Apr 24, 2015
Cyclone OMG I just ordered the $57k one at the "DC" location (I called my order contact and he sent me the full print and Monrooney from their system - it's actually at Tyson's Corner VA).�
Apr 24, 2015
lolgas Nice, congrats!�
Apr 24, 2015
Krrphx Anyone know if I can purchase and have a car shipped to the Phoenix, AZ service center? I know this was the procedure prior to the official unveiling of the CPO program tonight - I just don't know if it's changed now.�
Apr 24, 2015
lolgas I'd assume so however they may charge a destination fee. Worst case you transfer your $1k deposit to another vehicle in the event they won't transport.�
Apr 24, 2015
Drucifer Don't tell my wife (I'll tell her tomorrow), but I just now put down a deposit on a really loaded $68k CPO P85 that is in "New York" for a Raleigh delivery. For some reason it won't let me pick the Charlotte service center for delivery. Maybe the CPO DS(?) can figure it out.�
Apr 24, 2015
No2DinosaurFuel damn! some of these tesla are pretty tempting! I have seen some at 55K or less. 50K is my magic number again with reasonable mileage. Am I asking too much for if I want a 85D for 55K? hahah I guess I will have to do some more waiting. Hopefully tesla will drop the price of some of these cars if they do not sell.�
Apr 24, 2015
Cyclone I called my Tesla rep (after texting first since it's past midnight!) and he verified everything and said no transport fee.
- - - Updated - - -
I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep tonight!
Production Complete
Your Model S is in transit for pickup or delivery.�
Apr 25, 2015
uisynot I'm with you brother! I just placed an order on a fully loaded (Even came with rear facing seats!) 2013 P85 26k miles for 66k!!!! OMG I'm gonna hyperventilate! I've been waiting soooooooooooooo long!�
Apr 25, 2015
Johann Koeber This IS as demand secret weapon.
Not THE demand secret weapon, but certainly a good move by Tesla.
More affordable cars
with a new warranty (peace of mind)
For those of us who always want the best/newest/greatest a way to trade up.�
Apr 25, 2015
Johan That's a great deal! Congratulations! Tve peace of mind when buying from Tesla is a great bonus.�
Apr 25, 2015
AMPd Congrats!
Great deal!�
Apr 25, 2015
lolgas Some fantastic deals to be had! I've been scrolling through after putting down a deposit last night and I'm glad I pulled the trigger when I did. I spoke to my DM late last night and he said if there's any doubt that the car may sell over night, put down the deposit and we'll figure out logistics today given I have 2 vehicles with a deposit now, 14 S60 and 13 P85....decisions decisions�
Apr 25, 2015
andrewket Congrats. I was looking at that one last night...�
Apr 25, 2015
jimmyjohn The Tesla Motors CPO program, because of the quality of the the product, and the care with which the company -- and its owners -- preserve and improve it, will be a profound success point.
I have a feeling this (CPO program) is going to do more for Tesla Motors than most people -- even the most-optimistic-fans -- believe.
Do not underestimate the demand (new and existing customers) this is generating for Tesla Motors.
I can go buy a Tesla -- from Tesla -- TODAY!
Not only does Tesla design / manufacture a passionate work art (on wheels), the cars (and soon-to-be SUVs) are reliable.
These cars are world-class athletes.
Keeping all of these bulls on the road, and in top shape, is yet another free advertisement.�
Apr 25, 2015
Drucifer Same here. I spent about an hour looking last night and and pulled the trigger around 10:30 eastern time.
I was thinking the same thing. I found my exact spec car (Green P85 with rear facing seats...and other stuff, but you get how few Green P85 with 3rd row seats exist) with even more features than I would have done on the studio at a price that I can't match elsewhere.
I am 90% sure I am right. If I wait until I am 100%, then I will lose the deal. If I lose the $1000, well, it wouldn't be the first time I have had a deal or investment go south. I am pretty sure I am good.�
Apr 25, 2015
Gerasimental So, in about 12 hours of the website being online, Tesla has sold 6 CPO cars to TMC members only.
Extrapolating, that's 12 per day, or 360 per quarter. Not too shabby
xkcd: Extrapolating�
Apr 25, 2015
Drucifer You have people here who were waiting on the sidelines for the right moment and right deal to pull the trigger. I don't think it will maintain the pace, but of course, on the other side, there are many people who don't know this exists, so as the market becomes aware that there is online CPO sales, there could be more activity.�
Apr 25, 2015
HankLloydRight Two nice Sig Reds P85s for sale in SF area. Drool.�
Apr 25, 2015
JPUConn Is anyone else curious how large the cpo inventory backlog is? This could just be a test market to validate prices and move aging inventory, followed by price adjustment up or down on remaining inventory.
does inventory purchases still exist or will inventory cars be sold as CPO and crush my dreams of a cheap 70d inventory near term. Tesla won't have to give such a steep discount on inventory cars if they extend the warranty out the gate.
as a tsla investor I love the margins these cpo cars are fetching but don't see sustainability in 25% on used. As a ready buyer I'm torn on pulling the trigger now or waiting for awd in this price territory�
Apr 25, 2015
HankLloydRight This has to be a typo. (In Atlanta area)
Apr 28, 2015
Drucifer You are correct. They set the ceiling for the buyers who are aware of the existence of the CPO program. I agree that I'd rather buy CPO since I trust Tesla on the other side of the transaction and the extended warranty has value.
- - - Updated - - -
Sorry, I might have been hard to follow - confusing in my statement. I welcome you rechecking my logic, as I certainly make errors at times.
1. Take an S85D, Make sure to choose Metallic Paint, Pano, 21" Grey wheels, Next Gen tan seats, Wood, Alcantera - Use Next Gen seats as proxy for Performance seats.
2. Choose all options except Subzero, Autopilot and Executive seats
3. Add carbon fiber spoiler from P85D
4. Add Paint Armor (no longer offered)
5. Add 2nd charger for Dual Charger (now offered post-sale only)
6. Add Delivery / Destination Charge
Make sure to not use the "including gas savings" number that they have up there now and not take off the tax credit (I handle that in the math in the next paragraph with the "including tax credit" phrase, which is only the Fed $7.5k where I live)�
Apr 28, 2015
uisynot I agree, the process is painful because we don't get much information and the program is newish. They have no idea when my car will be delivered and they promised pictures 4 days ago...�
Apr 29, 2015
AMPd Congrats!
Another sacramento area model s on the way!�
Apr 29, 2015
Drucifer Interesting note. Almost all units under $60k have sold. There are only two left, in Atlanta.
I also find this interesting, because once you get below $60k, now you are in the price range of someone considering an new BMW i3 Rex.
Tesla CPO Consolidator�
Apr 29, 2015
davidc18 Thanks for putting this together. It makes searching much easier!
Apr 29, 2015
TDR32 Sorry. I was thinking of the drivetrain warranty.�
Apr 29, 2015
MsElectric It seems a few people have bought cars in the DC area recently but none are reflected in the Grand Consolidator by Dr. Hank. Are cars removed from the live listing when a deposit is put down or the car is actually picked up by the new owner?
- - - Updated - - -
But then you'd be driving a BMW i3... I'd rather drive a 2012 S60 than a 2015 i3.
If I get an i3, this is what I'd have to wear every morning on the way to work...
Apr 29, 2015
Drucifer Mine was removed from the live listing as soon as I paid the deposit. When I went back to the listing and hit refresh on the browser, it was gone.
What you are saying about the i3 is my point. Just get the used S60 that is in the same price range (within $10k) - of course I guess it isn't entirely in the same price range as the i3 still has the tax credit that the used S60 does not have.�
Apr 29, 2015
HankLloydRight If the car was previously listed in the top section of the Consolidator, it is moved to the bottom "Sold" section when the listing is removed from the Tesla CPO website.
I have no idea the criteria on when/how they are removed from the Tesla site, but other people have reported they are removed as soon as they clicked "buy".
But the Consolidator should reflect pretty much what is/has been on the TM site since Monday. If anyone sees any discrepancies, let me know and I'll look into it.�
Apr 29, 2015
MsElectric Thanks so much for putting this interface together. It seemed odd that we now have a few people who have confirmed to buy cars from the DC area and none are reflected as sold in the Consolidator. It lists no DC sales when we know there have been a few...
Apr 29, 2015
Cyclone My DC sale was on Friday, before the consolidator went up. lolgas clarified a few posts back that s/he purchased his/her's before the CPO site went live.�
Apr 29, 2015
Drucifer My New York sale was also on Friday. Too bad, since the options are listed in a more detailed manner on the consolidator. I would like to know if I have red brake calipers, for example. I guess that will just be a delivery surprise now.�
Apr 29, 2015
tga I hearby withdraw my request. Your multi-column sort works great. I have no need for CSV export, so don't do it on my account. Thanks again for doing this.�
Apr 29, 2015
1ton I have a deposit on a 2013 P85 with tech, 21 gray wheels, active air, upgraded sound, black performance leather seats, spoiler with 18k miles in white. It's $68,500. I hope this is a good deal. Sounds like it is since the orig price was $110k. Also, I don't understand the delivery process. I'm 3 hours away from the location of the car. I wonder if I can just go pick it up? I ordered in a service center and it's been a very confusing process. How long was delivery of CPO vehicles so far? Did someone contact you immediately? I put a deposit down on Thursday, today is Wednesday. No word.
Apr 29, 2015
Drucifer Call Tesla Sales with your order number (RN Number) from your online sales confirmation / PDF
Toll free: (888) 51-TESLA or (888) 518-3752�
Apr 29, 2015
Cyclone I am absolutely enamored by the car, what Tesla has done, and the stark differences compared to traditional car dealers. That said, even while I'm foaming at the mouth in anticipation of my car, I see that Tesla continues to have their #1 deficiency - communication. While I would LOVE my car to arrive within a week of ordering, I understand that is just a pipe dream and unrealistic. That said, I would have imagined that in 5 days, I could have at least gotten a rough email. Originally I wanted a "next steps" too, but I got that yesterday from my DS. I think I would actually be less anxious if I just had a date to target and go hide in my corner until near then. But, let me say, I still much prefer working with Tesla than any other car company I've ever worked with before.�
Apr 29, 2015
Drucifer I have the opposite problem. Lease turn-in on my 2013 Chevy Volt is in September. I will wind up having two cars (and two payments) all summer. At least I figured out how to shuffle the deck chairs to make it all work with the credit union. Tesla wants me to take delivery before the end of May, BTW. No stalling on CPO.�
Apr 29, 2015
Cyclone I originally wanted to think of waiting for June to see what inventory 70Ds come along, but given that I have gotten only 3 hours of sleep a night b/c I stay on these forums, watch the walkaround videos, and refresh my dashboard over and over; the sooner the better at this point!
So you at least heard "end of May". That's better than I've heard with when to expect my car -- I got "we'll know more soon!"�
Apr 29, 2015
Lloyd buy the volt and sell it.�
Apr 29, 2015
Drucifer The residual is of the Volt $24k - market value is $19k
I would actually be better off taking delivery of the Model S and trying to sell it for a profit and then putting a deposit on another one, if I wanted to financially flip something.�
Apr 29, 2015
Cyclone I actually prefer the green to the gray, and you got the upgraded stereo (though yesterday I sat in a regular stereo and it was fine for my taste -- I could always put in the NVX subwoofer as the upgrade). I have no need for the rear child seats, but no biggie losing them. To me, it really came down to cost since I am not performance oriented. I see the value in your car, as its a great deal. However, the performance improvement would be lost on me for the $11k difference if you flipped it at cost.�
Apr 29, 2015
ecarfan Hank, I just saw this and wanted to say "thank you!" Awesome work. I'm puzzled as to why Tesla's CPO web pages don't have the functionality that your page offers!
Apr 29, 2015
Lloyd Yep, then you're stuck with the Volt until the end of the lease. Check your paperwork. There is likely an early termination penalty, but it may be worthwhile to pay that rather than two payments.
Apr 29, 2015
1ton They didnt give me anything. I called and did a cc hold and I got a generic email from tesla introducing me to the "Delivery Experience Specialist". I have emailed and called her and no reply since yesterday. I texted the local advisor and he said he's working on it.
I I have a vin number. That's it.
Apr 29, 2015
Drucifer Oh, I would put it on Autotrader and EBay for maybe $79.5k and see if I had any bites. Not that I am going to do that because the specs of this are are unique and EXACTLY what I want.
- - - Updated - - -
I figure since I have some trips this summer where superchargers won't be until late fall / next year, I am just going to run out the miles on the Volt doing roadtrips at the 40 mpg the Volt gets when using gas, rather than renting a car that might get less or running up miles on my wife's car. Or just put a car cover on the Tesla until the end of summer and not drive it (I doubt this will be possible :wink. I will figure out a way to make a decent value proposition out of the situation.
Apr 29, 2015
Krrphx I'm in the same boat. I was actually working with a local advisor when the official CPO program went live - he's given me the contact info for my DS and I have yet to receive a response. Not asking for much, just a general idea that Tesla is aware of me and that there's some sort of general plan in place as far as the timeline is concerned.�
Apr 29, 2015
HankLloydRight You're welcome! In this case, I think Tesla is very "marketing" oriented to sell CPO and not "technology" oriented. Therefore, you end up with a bunch of marketing types on a white board making something that looks really good, but is functionally brain-dead. I mean, all they had to do to improve their system 1000% was to add a "All Areas" selection for location, and add a few filters for trim, color, interior and year.. and that would solve 80% of why I created the consolidator.
I'm not even in the market for a CPO car.. I just wanted to be able to see *all cars* for sale at one time, and have some filtering to winnow out the models I'm not interested in.
And it's fun.
- - - Updated - - -
Today 4 cars were today -- and 10 cars SOLD!�
Apr 29, 2015
MsElectric I agree. This is a great example of what happens when people who have the faintest clue about their customers and the information their customers need end up designing an interface. If you are particular about the options and trim level of the car you likely could not care less where the car is located. You just want to find your car.
I've seen the inventory search feature at the Tesla store and it is shame it is not open to the public and an even bigger shame that the Tesla employees at the stored are using a completely dumb interface to find cars for their customers. It literally takes tham about 10 minutes to see if there is a car available that matches my criteria when it should take perhaps 1 minute.
Tesla should hire you as a UI design consultant
Apr 29, 2015
HankLloydRight Makes me wonder.. if over the course of the quarter, if the CPO website accurately reflects CPO cars offered for sale and subsequently sold, will our results match what TM may release w/r/t CPO sales/profit/contribution to the bottom line.
It will be interesting to see if they announce anything like this at earnings time, and if it jibes with our data.
- - - Updated - - -
Well, gee, thanks.. but as anyone can tell, I'm all about maximizing functionality, but not necessarily (visual) design.
But that's OK, because I'll take anything that works well over anything that looks pretty (excepting my g/f and my P85+, of course!)�
Apr 29, 2015
MsElectric You are polling every hour right? So if a car is offered half past the hour and someone buys it right away, your system would "miss" that sale entirely. I realize the chance of this happening is unlikely but it could happen so discrepancies are possible.
Your sold data should still be pretty close to whatever they may report. I suppose it is possible that some customer might buy a vehicle before it makes it to the public interface. I wonder if they keep any cars "in the back" that you need to ask to be shown like at a shoe store
Apr 29, 2015
Kalud If you eventually have the time, I'd like to follow Canadian CPO cars, I did a quick Excel manually but if you can do it automatically that would be awesome!
Pre-Owned ModelS | Tesla Motors Canada
Currently 17 cars being offered. Since they are listed in CAD currency they should probably not be mixed with US cars...�
Apr 29, 2015
Drucifer Well, that and between Friday and Monday they sold ??? (maybe 15-20) cars, plus the cars they sold from the spreadsheets that were emailed out before the website went live.�
Apr 29, 2015
HankLloydRight Luckily, Tesla uses identical code, HTML and Ajax calls.. so adding Canada cars was pretty simple. What slowed me down was that I found a bug that should have prevented US cars being loaded correctly today.. I don't know how that code was working (loading options) at all.. but it was. And now it's actually working correctly. <shrug>.
- - - Updated - - -
If anybody is "in the know" I'd love to see what these two option codes mean:
Apr 29, 2015
Cyclone When I read that before sharing the link to the options decoder, I had a fun thought what it may be, but that was just my own quirkiness thinking.�
Apr 29, 2015
MikeC I think the 2nd one is actually for the Toyota Mirai. :wink:�
Apr 29, 2015
Drucifer So what is it. The Bull$hit level of the reservation holder?�
Apr 29, 2015
brucet999 This could be a good resource to judge depreciation if one could know what a particular configuration cost at the time a CPO car was new.
Does anyone have past pricing info?�
Apr 29, 2015
1ton I just got information back. So they no longer use Auto Trader for trade ins (at least in FL). I guess this is all very new so everything is a little confusing. Hope you hear soon.�
Apr 29, 2015
SmartElectric Brilliant, thanks!
Reputation points coming your way.�
Apr 29, 2015
1ton I also learned that you can add an extended warranty on a CPO.�
Apr 29, 2015
HankLloydRight I broke out Canada cars into its own table, so the prices aren't intermingled with the US prices.
The "Sold" table will have both.�
Apr 29, 2015
Cyclone My thoughts exactly!
- - - Updated - - -
Anyone being told there is a delivery/transport fee of $500 for CPOs?�
Apr 29, 2015
Kalud Wow thanks!�
Apr 29, 2015
3mp_kwh 500 min, 1,000 out of "region", 1,500 cross-country I think.�
Apr 29, 2015
Cyclone At least I'm not the only one being told that.�
Apr 29, 2015
Drucifer You think they would have thought of that before launching the site. I was expecting no transport costs. It is super clear in the Design Studio. It seems like they do stuff and then think about it. (Warm Silver....oops, oh crap.....um, Titanium!)�
Apr 29, 2015
Cyclone Exactly! Though if we want to road trip up to NY, pick yours up, then drive down to DC and pick mine up, I'm game!
Apr 29, 2015
Drucifer For $500, definitely Raleigh. For $1000 or more....need to think on that.�
Apr 29, 2015
Cyclone I was told $500 for delivery to Charlotte.�
Apr 29, 2015
Drucifer From DC. Praying that NY will be the same. Maybe "Region" will be by time zone. Otherwise Charlotte might be just Atlanta and DC (since they are the two closest).�
Apr 29, 2015
Cyclone Potentially. I was asked how many miles from my house to the DC Service Center before I was told the price.�
Apr 29, 2015
Drucifer 653 miles from my house. 520 miles from the Raleigh Service Center. Almost twice as far as DC from my house. Not looking good for me. Fingers crossed.
There are superchargers the whole way down if we did drive it.�
Apr 29, 2015
MsElectric So is the delivery fee of $500 charged even if you buy from your local area?
- - - Updated - - -
Are you absolutely sure about this? Whenever anyone else had inquired about an extended warranty for a CPO they've refused to offer it, which I thought was really odd.�
Apr 29, 2015
Cyclone From my Owner Advisor...
- - - Updated - - -
I opened a new thread to discuss not using a shipper/tranporter and driving the car home myself here:
Apr 30, 2015
lolgas Taking CPO delivery in 2hrs from now. Can't wait, too bad it's going to storm here and my beautifully detailed Tesla will look like sh!t by the time I get home. Foam bath over the weekend will take care of that
Apr 30, 2015
Cyclone I understand you locked yours before the site went live, but since you are local to your car, can you please let us know if you were subject to a delivery fee? I was told that would be avoided on CPOs if you pick it up from the home area of the car. Thanks in advance and congrats!!! "Pics or it didn't happen" applies!
Apr 30, 2015
lolgas Given that the program was so new at the time, rewind 3 weeks, they shipped the car from Atlanta and I did _not_ incur a delivery fee. Now if I had switched over to the local P85 then I would have had to pay the delivery fee on the S60 since it wasn't a locally stocked vehicle. Probably doesn't help you however timing is everything I guess, regardless, you got a sweet deal so the $500 shouldn't hurt too much jk�
Apr 30, 2015
Cyclone No, $500 to ship from DC to Charlotte is not bad. Just a little irked to be told a week later that there would be a delivery fee vs. none. That said, I am being told there is no fee if I come up to DC and pick up the car myself. Opened a thread on that. Delta has a flight to DCA for $100 two weeks out, $200 more recent. I may go that route and enjoy the drive back.�
Apr 30, 2015
andrewket Do it. Very easy drive. Nothing better than a tesla road trip.�
Apr 30, 2015
MsElectric It is good to know that if you pick up the car locally there is no $500 fee.
If I were you I'd fly up to DC to pick up the car. Maybe they can pick you up at the airport in your new carA Mercedes dealer once did that for us when we bought out of state.
Too bad I-81 and I-66 has no supercharger coverage as that would have made a nice scenic drive back for you.�
Apr 30, 2015
Cyclone Yeah, I am all but sure I will go this route and pick up in DC. The only clinchers are: 1) if there any concerns about the car at delivery (they missed a scratch, tear in the seat, headliner, or something when reconditioning, rash on the wheel), I can't wait for that to be fixed there and pick up another day. I would need that fixed at my local Service Center. 2) I am on-call next week, so I would be looking two weeks out to pick up the car. As you may have picked up on the 50+ posts I've made since Friday, I'm a bit anxious to get the car! #1 is the primary concern though.�
Apr 30, 2015
MsElectric If they missed something just get a "We Owe You" signed by them and you can have that fixed up when you get home.�
Apr 30, 2015
lolgas Delivery in progress![]()
Apr 30, 2015
Cyclone Gorgeous rocketship!
Was that an ice in the background of the video or the tires on the floor squeaking?�
Apr 30, 2015
dhanson865 I wonder if you want a car that has 21" wheels and you want it to have 19" if they'll
A. swap and adjust the price lower or
B. if they'll swap for free with no adjustment to price or
C. if they'll make you buy the extra wheels/tires and sell the 21s after the fact.
fwiw in order of preference I would pick
1. 19" Aero wheels
2. 19" Cyclone wheels
3. 19" base/stock wheels
4. any aftermarket 20" wheels
5. 21" OEM gray or silver (don't really care which)�
Apr 30, 2015
Drucifer I am taking the 21s figuring I can trade later for the 19s if I decide I want to do that.�
Apr 30, 2015
MsElectric That tan interior looks so nice! Congrats. Not a fan of the black-hole-black interior look where nothing inside the car is discernable anymore.�
Apr 30, 2015
Drucifer Every single Model S on the CPO site under $60k is now SOLD!�
Apr 30, 2015
uisynot Those seats look like new! How many miles does the car have?�
Apr 30, 2015
lolgas Car has 7500 miles on it and it's a 2014, still smells new too. Thanks all for the kind words, this has been years in the making and I'm excited to finally achieved my goal of Tesla ownership. The Tyson's and Rockville team are a collective group of professionals and the process was very smooth. Highly recommend them to anyone here!�
Apr 30, 2015
Cyclone I didn't notice this earlier. Congrats on the center console lolgas! How are you liking that? In the cubby, what is the bottom material - carpet or plastic? I am very, very tempted to get one for mine!�
Apr 30, 2015
lolgas Bottom, meaning where the cupholders sit, rests on the carpet. I would have preferred something along the lines of the yacht flooring in the event I spill something. The build quality is in line with everything that Tesla pushes out so don't worry about that. I had it rushed to the Rockville SC for install prior to delivery. Note, the iPhone charge port will _NOT_ work with a case on the phone. Hope that helps!
On my way to go and pick up the 21" grey turbines from a fellow local member and also getting tint done tomorrow morning. Car will look way different come the weekend after my road trip to Richmond, VA and back. (hitting up superchargers along the way
Apr 30, 2015
Cyclone Nice! I will probably plan on install after delivery so I can lay something down first for that very reason. Now, I have to play the waiting game. My flight to Dulles isn't for two more weeks!Then just arrange transpo for those few miles from the airport to Tyson's.
Apr 30, 2015
lolgas I may be able to pick you up however I'd ask Kelly as she's only 15mins from Dulles and it would be the right thing to do on their end.�
Apr 30, 2015
Cyclone Smart idea! Once my Delivery Specialist gets things set, I will give them a call.�
Apr 30, 2015
HankLloydRight A good friend of mine just wrote that he's thinking about leasing a 70D.
Are the CPO cars eligible for leasing?
I'm also trying to get him up to an 85D.
Apr 30, 2015
Cyclone Sadly, the CPO cars are not eligible for leasing. I believe @MsElectric has been trying to find if an outside vendor would do leasing, but so far, no luck. That said, @arijaycomet has done a lease on an inventory car, so that is an option vs. custom-ordered new.�
Apr 30, 2015
spam7788 Krrph,
let me know how it went with whole CPO process.
I'm in the market for a CPO also.
I need to trade in wife's Honda accord hybrid. not sure how's that going work, since we still owe on the loan.
Apr 30, 2015
MsElectric I'm really surprised they only have 1 recorded CPO sale from NY and just 2 in DC... I would have expected both those markets to be quite active... Maybe people from those markets are buying cars from other markets?�
Apr 30, 2015
kyalami I have been waiting around for 2 years waiting to check out the Tesla X....But, looking at the values on the CPO site has me reconsidering....might not be able to wait....�
May 1, 2015
Drucifer There are banks that will finance a car as a "business lease" and are fine with doing that with any car, new or used. You will likely need to already have a banking relationship with them connected to your business, but that is as simple as opening a business checking account.
- - - Updated - - -
Well, Cyclone's DC car and my NY car are not on the list, since we placed a deposit on Friday before the "consolidator' went live. Maybe the east coast folks were quicker to jump in and the west coasters waited until "CPO Cyber Monday" to start shopping, :smile:�
May 1, 2015
Rockster This is a prime example of how those who can't adapt to the Tesla model of selling cars won't be able to keep up. Soon we'll be seeing articles reporting that there's no market for used Teslas because used car dealers are reporting that they can't move them off the lot. All the while, CPO, inventory, and knowledgeable Tesla owners selling privately will capture the overwhelming majority of used Tesla sales.�
May 1, 2015
PokerBroker It will be interesting to see how well they keep up with the changing inventory in this program and how updated the webpage will remain. The Roadster preened page was never correct, and at times the had 100 Roadsters in inventory than they had online.�
May 1, 2015
Krrphx I started getting some good communication after a few days. Short version is that I've been given a 3-5 week timeline (placed my order on Saturday night) and I will be charged $1500 to ship the car from Atlanta. Very likely might have made a different decision had I known that, but I suppose it is what it is at this point. I'm told that the timeline is so long due to the shipping distance and the extensive post-shipment inspection and detailing that will take place once the car arrives in Scottsdale. I'v asked for actual photos of my car but have not yet received them.
At this point, it's a waiting game. So far, communication hasn't been insanely good from the DS, but it's been acceptable for this stage in the process. I just want to get behind the wheel of this car, so I'm hoping we're closer to 3 weeks out than 5!�
May 1, 2015
lolgas I'm in DC and had a car shipped from Atlanta and it was a 3 week process from start to finish. The wait was unbearable however well worth it. Hang in there!�
May 1, 2015
MsElectric Do you know of *any* bank that would do this? I have not been able to find any bank. I'd love to do a business lease for tax purposes. To protect the bank I can have an insanely low residual so that I have the benefit of buying the car at the end of the lease at a very nice price.�
May 1, 2015
KJD Have you thought about buying a plane ticket to Atlanta instead?�
May 1, 2015
No2DinosaurFuel Is it me, but most of the new CPO are now costing more? I looked at the consolidator website and sorted by the date added and most of the newly added is > 70K or so. If we are comparing to some of the older cars listed, they are not as good of a deal. I hope this does not become a trend going forward.�
May 1, 2015
Drucifer The way the bank does it is it works essentially like a car loan. It is a capital lease with a $1.00 buyout at the end. I deal here in North Carolina with First Citizens bank, but I imagine there are others.�
May 1, 2015
MsElectric I tend to agree with you. They added some 2013 P85 for the mid 80s when you could have bought them for the mid to late 60s and a few are still available at those prices. At the end they might be testing the market and the market will eventually set the prices. It seems about 2/3 of what has been sold has been sold for less than $70K. I feel the mid 70s are going to be a cut off figure for most people considering a used car as beyond that price it might make more sense to buy new.
Tesla will adjust prices as they are set by the market. My feeling is that cars on the CPO inventory for more than 30 days will likely see downward price adjustments.�
May 1, 2015
Drucifer I agree. I considered about $75k to be my ceiling for used/CPO. Consider that I could get a very well equipped 70D for $94k ($87k after tax credit). I need at least a $12k discount, after tax credit, to accept used, with no autopilot or parking sensors.
The really well priced ones are selling fast. You snooze - you lose.
And with this message, I am no longer a Junior Member. whew!�
May 1, 2015
MsElectric Yeah some people got some great deals. Especially those who bought 2013 P85s for the mid 60sSome are still available at those prices so I think they will have to reduce the prices of the 2013 P85s that they just added today for the mid 80s. At that point might as well put about $5K more and buy a brand new 2015 85D with Autopilot and AWD.
It was interesting to see the two sold P85+ vehicles in DC for around $100K. That's inventory P85D territory pricewise...�
May 1, 2015
Krrphx From what I understand, my car is already prepped for shipping, may even be on a truck. Well, that last part is pretty optimistic thinking, but it's the mentality I've decided to go with for the next few weeks. Also, there's no good version of the drive from ATL to PHX through superchargers as far as I'm concerned.�
May 1, 2015
Are the cars added recently have more options that the earlier ones? I am wondering if Tesla is increasing prices on their CPO cars.�
May 1, 2015
Cyclone You would have a much longer drive with more complications, but feel free to take a look and chime in here:
Road Trip to Buy a Tesla?�
May 1, 2015
Drucifer I think Tesla started 'low' to create marketing "buzz" and move a few units out quickly and are now adding units at what will be more 'standard' CPO pricing. Just my guess, but I am thrilled to get my P85 for $10k+ less than the new ones going into the system.
- - - Updated - - -
I am guessing these are rear wheel drive enthusiasts who want the maxxed P85+, but in RWD format. It is the only thing that makes sense.�
May 1, 2015
No2DinosaurFuel Mid to low 60s for the p85 is a good deal and they can move them. Once you get to 70 to mid 70s for a p85, then loke others who have stated here, might as well get the s85d for much better value because you can get 7.5K back from governement making it around the 70s. As for the options, most are standard now on the s85d now.
Here is what i loke to see.
P85 - low to mod 60s
S85 - mid 50s
S60 - high 40s to low 50s.
Now those number might be a bit optimistic, but my take on it is:
P85 competes with the S85D
S85 competes with the S70D
S60 really should be much cheaper because it is the bottom now.
Keep in mind used cars should be less than new cars. Hopefully tesla comes to their senses and price them properly.�
May 1, 2015
lolgas Just need tint and wing and I'll be done for awhile. Loving my CPO![]()
May 1, 2015
justaddsun Huh? A new 85D with 19s, pano roof, tech, no AP, air, sound, subzero, premium is $90k after rebate. Loaded CPO P85 is about $70k. Let's not exaggerate here.�
May 1, 2015
Drucifer Kind of agree, certainly on the P85 vs the S85D. I think S85 competes with S85 and S60 is in a class of its own.
I think the bands are narrower though. There is no reason for Tesla to ever sell a car for less than $55K, regardless, and no reason for a buyer to pay more than $80K, except under rare circumstances. If a car is worth less than $55K at this point in time, it probably needs to go to auction due to mileage or condition, and not be in the CPO program. So I see going forward:
P85 - $70 - $85K+
S85 - $62 - $77K
S60 - $55 - $65K�
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