Dec 26, 2015
MsElectric Of course not. As they have with their other CPO cars, they will revise their prices down when they are not able to sell used cars for almost the cost of a new car.�
Dec 27, 2015
Electric Joe Not everyone qualifies for the federal $7,500 credit, so for some people that's not to be considered. So that car is discounted by $12500. I'd gladly trade 7000 miles for $12500 in my pocket.�
Dec 28, 2015
bonaire The old formula was $1/mile discount and $1000/month of age since production and that was on new cars. CPO really should be more due to the loss of some of the original factory warranty window with the CPO warranty.
You can offer a lower price on a CPO and see how it goes.�
Dec 28, 2015
vesder21 has anyone successfully negotiated a price lower than what tesla lists on their site for a CPO? i thought the pricing was as is?�
Dec 28, 2015
MsElectric I've yet to hear of anyone negating the price down directly as it is pretty much against their policy.
The best you can do is to work with someone at a gallery, give them your option and color preferences and a budget and they will do their best to find what you are looking for. They also have access to inventory that is not on the Web site.
If all else fails, let time do the negotiating for you. Based on the trim level and options, every Model S depreciates around $1,200 to $2,000 a month for the first year. 2014 P85Ds are already nearly $20K is discounts with CPO or inventory + rebates so you can already find pretty reasonable deals.�
Dec 28, 2015
Errantpixel Those that have purchased CPO cars already, what was your experience timeline/delivery wise so far? I'm being quoted a February window for a CPO listed and reserved last week, wondering if thats at all normal.�
Dec 28, 2015
SmartElectric Out CPO was three weeks from purchase to delivery. Communication from Tesla was brief and seldom till delivery day. Delivery was done last week of a quarter along with 100 other deliveries that week. Very busy, but Tesla did everything to make us happy.�
Dec 28, 2015
Temeyerster I placed a deposit on December 10 and was quoted 2-3 weeks to prep the vehicle and a week to ship from east coast to west coast. I was looking at a late December early January pickup. My DS called me last week to schedule pickup for today, so all in its taken 3 weeks.�
Dec 28, 2015
Errantpixel So it sounds like they're pretty conservative with initial dates and not the best communicators overall -- will keep that in mind. This is a local car (Fremont), no transportation -- so probably just a backup at the SC or with the DS's themselves. Still seems long.
Dec 28, 2015
mkjayakumar While that might be true and there is always someone who can afford $80k car and not owe $7500 to Uncle Sam , but those are edge cases (IMHO)�
Dec 28, 2015
andrewknight I ordered on 12/18 and was told early Jan including shipping from CA->GA. Have not heard any updates on the car since I ordered 10 days ago. Here is something that I don't understand, why is Tesla listing CPO cars that are not ready yet? Every other CPO program I have dealt with lists cars that are ready to go and have gone through all the inspections etc. The only thing they might need is a wash after sitting on the lots or going for test drives. It would seem to me that this is not a great customer experience to have to wait 3-4 weeks for a CPO car.
Dec 28, 2015
dhanson865 The car might be basically ready but if it is being shipped from CA to GA the shipping is your big hold up. Everybody and their uncle is shipping things right now and there aren't enough trucks available to ship everything at the same time.�
Dec 28, 2015
andrewknight I don't think shipping is the reason for the delay as I believe they will require me to pay for shipping once the car is ready and I have not been asked for this.
How long are other waiting for CPO cars that don't require shipping?
Dec 28, 2015
Errantpixel For a shipped car, cross-country, I don't think a two week ETA is out of the question. Quoting over a month for a local car (at the factory no less) however, seems somewhat absurd. My guess is that the Delivery Specialists are just about as in the dark as we are, information wise, and are hedging based on data from the service centers. Still, not an awesome experience so far, hoping that changes.�
Dec 28, 2015
vesder21 it's not shipping as i was dealing with a CPO 2 weeks ago and the service rep stated that a lot of the CPO's are listed on the website PRIOR to being inspected/parts swapped/repaired so once a deposit is made the turnaround to "inspect and fix" is usually 3 weeks +. if nothing has to be done then it can be delivered sooner.
the 85kw 2013 i was looking at had to have almost everything replaced so they quoted 3-4 weeks.�
Dec 28, 2015
Errantpixel That's the disconnect then. Anyone familiar with other mfg CPO process (or just used buying in general) would think the car is "ready" when the intent to sell/purchase is done, not waiting for someone to put money down on it before inspection/reconditioning. Interesting approach to inventory management.�
Dec 28, 2015
SmartElectric In our experience, we bought a used Mercedes and waited a few weeks for reconditioning. We traded that Mercedes for a CPO Tesla and waited 3 weeks. But Tesla did far more to recondition as they replaced brakes, tires, charging connector and rear lights!�
Dec 28, 2015
FlatSix911 CPO cars are really not a priority for Tesla right now.
They are putting all resources toward New deliveries to meet the YE15 target of 50,000.
As a stock holder and owner I fully support their priorities ... used cars can wait till 2016.�
Dec 28, 2015
sub Seems like it's the most efficient way for Tesla to offer CPO's right now, that may add to the discount they can give. It would take a lot of man hours to prep all those cars as soon as they are ready then wait who knows how long to sell. That could lead to more prep time ( at least external cleaning).�
Dec 28, 2015
Xpress It might well be shipping. It does take time to schedule a transport to deliver to your exact location. The ones I've dealt with in the past can take weeks depending on the time of year and the routing. They work on their own schedule and dealer usually has very little control over timing.�
Dec 28, 2015
flankspeed8 If it really is not their priority they should let their customers know this. When you are a $30 billion company you should have the resources to make it so and you can't just pick and choose priorities on a whim and leave people hanging. Why even get into the CPO market then in the first place if they are not going to do it right? Do CPO cars command six figures? No, but they are not chump change either and Tesla better treat people who are dropping $50-90k on a USED car better.�
Dec 28, 2015
Electric Joe I made a deposit on December 15 and am scheduled to go pick up the car at a SC in Ohio on December 30, this Wednesday.�
Dec 28, 2015
SmartElectric Tesla told them an estimated date, which is the proper information to communicate. Conjecture and guessing on this forum is just that.
The customers have an estimated date, they are not left hanging. Resources are spent/organized based on many priorities, revenue, safety, resource availability, vacations all feed in to proper management. Tesla seems to be getting things mostly right, and I personally have been thrilled with our CPO purchase earlier this year, and the service provided.
People with positive CPO purchase experience like me may be drowned out by negative experiences. I've been very active in this thread from the beginning, and I can state there are a lot more positive than negative experiences on the whole.
Why don't you buy now and stop waiting for the Model 3? That's what we did, and it's awesome to be driving a Tesla! Our CPO Tesla S 85 is a brilliant car, was a massive discount off new, it has 72000 km on it, and is running perfectly. Couldn't be happier with Tesla. There's no time like the present.
Just finished parking it in our 1920's era garage on a gravel floor, it's funny seeing two electric cars in a garage that old. The updated wiring and EVSE's sure look out of place compared to the old beams and single pane rolled glass windows.�
Dec 29, 2015
dgpcolorado I'm not seeing financing payments on the CPO site, at least not without going through the ordering and deposit process, so perhaps I'm missing something. I was curious so I called Tesla and was told that current CPO financing is typically 10% down, 72 months, interest in the mid 3% range, perhaps a bit less for high credit scores.�
Dec 29, 2015
MorrisonHiker As Hank said, they are only shown for Inventory models, not CPOs.
An example:
Dec 29, 2015
tmac indeed why dont you buy now? Congrats
Glad to know I am not alone!!
Model 3 timeline seems far away while CPO price keeps looking better�
Dec 30, 2015
Dilbagh I'm looking to buy a 85 CPO. There are two options that I really want. The rear parking sensors and the DRLs. Can anybody suggest on what would be the VIN cut-off for these options.�
Dec 30, 2015
DougH They dont just come with rear parking senors. You get "parking sensors" which is front and back, I think VIN 17K and higher it was an option and most cars with tech packaging have the DRL's.�
Dec 30, 2015
ecarfan If you are going to buy a CPO car, the car description on the Tesla CPO website will tell you whether the car has Parking Sensors or not (and as has been pointed out those sensors have always been front and rear).
DRLs came with the Tech Package option.
NOTE: there is no precise "VIN cutoff" for any option package because cars are not built in VIN order. In your case, look for cars built after mid 2013 or so.�
Dec 30, 2015
mkjayakumar Here is another one I am exchanging emails now, that still has not hit the CPO site:
85 KWh with AP, No other options
Manufacture date Dec, 2014
Mileage: 21k
Price: $63K
Thoughts ?�
Dec 30, 2015
mkjayakumar That is true if you are asking for an opinion on which option or trim level is better, because those are subjective preferences. Price though is a little more concrete.
In this case the equation is straightforward: it is a base S with 21k miles and a depreciation of $12k (with fed rebate factored in). I don't have much to compare against a base S depreciation, because most of the used ones have options and lots of it.�
Dec 30, 2015
Dilbagh Honestly, 12K doesn't seem enough for 21k miles. Did you factor in the $1000 referral.
Maybe there's a premium for AP at this point. Let 2016 roll in.�
Dec 30, 2015
KJD Have you searched the consolidator page for all the other 85's out there yet ?
I did a quick search for 2014 and 85 battery pack and then sorted it by price. What you are looking at is pretty close to this one.
85 kWh Model S P45043 | Tesla Motors
Now I really like the dark blue paint with the black leather interior but not everyone feels the same. I could also care less about AP 1.0 but hey thats just me.
My car has the pano roof and it sounds like the window is open at 70 mph even though it is shut, so having the solid roof looks pretty good also.
I guess what I am saying is compare the car you emailed about to this one and then decide which one is the best buy.�
Dec 30, 2015
mkjayakumar KJD - thanks.
Except the one you referenced does not have AP hardware. That's a $2500 software difference plus the AP hardware.�
Jan 3, 2016
dgpcolorado I noticed, to my surprise, that all the CPO cars listed on HankLloydRight's site have the "TP" tech package. Am I correct in assuming that it is added to cars that don't already have it, like Supercharging?�
Jan 3, 2016
HankLloydRight There are currently two S60s without Tech Package. Depending on VIN, not all things in the Tech Package are software. Power Liftgate, parking sensors, and folding mirrors are just three examples, I'm sure there are others.�
Jan 3, 2016
inramana Hi Guys,
Just started looking out for a CPO model S under 50k. Would love a 85 but I think I am limited to 60s. I keep reading about people getting notified of pre owned inventory before it shows up on the website. How does that work?
Keep eps up the good work, loads of good info here.�
Jan 4, 2016
AMPd Contact your local Service Center, they'll be able to give you info on models not listed on the site.�
Jan 4, 2016
Thats what I did and I told them what I want - bare-bones 85 with AP, and my sales advisor was able to find one that was still not listed on the CPO site. It is a 57K VIN 2014 bare-bones blue 85kWh & 21k miles on it
Interestingly when it hit the website a few days later, there was no mention of AP, but my adviser is certain that it has been mis-listed and has AP on it. And he believes that it is also priced incorrectly lower for the same reason. He did send me an internal screen shot that did list AP as one of the options.
We will see. Until someone walks over to the car and checks it out physically I will never know for certain.�
Jan 4, 2016
DougH That is because Tesla wants to charge $3K to activate it.�
Jan 4, 2016
mkjayakumar Not correct.
- If it lists, "Autopilot" then it is already activated and you don't need to pay extra.
- If it is says "AP hardware and sensors" (something to that effect) then it means activation is needed.
- If it says, 'Tech Package" then there are no AP sensors and car can never be upgraded to AP.�
Jan 4, 2016
taurusking Are you planning to buy this car? If it is in Dallas you can personally have a look at this car and see if it has auto-pilot hardware in it.�
Jan 4, 2016
mkjayakumar Yes.
It is in CA and I made the reservation subject to the condition that it indeed has AP with no additional software activation required.�
Jan 4, 2016
dgpcolorado Thanks, that helps. The reason I was wondering is that the tech package stuff isn't of interest to me and I was hoping that cars that don't have it would drop in price as those who wanted the latest tech gizmos � especially AP � traded up.
For me, tech package items are just more things to break that I don't need or want anyway. But it appears that most Model S cars were sold with a lot of options, including the tech package of the time.�
Jan 4, 2016
taurusking So based on your experience Douglas ..this is a good price for the specs?�
Jan 4, 2016
Cowby IMHO....I'd say yes if it's an Inventory, but CPO I'm not too I've been tracking prices for these types of specs, I'd say 83K, and that's at the most if this is a if only they'd give a little leeway, I'd be a 2 Tesla household now!�
Jan 4, 2016
Cowby Thanks for the clarification...release it back into the pool...I'll snatch it up if/when it gets down to my price.�
Jan 4, 2016
MsElectric Don't forget it will be depreciating every month regardless of miles.�
Jan 4, 2016
No2DinosaurFuel The P85+ with AP is a bit pricy IMO. Still like others have said, it's a rare combo so if you are really after the + with rear wheel drive and wants AP, then this might be the only option at this point. However, I have read the P85D and presumably the P90D drives similar or better compared to the P85+ in terms of corning and suspension and such. I cannot confirm myself because I have not driven any, but I think getting a P85D might be a better deal because it has AP already, faster acceleration, AWD, and same tires front and back so you can buy tires much easier than the different tires size of the P85+. I say fair price for the P85+ with AP would probably be low $70K given the market for it.�
Jan 4, 2016
Cowby rare is the P85+ with AP and RFS and fully loaded! that was the combo i was initially looking for in the very beginning...alas, they never showed up till 3-4 weeks ago, after I already got my car....maybe just never meant to be I for 70K, me thinks you're dreaming a bit as they'll surely get snatched up before going down to that price.�
Jan 4, 2016
i believe the number quoted was ~375 P85(+/-...(see what i did there? lol)) with rare? yes....add RFS and it's even more rare.�
Jan 4, 2016
ahurst What was the mileage on this unicorn?�
Jan 4, 2016
No2DinosaurFuel I think people have posted this already. Rare doesnt mean it is highly valued. Sure some might be willing to pay the price and if so i would recommend jump on it. But again baseball cards are rare. But are they highly valued? Probably not. $70K estimate is supply and demand. While it is true supply is small so is demand. Especially when there are plenty of more enticing options if you give up the plus.�
Jan 4, 2016
HankLloydRight Just reading some old posts. If anyone is keeping track of CPO depreciation, this P85+ started out at $105,250.
It's still listed for sale ---- for $81,000. :scared:�
Jan 4, 2016
MsElectric If they initially priced it at $90K they likely could have sold it for that price and they'd be $8K ahead by now. They need to get their initial pricing right so they are not sitting on an overpriced fast depreciating asset that would be worth even less in the future...
We are looking to buy a P85D and most of the pricing we have seen so far makes absolutely no sense as at those current prices We'd rather just buy new. This is what they did initially with some of the P85+ models and what has now necessitated in much larger price drops later...
Hopefully they will get better at their initial pricing and it will be better for Tesla and those looking to buy one.�
Jan 4, 2016
Can you see what 30135 sold for?, I think it was $79800?�
Jan 4, 2016
HankLloydRight It was last listed for $72,800... I don't have actual "sale prices".�
Jan 5, 2016
Dilbagh Lotsa cars added today.
Is there a way to mark particular cars as favorite on ev-cpo website. So that one can follow them over time.�
Jan 5, 2016
I've seen this happen quite often including just down the street from my house. A 2012 S85 very low vin# and an A battery (I've looked) with 21,042 miles. Used car lot wants $65,000 for it. It's been sitting there for 2+ years and was only recently brought down to that price. Small town, no chance of it moving at that price.�
Jan 5, 2016
taurusking Is it because it does not have auto pilot...and that's why it is not selling? Priced too high?�
Jan 5, 2016
HankLloydRight On the premium subscription, you can set an alert for any VIN, and be notified when the price changes.�
Jan 5, 2016
tga Lotsa cheap cars - several P85's in the 50's and some P85+'s in the low 60's (one <60)�
Jan 5, 2016
mn4az What are people's thoughts on buying a CPO "sight unseen" vs having real pictures sent to you and have the DS at the location of the CPO give you a verbal if anything is wrong?
I ask b/c I have missed out on some CPOs that I likely would have purchased but wanted someone to look at the car and send pictures of any defects. In one case this turned out well for me because there was upholstery damage on the pillar and I was told that it wouldn't be fixed - thus we didn't buy it.�
Jan 5, 2016
rog It's kind of interesting - the lowest prices seem to be in LA (saw 3 P85 < 55k over the last couple of days, all are gone already, and all were located in LA). Is that coincidence, or might there be a reason?
And wow, it looks like Tesla wants to (has to?) get rid of a lot of CPO inventory... today alone they added almost 100 new cars so far!�
Jan 5, 2016
SmartElectric We put down our $1000 deposit within 10 minutes our CPO S85 showed up on Tesla site (Thanks to Hanks app!).
Two days later, we went down to the local SC to look at the car in person.
Let's just say we were underwhelmed. The previous owner had large dogs, and no interest in keeping the car clean.
The previous owner had not completed standard maintenance items, basically he just drove it for two years, and traded it in on a newer Tesla.
Tesla proceeded to spend 3 weeks fully reconditioning the car. They installed new : tires, brakes, brake lights, UMC (aka charging cord).
Tesla didn't fix two minor "wear/tear" items we identified, but we accepted car.
On subsequent visit a few weeks later, they picked up our car from our driveway and gave us a P85 loaner. They finished maintenance including titanium battery shield and putting on the S85 badge.
Car runs and looks great.
Couldn't be happier.
That said, we do live only 20 km from the SC, so it was very easy to check on the condition of the CPO we reserved prior to proceeding with the purchase.�
Jan 5, 2016
Twiglett There are also an amazing number for <60K - 80-90 of them, last time I looked�
Jan 5, 2016
MsElectric That's likely the sweet spot for many people looking to buy a CPO car...�
Jan 5, 2016
mrjedistud Agree with the comment. Any 85 or p85 at $60k or less seems to fly. I pulled the trigger on one just a hair over $60k. Good luck everyone.�
Jan 5, 2016
lovingit Do people still want cars with the first generation seats and NO autopilot?�
Jan 5, 2016
ecarfan At the right price they definitely do! Every Model S is an awesome car.�
Jan 5, 2016
DougH They're selling aren't they?.�
Jan 5, 2016
No2DinosaurFuel Glad we are seeing prices that are more in line with what they should be valued at. Proof is in the number of cars disappearing at the right price. Curious why i dont see any 85D. They should be 2014 cars or later. I guess i will have to wait for more Xs to be made before seeing any 85Ds. Good prices for those who would like to jump now. I still have a year or so to wait before I can take the plunge.�
Jan 5, 2016
DougH older cars with miles yes, but the good fast cars are still way over priced.�
Jan 6, 2016
MsElectric The Ds are about to show up in greater numbers on the CPO Web site so if you are looking to buy a D, just hang tight for a few months. Realize current Tesla production is about 70% AWD. So given time, the majority if CPO cars available for sale as CPO will also be Ds with Autopilot. It's good you can wait a year because by then there will be a nice selection of Ds for you to choose from.�
Jan 6, 2016
Cyclone So I asked again today and even mentioned other forum members got a positive response, but I was told that no, I cannot get the service history of my car prior to my ownership. I was told this is to protect the prior customer's information. Asking them to manually print them out, mark out the customer info, and photocopy that (so I couldn't read through the marker) and that was rejected as well. Compared to MB or Toyota, Tesla doesn't have a way to print a history without it also included the customer info on the front page. Until such time that changes, they won't budge for me.
Jan 6, 2016
DougH I understand you wanting the car history, but does it really matter?, your CPO car will have full warranty and any issues will be resolved. If the car was not a CPO with no warranty then I could understand it being an issue.�
Jan 6, 2016
Cyclone I still have no clue when to perform the next round of maintenance on it because I do not know when the coolant was drained (if ever). I also haven't gotten clear pics of the titanium shield to see if it is installed on my car. I went ahead and changed the wipers myself, but wonder if I should just change the cabin filter since I cannot tell when it was last done. When to get my brakes flushed was a concern, but after they replaced all my brakes a few month ago, that basically restarted the 2-year clock there.�
Jan 6, 2016
MsElectric Of course it matters. On so many levels. No car dealer, with all the underhanded things they do, would ever withhold the service history of the car if requested. That is a pretty low bar to meet indeed.
I'm glad that Tesla is now providing the service history for CPO cars when requested and this policy was not there last year. This is a welcome change to be transparent about the cars they sell.
They should share this information with Cyclone. Solely on a matter of principle there's something really condescending and wrong about the concept of withholding the service history of the car from the owner of the car. It just wreaks of arrogance and is just plain bad policy.�
Jan 6, 2016
Cyclone I was told such sharing is against policy and that if other centers are sharing history, they are doing so against the book.�
Jan 6, 2016
Zaphod It's disconcerting that there still continues to be such wildly different experiences when it comes to service records. Some people can get them with little to no effort other than asking. But apparently for whatever reason, you are having such difficulties. I wonder why that is? Your request seems reasonable and your proposed solution doesn't seem to be unreasonable either. Clearly all services centers/showrooms across the country are not operating congruent.
Is there an official policy regarding this?�
Jan 6, 2016
DougH Tesla should be telling you this info as it's important to car maintenance, I am sure they will inform you of these needs if you ask?, if they don't and something happens to the car that is on them.�
Jan 6, 2016
Cyclone No-go. I asked before. Got a run around. Hence why I want the service records.�
Jan 6, 2016
DougH Have you tried calling the mothership and discussing this issue with them?�
Jan 6, 2016
JPUConn Two S60's just dropped for sub $40k.
I am tempted to jump on the blue one with pano and tan leather for $35,7 that has 58k miles and no tech package.�
Jan 6, 2016
Cyclone No. Is that 844-248-3752 ?
- - - Updated - - -
If anyone reading here bought the P85 Vin 8832 old dark blue without pano (it popped up briefly this morning), be sure that Tesla fixes the hail damage to the hood. I drove that car before it was traded in. Good car and well cared for!�
Jan 6, 2016
No2DinosaurFuel Yup. Looks really tempting for a starter car, but heh 60s are really worthless in my view. Especially with those mileage. The warranty is about 1/2 there already and this doesnt have much else. I think the 60s shouldve been this price all along. Hopefully we see more of them at this price in the coming months.
But tempting!�
Jan 6, 2016
Saw those also, looks like they may be gone already...
I'm really trying to wait for a sub $60k CPO or Inventory with Auto Pilot to hold me over until the Model 3 comes out, but if I see a CPO S60 for less than $35k I might jump on it...�
Jan 6, 2016
JPUConn Yep the blue one I wanted sold before I got to it.
I'm in the same boat - waiting for a mid $60's Dual Motor car with AP.
My thought is driving a $35k Tesla while I waited for that to be reality is better than my current Accord even if it doesn't have all the options I really want, and I think I could sell for close to that price private party with the CPO warranty even after a year when the used Dual Motor prices drop.�
Jan 6, 2016
dgpcolorado I have little use for autopilot where I live since the nearest multilane highway is 30 miles away and the only freeway is 95 miles away, so it wouldn't work on the roads I drive regularly. Helpful for occasional long trips but that's it.
As for the seats, what's the difference between old ones and new ones? Just curious. Regardless, those on a tight budget can't get too picky...
Jan 6, 2016
mn4az Others can chime in but it appears that somewhere between VIN33xxx and VIN38xxx the seats got more comfy.�
Jan 6, 2016
dhanson865 considering my main car has a 24 kWh battery I'd consider even a degraded 60 kWh a big upgrade.
But it'd have to be at a big discount compared to a 70D. I'd really like to have autopilot and dual motors. So a 60 that doesn't have the goodies would have to be cheap to make someone jump.�
Jan 6, 2016
mkjayakumar I just ordered a CPO 2014 S85 with AP, Vin 57K for a little over $60K�
Jan 6, 2016
rog Nice, congrats - found via Tesla Sales guy? Didn't see that specific model listed :smile:�
Jan 6, 2016
DougH No, its 867-5309�
Jan 6, 2016
mn4az Nice! Besides the 85wKh battery and AP what else did it have?�
Jan 6, 2016
mkjayakumar No it was not listed initially. My sales guy pulled it internally and when it eventually hit the website it was incorrectly listed as not having AP.�
Jan 6, 2016
patt0n That's a great price, and that never even hit my alerts! Was it hidden or an inventory car? I would have expected the listing to hit my alerts
Jan 6, 2016
There's a red one listed on Seattle's craigslist�
Jan 6, 2016
andrewknight I got confirmation today that my order from 12/18 has still not shipped and no shipping date has been given! DS told me today they are now expecting the car to be ready mid January. I had to go rent a car today. Ugh.
I agree that listing CPO cars as soon as they are turned in is the most efficient way to manage inventory but it does not lead to a great customer experience.
Jan 6, 2016
FlatSix911 I would consider the seating to be the most important option of all ... the largest point of contact with your body when driving. :wink:
The next generation seats (NGS) are really great and I would not buy a CPO car without them ... or add them after your purchase.�
Jan 6, 2016
mmd No kidding! As I've said before on this thread, that's where the S60s with some good miles on them should be, if Tesla wants them sold.
So is this the new record for lowest priced CPO S60? I think, previous record was at $42,900.�
Jan 6, 2016
playoutside Yes, the two S60's that sold today were the cheapest recorded CPO's by $6-7K. I had the gray one in my "cart" for 10 minutes while I contemplated buying it, but I figured I'd wait until I can get a P85 in the $40's, which shouldn't be too much longer.
My Tesla rep told me the trade in values are so low because they can build new ones for the same price as buying a two year old used one, so it doesn't make sense for them to give customers more for a well used car than the factory for a new one.�
Jan 7, 2016
MsElectric P85s have already sold for the $50Ks so the $40Ks should happen this year.
Also agree with the sentiment that $40s is what the S60s should have been to begin with. Whenever they price it around that range they sell or otherwise they sit.
2015 is going to be really exciting for those holding out for a D as their pricing should become more realistic later this year as well. Unlike the current pricing that's just about the cost of a new car.
By next year the CPO market is likely going to double. It would make sense for Tesla to price these cars correctly from the get go and have them set there and depreciate as that's what happened to many of their P85+ cars that are now seeing $20K discounts. We have our eyes on a P85D at the moment and we are ready to buy it as soon as the pricing makes sense for a used car but at the moment it is priced too close to a new car to make any sense buying.�
Jan 7, 2016
No2DinosaurFuel Sounds like i was right all along. Tesla and their money losing business practices. With those buy back guarantee i guess they are realizing it is not sustainable. Ultimately the market determines the price not tesla... Unless you are the chinese governement. LOL.�
Jan 7, 2016
MsElectric This too is what I've said all along. The market will set the prices for these cars and it will cost them if they try to artificially control the market. Those P85+ cars were priced in the $100Ks for quite a while and now they will have to discount them a lot more than they could have sold those cars for last year.�
Jan 7, 2016
rog I'm generally wondering what is going on at the moment: we are seeing a flood of new CPOs coming in, with much less pricing than before. Based on ev-cpo, inventory is selling like crazy. Is Tesla waking up? Or are they trying to clean out CPO inventory because something new is coming, and they know that demand for current CPOs will drop because of e.g. a refreshed model S will be available soon? Combined with the fact that production of new S seems to be slowed down substantially, I have a feeling that something is going on ( in addition to ramping up production for X) - don't really think Tesla all of a sudden realized that they overpriced their CPOs...�
Jan 7, 2016
Jan 7, 2016
mrjedistud Agree on the P85+. I am seeing very little difference in price between P85s and +'s. Maybe just a few thousand. I always assumed that +'s were better that P85s, similar to how a P85 is better than an 85, but now am of the opinion that they are just different, each having their pros and cons.
For myself, even though there was a comparable + for about $2k more, I opted for the P85. Purely preference.�
Jan 7, 2016
dhanson865 Chevy Bolt in late 2016, announced this week. Looks like it will have a 60-70 kWh battery under $40,000 before rebates.
Tesla Model 3 announcing in March, they'll have to drop the prices on Model S CPOs once they start taking orders and name lower pricing on Model 3.
There isn't a ton of time before the Model 3 reveal to get things in order. I'd expect steady price drops between now and June.
Also consider the Model S new situation. If the Model 3 and Chevy Bolt and Nisan leaf 2 are taking the low end with 60 kWh or larger batteries who will want to buy a S70? Tesla will likely bump the base Model S up another 5 or 10 kWh this year. I'm thinking 10 on the low end and 5 on the high giving us:
2015 Model S70
2015 Model S90
2016 Model S80 (or possibly S75)
2016 Model S95
What will happen to the price of a S60 or S85 with no AP when the base model is a S80 with AP?�
Jan 7, 2016
No2DinosaurFuel Price will be as follows:
without AP
S60 - Low $30K. Remember Model S is still a luxury car
S85 - Low $40K or even mid $30K
P85 - Low $40K or high $30K for those lucky individual�
Jan 7, 2016
Dynastar With "200" mile range and a significantly smaller car then the S the Bolt pack is in the 50-55 range. Even the S60 has a 208 mile EPA range.�
Jan 7, 2016
dgpcolorado And how much would it cost to add them? I will assume that it is possible, as you suggest.
The whole business of "no CPO should be purchased without..." seems to be coming from the "money is no object" perspective. If one has to stretch to afford a CPO, compromises are necessary. I am fortunate, perhaps, that most of the options that are so valued here at TMC are of no interest to me. But I agree with you the comfortable seats would be nice, although comfort can be a very personal and variable thing.
My main requirement is 19 inch wheels, given where I live (mountains, dirt roads). I also have a strong preference for "body color" roof versus pano and regular suspension versus "SAS", both because they strike me as less extensive to maintain and the pano roof, in particular, holds zero appeal. I also have no use for the various iterations of the Tech Package but it doesn't matter much one way or the other.
In short, I would like the Tesla version of a "stripper" but realize that almost none were ordered that way. The car that caught my eye this morning was P41050, which would be ideal if the price were lower, but given very low mileage � 6746 � I'm not surprised that it is listed at $52,100. Almost no options and even the white color would be nice. If some of the speculation about pricing upthread turns out to be true, perhaps similar cars will eventually be in the low to mid $40s.
I'll leave the fancy, loaded, cars for the rest of you! :smile:�
Jan 7, 2016
dhanson865 They list it as having a 7.7KW charger and a full charge taking 9 hours. That points to well north of 60 kWh.
The Bolt will have much worse aerodynamics than a Model S thus it won't have a correspondingly smaller pack.�
Jan 7, 2016
KJD That one is very tempting. The only down side to that car is the location (DC) and they would probably charge you 1500$ to ship it to Denver.
I would agree with you that most of those high dollar options add very little functionality to the car.�
Jan 7, 2016
DougH That is a stripped 60 how is that tempting?�
Jan 7, 2016
KJD It's a 2014 with low miles and the color combination is good.
If I had my car paid for, I would go buy this one for the wife.�
Jan 7, 2016
cab A friend of mine just picked up a new 85D. After debating options for quite a while he decided that at the end of the day the only options he really needed were nextgen seats and upcharge color, no pano, no air, no upgraded stereo, no bigger rims, etc. He realized that, at the end of the day, the car itself was the big draw and as a tech guy autopilot was a must....everything else was just unnecessary.�
Jan 7, 2016
Dilbagh I called my local store at San Diego asking for more info on CPO cars that are hidden/not yet listed as mentioned by many on this forum. The owner advisor just plain said there is nothing like that. The only list of the cars they have access to is the CPO website.
I wonder how others have managed to get that info from them. Are there any SoCal stores that anybody has a contact at that I could reach out to.�
Jan 7, 2016
HankLloydRight Call a different store. I know they aren't listing all the CPOs or Inventory cars on their site. Many people have found un-listed cars.�
Jan 7, 2016
sitter_k And where do you see the prices for the D's with and without AP?�
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