Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 11, 2016

Model S Delivery Dates and Sequencing part 19

  • Nov 16, 2015
    Just look at the prices of 2014 P85 CPO vehicles. Add about $10-15K to those prices and that's about where the P85D prices will be next year.

    Be patient :) P85D prices have nowhere to go but down.
  • Nov 16, 2015
    I am trying to be patient. I am just tired of driving a CRV :crying:
  • Nov 16, 2015
    Tell me about it. I've got over 18.5 years in my CR-V...and hope to be in a Tesla before I hit 19 in April!
  • Nov 16, 2015
    good god, I have been in mine since August. As fun as it is to drive I am over it.
  • Nov 16, 2015
    Yep, I'm also doing my best to be patient. Here, an 85D would be ideal for snow and ice, but not at today's prices. I'll continue to tolerate having to put state-mandated snow chains on a 2WD car provided it's cheap enough (ideally in the $40s). While I'm thankful for the LEAF and Prius that we are currently driving, and I still enjoy the LEAF for local driving, a Tesla will really be a welcomed step up for our family.
  • Nov 16, 2015
    There are several 85D's in the 82K to 90K range on I doubt prices will go much lower than that for a year or so. We are about a year into the P85D and prices are still high.
  • Nov 16, 2015
    I really wonder if it's wise if Tesla depreciates their cars quickly as some of us hope they will. For us first-time buyers, the more the prices are depressed, the better but for those who want to trade in or resale, the more depressed the prices, the worse off they are. So I feel that Tesla would do better to prop up prices of the used Teslas so that current, and more importantly potential, owners are not feeling like they bought a quickly depreciating asset. I don't know how Tesla depreciation compares to comparable ICE cars but the market will eventually decide what the "correct" price-points are. As a potential buyer, I would love to get a great deal but would that great deal turn into a bad deal when I try to sell it down the line?
  • Nov 16, 2015
    What makes you think that Tesla has any control over how much the cars depreciate? A premium luxury car is a quickly depreciating asset. Always has been. Always will be as within a year or two something better will be available and this pace of innovation will be even higher for EVs. It has barely been a year and the P85D has already been eclipsed by the P90D as the ultimate in EV performance and who knows what next year will bring...

    A P85D depreciates about $1700 each month for about the first year or so and this is the reason that a P85D costs about that much each month to lease. The issue with the current CPO pricing is that IMHO actual depreciation is not fully reflected in the listed prices. The listed prices barely take into account about $10,000 in rebates. Then you consider a CPO car with options that you may not even want and it makes more sense to buy new and just pay for the options you want.

    With the current CPO pricing, they are hoping people will pay more. And some I am sure may just do that but I bet there are many others waiting on the sidelines. Sooner or later used Model S prices will settle around the price of a used Mercedes S Class with perhaps about a 10% premium for the Tesla but not much more than that. The used Tesla market is still developing as the supply increases. To put that in perspective realize that next year Tesla plans to build as many cars as they did since pretty much the inception of the company and those cars are eventually going to hit the used market and essentially double it within the next year or two.

    Yes, they can attempt to control the market by setting prices and controlling inventory but at the end of the day the market will set the prices.

    As for your conundrum about what would happen when you later sell the used car you buy, realize you are buying a premium luxury car. It is not an investment and it is a quickly depreciating asset. Just look up a 3-5 year old S Class and perhaps add a 10-15% premium to that to have some idea about what a used Model S of that age might fetch.

    Whether new or slightly used, you have to pay to play as the depreciation will be quite high...
  • Nov 16, 2015
    One could buy a brand new 85D for that much... Agree with MsElectric that these are "premium" cars and are bound to depreciate at some point. And for a savings of $20K, I'll be willing to install tire chains on an S-85 now and then. My time is valuable, but not that valuable.
  • Nov 16, 2015
    Jo- also has a P85 for 40K- scam/fake/fraudulent...of course it is. I am another waiting for the CPO program to match my budget, and would have a really hard time purchasing from a private party. Not for this car, no way.
  • Nov 16, 2015
    We're all speculating on where/when prices will go. Nobody knows with certainty and maybe some of the guesses will pan out but it's still a guessing game. I certainly hope prices will fall more for my own benefit but if an asset depreciates quickly in the beginning, presumably its value later on is less than an asset that doesn't depreciate as quickly. For a new car buyer, obviously they know that the car depreciates as soon as you take delivery, probably even before the ink is dry! It's a question of how much and how quickly. Tesla can control the depreciation by setting the price at which they sell the CPOs. They don't negotiate as far as I know and if there are willing buyers, then the cars move; otherwise, the cars sit and they start discounting as we've seen from the price history on HLR's ev-cpo site.
  • Nov 16, 2015
    All things being equal, I would actually prefer to purchase from a private party as long as the selling price is reasonable. There is a distinct advantage in purchasing a car from a private party. You get to meet the previous owner of the car and get some sense as to how it was used. The biggest benefit is that you can buy a 2015 Model S with an Extended Warranty good until 2023 by purchasing from a private party. With a CPO 2015 Model S the warranty will run out in 2019 with no way to extend it. We keep our cars about 6-8 years so for us the lack of CPO warranty extension makes a private purchase much more attractive since we wouldn't want to own a Model S (or any high end car for that matter) out of warranty.

    As long as you check the CarFax, have the car pre-purchase inspected at a high end body shop for any possible past damage, and then take the car over to a Tesla Service Center with the original owner and have them pull up and go over the full service and repair history of the car a private purchase can be just as good, if not better than a CPO car. IMHO anyone buying a used Tesla, private party or CPO should do those 3 things I suggested as a part of your due diligence.
  • Nov 17, 2015
    Hmm, we feel the exact opposite. We want the "new" car feeling, so we don't want to know or need to deal with anything of the previous owner.

    Our CPO was in the kind of shape you'd call "well loved" (well used might be more apt).

    Tesla took it from that condition to near-new in three weeks, and when we took possession, it was just like having a new car. New tires, brakes, charging equipment, all maintenance (titanium shield, etc) name it.

    Given how robust (to say the least!) the Tesla Model S is, how overbuilt the components, there just isn't the same sense that a previous owner "babied" or "hammered" the car. No way to know.

    We have an early 2013, "A" pack battery, but the range "loss" is very minimal, so who knows or cares what the previous owner did, the drive train is solid and well within tolerance/norms.

    My 2c.
  • Nov 17, 2015
    Nice 85D just added.
  • Nov 17, 2015
    Does it have AP?
  • Nov 17, 2015
    33 cars removed from the site.....WHAT IS HAPPENING?!!!
  • Nov 17, 2015
    One sold, and looks like they pulled off 32 cars -- ALL Inventory cars which were just added 4 days ago. Interesting and odd.

    Either adding them in was in error, or someone changed their minds about listing that many Inventory cars on their site.

    - - - Updated - - -

    13 of these cars were P90DL cars with pretty low miles. I wonder why they decided to remove them?
  • Nov 17, 2015
    Maybe they are just refreshing the available inventory. I am picking up my CPO at the end of this week. When I was deciding on a car, the CPO specialist told me that the site really only has about 60% to 70% of total inventory. They don't put them all on the site.
  • Nov 18, 2015
    You do realize that with a CPO car that you still will be implicitly dealing with whatever happened to the car under the previous owner right? If you buy a CPO car and learn the previous owner did a bad paint job on the car, that's now on you.

    4 new tires will cost around $1K and I'd be surprised with regen if you need new brakes after just a year or two of driving. Our ICE cars can go 4-5 years between brake pad replacements.

    My biggest point about the benefit of buying from a private party has to do with warranty coverage. For a 2015 car, we'd much rather have an extended warranty cover the car until 2023 than buy a CPO car with the warranty running out in 2019 and no way to extend that. If you switch cars prior to 4 years this might not be a big deal but since we keep our cars longer the warranty coverage is a really big deal for us.

    In any case the CPO cars are a great purchase options for a used Model S. I just wanted to point out that there are tangible benefits on buying a private party car as well. All things being equal, we'd opt to buy from a private party solely on the account of a private party car purchase having much longer warranty coverage.

    Whether you buy CPO or from a private party, do your due diligence and go over the car carefully.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Wish they would stop this game of musical chairs with the cars. Potential buyers may have exacting exterior color, seat color, and option package preferences. It is silly to reduce the inventory so a customer may no longer be able to find the car they need because it is now "hidden." I guess all the more reason to visit a local Tesla store to check the inventory but it is silly to have to go to a Tesla store to look at the inventory when it should be on their Web site...
  • Nov 18, 2015
    Come on tesla release a few CPO D's under 100K!.....geeeez
  • Nov 18, 2015
    Douglas, I am genuinely and seriously concerned for your health. I'm not sure how much longer you can last...

    The CPO 85Ds are already in the mid $80s so you can either get one of those or if you want to get a P85D for the mid $90Ks you will likely have to wait until next year for that. So you either need to buy what is available now or be patient for about 6 months.

    I feel the 2015 CPO models are somewhat excessively priced like you but Tesla is trying to get as much money as possible for their CPO cars and you can't really blame them for that. If they can move those 2015 cars at those prices good for them and they certainly need the money. It just means you and i will get our cars a bit later when the prices come down, and they will.

    So you should either pay up now or be patient so you can pay less later.
  • Nov 18, 2015
    I like the D that is currently for sale but I hate grey seats and I am not a fan of glossy black interior. If I have not found a car by 12.15 then I am just going to order a new one.
  • Nov 18, 2015
    Is that 12:15 AM tonight or December 15th? :)
  • Nov 18, 2015
  • Nov 18, 2015
  • Nov 19, 2015
    All the 85D's are listed with S85 specs. The 0-60 is incorrect, too.
  • Nov 19, 2015
    I would love 295 miles at 65 mph in my S85! :)
  • Nov 19, 2015
    Come on Tesla, put some D's out there. Preferably a P85D, grey with black leather, air, roof, 21" grey, spoiler, red calipers for under $100K :wink:
  • Nov 19, 2015
    Just saw massive price drops come across on 186 cars... Too many to list -- looks like an average of about $6k drop in price on most cars in the system.

    - - - Updated - - -

    This P85+ dropped by $18k, and is already gone: EV CPO Consolidator

    There are a few cars dropped $10k and $11k, but most reductions are in the $4k to $8k range.
  • Nov 19, 2015
  • Nov 19, 2015
    Yup.. $13k price drop.
  • Nov 19, 2015
    Maybe my begging is doing good for once:rolleyes:

    - - - Updated - - -

    Browns are damn sexy in person, especially with grey 21"s

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    The one car I have been watching went down $6K. I thought that I would jump but without AP I am just not interested and the resale in a year would still be awful.
  • Nov 19, 2015
    Had I not bought in May, I would have bought this one.
  • Nov 19, 2015
    I am surprised its not gone yet. There should be lots of pissed recent cpo buyers who recently paid more for s60 or s85 than this p85+. Wish i had waited a bit to pull the trigger on my inventory 85d.
  • Nov 19, 2015
    I will try to make you feel better.

    With a 2013 if you are getting a loan it will be considered used and not new so your rate will be higher. It's a low VIN which means it will most likely be pron to more issues.....sunroof rattles, seat rattles, dashboard rattles, uncomfy seats, DU failures and many more issues. And it probably has an A battery.

    I went from a 57K VIN down to a 12K VIN and I could not off load that car fast enough.

    HOWEVER it's still only $60K!
  • Nov 19, 2015
    Someone PLEASE buy this and make it a reality! Wow!
  • Nov 19, 2015
    My VIN is lower, at delivery had more miles than the P85+ in question, has more options, almost the same price, and my loan is 1.49%. Seriously, I would have bought this car without hesitation.
  • Nov 19, 2015
    Well then buy it and sell your 85.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Do you know around what VIN number they started using the new turn signal stocks?...I am not a fan of the high cruise control stock.
  • Nov 19, 2015
    About time they reduced these to P85+ to $60K. Looks like price drop soon for the other cars. Still I wouldn't pull the trigger on the P85+ for me because I don't care about the performance and do want to pay for the different size tires. I am still waiting on a decent 85D.
  • Nov 19, 2015
    13083 will have a B battery.
  • Nov 20, 2015
    Excellent price drops on these P85(+)'s in the US.

    In Europe they decided that wasn't a good idea, and the INCREASED the price of most of the CPO's they have, though admittedly there aren't a lot of them. They did this in light of the price increase that is scheduled for the next 2 weeks on new cars?
  • Nov 20, 2015
    CPO in Europe?!?!?
    Where is the list?
  • Nov 20, 2015
    When the AP hardware was introduced in Sept 2014. I believe the VINs are roughly around 46k (VINs are not in production sequence though, so it can vary). 13k definitely will have the classic stalks with cruise up top.
  • Nov 20, 2015
    Ummm.. Aren't they "stalks" and not "stocks"? I've never heard them called "stocks" before.
  • Nov 20, 2015
    Autocorrect typo. :( I do most of my browsing on mobile.
  • Nov 20, 2015
    If only this car was used for CPO reference pricing...
  • Nov 20, 2015
    My 15xxx Inventory/Loaner/Demo car which had 8000 miles on it when I got it shows exactly none of those problems, and definitely does NOT have an A battery.
  • Nov 20, 2015
    Wow you are amazing
  • Nov 20, 2015
    <doc brown>
    Not me, the car!
    </doc brown>

    I'm just saying, no need for the FUD on early VIN cars.
  • Nov 20, 2015
    I agree. If someone was holding out to get a P85+ the pricing finally makes sense.

    Very surprised no one has yet snatched up this 2013 P85+ nicely loaded for only $62K. They were selling S60 and S85s for that price until recently!
  • Nov 20, 2015
    I would think that it is priced low because of the color. Tesla stopped producing that color - and I would guess because they were not selling many to justify production. If you don't care about color or you like brown, this car is a steal. But I would think most who spend $60K for a car, even it is a used/CPO, would want a specific color. I limited my choices to MC Red with a black interior....and I will be on my way to pick it up this time tomorrow......Time is going by soooooo slow...
  • Nov 20, 2015
    Which is a shame. I've seen brown a couple times in person and it is a gorgeous color. But yes, different from the black, red, white common colors across all cars.
  • Nov 20, 2015
    The color might have had a small part in that but I think it was a combination of things including the high mileage, no spoiler etc...
  • Nov 20, 2015
    Gray interior and brown exterior bring that car down at least 5k.
  • Nov 20, 2015
    I didn't see that. I agree.....It's going to be someone unique (or color blind) who buys that car....
  • Nov 20, 2015
    Exactly. Our 06xx early VIN came via CPO earlier this year and has been near perfect. Tesla made everything right by us. And we do have an 'A' battery with better range than many who post here. Great cars these!
  • Nov 20, 2015
    I am actually very surprised more cars have not been sold.
  • Nov 20, 2015
    Well the brown p85+ is gone, someone got a great deal.
  • Nov 20, 2015
    It was black and brown. As much as I do not like tan, the brown exterior and tan leather looks really well on the Tesla's.
  • Nov 20, 2015
    A good option for someone wanting to do a full color wrap or dip.
  • Nov 20, 2015
    I kinda like the brown color, in person it looks really nice.
    However I still prefer my classic blue! Nothing beats it!
  • Nov 20, 2015
    I think everyone has said the brown looks good, it's the gray seats that make the car look silly. I think this person's kid got a hold of the family iPad and decided to order a Frankenstein Tesla.
  • Nov 20, 2015
    Right now there is an 85D on there for $13,500 off new price ($6000 difference after you take into account tax rebate) with only ~3500 miles on it. Looks like a good deal, but is it just me or is that tan leather interior really ugly with the white headliner?

    Everything about that car is what I'd like, except those seats. Black would look so much better with that interior.

    Model S 85D 086737 | Tesla Motors
  • Nov 20, 2015
    I'm gonna be jealous of whoever orders that Sig Red on the CPO site. wish I could afford it
  • Nov 20, 2015
    The car had black performance seats with the red piping.
    I agree the grey and brown does not match well.
    For my next Model S I'll definitely be going with either grey or black interior and black headliner, on a blue or red exterior
  • Nov 21, 2015
    Tan is my favorite interior leather color as I feel it makes the interior seem warm and inviting. White headliner totally works for me though. I generally like lighter interior in general.
  • Nov 21, 2015
    Which is why it is good we have choices. I cannot stand the tan seats and would get gray or black regardless of exterior color. If I was ordering new, it would be titanium, gray seats, white headliner. Thankfully, we get such choices! :)
  • Nov 21, 2015
    So glad we have choices. I cannot stand grey or tan seats but do love a white headliner :wink:
  • Nov 21, 2015
    Good to have choices but in light of this car and its price...

    Biggest CPO discount from new yet?

    it's going to be hard to pull the trigger on a CPO until the other cars are priced relative to this deal.
  • Nov 21, 2015
    That was a sweet ass car but it wasn't that great of a deal. We all have our options of cars but I personally would never own a low VIN again no matter how cheap it is.
  • Nov 21, 2015
    Cheapest "+" by ~$10k and cheaper than 261 of 263 currently listed cars. Seems like a great deal. And it was a five digit VIN, not that low.
  • Nov 21, 2015
    The whole "low VIN thing" seems a bit overblown to me.

    My car is P04093. Mfg January 2013. It still has a "B" pack, and it has had the underbody plate and door handle replacement under warranty. To me, it stacks up well to the current Model S except for features added later (all wheel drive, folding mirrors, parking sensors, autopilot, next gen seats, LTE data).

    I have come to the conclusion that the most economical way to add these features to my life is to just KEEP the car I have, and get my wife a new Model X in a couple of years that has these things.
  • Nov 21, 2015
    Sounds like a good plan to me. The 2012 Model S that I have brings a smile to my face every time I open the garage door.

    As soon as I can get this one paid for I will start the saving for a new 85D to park next to the 2012.
  • Nov 22, 2015
    Come on Tesla release some CPO D's!
  • Nov 22, 2015
    Just FYI -- Tesla changed something on their site causing the consolidator not to capture the updates. I'm traveling this weekend, and I tried to fix it quickly, but to no avail. I will give it more attention tomorrow when I get back in the office with proper tools. I'll also extend any subscribers an extra week for the outage (since about midnight this morning).
  • Nov 22, 2015
    Be sure to also keep an eye on eBay. P85Ds are now starting to sell in the $95-105K range on eBay.

    Here's an almost completely loaded P85D that recently sold for $95K. Less than 500 miles and it has only been in use for barely 4 months. Someone got a great deal for an almost pristine condition P85D for $95K and they could have bought this private party car with 8 years of full warranty coverage rather than the 4 offered with the CPO program..

    Still the CPO P85Ds seem to be excessively priced but keep an eye out as reasonable deals are out there. If you are looking to buy a CPO P85D wait a bit longer and prices should be in the $95-105K range soon.
  • Nov 22, 2015
    Yeah, I *love* that brown. And this car would be a definite consideration if I knew for sure I'd be in the US soon. Imagine it won't stick around long.

    But agree, hard to accept anything without AP right now.

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    Yeah, as a huge fan of this brown (and also the green), it is disappointing that those were pulled. Definitely a pro to buying CPO for me. But dat Autopilot...

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    Jeez. Wh-wh-whyyyy?
  • Nov 22, 2015
    OMG, he forgot to click the Tech Package (AP) when he purchase the car?
  • Nov 22, 2015
    The Monrooney with the auction notes it includes all the sensors. So this is likely a car packaged after the elimination of the tech package, but either way, it can be activated for $3k given all the hardware is there. As a side note, it's noted as being part of an estate sale. I feel bad that the purchaser didn't get the opportunity to enjoy the vehicle :(
  • Nov 22, 2015
    A whole bunch of what used to be in the Tech Package is now standard and free. This is the window sticker for the P85D that sold for $95K. With a MSRP of $121K it is pretty nicely loaded and it seems to only lack Air Suspension and Autopilot but Autopilot can be enabled I believe for $3K after delivery. For a car that is barely 3 months old at $95K this is the best priced P85D that I have seen so far. Basically a $26K discount for a 3 month old car. If anyone is looking to buy a P85D look around and most of all be patient as there are good deals out there.

  • Nov 24, 2015
    Question about the CPO purchase process for those who have already bought: Is it possible to handle the entire transaction electronically and then just pick up the car. Or are hardcopy documents and wet signatures still required? The last car I purchased (Lexus) was delivered to my home on a flatbed. I never set foot in the dealership or even spoke to a sales person as everything was handled via email. I did have to sign documents that the driver of the flatbed brought with the car. I'm wondering if Tesla just let's customers docusign the purchase contract and other docs? Thanks for your input on this.
  • Nov 24, 2015
    My CPO was delivered to my house on a flatbed. The driver had an inspection form and delivery acceptance along with a due-bill list. The only paper outside of delivery docs was at my lender.
  • Nov 24, 2015
    No pano I see
  • Nov 24, 2015
    Yeah too bad it lacked the Pano Roof and Air Suspension or otherwise we might have jumped in :) I just wanted to point out that there are good deals out there for those looking to buy a P85D.

    I bet the market for P85Ds and D models in general will expand significant over the next 6-12 months.
  • Nov 24, 2015
    I picked up at delivery center, most of the documents and financial transactions were completed on Tesla website before delivery. I think I signed a few things on iPad (don't remember what, I was so excited checking out the car). They made a copy of my drivers license and insurance card again at delivery center. The whole process is quick and painless, nothing like traditional car purchase.

    I was in and out in 30 minutes, 25 minutes of time are going through the car and make sure everything is perfect.

    If delivery center is at reasonable distance from your home, I prefer to pick it up there. If there is something wrong, it's much easier to reject the delivery there, or they have someone to repair onsite.
  • Nov 24, 2015
    It is subjective what each person feels is a good deal, to me that car you listed is not a good deal for a $95K car with basic options.
  • Nov 24, 2015
    You can make a payment online if you are not financing. If financing, they like to at least see that the wire confirmation from your lending institution.

    The only document I signed in ink is a Due Bill form. Everything else was a docusign electronic signature. They probably took my driver's license and insurance at delivery. But a peculiar thing they did was send me the temporary CA tag ahead of time, and had me bring it in -- though they said that they had an extra one at the service center. YMMV, but I ordered a CPO that was located in Florida, shipped to Scottsdale, AZ. I picked it up at the Scottsdale service center, and drove it to and registered it in New Mexico.

    I do not believe that they do flatbed deliveries for CPO vehicles. It was pretty early on in the CPO website's life, so my OA was kind of confused about the delivery policy. He initially said that it would be shipped to me and delivered via flatbed, but they backtracked. In the end, they made it up to me -- so I'm content. But I believe the policy is that you'll have to pick it up at your nearest service center. Stockton is relatively close to a few service centers, so you likely won't be in a situation like mine where you have to fly in.
  • Nov 24, 2015
    Basic options? Seriously? :) Yes it lacks the pano roof and air suspension but at $121K it is a pretty well equipped P85D. It has just about every other option you can pick.

    You do realize that car actually has $15,250 worth of options; right? We can agree to disagree that a car with over $15,000 in options is not a car with "basic options."

    I would consider a $121K P85D that is just 3 months old being offered for sale with a $26K discount to be a pretty good deal but we can agree to disagree on that as well :)

    It might not have the right options for you, me or someone else but the person who bought that car ended up with almost a 25% discount for a 3 month old car.
  • Nov 24, 2015
    My CPO purchase was 99% docusign. Everything Tesla was docusign. The only thing I physically signed was my NC Title Application and my lender's lien authorization that I sent my lender (that paper didn't go to Tesla, only their check did).

    - - - Updated - - -

    I was told you go in if within 150 miles of a delivery service center. Otherwise, its flatbedded to you. Drucifer was flatbedded because Charlotte didn't have its license to do deliveries yet and Raleigh was the closest authorized service center, which was over 150 miles from Charlotte.
  • Nov 24, 2015
    Ah, I see. Maybe New Mexico laws interfered with this policy? They're preventing a service center being built here in ABQ. I think I'm about 400-450 miles to my closest service center.

    In any case, it looks like Zarasa would need to go and pick it up from a service center.
  • Nov 24, 2015
    Holy Inventory dump Batman.
  • Nov 24, 2015
    Yes but pricing is all over the place and they are trying to sell a used/inventory S60 for $75K.

    Nothing really new added with AWD/AP.
  • Nov 25, 2015
    Huh.. this is a head scratcher! A fully loaded CPO P90DL just got listed for $134,400.

    Model S P90D 099247 | Tesla Motors

    An identically spec'd NEW car, after the Federal Tax Credit (but no state credits) is: $133,250. Plus you can add in a $1k referral credit bringing it even lower.

    I wonder who at TM thinks they can sell a CPO car, with no tax credit, for more than a new car, and about a one-month wait.
  • Nov 25, 2015
    Maybe it's actually an Inventory model that incorrectly got set to CPO in their database?
  • Nov 25, 2015
    I was considering that. Will need to watch for a change in status.
  • Nov 25, 2015
    Did you consider the L upgrade?, that might be why it's so high.
  • Nov 25, 2015
    Yes, of course.

    Try it yourself.
  • Nov 25, 2015
    Yes, but don't you know that used cars are worth more... :rolleyes:

    It takes time and effort to put miles on a car and that's not free. You want a car with some miles on it, you have to pay for that :wink:
  • Nov 25, 2015
    I am driving this around at the moment as a loaner 60 kWh Model S P49511 | Tesla Motors and was so smitten with the autopilot I inquired about trade-in and purchase. I hadn't seen price info yet but last night this was added to the tesla website along with a ton of other inventory cars.

    $74.6k for a 14 month old S60 strikes me as pretty rich - I thought perhaps trading in my 2013 S85 for this one wouldn't be a huge difference but it's looking like it will be (unless they really surprise me on the upside with their trade-in offer... not likely!)

    Anyway, I was under the impression they used a 1% a month + $1/mile formula off the original sticker with these inventory cars. Am I misremembering, or did that formula get the heave-ho at some point? I haven't really been paying attention to the used-Tesla market.

    Anyway, it's a nice car. I can say the fit/finish improvements of newer models (even 'newer' as in late 2014) is noticeable. And that autopilot... man o man.
  • Nov 25, 2015
    A long time ago (like when I bought my Inventory car) that was the formula. And I think that might be the "base" formula now, but there are other factors that influence the final sale price. I think it's a "Magic 8-Ball".
  • Nov 25, 2015
    Interesting ... perhaps it should have been listed as an Inventory car with only 158 miles?
  • Nov 25, 2015
    I think some of the pricing they have makes absolutely no sense because they are trying to come up with some strange equation to determine the price. They should give more weight to the cost of a new car when calculating the cost of a CPO car. I'm not sure who in their right mind would want to pay $75K for a used S60 when you can get a brand new RWD S70 for that with $6,000 in options included.

    They have a really strange way of trying to sell CPO cars. Pricing is all over the place and some of the asking prices make no sense. Then they haphazardly rotate their inventory in and out of their Web site making it harder for customers to find a car with the options and color combinations they want.

    I wish they'd price these cars reasonably and list the entire inventory so customers can find the cars they want and stop with this silly musical chairs of their inventory.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Even then who in their right mind, looking to spend ~ $130K on a new car, would want to pay almost as much to buy a used car? Especially if they are picky about the colors and options... That listing just does not make sense.
  • Nov 25, 2015
    Maybe they feel a "premium" is justified since this is the only P90D available at the moment. Some rich guy's instant gratification Christmas gift to himself. No waiting required.
  • Nov 25, 2015
    Except they have very many P90Ds available for sale if you ask to look at their inventory...
  • Nov 25, 2015
    Thx to all who responded to my question regarding handling everything online. I'm based in CA and the rules are slightly different depending on the state. I hear the DMV in CA still demands wet signatures, but I guess that's not accurate or Tesla has just told them to shove it (go Tesla!).

    My situation is somewhat unique in that I will be out of the country for a while and I want to be able to jump on the right deal on the right car when I see it without worrying about FedExing docs all over the world. I would then organize my travel to fly in and pick up the car or ask my wife to pick it up. Or maybe they'll just hold on to it for me until I can get there as long as it's before 12/31/15 as I'm sure they want to get the car off their books before year end.

    Anyway thx for your input!
  • Nov 25, 2015
    Just give power of attorney (and the Tesla) to your wife :)
  • Nov 25, 2015
    Yup. Not that difficult. The Lexus dealership we both my mother's car from even had a canned form and a notary present. They filled that our and made her sign it in the presence of the notary with her right hand (she is left-handed and it was broken in a cast). Then they had me sign everything else as her PoA. Amazingly, they had MUCH less paperwork to sign than the VW dealership a year later and, while they were okay with the PoA, they made me go get our durable POA out of the safe deposit box since they didn't have anything there to provide such services.
  • Nov 25, 2015
    Remember that the Inventory cars are eligible for the State and Federal Rebates ... then it become a decent deal.
  • Nov 25, 2015
    So does new cars :)
  • Nov 26, 2015
    My delivery specialist was very flexible on my delivery date, even after the car arriving to the service center. And if you're getting a car that has the travel across the country, that can add up to 3 weeks depending on several factors including available room on trucks, and things of the sort. If you are in touch with an ownership advisor, that person might be your best resource to gauge whether all of your schedules align and what paperwork might need a hand signature.
  • Nov 30, 2015
    Not sure when this was added, but seems a bit odd to me. 2013 P85+ with 41k miles and apparently it's never been titled (lists both a before and after EV incentive price--for reference, the after incentive price is $67,520). It's also fully loaded except for the panoramic roof. I'm guessing this was a company car more so than a demo or loaner.

    85 kWh Performance Model S P17773 | Tesla Motors
  • Dec 1, 2015
    tenstring - that is a demo/loaner with a lot of miles. There are a lot of those being released for sale, it appears. With a very low price, they are going to count that sale among the quarter's "deliveries". Good price too. You just need to list out the Inv only cars on and see that many have 10-15k miles. But I am sure some have racked up more and may not be listed. Maybe it is one that did the cross-country trips or was one that was passed around from sales office to sales office. On the east coast, there are a number of California plated Teslas at the store near me. Some may be "company cars" where a sales manager of a store may have kept it for their own use for the past year or longer. I suppose the San Francisco Inventory selection are company cars used by employees. They may be rotating in new ones so that they can drive the latest with autopilot and D.
  • Dec 1, 2015
    From what i understand inventory cars warranty doesnt reset to additional 50k miles, only years get reset ie, this car only has 9k left on warranty and full 4 years from day someone will buy it. Atleast thats what i was told when i bought my inv car last month with 4k miles. I was told warranty wil be till 50k not 54k miles. So anyone buying this pls confirm first.
  • Dec 1, 2015
    My Inventory car did a total reset for miles and years. I bought my car with 8k miles on it, and my warranty (according to what I was told and have in writing (email)) goes to 58k miles and 4 years for my date of purchase.

    This might be different with a car with 40k miles on it.
  • Dec 1, 2015
    Same here Hank...I bought my car at 6000 miles and my warranty extends to 56000 miles. I got confirmation email before I picked my car.
  • Dec 2, 2015
    Quite a bit of cars at the low $60K. Seems like tesla finally lowering their price. Still expensive IMO, but in the right direction. Lets keep up the price drop!
  • Dec 3, 2015
    If anyone is looking for a P85D, call your local Tesla Gallery. We were just presented with a whole bunch of inventory P85D vehicles for consideration but sadly none matched out color choices and option preferences so we are continuing to look around and they are about to send us another list of available vehicles.

    They are offering inventory cars with around $10-$15K in discounts and this is not including the about $10K in tax incentives/rebates so we are looking at a total discount of about $20-$25K for many inventory P85D vehicles available for purchase. If you are considering a private party or CPO P85D, don't consider one unless you receive at least $20-$25K of a discount as you can get that now with an inventory car with the added benefit of being able to extend the warranty for 8 years.

    I just wish they would list their entire inventory online so we don't have to waste our time and the time of Tesla Gallery employees asking for what cars are available every week. Seriously, how difficult is it to just list all the cars they have available so customers who are picky about the color and option combinations can find the car they want.
  • Dec 3, 2015
    And especially if they want to filter our random people from looking, they could make it a login process and you place your refundable deposit with them to get login access if you didn't want to chat the gallery employees all the time.
  • Dec 3, 2015
    Can you give me a little more info?...prices?, color, what local? etc....
  • Dec 3, 2015
    Or they could just hire me to do it. :/
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