Feb 13, 2013
aaron.s John
Shall we organize this NYTimes debunking trip?
My only concern is the 4 supercharger max at both Newark, DE and the Northbound & Southbound stations in Milford. But there's nothing stopping us from waiting for a second set of people to charge - so I think we can comfortably support 8 people in this caravan...
Feb 13, 2013
dsm363 I think limiting the size of the group would be smart, maybe to 4 vehicles or two groups of 4 each documenting their experience separately. Maybe one group takes it easy and the other one drives at the posted speed limit. That way, you don't add an hour to your trip log waiting for the other people to do a range charge making it seem like the trip took longer than it did.
Excited about this project. Good luck to you guys.�
Feb 13, 2013
cdabel Hope you guys actually do this, with lots of pics and a video summary on YouTube.�
Feb 13, 2013
kinddog great idea. we have to really market it, too. maybe do a 3 minute YouTube video about it and everyone paste the link EVERYWHERE. maybe whoever did that Gallons of Light video can spear-head this up!
lets fight this sh*t....�
Feb 13, 2013
Alexander We just need to set a time and a place. I haven't heard from Tesla about the press car, so we should move forward as if were not going to get it. Where should everyone meet and start the trip?�
Feb 13, 2013
Citizen-T Since there aren't enough stations to do a huge number of cars at one time, what about having a stream of cars do the trip. We could sign up for time slots and just rerun the trip back-to-back-to-back over a weekend? That would be pretty epic.�
Feb 13, 2013
Discoducky Can't wait to see this happen and makes me wish I lived on the east coast as id be there with my 60kWh just to make a point.�
Feb 13, 2013
Krugerrand That's the best way. One car making it doesn't 'debunk' the allegations...you know the response - "Guy got lucky." But if a number of cars do it, they can't say all those people got lucky. With the limited chargers, doing it in waves is the best.�
Feb 13, 2013
kvietor Why not ask Tesla to turn on the logger on the participating Model Ses for the trip. That way you'll have all the same data that was available on the test car.�
Feb 13, 2013
vfx DPielow's epic realtime FUD killing trip will be hard to beat!�
Feb 13, 2013
Enadler Maybe invite other journalists to ride along. Someone from the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Forbes or any other main stream national media outlet.�
Feb 13, 2013
Citizen-T I think that would be hard, I'm just not sure that they would be so interested in the whole "taking matters into our own hands" aspect of it. Now, local news outlets and entities like The Verge...I bet we could get their attention.�
Feb 13, 2013
SteveG3 spectacular idea guys, thanks in advance to anyone participating.
not all in one group is a good idea... perhaps sets of two or three.�
Feb 13, 2013
dsm363 Sets of two makes sense. I agree.�
Feb 13, 2013
TheAustin LOLz...Stephen Glass came to my mind!�
Feb 13, 2013
Jack Sign me up! Hope we can round up four of us from Boston!!�
Feb 13, 2013
dtich love this! do it guys. wish i could join.
Feb 13, 2013
aaron.s Guys -
Just a thought.... we could also have a "team" of guys in the NY/CT/NJ area start in CT where the reporter started and head south and another "team" start in DC and do the northbound trip. Then back to our respective homes afterwards.
Maybe meet up in the middle somewhere on the NJ turnpike to meet and have a quick bite....
------------------------ Updated
PS - I have a contact from the Tesla Motors Marketing Department I met at the Motor Trend announcement I attended in NYC. I just sent her the following email:
Hello Kristin,
I met you briefly at the Motor Trend announcement in NYC this past fall. Since then I've taken delivery of my Model S and am of course, thrilled!
I'm quite active on the Tesla Motors Club forums and a thread was started about recreating the DC to CT road trip taken recently by the reporter at the NY Times. All of us are quite unhappy about the article and someone suggested if some East Coast owners could attempt the trip and prove this can be done in cold weather.
I thought it might be good to reach out to you and discuss this possible endeavor and see what (possible) role Tesla Motors might like to take -- even if it is as simple as monitoring the logs of some of our cars or possibly more.
What are your thoughts? This might be a great opportunity to put the facts on the table and prove that actual owners of the Model S can accomplish this trip quite well -- and without worry. Please feel free to give me a call on my cell or email me at your convenience.
Thanks Kristin!�
Feb 13, 2013
digitaltim I am game to join the fun, but it will depend on the date.
As many of you know, I travel between MD and NJ every week.�
Feb 13, 2013
Zythryn Thank you guys that are taking this on. If something similar happens in Minnesota or Wisconsin Ill be right there
One note, time is very important here. The sooner, the better as long as we can get it properly organized. The longer the delay the more the naysayers will be claiming, 'it took a rocket scientist (Musk), x days or x weeks to figure out how to make the trip successfully'.�
Feb 15, 2013
rolosrevenge This is a fabulous idea. It is also more scientific.�
Feb 15, 2013
aaron.s All -
Elon knows! He just re-tweeted my reply to his twitter page!!!!
Feb 15, 2013
Jack Representing Massachusetts, i've love to be in position 5 - but think it's best that we stick together and show force and solidarity - particularly if we decide to go through time square.
Feb 15, 2013
Arnold Panz I saw that! I'm following you now. You already have over 150 followers, and I'm sure more will come with Elon's re-tweet.�
Feb 15, 2013
PureAmps FYI, Telemetry data for those drivers that requested it is now coming online the @TeslaRoadTrip twitter feed.�
Feb 15, 2013
dpeilow You guys had better stay under the speed limit then!�
Feb 15, 2013
jcstp not on a map?�
Feb 15, 2013
Al Sherman I see that. Way cool! But, forgive me how are they doing this. Is this related to the my car tweets thread?�
Feb 15, 2013
Lanny Thanks for the heads up. I just spoke with Nick at Tesla customer service and he confirms that all superchargers in Delaware and Connecticut are working. We'll confirm again in the morning.�
Feb 15, 2013
PureAmps Yep, I'm using a slightly modified version of the program I used to have my car tweet. I've added climate stats, battery SoC, and it now tweets while driving every 15 minutes. Also, supports multiple vehicles tweeting to a single twitter account.
- - - Updated - - -
No, but that would have been cool. Unfortunately, there was no time do anything like that. I barely had time to get their car's tweeting as it is.
Feb 15, 2013
dpeilow If you guys can get Google Latitude set up we can maybe link it on the homepage�
Feb 15, 2013
Al Sherman So your actually tslaguy on Twitter? Is Aaron using your same app? His car is tweeting too.�
Feb 15, 2013
Bardlebee Glad this got recognized! I know its only 6-10 Model S's, but the response time from you guys is amazing. There needs to be MORE stuff like this that either promotes Tesla or pushes back negative and false press.
Fantastic work putting this together guys, I am rooting for you!�
Feb 15, 2013
PureAmps No, my car is @PureAmps on twitter. I'm hanging out in sunny California while they drive.I'm just providing a temporary relay between Tesla's telemetry servers and the @TeslaRoadTrip account on behalf of a few of the drivers, including Aaron's vehicle.
Feb 15, 2013
PattyChuck I'm not gonna lie, the car tweeting thing is really really cool, but for this application, seems like it might get in the way. I'm afraid that the tweet page will be filled with a bunch of status updates about the car's internal temperature, and it's going to detract from the actual progress of the trip. If you want to entice the media to get interested in your story, I can't imagine a reporter sitting down to wade through pages and pages of tweets that are mostly about temps and SoC.
Maybe you might consider setting up a separate twitter account that will collect all of the copious amounts of data so those that are interested can really dig in, but those that are not won't have to wade through all the noise.�
Feb 15, 2013
Al Sherman K. Gotchya. Thanks for being part of the coolest thing I've seen since the Flowbee!�
Feb 15, 2013
PureAmps I tend to agree, I increased the volume of tweets to include additional tweets while they are driving, but it is a bit much after watching it.I think maybe, I'll quiet it down a little...
Feb 15, 2013
markb1 I agree with this. And @TeslaRoadTrip could retweet occasional telemetry tweets so everyone following at least can easily find the telemetry account.�
Feb 15, 2013
dpeilow So just to reiterate, we can embed tweets and a live Google map on a landing page here if desired. One of the participants will have to set up Latitude on their phone or whatever.�
Feb 15, 2013
PureAmps I deleted a few of the telemetry tweets, and now it will only tweet once per hour while driving.�
Feb 15, 2013
vfx Sad, but I also agree, necessary.�
Feb 15, 2013
PureAmps Yes, tweeting is not the ideal way to visualize telemetry data.If they were doing this in a few weeks, maybe we could have some fancy real-time graphs instead...
Feb 15, 2013
markb1 Are you going to collect and save more data than you tweet? Might be interesting to analyze later.�
Feb 15, 2013
PureAmps Not currently. But I'm working on something like that. The twitter thing was just a fun project to play with the data and see what's available for analysis.�
Feb 15, 2013
CapitalistOppressor The default tweet when a car reaches 15% SoC should be "Help! Someone call Elon, I think my driver is trying to Broder me!!!"
That said, I think its well past time that our cars start socializing with each other. We already have location based mobile dating, and I think its well past time we let our cars have location based conversations with each other.�
Feb 15, 2013
PureAmps Just saw this come across the @TeslaRoadTrip twitter stream:
Even though I wrote the code that says that, I was still LMAO.:biggrin:
By the end of this, I'm sure teslaguy and aaron.s will be totally creeped out by their cars constantly tweeting on them. Just ask my wife.
Feb 15, 2013
teslasguy That's pretty cool...and funny!
TESLAGUY is now home and put to bed and getting a nice drink of da juice.
My wife already thinks I'm nuts over this whole thing! :wink:
Can't wait for the big drive north tomorrow!!
- - - Updated - - -
Feb 15, 2013
NigelM My wife is creeped out that I can see where she is just by checking the Model S app.
Great job on setting this up guys. Anyone on the road reading this want to set up the map as in dpeilow's offer?
Feb 15, 2013
cinergi You able to go?
Anyone? I would love to get some video, possibly livestream, if I could ... but really need a copilot for that to be effective ...
Assuming I go, I'm talking about leaving boston around 11pm and driving straight thru ... napping in MD before we leave around 1ish... I'm gonna need a lot of caffeine :smile:
(I'll be smart about it though -- I won't drive if I'm too tired)�
Feb 15, 2013
Jack I'm in the Milford south supercharge - 236 miles now.
When i pulled in, a white S with dealer plates was in the other station. Matt from Boston had arrived just a few minutes before i did, returning the CNN car back to DC - CNBC will be doing the trip later this week, and then a few others - Elon's offer was quite popular.
Matt was aware of our trip and will meet you all in Rockville in the morning.
BTW - finding the supercharger is a no brainer - "navigate to tesla supercharger in milford" - it pinpointed the exact location in the faciltiy - with a few feet - how can anyone possibly miss this?
We both got nearly full range from Boston area to milford - and until i cracked it up was running in the 270's - matt was in the 230's - i started with 202 and arrived with 59, matt with 188 and arrived with 59. After the CT border, i was mostly in the 75-80 range, so no compromise driving this magnificent vehicle.
My wife and i are heading for a late drink in NYC, and then to the Rutger's area for the night - matt indicate i should not expect much from a 110 outdoors - so our backup is one of several j1772's on the rutger's campus - after topping off, if we need to , then off to Wilmington in the AM
Having a fantastic time - great to meet matt and catch on on the experinces locally. Very much looking forward to meeting you all tomorrow!!!
Feb 15, 2013
richkae The most important thing I want out of all the drives this weekend is for someone to put a dashcam in their car and make a 5 minute video of driving around the parking lot that Broder did. I want to see how many times you can pass the supercharger in 5 minutes and make sure you point out the count every time you go past it. Put this video on youtube, add a nice soundtrack.
Charts and graphs are nice, but I think the video will make the most compelling point.�
Feb 15, 2013
aaron.s Ben
If you come - you're coming all the way down to MD? Meet us at the Rockville Service Center?
- - - Updated - - -
All -
Autobloggreen mentions us (and links to our twitter page) in their CNN DC to Boston Article!
Feb 15, 2013
onlinespending You don't even need a Model S for that. Anyone that lives near the Milford Supercharger can make the rounds in any vehicle to show how laughable it is to drive around in circles for more than 5 minutes and 0.6 miles.�
Feb 15, 2013
richkae Very true. If I wasn't 3000 miles away I'd go do it. Please somebody make the video and post the link.�
Feb 15, 2013
tezco As the Tesla war begins, may the electrons be with you (all).�
Feb 15, 2013
cinergi Oops sorry I meant Delaware. Unless I'm feeling feisty haha. Doubt there's time tho�
Feb 15, 2013
SteveG3 Supercharging Six, your efforts are already inspiring. The next two days promise to be fun and meaningful.
while I know this is not what you all are about with this trip, I say Tesla name one Supercharger location on the east coast after each of you as soon as they get six built! (i.e. much like highway reststops often are named after historical figures).�
Feb 15, 2013
Raffy.Roma Hi Ben. If you go to the trip smile. I'll follow you on Twitter.
Go Tesla!�
Feb 15, 2013
Norbert + 1. I see frequency was reduced, but still not the right place. I'm afraid the auto-posts are killing the whole thing. But would be awesome to have them on a separate twitter account (with a higher frequency, actually).�
Feb 15, 2013
aaron.s Hope to see you in DE Ben!!!
Feb 15, 2013
loganss Glad to see you guys put this together. Looking forward to reading more.
Happy travels and drive safe.�
Feb 15, 2013
apacheguy Great! This is fantastic. I'll be following the twitter feed.�
Feb 15, 2013
xanderwalker Just found out about this. I live close to where you are departing from tomorrow morning. I will be there at 9 am to take some pictures. Would be honored to co-pilot/ ride along to document the journey if possible. im @strassenversion on twitter.�
Feb 15, 2013
PureAmps Good luck and safe driving to all of the drivers this weekend!
A quick telemetry update. I've added the hash tags #telemetry and #TeslaRoadTrip to all telemetry tweets. #telemetry is to distinguish it from owners' personal tweets, and I think we should all use #TeslaRoadTrip in our tweets to see if we can make this a trending topic on twitter this weekend!I just restarted all of the telemetry to get a fresh odometer reading from all cars while they are parked, so we have accurate mileage readings.
I'm off to ski for a few days, so I sure hope this twitter integration all works while I'm gone. :scared: I'll be loosely keeping an eye on things, aaron.s knows the twitter kill switch if things go horribly wrong.
Feb 15, 2013
Lanny Thanks for your work on this. It is one of the best uses of Twitter I've seen in my nearly six years of Tweeting. @Lanny (meterreader22 co-driver)�
Feb 15, 2013
mcornwell Someone needs to print up concert t-shirts for this tour!�
Feb 15, 2013
UMD86 Can you say C O N V O Y.........I can hear Kris Kristofferson singing now!!!!�
Feb 15, 2013
phx182flyer Hum... I hear CW McCall�
Feb 15, 2013
firstinflite As an investor and believer, you guys tear me up. Thank you boys!!! GodSpeed.�
Feb 15, 2013
SteveG3 Guys, from Aaron's comments in Green Car Reports, it's so good to hear your plan includes some cars recreating Broder's precise route (but with a full charge!). sounded like one car even recreating the not plugging in at night variable.
Margaret Sullivan of the New York Times is in the midst of deciding whether Broder's article ever should have been published. If she calls for the Times to retract the story that would be a stellar debunking. I think the timing of your ride couldn't be better... in two days Sullivan may be able to add the results of the same route obtained by a driver following the simple instruction to charge fully into her decision process.�
Feb 15, 2013
Kipernicus This stuff is so awesome and exciting! PureAmps, the tweeting cars is just genius. Best wishes to all the drivers!�
Feb 15, 2013
doug Yeah, if someone uses Google Maps on their phone just go here (Google Latitude) to enable the Google Public Location Badge. Then PM me the embed code and I can put it up on TMC.�
Feb 16, 2013
GeorgeB Hi all,
I've kept quiet for 23 pages, but I simply can't any longer.
This has been a very challenging week. At the beginning of the week it felt a lot like David vs Goliath... but then something happened that changed everything. Something that was very moving and pushed us forward despite the odds -- our customers and supporters began to reach out and let us know they are with us in this fight. We started getting messages from all around the world encouraging us to stand tall and not give in.
We thought long and hard about the fight ahead as we sat in the Connection 3 conference room just outside the final inspection area of the Fremont Factory at 11:01pm on Wednesday night. Should we hit the button and release the blog, or should we just stay silent and hope this passes as quickly as possible. The answer became clear, we simply could not stand by and let our customers and supporters down. You expect us to do what we think is best. You expect us to do things others would never do. And you expect us to do it despite the odds, so we did. We hit the button and published the blog.
Since the moment we hit the button, the response from the Tesla Community has been incredible!!! Words cannot describe how thankful we are to have your support as we continue our mission to simply have the truth be told.
What you are doing for us this weekend is AWESOME! We go to work every day committed to doing something that we believe will make a difference in the future. All of you should know that what you are doing for us this weekend inspires us and reminds us that there are people out there who believe in what we are doing and who are willing to stand behind us when the going gets tough. Priceless...
Thank you so much for what you are doing this weekend! It means more than you will ever know. I'll be cheering you on every step of the way
Feb 16, 2013
doug So three cars have telemetry? Are there KML or JSON feeds available for those cars?
Going to bed, but at the very least tomorrow I should be able to get a page up with a simple google latitude embed I've got for one of the cars.�
Feb 16, 2013
doug Oops, just noticed the note from George. Sweet!�
Feb 16, 2013
Ocelot awesome.�
Feb 16, 2013
Bruto.Maccaroni The passion you guys show gives me as a reservation holder from Norway great confidence. Fantastic that you are doing this trip. Norwegian press has picked up both the Broder trip and the CNN trip. I am sure they will follow up with yours.
Good luck!�
Feb 16, 2013
Volker.Berlin I did not read the entire thread, but have you all asked Tesla to enable logging on your cars? Would be nice to see some charts after the trip and compare them to Broder's.�
Feb 16, 2013
Jack It's 6AM now and i can hardly sleep - this experience is truly once in a lifetime - i am so grateful for what the Telsa company is doing for us and being part of a game changing experience - really appreciate George's support for us and how the execs reacted to the situation (as an owner and shareholder).
Back to our trip. Arrived at the Homeless Suites here in NJ at about 1:00 AM after a great time in NYC (despite a parking ticket even though we paid and displayed the receipt prominently as requested). Stood at the door for 1/2 hour along with another couple before someone showed up. Night staff had no idea about my request to charge my electric car. Staff was then really were great, and called the GM, who had roped of 3 spots as committed. Then we were the keystone cops looking for the 110 outlet, which no one could find. After several more calls to the GM and maintenance, we finally found it - but it was 100 ft from the car and we would had to cross two prominent walkways and it was raining quite hard. So we're back to plan B, which is to top off at Rutget's Chargepoint (note - we did not range charge in Milford and would have been fine even with a 110). We've depleted about 20 miles thus far - and understand this is due to bugs in sleep mode which was removed in 4.2 (please let us know these things going forward). So we'll need 1.5 to 2 at Rutgers as we're down to 80 rated and 86 away from Wilmington. All part of the learning process - wonder if anyone could do this trip in the 1st two years of ICE cars - was the supporting infrastrcuture there??
We found performance a bit less than the superb level we realized up to NYC once we hit NJ. I commented to my wife that we must be on an uphill leg as we're now running at 350/360 versus the low 300s we've averaged for most of the trip - and i was driving slower than before (65, tired), and the temperaure was the same. She said something like 'genius, we're in the meadowlands'. So the only factor that was different was NJ - so Tesla engineering must have enabled the car to know it's in NJ and not be happy about it - very impressive.
I did not buy this car for long haul trips (mostly, it's ideal to get back and forth from the Cape to Metrowest)- we typically would take an Avis car on such a trip - but it's clear that that was not a good assupmtion. Petrol was $4 at Milford, and we are saving about $100 on Petrol over the course of this trip (thanks again for those superchargers!! - they are fantastic!! - although one on the NJTP north would be of great value). I now feel totally comfortable taking the S for a NY dinner and show, to visit my daugther in Bryn Mawr or sister in DC. We just need a bit more burn in and infrastructure in place. The quality of the car and support of the company is off the charts positive.
See you all shortly!!!
PS: They comped us the room for our troubles, so total cost of this trip is $24 for NYC dessert and about $20 in tolls - that's it!!�
Feb 16, 2013
ddruz Just wanted to say mahalo nui loa to everyone involved in this. There will be a bunch of us in the middle of the Pacific vicariously traveling with you and wishing you a fabulous journey.�
Feb 16, 2013
Volker.Berlin You forgot to account for the parking ticket... Or is that summarized under "tolls"? ;-)
Thanks for the report! I envy you for the experience and watch your trip as closely as possible from the other side of the big pond.�
Feb 16, 2013
Al Sherman This is very exciting. I've cancelled everything for the weekend to follow. My feeble mind is getting confused as to who and where everyone is located. Can one of the smart folks please update, and expound on where and who everyone is located?�
Feb 16, 2013
Norbert I'm here, but I wish I would be there!
Feb 16, 2013
Raffy.Roma The same! ;-)�
Feb 16, 2013
artsci Thanks for posting this George. For many of the Model S is not just an great electric car, it's a cause, for all of the reasons that don't need an explanation for those of use who believe in it. We'll stand by the company with all of the might we can muster. I just wish I had my car so I could join the group.�
Feb 16, 2013
Jack We have Aaron from Yonkers who started this all, John from West Chester PA (teslaguy), Ben (cinergy?) and Jack from the Boston area, Bryan from Maryland, and Eric?? from Maryland - we're all connected by email and cell. Thanks for asking. Please correct me if i have any names wrong - these are my notes from the con call Wed.�
Feb 16, 2013
aaron.s George
For those of us participating in the adventure this weekend, thank you so much for for cheering us on with your post!
We believe in you and Tesla Motors. We want the world to know just how fantastic this car really is. We won't sit by idly when misinformation is propagated - thus we've organized this road trip. People need to know that the future has arrived - that you can take an extended trip in an electric car - in a Tesla Model S.
Thanks again for your support and the support of the entire Tesla Motors Family -- we promise to make you proud!
Aaron Schildkraut
- - - Updated - - -
All -
My stats I posted on the twitter page:
1st leg: Westchester (Yonkers), NY --> Wilmington, DE Supercharger:
147 Miles driven, 44.6 kWh used, 303 Wh/mile average!!!
Overall trip down: Westchester (Yonkers), NY --> Rockville, MD area:
255.9 Miles driven, 81.6 kWh used, 319 Wh/mile average for the trip!
If I had Range Charged @ home - I could have made it here by the skin of my teeth... That's impressive!
Feb 16, 2013
Raffy.Roma GO Aaron! I wish the best for you and all people participating to the trip.
Feb 16, 2013
Tempus Good luck guys, i'll be following you as well. Also planning a trip in my 60kwh from DC to northern NJ next weekend (keenly interested in how those rutgers chargers work out ... Thats one of my backup plans if we cant get a charge at the hotel).
Its great to see all the excitement. This really is a fantastic community.
Feb 16, 2013
EKoS Headed out from DC to the Rockville service center now - looks like I may be doing the whole trip after all. See you guys there!�
Feb 16, 2013
ibcs GeorgeB every Tesla owner experienced anger followed by frustration and now jubilation with the recreation of the road trip. I praise the Tesla group for putting it together to prove the point, "Tesla Model S is an outstanding vehicle bar none!" False information will not impede the electric revolution.
Feb 16, 2013
aronth5 You guys are awesome! I'll be cheering you on all weekend wearing my Tesla t-shirt!!�
Feb 16, 2013
jerry33 Ditto. This is great!�
Feb 16, 2013
Bearman Yes, thanks guys we will be following your journey
Feb 16, 2013
Zythryn Here is an idea if it isn't too uncomfortable for you guys. Since it is warmer today than it was for the NYT'S attempt, turn the heat up so the difference between the HVAC system and the outside temp is closer to the difference between the temp in Jan and the HVAC of the NYT'S reporter.�
Feb 16, 2013
NJS1207 Thanks to Tesla for standing tall and to all those participating in this weekend's journey for demonstrating the car's capabilities and their devotion to the cause. We are all proud of you and proud to be part of this community. Safe travels!�
Feb 16, 2013
napabill Any chance we can get Broder to do one of his "failed" drives out here on the west coast somewhere? I'm going nuts not being able to join in the fun back east!�
Feb 16, 2013
Aurvandil I'm sure we'll have a similar event in Norway next winter, in the middle of the permanent Arctic midnight, y'know. For instance through the mountains from Oslo to Bergen and back, 500 km each way. We just need some cars. And a few superchargers. (Hint, hint. :smile
Feb 16, 2013
Al Sherman And they're off!�
Feb 16, 2013
quartzav Copy from their tweets. Don't know how to link it. :tongue:
Feb 16, 2013
teslasguy Ben and I are now at the Wilmington, De Superchargers and Jack from Boston should be here soon. Kudos to Ben for driving all night from Boston to join us!! Jack is from Beantown as well! Just talked to Aaron and he says there are 20-25 S owners in Rockville to see everyone off. This is gonna be epic!
And to our friends in Norway, this is just nydelig! Next year I want to see a caravan of S owners driving from Oslo to Tromso!
P1117 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk�
Feb 16, 2013
ElectricFarmBoy RE: Tracking the cars -- I make mapping/data manipulation software for a living (FME Data Conversion - Convert GIS, CAD, Database, XML, Raster Data and more... | Safe Software). We put together something yesterday as a prototype that polls a Tesla Model S's status and updates a Google Fusion Table with it. My wife went out just now and I've started the tracker on her and shared the resulting live map here -- so if someone on the #teslaroadtrip wanted to get in touch with my via private message I could hook this up for them as well. The authentication is the not-so-nice part right now -- because you need to enter in your full Tesla credentials into our software on a webform, but once done the results are fun and public (not the credentials!) anyway thanks to Google's infrastructure.
And yes, thank you so much to the volunteers doing the trip -- we're rooting for you!�
Feb 16, 2013
Robert.Boston You can follow the caravan: TeslaRoadTrip (TeslaRoadTrip) on Twitter�
Feb 16, 2013
westerndh Great software - I have tweeted this link to them.�
Feb 16, 2013
Jack Just arrived Wilmington - met up with Ben and John.
I initially though Elon's response was a bit over the top - no more. This experience is magnificent. To have a problem with this car requires sub-neanderthal IQ.
We did not range charge in Milford - only to 237 rated. We went about 15 miles off the NJTP to the hotel. We depleted about 40 overnight, and recovered exactly that at Rutgers. So net neutral.
We started from Rutgers with 107 and 98 miles from Wilmington. We started conservatively, set cruise to 62 - ate my arm off to the ear staying under the speed limit and letting BMW's pass by. We started getting down to the low 3's and watched expected range increase. About a third of the way went back to normal driving mode - 75-80. Still got about 330, which what we got on the 1st leg, pretty much normal driving (apparently, the car only dislikes northern NJ - around Giants stadium - which is perfectly OK for a Patriots fan - area to avoid). I told my wife we'd arrive with 5 miles - and did exactly that, on time - with absolutely no worries. All instrumentation was accurate and I felt comfortable pushing the limites (which is part of why we're doing this). At no time did the car complain.
Telsa engineering deserves a nobel prize - the car truly lives up to its name. Can't wait for the convoy to NYC.
- - - Updated - - -
Have 156 miles at just about 1/2 hour - my model S is charging faster than my S3!!!�
Feb 16, 2013
dpeilow Where are you guys finishing tomorrow? Outside the NYT offices?�
Feb 16, 2013
Jack We'll be finalizing our agenda shortly, when the DC crew arrives in Wilmington. I expect we will drive thought Time Square today - to Milford, and some with continue to Groton CT. We seem to be picking up support on the way.
Interestingly, there is a VW-owned Signature with Michigan plates charging up with us here in Wilmington - guess they are trying to figure out how to catch up with us.
Feb 16, 2013
SteveG3 Thanks to GeorgeB for posting. Have to imagine it's a great feeling of support for the owners making this effort.
(not to mention, I suspect George has more capacity to reach out to media for coverage than the average bear).�
Feb 16, 2013
Al Sherman I'm guessing George sees the beauty of letting actual Model S owners just have at it with no Tesla involvement.�
Feb 16, 2013
dpeilow I think a bunch of Model Ss lined up outside the NYT office after a successful drive would be the money shot.�
Feb 16, 2013
jkirkebo Well, I'm planning to do some long distance driving next summer (2014) at least. From the south-east of Norway to the North Cape and back is the plan. Should total around 3000 miles I think
Feb 16, 2013
Alexander Just made this sign... I think these should be posted at every charging station to warn of the potential outcome!
I also tweeted it here: https://twitter.com/alexanderhales
Great job guys! Keep it going, and Thank You Aaron for pushing this forward and to everyone else who has contributed thus far!
Feb 16, 2013
SteveG3 good point Al, I hadn't picked up on that. GeorgeB did mention something like holding his tongue.�
Feb 16, 2013
GSP That would be so sweet!
Feb 16, 2013
dpeilow Follow progress here: TMC Members Recreate NYTimes Roadtrip - Blogs - Tesla Motors Club - Enthusiasts & Owners Forum�
Feb 16, 2013
CapitalistOppressor Funniest. Thing. Ever.�
Feb 16, 2013
artsci Yes, yes! I hope the team or some of them can do this.�
Feb 16, 2013
Vger Oh valiant ones!
Please be aware that there are some significantly unfavourable winds coming today and especially tomorrow. This will affect your range. Just a word to the wise from an avid sailor (with an electric motor in my sailboat):
This may partly explain why Ben got such great efficiency coming down to DE from NY.�
Feb 16, 2013
teslasguy ![]()
And we're almost ready to head north to the Milford Superchargers!!
P1117 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk�
Feb 16, 2013
Raffy.Roma Go Teslasguy! Best Wishes
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