Dec 3, 2015
DougH Your site is so much better than Tesla's. So much quicker and easier to use.�
Dec 3, 2015
MorrisonHiker I volunteer my services as well. :wink:�
Dec 3, 2015
MsElectric Just call your local tesla Gallery. They have a bunch of P85Ds available as inventory cars with the 21" wheels you want and great discounts.
- - - Updated - - -
Tesla is a very smart company and they do so many things better than anyone with the technology they use but this whole car buying process for inventory and CPO cars is just a sad, tiresome and broken down system. I am sure they are still selling cars but the whole process could be so much better. I don't know about others but we are VERY VERY picky with the interior and exterior color, trim color, 19" wheel preference, and the fact that we want a car with pretty much all the options besides the RFS.
I feel awful wasting the time of Tesla employees, as nice as they are, contacting them every few days to go over cars they have for sale and they then e-mail me listings of cars. We have yet to find a match but some have been very close. This is like buying a car in the 90s where you contact the car dealer and they manually look up their inventory and tell you which cars they have...
Come on Tesla, just list all your cars on your Web site already so customers can find what they are looking to buy. I'd gladly pay the a $2,500 deposit to have access to their entire inventory so we can pull the triggerr when we see the car we want. Now by the time we locate one through the Tesla gallery and they e-mail us, it could be already gone.�
Dec 3, 2015
30seconds Why not order the one you want?�
Dec 3, 2015
Cyclone To save $20k-$25k to find/buy the inventory vehicle that meets my needs, I would also wait until the right one came up.�
Dec 3, 2015
MsElectric What Cyclone said
Dec 3, 2015
Cyclone In fact, I did. It ended up being a CPO that met my needs before an inventory model and the savings compared even to an inventory model made the decision worth it. Look at my sig, those specs at $60k. I was looking at inventory models and waiting for the right one when the right CPO came about.�
Dec 3, 2015
Drucifer Agreed. Original owner paid about $108k. I paid $68.3k plus transport and taxes. Saved $40k or over $2/mile�
Dec 3, 2015
Steve S I watched the CPO site daily as well and waited for the vehicle that fit my needs. The CPO program and delivery were a great experience. I just wish Tesla would list the actual pics of the vehicle instead of the computer image. Brent at Tesla Highland Park was great to deal with though. Very impressed with my experience and my CPO Signature P85 that looks showroom new!�
Dec 3, 2015
DougH Does anyone know around what VIN they started with the new turn signal stalks?�
Dec 3, 2015
Cyclone Art has it in the hardware change log under Driving Dynamics, but that doesn't include the VIN ranges. Sorry. It happened with the introduction of AP-capable hardware, so searching around for the VIN range that AP is available will get you close. Just remember that VIN assignments are not in production order so A could have the new stalks while A+1 could have the old stalks.
Model S options by year - a running history - Tesla Motors Club - Enthusiasts & Owners Forum�
Dec 3, 2015
DougH Interesting that he doesn't list the removal of the + suspension from the P85D in late 2014.�
Dec 4, 2015
DCAC Who bought the black car with invisible wheels? Good price.
EV CPO Consolidator�
Dec 4, 2015
HankLloydRight I can't stop laughing! So funny!
I have to figure out what went wrong, and if Tesla originally listed it that way. I think they had to have, and immediately removed it to fix it. I think we'll see it back shortly.�
Dec 4, 2015
FredTMC There's currently ~80 inventory cars on the US site and 18 on the UK site. Can someone pull up the inventory cars are the Chinese tesla site? Thanks�
Dec 4, 2015
3mp_kwh If I had to pick one VIN, 58000. A range, 55xxx-59xxx. That's late September. Around the 20th people were spotting hardware, with, I believe, the stalks leading the auto-pilot sensors by maybe a week? A good bunch of people were happy to have AP hardware, before it was official.�
Dec 4, 2015
shrspeedblade And here I was thinking on that one I'd order a wheel/tire package from tirerack and bring them with me as the car was being delivered on jackstands!
And am I missing something here, or is this one made out of DARK MATTER as no color is listed!
85 kWh Signature Model S S00209 | Tesla Motors�
Dec 4, 2015
EMdoc12 S00209 is Sig red. I called and asked earlier today.�
Dec 4, 2015
Cyclone Good price though!
- - - Updated - - -
I like the base-layer mock up design. So they have a default layer and just drop color and tires on top. Now if only this Sig and the earlier wheel less car were on and the same, we would have a car with a partial cloaking device!�
Dec 4, 2015
DougH So annoying that newer P85D's dont have the plus suspension. $107K it should.
Model S P85D 090020 | Tesla Motors�
Dec 5, 2015
MsElectric I actually prefer the P85D exactly the way it is. Few are going to buy a 5,000lb+ car that seats 5+2 for extreme cornering maneuvers or track racing. We want a car that is comfortable and super fast and the P85D fits that bill perfectly and many other potential customers might feel the same way. We recently had a P85D with 19" wheels for an extended drive and the driving experience was absolutely perfect. There's nothing we'd personally want to see changed in how well it drove and handled.�
Dec 5, 2015
HankLloydRight That's exactly why Tesla should offer a P85D+ (or even a P85 and a P85+ again!!!)�
Dec 5, 2015
DougH So the funny thing is that some service staff say that all P85D's come with the + suspension. So I am curious Hank, do you know what exactly it means when your site says under a cars options "Performance Plus" or "No performance Plus package"?.....does no mean no plus suspension or no + staggered wheels?
It's pretty annoying that there's so much confusion between Tesla employees.�
Dec 5, 2015
HankLloydRight "Performance Plus" means P85+.�
Dec 5, 2015
ModelS8794 Is there a log anywhere that has the various old pricing schemes for the CPOs? I am curious what the dual chargers were optioned out at in the early days (2012/early 2013 models).�
Dec 5, 2015
HankLloydRight Way way back, the HPWC and Dual chargers were offered as a factory $3000 option/bundle.
Then they briefly broke them out as two separate $1500 options.
Then removed the HPWC from the ordering page (sold as accessory only).
Then shortly after that they removed the dual chargers from the ordering, and can only be bought as a $2000 accessory (although it may be possible to order this if you call them, I'm not sure about this part).�
Dec 6, 2015
ModelS8794 Thanks much Hank, you are a tremendous resource to this community!
For anybody who has gone through with a CPO purchase, can you tell me 1) are there additional fees beyond the stated price to close the deal (like the $1200 destination/doc fee they tack on for new car purchases)? and 2) Does tesla include a mobile charge connector with CPO purchases, or must a buyer add on the $650 option from the Tesla Accessory store if they want it? Have any of you had any luck negotiating these little items, or is it all quite non-negotiate as everything else with Tesla seems to be?
Dec 6, 2015
HankLloydRight You're welcome!!
I didn't buy a CPO car, but I did buy an Inventory car in 2014. It came with a UMC, and I would be very, very, surprised if a UMC isn't included in every CPO purchase -- how would you otherwise be able to charge the car when you got home (or anywhere else except a supercharger)?? Also, I had an $1,170 doc fee AND a $700 transportation fee. None of that was negotiable. I even had to pay $250 more for the parcel shelf which became standard about 2 weeks after I got my car. But none of that really mattered in the end, because I got a really good discount off of new and I love my P85+!!!
Edit to add: There have been a few stories of people negotiating $1000 to $2000 off of CPO prices near the end of the quarter. YMMV.�
Dec 6, 2015
Cyclone The CPO cars do not charge a doc fee and may charge a $500,$1k,$1.5k delivery fee depending on how far they have to be shipped. I paid $0 above sticker + government fees when I bought mine since I picked up at the Service Center that had the car.
All cars bought from Tesla come with the UMC.�
Dec 6, 2015
DougH A little off topic from your post. But something that made me pause when almost hitting the buy button. My bank booked out a 2014 P85D. CPO price was $105. Bank said it was only worth $83K and that is what they would loan. I have bought all my Tesla's through them so I was stunned but they said that they have been burned with a few people defaulting on their loans and losing money trying to sell used Tesla's. There are also several used car dealers in my area that wont sell them because they are hard to off load.
MSRP Wholesale Retail Trade-In Private Party Auction CPO Base $105,670 $77,343 $78,554 $74,984 $76,372 $76,704 $0 Adjusted $105,670 $79,281 $80,571 $74,984 $76,372 $76,704 $0 �
Dec 6, 2015
Cyclone My S85 was rated by the credit union I used for $20k OVER my purchase price.�
Dec 6, 2015
Drucifer Me too except $26k over. I imagine they have fixed this since.�
Dec 6, 2015
Electric Joe Same here. My credit union valued a car I nearly bought at $22k over what I was considering paying.�
Dec 6, 2015
Wshowell Had a very fortunate experience last week at the Tesla factory. Won't go into too much detail in case corporate thinks this is a bad idea and forbids this in the future. I wanted to see the pre-CPO cars after trade in but before reconditioning. I wanted to see how the paint, body and interiors held up after coming back in from the wild. All I have ever seen are new cars, parking lot cars, freeway cars etc. I wanted to see the orphaned pre-owned cars that were trade-ins. I figured these would be the most motley.
A wonderful Tesla employee provided me with the opportunity to walk the lot with her and answer questions. I otherwise could not gain access to the area I believe. The lot had about 25 cars. Each car had been inspected with blue painter's tape to designate flaws in paint, windshield, pano roof, bumper etc. even the smallest of rock chips, dings etc had blue take to tag it. The cars were all locked but I look closely at the interiors. Regardless of age (I looked at vins) or miles (I had no idea of each car's mileage) all the seats and interiors looked really good with the exception of a grey seat that looked dirty but not worn. Black appeared to hold up best. Almost all the 21" rim cars had curb rash (passenger side front rim mostly) and the paint armor lines were really obvious on the cars that had it as the cars were all dirty from sitting. All the cars I saw were CA vehicles with one WA.
Off near the area where I assume the do the reconditioning was a huge dumpster full of mostly 21" rims with a few bumper covers as well. My guess is that any rim with damage probably gets pulled off and recycled. Same with the bumbers. Further past this dumpster were several dozen aluminum bodies behind a chain link fence. I couldn't get much closer but I think I saw both X and S unpainted aluminum frames and bodies. These were all kinda' stacked up like you'd see in a salvage yard. My guess is these were either test runs for the X production line or S bodies that didn't pass inspection and went back to the yard for recycling without going any further.
Back on the lot there was also an X back there under cover. It was assumed it was a prototype. Another dozen or so S's were under covers (that outdoor cover is really nice FYI) with painted labels like "body repair demonstrator". Many of these cars are going to be reconditioned and then they will be housed at a tesla used car lot in Antioch. Interested buyers will be able to go and look over, test drive and purchase directly from the lots. Prices will be fixed like all things tesla. That's the idea I was told and that's public information.
My final impressions are. This is a company that is working very hard to do everything right. Quality matters as does reputation and customer experience. I found a white one I was interested in and asked "so, if I wanted this one and was willing to take it in 'as is' condition, would Tesla sell it to me at a discount?" The answer was (paraphrasing) "no, we want to sell the best product possible regardless of new or CPO. Every car goes through the reconditioning process". Impressive.
Finally, the parking lot is overflowing with employee cars. There were no spots to park and I had to park in a non designated spot like many of the employees do. This is a good sign and indicates to me they are running full steam ahead. Sorry, no pics or other details I can provide (only thing I was asked not to do was take pics) but I wanted to share with anyone considering a CPO that comes out of the Fremont factory my impressions. I'm convinced now I'll be doing CPO out of N Cal.�
Dec 6, 2015
bigbear Lots of great info, thank you. It makes me think I should go CPO instead of the eBay/craigslist route.�
Dec 6, 2015
Wshowell I agree. It's interesting and odd that the private sale cars are usually priced higher than CPO as if CPO was inferior to private sale. With private sales the warranty is always less unless they bought the extended (seldom see that) and I think the cars are in worse off shape since the CPO cars get true replacement parts for cosmetic reasons and mechanical repairs and replacements due to defects. Each of the cars I saw had the fogged up tail lights. I was told "oh, we replace all these with the newer ones that are more water resistant". Imagine asking a private seller to do that before you'll take delivery.... All things being the same, I now see the average private sale car as inferior to the average CPO and the price delta is at least the cost of the extended warranty ($4k I think) if not more due to what I saw last week.�
Dec 6, 2015
DougH Private cars are most likely more because people owe more on them.�
Dec 6, 2015
Wshowell very true. No one wants to sell a car they are underwater on and have to make up the difference. Just wish I knew what the trade in values were on the cars I saw. I was told they are expecting a wave of lease returns and buy back guarantee cars in the near future along with the S that are X trade-ins. I believe we will see some impressive price reductions soon especially on the 60, P85 and P85+(although it was acknowledged that these prices were recently reduced heavily). Not so much on the 85 as that seems to be the most desirable for the CPO buyer.�
Dec 7, 2015
bigbear I spoke with my local Tesla salesman and he said he no longer has access to CPOs before they go up on the website. Anyone else hearing this?�
Dec 7, 2015
Somewhat, that trend seems to be disappearing. Tesla is also hiring a person in each state or region that is going to be the go to person for CPO sales. Hank's site really is your best bet at this point.�
Dec 7, 2015
Tamar This might be because they seem to be listing more and more of the cars. Perhaps the cars not listed are not just "out of rotation" but truly not ready for prime time.�
Dec 7, 2015
DCAC If you buy a CPO with 21" wheels but want stock 19" wheels, is there any chance Tesla would swap them for you before delivery?�
Dec 7, 2015
MorrisonHiker There were a couple reports of that when the CPO program first launched. I don't think they do that anymore as I haven't heard of it happening since.�
Dec 7, 2015
thgchris What is Hank's site?�
Dec 7, 2015
Dec 7, 2015
FlatSix911 Hank has a few sites for the Tesla community:
Try my SuperCharger Trip/Energy Logger web app: (LogMySc TMC Group)
Also see these: |Tesla EV-CPO Consolidator | Firmware Upgrade Tracker�
Dec 7, 2015
DougH No.�
Dec 7, 2015
bigbear Why do you want stock over 21�
Dec 7, 2015
DCAC I don't want the performance wheel/tire package. I want something more practical. If you search ' 21" wheels ' on TMC you'll see why -- many threads on the subject. Actually 19" Cyclones or Aeros would be preferred, but figured that was asking too much.
Hey they P85+ for $59k sold fast today, a new reference for CPO pricing. Wow.�
Dec 7, 2015
MsElectric There are about a dozen practical reasons for opting for 19" wheels including the fact that 19" wheels offer 3% more range.
We too would not take delivery of a car with 21" wheels and the 19" wheels are a must for us.
If you do buy a CPO car with 21" wheels you can likely find someone with 19" wheels who might be interested in swapping...�
Dec 7, 2015
Electric Joe I asked a Tesla employee in Ohio this very question in September and he said they will not modify a CPO car pre-sale but can help afterwards. In my case I didn't want the aero wheels one car came with and he said they could sell me standard wheels post-sale but we didn't go into prices. And while we are on the topic, I also asked about what they do with aftermarket and OEM center consoles left in trade-ins. He said only about 1% of trade-ins have those and they leave them in the car. I was surprised they would leave anything aftermarket in the car but that's what he said. I also asked if they will repair front bumper license plate holes and he said basically 'nope'.�
Dec 7, 2015
EMdoc12 If they don't repair front license plate holes I hope they have some caps that are color matched to at least make them blend in. I'd be damned if I'm going to drive a car with holes in the front bumper. I'm also not paying extra money to have that fixed.�
Dec 7, 2015
GasDoc They were willing to do that for me back in 2013 but not with my loaner purchase in October 2015.�
Dec 8, 2015
CLLACAB You can always go to to get plugs to cover the holes from the license plate. I have used the numerous time. Very high quality product.�
Dec 8, 2015
spectrablue P85s under $60k
Wow, 3 P85s just posted:
P02360 for $51,600
P02495 for $58,800
P10407 for $58,800
My wait is almost over!�
Dec 8, 2015
dabbler Looks like P02360 is no longer listed. Not on the Tesla CPO site or on ev.cpo. That was a fast sale.�
Dec 8, 2015
mrjedistud I tried to get that one. Had some paint wear but the price was crazy. Sold in about an hour.�
Dec 8, 2015
spectrablue PAINT WEAR?!
How am I supposed to know that? (I'm trying to make a point that from the stock photos shown, how am I supposed to assume it is anything but perfect?)
Are we supposed to make our own opinion in terms of quality and just hope we get lucky?
(no rudeness intended, just pointing out that I wouldn't expect a comprise just due to a comparatively lower price)
CPOs should be in the best possible condition with any needed reconditioning completed before delivery, period.�
Dec 8, 2015
Cyclone Oh don't stir that pot again. They get reconditioned, but they are FAR from "best possible condition before delivery". I'll go ahead and say it -- HA!!!�
Dec 8, 2015
DougH A lot of cars have damage, Tesla will fix it if it's body damage. That is something everyone should ask before they buy a car because any paint repairs will affect the resale value. The next CPO car I buy I am going to have inspected by an appraiser before I hand over the check. I learned this the hard way.�
Dec 8, 2015
HankLloydRight Saw this CPO on the Paramus, NJ lot a few weeks ago. Didn't catch the VIN.
Dec 8, 2015
Cyclone Those brakes look like mine did at pickup and my similar scratching was behind the wheel rather than in front of it.�
Dec 8, 2015
mrjedistud I know Cyclone's story, Douglas did you have a similar experience? I was so bummed that I missed this car, but maybe its better this way.�
Dec 8, 2015
EMdoc12 That looks like ****. I for one will not take delivery of my car if it looks like that. I also could care less if I lose 1k. Getting pictures before placing a deposit doesn't always work either. I tried that on a different Sig Red and it was gone before they even sent me the pictures. I just don't understand why Tesla cannot take pictures of these cars and put them up on the website as well. Its really not that hard to detail and do whatever reconditioning they want to right away before snapping some shots and listing it online.
Ok ok. Sorry. End of rant here.�
Dec 8, 2015
HankLloydRight Who knows -- that CPO car could have been before restoration/repairs.
I wish I took the VIN so I could see if it was already listed, just didn't think of it at the time.�
Dec 8, 2015
clarkbariowa Wow! It's like some P85s just dropped by ten grand! This one is sick! 85 kWh Signature Performance Model S S00549 | Tesla Motors�
Dec 8, 2015
freeewilly 13 CPO Model S under 60k now. Anything under 60k will be sold in less than 24 hours 6 months ago.�
Dec 8, 2015
FredTMC There's currently only 70 "inventory" cars for sale on the tesla site. Looks like 5 got sold today and 10 in the last week.
Seems to to me likely that it'll drop a lot more before year end unless tesla posts more.�
Dec 8, 2015
thgchris So basically the best way to watch for these deals is to watch the official website or pay for the ev-cpo subscription right? Sounds like if you're ready to make a purchase the ev-cpo subscription is a no brainer until vehicle purchase is made.�
Dec 9, 2015
HankLloydRight You don't need to buy a subscription unless you want the extra features (extra sort/search columns and 10 minute updates, etc to grab any newly listed cars). But if you do, thanks for the support.�
Dec 9, 2015
2krazykats I also like the email-notification feature which I find immensely useful. It'll email you as soon as a Tesla meeting your specs goes on the list so you don't have to watch the site manually.�
Dec 9, 2015
MsElectric ++1. This is how the rest of the world sells used cars. It is to protect both the buyer and the seller so that everyone is aware of the condition of the car.
I guess the way it is, if the car does not look like the showroom condition photos on the Tesla CPO Web site, you can reject deliver and request the deposit to be transferred to another car because they promised the car will look like a brand new car based on the photos they posted
Dec 9, 2015
Cyclone While they may officially say the deposit is non-refundable, I have a hard time believing they would not transfer the deposit to another car. However, the delivery fee is toast -- which is sad, because had you had real photos of the car, you may have objected before the car was even transported for delivery!�
Dec 9, 2015
MsElectric Call your local Tesla gallery as it seems they have hundreds of inventory cars to choose from.
- - - Updated - - -
I hope they disclose damage like this to the potential buyer and warrant the paintwork to avoid what Cyclone went through when he discovered a paint issue with his CPO car,
- - - Updated - - -
The best way to avoid paint issue sis really to take the car to a body shop and have them put the car up in a lift and inspect the underside and the paint. This is the only way I will buy a used car, CPO or not. I wish Tesla has some way to put down a deposit until you do due diligence on the car. Any car dealer would offer this option. usually if I put down a refundable deposit of a couple of thousand dollars, any dealer will hold the car for 2 days for me until I have time to check it out properly.�
Dec 9, 2015
FlatSix911 You might be surprised at the number of New cars that are damaged in transit, then repaired and sold as new!
Unfortunately, it is a common practice at most dealers to repair the damage and then sell as new ... Buyer Beware!�
Dec 9, 2015
DougH Just put down a dep on a P85+ with AP and now questioning if I should get a P85D. I hate the Tesla flip flop!�
Dec 9, 2015
HankLloydRight Can you find a P85D with the + suspension? That's the only way I'd do it.
How many Model Ss have you bought/sold?�
Dec 9, 2015
DougH Yes, there are 3 that I can switch to tomorrow. The issue is do I really want to spend $105 to $110 on another Tesla. The P85+ is only $88. Everyone is telling me to get the D...but everyone is not making the payments.
I have bought 4, this will be my 5th.�
Dec 9, 2015
HankLloydRight I agree, the P85+ is a great deal. I'm SOOOOOO happy with mine, I wouldn't trade it for anything.
How do you know which P85Ds have the + suspension?
So you bought 4 Model Ss.. I assume you've also sold 4? Or are you some sort of avant-garde collector?
Dec 9, 2015
bigbear I just want one.�
Dec 9, 2015
DougH How do you I know they have +......YOUR SITE! and I verified of course LOL.
No collector, I just get bored with cars and I know how to pick cars that I will not lose money on.
I will most likely sell the + in the summer and get a D anyway. It seems the higher priced cars are not selling so I am skeptical of paying more than $100K for a used Tesla. Tesla found me a P85D that is fully loaded for $110 and I obviously want a D but I was not dazzled by it for that price.�
Dec 9, 2015
HankLloydRight Ha ha.. touche.
I thought there might be a VIN cutoff or something.�
Dec 9, 2015
goodbyebmw Hey everyone! Just thought I'd get your guys' expert advice. I currently have the 60 kWh CPO purchased in May, VIN in the 11000s. Mileage is at 44K. There is a local Audi dealership offering $49,000, sight unseen. Of course, it would be contingent on seeing the car in person. What do you think on their offer?
In the meantime, I'm toying with that thought and possibly replacing it with a newer VIN 85 kWh model. I'm most interested in the Autopilot. the 21 inch rims, and the pano roof. Would you guys get this, or not?
Dec 9, 2015
DougH Have you driven a standard 85?. The 60 feels light and zippy. The 85, to me feels slow and heavier. Maybe get a P85 for more pick up and go. Id recommend you drive both.
The price for your 60 seems a little low, unless it's trashed.�
Dec 10, 2015
No2DinosaurFuel Not sure about your comments. First off the 60 has the slowest acceleration of all the teslas save for the S40. So it is definitely not faster than the S85. If someone is offering $49K for a S60, i say take it. Recently there was a P85 sold for $51K. Just give it a few months and most will be in that price range.
In short $49K for a S60 is a great deal for the seller at this point. I say if they can get anything above $40K for their S60 I say go for it!�
Dec 10, 2015
DougH You might want to actually read what I posted. I never said the 60 was faster, I said "The 60 feels light and zippy".�
Dec 10, 2015
Cyclone Having driven an S60 loaner, I have to agree. You do notice the slightly more nimbleness of the S60 compared to the S85, even though it is slower.�
Dec 10, 2015
DougH I owned one for 9 months and loved it.�
Dec 10, 2015
No2DinosaurFuel If light and zippy is what you are after, why not get a spark EV. It feels very light and zippy; definitely more so than the S60. Again no where near as fast as a tesla even the S60.�
Dec 10, 2015
DougH Where did I say that light and zippy was what I was after?, does anyone actually read posts?�
Dec 10, 2015
brantse To goodbyebmw - I have a 60, similar vin, but without any options that I purchased CPO with 24k miles for $44k. I'm certain that your car has many more options than mine, but honestly think an offer for $49k is pretty strong. As always, it's worth countering to try to get a little more though :wink: . I also agree with the idea that a 60 feels slightly more nimble than an 85, however would trade up in a heartbeat for the additional range.�
Dec 10, 2015
bigbear A 60 for $44k, damn that's an amazing deal. What year?�
Dec 10, 2015
brantse A 2013. As noted, my car has almost no options. Many people wouldn't consider purchasing a car without the tech package. That said, many people would be willing to give up on a lot of things to be able to afford a Tesla....I'm one of those people :biggrin:�
Dec 10, 2015
bigbear I would have bought that. Do you still get navigation without the tech package?�
Dec 10, 2015
brantse No navigation. It still has a GPS positioned map, but no turn-by-turn.�
Dec 10, 2015
bigbear Even so, you got a great deal.�
Dec 10, 2015
No2DinosaurFuel Where did i say it was for you? Guess people dont read anymore.�
Dec 10, 2015
No2DinosaurFuel There is a p85+ for 56K and 58K. Seems like a deal for those looking for the plus package. Nicely equiped too for one of them save for pano.
85 kWh Performance Model S P18906 | Tesla Motors
85 kWh Performance Model S P12684 | Tesla Motors
Still waiting for my 85D though.�
Dec 10, 2015
bigbear Something about that gray leather that seems cheap�
Dec 10, 2015
No2DinosaurFuel Yeah it does look cheap but i like grey more than darker color. But that is preference though. : )�
Dec 10, 2015
bigbear Have you guys seen any CPO with black headliner? Was that a recent option because I can't recall ever seeing that in a CPO or any used MS anywhere.�
Dec 10, 2015
Zaphod It's option code UTAB. If you search under that, there are a handful available.�
Dec 10, 2015
goodbyebmw Thanks brantse, Douglas and No2DinosaurFuel for your inputs. I hate myself for wanting to sell my 60 kWh when I just got it back in May 2015, but I really want the Autopilot feature.
Anyone also wanting to upgrade to one with AP as well?
Dec 11, 2015
Jason Diaz Has anyone switched CPO cars after placing the original order? I have a very nice S85 that has not yet shipped, but last night a gorgeous P85 popped up... its gone now, but I am wondering if this happens again before my S85 ships, is it possible for me to switch, or is it a huge headache?�
Dec 11, 2015
brantse I thought there was a 48 or 72 hour transfer window. If outside of that window you'd have to discuss the possibility of them allowing it.�
Dec 11, 2015
Jason Diaz You mean after putting down the deposit? I put down the deposit 10 days ago. Car still hasn't shipped, but I guess I am outside of my window?�
Dec 11, 2015
brantse Yes, after the deposit. There was verbiage in documents they sent explaining that you could transfer the deposit. It doesn't hurt to ask, but considering they've probably been prepping yours, I would think they'd like to avoid it.�
Dec 11, 2015
Drucifer I asked about transferring to another vehicle the morning after I put the deposit down. I was told no, but I could put down another deposit and forfeit my first one if I wanted to.�
Dec 11, 2015
Jason Diaz Yeah, I figured it would be something like that. It's not a big deal, at the moment I am happier with the one I chose than any I can find on EV-CPO. That one that popped up last night went fast too, no way I could have communicated a change with my DS, even if I were willing to give up my deposit. Hopefully it ships very soon, waiting is rough!! I can't imagine waiting years for a Model X.�
Dec 11, 2015
taurusking I am seriously thinking about upgrading to AP as well�
Dec 11, 2015
spentan I have a P85D for sale with AP. Details in For Sale Section.�
Dec 11, 2015
add me to that list as well...and i just got my car last month!�
Dec 11, 2015
FredTMC Me too. But not till stock hits $300. It's a reward for good performance.�
Dec 11, 2015
mrjedistud I was told that that unit was sold as is.
Dec 11, 2015
SmartElectric WOW! Major price drops on the Canadian CPO site this evening.
85 kWh Signature Performance Model S S02053 | Tesla Motors Canada
85 kWh Signature Performance Model S
2012 60,645 km S02053
$72,900 Canadian
Located in Montreal
Pearl White Multi-Coat Paint
Panoramic Roof
21" Grey Turbine Wheels
Black Performance Interior
Carbon Fiber D�cor
Carbon Fiber Spoiler
Supercharger Enabled
Dual Chargers
Wall Connector
Tech Package
Smart Air Suspension
Ultra High Fidelity Sound�
Dec 11, 2015
DougH Tesla pulled many cars from it's site today so I am guessing a price drop on the US site tonight or tomorrow as well.�
Dec 11, 2015
Drucifer I am guessing a big push to sell/deliver vehicles before the end of the year. That and the site is now nearly 8 months old. Any car that was on the site when it was launched that is still here needs to go. Tesla may have been smarter to have taken some intermediate discounts before now to have moved more of these in October/November.�
Dec 12, 2015
thgchris Hey Douglas (not trying to be a jerk or anything). But how have you already bought so many? Any particular reason why you're going through them so fast?
Edit: I see you sort of answered this.
Better question: Can you share the history of your purchase / sales and how you were able to not lose money (or at least not lose much)? I mean eventually there is an opportunity cost if you're spending a lot of time looking for cars etc when you could be making money via your job, business etc but if it's something you enjoy then it's a double win.
Just curious. Looking to make my first purchase and definitely leaning towards used simply to avoid the first 1 or 2 year depreciation hit.
- - - Updated - - -
Besides cool factor of being able to take hands off steering wheel (when you aren't supposed to anyway) why do you really want it?�
Dec 12, 2015
miamibeacher I recently put my deposit down on a CPO in Washington DC. S00096. It's a 2012 P85 Signature Performance and loaded with all the options from that time. Also, best part it's the Signature Red33,000miles. Just waiting on them to deliver to my local SC.
Dec 12, 2015
Cyclone Congrats! That was the one that showed on the Tesla site without any color and thus, the pic didn't have the overlay and looked like a flat matte black car, right?�
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