Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 11, 2016

Model S Delivery Dates and Sequencing part 5

  • Jun 2, 2015
    RE: "Why..."
    Cheapest configuration available is the solid black paint, body colored roof. Been that way since the first Model S deliveries.
  • Jun 3, 2015
    Right, but the body color was red. Only the roof was black. Seems like either:
    1) Those canadians what to use the Black to absorb heat to heat up the roof, hence the car.

    2) It was originally panoramic roof, but they chose to replace it with the hardtop.

    3) The body color roof/panoramic roof was damaged and tesla/owner replaced it with a hardtop.
  • Jun 3, 2015
    Totally missed the body color being red. Mea culpa.
  • Jun 3, 2015
    Bought a CPO Tesla from Ontario SC a few minutes ago.
    Came available at 11PM, got my Tesla "thanks for order" email at 11:24PM
    2013 S85. Black on tan. Pano. Air. Studio sound.
    I'm shaking! Wish me luck.
  • Jun 3, 2015
    Congrats! You are going to love it!
  • Jun 3, 2015
    I was nervous too. The process is way different than buying from the local dealer. Just be prepared that they my not be overly proactive in communicating with you. I think I let maybe 2 days go by, and then called Tesla in California and got assigned a Product Specialist / Delivery Specialist. The DS will be your point person to guide the process along through to you receiving your car.
  • Jun 3, 2015
    Congrats, and best of luck!
  • Jun 4, 2015
    Weird. Seeing another false sale on Consolidator. S00208 currently sits atop most recently sold, 6/4, after "38" days on market. This signature red (Wa-DC) car wasn't even on Consolidator yesterday, and hadn't been for weeks? Same thing happened to S00753. These cars don't sit.
  • Jun 4, 2015
    That signature red, I saw that in person (yeah got lucky, long story). I had no doubts it'd sell almost immediately. And it did. I was hoping though that it'd be around 62,63K, but they put a signature red premium of 4-5K on it. I ordered a new, or I'd be a serious interested party in getting that. .. although it was a 2012, but signature reds are only 2012.
    There is a blue 2014 P85 with 829 miles that is also pretty sweet (in DC). It has the center console installed (don't quote me on this, but atleast when I saw it, it did). Also it has parking sensors (IMO a must for a boat this big). That said, of all the markets, DC has the poorest "deals", and for me atleast 70D and the new gizmos presented significant value, so I steered away from CPO. Given that we have terrible deals here, when a decent deal does show up, it gets snapped up.
  • Jun 4, 2015
    If you are in the US, let us know how the ordering process goes. I am interested in seeing how difficult and expensive it is to import CPO Model S from Canada. BTW, great deal on the S85! Comes out to be pretty close to $50K USD after conversion for a 31K miles S85 in cold Canadian which means the batteries should be fairly new.
  • Jun 4, 2015
    I live in Ontario Canada (GTA = Greater Toronto Area). The store phoned me first thing this morning, they scheduled me in to see it tomorrow for a first glance as I bought it sight unseen, will be preparing a check-list tonight...
  • Jun 4, 2015
  • Jun 4, 2015
  • Jun 4, 2015
    I'm guessing VIN/age.
  • Jun 4, 2015
    Looks like the lowest priced P85+ out there right now. Well optioned and low mileage. I think you should buy it. :smile:

    Only down side is paying 1500 to ship it to Denver.
  • Jun 4, 2015
    True...but Colorado residents would get a $6000 tax credit if the car hasn't previously been registered in the state.
  • Jun 4, 2015
    It's located in Denver
  • Jun 4, 2015
    Even without the $6k CO credit then, it's still a great price!
  • Jun 4, 2015
    So I guess you wouldn't have to worry about paying $1500 to ship it then! Who knows, it might be from out of state if you are lucky.
  • Jun 4, 2015
    So, I wonder why they are not discounting the cars that have been listed since inception of the site on 4/27. If they haven't sold by now....they're not getting any younger/newer....
  • Jun 4, 2015
    The Canadian cars that have been sitting for a month dropped about $1500 each a few days ago.
  • Jun 5, 2015
    wow a whole bunch (ok 26) got added yesterday, all but three were P85 or P85+
  • Jun 5, 2015
    Wow some pretty decent deals lately. Looks like Model S prices are coming down, albeit slowly for something who watches it everyday. : )

    Obviously they are gone just as quickly as they are put up.

    Here is a recent one
    55800 for 2013 S85 w/ 29K miles

    With these prices and comparing to a new 85D, I might have to pick one up and give up the AWD. You are looking at $40K comparing a comparable equipped 85D. Factor in the tax credit for the new 85D, you are still around $30K. I am not sure autopilot, folding side mirrors, AWD, and lower mileage, slightly longer range are worth $30K.
  • Jun 5, 2015
    Here's what I'm struggling with....I should buy one of the CPOs now, and in a few years trade up to a used D with autopilot after they've had time to refine it and release some meaningful functionality. much of a hit will I take when I make the trade and will it be worth it?
  • Jun 5, 2015
    If that is the case, I say look into CPO leases. Maybe tesla will give you a decent deal. That way, you don't have to deal with selling it. Keep the extra money and put it towards the CPO 85D when it arrives. I doubt Tesla will take in CPO as trade-in in the future. If they do, I'm sure they will give you very little for it compared to what you can probably sell them at on the market at that time.
  • Jun 5, 2015
    I do not believe that exists as an option.

    Indeed, one of the downsides to CPO relative to new is financing at all generally entails higher interest rates, but leasing a used car is all but a non-starter.
  • Jun 5, 2015
    I wasn't thinking "trade in" when I said "trade up". I was thinking I'd have to sell it outright....but in a few years, who knows what will be possible?
  • Jun 5, 2015
    I am struggling with the same thing myself cause I am impatient but cheap! Assuming the resale value of a CPO would be roughly half in three years, a 65k CPO would be worth 32.5k. Is losing 10k a year worth it? Keep in mind that 3 years from now maybe the Model 3 is out selling for about 30k so that might just drive the price of a non-autopilot/dual motor Model S even lower.

    As tempting as the current CPO may be, I have to stay strong and let my money keep building up for now. Maybe we should start a support group?

  • Jun 5, 2015
  • Jun 5, 2015
  • Jun 5, 2015
    Well i would look it at this way:

    Are you going to keep the car longer than 8 years? If so, i wouldnt worry about thr resale value. If you plan to upgrade within 4 years, i would hold off and wait it out.

    I know the P85 would fit fone for me for the next 8 years. My only concerns is the build quailty and the lack of awd. The earlier models tend to be worst in build quailty. The other is awd which i plan to use on snow and what not for better traction and control. This is definitely evident when i drow the s85d in the rain.

    While some who argue the autopilot is worth the upgrade, i say, it is a model s and i know i wil want to drive the car not let it drive itself. Where is the fun in that?
  • Jun 5, 2015
    I love driving my S85. I often find myself taking the longer or more scenic way to places, as well as just randomly driving around.
  • Jun 5, 2015
    I think I need a support group. I can "afford" an 85D now, I just don't have money to burn and would much rather get AT LEAST the discount that applies to inventory cars. In the meantime, I'm not getting any younger and hate to miss out on the fun of owning/driving a model S now.

    There was a beautiful blue 85D inventory car sitting on a train waiting to be delivered to Cleveland just a few weeks ago. It was close to an ideal config. When my SM first told me about it, it was $103K, no discount. 4 days later (still on the train) it dropped over $2K. I figured one more price drop and I'd pull the trigger; but it sold last Monday. <sigh>.
  • Jun 5, 2015
    Darn did I miss an option priced in the 50's? They go fast.
  • Jun 6, 2015
    Living in New England I would want the AWD just in case and always been a big fan of Knight Rider, I want the autopilot features. Common sense says just wait a year or so and it will be in reach and I don't have to eat ramen for lunch everyday. The S85D I would own until it literally fell apart.

    Then something like this shows up and I end up trying to justify it. P85 for 66K!!!

    85 kWh Performance Model S P25831 | Tesla Motors
  • Jun 6, 2015
    actually that is one of the more expensive P85 IMO because of the lack of options. The others are dual chargers and panoramic roof, etc. I am waiting for a very well equipped P85 at $58K or a very well equipped S85 for $50K. Otherwise, I'm waiting it out for the CPO S85D.
  • Jun 6, 2015
    Well, I tried and now with my privacy set, here's what we did about a month ago:

    Ordered CPO 5/7 P85 see details with 50k miles.
    Took delivery 5/18 after the wonderful tour and 45 minute walkthrough in Fremont (only 6 miles from our home)
    ~$74K out the door with taxes/registration etc..

    Tesla info.jpg
  • Jun 7, 2015
    That is pretty much what I did at pretty much the same price. In 5 years, when it is paid off and I am ready to trade for a new one, I expect the car to be worth about $30 k (so about $600-700/mo depreciation). That is much better than the original owner who ate approx $43k in depreciation in 24 months (almost, $1.8 k a month, gulp). Those of you who are worried about depreciation on CPO vehicles may go the rest of your lives not having a Model S if you don't figure out a way to get past that. As far as money goes, when you die, you can't take it with you.
  • Jun 7, 2015
    Fortunate enough to not owe anything on it. My 6 year old son has claimed it when he turns 16 ten years from now. Still, for the quality of the vehicle and the way Tesla stands behind each and every car, a CPO is a great way to go to get into the best EV ever made.
  • Jun 7, 2015
    I got mine on Friday, I ordered on 5/21/15. Tesla did an amazing job and the car looks brand new. Now I just need to sell it so I can get a P85+ lol.

  • Jun 7, 2015
    Question for CPO buyers that bought a car from a distant CPO store and had it shipped to your local Tesla SC for delivery. Can you explain the process? I get the $1000 deposit (probably a CC) when you click the BUY button.

    When do I actually have to pay that balance, before it departs the Tesla CPO store where you bought it from or after it arrives at my local Tesla SC? I live near St Louis and will have to have any CPO shipped to St Louis for delivery.

    Any detailed description of the process is appreciated.

    thanks in advance.
  • Jun 7, 2015
    Once you commit to a vehicle and make the $1000 deposit with a credit card, prior to them shipping it to your location, they will confirm that you understand and accept the delivery charge. Within that timeframe (I believe it could be before or after), your assigned Tesla Delivery Specialist (DS) will generate an MVPA (Motor Vehicle Purchase Agreement) that you need to sign prior to shipping.

    You will later receive a detailed invoice of all charges (typically the vehicle, plus transport and applicable taxes) and at that point you need to indicate to Tesla which part you are paying for and which part you are financing through your lender. The part you are paying for will need to be remitted through the "MyTesla" web portal via ACH from your bank or sent by bank wire transfer. This can be done as single or multiple payments, and from multiple accounts as needed. Credit cards are not accepted after the initial deposit.

    This may sound complicated, but if you follow it step-by-step through the process, it is probably the easiest way to execute a transaction as complicated as a long distance automobile purchase.

    I hope this helps.
  • Jun 7, 2015
    I'll just throw in that my "mytesla" page was broken, so they just let me bring in a personal check at delivery for the balance. Not even a certified or bank check. Just a regular old check. They said "we know where to find you" if something went wrong with the check. Yes, they actually said that. ;)
  • Jun 7, 2015
    Speaking of broken.... Hank is your consolidator page working? After over a week of gangbuster sales not one car sold today? I get that probably none would be added, since it's Sunday, but not one car picked up?
  • Jun 7, 2015
    It was just like buying a new car. You hit the "buy" button, pay the $1K dep then the car is shipped to the closest SC to you. They recondition the car then your DS will let you know when it's ready and you pay your balance. The one annoying thing is that most cars are not "drive off ready". It took several weeks for mine to get to me and to be reconditioned. Worth the wait though.
  • Jun 7, 2015
    Do they tell you the condition of the battery? I.e. How much degradation has occurred?
  • Jun 7, 2015
    Mine wasn't even broken. My DS said I can give them a check at delivery if I so desired, or I could pay in advance - my choice. I handed over the check in exchange for the key in person when getting my car.
  • Jun 8, 2015
    Awesome, I did call my local SC a couple of weeks ago about arranging to get my 2014 Stingray appraised since I'll be trading it in if I can't find a private buyer and beat the tax advantage.

    now all I need is the " right" Tesla to show up. I'm looking for a Green S85 but might consider the 60 if the price/options and miles right.

    Thanks for for all the info. Can't wait.
  • Jun 8, 2015

    I see 10 cars removed yesterday....
  • Jun 8, 2015
    There might be a formatting error again then. What browser are you using?

    I'm not seeing any change in the DB in Safari or Firefox on OS X (latest versions of browser and OS) or Safari on iOS. I don't have a machine with chrome to peek. I do see the numbers changing reflecting there are cars moving around, but no actual list changes (when sorted by date added or date removed).

    /edit When sorted by Date Removed, the most recent car I see removed is Vin P27627, sold on 6-06-2015 @ 21:00 which leads me to think something changed on the 7th...
    /edit 2 The updates stopped (for me) on June 7th. Perhaps something to do with the month number and the day number.\
    /edit 3 I can see one car added today in Canada across all browsers, (including chrome) but don't see any changes at all for yesterday (including chrome). All this is on OSX.
  • Jun 8, 2015
    Update on my CPO and reconditioning

    Seems Tesla didn't do a few resets on the software, which may or may not be a good thing. Let's see:

    1. GPS/NAV searches never cleared (all the way back to day 1 delivery, whoever owned this went to Chipotle all over California)
    2. Home address not cleared (this could be dangerous in the wrong hands, i deleted it)
    3. Slacker account logged in
    - maybe it's me, but my Slacker account (free) only lets me skip 6 songs or so
    - In the MS, I haven't pushed the limit, but have skipped way more than 6 in a row
    - Based on the username, i'll post later, it might be an internal Tesla account? Possible?
    - Previous owner loved country and hip hop as said favorites
    4. Tune in account signed in, I think
    - Haven't really used it, but I might also have someone's previously active sync running.
    5. Didn't check yet, but now am curious if the browser history is cleared?????
  • Jun 8, 2015
    Yikes. I almost wonder if HQ putting in the "Factory Reset" option in the UI to clear everything out was purposely for resale scenarios and maybe not all Service Centers have quite gotten the memo to hit that as the first thing they do once the car is turned over?!?
  • Jun 8, 2015
    Slacker is generally logged into a generic "tesla" account for all cars. Check the Slacker login credentials to see if it's the Tesla account (basic) or the previous owner's premium account.
  • Jun 8, 2015
    Yeah will definitely check. I didn't realize the slacker account has a generic "tesla" login. I pay for my own subs to XM/Pandora/others... not trying to steal an account, just a heads up.
  • Jun 8, 2015
    Sorry, got my dates confused. 10 cars were removed on Saturday. I also see the one car added today in Canada. I guess the activity might have to do with when cars are added: a bunch of cars added on 6/5 sold in less than a day, a few more sold in 1 day. Other sales have much longer "tenure". Few added on 6/6, none of them were good enough deals to warrant an immediate sale.
  • Jun 8, 2015
    I guess it's possible. Two have sold today. I'm shocked nothing sold yesterday after weeks of multiple sales every day.
  • Jun 8, 2015
    That all agrees with what I see. Everything looks normal. You can check the output of each hourly run here:
  • Jun 8, 2015
    We are seeing the 1st 40K+ range tesla:

    Much better equipped than the other S60 at 50K. Finger cross for more price drops soon.

    Grab them quickly guys!

    60 kWh Model S P03747 | Tesla Motors

    I would do it but, the 60 is too little range for me. Especially one with 33K miles on it already. I need something with more range.
  • Jun 8, 2015
    ...and it's brown, which really looks quite nice in person (someone has been parking a brown P85D across the street from my house in the past few weeks and I am coveting it).
  • Jun 8, 2015
    I put a deposit on a CPO almost two weeks ago and i cant even get a callback. what garbage customer service.
  • Jun 8, 2015
    Have you tried going through your closest local store? I bet they can get some information for you.
  • Jun 8, 2015
    Call the 800 number [
    (888) 518-3752?
    ] with your Reservation Number (RN#) and get a Product Specialist and Delivery Specialist assigned to you. You do need to sometimes drive the process with Tesla. I would still take needing to "take charge" a bit over guys in ties and starched white shirts trying to be my "best friend" and "work a deal with the manager" at a traditional car dealership.
  • Jun 8, 2015
    This has probably been discussed throughout this thread, but what exactly does the "$" indicate, next to the "Opts" link?
  • Jun 8, 2015
    The price was increased/decreased. You can click on OPTS to see previous prices.
  • Jun 8, 2015
    of course i have. i've called the local sales team, local client relations manager, the local delivery girl. the factory, my delivery specialist, and another product specialist. no one seems to know whats going on. i've sent tons of emails, calls. i finally talked to someone today at the factory who was disgusted how i've been treated and gave me the number to another local person. after touching bases with them, i got promised a call back in an hour or less and still have not heard anything. this is crazy. i've had a cashiers check to pay for the car since they've sent me the final bill over a week ago. and no one knows where my car actually is.

    - - - Updated - - -

    update, just got a call. and the girl told me she has no information. LOL clowns.
  • Jun 8, 2015
    Experience so far:

    1. Saw CPO S85 on Hank's CPO reports site
    2. Created profile on Tesla website and put down $1000
    3. Got email from Tesla within 5 minutes to confirm
    4. Was called the next morning by Tesla Sales rep at store close (20km) to me, told to expect 10 day turn around for delivery
    5. Sales rep had car washed so wife and I could review car following day
    6. Reviewed the car, provided feedback on items to remedy in email to Tesla
    7. Sent pictures of my Mercedes trade in
    8. Spent today on electrical prep for NEMA plug
    9. Emailed and asked for next steps

    I am patient. But delivery day certainly cannot come soon enough!
  • Jun 8, 2015
    My car took exactly 5 weeks from deposit to correction of last issue. It also had to come from 2 delivery zones away. The process is definitely slower than most vehicle acquisitions, but in the end I got a vehicle that is in "like new" condition with a number of parts that are actually new. The discount from "actual new" was well worth the wait.
  • Jun 9, 2015
  • Jun 9, 2015
    No. You could attempt to make your purchase contingent upon knowing the 'Range Charge' capacity, and see how it goes. I didn't. With more than average miles, I came to find out ours last range charged to 258 rated miles, in February. It range charged to 267, at delivery. Some balancing probably got those numbers up. No idea the rate at which it will drop, like most 85's, back into the 255-260 zone.

    Also regarding battery, realize that with CPO you get a car that has been reset. You won't know the average lifetime "watt-hours / mile", to ballpark battery cycles. Some put their miles behind them at <300Wh/mi. For others, it could be at ~385Wh/mi. Because you don't get to inspect these things, I put a premium on avoiding winter's impact on cycle life and the exterior, and had the car shipped from a warmer climate. YMMV.
  • Jun 9, 2015
    Just adding that this can be very YMMV. My NY originally CPO car 90% charges to 239 and 95% charges to 255 miles. I haven't made it to a full 100% charge, but this sounds like zero degradation on my winter-environment 2 year old 31k battery.
  • Jun 9, 2015
    At least one lucky (?) CPO purchaser reported that their car wasn't reset so they actually do have access to those numbers but that sounds like it was the exception.
  • Jun 11, 2015
    A bunch of minor price changes just hit -- all about $1000 lower.. perhaps these are older cars that are another month old.

    ==========> Price change P09064: from $74,500.00 to $73,600.00 -- old prices: ;80,300
    ==========> Price change P10050: from $83,800.00 to $81,900.00
    ==========> Price change P10283: from $82,100.00 to $81,200.00
    ==========> Price change P12673: from $79,500.00 to $78,400.00
    ==========> Price change P13015: from $78,400.00 to $77,400.00
    ==========> Price change P14031: from $83,500.00 to $82,600.00
    ==========> Price change P14588: from $77,600.00 to $76,800.00
    ==========> Price change P15713: from $83,800.00 to $83,000.00
    ==========> Price change P15836: from $81,800.00 to $80,800.00
    ==========> Price change P15857: from $86,800.00 to $85,700.00
    ==========> Price change P16355: from $81,200.00 to $80,100.00
    ==========> Price change P19786: from $85,500.00 to $84,300.00
    ==========> Price change P20750: from $92,700.00 to $91,800.00
    ==========> Price change P22353: from $83,600.00 to $82,700.00
    ==========> Price change P22706: from $88,100.00 to $87,300.00
    ==========> Price change P23378: from $88,900.00 to $87,800.00
    ==========> Price change P26166: from $85,800.00 to $84,900.00
    ==========> Price change P26722: from $87,500.00 to $86,600.00
    ==========> Price change P26752: from $90,200.00 to $88,400.00
    ==========> Price change P26922: from $89,000.00 to $88,100.00
    ==========> Price change P27121: from $75,600.00 to $74,600.00
    ==========> Price change P27597: from $85,200.00 to $84,400.00
    ==========> Price change P28280: from $90,600.00 to $89,600.00
    ==========> Price change P28650: from $90,600.00 to $89,500.00
    ==========> Price change P30351: from $93,500.00 to $92,400.00
    ==========> Price change P33479: from $95,500.00 to $94,500.00 -- old prices: ;96,750
    ==========> Price change P35231: from $89,000.00 to $88,000.00 -- old prices: ;91,500
    ==========> Price change P36441: from $87,600.00 to $86,600.00
    ==========> Price change P37895: from $85,900.00 to $84,800.00 -- old prices: ;86,500
    ==========> Price change P39565: from $96,300.00 to $95,300.00
    ==========> Price change P40323: from $82,300.00 to $80,500.00 -- old prices: ;80,950
    ==========> Price change P42163: from $102,300.00 to $101,500.00
    ==========> Price change P43649: from $80,800.00 to $80,500.00
    ==========> Price change P45027: from $78,000.00 to $77,700.00
    ==========> Price change P51008: from $86,400.00 to $86,100.00
    ==========> Price change P53642: from $86,800.00 to $86,500.00
    ==========> Price change P53693: from $87,200.00 to $86,900.00
    ==========> Price change P54055: from $101,700.00 to $101,400.00
    ==========> Price change P57229: from $87,200.00 to $86,900.00

    ==========> VIN Moved back to Available: P22706 ; from $88,100.00 to $87,300.00 Original Sold date: 2015-06-04 22:00:22 ;
  • Jun 11, 2015
    This is a fascinating process. I was on your search tool today, and have been watching this even though I have had my car delivered nearly 3 weeks ago. I was thinking that the pricing had gone up and the deals weren't as good as they were at the beginning. Then I realized it's just that the best deals simply got purchased, leaving the others still on the site, and the replacements are across the board, but the best deals of the replacements get snatched up pretty quickly as well.
  • Jun 11, 2015
    I'm with you on that theory.....The cars that were listed at the beginning of May when I placed my deposit, appear to be much better "values" IMHO than the cars that have been listed lately. I'm glad that I acted when I did and didn't procrastinate waiting for a better deal.
  • Jun 11, 2015
    One more big price drop

    ==========> Price change P02284: from $68,900.00 to $59,700.00 -
  • Jun 11, 2015
    I just did a few sorts to compare cars listed to those sold. Percentage-wise a lot more of the sold cars are 2013s vs 2014. For cars available, it's pretty even, so the average price has gone up partially because of that. I'm surprised at the ratio of P85/P85+ to S85 on the site.

    I'm still occasionally tempted, but have to keep reminding myself that dual motors is the ultimate goal. Buying a CPO would be counter-productive, no matter how close it is to ideal config and price. (that's my story today)
  • Jun 11, 2015
    Green, S85, pano, tech pkg, dual chargers, upgraded sound and smart air suspension.., 21k miles. That's a great deal!

    85 kWh Model S P02284 | Tesla Motors
  • Jun 11, 2015
    2012. I would stay away from 2012 unless you are ok with 90KW max charging rate at supercharging station. Older battery and possible older battery tech so limited charging rate.
  • Jun 11, 2015
    I guess it is good that I bought my car the first night or else I may have bought this one! That said, since I don't care about mileage given Tesla's CPO warranty, I prefer mine and I'm ecstatic that I didn't wait on it!
  • Jun 11, 2015
    I just bought a 2012 and I love that car. The one time I charged to 100% it showed 262 miles range. Degradation does not seem to be an issue for my car. Most of my charging is done at my house from the NEMA 14-50 outlet, so the supercharge max rate is not a huge concern to me.
  • Jun 11, 2015
    I'm really ready to push the button on a CPO and was wondering what happens to the deposit if you change you mind as in backing out or seeing another CPO that you like better?
  • Jun 11, 2015
    Nice. Glad to hear the range degradation is really under control. Just curious, how many miles is on your car? Mileage and time are the two major factor on the battery. Mileage can be used to determine a rough estimate of the charge cycle.
  • Jun 12, 2015
    I am not surprised by this. The people who can afford the P85D are the people who can afford taking the depreciation hit on the P85 they bought only 2 years ago. The people who stretched their budget to get into a 60 probably also need to stick with the car over a longer period for financial reasons before being able to trade to something else.
  • Jun 12, 2015
    My 2013 with 31k miles charges 90% to 239 miles and 95% to 255 miles. I haven't done a 100% charge yet, but that should track me to 265 miles at 100%. No worries about degradation here.
  • Jun 12, 2015
    Tesla allows you to switch CPO's once if you change your mind with losing the deposit.
  • Jun 12, 2015
    As of today just over 19,000. Tesla batteries are very durable. Much better than any of my previous EV adventures.
  • Jun 12, 2015

    thanks for that info!
  • Jun 12, 2015

    Talked to a guy on Reddit who traded in his (pre autopilot) S60 for a P85 and it only ended up costing him around $2,000. That's a pretty significant jump for not so much cash. He went from about 25k miles on the S60 to 30k on the P85. Lost folding mirrors and parking sensors but got a pretty damn beefy car in exchange.
  • Jun 12, 2015
    Sorry I meant without losing the deposit. You have to e-mail the ownership advisor with the new CPO VIN and they swap in a new RN. It's actually pretty nice because I found something more to my liking after I put down the deposit and they had already fixed up the CPO.
  • Jun 12, 2015
    i did the same thing, going from 60 to a p85 for about 7k out of pocket.
  • Jun 12, 2015
    Wow. Did you guys go one year older model or just more miles? I just ordered a new 70d, maybe in a few years, I'll swap for p115d :)
  • Jun 12, 2015
    Losing folding mirrors and parking sensors would indicate older. Real question to those that traded their newer 60s is do you feel that you gained something substantial (85 battery/"P" quickness/options you didn't have) for something you lost that you consider minor (newer vehicle/less miles/parking sensors/folding mirrors)?
  • Jun 12, 2015
    I had this issue. We hit the button on a P85 and the better half wanted a 85, Tesla would not let us switch. Love the P85 but it's to much for her. So now it's for sale, make sure you want what you hit the button for.
  • Jun 12, 2015
    Highland Park Tesla Location

    How come you can't see all the cars on the Chicago CPO site that they have at the Highland Park Store? There is close to 100 Cars at the Highland store from every color and option available. The CPO site only shows like 30 Cars
    IMG_0057.JPG IMG_0056.JPG
  • Jun 12, 2015
    Supply and demand.
  • Jun 12, 2015
    Plus we are already seeing it can take up to 3 weeks to get your CPO car delivered. They are not only striking a balance between supply/demand on buying the vehicles, but demand/supply of resources to manage the delivery and sale.
  • Jun 12, 2015
  • Jun 12, 2015
    that's pretty much it, just jumping from 60 to p85 is already a $20k option, on top of 21in wheels, air suspension, dual chargers, alcantara, lighting, carbon fiber decor then ur at 30k in additional options. I've turned off my parking sensors the past month to get used to it and it hasn't been a problem.
  • Jun 12, 2015

    Mmmm . . . 2 different experiences I wonder if its subjective? but thanks for the info!
  • Jun 12, 2015
    Two words.

    Valet mode.

    Turn it on, don't say a word, she might think it's "more refined" now... l-)
  • Jun 12, 2015
    my experience has been subpar with CPO though. It's been exactly 30 days since putting down the deposit, and the car is still in its original location. Never get any information from DS unless i check in once a week. I've been told it was en route for 2 straight weeks and it hasn't moved.
  • Jun 12, 2015
    You need to call more often. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
  • Jun 12, 2015
    My guess is that the 85 they wanted to switch to cost less than the P85 they originally reserved. I'd bet that if it had been the reverse (going from a less expensive spec to a more expensive spec), they would've been happy to oblige.
  • Jun 12, 2015
    Nope it is more, $12K more. It's newer.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Trust me I tried, it's better for everyone's safety that she's not driving a P :wink:
  • Jun 12, 2015
    Wow...I stand corrected. Definitely wouldn't have guessed that. It definitely seems like it is subjective then...
  • Jun 13, 2015
    WOW. My plan WAS to buy a CPO selling for no more than LOW sixties (year, mileage, options and even battery) were flexible. But now my plan is to hold off until after the MX starts being sold. I suspect if they still have a glut of CPO's and then folks start trading in newer MS on their MX CPO prices will have to come down.

    Seems this could become a buyers market in the next several months. Plus I get to save up an additional $1500/month to increase my down payment.

    By the way I saw a YouTube video of someone driving around the Highland Park Tesla lot showing row after row lined up by color of these CPO's.
  • Jun 13, 2015
    Tom - always go and try to buy something near the end of a quarter. This works for almost any product on the market. I have heard that even in retail stores, you can always ask for 10% discount even if no sale is in progress and the cashier has an option to allow it.
  • Jun 13, 2015
    Yup that is my plan. However i am still on the fence on the 85D. New or cpo. It seems to me like once the model x comes out, i am sure they will lower the price of the 85D because there will be a new model s out, one with more capacity to get probably 300+ miles.

    Maybe there will be cpo 85D. If so that will be where i look first otherwise it is between a really cheap P85 or a new 85D the one they still have in stock and off loading in anticipation of the new model s.
  • Jun 13, 2015
    All I can say is that we hit the buy button a little to quick. My suggestion to everyone is to take your time. Tesla as a ton of CPO cars that are not even listed so there should be plenty of choices.

    - - - Updated - - -

    You live in sunny San Diego, why do you think you need an AWD?
  • Jun 13, 2015
    Having driven both the P85 and 85D my experience is that the 85D handles much differently. Much more planted and "pointable". If he's comparing with an 85 its also much quicker.
  • Jun 13, 2015
    I plan to go to the mountains and do road trips to the east coast. I figured the awd is better. Moreover the awd 85d was so good in the rain, albiet light rain.

    Finally it is slightly more efficient than the regular 85.
  • Jun 13, 2015
    Totally disagree. Before I bought my P85D I drove back to back and P85D, 85D and a P85. The 85D was like driving a 90's Towncar, very sloppy. The P85 is somewhat the same to the 85D but the P85D and P85+ suspension is so much better. More planted and pointable as you claim.
  • Jun 13, 2015


    could u please change the consolidator to also include RS(rear seat) in the cars sold categories...I'm trying to track those sales to get a more reasonable ballpark of what I should be paying for a CPO with rear seats....TIA!
  • Jun 14, 2015

    I think I will be waiting a little longer too I think prices will come down some more also!
  • Jun 14, 2015
    Oh baby, I'm ready to buy my CPO when the Model X is shipping in full force... Plenty of choices then!!
  • Jun 14, 2015
    Scheduled to take ownership of a CPO this coming Saturday, I think it was a solid deal at $58K.

    The only real compromise I made was the pano roof. The battery (85kWh) and additional features at this price point outweighed it for me.

    I'll post pictures next week.

    85kWh | Metallic Gray w/black leather | 19" | Tech w/power folding mirrors | Air | Sound | Obeche Matt | Supercharging | Dual Chargers | Body Color Roof | Carbon Fiber Spoiler | 23955 mi
  • Jun 14, 2015
    58k isn't bad. I become a buyer for a second MS I think in the 40's.
  • Jun 14, 2015

    were you able to confirm you have power folding mirrors?? The VIN is pretty early to have it and Hanks' CPO Consolidator doesn't list it as being on there..
  • Jun 14, 2015
    @dalamchops Great question.

    You're correct it did not have power folding mirrors, but when I initially inquired about the vehicle the owner advisor said it did.

    Upon receiving a photo of the vehicle earlier this week I asked the delivery specialist the same question. She confirmed that it did not have power folding mirrors. So I forwarded her a conversation I had with the owner advisor which quoted him saying "Yes 100% sure" after asking if the vehicle was equipped with power folding mirrors.

    After a few emails and a phone call the owner advisor confirmed it would be retrofitted with power folding mirrors at no additional charge. Excellent customer service!
  • Jun 14, 2015
    @dalamchops Great question.

    You're correct it did not have power folding mirrors, but when I initially inquired about the vehicle the owner advisor said it did.

    Upon receiving a photo of the vehicle earlier this week I asked the delivery specialist the same question. She confirmed that it did not have power folding mirrors. So I forwarded her a conversation I had with the owner advisor which quoted him saying "Yes 100% sure" after asking if the vehicle was equipped with power folding mirrors.

    After a few emails and a phone call the owner advisor confirmed it would be retrofitted with power folding mirrors at no additional charge.

    I appreciate they way they handled this and gives me a good feeling of what to expect as a new owner.
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