May 9, 2015
Drucifer Only things I have been able to discern, and some of this is trends and patterns. You would have to do multivariate regression analysis to figure out the formula for real.
1. Price drops significantly with increased miles and earlier date of service.
2. Options vary between being valuable and worthless or in between in the model. Mostly options are steeply discounted in the used market more than the base car is.
3. Green, Brown, White and Pearl cars seem to be cheaper than Black, Blue, Grey, Silver and Red cars.
Transport costs for that will likely be $1000.�
May 9, 2015
HankLloydRight My VIN is 15xxx (w/tech package) and I don't have folding mirrors, so you can't go by VIN alone.
I used to do it all the time, but I don't have time to sit down and figure it out, but someone should be able to do a multiple regression analysis on all the options/features/mileage, etc to come up with an approximation at a formula.
But I suspect the CPO price is highly correlated with the price Tesla paid to take the car in trade, and that may have differed greatly between people, timing, policies, etc. So who knows if there is any formula you can apply?�
May 9, 2015
kuttakamina 1. Price drops significantly with increased miles and earlier date of service.
--- And the chicago car (cheaper) has 12K fewer miles.
2. Options vary between being valuable and worthless or in between in the model. Mostly options are steeply discounted in the used market more than the base car is.
--- Agreed, which is what makes CPO so attractive. If I get new, I would not get high end sound system and air suspension. Another thing I've noticed, the "P" part costs you a lot when you get new, but resale viz, not so much. The S60s are depreciating the best.
--- Still in this case, both cars are similarly optioned.
3. Green, Brown, White and Pearl cars seem to be cheaper than Black, Blue, Grey, Silver and Red cars.
--- Okay that makes sense, even though Pearl White costs 750+ out the gate compared to grey. Personally I prefer grey. Still doesn't justify the price difference.
Thanks for your answer. I'm googling mutivariate regression analysis, on a saturday morning.�
May 9, 2015
Drucifer Warning on the statistical analysis is that HankLloydRight may have a point. There may be an element of "random walk" in this or even regional differences that may make discerning a pricing model difficult.�
May 9, 2015
kuttakamina I've been manually comparing lots of cars on CPO.
There is indeed a lot of randomness that could save you up to $5K if you do your homework.
$5K to me is worth putting in the effort for (I'm not a richie rich).
Not to mention, by end of this year, you will see some D's show up in CPO also.�
May 9, 2015
Good idea.. while I am a 100% capitalist, love money, and have the MBA to back it up, I will find a charity and add a link to the CPO Consolidator by Monday.
Some things I do for income, and other things just for fun. This was totally for fun and to give back to the community, so that's my reward.
But if it can raise a few dollars for people or causes who really need it, that's even better.�
May 9, 2015
kuttakamina The Chicago tesla sold .... I guess it WAS a good deal. Congrats to the new owner, whoever it is.
May 9, 2015
TomServo Chicago just added about 15 vehicles since Thurs. I read they had 90+ pre-owned vehicles so maybe they take time to get them ready to list.
I'm looking for a particular MS and while there are a few that are close I think many more will start showing up coming off early leases. Good time to be in the market for a Tesla.�
May 9, 2015
MsElectric I think you are going to have a really hard time with this as you are missing a key ingredient, the original in-service date. I suppose you can use the VIN number with a look up table that maps a VIN number to an approximate date range...
- - - Updated - - -
I saw both cars listed and you are absolutely right. Perhaps Tesla paid more for one car than the other. With CPO cars people who don't do their research might end up paying more for a less desirable car. Also not everyone knows about The Great Consolidator so they might just look locally and buy what is available locally to them.
Given that nicely optioned 2013 P85s are available for the late 60s someone paying a lot more than that is likely paying more than they have to.�
May 9, 2015
kuttakamina Yes, but both are/were 2013. 5-10 years later when I go about selling a used Model S, believe me, nobody will care about the month the car was put in service. It'll all be about it's a 2013 Model S with the following miles - and ooh I like or dislike the options.
IMO, the price difference of 4K is worth saving.. esp for better options. I'm such an astute buyer :tongue:
May 9, 2015
HankLloydRight That's why I said I wasn't doing it. I'll let someone else give it an attempt. Besides, as mentioned above, actual in service date would be a minor factor, if a factor at all,�
May 9, 2015
3mp_kwh I posted a poll, on miles/age/options. So far, answers surprise me.
If we�re going to have fun with stats, I think this is the answer. It calls for a multi-factor model, run first within each region. Otherwise, I think correlations would get too weak, or noisy.
1 � Doubt it. Not if they won�t give pictures. Call it a �no communication� discount.
2 - $1,000
3 � I�ve heard �as new�, from DS, as has at least one other. No feedback on 32nds.
4 � Too open ended a question. Little things like wipers and headrests were improved, with the AP cars. Does that make older build quality �worse�?
I bet the program generally goes well, but it is only a matter of time before a bad car(s) create a challenge. Tesla takes care of its owners. If you don�t own one, call that an understatement. That said, they don�t communicate and get lots of slack for things, like horizontal wood grain (website), where the 2013 dash boards all have it vertical. Even Ebay can be tough on that sort of thing.�
May 10, 2015
ahurst So one issue I've discovered is with P85 and P85+. How can I find the original MSRP to gauge the level of discount?
With an 85, I simply build it on the website, knowing it's not exact, but close.�
May 10, 2015
Cyclone Personaly, cost compared to what it was new is irrelevant in my opinion. A better comparison is what you would pay for equivalent (85D and P85D), or what you desire (any current Model S). The choices you are making is which one to buy, not which one to send a message into the past and tell the prior owner they will be selling for a big drop in the future.
For my car, my Owner Advisor found some details for my car from original purchase just because I was curious. That said, deciding to buy it was comparing the price of the CPO car to the cost of a 70D without air suspension. With the savings over even that purchase, it was worth it to me to buy my CPO.�
May 11, 2015
ahurst How do I find the range and performance data for P85 and P85+?�
May 11, 2015
vvanders If I remember correctly the P85 and P85+ are identical power and range with the major difference being in the suspension.
Current benchmarks have the 85D and P85 pretty close in power it mostly comes down to your preference in range, AWD vs RWD and handling.�
May 11, 2015
Fiver Is the CPO consolidation site that Hank built not updating? There hasn't been a change since Friday. I'm sure some cars sold over the weekend....�
May 11, 2015
HankLloydRight yeah, I've been meaning to look into that today.
Yes, it appears to be updating normally every hour.
I found one car that was mis-coded in Chicago and not listed, P33083, which is now displayed.
Other than that, the Consolidator seems to match what's on the CPO website.�
May 11, 2015
HankLloydRight Just had two price changes:
==========> Price change P09593: from $67,650 to $67,100
==========> Price change P38257: from $82,000 to $79,500�
May 11, 2015
tga Sort by date (newest first) shows three cars added today, 1 yesterday.�
May 11, 2015
ahurst So roughly 270 mile range and 4.4 0-60 for P85, P85+ and 85D?�
May 11, 2015
HankLloydRight Big price drop:
Price change P30620: from $77,900 to $68,600
S85: 85 kWh Model S P30620 | Tesla Motors
VIN Moved back to Available: P30620 from hub Florida�
May 11, 2015
bonaire It seems easier to shop on Hank's site than on the Tesla picture page, since you can sort by price, vin, location, etc.�
May 11, 2015
HankLloydRight That's why I created it!!�
May 11, 2015
Fiver I see the new cars in Canada listed, but I show none added or removed since 2015-05-09 23:00 for US sales.
Based on this lack of sales over the weekend I predict Tesla Pre-owned sales have cratered and you all should sell your stock. (click-bait title ready to be ripped off)�
May 11, 2015
HankLloydRight Sounds like you need to refresh the page.�
May 11, 2015
kuttakamina I wish Tesla's page that shows the car info (example - 85 kWh Model S P30620 | Tesla Motors), atleast showed the damned location.
Or for that matter actual pictures of their car.
Hank, Tesla should acquire your tool for a few million $'s.�
May 11, 2015
HankLloydRight I'll settle for a commission on all CPO cars sold or a P85D, their choice.�
May 11, 2015
MsElectric Strange that I don't see anything updated after 5/9 on The Great Consolidator. I refreshed and still the same...�
May 11, 2015
HankLloydRight Try this link which will refresh the browser cache:
Tesla CPO Consolidator�
May 11, 2015
Fiver Yea, Checked on multiple browsers (and machines for that matter.) I'm seeing no changes since May 10th, and no cars removed since P02853 on May 9 23:00. Last US car added was P36840 on May 9 at 13:00. Last CA car was P48020 on May 10 at 21:00.
This brings the same page up, with no changes. Safari, Firefox tried. (Both OS X)
/edit Chrome on a third machine shows changes. This is odd. What is it about firefox and safari (on 2 separate machines) that's causing the lack of update? All are on the same network. (all running latest OS X)
/double edit If I select all 202 cars in the pull down, and sort by date added, I can't see the May 11th cars, but at the bottom of the "date added" column there is a pulldown and I can see them listed there, in both firefox and safari. I just can't see them in the main listing column. So it's seems like it's something with the layout engine? Safari did an update a for me on May 6th but I know it's worked since then... No idea if it ever worked in Firefox as it's not my main browser.
/triple edit. Not sure if you're tinkering on your end Hank, but it is now displaying updated results as per normal again in Safari (and firefox for that matter)�
May 11, 2015
HankLloydRight I found the problem.. it works in Chrome, but FF and Opera are having "sorting" issues on the date. Chrome is sorting correctly as date-descending.. the other browsers are sorting alphabetically putting 05-11 right above 05-01.
So all the cars are there, just out of order.
May 11, 2015
If only your site had some form of "donate" button to thank you for your hard work..... hint hint. 8)�
May 12, 2015
MsElectric Thanks! The Great Consolidator is back. If only Tesla opened up their listing of inventory cars so I don't have to waste an hour to go to a Tesla store and then waste another 15 minutes browsing through the cars...�
May 12, 2015
EXOTIC1 Awesome tool for buyers/sellers
thank you for your work on this!!�
May 12, 2015
HankLloydRight Ok, I've added a link to the CPO Consolidator to allow people to make contributions to the Megan Meier Foundation on Bullying and Cyberbully Prevention
I'm selecting this charity because my girlfriend is a young-adult fiction author who just had her fifth book published called "Backlash" which was inspired by several real-life cyber-bullying cases, so this is an important cause for us. You can find her book here: Backlash:�
May 12, 2015
Cyclone I can't give Hank any more reputation points ("You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to HankLloydRight again."), but others may be able to do so. In any regards, Hank, you are a class act and as a child bullied as a kid (not cyber though), I thank you!�
May 12, 2015
Tamar Just want you to know I donated just now. The consolidator has been a great help and you chose a great cause. Thanks!!�
May 12, 2015
SabrToothSqrl Thank you for this app! Next you'll need to add notifications so I can be sent an email/txt when a dual motor shows up!�
May 12, 2015
MsElectric Tesla should give Hank a P85D. I bet Hank's Web site sells more CPO cars than Tesla's own clunky Web interface whose only saving grace is that Hank can pull down the data and present it in a way that makes sense to someone actually looking to buy a car.
- - - Updated - - -
If you check the forums I bet they will light up when the Ds show up. I expect that to happen about 4 months after the Model X comes out.�
May 12, 2015
brianman Are you keeping the data (old price, new price, etc.) or just logging it once and keeping the new data?
It would be very interesting to keep an eye on the price adjustment trends over time.�
May 12, 2015
HankLloydRight If you see a $ next to them Opts link that means there have been price changes and click on the link to see the previous prices�
May 12, 2015
3mp_kwh From a (new?) "Pre-owned vehicle disclosure" standard form:
-tires under 6/32 to be replaced
-No interior, or exterior damage over 10mm long
-Exterior: "Slight contact wear is acceptable"
-"may exhibit signs of normal wear and tear in line with the respective age and/or mileage." "....will meet our highest standards, ...but may have minor cosmetic imperfections."
At a minimum, I think they are requiring signatures of all buyers of transported cars. Transport fees are non-refundable.�
May 12, 2015
Cyclone I will keep an eye out for the form I get at pickup/"delivery". I got 14 pages of paperwork arrive via email tonight, but most of it seems redundant of the original vehicle purchase agreement, the vehicle configuration, and then the bill of sale and title/registration paperwork. There is a blank one-pager for a punch-list at delivery and sign off that I've accepted delivery. I'm guessing this is one of the pages that "your Delivery Experience Specialist will have additional paperwork for you to sign in person."
Only 34 hours to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 12, 2015
dalamchops reserved P05217.... trading in a newer 60kwh for a p85�
May 13, 2015
Sm4llz Nice! I almost reserved that one when it went up. I knew it would go quick!�
May 13, 2015
Cyclone My dashboard yesterday listed my pricing and I got the config and final price doc to sign. After I signed last night, Tesla emailed me the signed copy (them as seller underneath me as buyer). In the last half hour, my dashboard now has an "Accept Delivery" button. Only 13 more hours to go!
May 13, 2015
EdA Sleep well...�
May 13, 2015
MsElectric Thanks for sharing the journey with us and enjoy your new baby
May 13, 2015
tcrcnsx so you give tesla full amount of the car, then you go to dmv and pay for the tax afterward ? or you do it all right there ?�
May 13, 2015
Cyclone Varies by state. In my case, I am basically following all the rules of NC. My car has a NC temp tag on it, they are collecting NC's 3% highway use tax, NC's title + registration + EV fee, and purchase price - deposit ($1k when ordered online).
Note, even though I'm picking up my car in VA, my DS in NC basically prepared everything and sent it up to the store in VA. My paperwork includes all the NC title and registration paperwork. Truly exceptional that Tesla is taking the tact of essentially not caring where the car physically is, but where it will end up. Part of this is likely because of NC - VA state agreements.�
May 14, 2015
Cyclone Omg these CPOs are amazing!!!!!! Halfway home and hit a Supercharger up. My phone got notified that I have enough charge to continue on before the food reached my table. 50-70 on the highway takes just a blink of the eye! Met two other owners already. One with a week-old P85D and one with a 6-month old S85. Both were Pearl White and gorgeous, but I love my Dolphin Gray. Don't let "dolphin" fool you, this is a very night shade of "dark" gray that doesn't get confused for black! The black leather and and standard headliner are a great combination.
How high does the kWh use dial go for others. Mine goes all the way up past 320 kWh. I haven't tried punching it, but the car is plenty powerful. And bonus, the Tyson's Corner store was showing me the charging screen and mine has 80A on the dial. They said that means I have dual chargers. We didn't try it out though since they have an on-site supercharger. I left with a 95% charge at a 255 mile rated range. Great for a 2013 with 30k miles!!
Btw, my car has two new 19" rims, one curb rash repaired rim, and one cleaned up rim that didn't have rash already. Fresh set of four tires too. So far I'm averaging 322 wH/mile.�
May 14, 2015
kuttakamina Congrats Cyclonedo stick around the forums with your long term experiences though. Is this your first model s? Did the cpo description say it had dual chargers?
May 14, 2015
MorrisonHiker Congrats on your new car, Cyclone. Did you happen to get Cyclone rims or are they just Cyclone's rims? :wink:�
May 14, 2015
No2DinosaurFuel Damn i want mine. Dont have the cash yet. Maybe by the end of the year! But then interest rate will gp up and i will have to pay more for the 100K+ loan.
@cyclone, how was the quality of your CPO? was it clean and new? Any new car smell left? hahah�
May 14, 2015
Fiver I have to wonder if this is Tesla doing a little test... Cheapest car listed so far, and it has ZERO options on it. Not even supercharging, which I'm pretty sure is just Tesla flipping a switch in software.
I didn't even know they made cars this minimally equipped.
It will be interesting to see how long this lasts.
/edit It's #p10515 in case it sells.�
May 14, 2015
Drucifer Hmmm. I had heard that they were turning supercharging on with all the CPO cars. Maybe I misunderstood.
anyways OMG! Did someone actually make it through the "Design Studio" without selecting a single thing (except leather) ?!? ...or is this a joke.�
May 14, 2015
techmaven Yeah, I had loaner last year like this... no options at all, not even the parcel shelf. I used the parcel shelf from my car while I had the loaner. The service people said that some people buy the Model S for high mileage commuting and get zero options as they expect to turn over the car relatively quickly. This particular unit doesn't have many mines for a ~10,000 VIN number.�
May 14, 2015
No2DinosaurFuel Wow where can i sign up for that model s. With the recent standard parts, i say even the bare tesla would be way better than any car. I am specifically looking in the market for a loaner/inventory s85D with little to 0 options to reduce my cost.
- - - Updated - - -
If that was a s85, i would buy right away. O well back to more waiting.�
May 14, 2015
Fiver Ah yes I guess it does have leather. Which is funny considering it's so bare besides that. So what could Tesla have turned on in this car just by "flipping a switch" in software for it's CPO sale? Supercharging is one, and I'd guess the mapping stuff could be turned on also.
Would Tesla ever turn stuff off just to move a car quickly at a low price? (And then hope for a later option upgrade sale to turn it back on?)�
May 14, 2015
Cyclone Thanks. Been a long day. Woke up at 1 am, left for the airport at 3, hopped on a plane at 5:30, got picked up in a Red P85D by Tesla at 9:15 a, and began the journey home with my S85 at 12:15 p. Finally home at 11:15 pm. I will be sticking around. I haven't changed my sig yet. Everything in the paragraph here was a pleasant surprise from the original CPO description
- dual chargers
- carbon fiber spoiler
- premium interior lighting
- parcel shelf
- fog lights
- chrome insert in frunk (by bumper)
- frunk cargo net
- two leather key fob holders (same Napa leather as seats)
- black Tesla jacket
I love the cyclone rims, but I had picked the name Cyclone before that decision came up. Even new, while I like the rims, I'm not paying a $2,500 upgrade for them. I rather put that month towards my tires!
I have a separate thread on the road trip process. I'll post photos and details tomorrow. Right now, my bed is calling my name.�
May 15, 2015
EdA @Cyclone - congrats!!!!!!!!!�
May 15, 2015
lolgas Congrats and welcome to the CPO club
May 15, 2015
lolgas 60 kWh Model S P10515 | Tesla Motors
$50k :scared: although no options that's a pretty damn good price!�
May 15, 2015
NOLA_Mike The thing is, leather wasn't an "option" early on - I don't believe they even offered the textile seats until later. So I believe that car is "optionless"...�
May 16, 2015
ahurst Looking at a CPO now. Can someone tell me the original base price for a P85+ ?�
May 16, 2015
dennis IIRC:
Tesla has adjusted prices upward several times, so when the S60 was $67K the P85+ was $93.5K base price.
21" wheels with staggered performance tires were mandatory if you ordered the P85+�
May 16, 2015
TexasEV Navigation was part of the tech package. A car was either built with or without tech package. It's not flipping a switch.�
May 18, 2015
EdA Navigation can be flipped on if the premium sound was installed.�
May 18, 2015
brantse I think I'm regretting that I didn't jump on this when it was first available. Realistically, this is about the max for my budget and would certainly feel better about buying a CPO than other used (and salvaged/repaired) cars on ebay. I figured it wasn't going to last long.
- - - Updated - - -
Regarding the $50k S60 that lolgas pointed out. (P10515)�
May 18, 2015
MsElectric Don't feel bad. There will be more CPO cars at that price range. That car had no options whatsoever. Just give it a few months and you should be able to pick up an S60 for around that price with the added benefit of a few options. CPO prices are going nowhere but downPerhaps you will find a similar deal before the year is over.
May 18, 2015
Drucifer One thing I have learned in business is that the "deal of a lifetime" comes along about once a week if you know where to look and how to recognize it.�
May 18, 2015
kuttakamina Interestingly, I was doing some homework on how much the CPOs have depreciated.
P85/+ depreciate like mad - you loose 20-30K in 2 years.
But the S85 and S60, 4K to 8K depreciation in 2 years.
As a percentage on the total price of the car - that is NOT bad.
Then to boot you have gas savings + no oil changes, and the pleasure of driving a Tesla.
All things considered, if you want a high end Tesla (lots of options, 21" wheels, P85) - then CPO offers some value.
But if you want a base entry level Tesla, you are better off getting new IMO.�
May 18, 2015
Drucifer The dynamic is that people that can drop $125k on a car without blinking, usually do so every 2-3 years. They have to have the latest, so they will trade their P85 for a P85D (or X when it comes along) in a heartbeat. People who would normally buy a Prius/Camry/BMW3series who stretched to get an S60 or S85, often justified the extra expenditure with the idea that they would hold on to the car for a long time.
So the used market is full of P models and 60s and 85s are more rare. Additionally, the used market gobbles up the lowest costs units available quickly, so anything on CPO that is under $60k is sold in a matter of days.�
May 18, 2015
Musterion I'm seeing some errors on the mileage figure pulled by the Consolidator. E.g. Sort by descending miles and lowest is 50, but Tesla link shows 17,176. (Not a widespread error and hard to reproduce but noticed it when trying to make correlations). Like I said before, great tool!�
May 18, 2015
Cyclone This exactly. Add to that people like me who aren't performance-oriented (my S85 is plenty fast for me), I snagged a S85 when I could have easily gotten a P85 (quite likely, I would have gotten the same one that Drucifer snagged since green is my fave color), and you can see why the P models have dropped much more than the S models.�
May 18, 2015
brantse I couldn't agree more. The discounts I've noticed seem relatively consistent with the inventory cars (roughly $1 per odometer mile) but agree that the higher end vehicles then have an additional reduction. Considering the CPO vehicles include supercharging, the lowest cost new base vehicle would be just about $80k. That's a signficant difference than the few $50k vehicles that have come up. I recognize that there's a signficant improvement with the included options and D for the new base vehicle, but the fact of the matter is, if you can't afford it you can't afford it.�
May 18, 2015
HankLloydRight I fixed that one record, which I suspect was originally listed at 50 miles, and later the mileage was updated/corrected. The CPO consolidator checks every hour for cars added or removed, but doesn't re-scan/update all attributes if any changed other than price and location.�
May 18, 2015
Musterion Great, thanks for the attention to detail! I had guessed too it was most likely a Tesla error just propagated.�
May 18, 2015
9TR That's correct I remember seeing one with 50 miles.�
May 19, 2015
clarkbariowa The unicorn has arrived! Just added yesterday
P85 with Autopilot!�
May 19, 2015
Drucifer You have done well Grasshopper. Now it is time for you to face the ultimate test. Brown or Green P85 with Autopilot and 3rd row seats!�
May 19, 2015
MorrisonHiker I noticed that one as well. I think it's only the 2nd one with autopilot. Any guesses as to when an elusive D model will show up?�
May 19, 2015
kuttakamina I think the Ds will show up within 6 months.
That is a very very sweet car. No doubt.
But here is how I see it - the classic P85, is more or less the same as 85d (acceleration is 0.2 better, range is 20mi lesser).
So a vis-a-vis comparison, that car is an equivalent to 85d (minus red brake calipers and carbon fiber spoiler).
A brand new, exactly similarly spec'ed 85d is $96250 - 7500 = 88750
They want 88200 for a 2014 with 2472 miles = a discount of $550 .. which is more or less negated in your first year's insurance costs (85d is cheaper to insure).
So a discount of $550, and you give up on
- D - matters for winter driving and better handling, though some may prefer RWD.
- an extra 20mi of range for 0.2 sec slower 0-60
- possibly not getting exactly what you want.
- have the 2014 badge on it vs 2015 - which will matter HUGE when it comes to resale value
I think you can do better by looking for inventory cars.
Upon further inspection, I don't think that car is a good deal.. still .. I have no doubts someone will bite on it within a matter of days!
May 19, 2015
Drucifer There are some people who are all about the driving experience of rear wheel drive (drifters? others?) and/or care about the extra frunk space. So while your logic is spot on, for some that logic will be ignored.�
May 19, 2015
kuttakamina Yep, there are those .... willing to bet they are a minority though.
One thing I forgot to mention, that particular car has dual chargers, a $3500 option. So if dual charger is important to you ....
Tesla destination charging is becoming a bigger and bigger deal lately. So dual chargers are nice to have even if you never get HPWC at home.
Still, given the resale value of 2014 vs 2015, still a pass from me atleast!�
May 19, 2015
dhanson865 might have been $3500 some time in the past but it's $2000 to add a 2nd charger now.
Tesla Gear Shop Dual Charger with Installation
*Please note the price includes installation. The parts will be shipped to the customer�s nearest Tesla Service Center from our Distribution Center. Please contact your nearest Service Center after your purchase to schedule the installation.*�
May 19, 2015
HankLloydRight When I bought my Inventory car last year, AND when it was built in July'13, the second charger was only a $1500 option (not including HPWC).
All things being equal (same options/specs), with Model S, I don't think model year has much influence over resale value like ICE cars do.�
May 19, 2015
Cyclone If I recall correctly, prior to the March/April 2015 changes, Twin Chargers were $1,500 from Factory during build, or $3,500 at Service Center after delivery. Now its strictly $2,000 at Service Center after delivery.�
May 19, 2015
dhanson865 exactly, sokuttakamina thinking it is worth $3500 when anyone can go back and retro one for $2000 is a little off.�
May 19, 2015
kuttakamina Ok I was off on the price of the dual charger, but that proves my main point even more - that p85 is not a good buy�
May 19, 2015
Foodnut I'm one of those people. Was deciding between P85 vs. 85D, but the lack of "frunk" space in the D meant stroller would have to go in the trunk.
We put the baby stroller in frunk, and still have complete full use of trunk (and wifey is happy). So for people with baby/kids and have strollers, the frunk is a nice to have.
And where I live, I don't need AWD and actually prefer RWD. And I have one of those few unicorns...�
May 20, 2015
KJD The deposit was made on May 7 and yesterday I got a message from my DS saying the car will be shipped soon and will arrive in SLC on Monday. I really doubt anyone will be working on Monday, but maybe Tuesday. Getting a little bit anxious here in SLC.�
May 20, 2015
Drucifer I am getting my car on Saturday. 4 weeks and 1 day from deposit date in signature below.�
May 20, 2015
Cyclone Which works out since you wanted to delay as long as possible because you still have your Volt. For my car, I'm glad I flew up for it and got it 9 days earlier. Btw, if you need an escort to the store, let me know! Your P85 and my S85 can ride tandem! Lol�
May 20, 2015
Drucifer It is being delivered from Raleigh via flatbed truck on Saturday. I am not sure if the Charlotte Tesla store is going to be fully staffed due to the holiday weekend - but if it is, I may head that way. I'll invite you over after I get to go through the car with the Nick Howe checklist and stuff.
And the delay did delay my first payment by a month, so one month less of two payments on two cars. Win!�
May 20, 2015
Cyclone Glad to hear that! I used the checklist and am very glad I did. Took the car to Charlotte Service yesterday and got my appointment scheduled for 6/1 to get the stuff I saw fixed. Sadly, they said they anticipate needing the car for 5 days. Now to wonder what I will get as a loaner!�
May 20, 2015
Drucifer Well, I can use the Volt as the "loaner" until I give it back to Chevy at the end of summer
May 20, 2015
porshuh What, praytell, is the "Nick Howe Checklist"? Sounds like something I should know about if I am in the market!�
May 20, 2015
Cyclone Tesla Model S Buyers', Delivery and Owners' Guide�
May 21, 2015
Krrphx Great news, everyone - picked up my CPO 60 yesterday! It's in immaculate shape and definitely worth the wait! Fantastic day.�
May 21, 2015
BoerumHill A Silver 2013 S85 (P03437) showed up today under New York with "Lacewood D�cor."
Say what? Haven't heard that one before. Can't really determine in my iPhone 6 what it looks like.�
May 21, 2015
JohnQ It's a discontinued trim option. Do a forum search for lacewood and you should get some pictures.�
May 21, 2015
kuttakamina There were three S85's one for 57K, another for 60.5K and another for 61.5. All of them sold within an hour.
Gotta say, that S85 was a pretty good deal. Would have been a much harder decision for me if it wasn't silver with lacewood decor.�
May 21, 2015
BoerumHill Wow! Half hour later that Silver 2013 S85 is gone. Pano, SAS , grey leather, 19 standard, power lift gate, supercharger, 27K miles - $57K.
Man, when it's a good deal, pull the trigger quick!
ETA - I hear ya kuttakamina. If we go CPO route, guess we'll be F5ing all day!�
May 21, 2015
dalamchops yup, that went quick.. i think all from NY too.. I still think p85s for mid 60s is a better value�
May 21, 2015
BoerumHill Aye, thanks JohnQ.�
May 21, 2015
Cyclone See my sig. Mine was $57k too. Yes, they won't last!�
May 21, 2015
kuttakamina I am looking forward to how the warranty treats you with your liftgate. If you get the same treatment as new customers, then CPOs are def. awesome.
Yes I know the paper warranty says so, but nothing replaces real world experience.
I have been watching the CPOs in DC. DC as of now seems to have the worst values.�
May 21, 2015
May 21, 2015
Cyclone Well, I had a laundry list of minor issues that my local service center received. They set me up an appt to drop off my car on 6/1 for five days. I expect things will be amazing after that. In the meantime, none of the minor issues are impairing the drive or my experience. And the liftgate is working for the 6+ times a day I am opening/closing it.�
May 21, 2015
BoerumHill First, congrats! I've been noticing a lot of your posts and I appreciate you sharing your experiences. I have been vasciallating between CPO and ordering a new 70D.
Kuttakamina mentioned above he is following D.C. cars. I was doing the same but now I'm realizing it's a bit irrelevant - the worst hit on destination charge is $1,500. Now if I remember right, you were the fellow who made a road trip to go pick up your car, correct? Besides the thrill of a road trip right after taking delivery, I suppose you probably save a few pennies handling delivery that way?
I'd be willing to go south or the midwest to pickup a CPO - anywhere east of the Mississippi seems doable.�
May 21, 2015
HankLloydRight That's really only necessary one minute (or less) after each hour, as the page only updates once per hour on the hour. The servers are time-synced with NST, the updates should be pretty close to actual time (within a few seconds at most, anyway).
Someone on the TM site would have to be pretty determined to find any new "lowest price" listings by scanning every location page every 60 minutes.
Should I change it to every 30 minutes?�
May 21, 2015
Cyclone Yes, that was me. DC -> Charlotte was only $500 and 400 miles. While I was initially told no delivery fee, $500 is not at all unreasonable and I would have taken them up on it. I would have taken them up on it too, but they said it would be two weeks for transport and the car wasn't ready to leave DC yet, so probably three weeks before I get it. Given that I had to pay $500 and then wait longer than flying up and getting it myself, I opted to fly up. I could have gotten my car a week earlier (at two weeks from online order vs. three), but I was had a prior obligation at work that I couldn't miss to fly up. Thus, it really would have shaved two weeks off the wait for the car by flying up and getting it. The drive down was really good and gave me the opportunity to get the car all set. The car itself is a dream and there were a few minor things to address, none of which impair driveability. Everything was easily noted and my local service center is taking care of the car on 6/1. So there is no worries about anything "weird" with picking up the car and driving it home.
Drucifer also lives in Charlotte, but his car is coming from NY. His transport is $1k, he gets his car (hopefully) this coming Saturday, but rather than a 7 hour drive like I had, he would have had to drive nearly twice as long. At that point, the toll on a long drive wasn't worth it to him - and I agree. Even $1,500 for a cross-country transport isn't unreasonable.
If I had to do it over again though, I would not hesitate to fly and pick up or have it professionally transported. The car is made for driving and you might as well get it going right away!�
May 21, 2015
Drucifer I would start close and work my way out. For you that probably means NY (really Paramus, NJ), followed DC, then Cleveland, then Chicago, then Atlanta, then Florida. Local (NY) is free, adjacent (DC, Cleveland) is a $500 charge, intermediate (Atlanta, Chicago) is a $1000 charge. Not sure about Florida, but would guess that Florida or anything else would be $1500.�
May 21, 2015
Do do they add the 1200 delivery fee on CPOs like they do on inventory or new?�
May 21, 2015
Drucifer No automatic $1200. Just the $0 , $500, $1000 or $1500 shipping charge. It is zero if you take delivery of the car where it currently is.�
May 21, 2015
BoerumHill Good advice, thanks.�
May 22, 2015
porshuh So just to make sure I understand correctly -- if I fly out to Denver (I live in Virginia) to pick up my car for $0, find a small laundry list of things I think should be corrected....I can drive the car home, and schedule to drop by car off at the Tysons Corner CS to get those issues taken care of?
If so -- that makes it way more inviting to pick the car up out of state to save a few bucks. I was worried that it was basically a "hey, if you don't like the condition the car is in, just fly back home" type of thing...�
May 22, 2015
Drucifer That is it. Now if you hate the car, that's a whole other issue. BUT, in your scenario, you do the delivery in Denver. You plan to spend 2-3 hours in Denver going though the car in detail and making a list of any discrepancies that may arise. Then that list is handled when you get back to NoVa, but it is documented at delivery. Note that you can also request that staff at Denver take some pictures of the car and email them to you before committing to fly out there.�
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