Oct 22, 2013
SFOTurtle One would think that would be the case, but TM seems very guarded about releasing 5.6 for some reason. I was practically begging for them to update me when my car was in two weeks ago, and told them I would sign any papers if they wanted to treat me as a beta tester and that I was familiar with all of the seemingly minor bugs others have reported, but to no avail.�
Oct 22, 2013
Kraken Its very simple. There is something more they are waiting on. Whether it is a software capability (iTunes add on or something lie that), or a pricing plan for connectivity.�
Oct 22, 2013
AlMc Exactly. I suspect the bugs have been worked out. No more add ons. trying to decide pricing.�
Oct 22, 2013
SFOTurtle Sorry, I've been so focused on sleep mode and the GPS updates that I've ignored all other functionality. What new functionality is being added that would require pricing plan? Any details of a pricing plan apparently aren't stopping Tesla from rolling out 5.6 to folks here without any pricing plan in place.�
Oct 22, 2013
gbdesai Were parking sensors or cold weather support in 4.5? If not that's why 5.0 may be needed in new cars.
My DS told me 5.6 still has bugs being worked out, that was last Wednesday...�
Oct 22, 2013
brianman I'm not sure this is what they're talking about but this is the first time it's dawned on me...
One potential obstacle to updating the firmware (on by definition "older" vehicles) is that any functionality that "reacts" to the age of the vehicle (since delivery) affects older cars but doesn't affect newer cars. So, for example, if they finally got around to adding a "no Slacker after N months" implementation in 5.x then they would want/need to make sure that they work out the bugs before upgrading any car older than N months. Brand new cars would be likely be completed unaffected, and thus safer to blindly move to newer firmware.�
Oct 22, 2013
AlMc TM has not been charging anyone for connectivity now, regardless of the software/firmware they are running. They have always said that eventually there would be a charge for the 'connectivity package'. Not saying I have to be right but it is my opinion that this could be the hold up on official 5.6 launch.�
Oct 22, 2013
SFOTurtle Great, as if that will leave a bitter taste in people's mouthes. We wait the entire year to get sleep mode after each successive firmware version did not contain the fix. Then when they finally roll it out in 5.6, it comes with a price because of some other changes to slacker, all the while that new owners taking delivery don't have any restrictions. Someone in Marketing needs to rethink this.�
Oct 22, 2013
AlMc It is also my opinion that you will get all the other features of 5.6, power management, mapping, etc. 'free' and you can choose to have the connectivity package for a fee.�
Oct 22, 2013
SFOTurtle I hope your prognostication proves perspicacious.�
Oct 22, 2013
brianman Absolutely aggressively alliterative approach.�
Oct 22, 2013
dflye Only other options obligatory or obnoxious?�
Oct 22, 2013
dirkhh Maybe moderators might move?�
Oct 22, 2013
brianman Obviously.�
Oct 22, 2013
dirkhh This is by far the best and most logical explanation that I've heard. This would indeed be a very understandable reason to be hesitant to roll things out.
I had been told repeatedly by people who should know that the roll-out will happen in early November. You know what else happens in early November? The Q3 earnings call. Which would be a great time to release the pricing information for slacker, connectivity, etc. Which could then be followed by a wide roll-out of 5.6�
Oct 22, 2013
apacheguy I suppose that is a possible explanation. But then what of the beta testers? The vast majority of them have older (Signature) cars.
From what I gather, sleep mode (which I really want) is being held hostage as a result of concerns unrelated to the usability of the software. To me, this is frustrating and slightly discouraging.�
Oct 22, 2013
brianman Ferreting out such bugs is the whole point of beta testers.�
Oct 22, 2013
apacheguy Right you are. I misunderstood your previous post when I first read it.�
Oct 23, 2013
SFOTurtle I'm fine if the reason for the delay is that they continue to ferret out bugs. I'd be far less pleased if the reason for the delay is that they're trying to complete pricing for options which they can always price for later without holding the rest of us at bay. Lots and lots of folks are now taking delivery with 5.6 installed and without any pricing plan for them.�
Oct 23, 2013
brianman Again, these new cars likely wouldn't interact with a pricing plan (software/firmware component) because they are still in the included/grace period.�
Oct 23, 2013
tomas Without a doubt, after a year plus on this forum, this is the most whacky conspiracy theory I've heard. Lemme get it straight... Tesla is holding up rollout of the release that enables wifi connectivity which enables 3g plan revenue in order to what? Announce coming revenue from 3g plan in early November? Yikes. Somebody missed their medication today?�
Oct 23, 2013
SFOTurtle It apparently was lost on you, but I was commenting on what someone else had speculated about the delay. I myself was expressing doubt that the reason for the delay was because Tesla needed to work out any pricing issues, and that is why I said I'd be annoyed if *that* were the reason for the delay. The only reasonable interpretation of what I wrote was that I was dubious that pricing issues would have had anything to do with the delay, especially since new deliveries and cars with 5.0 were getting the upgrade to 5.6. Take a look at my earlier post #625 in this thread if you don't believe that.
But I'm apparently being accused of fostering a conspiracy theory?Now who's the one who needs medication? LOL! :biggrin:
Oct 24, 2013
Gear I doubt this is the case. My car is a new one and I haven't seen any signs of 5.0 or 5.6. I picked mine up at the factory and other cars being delivered that day had 5.0 installed and they couldn't give me any good reason that mine didn't have 5.0 as well. The Delivery Specialist could only say that some had 4.5 and some had 5.0 and they weren't really sure why. I picked mine up the first day it was available to be picked up as well, so it wasn't like it had been sitting for a week after production finished.�
Oct 25, 2013
Bryan Wong My P85 Vin 177XX was delivered Aug 30th with 5.0 installed the night before. Had the GPS spinning/lost issue just received 5.6 OTA update yesterday after calling Tesla ownership because local Service Center couldn't give me an ETA when I would receive fix. GPS works correctly now, so I'm glad 5.6 fixed the issue.�
Oct 30, 2013
CantaMia Ron I still have Ver 4.5 and waiting for Ver:5.0 or 5.6 How long before i will get the Update??�
Oct 30, 2013
AnOutsider No one here can tell you that.�
Oct 30, 2013
SFOTurtle Sometime between now and several weeks from now is probably the answer judging by the length of time it took to push 4.5 out. Predict there will be no shortage of "why haven't I received my update" posts two or three weeks from now.�
Oct 30, 2013
johnster007 I just brought mine into the service center today for winter tires. Just got it back with Firmware 5.6. It's out as of today! The wait is finally over. Vampire drain was bugging me and it doesn't take long at all to boot up. The newest version allows you to decide whether or not you want the Sleep mode or not so you get to choose! Best of both worlds.
- - - Updated - - -
Hey CantaMia Ron,
Won't be long now. I just got it and my car was delivered last April.�
Oct 30, 2013
ken830 I got the update to 4.5 almost 9 weeks after the first reported OTA update. It was frustrating because by that time, people were already talking about 5.0 in European cars... We're forever cursed with firmware update anxiety.�
Oct 30, 2013
onesixeight I just got the software update pop-up window this morning. I am currently on 4.5 and my VIN 13xxx series (P85+).
Waiting till I get home to do the update! Can't wait!
Oct 30, 2013
AlMc Nice to see the SCs are being allowed to roll out the 5.6 and that it has a choice about how to handle power management: Either ' sleep' mode or an 'instant on' mode. Should please everyone. Nice job TM!:smile:�
Oct 30, 2013
Cottonwood See Firmware 5.6 - Page 19. A few of us have received 5.6 (1.45.45) over the air last night.�
Oct 30, 2013
AlMc Excellent. Thanks�
Nov 6, 2013
NigelM Mod Note: clearly the OTA roll-out of v5.6 has started* so we're unsticking this thread.
Firmware v5.6 discussion can be found here.
Firmware v4.5 discussion can be found here.
Firmware v5.x Bug Tracker Wiki can be found here.
(*Firmware v5.0 was an interim version that was received by a limited number of owners.)�
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