Hi Hank, Thanks a lot. Yeah, know that. But if you click 'Price' to sort by price, the listings are not in correct order. I suspect it is because of this bug.
A similar issue in the Canadian listings as well. The 'Show [xxx] entries' is picking up 262. But in this case, no harm as there are fewer Canadian listings.
Jun 23, 2015
The page length really isn't a bug, it was an early design decision to simplify the queries and how the table options are generated, and that I can fix.
And that has nothing to do with the price sorting issue, which I'll look into. The sorting is totally independent from the paging limit, which isn't a bug -- it's just a page length setting given to the table code for all three tables.
Jun 23, 2015
Ok, the sorting should be working better now.
Jun 23, 2015
The initial set of cars had about 30-50 that were priced really well. Those got bought up in the first 2-3 weeks, essentially. When they occasionally add well priced cars, they sell quickly. It is leaving the site with all the cars that are less well priced, as the well priced ones, logically, sell first and fastest.
It isn't that pricing overall has changed, its just "Elvis has left the building" on the relatively better priced vehicles.
Jun 23, 2015
Just noticed something today... it appears to me, for the first time ever, Tesla is charging a premium for Signature cars. I say this comparing the pricing of the 20 or so U.S. Signature Cars that sold from late April to early June versus the three Signatures being offered now. To me it looks like that price is up $10-15K when you look at P85s with similar mileage. I did not analyze options, but even if they do vary, it seems extremely improbable that the price difference is simply a matter of varying options given that the 20 Sigs that sold in the past were almost all $70K or less (one was ~$71K, one ~$75K), and the three being offered now are all over $80K with one at ~$85K.
Jun 23, 2015
Excellent, and thanks a lot! I see that you also improved the number of listings to show. Great job.:biggrin:
Jun 23, 2015
Hank, I personally think it's amazing what you've done, and that you've shared it with us for the edification and amusement of all. I've personally gotten a lot of enjoyment scrolling through your listings while Telsa's site just would have been annoying. I ended up with an inventory car, but came close to pulling the trigger on a few of the CPOs because of how easily I could compare them and see the savings. Thanks!!!!
Jun 24, 2015
I created a notification using https://www.followthatpage.com/. It works better than I even thought it could. Even a free account allows you to create an hourly notification that checks for and emails any changes to the site. Not only do the notifications show you if cars were added/removed, but it will indicate if there were any changes to the specs/information to any vehicles.
Jun 24, 2015
thanks....i did a google search and came to that one as well!
- - - Updated - - -
+1 if i didn't already say so....also will donate to your charity as well...how much depends on my savings, lol.....me thinks they might have a nice chunk of change now from all of us who have benefited from your website!
Jun 24, 2015
Interesting. Those 3 6/4 listings were also just before two of the previously sold signature cars had their sale dates moved up to 6/5, and 6/6. I wonder if Hank is keeping cached pages.
Jun 24, 2015
I'm not sure what your suggesting. Nothing is "cached".. the CC looks for changes in price and location of all listed cars every hour. What would be cached? Can you point to any listings on the CC that differ from the TM website?
Just FYI -- it's not "my" charity, just one I picked that I felt was important. Thanks!
Jun 24, 2015
LOL...my bad, meant to say the charity of your choice!
Jun 24, 2015
An edited removed-on date would not be caught between the CC and TM website. I'm not suggesting it is manipulated for the wrong reasons, or that you caused it. I have, however, watched for specific colors, etc. How can a car not be available in the CC, and then days later show up in the removed section as having been listed for more than a month? That is what I cannot explain, that I believe a cached page would prove. No biggie.
Jun 24, 2015
As with anything, can you provide specific examples? The "removed on" date is the date it is no longer listed on the TM site. It's simply the time stamp an existing listing is found no longer listed on the TM site.
Say a car shows up on April 1st, and is sold within the hour. Then 30 days goes by, and it's re-listed, and sold. The original listing date is still April 1st, but since it was re-listed, the DOM will show up as 30 days. Nothing is cached.
Again, I'm still not sure what you are saying could be cached -- the TM web pages on their end? Nothing on my site is cached, and the data is being pulled and updated in real time every hour.
Jun 24, 2015
That is probably what is happening. Cars are going off the CC, making their DOM inaccurate when they later show up and leave.
Jun 24, 2015
I bet this is exactly what is happening to make it look like what the gentleman is suggesting.
Jun 24, 2015
I just stumbled across this post from a month ago......
I was the one that bought this car. This car was posted on Thursday night, I bought it by a text to the sales office, while in a meeting, Friday morning.
I think Tesla may have made a mistake on this one.
When I ran a VIN number check this was a 40kWh car without the Super Charger enabled. It is actually VIN numbered that way.
The first thing that the Tesla Sales office did when this car was traded in was enable the Supercharger, and unlock the 60kWh battery, and place a 60 decal on the back (I verified all this with the Tesla shop).
I'm not sure about this, but I don't think anyone communicated that back to the computer that was calculating the price in Palo Alto. If they had just used the VIN number, it was a 40, no Supercharger, then subtract miles (of which it only had 15.7K). The reason I think that this is the case, is that after I verified with Tesla that it was not a 40kWh car anymore, the sub $60K cars disappeared (they had only been a couple) and have not yet returned.
When I arrived to pick up the car, they had also put on new tires (still had tread stripes), and I asked the sales rep a question "If this was a 40kwh car without the Supercharger enabled, does that mean the previous owner was never able to fully charge the battery or rapidly charge it with a supercharger....... :smile:?"
What an amazing car and car company. I have a Volt as well, but haven't driven since I got the Tesla........
Jun 24, 2015
So, does this exist so that we can do the market analysis for Tesla Motors, or does this exist so we can find a vehicle that is equipped to our liking at a price we are willing to pay?
I am just feeling like we are in "scope creep" mode on the consolidator.
Jun 24, 2015
There is a very detailed and extensive analysis from the CC data on the Tesla Motors forums with charts and circles and arrows and a paragraph on of each one explaining it.
I don't have a link handy right now.
Jun 24, 2015
Is it me or the CPO consolidator missed this beauty:
It was detected and loaded, but since it was a never-before seen trim level, it just wasn't displaying correctly.
Now it knows about the P85D, so it now shows up properly. Thanks.
- - - Updated - - -
Actually, it fist appeared on the CA CPO site on 6/18 with a price of C$136,600 but was reduced to C$119,900.
Jun 24, 2015
Holy carp - they bumped up my delivery date to this week!
Of course, now I can't find that info page that talks about how to make a 10-30 to 14-50 adapter. I want to make one (of course just to charge at 24A) for a short term solution from my dryer in the garage until I can get an electrician here to run a 50A line for a 14-50 permanent plug in the garage.
Can anyone link me?
Jun 24, 2015
Now a P85D in Chicago, Hank.
Jun 24, 2015
$119K CDN for a P85D. New price is $138K in the configurator today.
$20K discount for 8 months old and 7000km...
Jun 24, 2015
Yeah, it picked it up at the 10pm refresh. It picked up the other one, it just didn't know about P85Ds so it wasn't displayed.
Same thing will happen with 70D or 85D because I won't know the internal trim codes until they appear on the site.. then I can add them.
Jun 24, 2015
Found what I was looking for. Of course, use at your own risk and be SMART. But if traveling to family/friends places and you need a quick and easy hookup, this guide has links to get from nema 10-30 or 14-30 to 14-50....you just have to remember to turn your charge amperage in the car down to 24A or lower. The MS (because it is technically plugged into a 14-50) doesn't know it's actually plugged into a 30A circuit. If you let the car try and charge at 40A...best case scenario - you trip the breakers for the circuit...worst case - you burn down your friend or family member's house when you melt the wires. Not a great way to show off your new Tesla...
Yup, I built those same two adapters from that page. Very easy.
Jun 25, 2015
Did anyone notice what happened yesterday with P07102? Looks like the price dropped from $80,600 to $66,000, and then was quickly scooped up. I glanced at it on my phone, but had I been on a computer would have been REALLY tempted to impulse buy it.
Jun 25, 2015
being tempted is not fast enough. Your mind's gotta be ready to buy in order to score a good deal. I jumped on mine within 15 minutes of it coming up.
Jun 25, 2015
That's a damn good price!
Jun 25, 2015
I don't know about your circumstances, but $66k is NOT an impulse buy in my world. Maybe a balloon or popcorn is an impulse buy....or the dollar zone at Target.
2012 85 kWh Signature Performance Model S 41,473 miles (S00668)
Jun 25, 2015
Certainly not an impulse buy for me, as well. I've been dreaming of becoming a Tesla (vehicle) owner for over 3 years now, much of the time kicking myself that I didn't have the stones to hold the shares I picked up when it traded in the $30's. If not, much of those proceeds would have been put towards a MS.
When I say impulse, I mean it in the sense that there's really not much time to make decisions on some of the CPO's. The good deals go quickly.
Jun 25, 2015
I wouldn't call that impulse. I would call that knowing what you want, the price you are willing to pay and your timeline for acquisition and then striking quickly when the right opportunity presents itself. I knew that I wanted to plan to put a deposit on a Model S between April and July, receive the car between July and September (ok, it happened a bit faster, but bear with me) and what I wanted in a car and what I was willing to pay. I was one of the first 10 people to get a CPO car, deposit entered within a few hours of the website launching, and within an hour of my seeing the site for the first time.
That said, the opportunity of a lifetime comes along about once a week, if you pay attention.
Jun 25, 2015
I was in a similar state. I knew what I wanted to pay for a new car (thank you 70D), what I would pay for an inventory car (to get AutoPilot capability), and what I would pay for a used car (value play since AP is not a "must have" for me - a "nice to have"). When the CPO site launched, I found my preferred colors and options minus upgraded stereo for less than I wanted to pay buying it used. Coupled with the restarted warranty, I knew that car was a match. So while I had been casually looking b/c I really wanted to buy in the mid-September timeframe, I went ahead and put my deposit down on the CPO car the night the CPO site launched (and a mere 3 minutes after Drucifer - I'm lucky my car doesn't have 3rd row seats or else he would probably have beat me to it!). I wasn't going to pass up this opportunity to get the car I wanted.
The key here is to set realistic values for what you want, what to pay, etc. and then be ready to pounce when the vehicle presents itself. In my case, as a fallback I was willing to gamble the $1k deposit and hoped that maybe it could be switched towards an inventory or new car if all else fails (had no need to even try once I got some photos of my car).
Jun 25, 2015
i'd pounce on this if it had 3rd row seats!...alas, i also want folding mirrors and parking sensors since my '07 car has them!?!
Jun 25, 2015
OMG! P85D in Chicago!!!! If it wasn't for the tan interior I would be all over this! I wonder how fast it will sell...
Last week, I originally bought P02696, the brown P85 without Tech Package for $61k, but considering it'd only cost me $1000 to forfeit, I'm considering it, as the Tech Package, and Signature Red is definitely worth the 3k difference (64k with the 1k cancellation).
Jun 25, 2015
Someone just snatched up a pretty decent P85 Pearl White 2012 with 40K miles at $62.1K.
I think low $60K should be the norms for P85s that will be sold and low $50K for the S85. Those are usually snatched up within a day. Otherwise, it will be slow moving these Model S.
Jun 25, 2015
I saw that, it was a signature too.
Went within like 5mins.
- - - Updated - - -
Hey Hank,
Apologies if this has been detailed in a prior post, but is there any way to set up an email notification if a certain criteria is posted to the CPO consolidator?
Pls advise. Thanks
Jun 25, 2015
It has Self Parking!
:wink: (eventually)
Jun 25, 2015
I was tempted by that one. I have a line on a private sale sig red S85 (owner is thinking about an X), but I'd prefer a P85. But since I'm in the middle of downsizing, I need less stuff, not more. Nevermind the fact that I really shouldn't buy any expensive cars until I complete my move north to tax-free land. So I guess I owe you a small thanks for removing the temptation. :wink:
Jun 25, 2015
How much is the private sale one and where is it located?
Not sure why the consolidator picked up $54K and not $46.9K.
Low mileage....bare bones, but still a good deal, no?
Jun 25, 2015
Did it really sell for $46.9k? I have the page cached, showing $54k. I would have been all over it for that price.
Jun 25, 2015
Dunno, pard. Clicked on the link from HLW's page & it said $46.9K. Double checked the VIN and then went to the Pre-owned site with a different device.
The consolidator picked it up at 19:00. I was looking at it 80 minutes later, and now it's gone. If the price changed after one hour I think the Consolidator would have picked it up.
Anybody else want to confirm $46.9K? I never saw it $54 except in the spreadsheet. Well, congrats to somebody!
Jun 25, 2015
Sold in a day. Amazing.
Jun 25, 2015
Sounds like the CPO consolidator needs to update more often, maybe every 30 minutes or less. 46.9K is definitely a new low and seems to be a great deal right now for a bare bone tesla. I am still waiting for my 85D CPO though. Hopefully base on the timeline of the P85D coming on CPO, it shouldn't be too long now for the 85Ds to come CPO around Sep/Oct time frame by my guess.
Jun 25, 2015
Yeah, I had been thinking about moving to 30 or 15 minute updates.
I suppose email notifications are possible, but that's a bit more effort to benefit individual people, whereas the CPOC was meant to be a tool for everyone. Therefore, if I think about adding a notification option, it would probably be by subscription, or maybe a mobile app.
Jun 25, 2015
Where do I sign up?
Jun 25, 2015
Ok, so here's what happened. It was added to the CPOC at the 7pm refresh. No update at the 8pm refresh. I don't know why Archive.org didn't cache that page at 7pm as requested. Sometime between 8pm and your post at 8:25 the price was lowered to $46.9k and subsequently sold before the 9pm refresh at which point the listing (with the original price) was removed. The only missing piece is why Archive.org failed to archive that page.
So yeah, maybe a 15 minute update cycle would be better... but then nobody going to get any work done feverishly hitting F5 every 15 minutes.
- - - Updated - - -
It's going to take me a few weeks to finish real work first.
Jun 25, 2015
So, this means that some of the sold/removed cars could have sold for a lower price than what the consolidator shows? It would be great if the buyers could (anonymously) report what they paid for, unless they are required to be quiet on that.
I will wait 3 months. The way prices are coming down, I think I can pick one up in the high 30s in September, once Model X is released.
Jun 25, 2015
Doubt it. I think low 40s would be a better bet for those bare bone S60. S85 would be probably high 40s or low 50s and p85 would be mid to high 50s. Hopefully by then the 85d would come out at some reasonable price. I.e. mid 60s.
Jun 26, 2015
I'd like to think so, but still think these prices are a little too optimistic. I have to think that there are a lot of interested buyers on the sidelines, and a good reason why these low price cars get picked up very quickly.
Jun 26, 2015
yes, it amazes me how quickly a "right" priced CPO gets scooped up. I keep telling myself, just keep waiting, inventory will continue to build and prices will continue to drop. Tesla is very smart by controlling the price and release pace of their CPO cars.
Jun 26, 2015
That was the car I traded-in for my new 70D. It was a 60kWh battery restricted to the range of a 40kWh. The restriction was taken off when Tesla got it back so it became a full 60. I was given 90% of what I paid which was several thousand more than $46,900. Not sure they would sell it for less.
Jun 26, 2015
It won't be that fast. There are enough people on the sidelines looking to pick up one of these cars that these prices are closer to 12-80 months out, IMHO.
Snap. Beat me to it. I should have kept reading down.
Jun 26, 2015
Very interesting. I just have to wonder why they would have initially listed it for $54k, which seemed consistent with current prices, and then immediately drop the price substantially. I'm somewhat concerned with the game Tesla is playing right now.
Jun 26, 2015
So this is just a wee bit off topic - but I'm going to pick up my CPO today, and was curious if anyone has any tips and tricks of what to check/do before taking ownership. I know about the nickjhowe walkaround guide, and plan to follow that. Also thought of asking them for a printout of the current alignment specs (might want to slightly reduce camber in the rear a little, and ask them to try and zero out toe all around)
Jun 26, 2015
I cannot tell a lie... It was me who ordered this car. Been looking for months for a < $50k car. Just happen to be browsing last night and by dumb luck saw the price drop to the $46.9k. Ran to get my wallet and reserved within minutes! No info yet from Tesla and not sure how long the wait will be to ship the car to Nebraska. But I'm excited!
BTW.... this is an awesome forum. Been reading it for months now. Finally have something to contribute!
Jun 26, 2015
Cool! Can you remember about what time (local or ET) you saw the price drop so I can confirm my theory? Thanks.
Jun 26, 2015
Congrats! Good for you. Don't get me wrong, I say that with a lot of jealousy, but really do mean it.
I think it's pretty cool that you can actually link up with the previous owner, through this thread. Maybe he can give you the DL on nitpick things that you could get Tesla to fix.
Jun 26, 2015
After the Nick Howe checklist, which is excellent - use it...
Check for software version and that the previous owner data was wiped.
Check paint and tire condition closely. Make sure tires are in CPO specs for tread depth (6/32). If they did paint or repairs (fixing rock chips in the front bumper, etc) check for paint blending and overspray.
Run your finger along body joins and door joins to ensure consistent (or at least acceptable) gaps.
Plug in and test the UMC. Check condition of cables and adapters. Make sure all adapters are there.
See if you got the under car battery armor/shield installed
See if you have had the door handles replaced or other parts replaced post-original production
Make sure to document any due-bills or vehicle discrepancies and memorialize them with an email and photos if applicable quickly
Those are my "CPO special items" in addition to the Nick Howe list.
Jun 26, 2015
Congrats on getting a great deal on a Tesla and welcome to the forum. I have to wonder if the person writing the listing put in 46 and meant to put in 56.
It would seem to me if the page was published at the price of 46.9k then they are obligated to sell it at that price, but I would not count on seeing another one in that price range any time soon.
Jun 26, 2015
sure... I got my confirmation email from Tesla at 7:25 PM CST. So I'm guessing I saw the price drop around 7:15 or 7:20 PM CST or so...
Jun 26, 2015
One of the other area owners told me a good way to check if you have the Gen 1 vs. Gen 2 handles. Gen 1 handles, when extended, have silver door cups. Gen 2 handles, when extended, have body-color door cups. Makes it easy to tell the difference. Otherwise, Gen 1 handles extend fully and when you pull them, they don't "give". Gen 2 handles have some "give" when you pull them so they feel more like traditional handles.
Jun 26, 2015
He shoots! He scores!
WTG, pard, enjoy your 60!
Jun 26, 2015
Jun 26, 2015
I kid, I kid....but that is precisely the time (8:20 EST) I happened to pop open the Seattle pre-owned site and saw the new low price. I posted to the forum as I was walking home from dinner. By the time I thought to look again 30 minutes later, the car was **poof**
Good on ya, glad you got a great deal. They're out there, but they are rare. Gotta be ready to pounce when they show up!
Jun 26, 2015
Maybe they are "testing" prices. It seems their pricing is all over the place with some really great deals and some not so good deals.
For example there are still some 60s for sale in the mid to late 60s when for around that much or a little bit more you can buy a brand new 70D with the applicable rebates resulting in a much better and newer vehicle.
Also there are many that have been available since day 1 that have not sold so they might start experimenting with prices to see what sells.
Jun 26, 2015
Do you know what the CPO spec is for tread depth (how low before they put new tires on, I assume)?
Jun 26, 2015
Is it just me or have they started dropping the price on the 60's ? Even some that were only listed this week have had $2K chopped of their price.
Jun 26, 2015
Minor note, but I noticed that they recently updated the individual vehicle page view to show the location where the car is listed. Just means that they're still tweaking things.
- - - Updated - - -
I have noticed that (at least with the one in PA). Still not enough, if you ask me. I'd jump on the $65.4k P85 in SF, before I'd touch a 60 at the current prices.
Jun 26, 2015
6/32 of an inch - also edited my post to include that.
Jun 26, 2015
Makes sense, the X availability new will make more 60s and 85s (S85, S85D, P85) get turned in. They need to sell as many of the 2012-2013 cars as they can before they unleash the floodgates of autopilot enabled CPOs.
The wide variety of options and new features over two or three years time makes for an odd CPO pricing dynamic. They'll have to drop prices on older cars before or right as they make available newer or face old cars gathering dust.
CPO until recently has been limited to
S60 (including upconverts from S40) S85 P85 P85+
P85D just recently sold one CPO
still to come include
S70D S85D P85D en masse
which will put a serious price pressure on the older models.
Knowing that people are watching the sites like a hawk and snapping up deals they can literally reprice a car twice a day or more and still have time for people to react.
Jun 26, 2015
Do you think the online CPO inventory is being managed from a central location or based on individual locations? Has anyone noticed any trends regarding the time of day that cars get added/modified, with or without regard to local time zones?
Jun 26, 2015
Autopilot, Folding Mirrors, Dual Motors and Parking Sensors are just other options/features. I don't see these putting undue pressure on any older cars beyond the normal preference for some options over others and preference for newer/lower miles over older/higher miles.
The relative rarity of these on the used CPO market may have an impact on these being priced higher or moving faster for a period of time, but that is a function of scarcity more than anything else.
Jun 26, 2015
Bunch of price drops! Now lowest priced car is at $54600. End of quarter rush for CPOs?
Jun 26, 2015
Yeah, I meant to post this yesterday, but have been very busy. This came through at 9pm Thursday:
When I get a chance, I'll add a delta calculation to see the greatest price drops. For now, I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader.
==========> Price change P07413: from $70,000.00 to $65,400.00 -- old prices: $70,000 ==========> Price change P17287: from $71,400.00 to $69,300.00 -- old prices: $71,400 ==========> Price change P18255: from $77,800.00 to $78,400.00 -- old prices: $77,800;$778,000 ==========> Price change P20958: from $76,300.00 to $71,500.00 -- old prices: $76,300 ==========> Price change P21503: from $87,400.00 to $87,600.00 -- old prices: $87,400 ==========> Price change P21560: from $72,500.00 to $68,000.00 -- old prices: $72,500 ==========> Price change P21860: from $72,000.00 to $71,900.00 -- old prices: $72,000 ==========> Price change P22074: from $63,600.00 to $62,600.00 -- old prices: $63,600 ==========> Price change P23593: from $60,000.00 to $57,800.00 -- old prices: $60,000 ==========> Price change P23644: from $81,850.00 to $82,700.00 -- old prices: $81,850 ==========> Price change P23832: from $85,300.00 to $71,200.00 -- old prices: $85,300 ==========> Price change P26384: from $68,200.00 to $66,900.00 -- old prices: $68,200 ==========> Price change P26790: from $89,750.00 to $91,200.00 -- old prices: $89,750 ==========> Price change P27627: from $72,000.00 to $70,300.00 -- old prices: $72,000 ==========> Price change P29884: from $65,600.00 to $60,400.00 -- old prices: $65,600 ==========> Price change P30163: from $89,900.00 to $90,600.00 -- old prices: $89,900 ==========> Price change P30536: from $78,900.00 to $77,300.00 -- old prices: $78,900 ==========> Price change P31750: from $70,000.00 to $66,100.00 -- old prices: $70,000;$70,320 ==========> Price change P31824: from $80,450.00 to $78,100.00 -- old prices: $80,450 ==========> Price change P32032: from $73,000.00 to $68,600.00 -- old prices: $73,000 ==========> Price change P32885: from $71,800.00 to $70,400.00 -- old prices: $71,800 ==========> Price change P33120: from $76,900.00 to $66,500.00 -- old prices: $76,900 ==========> Price change P33162: from $71,000.00 to $63,500.00 -- old prices: $71,000 ==========> Price change P33174: from $74,900.00 to $66,500.00 -- old prices: $74,900;$78,900 ==========> Price change P33233: from $70,200.00 to $64,900.00 -- old prices: $70,200 ==========> Price change P33376: from $76,000.00 to $68,400.00 -- old prices: $76,000 ==========> Price change P33387: from $72,700.00 to $70,200.00 -- old prices: $72,700;$80,400 ==========> Price change P34346: from $84,800.00 to $81,800.00 -- old prices: $84,800;$85,000 ==========> Price change P35025: from $78,500.00 to $78,400.00 -- old prices: $78,500 ==========> Price change P38030: from $75,700.00 to $74,300.00 -- old prices: $75,700 ==========> Price change P38373: from $81,200.00 to $77,700.00 -- old prices: $81,200 ==========> Price change P38397: from $67,000.00 to $59,800.00 -- old prices: $67,000 ==========> Price change P39333: from $84,000.00 to $84,300.00 -- old prices: $84,000 ==========> Price change P40380: from $86,500.00 to $86,700.00 -- old prices: $86,500;$87,550 ==========> Price change P40421: from $73,350.00 to $71,300.00 -- old prices: $73,350 ==========> Price change P41834: from $74,900.00 to $71,400.00 -- old prices: $74,900 ==========> Price change P42631: from $77,450.00 to $73,800.00 -- old prices: $77,450 ==========> Price change P42736: from $77,500.00 to $75,200.00 -- old prices: $77,500 ==========> Price change P42790: from $88,000.00 to $87,700.00 -- old prices: $88,000 ==========> Price change P43370: from $70,500.00 to $66,100.00 -- old prices: $70,500 ==========> Price change P43721: from $83,500.00 to $79,400.00 -- old prices: $83,500 ==========> Price change P45004: from $78,200.00 to $75,600.00 -- old prices: $78,200 ==========> Price change P45027: from $77,700.00 to $77,500.00 -- old prices: $77,700;$78,000 ==========> Price change P45170: from $74,400.00 to $72,200.00 -- old prices: $74,400 ==========> Price change P45245: from $60,500.00 to $54,600.00 -- old prices: $60,500 ==========> Price change P45796: from $85,700.00 to $85,900.00 -- old prices: $85,700 ==========> Price change P46155: from $75,800.00 to $74,900.00 -- old prices: $75,800 ==========> Price change P46838: from $73,400.00 to $71,900.00 -- old prices: $73,400 ==========> Price change P46964: from $83,000.00 to $79,700.00 -- old prices: $83,000 ==========> Price change P48609: from $78,650.00 to $73,900.00 -- old prices: $78,650 ==========> Price change P48730: from $76,550.00 to $76,000.00 -- old prices: $76,550 ==========> Price change P49465: from $73,800.00 to $74,700.00 -- old prices: $73,800;$78,250 ==========> Price change P49903: from $81,000.00 to $76,600.00 -- old prices: $81,000 ==========> Price change P50034: from $66,800.00 to $61,500.00 -- old prices: $66,800;$65,250 ==========> Price change P50060: from $83,300.00 to $83,100.00 -- old prices: $83,300 ==========> Price change P50309: from $83,050.00 to $84,600.00 -- old prices: $83,050 ==========> Price change P50367: from $75,100.00 to $73,600.00 -- old prices: $75,100 ==========> Price change P50588: from $74,900.00 to $72,200.00 -- old prices: $74,900 ==========> Price change P50623: from $76,000.00 to $72,300.00 -- old prices: $76,000 ==========> Price change P51461: from $78,000.00 to $74,300.00 -- old prices: $78,000 ==========> Price change P51469: from $73,900.00 to $71,200.00 -- old prices: $73,900 ==========> Price change P51536: from $78,500.00 to $75,200.00 -- old prices: $78,500 ==========> Price change P51644: from $76,350.00 to $73,000.00 -- old prices: $76,350 ==========> Price change P52264: from $79,800.00 to $79,700.00 -- old prices: $79,800 ==========> Price change P52410: from $75,800.00 to $72,700.00 -- old prices: $75,800;$76,650 ==========> Price change P52796: from $74,800.00 to $72,700.00 -- old prices: $74,800 ==========> Price change P52857: from $79,750.00 to $77,900.00 -- old prices: $79,750 ==========> Price change P53630: from $76,300.00 to $73,500.00 -- old prices: $76,300 ==========> Price change P53644: from $83,900.00 to $77,800.00 -- old prices: $83,900 ==========> Price change P54834: from $81,200.00 to $75,100.00 -- old prices: $81,200
==========> VIN Moved back to Available: P43597 Original Sold date: 2015-06-24 17:00:09 ;$ ==========> VIN Moved back to Available: P49024 Original Sold date: 2015-06-04 22:00:22 ;$ Previous prices: $77,700;$78,000
Jun 26, 2015
Jun 26, 2015
At least the prices are being controlled from a central location. 70 price changes at the same time. May be some cron job that runs an algo periodically to adjust the prices. May be some random logic thrown in there too:smile:
The biggest price drop so far is this one: Price change P23832: from $85,300.00 to $71,200.00 - A $14,100 drop, just like that.
Jun 26, 2015
At 46.9 I would have bought it. Especially an upgraded 40. The pack has seen less wear and tear.
Jun 26, 2015
Congrats, Hank. Your tool has been picked up by the dark side:
Irrational TSLA bears is what I meant, but Twitter can be quite an Empire, as well.
Jun 26, 2015
Oh, ok! thanks.
Jun 26, 2015
I'm seeing some new Options codes that I don't have a description for. The original list I obtained from a website in Norway I think, and it was dated.
Anyone have any way to decipher these option codes? They generally follow a two-letter option group, and a two character option detail code.
AF00 AF01
DA00 existing-->DA01 Active Safety
FG01 existing-->FG00: Base Exterior Lighting existing-->FG02: Exterior Lighting Package
HP02 HP03 existing-->HP01: Wall Connector
MS01 MS02
"X" is kind of a "catch all" option group X008 X009 X020 X040
Also, these two codes are both coming up as "Grey Metallic", I'm not sure of the difference.
- - - Updated - - -
Well, I figured out these are performance interior color codes, Black, Grey, Tan, and White (Sigs).
And these are normal interior codes:
And I think ISMT is a tan textile interior. It's only appeared on S00208 sold 6/10. And ISZW seems to be white textile interior, also from a Sig.
Jun 26, 2015
Another oddity for the Canadian folks.
P51948 appears on the Montreal page, but when clicked on, there's no detail page. So it's sold and unsold at the same time.
It appears in the CPOC as available, since it still appears on the TM page.
Jun 26, 2015
For those who are interested, here is the verbiage from the CPO vehicle disclosure:
Tesla is committed to world-class quality standards. A Tesla Pre-Owned Model S has completed a 200+ point
inspection to ensure it provides you with worry-free driving for years to come. When purchasing a Tesla Pre- Owned Model S, you receive the same premium customer service that we provide to our new vehicle owners.
This includes a four year, 50,000 mile limited warranty from the date of delivery and indicated mileage in
addition to the remaining battery and drive warranty with 24 hour roadside assistance.
Pre-Delivery Inspection
Prior to sale and delivery, Pre-Owned vehicles undergo an extensive vehicle inspection and reconditioning
process. Tesla performs diagnostic checks and any repairs to ensure that these vehicles meet our
specifications and are in proper working order before being delivered to a customer. A detailed Pre-Owned
inspection report will be provided before or at delivery.
Vehicle Condition
You are purchasing a Pre-Owned vehicle that has been previously registered. In most cases, these vehicles
no longer qualify for incentives that are available for new electric vehicles.
Your vehicle includes a number of standard and/or optional features. Tesla reserves the right to introduce new
features or hardware in the future that may not be retrofitted to or compatible with your vehicle. If you have
questions or concerns regarding the standard and optional features on your vehicle, please ask your Owner
Advisor or Delivery Experience Specialist for more information.
The vehicle you are purchasing may exhibit signs of normal wear and tear in line with the respective age and/
or mileage. Your Pre-Owned vehicle will meet our highest standards with regards to functionality and
performance, but may have minor cosmetic imperfections.
� Vehicle interior standards:
No cracks, cuts, holes or excessive contact wear
Inner material will not be visible
No damage over 3/8 of an inch (10mm)
Slight contact wear is acceptable
� Vehicle exterior standards:
No structural damage, cracks, holes, cuts
No impact damage
No scratches, chips or other paint damage over 3/8 of an inch (10mm)
Slight contact wear is acceptable
All panels, bumpers, grilles, badges, and diffusers are mounted and secure
� Exterior glass - no distortion, cracks or contact stars
� All brake pads are greater than 6 mm
� Tire tread depth of at least 6/32 inch, any tire below 6/32 inch will be replaced
� Fully functional charging equipment
� 2 fully functional keys
Transportation Fee
If you do not pick up your vehicle at its current Tesla location, and require shipping to another location, a fee
will apply to move the vehicle to your desired Tesla delivery location. Your Delivery Specialist will contact you
to collect this additional fee, which is not refundable.
Jun 26, 2015
These two are option groups are strange. They are always the first two option codes listed for all cars.
There is only ONE car with the "RENC" option -- and that's S02009 a Sig car in Canada (sold 5/16). All the rest, including all other Canadian cars are "RENA".
And out 637 cars, there are only 15 cars listed which are "MS01". All the rest are "MS02".
The "MS01" VINS range from P02328 through P52019, including 4 Sigs (S00222, S00668, S00686, S02009).
S02009 is the only RENC+MS01 car.
Jun 26, 2015
Just noticed inventory cars are now listed on the CPO site. A lot of 2015 60s with autopilot.
Jun 26, 2015
There's definitely a lot of action again tonight. Looks like they've added a slew of cars, including a $50k S85 (sold quickly) and what must be unregistered inventory cars. These cars note that they include $9,500 in EV credits (may be adjusted based on location).
Jun 26, 2015
The inventory cars listed with tax rebates are making pricing tricky It's kind of BS to click on a car and find out it's actually $7,500 (or in my case $9,000) more expensive.... Also what's up with the Interior listings now?
/edit on further inspection.... Holy Cow S60 Inventory blowout sale! Also a ton of cars removed in a reshuffle apparently.
Jun 26, 2015
In Colorado, they are $13500 off...but too bad they already deduct that from the price. It would be nice if they showed the pre tax credit price instead.
Actually, I looked again. On some, it looks like the state tax credit is deducted on the detail page but not the federal. I'm confused.
For example, [URL http="http://www.teslamotors.com//models/preowned/081160"]81160[/URL] shows in CPOC as $75600 but $69600 on detail page. The detail page days the $69600 is after the $13500 in tax credits. Is the CPOC already deducting the federal tax credit?
Jun 26, 2015
They also have an "Any Location" option now!!!!!!!!
Jun 26, 2015
As well as now showing the location of the car on the description page!
Jun 26, 2015
Whoa, almost all the new S60s have Autopilot. The only problem is that they list them with the $7500 tax credit and that shows up in the consolidator.
Jun 26, 2015
I did not think that they were making 60's anymore..How can yo have a 2015 S60?
Jun 26, 2015
They made them until April when the S70 was released.
Jun 26, 2015
Not anymore.
- - - Updated - - -
I think they fixed this, I'm not seeing $69600 anywhere.
Jun 26, 2015
They are still showing inventory cars with the tax credit as the price. Even though if you don't qualify for the tax credit you will be paying $7,500 more then what is listed. This is false advertising. They need to show the actual price, and then what it "might" cost if you qualify for the credit. Both is fine, but showing just the tax reduced one is total BS. (In my opinion).
/edit Also the actual tesla pre-owned site is acting a little wonky. They added a nice "all locations" option, but it only lists (for me) about 33 cars. And even though there are P85 and P85+'s available, when you select all areas and choose those options it lists none.. Once they get it working the "all areas" option will help buyers who don't know about the consolidator.
Jun 26, 2015
This one still shows as $69600 (after tax credits) on Tesla's CPO site.
It looks like you've corrected it on your site to show the pre-credit price. Thanks.
Jun 26, 2015
They're actually playing a very dangerous game, apparently... because I do not see the $69,600 price, but you're in Colorado, so they're geolocating your IP address and adding in the CO tax credit. There is no such tax credit here, so I don't see that price:
The CPO Consolidator picks up their "incentive" price (tax credits) and adds it back to the price to get "real price". If my servers were located in Colorado (and they could do geolocation on them), I suspect they would pick up the local pricing.
This is bad because Tesla will be showing prices based on IP address, which *at best* is about 75% accurate.
- - - Updated - - -
Yup! Look at the bottom of the detail page sidebar. The left one is from my location, the right one from the servers' location.
This is really bad for TM to rely in IP address to display sales prices like this. And I mean *really* bad.
Jun 27, 2015
1. I see why they take the Fed tax credit on the pricing. It is really the only way to get a clean sort when sorting by price an mixing new (inventory new) an used vehicles. They should have just done the Fed credit or had a box for you to select your state.
2. All locations doesn't work. For me it returned 18 85s an 0 P85s. The consolidator shows 46 85s an 174 P85s. It is so bad they shouldn't have rolled it out.
Jun 27, 2015
Jun 27, 2015
In one state, PA, the state incentive is a 2000 rebate and then they send you a 1099 for that rebate to pay tax on (fed and state). So, really, the incentive doesn't have as much value as it is made to look like. There is no rebate on used cars or leased cars either. Now, in GA they did offer the rebate on leases to the buyer (and not the bank). That caused a frenzy for Leaf leasing for 2 years. Leaf sales will slip due to this change coming on soon.
Colorado - apparently they give the $6000 to new *or* used cars. Used. Really. That means buy a discounted used EV out of state that already received lots of rebates and bring it into Colorado and get another 6000 rebate for a new registration. The best deal would be for a GA EV owner on the first month of their lease getting the the GA rebates and then moving to CO and registering it there for another big rebate/credit.
Jun 27, 2015
Did anyone else notice the S85 that sold last night for $50.4k (I believe)? I noticed it added to Tesla's site some time before 8 and it sold within 20 minutes of seeing it. It was a very low vin 15xx, with 41,xxx miles and pretty nicely optioned. As far as I can tell, there's no record of it in the consolidator. I had the page cached on my computer, but found that my computer restarted during the night.
Jun 27, 2015
There is a lot of discounting going on for the non-P models. Check the sold ones and look at "Opts" and see if there is a prior price(s) for the sold cars. I wish the consolidator showed the dollar sign like in the for-sale area.
Jun 27, 2015
Can't wait for the X to start production, I suspect another flood of pre-owned Model S being traded. I'm taking a "chill' and will sit on the sideline and see how this plays out. But good things come to those that wait.
Jun 27, 2015
It really comes down to are you happy with what you are driving now or is it time to shop for the best deal out there. I got to the point where I was really un happy with the daily driver I had so the CPO was a chance to upgrade to something I really wanted.
Time to chill or time to move quickly is different for everyone. No regrets here.
Jun 27, 2015
I'm working on CPO/C Version 2 which should resolve a lot of these little issues
Jun 27, 2015
There was a note above about the price "after incentives". Those recent Vin #s in the 80xxx range or MS60 have the asterisk. Are they offering non-titled cars so that the rebates and incentives are available?
Also when a whole block (whole whack in canada) are removed at once - 06/26 22:00 - do we think they are sold or being repositioned elsewhere or repriced and re-added the next day? I know Hank does track by Vin # and that allows the days on market to be reflected in a re-add.
Very weird. If I am not mistaken, this is the 3rd trade-in where we know the price Tesla offered to the original customer and the price the CPO sold on and in all 3 cases, Tesla is taking a bath... I mean, you got a great deal and more power to you but financially, it absolutely does not make sense to offer 90% on a 3 year old car. That's such a high price that they couldn't even make it work for them even after activating the hidden battery reserve.
Jun 27, 2015
What are these new weird interior codes? QPMB, QPMG, QPMT, etc?
Jun 27, 2015
looks like last letter indicate black grey tan
Jun 27, 2015
==========> Price change P23832: from $85,300.00 to $71,200.00
Wow, and still available.
Jun 27, 2015
I have to figure that out. I think they are new codes for textile seats.
Jun 27, 2015
Picked up my CPO yesterday. Delivered in pretty much perfect condition. There were a few curb marks/rash on the underside of the front lip (I'm sure I will add more)....completely out of view, so I'm fine with it. Wheels are perfect, tires have at least ~75% tread and look great. Only issues (that the CS is going to resolve):
-No printed manuals -No "+" (only "P85") when you click on the tesla icon on the top of the screen -It seems the car does have paint armor (as advertised) except for the hood. The Tysons CS guessed that the Florida CS (or perhaps previous owner) removed it. CS said that there is not really anything they can do about it, as the paint armor is applied by a third party. I wasn't going to be the ******* that demanded money back or anything...and the paint looks incredible as it stands, so I think I may just get a coating put on sometime soon -The floor mats attached to velcro (the velcro are four round spots of it on the floor facing up, not on the mats themselves). According to the NickJHowe walkaround:
"Floor mats - there have been at least three iterations of floor mats. One type has a smooth underside and velcro at the back edge. These are �temporary� mats, and only came in the front of the car. They should be replaced at no charge for �new� mats. The �new� mats have a stippled underside and no velcro; they have front and rear seat versions. Unfortunately the new mats are as poor as the old maps. The one for the passenger footwell has a habit of flopping/folding over under high acceleration. The third type were �luxury� floor mats available in the online store; they were removed sometime during 2013."
So I guessed that I have the "temporary mats"...but the CS manager (Allan...SUPER nice and smart guy) said no - those are the regular full service mats. Like before - they look perfect, so I said okay.
I talked to the CS manager (who manages both the Tysons as well as up north CS), Allan, who knew EVERYTHING about the car...we must have talked for 90 minutes. And this was on his way out the door. Such a nice guy. DS Nick was great as well.
I know I should stop looking at the CPO Consolidator...but I can't help it, lol. I like to be as prepared as possible for seeing what kind of depriciation I'm going to take. Maybe I'll just keep the car forever.
Sure seems like a good idea right now! Back out in the car I go....
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