May 22, 2015
BoerumHill A lot of activity this morning; @ 10:00 ten added five removed (four from Chicago market.)�
May 22, 2015
3mp_kwh S00753 sig red removed @10:00, but there hasn't been one offered in many days. Sheet shows 25 days on market. Huh?�
May 22, 2015
Cyclone And this is exactly what happened with me. I was explicit in asking about stuff I may find at delivery with my Owner Advisor and Delivery Specialist and was assured (via email, so in writing), that any issues would be noted and taken care of at my service center at home. That really put my mind at ease. Some of the items were just supply stuff (the rep said he was getting me a frunk cargo net, but Tysons was all out - so Charlotte gave it to me). There were some issues that need repair, but again, minor and promised to be fixed at my local center and did not affect the ability to drive the car home. For instance, we noticed my mirrors would not fold in. They are not the newer kind that do so automatically, but are supposed to still fold in when you manually push it. Turns out there is some damage to the mirrors and the Charlotte store said they will repair or replace the mirrors. Not a problem at all as the mirror works, I can adjust it using the wheel on the driver door armrest, I just can't fold in the mirror.�
May 22, 2015
kuttakamina .. and thats where the issue is. Their CPO site isn't that great! Phone camera pictures don't do justice to a 100K purchase.
I don't want to spend 2 days of my life travelling to a city, when I am not sure that I may not even like the car. And I hope they will refund the $1k minimum at the very least.
This has basically kept my options limited to DC .. where there are no "deals" at this moment atleast.�
May 22, 2015
Pollux Are the pictures really even of the exact car being advertised? The pictures all look so similar to me that I think they are stock images.
- - - Updated - - -
If you wouldn't mind, would you please post the list of issues that turned up when you reviewed Nick Howe's checklist against your CPO?
May 22, 2015
kuttakamina They are stock images!
But apparently if you are interested, and give them a call, they will email you real pictures, depending on the mood and availability of the picture taker that is!�
May 22, 2015
eepic So in Toronto there's a P85 for about $76k CAD, seems really low relative to where other CPO cars are priced... am I missing something? Anyone know if we can check the accident history of these cars systematically?
P85 in question
85 kWh Performance Model S P08819 | Tesla Motors Canada
Similar mileage P85, with 21", alcantra, lights for $20k more?
85 kWh Performance Model S P15831 | Tesla Motors Canada�
May 22, 2015
ahurst Do you see one in Denver you like? I can go take some pics.�
May 22, 2015
Drucifer Maybe I am really trusting, but my car is being delivered tomorrow and I have not requested pictures. I'll "see the bride for the first time when she approaches me coming down the aisle". I have enough faith that Tesla has either prepared the CPO car well, or will make it right later to just proceed off of CGI images on a website.�
May 22, 2015
Cyclone I do NOT hope this happens, but if there is an issue and you refuse delivery until its fixed, would they truck yours back to Raleigh or would it go to Charlotte? Btw, my Uncle was driving back to Charlotte yesterday and called me when he saw a Green Tesla on a truck along the way! Maybe he drove past your baby?�
May 22, 2015
Drucifer It might have been. They were getting my car back from the paint & body shop. Bumper cover was being repaired and repainted from stone chips.�
May 22, 2015
Cyclone Alan, I won't go into everything, but basically the following from Nick's list... sunroof is smearing some black goo on inside and outside when opening/closing, driver tail light has bugs in it, pax tail light is fogged up/moisture in it, rear bumper misaligned on pax side and similar as Drucifer...
The latter is why they want 5 days for my car rather than 1-2.�
May 22, 2015
brianman $1500 - Dual chargers.
~$1000 (?) - Premium Interior Lighting.
$4500 - 19" -> Grey Turbine.
$2800 -> Mileage difference.
So there's $9800 US. So $11,955 CAD, so let's call that $12,000 CAD. The listed price difference is $20.2k CAD so there's an $8.2k CAD difference.
Also they are 10,000 VINs apart so clearly there's an age discount of a few months (perhaps across "VIN year" as well). If it's 6-7 months and the discounting is US$1000/mo. then the math lines up just about right.
All that said, 8819 looks like a diamond in the rough price-wise.�
May 22, 2015
Musterion Tesla CPO Stats: DOM vs Price
I have to say, as a long-time TSLA / Model S owner (in that order) now pondering another EV purchase, this thread is fascinating and it is a rich source of information as well as hard data -- the latter thanks to @HankLloydRight and Tesla CPO program which has captivated us again. I've been looking at the data he has collected through his web site and have been analyzing it in various ways.
We tend to focus on extremes, and here a lot of attention is understandably devoted to the cheaper end and how fast those cars sell. As it turns out, despite anecdotal evidence (i.e. befitting human nature, people tend to post about the tails of the distribution vs the bulk), the correlation between CPO sale price and days-on-market (DOM) is very poor. Although weakly positive, price alone is a poor predictor of how long a car will stick around. Certainly, it is true that the absolute cheapest cars (at the tail of the price distribution) are going to sell very quickly, but soon thereafter (~> ~US$55k), the variation in DOM drastically rises. Surprisingly, at the most expensive range, the distribution then narrows to smaller average DOM (although qualified by larger error there due to smaller sales). Here is the up-to-date correlation plot between sale price and DOM. It includes US-market sales only (133 sales since 4/27/15) since there is not yet enough data for Canada. There are interesting results from the unsold cars too, and other info from the sold-dataset, which I will try to post as soon as time allows going forward.
Raw data source: Tesla CPO Consolidator consolidated from Pre-Owned ModelS | Tesla Motors
May 22, 2015
brianman I see a lion.�
May 22, 2015
SmartElectric There were 4 other P85 sold in the past few weeks for similar prices $74K-$76K according to :
Tesla CPO Consolidator
Some were a bit nicer with more options, so I don't see the white P85 as any more compelling than the others.
Still waiting to see something nice in the low $70K before I get serious about CPO, just can't see buying something for only $10K less than the 70D at $85K equipped the way I like.�
May 22, 2015
Drucifer I'd like to see about 9+ more weeks of data. I am not dissuaded from the idea that vehicles below $60k sell really quickly.�
May 22, 2015
Cyclone Especially given your P85 and my S85 could be measured in minutes on market!
May 22, 2015
Drucifer Mine was out there for less than approx. 215 minutes. I know because my "Thank You Your order is complete" email is timestamped 10:35 pm EDST and this thread was started at 7:17 pm EDST, so guessing that the site was launched at 7:00 sharp and it took someone 17 minutes to talk about it here
May 22, 2015
Cyclone You just beat me to it! My neighbor texted me at 10:17 p about the site going up and at 10:37 p I purchased. Two minutes apart!!�
May 22, 2015
Drucifer Could you imagine if I had selected your car and clicked on it 2 minutes before you did? Good thing you didn't have 3rd row seating in your car!�
May 22, 2015
Cyclone Oh yeah. I would have been so sad to click purchase and the page refreshes to the car not being there anymore!�
May 22, 2015
bigez1 Earlier this month I was on the lookout for a 2nd Model S (for my wife) and on may 9th Ipurchased this beauty*opts.php?vin=S00243. Tesla originally had herwith only 50 miles but since I knew this # was unrealistic, I simply called them for the exactmileage (2012 @ 23k still a good IMO). A day later, Tesla gave me the most awesome shock ofa lifetime (slight exaggeration). Turns out the original owner was one of the few who paid tohave their signature P85 completely upgraded to a P85+! Tesla declined to tell me exactly how much the customer spent but from reading the forums, it was probably in the range of +-23k. I Was supposed to pick her up today but Tesla insisted on a few more days to get everything perfect. However, I did take a few shots! Tesla's CPO program is awesome!
May 22, 2015
brianman Gratz. The VIN should have given the Sig away.�
May 22, 2015
ModelX It is a beauty!�
May 23, 2015
Drucifer I think he knew it was a sig. What he didn't know was that it was later upgraded to a + with the staggered wheels and upgraded suspension.�
May 23, 2015
HankLloydRight Whole bunch of price reductions just came through:
==========> Price change S02077: from 81,450 to 80,700
==========> Price change P48020: from 118,500 to 109,500
==========> Price change P06853: from 85,900 to 84,500
==========> Price change P21149: from 89,300 to 86,600
==========> Price change P51269: from 111,200 to 109,900
==========> Price change P16951: from 84,650 to 82,900
==========> Price change P15831: from 96,600 to 94,900�
May 23, 2015
bigez1 Exactly...�
May 23, 2015
SmartElectric Nice! Many (most) of these are Canadian cars. Slow selling in Canada, most of the sales are <$80K. The new 70D/85D is so compelling compared to rear wheel drive cars in this climate. I do like the sig red P85 in Quebec...�
May 23, 2015
Drucifer Well, my CPO car was delivered today!
I have a few due bill fixes, nothing major and should all be resolved in the next week or two.
Exciting news: The vehicle had a parcel shelf, alcantara headliner, premium interior lighting and metal pedals that was NOT on the description. Not super important items for me, but still nice to get. When finished, I will have a better car than I expected, so as far as I'm concerned, BIG WIN!
May 23, 2015
All Canadian cars. Seems like the CPO market up there isn't quite so hot.�
May 23, 2015
bonaire It has been ramping up lately, the last three days show an up-tick. can someone re-do this graph?�
May 23, 2015
Cyclone Congratulations! Glad to hear about the parcel shelf, metal pedals, and especially the white alcantara headliner (I'm seriously jelly!). Just an FYI, the lower VINs like yours and mine had premium lighting standard. I rather like the "ambient" lighting under the armrest. You should probably also have chrome besides the double latch in your frunk. Our cars should meet sometime. Have fun joyriding!�
May 23, 2015
Drucifer Yes, also got the chrome bits in the frunk and the rear hatch as well. Definitely nicer than plastic bits.�
May 23, 2015
Cyclone Ooh! Mine doesn't have chrome in the trunk area! Drats! Not a problem in the end as I'm not a fan of chrome anyway.�
May 23, 2015
kuttakamina Is it possible to buy extended warranty on CPOs?�
May 23, 2015
SmartElectric AWD is seen as a requirement in the premium segment in Canada due to the snow and rain.
My own personal thoughts on this are
1. Buy new 70D for $85K the "way I like it".
2. Buy P85 CPO for $75K well optioned. Get second set of rims and top winter tires, "brave it" on the ~5 days when AWD is a practical requirement to leave your driveway.
3. Keep Mercedes GLK (AWD) SUV for a few more years and pick up a CPO Model X.
My wife will refuse to drive a RWD car in bad weather, full stop.
I don't blame her, we had some "scary moments" in my six-speed manual transmission 1996 Camaro Z28 in the rain (pretty much parked it on snow days).
We test drove a P85 in late 2014 on summer tires in a snow storm (the Toronto SC hadn't put snow tires on, and it was the first big snow fall of the season). Getting back into the Mercedes GLK was a massive difference, so much more traction and grip, and the GLK was still on aggressive summer 20's, it's just the AWD (and MB is fantastic in the snow) was the difference.
- - - Updated - - -
May 23, 2015
kuttakamina BOOOOO!!
Confirmed though - Private Model S Purchase Offers Better Warranty Coverage than CPO | Forums | Tesla Motors
Still Boooo!�
May 23, 2015
Cyclone Let's rephrase that. Today the answer is no. Personally, I fully expect Tesla to change that policy, especially as some CPO cars are available that are only a few months old and less than 10k on the odo (these were likely lease guarantee buybacks or other goodwill buybacks). Most every other manufacturer offers an extended warranty on their CPOs. But yes, today, that is unavailable.�
May 24, 2015
BoerumHill No extended warranty but of course they have already extended the warranty by resetting the 4 year, 50K warranty. NBD if you're buying a 2014 with low mileage, but definitely a great deal if you're buying a 2013 with 20K-35K on it. On the older (relatively) higher mileage vehicles, they're are now covering the car for up to 6 years and 70K-85K.�
May 25, 2015
Sm4llz Is it possible to buy a cpo from Canada and have it shipped to the states? Would you qualify for any tax credits?�
May 25, 2015
Cyclone CPOs would not have any U.S. Federal tax rebates. State tax credits would only apply if they are offered on used cars. In general Canada -> US isn't a problem (the other way is highly recommended against). That said, I would talk with a Canada Tesla store to see if they would do it direct. In all likelihood, they won't do the shipping for you, but will let you pick it up in Canada and handle the import yourself.�
May 25, 2015
Sm4llz Makes sense with Federal since the car isn't new, regardless of being new in the country I guess. In any case, this looks like an amazing deal with the CAD to USD conversion.
$76,400 CAD -> $62,086.06
I might give the store a call tomorrow to get some more details. I wonder how taxes would come out when you try and register the car.�
May 25, 2015
Tamar It's not a holiday in Canada if you mean you are going to call the Canadian store....�
May 25, 2015
No2DinosaurFuel I just called and the representative said the car will need to be serviced in Canada if you do make the purchase and have it shipped to the USA. He kept claiming it is about how the car are built for each market and will make the logistics complex if you do decide to get it imported. Import cost should be minimal for cars. I guess you will be making trips to Canada just to get it checked up. LOL. Required RoadTrip Every year! LOL
According to this website:
Import duty taxes calculation result
Import duties and taxes due to custom is around $200-$300 for the car you want. I don't know about the taxes here in the US. I suspect each state will want their cut of the taxes when you registered it here in the USA.
This is definitely a deal considering the Canada Tesla's battery will probably be in better shape because of the cold climate. But I think the servicing might be an issue. If the representative is telling the truth where you cannot get servicing by your local Tesla Store, then it might not be worth the cost. Moreover, I don't know how the tesla support would be if you get stranded here in the USA and call them for a pickup. I suspect they will help you out regardless, but it's still a questionable thing.
It might be worth the risk, but to me 62K USD is still a hefty change to risk it. And don't forget the conversion rate fee. You will need to convert that which can be hefty for 62K USD to 76K CAN. I think credit cards want 2-3%. Currency Exchange might charger lower. So overall, without taxes in the state of registration, you are looking at around 65K USD. Once all said and done, it's comparable to some of the early deals here in the USA when CPO was new. I'll pass on this. I am looking for a S85D anyways. Best of luck! This tesla has everything I want save for the AWD.�
May 25, 2015
MorrisonHiker If the car hasn't been previously registered in Colorado, it would be eligible for the $6000 tax credit, even as a CPO.�
May 26, 2015
porshuh So this is interesting - I've been emailing with a "Gallery Advisor" (he emailed me because I went in to a showroom about a year ago to test drive a MS). I told him I was interested in the CPO program, and he said I could meet with him to inspect and test drive any CPO cars that are listed at my location. Perhaps I am off - but I was thinking that they kind of kept these cars on lockdown until a deposit was placed on them.�
May 26, 2015
HankLloydRight I'm not sure what this means.�
May 26, 2015
Drucifer I think you can inspect and test drive. It is just they are in whatever condition they were when traded in. Without a CPO reservation number and deposit, Tesla does not start the inspection and reconditioning process that CPO vehicles undergo in preparation for delivery.�
May 26, 2015
Cyclone This is essentially my understanding as well, though mine is slightly different. They inspect the car and do major things, but reconditioning and minor things are not done until the car is on deposit. For instance, a faulty door handle might be replaced early in the process, but the personal effects of the previous owner might not be removed until the car is being prepped for delivery.�
May 26, 2015
porshuh What I meant is that it seemed with how hard it was for people to get the CS to take mere cell phone pictures of the car they just paid $1,000 to reserve, there was no way in hell you would actually get a chance to personally inspect and test drive a CPO MS before putting down the deposit. I realize now - that was a bad generalization on my part!�
May 26, 2015
Drucifer I think if you walked up on the site/center where the CPO car is parked, and said "I'd like to look at the car I made a deposit on", there would be no problem. I believe the challenge is with the cell phone pictures, since if they offered that, they would have to do it 200 times, and they would have to verify the took pics of the right car and are sending them to the right person who has legitimate interest in that specific vehicle, and it would tie up a lot of people .�
May 26, 2015
SmartElectric Had a good discussion with Canadian rep today regarding the "thin" (my words) selection in CPO.
The conversation pretty quickly went to the value of new 70D compared to used 85's at the same price.
Looks like I will be waiting for the X deliveries to begin to see some more action on CPO.�
May 26, 2015
Yeah - I would totally agree with that.�
May 26, 2015
eepic I was thinking the same thing. That juicy P85 @ $76k is gone though.�
May 26, 2015
abasile So if a Tesla-owning resident of Canada moves to the US, they have to return to Canada for servicing?? Isn't it normal for North Americans to keep their cars when they move? How is a cross-border purchase of a CPO car any different?�
May 26, 2015
Cyclone Not in this thread, but others have had no problems Canadian Teslas into the US. However, the other way around has been difficult. I couldn't tell you the details, but there are threads on it.�
May 26, 2015
No2DinosaurFuel One would think they would allow it, but that's what the tesla representative told me. Again take it with a grain of salt. My speculation is the tesla here will service you regardless just to keep the superior customer support. However that being said, if there was something major or related to the build of the Canadian cars that is specific only to Canada, then you will surely have to pay out of pocket to get the parts shipped or worst ship the car up there to get if fixed and shipped back down.�
May 27, 2015
xhawk101 Hoping to find a CPO with autopilot has anyone seen these available yet?�
May 27, 2015
tga Tesla Model S CPO Website - Now Live - Page 49�
May 27, 2015
Tamar Wow, 49 new listings in the US today!�
May 27, 2015
HankLloydRight And several price changes with cars moved back to available:
==========> VIN Moved back to Available: P03813 from hub: US;California;4 ; Original Sold date: 2015-05-08 17:00:07 ;
==========> VIN Moved back to Available: P08188 from hub: US;Washington;1 ; Original Sold date: 2015-05-23 17:00:11 ;
==========> Price change P07269: from $71,000 to $60,800 -- old prices: 71,000 (Nice price drop here, prob won't last long!)
==========> VIN Moved back to Available: P07269 from hub: US;California;4 ; Original Sold date: 2015-05-11 21:00:07 ;
==========> Price change P09064: from $80,300 to $74,500 -- old prices: 80,300
==========> VIN Moved back to Available: P09064 from hub: US;California;3 ; Original Sold date: 2015-05-04 22:00:09 ;
==========> Price change P40323: from $80,950 to $82,300 -- old prices: 80,950 (Price INCREASE)
==========> VIN Moved back to Available: P40323 from hub: US;California;3 ; Original Sold date: 2015-05-04 22:00:09 ;
==========> Price change P37895: from $86,500 to $85,900 -- old prices: 86,500
==========> VIN Moved back to Available: P37895 from hub: US;California;3 ; Original Sold date: 2015-05-04 22:00:09 ;
==========> Price change P35231: from $91,500 to $89,000 -- old prices: 91,500
==========> VIN Moved back to Available: P35231 from hub: US;California;3 ; Original Sold date: 2015-05-04 19:00:12 ;
==========> Price change P20917: from $90,300 to $89,000 -- old prices: 90,300
==========> VIN Moved back to Available: P20917 from hub: US;California;3 ; Original Sold date: 2015-05-04 19:00:12 ;
==========> Price change P33479: from $96,750 to $95,500 -- old prices: 96,750
==========> VIN Moved back to Available: P33479 from hub: US;California;3 ; Original Sold date: 2015-05-04 19:00:12 ;�
May 27, 2015
Drucifer I know this might be tricky, but I have to wonder if there are configuration changes to go along with the price changes. Maybe someone looked at the cars in question and figured out that it was missing stuff or had different stuff than the original listing.�
May 27, 2015
Tamar Yeah, gotta wonder if purchasers went to pick up their cars and ended up backing out due to discrepancies or "wear and tear". That doesn't explain the one with the price increase, though....�
May 27, 2015
tga No kiddin' - gone by 2pm!�
May 27, 2015
Pollux What happens to a car that comes into the CPO program with extras? For instance: OptiCoat; wrapped in Xpel; an extra set of snow tires and rims; lighted Tesla "T"; lighted door sills; etc.
Do these items get removed during the CPO process? Or stay?
May 27, 2015
Cyclone Typically everything stays, but you do not get any extra for the aftermarket options at trade in.�
May 27, 2015
Pollux So some buyer has the happy discovery that s/he has a car with thousands of dollars of nice extras? Sweet... for the buyer.
May 27, 2015
Cyclone Yeah, here have been a couple of cases like that already. Though @1ton's takes the cake. His/her CPO listing was for an S85 and a P85 arrived!�
May 28, 2015
DCAC HLR - thank you for adding the Rear Seats to the Consolidator list, I was previously scraping your list to find these... (must have)�
May 28, 2015
1ton True that it was a nice surprise. I honestly thought the price was a little high but it was the perfect color combo and had all the options. It was even better when I asked about the "performance leather" and they told me it was black with red piping and btw it's also a P85. I don't know if it was priced correctly and just a typo or what but I was willing to pay for an S85 and got a P85 instead!
The thing with these CPOs is that there's an equation (like when you return a lease) as to what the correct price point it. if it's too good to be true there might be some issues with it. For example, wear and tear.�
May 28, 2015
kyalami My CPO Signature P85S was ready today, just as promised!...Had a great walkthrough with the DS and hit the road. Unfortunately it was bumper to bumper traffic by that time but eventually was able to get to a little open road. Great ride. Haven't really had the chance to open it up. So far, no complaints whatsoever! This is clearly the blueprint for future private vehicles.�
May 28, 2015
Drucifer This is the secret to CPO, IMHO. The higher mile vehicles with more wear get priced more aggressively. Then they go into the 200 point inspection, and get things (new bumper covers, new nose cone, new tires) and wind up being real bargains that are in as good of shape as the higher priced vehicles with fewer miles / less original wear.�
May 28, 2015
No2DinosaurFuel Does CPO vehicle have the same 8 years, unlimited miles on the drivetrain? I plan to heavily drive my car well exceeding the 50K miles within 4 years. No one has mentioned this and I cannot get a definitive answer. If it's just 4 years 50K miles for the car and drive train, then I much rather wait for an inventory S85D. I don't want to be caught with a broken motor or inverter when the warranty runs out.�
May 28, 2015
rjcbox Congrats! Yup, she's a beauty!�
May 28, 2015
Cyclone You get the balance of the 8 year drivetrain warranty. So my 2013 is covered until 2021.�
May 28, 2015
No2DinosaurFuel And the unlimited mileage on the drivetrain? If so the CPO might be a better bet for me because i dont have to take out a large loan to get one. Any proof of this balance left thing on the battery and drivetrain?�
May 28, 2015
Cyclone Yes, if the car had unlimited mileage. Remember, 60s weren't unlimited miles.
Page 4 of the Warranty Guide PDF. I really wish I saved the link to this on their site. It's presented to you when you order the CPO. I saved the PDF.
May 28, 2015
No2DinosaurFuel Nice! Now I have no fear in getting a not too old CPO. Thanks for the info!�
May 28, 2015
KJD I am scheduled to pick up my Black and Tan CPO car tomorrow at 11. I am totally pumped about getting this car.�
May 28, 2015
Cyclone Your signature suggests you will be able to give us a great comparison on how EVs have professed over the decades. You should be in for an amazing ride!! Good luck getting some sleep!�
May 29, 2015
kyalami Until the CPO cars came on the market, I was twiddling my thumbs waiting for the Model X. Once the CPOs hit the net though, I immediately saw an opportunity to get most of the fun at a very reasonable price. The CPO prices were an average of 15-20% cheaper than other "used" MSs, and with the warranty, it was a no brainer for me to go that route. Especially since I got the car that I wanted with no compromises. TACC and D models will be CPO cars in a few short years when my lease is up and I can spring for those at that time. Saving >$30K on a "legacy" MS has me grinning from ear to ear right now.�
May 29, 2015
Tamar Can someone post the link to the running list of upgrades and when they hit? I have been waiting for an inventory car, but I now see a 2013 CPO that has everything I want sans the dual motors, and I am tempted to save $30K. I would like to know the difference between the 2013 subzero package and today's, and I bet it's in that thread, but I can't find it....�
May 29, 2015
Cyclone It was moved to the Wiki:�
May 29, 2015
william5543 How were you able to arrange a lease on a CPO vehicle? I had assumed you could only do this on new.�
May 29, 2015
Cyclone I know in other threads on here, there have been comments that other non-Tesla-affiliated financial institutions have provided decent leasing terms. This could be a case of that.�
May 29, 2015
Mr X Whoever got this one in Atlanta got one of the best deals i've ever seen. A complete steal.
May 29, 2015
Cyclone Not listed on the sheet, but given the VIN, they are also getting Premium Interior Lighting and Fog Lights.�
May 29, 2015
Drucifer High mileage knocks down the price big time. About $1 per mile. This one has about 15-20K more miles than the average.�
May 29, 2015
dennisayre Hi fellow members, this is my first post :biggrin:
I ordered a new 85D and then the CPO program rolled out (officially) and I found a cool P85. Then all of a sudden they rolled out a bunch more and there was an S85 for around $57k! With taxes and everything that is $63k compared to $108k for the AWD version brand new.
Anyway here are the features. I pickup sometime next week and can't wait. Does anyone else think this price is crazy good for what I am getting?
85, solid black, panoramic roof, 21" silver wheels, tan leather, obeche wood, carbon fiber spoiler, dual chargers, tech package, air suspension, fidelity sound, and paint armor.
I know this is a 2012 model but still pretty much half off in three years for whoever paid for that in 2012. How much can this car be worth in a few years when I decide I want to roll into a P85D CPO?�
May 29, 2015
kyalami I just did it. Earth Auto Leasing in Dallas, Tx. Referred to them by Tesla. Speak to KJ Gimbel. Very happy with overall result! Took delivery of CPO Signature car yesterday!�
May 29, 2015
ModelX Dennisayre, I think it sounds like you found an amazing deal! Also, welcome to the forum!�
May 29, 2015
Drucifer 1st. Welcome to the boards.
My guess is that in 3 years your car will be worth half to a bit less than half of what you paid for it now, so around $25-30k. I am planning on holding on to mine for 5-6 years from now, that way if it is worth anything more than zero, I'm OK. I'm looking forward to getting my CPO 2018 or 2019 Tesla in 2020 or 2021 at this point.�
May 30, 2015
EVenthusiast I usually hate asking for this type of private info, but can you share the lease details? I really want to lease my next electric vehicle , so if the payments are much lower than a standard loan for a CPO, I would consider getting a CPO.�
May 30, 2015
kyalami PM me to discuss.�
May 31, 2015
KJD We picked up our CPO Model S on Friday and are very pleased with the car. Every one of the Tesla staff that we worked with were outstanding and professional.
Now I understand why the traditional dealershits fear Tesla coming to town.
Update on the Salt Lake City Tesla dealership turmoil�
May 31, 2015
seclinton We took delivery on 5/15 of our CPO Black P85 with ~50k miles on it. Sadly, I had to travel for two weeks the day after; my wife has enjoyed it since day 1. I'm just back now, and as my first post, let me introduce "Black Beauty" to you.
Some quick stats:
- 2013 P85 Black/black/CF/Pano/Tech/21" Gray turbine/Prem Audio
- Ordered and installed a matching CF CCI w/dual cup holders (looks awesome)
- Activated my XM subscription
- Tinted 90%Back/Rear, 70% front doors
I'd love to know if:
- Was this a customer turn in? demo? loaner?
- Was the rebate used?
It's interesting to note, that when I contacted XM, they told me Tesla never registered the radio serial #. It took a week to get Tesla to confirm to XM the radio. I have a feeling this car was never registered.
If anyone can trace the VIN to an original owner, I'd like to thank him/her for helping us get the car of our dreams.
May 31, 2015
Cyclone Congrats on getting black beauty!! I've searched for pieces of my VIN on this site with no luck sadly. Beyond that, I am just happy the universe deemed me worthy to get my car!
Love your all EV driveway!�
May 31, 2015
Tamar I need some advice and insight from all of you who've already made your decision. I really have my heart set on an inventory 70D or 85D, but am starting to toy with the idea of getting a CPO to use and enjoy for 4 years (through the warranty) and then upgrade to a CPO with the dual motors/autopilot and whatever else has been introduced.
I've found 2 reeeally similar cars, and am wondering if it's work the $4K premium to get a car labeled 2014 vs one labeled 2013. They might only be a few weeks apart in build...right?
My "must haves" are subzero package and ultra high fidelity sound.
2013 S85: 25K miles, tech package, blue metallic, pano, 19" wheels, black nappa leather seats, carbon fiber, std headliner, SAS, UHF sound, Subzero, premium interior lighting
2014 S85: 27K miles, tech package, blue metallic, pano, 19" wheels, tan performance leather seats, obeche wood matte, std headliner, SAS, UHF sound, Subzero, premium interior lighting, Paint armor, dual chargers
The 2013 is $67K, the 2014 is $71.5K. I figure with that number of miles on the 2014, it is likely and "early year" 2014. They are so close, it may come down to the one that's closer to me in terms of delivery fees, hmmmm? What else might I be missing if I go with the 2013?�
May 31, 2015
shadowinstallz The dual chargers right there are worth you will get the extra few months or maybe a year depending on build date of warranty on the motor and batt.�
May 31, 2015
Cyclone Why is the Subzero a "must have" for you? If it's because of the heated steering wheel, neither car will have that (introduced after Autopilot). If it's for heated driver and front passenger seats, then that is included with all cars with leather seats. If you want it for the other items in the package, then ok. Do you like tan or black more than the other? If so, that can sway the decision.
Beyond those factors, I would go with the 2013 and add in a full front XPEL instead of paint armor and can add dual chargers if you like. Just a note though on paying for the car. Some lenders (if you are using a lender) give a preferred rate for current and prior year cars -- in that scenario, the 2014 would get the preferred rate while the 2013 would not. My lender has no such difference, but some do.
Also, I believe "performance seats" mean you would have red piping. Can someone chime in on that?
In the end, a $4k premium is not unreasonable for a "year newer" car, but your are buying used and really should be getting what fits your needs and tastes best.�
May 31, 2015
HankLloydRight I agree that the Cold weather package is not really required, since it only adds heated REAR seats, and windshield heater and I think washer fluid heater -- neither of which I have, but I've read on TMC that the people who do have them say they don't work all that great. So if you're garaging your car, they are of limited usefulness. Now if you have kids who want heated rear seats (and I see you're in MN, so that makes sense) then by all means, go for it.
(I almost didn't by my inventory P85+ w/o cold weather package precisely because I didn't realize at the time that heated FRONT seats are standard on all cars.).
I believe that's true, but I think (I'm not sure) that Perf seats also have alcantara side bolsters instead of leather. Otherwise, they're the same as non-perf seats.�
May 31, 2015
Tamar My husband's commute is 30 miles in the dark in Minnesota winters. He wants the heated windshield wipers and the washer fluid heater. He doesn't even like heated seats, and we don't intend to use the back seats often (we're DINKs). We've never had a heated steering wheel, so we don't care about MN you do not leave the house without gloves between Nov-March anyway. I know the dual chargers are worth $2K, but we probably would not have it added to an inventory car.
We won't be financing, so that's not an issue. I'm wondering most about the little things...I don't think we get parking sensors with either, right? What other little differences are there? With updates every week (as far as we can tell) what else might make the 2014 more appealing? I didn't see anything in the wiki that seemed to be a big difference between late 2013/early 2014 cars....�
May 31, 2015
Cyclone Parking sensors, if available when the 2013 or 2014 was built, was an option over and above the tech package, so no guarantee they will be there either. Folding mirrors could be a difference depending on the 2013 was built. If you otherwise are undecided, I would go to a local store and have them call the store that has the car and physically look to see if parking sensors are there. Otherwise, since dual chargers don't matter to you, you are looking at $4k for a line across the hood (paint armor doesn't cover the entire good), but also a "year newer" car. Hard to say if it is worth it to you. If I was buying, I would go with the 2013 if dual chargers, folding mirrors, paint armor don't matter. But honestly, I would pay the $4k if I like on seat color more than the other.�
May 31, 2015
Sm4llz I believe there was a post that showed an updated enabled heated/cooled cup holders if you have the winter package.�
May 31, 2015
tga Honestly, IMHO from years of owning an Outback in MA/NH with these features, they're pretty much pointless. I could count on one hand the number of times I've turned on the wiper parking area heaters. All else being equal, the winter package is nice to have, but I wouldn't write off a car without it.
Use good washer fluid/antifreeze and the nozzles won't freeze. Besides, without a heat-generating ICE under the front hood, you'd need to worry about the unheated pump, tank, and lines freezing, in addition to the heated nozzles.
The wipers themselves aren't heated, just the parking area at the base of the windshield (it's like the electric defroster on the rear glass). It keeps ice from forming there, but the wiper blades can still get ice on them. You'll still want winter blades to keep them from icing up and not flexing properly.
That was a joke posting. They photoshopped the controls photo.�
May 31, 2015
kuttakamina I ended up removing the subzero package from my order too.
Given that you can heat the car even in your garage (can't do that with an ICE) the real utility of subzero is not much. Also the heated windshield washer nozzles and wipers from what I've heard are ineffective.
I thought the heated steering would feel nice though, but if it was heated and cooled .. Anyway, I saved my $1000.�
May 31, 2015
Tamar Thanks everyone. Seems like it really is a toss-up and the 2013 is probably a fiscally better choice. Save a few $$, save a bit on tax, and hopefully license and insurance will be a bit less, too. (This is all if the inventory car I'm watching sells before it gets a few miles on it.)
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Oh, one more question....if an aftermarket stereo upgrade is added to a model S, does that void any part of the warranty? My husband seems to think it might....�
May 31, 2015
HankLloydRight You probably know this, but realize the Inventory car qualifies for the $7500 tax credit, whereas the CPO does not.�
May 31, 2015
Tamar Yep, thanks. Right now it is over $100K, but only has 50 miles on it (still on the train). With all the CPO activity, I am hoping to watch it accumulate a few miles once it's on the ground and if it drops below $100K, I'm pulling the trigger.�
May 31, 2015
andrewket Don't forget subzero includes heated rear seats. Very nice for passengers and you can keep the cabin heat lower and gain range.�
May 31, 2015
kuttakamina Yeah, not applicable in my case. But good point.�
Jun 1, 2015
Cyclone For others who may be undecided about ordering a CPO vs. ordering new or buying an inventory car, I am posting some thoughts comparing my CPO against a loaner w/ Autopilot in another thread:�
Jun 1, 2015
PokerBroker Tamar you should come out to our MN Tesla Club meetup tomorrow evening at Auto Vault in Eagan at 6pm and get some of these questions answered first hand
Jun 1, 2015
Tamar Thanks for the invite! I was just reading about Auto Vault on Sunday!�
Jun 2, 2015
Fiver Cheapest car listed so far. This time it's in Canada. $56,900 CAD converts out to $45,850.12 USD. It's also very barebones.
UPDATE: Gone in under 30 minutes. It was VIN P10905�
Jun 2, 2015
1208 So is there a rate at which the S depreciates yet eg. $200 per month? or is there no consistent rate at the moment?�
Jun 2, 2015
Fiver I'm not sure if the same formula applies to CPO cars, but for inventory cars it's (I believe) $1 per mile and $<insert amount> for every month it's on the road. Plus wear and tear deductions which vary by car. Again I don't know if this same math applies to CPO vehicles.�
Jun 2, 2015
No2DinosaurFuel Damn very tempting. it comes out to be around 23K miles. The only thing holding me back is the 60KWh battery. Not enough range for me. Weird why it would have black roof. I would think that generate heat for the car?
I'm sure this car will be picked up very quickly. Anyways the longer I wait, the cheaper the cars get and maybe I might even get the 85D by years end.�
Jun 2, 2015
tga 1% per month
- - - Updated - - -
A very good deal, in fact, it's already gone...
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