last night. No pic, because it was dark and I couldn't get a nice one. First time I've seen a non-sig red sig. Seems wrong.
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Spotted a Green P85 demo car at DellWorld in Austin Convention Center. Elon speaks tomorrow. Pretty excited.
Also Michael Dell's MS inside!
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Spotted Elon's MC Red P85+ driving inside the convention center to deliver Elon himself to the stage in a true Tony Stark entrance!�
guest Saw this one from my living room sofa :wink:
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Outside the convention center in Austin�
guest Why was your living room sofa out in the middle of the street? :wink:�
guest Sam-- you seem to be the king of the pictures lately!
I just wanted to say that it is appreciated-- keep them coming!
They're still a rare sight in these parts and every new setting, type of light, etc. is a pleasure to see.�
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