May 26, 2016
Brandon332 @JamesG I'm wondering, when did your car go into production? I'm also in MA waiting for a 75D and picking up from Dedham hence the interest
May 27, 2016
ck1116 i had similar problems with many other cars too. try get a pair of polarised sunglasses/glasses should solve this problem, only cost about us$ 20.�
May 27, 2016
And also make everything look awesome. In particular natural bodies of water and phone screens.�
May 27, 2016
socalsam ![]()
Vin 4431 picked up today. Couple of quick drive by photos:
May 27, 2016
socalsam The X is happy next to its garage mate
May 27, 2016
Peanuticus I pick up mine tomorrow in Scottsdale. Did you happen to see a white with white interior? I'm going crazy.�
May 27, 2016
Colby Boles @socalsam : How did everything look at delivery? Body panel alignment good? I'm wondering if the couple of thousand VIN numbers between our two vehicles has improved things.�
May 27, 2016
Brandon332 @Peanuticus I ordered a white on white and test drove a white on white at my local SC. It was gorgeous. The last thing I wanna do is start tension with my TMC homies, but white on white looks amazing and I definitely think it's the best by far. I talked to one employee at the SC and he said he likes the white on white the best, before I even mentioned my liking for it.�
May 27, 2016
SoccerMan94043 I hope your garage is big... that looks like door dings waiting to happen
May 27, 2016
Peanuticus I actually have never seen or touched the white interior, but I am pretty sure I'll love it.�
May 27, 2016
digicool Received Eva at the Seattle Delivery Center yesterday. It was an amazing experience driving Eva home.
The overall fit and finish was great but not perfect. I noticed a small hairline dent on the right side door, some leftover glue along the patch that runs in the middle of the windshield and the gasket around the FWD frame was loose. I did notice that pretty much all the gaskets around the door frames are loose and can easily be pulled out. They scheduled an appointment at the service center to address those issues in late June.
The brakes seem to make a noise when engaging and disengaging. Same with coming out of the Park mode. I am hoping some breaking in will help with this. I did notice a faint rattle from the driver side rearview mirror area yesterday. But did not hear that today.
Functionally, things look good so far.
- Build date 04/16 - looks like they retained the car to fix the 3rd row
- Car came with active spoiler - pretty happy about this
- Averaging 385Wh/mile for the first 90 miles or so - mixed highway / city roads (has been 60F around here for the most part)
Taking Eva on a roadtrip this weekend. I will post photos and more about the trip later... loving the car!�
May 27, 2016
socalsam ![]()
Overall not bad at all. Couple of minor misalignments between the front doors and fwd. photos attached:�
May 27, 2016
socalsam Let's try that again- same photo posted twice---
May 27, 2016
socalsam Other than that- not bad at all.
Honestly I did no pay attention if there was a white car there. Was too caught up in my delivery. There were 3-4 Xs but I couldn't tell you the color.�
May 27, 2016
JamesG Around the first of May.�
May 27, 2016
goneskiian Congrats @socalsam and @digicool!
Nice garage mate for the X there socalsam!�
May 27, 2016
systemcrashed Did your DS say this alignment issue was fixable? Is it as noticeable from a distance?�
May 27, 2016
If it wasn't for all the hulabaloo here on the forums, I wouldn't have even noticed it�
May 27, 2016
pthill65 I have a delivery date! On MyTesla page it said end of May, and it's May 31st. Just thought I'd throw in a data point where Tesla makes a deadline. While Tesla has missed quite a few, for sure, I think there's kind of reporting bias thing that happens on forums that makes it worse than it seems. Of course, it's not in my garage yet...�
May 27, 2016
MattXowner Congrats. It's a beauty. Did you work with Lauren or Bryan? Was the delivery estimate accurate? How are you finding the AC in the heat? Any road trips planned?�
May 27, 2016
cuse44 I have the same issue with my drivers door on my X. VIN 35XX. It's currently in the Dallas Service Center. I'll let you know how it comes back.�
May 27, 2016
gjunky That is fantastic combo!
May 28, 2016
jayman Waiting on model X 47xx. About 4 weeks ago we were told it was on a train headed to the service center. We inquired about 2 weeks ago and they said it was at the villa park, IL service center but they are so busy with other X deliveries that it may still be a couple of weeks. Should I buy that reason? Gotta be quality issue and waiting for parts/fix, right?�
May 28, 2016
Peanuticus Picked up my 90D today. Everything looked perfect. Fixed spoiler and no sunshade, for those who care.�
May 28, 2016
goneskiian Woohoo! Congrats!
I'm sure you've shared it previously, but what is your VIN?�
May 28, 2016
Peanuticus I did. It's 5049. Unfortunately our garage is still under construction and charger is not set up yet, but I didn't want to wait. My wife's BMW.
May 28, 2016
DiveDeep Looking a little short there!�
May 28, 2016
Peanuticus You mean how I didn't pull in far enough? Yeah, there are building materials in the way and it's not like I have a garage door. I'll take what I can get.�
May 28, 2016
goneskiian Thanks! Sorry to make you repeat it.
May 30, 2016
Infinite Congratulations to all the new owners! How many of you been using checklists to look for issues prior to delivery? I read some where that the DS typically give only about an hour with the car prior to delivery. I am hopeful of June delivery so am trying to be prepared.�
May 30, 2016
Infinite @socalsam Awesome looking car. How do you like the all black interior? I have ordered the same but am worrying if it make the car smaller or hotter due to the black alcantara. Pretty confident about the black seats as all my cars in the past have had only black seats just not sure of the black alcantara.�
May 30, 2016
Topper Picked up 42xx from Denver SC last Tuesday. Almost 1000 miles later not an issue to be had. Permanent smile every time I get in!
May 30, 2016
Solarman004 @Topper, fellow Denver customer here awaiting my 75D. I was wondering how you found the service at the Denver SC during your pickup? I have been happy so far with my Denver DS.�
May 30, 2016
DiveDeep I see you still have some patchy snow, therefore you are at altitude likely >7000'.. How is the range being affected by the grades? Specifically, are you getting back on the downhill what you loose on the steep inclines?�
May 30, 2016
Topper @Solarman004 SC was fine. As per most everyone on TMC, replying to emails was limited but they called when important dates were approaching. Delivery of the car didn't take an hour, it was in perfect condition.
@DiveDeep. range is definitely affected by the grade. Didn't calculate how much i lost on the way up the pass vs actual miles traveled (maybe a loss of 30?) but a gain of 4 or 5 on the way down, not even close to zero sum. This is my first Tesla and it's amazing to not have a power curve. Set 70mph and the car stays there. No downshift or high rpm, rock solid on the speed. Auto pilot drives I70 great, probably on it 90%+ while on the interstate. Haven't ever had this much fun with a car, truly amazing tech.�
May 30, 2016
cmc5dc I took delivery on Saturday at Santa Barbara. I went over the checklist and everything was in order, however, their were traces of blue glue on the door sill, the back latch wasn't closing properly which drew a warning on the dash and the side mirrors wasn't spaced uniformly. All were fixed at there except the driver side mirror...might be within spec? Anyways, strange to pick up a vehicle unseen but everything went well. BTW, DS mentioned the tow hitch was on backorder as well as the sunshade
May 30, 2016
HAMX Jayman, My x (vin 41xx) came in on train with yours and also sitting at Villa Park. DS told me that a batch of them arrived with factory instructions about a needed fix by service center to seats (I presume the third row seat recall) and that they were waiting to get parts delivered from factory to fix. He also said that they are overwhelmed by 30 or so X's that came in at same time and are short staffed. I've stopped at the SC and did see a number of new X's there (but no where close to 30) including my own that had a "SC repair" sticker on windshield. He's not committing to a delivery time to me either and I think he's had enough of my inquiring "when". So basically I'm getting same story you are.�
May 30, 2016
nautical took delivery friday of a yet-to-be-named 90D. VIN 35xx... no alignment issues and had only 14 miles, so assume didn't undergo massive testing at the factory.
we took a quick trip to wisconsin for the weekend and LOVED it. the small details on this car just amaze me. simple things like the speed limit updating on the dash to bigger things like being able to strap both girls into their car seats from one door - they just make this car amazing.
i'll post pics and a more detailed review later. but i'm thrilled with this purchase
edit: has an active spoiler�
May 30, 2016
I love the black on black. As far as making the car look smaller- yes I supposed it does give a bit of a more cozy feel but I wanted that feeling so mission accomplished. Still the feel inside the car is huge. It's definitely roomy.�
May 31, 2016
bban9e1033 VIN29xx here, 90D, 7seats. Got an active spoiler. Picked up May 19th after a two week delay because they found an issue during final detailing.
Love the car and drive it home with a minor issue - 2nd row seats latch behind passenger side makes a clicking sound when moving back into position. I guess we didn't inspect it closely enough during delivery, because the next day we noticed the passenger door and the right fwd run into each other if you try to close or open them at the same time. Quite annoying, but at least we have been able to enjoy it while we wait for the SC to schedule us in.
Drove it down to Paso Robles and Morro Bay for the long weekend, had a lot of fun with it. Could have used a few more super chargers along the way but it was convenient enough.
Had to take over auto pilot a couple of times, it doesn't seem it know what to do if the lane you are on splits out another. And it hates big turns, when it turns, sometimes it would swerve side to side trying to stay in the center of the lane, not sure if that's been pointed out.
No sunshade but really didn't bother me at all, think the tint is already attiquate. Took a while to discover the hidden mirrors on the visor.�
May 31, 2016
bban9e1033 Oh, also forgot to check the window washing fluid level, and yea, found out there was none when we sort of needed it.�
Jun 3, 2016
pthill65 I picked up VIN 3018 on Tuesday 6/31. They told me late May, delivered late May! No fit and finish or functional issues I could see. I started out with the checklist, but kind of abandoned it during the process just to enjoy it more, especially since everything seemed to look fine. Got the active spoiler, nice bag of swag, thorough walk through. Also, when I called the next day with a charger cord problem, a service guy was out at my house within the hour, swapped out the cord. Boom, done.�
Jun 3, 2016
VABarb oh active spoiler... maybe there is hope...mine did finish production 5/26... maybe it made it under the wire to get active spoiler...�
Jun 3, 2016
pthill65 @VABarb If you don't get it, I actually think it looks pretty good with the spoiler up, and it is another thing to break....I completed production sometime around May 5th and was VIN 3018. If you're anywhere near as happy with the vehicle as me, you are not going to be too down about the spoiler. Autosteer is awesome!�
Jun 3, 2016
jeffreys I took delivery May 28th. Week 1 is behind me at this point. I haven't found a single problem with the vehicle yet, which is in sharp contrast to the experience of owners who took delivery and reported on their experience here on these fora a few months ago.
The one thing I noticed: There's a due bill for a sun shade in the glove compartment, and the due bill I signed at delivery shows nothing due. So if you're taking delivery soon, look in the glove compartment for a due bill before signing the blank due bill at delivery. I'm sure they'll still get a sun shade to me (and frankly, I don't care one way or another at the moment).
The surprise winner for me in this car is Slacker. I'm coming from a 10 year old car with a CD changer and a cassette tape player. The ability to call up arbitrary music by voice is surprisingly compelling. I've had this one my phone and at my desk at work for a while now, so I'm surprised how pleasing it is to have it in my car.�
Jun 3, 2016
EV-lutioin I used the checklist and it was super helpful. We spent two hours checking out the car and then had the on-site service guy take car of any little issues (like adhesive residue on the wheels). When I scheduled the pick up, the DS said something about one hour and I emailed back saying he should be prepared for it to take at least 2 hours. He was very helpful and patient and said, "You have every right to take as much time as you want to inspect the car before taking delivery".�
Jun 3, 2016
EV-lutioin Yes! Slacker is awesome!�
Jun 4, 2016
jayman I'm sure mine has some repair issue. That doesn't bother me as much as the story I'm getting that they "they are doing all the S's first and are then getting to the X's". It's what he's been telling my wife but he has to be full of it.�
Jul 25, 2016
Infinite @ohmman - Could you please share the location where you mounted your FasTrak? Thanks.�
Jul 25, 2016
ohmman Currently it sits in the console tray and I just lift it up when I pass through a toll plaza. Generally, I hold it on the passenger side of the mirror, which is where I mounted mine on my S. It has worked every time. In fact, I get ghost charges - two extras every time I pass through!
Jul 25, 2016
Infinite Thanks for the quick response. I had the same "technique" in my old car thought of decluttering the console tray just a little bit
Jul 25, 2016
F123456 I have mine mounted on the roof part of the windshield, abutting the center channel and the padded roof liner. I painted the outside of the ez pass black, and it blends in pretty well.�
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