Well, having multiple times done a reboot of both displays while driving without causing any issue with driving related functionality, figured I'd give it a try while parked to see if I could still shift into D or R. No problems there while either display was restarting, but not sure how different a soft reboot is vs waking the car from sleep, as I don't have 5.0 on my S.
I believe that the 5.6 they have in Europe shows that you will be given a power management choice: Sleep mode with slow start up and slow app connection with little vampire loss or something similar to the 4.5 power management.
Oct 3, 2013
Wi-Fi with 5.#
Are the new Model S deliveries with v 5.? Software able to connect with Wi-Fi? If so, where is the setup page?
Oct 3, 2013
v5.0-v5.6 turns on the wi-fi antenna. Just click on the bar graph on the upper right of the touch screen, find the wi-fi signal you want, click on it (enter password if needed) and boom, you're surfin' the web just like on the iPhone, only much slower.
Oct 4, 2013
Yes, the power management option is the only really new "feature" with 5.6. The rest is behind-the-scenes bug fixes.
Oct 4, 2013
Yes... but most importantly, 5.6 appears to be a new minor build number (1.45.x) and is bringing together the different branches that Tesla was on. So this has us hopeful that this is a sign that we are getting closer to a general rollout of 5.x...
Oct 4, 2013
I made a couple of videos, but don't have the connection to post them right now (I've also never posted a video before, but assume it's no hard).
Unfortunately (actually, fortunately), since I've been trying to capture a long delay. When the car is asleep, I am getting exactly 15 sec from door opening to dash screen on. What I need to do is go from presenting of handles to getting the car into Drive. There have been some delays for me from after the dash is ready to when it will accept my press on the brake. Actually, several times after wake-up is complete, I found myself pressing on the brake with the car not turning on. I have to make sure my foot is not on the brake until everything is ready, or sometimes (though not every time I think), the car won't turn on until I release and press it again.
Anyway, since Europe's 5.6 has the option, all this discussion will be superfluous. This is good enough for me. Ideally, I would have sleep mode with a rapid wake up. Guess there were barriers...
Oct 4, 2013
Any news on when the rollout will begin in the US?
Oct 4, 2013
Asked one mushroom of another.
Oct 4, 2013
Thanks for that info.
Oct 4, 2013
Excellent question. Why Europe first?
Oct 5, 2013
I was told that release of 5.6 to N.A. is soon (5.0 will not be the next step for most of us). Apparently they had to work out some bugs with the sleep function on early builds-- some cars were taking as much as 2 hours to wake up! Also, release was somewhat delayed by engineering resources being committed to the EU rollout.
Oct 5, 2013
I wonder what hardware difference would account for this. What do newer cars have that older ones don't?
Oct 5, 2013
I've noticed my car (5.0/1.35.98) has lost the USB ports on three occasions now. They come back after a reboot.
Oct 5, 2013
Just spoke with tech support. 5.6 to be downloaded to all cars next month. It takes about an hour. Vampire drain will be less. We get if I understand correctly, web hotspot as well as ability to connect to house wi-fi.
Natick mall mass. sales person says that two new superchargers for Northeast in Nov. Providence RI and Sturbridge MA. Rt. 90
Oct 5, 2013
I'd love a confirmation of this. It's one of the "told us back when" that we haven't heard anything about in a long, long while.
Oct 6, 2013
All versions of 5.x have had these features. Are you referring to the ability to connect to a hotspot in the car (ie: tethering) or for the car to become a hotspot itself (albeit a 3G one)?
Oct 6, 2013
So reported to [email�protected] a couple glitches in both consoles. Got call back tonight and person from OE said I would be receiving version "5.6 in "a few weeks" which would resolve issues. Found that version number, which he was extremely explicit on, to be interesting.
Oct 6, 2013
Not really surprising -- Europe cars already receiving 5.6 OTA updates. This just aligns the US/Europe versions...
Oct 6, 2013
Now that they seem confident with the build I hope we'll start seeing some North American rollout occurring this week. The "few weeks" is probably the timeframe in which all cars will receive 5.6 OTA.
Oct 7, 2013
well, given the banter on the forums about the US and European firmwares forking, this is confirmation that that isn't the case.
Oct 7, 2013
Yeah, the forking people were forking wrong!
Oct 7, 2013
I beg to differ. Forking is a technical term and that is quite clearly what happened with 5.0 and 5.5. All that 5.6 appears to do is to merge those two branches...
Oct 7, 2013
I was not told anything specific, but I gather that the the backend electronics have continued to be re-engineered. Since there are SO many ECU's (processors) in the car, anytime they revise something like the chargers, or climate control or the touchscreen, there are bound to be firmware ripples involved.
Oct 7, 2013
Well, some tines it happens!
Oct 7, 2013
Oct 7, 2013
Don't know if this has been discussed yet, but while driving a service loaner with 5.0 between Reno and Rocklin it seemed that the cruise control was more "gentle," which was especially noticeable when making 5 mph adjustments up or down. Also appears that the iPhone Bluetooth music streaming bug (cut-outs out while flipping rapidly between pause and play under certain conditions) has been fixed.
Oct 8, 2013
It still feels as jerky to me as it always has... maybe you're getting used to it?
Oct 8, 2013
Are you sure he has the same build you do? This could be something they are running between minor revisions.
Oct 8, 2013
I asked my "inside contact" and he asked for patience... More likely November before a broader rollout. Which seems strange since they seem to roll it out pretty widely in Europe. Maybe they consider 4.5 a safer choice than the early 5.0 versions?
Oct 8, 2013
I don't agree. Here is my original post:
I believe that is exactly what we are seeing. Is there a different but equally plausible theory?
Oct 8, 2013
To be fair, I think we have been very patient with them. I've had my car 1 year and am still waiting for sleep mode, a high priority fix that was promised to us a) mid-summer and then b) by the end of summer. Now we are looking at winter 2013. I gave up holding my breath a while ago, so my new hope is that I get it sometime before the end of year.
Not to mention those cars that were delivered with a sleep mode which was taken away. (was that 4.0 or 4.1, it has been so long I can't remember.)
Oct 8, 2013
Let's remember that 4.5 (over the summer) dropped vampire drain by 33%, and they are dropping it much, much more in 5.0/5.6, so while the percentages don't match what they told you exactly, I think they nailed the spirit of it.
Oct 8, 2013
Really? 4.5 vampire drain is horrible for most of us and I certainly have not noticed a 1/3 reduction compared to 4.4 or 4.3. If there was some reduction in 4.5, this'll be the first I've heard of it.
Oct 8, 2013
No difference in my vampire drain with 4.5.
Oct 9, 2013
Same for me. No difference in 4.5.
Oct 9, 2013
Please let's reserve the term "horrible" for things that are truly horrible, and please don't extrapolate your concern to "most of us".
I agree drain may be horrible for someone who perhaps has a daily commute on the fringe of battery range and has no charging facility on one end, therefore would have more reserve without drain. Or for someone who regularly wants to leave car parked for extended periods at airport or such.
But for what I suspect is the "silent majority" on this topic -- those of us who generally drive within the car's range and plug in every night -- it is merely annoying at most, and irrelevant at least. Certainly not horrible.
Oct 9, 2013
9 miles per day vampire loss with FW 4.5 is unacceptable. That is 3 kW loss per day. That is unacceptable. With a 60 kW battery, that is 5% loss per day. That is unacceptable.
Oct 9, 2013
unacceptable != horrible
Unacceptable example: freeways with 5mph speed limit Horrible example: school zones with 100mph speed limit
Oct 9, 2013
Very odd...I park at the airport every week so I watch it like a hawk and mine has gone from consistently 12 miles/day (when full) to 8 miles/day (when full).
Oct 9, 2013
My vampire drain over the summer was approx 5 rated miles per day. I don't know whether to attribute that to warmer weather or firmware, but as the overnight temps now begin to drop into the low 50s consistently and until 5.0 is rolled out, should have more data to determine which.
Oct 9, 2013
Thanks for the correction. Let's rephrase it:
4.5 vampire drain is unacceptable for most users that have reported their range losses on this forum and I certainly have not noticed a 1/3 reduction compared to 4.4 or 4.3.
Edit: let's just be clear that the Model S is truly an amazing vehicle and I wouldn't want anything else. That's not to say that it can't be improved and I personally have been waiting quite some time (1 year) for a fix that reduces what I consider to be a serious flaw. I would've taken 5.0 a month ago and put up with an 11 second startup time and a 45 sec mobile app connection time, but hey that's just me.
Oct 9, 2013
As someone who parks at the airport a lot, I agree it is unacceptable, in principle. Would I trade my Tesla in for anything else because of it? Hell no. However, it does mean that for longer trips I can't take my car to the airport using the most convenient options (like airport valet parking). But I could plug in at the parking garage (using 110v), or at the off-airport lot which has chargers, so I would say it's not "horrible", and I'm certainly more than happy to wait till they get it right, but it is unacceptable in the long term.
Oct 9, 2013
I'm so glad you took my response reasonably... lotsa people on this forum launch if there's any disagreement.
From my perspective, I plug in every night. My longer daily drives are about 230 miles, but typically under 100. I understand I may be spending about 50 cents per night to pay the vampire. I find that very mildly annoying, but certainly not my highest priority... in fact if 5.6 offers option, I'm likely to leave sleep mode off. I suspect that there are lots of others in same situation, and of course most of them would not bother posting because generally posts on this topic are from the people who find it unacceptable.
Nonetheless, since a large sample have concern, I agree it is a priority for Tesla, and they seem to agree too. The fact that they've tried to roll sleep out twice is evidence. Unfortunately, it's about the most complex thing they could undertake, and each time there have been unforeseen issues. Looks like 3rd time is the charm.
Just to show I'm not totally tolerant: What is horribly unacceptable to me is an iphone that won't stay charged all day.
Oct 9, 2013
It is my understanding that the 5.0+ (5.6) allows for choosing 'sleep' mode (saves energy) OR 'old mode' (quick wake up/phone connect but more energy loss when not in use)
Oct 9, 2013
I have a loaner P85 with 5.0. This morning it took maybe 10-15 seconds for the car to turn on this morning to where I could put the car in reverse and back out of my garage. I may not have even noticed the delay other than having been so familiar with this thread.
Oct 9, 2013
For the record, I think it's more a percentage than a straight mileage loss between the two models. My 60 loses about 5 miles per day, not 9, which seems consistent with other 60 owners,
Oct 9, 2013
Really? I'm sill using a several year old iPhone 4 and have no problems at all getting through the day... even with the new iOS version that is supposed to be hard on battery life.
Oct 9, 2013
CantaMia Ron
I have Vin #14019 and am still have not got the new 5.0 yet.
Oct 9, 2013
Very few people have. It is going through final beta testing and has not been rolled out for everyone.
Oct 9, 2013
Gear...you're lucky (or I'm unlucky)! I have a 60 and lose roughly 8 mi/day on 4.5, and was losing 10-12 on 4.4.
Oct 9, 2013
You're going to get your choice. I just got an update and went from 5.0 to 5.6 (1.45.32). I'm in the U.S., VIN 196XX and took delivery about a month ago. My car is one that has the GPS problems and I've written to ownership about them (e.g. Nav thinking I'm in the middle of a lake, headed the opposite direction on the highway or it spins), so maybe it's why I got the update pushed out already.
Anyway, at first look, the only changes I've noticed are the ability to choose Energy Saving mode (on or off) and having the Owner's Manual available on screen. I'll see tomorrow if the update included the temporary fix on the GPS problems.
Oct 9, 2013
I'm picking mine up on Saturday, wonder if it'll have 5.6...
Oct 9, 2013
I wish I only had 5 miles per day or even 9 miles per day. I've lost at least 12-14 miles per day for the last 10 months. (currently on 4.5)
Oct 9, 2013
dsmith, Patience Grasshopper. The great 5.0 will soon be here. Its in the stars.
This is the time of the year to write to the great pumpkin. On Halloween night the great pumpkin rises out of his pumpkin patch and flies through the air with his bag of toys for all the good little children everywhere.
We will sit here in this pumpkin patch and you will see the Great pumpkin with your own eyes. Each year the great pumpkin rises out of the pumpkin patch that he thinks is the most sincere. He�s got to pick this one, he�s got to. I don�t see how a pumpkin patch can be more sincere than this one.
It�s that the great pumpkin rising out of the Pumpkin patch?
Did I faint? What did he leave us? Did he leave us any toys? Version 5.0? 5.6?
Oct 10, 2013
Sadly, he just left a pumpkin pie on your car's hood. :tongue:
Oct 10, 2013
I also have a 60, and have monitored my car when parked during vacation and a business trip. It came with 4.5, and has had 3 variations of it.
During vacation, it was home and plugged in, with the slider set to 50%. It would charge every other night to.top off the vampire losses. Since that charging was at 2 am it was hard to get an exact number for daily vampire loss, but I estimated between 6 and 8 miles lost each day.
For the business trip, I parked at an off-airport lot that advertised 120v outlets for EV charging. But they had tied the outlets into the lighting timers, and for some reason my car never charged (the app just said to check charger power but did nothing when I tapped the start charging button when it was night time. So the car sat for a week without charging. Loss averaged 7.2 miles lost per day.
Unless I missed something, all of those posts that I saw were from people upgrading from 5.0 to 5.6, so still no news of anyone with 4.5 getting the upgrade. FWIW, my car was in service the past couple of days and I asked repeatedly to have 5.6 installed (currently on 4.5) to no avail.
Oct 10, 2013
Correct...but, it does mean TM has settled on the 5.6 and is sending it out to other people than beta testers.
Oct 12, 2013
They appear to be sending it to anybody who already has 5.
Oct 12, 2013
Everyone who has 5.0 is a beta tester whether they know it or not.
Oct 12, 2013
Correct, and I offer those people my thanks.:wink:
Oct 12, 2013
So does 5.6 remedy the issue people were having with their GPS? Or does that require a separate visit to the service center?
Oct 12, 2013
Good question: Seems that some people had it corrected with an over the air firmware fix while others reported a bad gyro that had to be replaced by a Service Center. It was not only a 5.0 firmware problem.
Oct 13, 2013
So...clear as mud then :biggrin:
Mod Request: Perhaps we should update the title of this thread to "Firmware 5.x"
Oct 13, 2013
Yes, but not everyone with 5.0 had nav/mapping issues so I believe it was more of a gyro issue.
Oct 13, 2013
There is a separate 5.6 thread.
Oct 14, 2013
I did not have a nav issue with 5.0. I do not have a nav issue with 5.6.
Oct 14, 2013
v5.0 (1.35.102) since Sept 3rd without any issues.
Oct 14, 2013
While I was on v5.0 (1.35.102) my GPS frequently acted up, spinning, showed my car beside the road, in the woods, etc. After upgrading to v5.6, it did spin for the first couple of minutes driving right after the update, but after that has been rock solid. I have not been at the service center so this is purely a FW upgrade.
Oct 14, 2013
Hm. I'm not sure what to make of this at a technical level.
I'm very glad that it stabilized eventually though.
Oct 16, 2013
Received car on 9/20 with v.5.0 and have had no NAV issues that I am aware of. I have not been upgraded to 5.6 yet, but have not complained about any issues either. Only weird thing I am getting now is every few phone calls with bluetooth, I seem to have the radio playing in the background. It's really strange because it's not even the same station I am listening to at the time of the call. Anybody else have this?
Oct 16, 2013
Was at Rockville SC this morning and was told that FW 5.6 will begin rolling out to users next week.
Oct 16, 2013
Interesting - so they must be really happy with its stability. When I asked my source they told me "not before November"...
Oct 16, 2013
Tesla is getting close, check out this new Tesla page regarding HPWCs no longer being limited in the next firmware release:
That's the same message I was given. Picked up my car and dropped the loaner off. I'm back to 4.5. I really miss the vampire drain fix, the Maps tweaks, and the radio station steering wheel button press to the next station.
Oct 17, 2013
Sorry, but for clarity, you are 'back to 4.5� because the loaner had 5.0? Or was your car's firmware down-rev'd to 4.5 from 5.0?
Oct 17, 2013
no down rev. The loaner had 5.0 but my car had 4.5 and they weren't allowed to upgrade me to 5.X but told me it was coming OTA in a few weeks.
Oct 21, 2013
No reports of 5.0 or 5.6 being pushed out to users of 4.5?
Oct 21, 2013
Haven't seen any. And I do searches for anything that sounds like this... Every day...
Oct 21, 2013
I had a loaner with 5.0 (1.35.102) and I noticed a couple things that do not happen in my firmware 4.5 car. The My Tesla screen did not reflect the car's current state, that is open doors, brake lights, blinkers, etc. The other thing was cellular interference (crackling) coming through the speakers. I don't know if these things are attributable to the firmware version, but it's the main difference that I noticed.
Oct 21, 2013
That is almost certainly NOT A firmware caused issue.
I just had my touch screen replaced (service center had an oops) and now only since the new touch screen do I hear cell phone interference if my phone is in the cubby right below the touch screen.
It didn't do this before
Oct 22, 2013
Oh that's not good! It sounds like the new touchscreens have less shielding to block the radio interference. I'm happy I got a screen protector to minimize the effect of "oops" now; it's all the more important to protect my "vintage" screen.
Oct 22, 2013
For what it's worth, I have this too and I have a "vintage" (Jan 2013) screen. I don't think it's coming from my phone though, I think it's from the car's 3G connection itself when it has low signal and drops to 2G.
Oct 22, 2013
I'm on 4.5 and on rare occasions I hear this "crackling" noise coming through the speakers. (great way to describe it... when I had it in for service I didn't describe it well). I believe I have heard this even when there was no phone in the car so assumed it had nothing to do with my phone. Just heard it once in the last 3-4 weeks when sitting in the car doing some internet stuff while waiting for my wife.
Oct 22, 2013
Cuando, cuando, cuando, cuando.
Oct 22, 2013
2G does that to many speakers. Even if they are several feet away you can get busts of crackling noise.
I drove me crazy when I had the original 2G iPhone.
Oct 22, 2013
I get cellular interference from my phone on my October 2012 build so it's nothing new.
Oct 22, 2013
I (also an Oct. 2012 build) have always got interference when my phone is too close to the screen. Cannot use the cubby shelf for my phone without the noise. It also occurs if my wife has her purse to the left side of her feet (with phone inside) when riding on the passenger side.
Oct 22, 2013
My car is in for service due to a flat tire. While discussing jack mode, the tesla rep on the phone noted that I was on the "old" software (4.5 is what I have). While discussing a few other repairs, I said I couldn't think of anything else other than getting updated to the new software he mentioned. Knowing I was on 4.5, he asked if I had any GPS issues. I said "no, but I'll say yes if it gets me the new software". He said he would do his best. Maybe that's the trick for 4.5 users, say you have nav issues...
now they are going to have a rash of 4.5 nav issues they can't explain, haha...
Oct 22, 2013
To me it seems like a no brainer. If TM is confident in a release (enough to include it on new deliveries) and an owner brings a vehicle into service and requests the update, there should be nothing preventing that from happening. I would think Tesla would prefer it that way because they wouldn't have to pay the data costs and they could ensure everything went smoothly during the update. I sure would love to talk to the guy in charge of software logistics at Tesla to understand their logic.
Oct 22, 2013
One would think that would be the case, but TM seems very guarded about releasing 5.6 for some reason. I was practically begging for them to update me when my car was in two weeks ago, and told them I would sign any papers if they wanted to treat me as a beta tester and that I was familiar with all of the seemingly minor bugs others have reported, but to no avail.
Oct 22, 2013
Its very simple. There is something more they are waiting on. Whether it is a software capability (iTunes add on or something lie that), or a pricing plan for connectivity.
Oct 22, 2013
Exactly. I suspect the bugs have been worked out. No more add ons. trying to decide pricing.
Oct 22, 2013
Sorry, I've been so focused on sleep mode and the GPS updates that I've ignored all other functionality. What new functionality is being added that would require pricing plan? Any details of a pricing plan apparently aren't stopping Tesla from rolling out 5.6 to folks here without any pricing plan in place.
Oct 22, 2013
Were parking sensors or cold weather support in 4.5? If not that's why 5.0 may be needed in new cars.
My DS told me 5.6 still has bugs being worked out, that was last Wednesday...
Oct 22, 2013
I'm not sure this is what they're talking about but this is the first time it's dawned on me...
One potential obstacle to updating the firmware (on by definition "older" vehicles) is that any functionality that "reacts" to the age of the vehicle (since delivery) affects older cars but doesn't affect newer cars. So, for example, if they finally got around to adding a "no Slacker after N months" implementation in 5.x then they would want/need to make sure that they work out the bugs before upgrading any car older than N months. Brand new cars would be likely be completed unaffected, and thus safer to blindly move to newer firmware.
Oct 22, 2013
TM has not been charging anyone for connectivity now, regardless of the software/firmware they are running. They have always said that eventually there would be a charge for the 'connectivity package'. Not saying I have to be right but it is my opinion that this could be the hold up on official 5.6 launch.
Oct 22, 2013
Great, as if that will leave a bitter taste in people's mouthes. We wait the entire year to get sleep mode after each successive firmware version did not contain the fix. Then when they finally roll it out in 5.6, it comes with a price because of some other changes to slacker, all the while that new owners taking delivery don't have any restrictions. Someone in Marketing needs to rethink this.
Oct 22, 2013
It is also my opinion that you will get all the other features of 5.6, power management, mapping, etc. 'free' and you can choose to have the connectivity package for a fee.
Oct 22, 2013
I hope your prognostication proves perspicacious.
Oct 22, 2013
Absolutely aggressively alliterative approach.
Oct 22, 2013
Only other options obligatory or obnoxious?
Oct 22, 2013
Maybe moderators might move?
Oct 22, 2013
Oct 22, 2013
This is by far the best and most logical explanation that I've heard. This would indeed be a very understandable reason to be hesitant to roll things out. I had been told repeatedly by people who should know that the roll-out will happen in early November. You know what else happens in early November? The Q3 earnings call. Which would be a great time to release the pricing information for slacker, connectivity, etc. Which could then be followed by a wide roll-out of 5.6
Oct 22, 2013
I suppose that is a possible explanation. But then what of the beta testers? The vast majority of them have older (Signature) cars.
From what I gather, sleep mode (which I really want) is being held hostage as a result of concerns unrelated to the usability of the software. To me, this is frustrating and slightly discouraging.
Oct 22, 2013
Ferreting out such bugs is the whole point of beta testers.
Oct 22, 2013
Right you are. I misunderstood your previous post when I first read it.
Oct 23, 2013
I'm fine if the reason for the delay is that they continue to ferret out bugs. I'd be far less pleased if the reason for the delay is that they're trying to complete pricing for options which they can always price for later without holding the rest of us at bay. Lots and lots of folks are now taking delivery with 5.6 installed and without any pricing plan for them.
Oct 23, 2013
Again, these new cars likely wouldn't interact with a pricing plan (software/firmware component) because they are still in the included/grace period.
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