Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 11, 2016

Tesla Gigafactory Investor Thread part 11

  • Sep 3, 2014
    Tesla does not need as many incentives from Nevada since they have lower business taxes and less bureaucratic hurdles. Tesla does not need environmental regulations to do the right thing because Tesla is not a "compliance" company.

    Nevada does not hinder Tesla business in any way like Texas and Arizona. And Nevada is a huge backer of solar electricity.
  • Sep 3, 2014
    Tesla confirmed:

    "Tesla looks forward to joining the governor and legislative leaders tomorrow in Carson City," Tesla spokeswoman Liz Jarvis-Shean said Wednesday.

    Tesla appears set to announce Nevada as gigafactory site Thursday - San Jose Mercury News
  • Sep 3, 2014
    I think that i am surprised that California didn't win this. I was hoping that california would win because I felt that it would solidify a positive relationship between california and tesla. Cali has given good breaks to tesla in the past to buy machinery (i think there was a multimillion tax deduction at one point) and I wanted to see california pull this one out again. Cali has been very good with regard to the ZEV issue. I can see that proximity to lithium might be an issue, but not one that can't be overcome.

    After reading robstark's post, maybe it is a good thing they went with nevada because it would have tarnished their reputation to be "asking for environmental waivers" from california.
  • Sep 3, 2014
    Why is minimal environmental safeguards worse than bypassing the environmental safeguards in CA? Do you know how much crap Tesla would have gotten as a "green" company if they bypassed the regulations already in place? Yes, most everyone agrees that CEQA is a bit over the top... but you can't go bypass something in the name of being "good for the environment" when the thing you are trying to bypass is saying it is "good for the environment"... that is a political storm just waiting to happen.

    Not that Tesla is in the wrong in any way with how they will build this or treat the environment and such, since they take all that very seriously... but the public perception would not see it that way.
  • Sep 3, 2014
    Yeah, this seems to be really good logic on tesla's part. Slowly coming around to the nevada site being a good thing...
  • Sep 3, 2014
    As a Texas resident I'm sad to see the factory go to Nevada. However, a huge part of me thinks we deserve to lose the factory as payback for our pathetically corrupt politicians caving to the bribes from the TADA.
  • Sep 3, 2014
    Couple points regarding Reno GF:

    1. "The announcement comes after a weekend in which California's legislature adjourned without acting on a bill that could have delivered economic incentives to try to lure Tesla into building its plant in the Golden State." USA Today

    2. Tesla wasn't looking for CA to forego CEQA regs. Tesla even said so... Said it was counter to their company mission

    3. My personal view is that Nevada/Reno is a good place to operate. Low taxes, cheaper labor (vs. other states like CA - lower Consumer Cost of living basis - housing...)

    4. We will find out shortly what deal TM got from NV. Based on #3 above, NV is already advantaged.
  • Sep 3, 2014
    In addition to these reasons, it always made sense to go to the raw materials. It did not make sense for Tesla source raw materials from Nevada to (Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, or California), assemble battery cells at said location, and ship the cells to Fremont. Logistically, I do not know why Tesla was ever considering the other states. Obviously, if the incentives were greater than the additional logistical step, they would have done it.

    Feel free to correct me were I'm wrong, but it is most straight forward to source raw materials and assemble the cells in the same location and ship the cells to Fremont. It cuts down on lead time and delays.

    I'm most likely over simplifying this. Just a thought.
  • Sep 3, 2014
    I don't know of another state that imposes a sales tax on capital equipment. No state that has an auto factory charges sales tax on machinery for auto plants. So this "tax break" simply puts California on par with every other auto producing state.

    CA ZEV program,IMO, has been critical to Tesla if not in the actual business plan then at least in the perception of investors willing to invest in Tesla early on. And Tesla has over 6,000 employees in CA. Now Tesla has another two friends in the US Senate it can call on and one is very very powerful. At least until this Novembers elections.
  • Sep 3, 2014
    One other factor: Tesla was able to acquire the land, and get a contactor to prepare the building pad, very quickly, without much fuss, and, that pad is now ready to continue construction. No other sites have been discovered (as of yet), in this "ready" state. It's also rumored that Tesla has ordered all of the steel to construct the building, and my guess is, it's arrived, and they need a "location" to deliver it to (or start paying storage fees to hold it in warehouses) .. In the end, they may not have had much choice, given that speed of construction is most important to Elon and JB.
  • Sep 3, 2014
    Lithium(in Nevada) and Cobalt(potential mine in Idaho) are only a small fraction of what makes a lithium-ion battery.

    Much more Nickel and even copper. And aluminum for casing.

    The closest large source for Copper would be Arizona and Canada for Nickel.
  • Sep 3, 2014
    This makes a lot of sense to someone (EM) who talked about trying not to move 'molecules' from place to place to make a product.
  • Sep 3, 2014
    You are not oversimplifying, you are right on the money. Texas was never in the running, their legislature doesn't meet until February and that's way too far off. And it was only a ruse to get them to remove their dealer monopoly law IMO.

    Elon has said many times that he wants to reduce the amount of "travelling around" that raw materials and cars do, prior to customer ownership. If the minerals are in Nevada, it makes a ton of sense.

    Also, they probably broke ground and levelled the Reno/Sparks/Clark NV site so they could keep moving along if no other state came up with a better alternative - and that has come to pass. So they are at 100% efficiency on dollars spent, and almost 100% efficiency on time spend on Gigafactory construction - since they were finishing up with the clearing work around the Q2 ER, and haven't moved along since. I expect they have already have WG Yates started on planning.
  • Sep 3, 2014
    One hopes Tesla finally filled the Gigafactory Architect position that's been listed in their jobs site for months and months. That person needs to get crackin' immediately.
  • Sep 3, 2014
    Just crowd source it. You could just create a "how should TM design the GF" thread and get 1000's of hours of free work ;)

    Edit: and get what they paid for it...
  • Sep 3, 2014
    Per Associated Press (and been picked up all over...)

    The winner is Nevada.

    But in reality, this is great news for Tesla enthusiasts. As had been discussed in the past, this battery gigafactory is critical for the launch of the Model III (or is it the Model ?)
  • Sep 3, 2014
    Curt Renz
    Indeed, since some shorts were spreading FUD that plans for a Gigafactory were a ruse and it would never be built. This ends any doubt.

    The car's name has been registered as Model 3. Use of Model III would imply that Model X means Model 10.
  • Sep 3, 2014
    Which still makes Nevada the best "centralized" choice, no? since you are now shipping everything in the shortest distances feasible, straight line down/up to Nevada and then West to CA, and if they have to source anything from overseas they can bring it in at CA and use the empty return trip back to the factory to get it there. raw materials, this always seemed like the best location. If you go all the way back to like page 1, I bet it was one of the first sites suggested as being the serious contender way back...

    See and this is why I think it will really help the stock because there is no more excuses... panasonic is signed on, the site has been chosen, the deals are in place, they will be "breaking ground" no matter how you try to spin that term, the only thing the have left to cling to on this is that Panasonic has only given up a small amount of money thus far (which is easily explained since they are responsible for buying the machinery... there is no place to stick the machinery given that there is no building in which to stick it.) and we don't know about any other potential partners being locked in just yet.

    What else do they have to cling to that this will crash and burn? demand? cost??? *shakes head* I just don't see anything being in their way anymore.

    PS: Would that make the Model S be read as Model 2? If so then I like it :D

    Besides, "X" marks the spot! :)
  • Sep 3, 2014
    Curt Renz
  • Sep 3, 2014
    Curt Renz
    In the Arizona Republic this afternoon regarding the Nevada governor's press conference tomorrow: "A spokesman for Tesla, based in Palo Alto, California, said company representatives would be at the Capitol for the announcement but offered no other details."
  • Sep 3, 2014
    I will be disappointed if Elon does not take the lead on this announcement.
  • Sep 3, 2014
    Curt Renz
    The Nevada governor (a politician) surely wants to take the lead and credit for the decision. He'll want to explain why it is a benefit to Nevada. At a separate venue Elon may feel freer to explain why it's a benefit to Tesla shareholders and the wider world.
  • Sep 3, 2014
    This is fantastic news for Tesla! The Gigafactory has been a huge question mark so far, and the announcement of a winning site goes a long way towards dispelling investor doubt. All the pieces are moving into place: money, deal with Panasonic, and now a location with groundbreaking. I can now look at Tesla's artist rendering of the Gigafactory and know that it's really happening!
  • Sep 3, 2014
    Moderator's Note

    A post, made in jest, and a series of replies taking it seriously, have been removed. Even good-natured humor can cross a line, and we try to keep TMC on the friendly side of that line.
  • Sep 3, 2014
    I have season tickets to the Improv........Well said, Sir.
  • Sep 3, 2014
    Thank you.
  • Sep 3, 2014
    Okay then, re-creating the serious part of the post I'd made -

    today's announcement certainly created one heckuva pop in Western Lithium! Combined with its nice climb in recent months, the 40% jump WLCDF tacked on today has made our little speculative play come into its own and start to have an effect on the portfolio. When was the last time TSLA climbed 40% in a day?:tongue:
  • Sep 3, 2014
    My cost basis is $.46 & was surprised by the move without any mention of WLCDF any of the news reports I have seen so far, if I feel daring in the morning I might add some shares.
  • Sep 3, 2014
    Coming so soon after the end of the CA legislative session, it looks to me like Tesla was pretty set on Reno early on and only delayed the decision and paused Project Tiger because California made such a fuss about wanting a shot at it. Then when the legislature couldn't put together any incentive, they tried to blame Tesla for not coming to the table.
  • Sep 3, 2014
    Largest one day gain for TSLA was IPO offering: June 29, 2010 (25.74%)
  • Sep 3, 2014
  • Sep 3, 2014
    Just so it is clear, what CA was demanding in return for just a promise of moving into considering benefits for Tesla was for Tesla to commit to CA exclusively... That screamed bad deal to me and I would have rejected it as well. I want to tie your hands on the promise that we will do our best to give you a good deal, please sign here... Ummm pass.

    If you are going to make threats never lead with your final ultimatum. It leaves you no room to go in negotiating and if you shift your position no one will believe you anymore. Bad move CA...
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Elon will be at the announcement today & will be interviewed by CNBC & probably lots of other media.
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Spreading the Tesla enterprise to other states is also a good move politically. The more jobs Tesla supports in different parts of the country, the more political allies it will gain -- even from politicians that don't particularly like what electric cars stand for.
  • Sep 4, 2014
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Excellent article. I think he got all the key points, including the issue with California's legal system, that can allow a lawsuit to bring construction to a halt until all the appeals are exhausted. I'm working on a large project in CA now, and we are going to spend at least two years of community outreach, etc. before we file any permit applications, trying to head off any blocking legal action. Tesla doesn't have that sort of time.
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Anyone know what time he will be interviewed?
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Phil LeBeau mentioned he will interview EM after the announcement, since it will be 4:00 PM PST my advice is to follow Phil's twitter Phil LeBeau (Lebeaucarnews) on Twitter

    - - - Updated - - -

    [FONT=arial, sans-serif]Mark Eugene the United States Representative for Nevada's second congressional district just mentioned Nevada's tax incentive package is between $400-500 million (CNBC) [/FONT]
  • Sep 4, 2014
    To be clear, CA was working with Tesla on the terms of the agreement. Then it was just a matter of, "If we go to the trouble to pass this legislation in its current form, you must agree to locate here." So it was something with the agreement that Tesla did not like, not the fact that they felt their hands were tied. They had all the bids in from the other states during these negotiations with the Governor's office and had the ability to make a final, informed decision without getting in too deep where they didn't want to.

    As I said before, I'm looking forward to the press release to see just what Nevada was secretly able to come up with that was so enticing.
  • Sep 4, 2014
    I have seen several articles that reference the upcoming announcement mention that they will still build a second pad in case Nevada cannot deliver on the incentive package or if they decide to build a second gigafactoryI know that we have speculated they would use the other pad for that but this is the first time I have seen a Tesla spokesperson mention that. as the fund articles continue about there being a demand problem Tesla is looking forward to their second factory because one will not be enough.
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Even if Nevada's package was 10-20% less than California TM was bound to go somewhere other than California. EM indicated that he thought Cali was a long shot and my opinion is that speed far, far outweighs money. If Cali passes a bill allowing the 'side stepping' of some environmental regulations then TM has a PR nightmare And there is no way that building is not stopped several times by lawsuits/court injunctions. PACS for big oil, auto dealers and environmental groups would have had a legal field day.
  • Sep 4, 2014
    yep. Agreed. Even if NV package is less than what Cali offered, NV might still be a better choice due to lower labor costs
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Could not agree more. Yes California supported tesla when they most needed it but their investment in credits have paid off very well and will continue to. Tesla needs to be American car maker and then international car maker in the future

    - - - Updated - - -

    I will bet second giga will be china. They will not make battery packs here to transport to china. The current proposed plant will support Fremont production.
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Sorry if this has been posted but when is the PC and where can we watch it?
  • Sep 4, 2014
    One nice side-benefit of the GF: the car's US content will be high enough to avoid Canadian import duties. Currently, the Model S falls just below that threshold.
  • Sep 4, 2014
    7:00pm EST. I don't have a link to a feed though.
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Curt Renz
    The press conference is scheduled to begin at 16:00 PDT (23:00 UT - 01:00 CEST). Sorry, it could be a late night for you. I am not aware of planned live TV coverage, but we may learn something later. Automaker reporter Phil LeBeau of CNBC will be in Carson City for the press conference.

    - - - Updated - - -

    That would be EDT.
  • Sep 4, 2014
    That's exactly what I'm waiting for in terms of hopefully owning a model 3. That import duty of 6.1% makes a huge difference. Actually, thinking about it further, if the competition is the entry level Lexus IS, BMW 3 series, Mercedes C-class, all of those cars are subjected to the import duty since they're made overseas. So the case for buying a Model 3 over the other entry level luxuries is tilted further in the model 3's favour on a cost basis. Doesn't that also mean that the cross-border price difference between Canada and US can be either reduced, or even lead to greater margin for Tesla if the Canadian price remains higher?
  • Sep 4, 2014
  • Sep 4, 2014
  • Sep 4, 2014
    I don't start work until 15.30 so that is fine :)

    Thank you for the link BlueTan85
  • Sep 4, 2014
  • Sep 4, 2014

    What is this crap!!! Make it stop!!!! My EARS!

    Edit: sorry, I couldn't resist... but seriously this has to be like the worst "hold" music ever... haha! I feel like I went back in time to like the 90s or something
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Webcast is live with some really jazzy music.

    Lol, it is weird but I kinda like it. Don't ask why, I don't know.
  • Sep 4, 2014
    First thing I thought was I've been transported into the waiting room at my dentist's office.

    Second thing I thought was, is State of Nevada paying the proper rights for broadcasting this music over the web? Big fines if not.
  • Sep 4, 2014
  • Sep 4, 2014
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Now taking bets: which will be first, El Centro supercharger opening, or the actual start of press conference.
  • Sep 4, 2014
    I mean we are like... 45 minutes out still, haha... impatiently sitting here waiting for this to start when we know full and well that it isn't supposed to do anything for a while from now. Gosh, it's like Christmas for us, and we are staying up all night long!
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Hard to say which is greater: the gains from TSLA appreciation, or the income lost from lost productivity due to all these Tesla-related distractions!
  • Sep 4, 2014
    El centro
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Referring to Lance Gilman, since we are going to be hearing a lot about him & his brothel I guess we should learn more about him About Gilman for Commissioner
  • Sep 4, 2014
    T-minus 90 to Tesla---updating blog | Ralston Reports

    Some interesting things posted here I hadn't seen listed before:

    There is also apparently an open letter to the governors office complaining about this deal... (figures)

    NPRI sends open letter to Gov. Sandoval on constitutional implications of reported subsidies for Tesla >> Nevada Policy Research Institute

    They are trying to claim violation of the NV Constitution:

    Hopefully this doesn't end up becoming an issue... Although choosing not to impose taxes on someone is not the same as giving someone money.
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Deal points Jon Ralston (RalstonReports) on Twitter thanks DaveT
    Jon Ralston on Twitter: Tweeting deal points. Next few tweets. #Tesla
    Jon Ralston on Twitter: More deal points. #Tesla
    Jon Ralston on Twitter: More deal points. # Tesla
    Jon Ralston on Twitter: More deal points. #Tesla
    Jon Ralston on Twitter: More deal points. #Tesla

    Nevada strikes $1.25 billion tax break deal with Tesla

    Nevada strikes $1.25 billion tax break deal with Tesla

    This calls for my Elon-champagne bottle picture :biggrin:
  • Sep 4, 2014

    Just to make this a bit easier for forum readers:
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Is anybody else getting no audio on there feed currently? Or is it on my end?
  • Sep 4, 2014
    They turned audio off a while back.

    Wise move. I'm guessing a lot of the chit-chat the folks near the mics are speaking is not stuff they'd want the whole world to hear. Political careers have been lost for such. (And many a great Daily Show episode has been gained for such)
  • Sep 4, 2014
    I have no audio either.
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Great. Let's hope someone toggles the switch back on, my lip reading is atrocious!
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Dave Koz & Luther Vandross -- Can't Let You Go -- 1999

    You nailed it.
  • Sep 4, 2014
    There they turned it on.

    - - - Updated - - -

    OMG! +Rep for that! HAHAHAHAHA! Thanks!
  • Sep 4, 2014
    I wish they'd fix the crackle in the audio. It's not as if the technicians didn't have enough time to get the audio working.
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Odd location for the podium ... right at the door?
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Great info in those pages!

    "The GigaFactory will add over 3% to the state's GDP" -- this is honestly great for the people of Nevada, and is frankly a politician's dream come true. Sandoval will be remembered as a hero.
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Hmmm I don't hear a crackle... try reloading?
  • Sep 4, 2014
    This is fun. Watching live.. someone pass me a G&T.
  • Sep 4, 2014
    No idea how you found that, but thanks. My curiosity is now satisfied.

    Now, it looks like the Gov is about to speak...
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Yeah, I am still trying to absorb some of this, but the 3% and the 20% GDP numbers were pretty crazy for one single deal like this. And to think... there are going to be MORE of these and likely more in the US. Manufacturing is back in the US and it is coming strong!

    - - - Updated - - -

    6,500 jobs "With excellent benefits" -> So far this has been very true. Tesla has really taken care of its employees from what I have heard.
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Go Elon!

    Oh no not now! No feed!
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Getting "Please stand by, we're having technical difficulties" :(
  • Sep 4, 2014
    I just lost the feed, can someone relay what Elon says?
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Aaaaargh, they cut the feed! They cut the feed!
  • Sep 4, 2014
  • Sep 4, 2014
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Argggh, same here.
  • Sep 4, 2014
    WTF, just when Elon is about to come on.
  • Sep 4, 2014
    For those missing out Elon is mentioning the most important thing being speed of execution and how Nevada is a great state for the speed and he has encouraged others to come to Nevada as well.

    Nothing else we don't all already know so far. Biggest factory even by combining all others. Taking care to make sure it looks good, fits in with surroundings, does it work good with the environment. Factory shaped like a diamond as oppose to box (move less earth this way) it is aligned true north to map equipment by GPS, solar best aligned.

    will produce all the energy it needs, geothermal, solar and wind, and we will make sure it looks good

    That's the end of Elon's information.
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Nice chicken, thanks!
  • Sep 4, 2014
    CNBC has a free stream, link at top of page.'',%20'cnbc_live2',%20'width%3D420,%20height%3D420,%20status%3Dno,%20toolbar%3Dno,%20menubar%3Dno,%20location%3Dno,%20resizable%3Dyes,%20scrollbars%3Dno');%20void(0);

    - - - Updated - - -

    You know, that was literally my first thought. I'm so biased. :)
  • Sep 4, 2014
    cnbc, then what?
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Lost the feed!! Trying CNBC..
  • Sep 4, 2014
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Link at the top of the page
  • Sep 4, 2014
  • Sep 4, 2014
    figures the other feed is back now, haha!
  • Sep 4, 2014
    I missed all of Elon. CNBC is stuck on "Your program is about to begin..."
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Fast Laner
    CNBC works, thanks
  • Sep 4, 2014
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Picked the stream up from CNBC.
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Tesla didn't have to do the education and research funding and they volunteered it all on their own.
  • Sep 4, 2014
    All I caught from the end of Elon's talk was that the factory will be shaped like a diamond, the factory will produce its own energy / be self-sustaining, and they will make sure to provide opportunities for the public to see the factory.
  • Sep 4, 2014
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Incentives only exist if Tesla meets performance goals, it isn't just a hand out -> This is awesome! Eat that you naysayers!

    No direct impact on the state budget from this deal. -> Also totally awesome and makes it hard not to accept this deal as anything but good.
  • Sep 4, 2014
  • Sep 4, 2014
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Gov office cut the live feed as soon as he was finished speaking?
  • Sep 4, 2014
    More than likely coincidence given that we probably flooded their servers with more concurrent users than they usually see, but still...really?

    Anyway, great stuff in here and in the deal highlights posted on Twitter. This is some serious vindication for Tesla, and TSLA.
  • Sep 4, 2014
    That looks freaking awesome.
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Maybe they mean a diamond as you look from the top?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Indeed, watching history be made right here! I still can't believe how good this deal is for Tesla! This is crazy!
  • Sep 4, 2014
    So the Nevada legislature still has to approve all this, right? What if they don't?
  • Sep 4, 2014
    I think at this point the job-hungry population might take pitchforks to the state house if they don't, with Sandoval and Harry Reid leading a bipartisan charge. Every politician loves pork. :)
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Exactly my point all along. From the press release:

    for those that listened to the press conference, what incentive package (if any) was discussed?
  • Sep 4, 2014
  • Sep 4, 2014
    About that pic that's just been put up....

    now, this is just a guess, but....I'm going to guess those aren't oil storage tanks between the plant and the wind turbines.

    Just sayin'......
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Is that governor up for reelection this year?
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Geothermal production? Lots of battery storage? Both?

    - - - Updated - - -

    If he is, he just won the votes :D haha!

    - - - Updated - - -

    That's a pretty fair article. I actually don't mind the loser category. Insurance companies, Film Industry, Car Dealerships... two of those hardly need any real help and the last one? Well... I think we all know how much we care about those guys ;)
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Curt Renz
  • Sep 4, 2014
    My first reaction from looking at Tesla's new non-diamond-shaped diamond-shaped factory photo is:

    � No way is that enough parking for 6,500 workers.
    � No way is that enough roadway for 6,500 workers.
    � No way is that enough roadway for all the trucks and deliveries coming to and fro.
    � Imagine running a million gallons per minute through a straw. Right. Not gonna happen.
    � They're gonna need more and wider roads.
  • Sep 4, 2014
    6,500 workers over 3 shifts?
  • Sep 4, 2014
    Parking garages? And maybe free charging as an employee perk. ;)
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