Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 12, 2016

How's your line? part 2

  • Mar 31, 2016
    Over 500 at Bellevue, WA.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    In Cincinnati, they said the line went around the building when it opened. One person was reserving ahead of me, but there have been at least five reservations after me since I've been drooling over the S.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    image.jpeg about 320 in Corte Madera right before the line started moving
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Indeed. I'm hoping that Elon announces something this evening giving us an indication of how the day went. A live ticker of online orders made during tonights event would certainly be a sight to watch. If only!
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Over 500 in line in Rocklin now. Been taking reservations for 10 minutes now.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Over 730 in Bellevue. About 130 already processed.
  • Mar 31, 2016

    500 plus in Scottsdale.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Elon just gave everyone in line a high five!! -Century City Los Angeles store.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    This is incredible!! Out of all the posts I see about Model 3 lines, Bellevue got to be holding the world record now.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    If anyone in line in Denver wants to meet up, I'm the guy freezing outside.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Was wrapped around the store in SLC this morning. Still 3/4th of the way around the store at 11:30.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Mod3l 4 me
    I wonder if this is the small token of appreciation Elon was referring to ;)
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Screwed a bit here in Atlanta. I was number 100 in line. They have 4 people processing. Average time per person was 6 minutes. Took 150 minutes to get to me. Took me all of one minute. I have no idea what they are doing the other 5 minutes. I pity the poor behind me as there was no uptick ...just trudging along at their very slow pace.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Jason S
  • Mar 31, 2016
    This is what the line looked like in Jacksonville, Florida at 9:45a est. We were #98 in line before opening, and about another 50 behind us.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Austin was over 400 total in line. Took 1 hour and 15 minutes to process up to me (I was number 106 in line after arriving almost 3 hours before opening).
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Elon just showed up. He is hanging out with folks in line at the Century City, CA location
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Just reserved in Orlando. No more line, stragglers 1s and 2s. Tesla employees seemed relieved.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Just left Northpark Mall in Dallas. There were about 200 people still in line at 12:30 local time. People in line said they were processing about 100 per hour, which seemed optimistic honestly. My wife and I had lunch right next to the line and they seemed to let about 15 people in every 15 minutes.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Bet TSLA
    In Fremont there are 20 people processing. Plus a greeter.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Oh no! Sorry to hear that. I was supposed to be there right now, but multiple "emergencies" cropped up at work. Trying to decide if I drive down this afternoon or just wait to reserve online. It's a fair drive from Fort Collins.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Monterey-Seaside, CA IMG_7018.JPG IMG_7017.JPG
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Reserved in Fremont. We were #76 and about 300 at least people behind us!
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Counted about 650 in line at 10am, now 1 hour later we have moved about 200 closer and there are about 150 behind us

    Santana Row store, San Jose CA
  • Mar 31, 2016
    A work colleague estimates 500 at Sunnyvale store
  • Mar 31, 2016
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Thanks! Line moving quickly? I can't get there until about 1:00 and it's driving me crazy.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Lines at Oak Brook, IL were long. this was the line at about 10:30 am . i got there around 9:00 and there were about 200 people in front of me .
  • Mar 31, 2016
    I am guessing about 150 or so in Palm Desert.. I was #60 or so in line just finished reserving 2 model 3's.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    H IMG_20160331_102926.jpg IMG_20160331_105718.jpg IMG_20160331_105720.jpg ere are some more from Oak Brook, IL
  • Mar 31, 2016
    You must have been just in front of me.... I was talking to a guy in an NBC10 vest and another guy in a Keller Williams jacket.. and a teacher from Jersey
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Nobody at all in line at the mall in Grand Junction . . .

    . . . of course there isn't a Tesla store there either! o_O
    The four hour drive to Denver or Salt Lake makes it so we'll have to brave the online process.
    Fingers crossed that the servers don't melt. Even the forums at TM are S L O W this morning!
  • Mar 31, 2016
    I arrived at the Minneapolis (Eden Prairie) store around 8:40 am and I was 110th in line. Preliminary counts just before 10 am were 300+. It was a neat experience meeting people from all different backgrounds come together to share in the "vision".
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Yes, the one-store limit here in CO is a huge PIA.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Bet TSLA
    Figure waiting about a minute for every six people ahead of you. Fast in Fremont.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Oak Brook was great! I'm in those photos.

    I think the interesting statistic for all of this will be how many people made two reservations, everyone standing around me got two!
  • Mar 31, 2016
    About 150-200 people here in Costa Mesa at 1130am
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Same guy counted 742 total (counting orders processed) at 11:15 am. He was around 200 and took 1 hour to get to front

    (Santana Row)
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Over 500 in line currently at San Diego UTC
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Ryan P
    Dania Beach, FL had over 200 people at opening
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Ed Chan
    About 1 hour wait at 11:30am in Buena Park
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Still like 300 here at Santana Row, CA. I arrived at 11:15 with about 400 in line. (People have been counting.) Should have gone to Palo Alto: my friend arrived at 10:45 am and was done at 11:15 and line was gone. D'oh!

    Tempting to go over there but I figure there might be a lunch rush though and it's a half hour or more away.

    Our line here isn't growing any more though.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Got at my line at 10am and it took about 3 hours. Had a great time talking to the people around me about Tesla and EV's in general though.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    I drove by the Tesla store in Seaside, California, this morning, There seemed to be about 50 people lined up outside at 10:30.
    Very tempting to stop.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Here's my report from the Park Meadows store in the Denver metro:

    Arrived at 7:30am to about 150 people in line (Tesla's count).
    Store opened at 10am with more than 500 in line (Tesla's count).

    I reserved at 11am, and when I left there had to be still about 500 in line. People will still just getting in line too.

    Its going to be a good day for Tesla, for sure.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Just got a reservation for the coolest coal-powered appliance on wheels for under $35k.

    I was standing in line with a good 1.5 hours to go and my buddy called me up and let me speak to a rep in a store in another city and I was able to get a reservation over the phone.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Bellevue Square, WA. IMG_1126.JPG Got there at 6:45am and was already 150 in. Here is the view behind me. Nuts!!
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Maybe we should get @bonnie to help us resolve that problem! Currently Colorado has limited Tesla to one store in the entire state. Denver is the largest metro area in a 600 mile radius. No wonder the lines there were so long today. :eek:
  • Mar 31, 2016
    It's now 1:30 and I've been in line for over 4 hours. Still a looooooong way from the store. Gotta be another 30-60 min to go
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Not for long :)

  • Mar 31, 2016
    Sounds about the exact same as my experience at park meadows. I was shocked to see so many people there. Great news for Tesla, not so much for the $7500 credit.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Drove by Sunnyvale CA at 10am and there must have been 500 people in line. Went to Stanford at lunch and line only took 5min. They said they had 200+ to start but with 8 people taking orders they caught up pretty fast.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    tesla bethesda.JPG Got here and already Over 200+ at 9:30am, got my reservation and was done by 10:30am. They handed out water, cookies and Peet's coffee. Nice!
  • Mar 31, 2016
    We brought Model X to the St. Louis facility and the St. Louis Tesla Enthusiasts provided assistance and information to people in line. Line was wrapped around 4 times by the time the store opened. A streamlined process meant most were cleared by 1 pm with a steady trickle of people coming in.

    Our Model X in the foreground -- I pulled up and people gang-rushed over to it to have a close look.


    (Images courtesy the St. Louis Business Journal)
  • Mar 31, 2016
    300+ (my estimate and mall security estimate) in line at Fashion Island, this was taken about ten minutes after opening

    Dropbox -
  • Mar 31, 2016
    @bws Where is Santana Row(State)?
  • Mar 31, 2016
    California - silicon valley.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Same here in Minnesota/Minneapolis. Next closest is Chicago.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Arrived at 12:15 PM, finished by 1:15 PM at The Mall at Short Hills, NJ. Line was down to a couple of dozen only inside store when I left..
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Yeah, I was originally going to come later, but then got a gut feeling to go early and try to work while in the line. I was quite surprised by the line, and was glad I went early.

    Regarding the Federal tax credit, at least there's also the CO tax credit.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    The Orlando Service Center did an excellent job today taking reservation.

    We got there around 9:00 and there was already 100+ people in line. By the time the store opened at 10:00 am there was around 200+ people in line. We got in to do our reservations about 10:30 am. It took less than 2 minutes to make two reservations. There were 4-5 employees taking reservations. When we left the store the line was still long but Tesla was moving people through fast.

    Tesla had arranged for parking at the service center and at a overflow lot down the street. They had someone directing traffic. They accommodated those with disabilities and let them park by the building.

    They had a Tesla Owner Advisor walking around the line asking if anyone had any questions and handing out business cards.

    They set up a tent and were serving cookies, water and multiple flavorers of frozen smoothies. This was great because it was almost 80 degrees.

    As I said in the beginning the Tesla's Orlandio Service Center Tesla did an excellent job.

    As a reminder the site will go live at around midnight tonight. Please enter your information within the next day or so. This way we can get an idea of the number of reservation which have been made. Please enter all of the information requested (Reservattion Sequence Number, City, State, Zip Code).

    If the reservation for the Model 3 is like the Tesla Model X reservations you will get two number. A reservation number which is a number which identifies you as a customer. This number should be kept private. The second number they will assign you will be the Reservation Sequence Number. This represents your place in line and there is no risk sharing this number with others. This is the number you should enter into . I am co-administrator of the site so if you have question about the system send me a private message.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    I drove by Washington Square at 11:45am today. There is a long line inside the mall and this is the secondary line outside the mall. I didn't get in line and will likely reserve online tonight.

  • Mar 31, 2016
    Fashion Valley San Diego line as of 1PM is still around 150+ in line. There's a line that wraps around the building (which is shortening) that leads to another line of 80+ in front of the store. Getting sunny/warm. They have 6 computers inside at an average of 4 to 5 minutes per pre-order.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Here's the line at Burbank at about 1:00 p.m. PST

    The password is "NO GAS"
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Santa Barbara. No line at 11am. Just walked in, and reserved. Tracking spreadsheet showed 75 in line prior to opening, so must have cleared quickly.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    They are working through lines very efficiently. My location had 5 ipads running, probly 2 minutes per person, so that's 150 people per hour.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    It could have a $0 credit and I'm still buying it. I was just surprised to see so many people, especially since most of my friends/family don't seem to share the same passion. Apparently I need new friends/family :)
  • Mar 31, 2016
    When I left Denver-Park Meadows about 30 minutes ago, the line was still a couple hundred deep at least. A Tesla rep was passing out bottled waters to those still stuck in line.

    Kudos to the Park Meadows team for keeping the line moving. It's unfortunate that many folks had to stand outside in the cold & snow for hours, but it sounded like that was the mall security's decision, not Tesla's. In the store itself they had at least 7 reps taking deposits (including one in each of the gallery Model Ss!).
  • Mar 31, 2016
    It certainly helps though. Really the only way I can afford to do this.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    And flatbread from Seasons 52!
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Last in the world (but not least) is Hawaii (Waipahu SC near Honolulu) with about 100 in line when reservations began. Yes, we are wearing shorts.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Hat's off to Tesla for handling these long lines with the most efficient - to-the-point system they could make. No crashed servers, just in and out in about a minute.

    Here's that same line at 10:30am...

  • Mar 31, 2016
    Just finished at Fremont. No line, in and out in minutes.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    There were over 500 people at the Sunnyvale, CA location this morning in the queue. Interest is high in Silicon Valley!

    [?IMG] [?IMG] [?IMG] [?IMG] [?IMG]
  • Mar 31, 2016
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Best quote of the day !!!!!!!
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Calgary- Chinook was 89 by the time I left and growing, which was right after the store opened as I was pretty near the front. I heard Toronto - Yorkdale Mall was over 500 at opening from the guy next to me who had a friend in the line there.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    image.jpeg I was #12 in line at 5:10am at Bellvue Wa. Tesla manager came out and said Tesla IT said they had the most in line. Security said 400+ on first level of mall and another 100+ waiting on the first level to come up.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    2016-03-31 10.14.38.jpg 2016-03-31 10.15.31.jpg 2016-03-31 10.09.53.jpg 2016-03-31 09.57.51.jpg My photos from Mt. Kisco. Tesla employee counted 175 in line, similar # at White Plains, 300 at Short Hills, NJ
  • Mar 31, 2016
    I went to the Palo Alto store at lunchtime. I arrived at 12:30 and parked directly in front of the store. There was only one guy ahead of me when I got to the door. I was there less than 10 minutes. It took me longer to buy the Togo's sandwich that I planned to eat while in line. Kudos to Tesla for a smooth operation. I think they had 6+ employees with laptops taking deposits. I asked the guy working the door if he had a good idea how many deposits they had taken there - he said "Yes". He wouldn't give me the number.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    I walked in the Austin store about 30 minutes ago. I got there just as the last person in the line was finishing up; it was much better than at 8:30am this morning. The guy said that there were more than 500 reservations at the Austin store today.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    How long were the lines for the Chevy Bolt? Eat your heart out GM -- the Tesla brand has left you eating its dust.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    No line at the Columbus, Ohio store when I arrived at 2:30pm ET. In and out in about five minutes. Rep said things were crazy from opening until about 12:30.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    The Fury
    Good one Artsci
  • Mar 31, 2016
    I hear there were close to 1K people at the Scottsdale, AZ location:
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Took 3 1/2 hours of waiting in the queue to book. Still had a couple of hundred people behind me when I came out. Probably the longest queue in the country.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    That's CRAZY! I was 5th in line there this morning. Spent the night. There were 350+ people out there when the store opened this morning. It took me all of 60 seconds to get in and out. For that many more people to have showed up is INSANE!
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Mark Z
    Lines were long in SoCal.

    Brea had a 5 to 7 hour wait for some. About 400 in line at 10 AM. Only 3 staff processing until early afternoon.
    Buena Park reported about 200 in line at 9 AM. Some of their staff shifted to Brea.
    Costa Mesa � Got in line at 10:20 AM. 244th person. 6 staff processing. 120 per hour. 2 hour wait.

    Looked like the Apple Store lines, a historic day for Tesla.

    Don�t miss the live video tonight about 8:30 PM PDT. You can order online at 7:30 PM PDT.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Portland Oregon store. Got there at 11ish. waited about an hour
  • Mar 31, 2016
    From Kansas City, Missouri.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Pretty surreal both standing in line today and looking through all the photos of the lines across the country today. Incredible.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Here's a video of the line at UTC San Diego today about 11am. About 500 in line.

    Sorry I'm a bad videographer.

  • Mar 31, 2016
    Thanks for posting this! I was planning on reserving online tonight, but I honestly started to worry about a possible crush of traffic and frustrating delays.

    So I just stopped by the Palo Alto store (on El Camino, not the one in the Stanford mall). This was around 3pm PST. and there were maybe 3 people in front of me. I got through very quickly. While I was hanging around afterwards, I don't think the line was ever fully empty, but it was still mostly a trickle keeping maybe 1-5 people in line at any given time.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Wow, all I can say is one of the best experiences of my life. I posted a few pictures earlier, but this is actually "on topic". So as far as how our line is, this is the line at the Pasadena store at 9:45am before they opened the doors. Loved interacting with the people around us.

    I have not counted the number of people. After we got out, the line was the same size.

  • Mar 31, 2016
    Let's be honest, most people that live in Palo Alto that want a Tesla already have one, except for maybe some of the students :p
  • Mar 31, 2016
    At 5:00 pm the Dallas Northpark line was gone. My wife was kind enough to drive down there and make our reservation because I couldn't get away from work for very long today and there were 500 people in line when I went this morning.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Mission Viejo today was nuts. My friend got there at 5am and was 10th, by 10am there was a line across the entire mall. About 3x as long as any iPhone line I have ever seen there. Took til about 12:30pm to get through them all.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Thanks, I was wondering if there would be a line in KC.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    No one at Palm Desert, Ca. at 3:00pm. Walked in and ordered one for my husband.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    When I arrived at the Indianapolis store at 6 pm there was no line. Sales associate said they had several hundred people earlier in the day. Reservation took about 2 minutes.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    I went into the Houston - Galleria store at 2.30pm this afternoon to make my reservation. They said they had processed around 500 reservations up to that point. There were 2 other people making reservations at the time but I think they were walk-ins like myself.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Coverage of the St. Louis event on FOX 2 News - with a gorgeous view of Model X. :)

    (Please excuse the bad sound and cooking in the background, it's recorded from my TV...)

    I laughed at their use of the Radio Flyer Model S for Kids... but hey...
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Re: Bellevue store:
    I stopped by at 9:15am, expecting to see a line of maybe 30 and saw the huge line. I just took some pictures of the line and left. I came back at 3pm and only had to wait a minute or so. After registering, I asked them how long the line had been and they told me Bellevue had set the US record with over 1000 people.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    I believe Los Angeles is competing with Bellevue for that record.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Was at Burlingame, arrived at 9:30 AM, line was 300 person deep, but the time I got to the front of the line, I'd estimate another 200 behind me. So probably hit 500.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Did you guys see the google spreadsheet (link) with all the line sizes and current queues?

    Personally, the PASC location was empty and I was able to walk straight to an iPad to make my reservation. Ain't no one got time for those long lines in the morning.
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Here is what San Diego looked like
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Probably 500 people at Pasadena, CA when it opened and the line wasn't a whole lot shorter when I left at 1 pm.
  • Mar 31, 2016
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Spent 4 hours in the Walnut Creek line today, 10-2. Happy to be a (very) small part of what I hope will be remembered as a historic day.
    A friend who stood in line with me made the evening news!
  • Mar 31, 2016
    For those who decided to not wait in line today ...
    Just a reminder that you don't have to wait till 8:30 PST, on-line reservations start at 7:30 PST

  • Mar 31, 2016
    I did a drive by at the Rocklin Ca Tesla store about 11:30am & there were 100's of people in line. But when I went back at about 4:30pm today & there was no line, I went right in and ordered.:cool:.....I'm In!
  • Mar 31, 2016
    The truth ... the Tesla Model S is referred to as the Palo Alto Camry!

  • Mar 31, 2016
    At what time did you get to the front?
  • Mar 31, 2016
    Same experience at Corte Madera, CA around 3pm. Only 1 other person there making a reservation when I arrived. In and out in 5 min!
  • Apr 1, 2016

    This got to be the world's longest line. San Diego peaks well over 1000 people.
  • Apr 18, 2016
    What time did you get in line? I was there in KC as well.....I got there at 4am!
  • Apr 19, 2016
    Greetings! While tempting to join the reservation queue, I had just bought a Model S a few weeks prior, so while I may eventually buy a Model 3, I didn't reserve one. However, I couldn't help at least investigating to see how things were going the day reservations opened. I hope you get a great car, and that it doesn't take too long. Welcome to the forums.
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