Jun 15, 2015
HankLloydRight Done!�
Jun 15, 2015
HankLloydRight Could be a retrofit.�
Jun 15, 2015
Jun 16, 2015
porshuh I just noticed another Model S disappear off the CPO spreadsheet....in direct correlation with the one I just put a deposit down on. I very excite! /Borat
P85+ Pearl White / Tan / Pano / 21" Silver / Obeche Gloss / CF Spoiler / Smart Air Suspension / Sound Studio / Dual Chargers and Supercharging / Paint Armor / Premium Lighting / Parcel Shelf / 12k miles - pretty much every option I wanted, and none of the options I didn't!�
Jun 16, 2015
andrewket Congrats.�
Jun 16, 2015
Mr X 85 kWh Performance Model S P02696 | Tesla Motors
no tech package but still a great deal�
Jun 16, 2015
No2DinosaurFuel Low mileage but 2012 and no tech package so no power lifegate.
The other 60K p85 sold is a better deal imo even without thr dual charger.
Still waiting on a low 50K p85 or high 40K S85 or a low 70K S85D whenever yhat comes out.
Come on tesla those high price cars are definitely not moving. Lower the price to move them! Haha�
Jun 17, 2015
Fiver Big shift tonight. Lots of cars added, and a slew removed all at the same time. Most of the cars removed were big ticket models so I'm thinking this is more of a reshuffle then actual sales. (nearly all of the cars removed were listed over $100k or close to it.)
Most of the cars added don't seem that special, but there sure were a bunch of 'em. Nothing too cheap, nothing too expensive...�
Jun 17, 2015
spentan Bought this one,
Need it for a Sedan and Limo Business I've just taken over. Had a S70D on order, (hadn't confirmed, not sure if I can get my 2.5k back, ordered on Saturday) for 88k, $61k is much better value.
It will be replacing a 2006 Towncar with 450k+ miles on the clock, so pretty sure the lack of power liftgate and Nav/Tech Package stuff won't be a big deal.
Does anyone know the transportation fee from San Francisco to Costa Mesa (OC)? If its more than $500, I'd prob be inclined to fly up and drive it down.�
Jun 17, 2015
jtpassat Deal or no deal?
85 kWh Model S P63378 | Tesla Motors
[TR="class: odd, bgcolor: #E2E4FF"][/TR]
S85 Y N Black Solid Body Color 19 Base tan 2014 3,012 75,700
Jun 17, 2015
polything can someone please share the third party website that listed all CPO car and prices.
it's project something. i do not have it bookmarked at work.�
Jun 17, 2015
DougH http://logmysc.com/cpo-reports.php�
Jun 17, 2015
polything thanks Douglas, good luck with your car sale!�
Jun 17, 2015
DougH Thanks!�
Jun 17, 2015
HankLloydRight No deal. Really bare bones. You can get a brand new one for $77,500 after tax credit.
Unless you don't want to wait.
- - - Updated - - -
Lots of "unsolds" placed back in inventory and some price changes:
Moved back to Available: P31923 US;Florida;10 ; $91,500.00 Original Sold date: 2015-06-08
Moved back to Available: P28211 US;Florida;10 ; $92,000.00 Original Sold date: 2015-05-29
Moved back to Available: P52280 US;Florida;10 ; $95,650.00 Original Sold date: 2015-05-29
Moved back to Available: P48962 US;Florida;10 ; $99,200.00 Original Sold date: 2015-06-02
Moved back to Available: P21478 US;New York;11 ; $84,750.00 Original Sold date: 2015-06-16
Moved back to Available: P44798 US;New York;11 ; from $100,700.00 to $85,400.00 Original Sold date: 2015-05-29
Moved back to Available: P14551 US;New York;11 ; $85,500.00 Original Sold date: 2015-06-16
Moved back to Available: P12594 US;New York;11 ; $86,500.00 Original Sold date: 2015-06-16
Moved back to Available: P38460 US;New York;11 ; $99,300.00 Original Sold date: 2015-06-01
Moved back to Available: P41105 US;New York;11 ; $99,950.00 Original Sold date: 2015-05-29
Moved back to Available: P37447 US;New York;11 ; $100,700.00 Original Sold date: 2015-05-29
Moved back to Available: P36285 US;California;3 ;$68,500.00 Original Sold date: 2015-06-02
Moved back to Available: P16287 US;California;3 ;$80,800.00 Original Sold date: 2015-06-10
Moved back to Available: P23098 US;California;3 ;$87,500.00 Original Sold date: 2015-06-10
++++++++++> Car moved P38460: from US;Florida;10 to US;New York;11
==========> Price change P44798: from $100,700.00 to $85,400.00
==========> Price change P36285: from $69,350.00 to $68,500.00�
Jun 17, 2015
DougH Hi Hank,
I just wanted to personally thank you for creating this CPO Consolidator :wink:�
Jun 17, 2015
BoerumHill Right, so these three were removed/sold, and now they are back. Buyer's remorse?�
Jun 17, 2015
Drucifer Likely removed by Tesla. They are trying to keep roughly 175-250 cars "online" at a time, and are removing ones that won't sell / turn-over. They are market makers, making the market.�
Jun 17, 2015
CadillacJack I understand that at least in Canada some cars end up back on the CPO site after people fail to qualify for financing.�
Jun 17, 2015
HankLloydRight You're welcome! It's been fun to provide this to the community. I do wonder though what Tesla Motor's opinion of it is.�
Jun 17, 2015
BoerumHill They ought to think you are awesome. You're giving buyers the ability to quickly compare CPOs across multiple markets. Informed purchase is a win for everyone.
Now if you were consolidating CPOs across a multiple market traditional dealership network, well year, eighth ring of Dante's Inferno for you, pal.�
Jun 17, 2015
HankLloydRight So why don't they do it themselves?
I don't know about other brands, but BMW-USA provides this service on their website to search for thousands of CPO and used cars for sale across their entire dealer network. It's awesome (and a huge time sink back when I was buying ICEs).�
Jun 17, 2015
brantse It's an interesting approach, nonetheless. I have to think that within the Chicago (or other SC's) fleet, there has got to be a car that I'd be willing to pull the trigger on. But then again, maybe I feel that way because that's the grass in someone else's yard.�
Jun 17, 2015
DougH Exactly. 2 people applied for loans for my car and both were denied.�
Jun 17, 2015
brantse Unbelievable. I checked with my bank to see what I would pre-qualify for, just to be sure I don't end up in that situation. They qualified me for a car payment that exceeds my mortgage payment. Can I afford that... he!! no.�
Jun 17, 2015
MorrisonHiker Yes, it's amazing that they still haven't upgraded their CPO site. I can see the initial CPO site was set up quickly...but as far as I can tell, there haven't been any enhancements to add to the functionality since it was first rolled out. It would be so easy for Tesla to add some faceted searches which would allow users to quickly narrow down search results.�
Jun 17, 2015
brianman Cheaper and less distracting to have TMC volunteers do it.
Jun 17, 2015
Drucifer I think they were trying to reduce the hassle of transporting cars between CPO sites. It failed. People want what they want.�
Jun 17, 2015
SmartElectric Hank, first, thanks, my CPO S85 is on the way soon here in Toronto. Just working through trade in details today.
Second, when the local sales team was showing me the car last week (next day after my order, before it was prepared) I showed them your CPO reports site and they went bonkers with amazement! The three Tesla people around at the time all bookmarked it on their phones. ;-)
Third, when they found out I snagged the lowest price S85 15 minutes after it came online, they were stunned by the efficiency of your app, and the usefulness of hitting F5 on a constantly open browser window before going to sleep. Score! ;-)
In fact, the manager of the Canadian CPO system called me today to talk and commented that I was getting an excellent deal, and that he was impressed that I ordered the car less than an hour after it came online. Tesla Canada is now very much aware of the CPO reports site.�
Jun 17, 2015
Fiver Hey Hank, I would assume you have access to the traffic data coming off your CPO consolidator site... What kind of traffic data are you seeing? How many visitors a day, how many uniques, etc. I'm interested in what the overall interest in CPO Tesla's are through your site.
/edit Too bad you can't get a referral bonus like they have for Amazon etc. You get .05%-.1% for each car sold that clicked through from your site.Depending on traffic you might earn a free Tesla!
Jun 17, 2015
action7981 It does appear that Tesla is limiting listings to 40 max per location. Chicago, Los Angeles & San Francisco are maxed out. Why they are doing this doesn't make sense to me. What's the point of only showing a portion of your inventory when you control the pricing? Tesla is selling at least 1,000 new cars per week, why would it matter if they show 250 CPO cars or 400? I would think that showing all cars would create more buying because someone may find the car they are looking for that otherwise wasn't listed or there may be people that wait because they feel there is a car out there that better fits what they want that just isn't listed.�
Jun 17, 2015
CadillacJack I need that Manager to put the Signature Red P85 in Quebec that's been pending finance approval for 2 weeks back on the block so I can buy it...can you put a word in for me?If Aaron is your OA, he knows who I am. I am also very interested in your trade in conversation - I was provided with a fairly low number at first but after pushing back I got a much better number - but then the car conditionally sold.
Jun 17, 2015
jtpassat They are controlling the inventory which allows them to control the price. If they flooded the market with all their used inventory the prices would go down and they wouldn't get the margin they are looking for. It's the same thing De Beer's is doing with diamonds.
Jun 17, 2015
Cosmacelf Tesla's main site was/is programmed by a contractor company. I would expect the CPO site is similar. As long as it is working, I don't expect Tesla to let a new contract to expand the functionality.�
Jun 17, 2015
DougH Some of the cars are completely overpriced but there are a few really good deals out there if you catch them fast enough...like we did.�
Jun 17, 2015
Alaron Hello everyone,
Firstly, I wanted to thank everyone in this community for the comprehensive and incontrovertibly beneficial information that these forums have provided. With that in mind, I purchased a CPO 2013 P85+ that was almost exactly specced to my liking and was discussed earlier in this thread:
Performance Plus Package -
Solid Black Paint -
All Glass Panoramic Roof -
21" Grey Turbine Wheels -
Black Performance Interior -
Carbon Fiber D�cor -
Carbon Fiber Spoiler -
Supercharger Enabled -
Tech Package -
Smart Air Suspension -
Ultra High Fidelity Sound -
Paint Armor -
Rear Facing Seats -
Around 16.5K miles for $77,500. I believe it to be a good deal and will be taking delivery this Friday/Saturday. The car shipped from California and got here in less than two weeks from my order date. I barely had time to get my financing in order! Will post pictures when I pick it up. Super excited!�
Jun 17, 2015
HankLloydRight Not yet, but you're not the first to ask. Time to put Google Analytics on it.
Jun 17, 2015
action7981 Cars don't retain value like diamonds do. If a diamond sits in storage for a year it will have roughly the same value. Inflation/deflation would have an affect on pricing, but that would apply to almost all goods. The age, milege and condition of a car vs cost new dictate perceived value (desirability). I may be wrong but I just don't see how limiting supply currently has a positive affect on Tesla CPO pricing. While it's still early on, there doesn't appear to be a demand problem for CPO's in US/Canada, which looks to be 150+ per month. I'm estimating that Tesla's total inventory is ~400-450 cars based on what people are reporting seeing at service centers. Based on this Tesla is showing less than 2 months worth of inventory as opposed to an estimated 3 months inventory, not a big difference. Considering Tesla is setting the standard for pricing because they control all CPO's I don't see how showing they have an additionl 1 month of inventory would make Tesla lower their pricing.
Those of us on TMC know that there will be an increase in Model S trade-ins when the Model X starts deliveries. I can't imagine Tesla wants to have more CPO's taking up space at their service centers so it makes more sense to reduce inventory to the lowest they can prior.
I'm more inclined to believe that it's a resource issue neccesitating the limiting of CPO listings/sales rather than trying to control pricing.�
Jun 17, 2015
I'd say it's much higher then that. I'd be willing to bet that they are sitting on close to 1,000 cars across the country, and probably have 10-20 more coming in per week. That number will climb as the X gets closer to release. They know this and would probably want to drop the inventory down as much as possible, while maintaining margin.
The X release at the end of the year will do some interesting things to the CPO market, that's for sure.�
Jun 17, 2015
Drucifer A limiting factor is how many cars they can move, prep and deliver. I imagine as processes get settled, they will (and have) increased the number available and if not enough move, they will do something about either pricing or making the CPO site more easily accessible (1 click from the home page instead of needing to go to Model S first) / more buzz about it.�
Jun 17, 2015
dhanson865 Poor analogy.
De Beers chairman Nicky Oppenheimer said it best: "diamonds are intrinsically worthless"
Diamonds are not rare in an economic sense because supply exceeds demand.
If the supply wasn't controlled by a cartel you wouldn't have thought they retained value.�
Jun 17, 2015
SmartElectric We're not particularly happy with the trade in amount, but the difference is low enough that the trouble of selling private is not worth the trouble, the wholesalers have to make a profit, or trade ins wouldn't be offered. That's pretty much the common feeling on this reading these forums. Can't fault Tesla, they are doing the trade as a convenience and HST (tax) benefit for the purchaser (us).
The sooner our Tesla is in our driveway, the less I will care about the journey to get it.
- - - Updated - - -
+1 Welcome and congrats on your CPO!�
Jun 17, 2015
Tamar It seems like maybe the S60s won't be around much longer. There doesn't seem to be an apparent reason to hold back on listing them, but there are only 11 out of the 262 currently listed in the US that are S60s, and there's only one listed in Canada. Boy there are a lot of Performance vehicles!�
Jun 17, 2015
Cosmacelf Yeah, all those performance vehicles upgraded to the P85D...�
Jun 17, 2015
KJD And a year from now they will all be upgrading again to the model X P100D
Jun 17, 2015
Cyclone Guess that means when I am ready for a change, I'll be trading up to a P85/85D or what ever the "middle of the pack" model is then. In the meantime, I'm loving my S85!�
Jun 18, 2015
porshuh I'll sell you my (soon to be mine) white/tan P85+ in a year. My plan is to love it and enjoy it for a a year, and then trade (down) to a C7Z.
Who knows if that will happen....hearing how people talk about their Teslas...I may be keeping it for life lol�
Jun 18, 2015
No2DinosaurFuel Guess this is one of a kind. A CPO car much higher cost than a new
85 kWh Performance Model S P18255 | Tesla Motors
Anyone picking this up? If not I might have to. : )
Motor wires must be made of gold or something.�
Jun 18, 2015
Drucifer Well, it is a +
- - - Updated - - -
Crap, they fixed it. It's now 1/10 of its previous cost.�
Jun 18, 2015
MsElectric Waist for the news article that they are now discounting cars 90%
I also saw the listing when it was $778,000
Jun 18, 2015
brianman In my mind I picture a chain reaction...
Elon announces P1xxD.
Buyer 1: P85D order cancelled, P1xxD ordered.
Buyer 2: P85+ traded in, P85D inventory car purchased.
Buyer 3: S85 traded in, P85+ CPO purchased.
Buyer 4: S40 traded in, S85 CPO purchased.
Buyer 5: S60 (upgraded from S40) CPO purchased.
Nice chunk of change for Tesla in that sequence.�
Jun 18, 2015
Well good thing, the CPO caught it and have listed the car with the 90% discount. Seems like a heck of a deal when viewing it from the prospective of "saving."�
Jun 18, 2015
HankLloydRight Wow, you guys are pretty quick! This went up at 2pm, and was corrected during the hour so by 3pm, I got this notice:
==========> Price change P18255: from $778,000.00 to $77,800.00
I wasn't sure if anyone would have noticed in that hour.�
Jun 18, 2015
jtpassat I think people created their own email notification off your site!![]()
Jun 18, 2015
What does the $ sign next to the links and options tabs mean?�
Jun 18, 2015
brianman Recently answered:
Jun 18, 2015
Cowby may i ask what's the most efficient method to do this?�
Jun 18, 2015
HankLloydRight For May averages about 4k pageviews per day. About 700 uniques. Definite weekday peaks and weekend troughs.
Jun 18, 2015
DougH dang, 2k of those are me
Jun 18, 2015
HankLloydRight What's interesting is 22% of traffic is coming from iPhone/iPad users.
Maybe I'll write an app to do constant refreshes and custom alerts. That I would charge for.
Jun 18, 2015
Cyclone 90% of all my web browsing is on my iPhone 6+�
Jun 19, 2015
dalamchops picked up P05217 yesterday. Car looks great. Very happy to have received a "B" 85kwh pack. I wonder if it's been replaced before since most early cars had the "A". It charges 90% to 243 miles�
Jun 19, 2015
jtpassat I'd pay a few bucks for that.
Jun 19, 2015
TomServo Beat me to that.....�
Jun 19, 2015
porshuh I'm sorry if this has been covered, but when I got to take delivery of my car, how can I verify if my battery is a "B" pack? Are there just two generations of batteries (A and B)?�
Jun 19, 2015
dalamchops Turn your steering wheel all the way to the left and look behind the wheel on the passenger side for a label.�
Jun 19, 2015
DougH It is labeled on the inside of the front passenger side wheel well, just turn the wheel sharp left and you will see the sticker.�
Jun 19, 2015
porshuh Thank you both!
This waiting game is starting to get to me........�
Jun 19, 2015
drees made a suggestion to store all the CPO car-specific TM pages in Archive.org, so when a car is sold, we still have access to the VIN description page on TM.com.
I've now added that to the consolidator. For any car currently listed, once sold or removed, there is now a "Link" link on the sold section to bring up the archived TM page.
Of course, this only works for all cars sold from now forward. I can't go back in time and retrieve the pages for the cars sold previously. And any new cars added to the consolidator are automatically archived at archive.org.
Thanks, drees!
Jun 19, 2015
porshuh Just when I thought you were done improving on the CPO-C...
nice work!�
Jun 20, 2015
GA24 Great question. You're correct it did not have power folding mirrors, but when I initially inquired about the vehicle the owner advisor said it did.
Upon receiving a photo of the vehicle earlier this week I asked the delivery specialist the same question. She confirmed that it did not have power folding mirrors. So I forwarded her a conversation I had with the owner advisor which quoted him saying "Yes 100% sure" after asking if the vehicle was equipped with power folding mirrors.
After a few emails and a phone call the owner advisor confirmed it would be retrofitted with power folding mirrors at no additional charge.�
Jun 20, 2015
Cattledog But not while you're driving...�
Jun 20, 2015
Jun 20, 2015
HankLloydRight Wow, that's amazing. I get about 255 on a range charge. I'm planning to do it today and let it finish to 100%, I might see 256 or 257. I'm not sure which pack I have but I'll look. My VIN is 15xxx.�
Jun 20, 2015
BoerumHill Autopilot enabled MS began mid-September 2014. What is corresponding VIN number? Around 63XXXish?�
Jun 20, 2015
GloriaL Do you know what steering mode you were using on the 85D? I see a tremendous difference in the handling between the three modes. The Sport is a whole 'nother animal from the comfort.�
Jun 20, 2015
Bet TSLA I have one of the few P85s with auto-pilot, built in late September about a week after they started. My VIN is P54189, but you have to realize that VINs are not built in anything like a linearly increasing fashion (except on average).�
Jun 21, 2015
I'll sign up for this as well. It's killing me to have to wait this long to get my hands on a MS, but to spend this much money and not get the configuration I want is ridiculous.
a side note, does anyone know when they update the pricing? Some of these earlier (April/May) ones don't seem to have updated pricing reflecting the extra months depreciation. Isn't it an extra 1% per month?�
Jun 21, 2015
seclinton I get around 200 miles on my 81% charge limit which works out to ~246miles to full. I'm charging now at 22A from what was 14 miles of range left and its tracking to 250 miles. Not bad for a CPO with 52k miles in it now.
Jun 21, 2015
HankLloydRight I range charged yesterday to 251, when I usually get to 256. :/
But what's odd is that I had to drive 5 miles before it dropped 1mile from 251 to 250. I hope it just needs a rebalance.�
Jun 21, 2015
dalamchops I am so confused... How did i use 8.7kwh and only used 8% of battery. The numbers are totally jacked up... i charged to 90% and the rated range was at 254 this morning.
Jun 21, 2015
bonaire Percentage should be somewhat related to high voltage pack voltage variance. The discharge curve and voltage over discharge range varies at different slope rates. It is different than fuel volume tracking (number of quarts or gallons used).�
Jun 21, 2015
ahurst Mental exercise....
What is $6,450 worth?
There is a CPO 2014 P85+ VIN over 50,000 with low miles and most options I would want on Hank's website. $96,800 is the price.
If I bought a new P85D with same options, the price is $121,750.
However, I discount $13,500 for total EV tax credits (Colorado + Fed) and also subtract $5,000 for the fact the P85+ is non-AWD. Assumption based on current $5,000 cost to add AWD to an S85.
The difference is now $6,450.
So I save $6,450, but get a used car with no Auto-pilot, no new car smell and no insane 3.1 sec 0-60 mode.
I also get lesser range and slower acceleration.
The only positive is quicker delivery and upgraded suspension. The suspension is important to me, so this is a tougher call than I first thought.�
Jun 21, 2015
SmartElectric Well. I'm two weeks into putting down my deposit on a CPO and I have not even been provided an ETA (yes, I've been periodically pushing for one). A CPO is not a one week process, I've even seen reports of 3 or more weeks to get the car.
Of course, my CPO is just one of dozens of cars (most of them new) being prepared for delivery in Toronto at end of quarter, so I know that patience is needed in this situation.�
Jun 21, 2015
HankLloydRight I think by now the suspension on the P85+ and the P85D are likely the same.�
Jun 21, 2015
DougH I talked to a Tesla salesperson yesterday and I was told that they are getting a ton of new orders weekly but that the CPO hasn't really been a big hit yet
He said most people are ordering 85D's not P85D's or 70D's.�
Jun 21, 2015
Drucifer That totally makes sense, since the 85D has similar performance to the original P85 while being a bit more surefooted about it. I'm sure that the "D" is a hit in colder climates. I imagine the 70D "take rate" is higher than the 60, which was always a small percentage of sales compared to the others.�
Jun 21, 2015
DougH I have seen more 70D's out and about than any other Tesla........lot's of seniors which I find completely awesome.�
Jun 21, 2015
davidc18 For that small of a difference - NEW!!!�
Jun 21, 2015
DougH There's a black P85D with grey seats in Portland of $113 and you still get the tax credit. Portland has a few P85D inventory cars for sale......I would go for a P85D than a P85+ since the price is so close.�
Jun 21, 2015
andrewket Earlier. My late November early December build is 635xx.�
Jun 21, 2015
dalamchops 5 weeks here�
Jun 22, 2015
brantse Has anyone noticed that a "Pennsylvania" car has been added to Tesla's site (P49465). As far as I can tell, this has not been picked up by HLR's consolidator.�
Jun 22, 2015
HankLloydRight I'll have to add the new area to the site later today so it knows to process that new page.�
Jun 22, 2015
brantse Great, thanks! I figured that was the case. Along those lines, it appears that the Cleveland location name has been switched to Ohio. Not sure if that will cause any issues with the consolidator.�
Jun 22, 2015
HankLloydRight Ok, it's added and showing up. The car was already in the system, it was moved from NY to PA -- I'm assuming King of Prussia (Phila).
Also a price drop from $78,250.00 to $73,800.00.�
Jun 22, 2015
Alaron Hello again everyone,
I took delivery of my CPO 2013 P85+ last weekend and am absolutely loving it! I have some relatively insignificant gripes such as the plethora of small scratches on the clear coat ( it is a used car), small ding on the rear interior door handle and front license plate which we do not require in FL (the dealership said that they will work on getting me a nose cone replacement because of the holes that needed to be drilled in the current one). There was some curb rash on one wheel and after replacing it, the gentleman assigned to me noticed that there was a noticeable difference in gloss compared to the other three and decided to replace all four with brand new 21's and new tires as well. No complaints there! I just added tint, which is a necessity in this state and here are a few pictures as promised, I realize that this is nothing new to you guys:
Jun 22, 2015
brianman I wonder how much those 4 previous wheels are going for. Any chance you can find out?�
Jun 22, 2015
Drucifer They replaced my wheels / tires as well. They told me the "knockoffs" will be used by the service center as maintenance spares etc. In my case, the knockoffs were 19s that shouldn't have been on the car per the configuration.�
Jun 22, 2015
Fiver Hank this car shows Aero wheels on your consolidator but normal on the site. Any idea why?�
Jun 22, 2015
HankLloydRight It's fixed now... the car was originally listed with Aero wheels, but the must have updated the listing. The Consolidator doesn't re-check all fields upon each hourly update, just things like location and price.�
Jun 22, 2015
ahurst Alaron, your car is stunning. Very good photos. Love the Black / 21 Grey combo.�
Jun 22, 2015
HankLloydRight Raised hand. I'm also looking for one grey 21" rim.�
Jun 22, 2015
SmartElectric BOOM! And just like that, we pick up our CPO S85 on Friday! Three weeks to the day I put down the deposit. The Toronto SC is beyond busy, so I was thrilled to get the car this week.�
Jun 22, 2015
Buckeye2320 Hank, Does your CPO consolidator tell if the car was sold for less then asking, or just that it was removed and the price per the site at the it came off? Just curious if Tesla is willing to negotiate the sale price of the car below the listed CPO Site price.�
Jun 22, 2015
DougH They 100% DO NOT negotiate. Trust me, even buying several from them they do not discount anything. Price only goes down when miles are added.�
Jun 22, 2015
HankLloydRight No, actual sales price is not published anywhere. And no, they don't negotiate.�
Jun 22, 2015
mmd Hello Hank,
First, thanks for the great cpo consolidator.
There is a bug in the number of items to display for the sold/removed cars. It is using the number of listed cars as max number. Well, now there are more cars sold/removed than are listed.
Currently, 259 listed and 333 sold/removed. So, it is unable to show all the sold/removed cars at once. I think, that is also mixing up the sorting for the sold/removed cars.
Can you please fix this minor bug? Thanks in advance.
Jun 23, 2015
Alaron Not a problem Brianman, Hank. I will ask the chaps when I speak with them next and will let you know, although I believe Drucifer may have solved the mystery already.
Thanks so much Ahurst! I am completely enthralled with it!�
Jun 23, 2015
porshuh Yeah I fixed that one. Went for a test drive (mostly to see the Aero wheels in person and see how I liked body color roof). They roll the car out and it has the 19" wheels....so much for seeing the Aero wheels in person. The Tesla reps there said none of them had actually see the Aero wheels in person. I guess they updated the listing after I griped.�
Jun 23, 2015
Pinot.Noir I'm surprised at how many cars that were listed the first day (4/27) remain unsold. I also see some prices that seem way too high when compared to other cars listed. I don't get the impression Tesla cares about how quickly these sell.�
Jun 23, 2015
brantse I've had the same thoughts, too. I really think if they don't tighten things up a bit (by improving the functionality of the website, pricing, and followup/delivery process), they're surely going to be swamped with CPO's once they start rolling the X's off the line. I'm very curious to see how this plays out.�
Jun 23, 2015
brantse I noticed that they recently revised the listings to show a transportation fee of up to $3,000 (up from $1,500). Obviously looking to deter long distance shipments.�
Jun 23, 2015
Cyclone Either that or someone finally tried to buy that Hawaii car from the mainland!
Jun 23, 2015
Drucifer More likely, someone in Hawaii wanting a mainland car.�
Jun 23, 2015
Cowby Hmm, when do they update pricing to reflect the added AGE....e.g., for cars that have been on since 04/27 or early May?...there should be updated pricing to reflect that, no?�
Jun 23, 2015
Drucifer Which just goes to show that they don't totally have their act together around this process.�
Jun 23, 2015
Cyclone If they change the current lineup to bring back pricing like your car and mine, they wouldn't be able to keep up with demand! I'm in the camp that they are still working out the kinks (including logistics once purchased), purposefully limit supply for many reasons (including delivery logistics), and we will see changes once the X is released and more trade-ins are coming. In the meantime, I'm ecstatic I jumped when I did!
Now to call around about solar panels to get even more green!
Jun 23, 2015
No2DinosaurFuel Or to make more money to compensate for the drop in price?
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I don't think the initial cars were price that much more cheaply compared to now. Sure they might be slightly cheaper, but for the most part, they have not dropped. Look at the P85 of release "sold" and the current CPO. They are not far off. The S85 might have gone up. I didn't bother looking at the S60 because I would never consider that car unless it's cost < $35K with reasonable mileage on it.�
Jun 23, 2015
HankLloydRight The original question was:
Yes, they update the sales (asking) prices from time to time, but the *actual* selling (closing) price is not published after the fact (sale). In some cases a few people have negotiated an "end of quarter" discount, but again, that info is not reflected in the CPO listings.
So except in a few rare instances, you can just assume that the last listed price on the CPO Consolidator is the actual selling price.
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Just so you know, at the bottom right hand corner of each table are "Next" and "Previous" links to page the table to subsequent pages if the table does not list all the cars in one view. There are also numbers "1", "2", which go directly to that page of listings.�
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